

Notice: Posts with the word DRAFT are posts that haven’t been edited. There are only two of us, and only one person creating the post and rendering the oracle. We can’t delegate tasks because of political persecution. The political, corporate, and religious persecutors interfere with everything we do, from our website to banking.

When we hire services, the political scum perscutors abuse power, authority, and autonomy, trying to prove science and the bureaucracy are superior. Therefore, posts with the word DRAFT at the beginning mean that the post is being edited. If you reread the post later, it will often be more concise, and most grammatical errors are corrected.

August 8th-15th 2023


8-15-23 5:15 pm Dead Stock, Dying Market, Grave Profit Loss = KARMA

This post demonstrates the political persecution and harassment that occurs after we reveal business news, rebuking the wicked capitalist who continues using Old World, Freemason, and New World Order harassment practices.

The links below show the order of persecution and harassment that began occurring after we announced THIS 8-14-23 11:39 pm UPDATE  12:09 am weaponized harassment followed the 11:39 pm business update. Please click the titles below to view the Capitalist scum terrorist way:

8-22-22 Demonstration of municipal pawns playing with lights during the day days before FYOP Records’ second BBQ.

3:30 pm Weaponized Bass intrusion attempting to force recognition

11:57 am Columbus Pigs Menace With The Helicopter

12:09 am Weaponized Harassment responding to 11: business update

Click the links below to view the Oracles providing intelligence on the New World Order scum responsible for today’s harassment:



UNMARKETABLE GARBAGE Compels Harassment #3:

During morning spiritual counsel, we were told to be on the lookout for familiar Catholic, Freemason, and other religious capitalist harassment. The Emperor reversed again plays a role in today’s persecution. Often, The Emperor reversed is a crooked scum motivated by religion and business.

We know who the Emperor reverse represents (several people). We will rejoice when our adversary’s karmic debt returns devastatingly. Mind you, demonic ‘Christians’ are orchestrating today’s attempts to draw attention.

The ‘artists’ blaring from the car with the weaponized bass is doubtlessly associated with entertainment-related capitalist control freaks intruding upon our space-making demands. Yup! Capitalism is one of America’s biggest lies!

Christianity, capitalism, secret societies, and New World Order practices are compelling today’s Constitutional and law-violating antics. Corrupt powers, authorities, and principalities are still trying to dictate what we do, which is how capitalism works in the real world, and is why you see and hear the same shit repeatedly!

A chosen number of capitalist pimps, including Uncle Sam, control American cooperate business. The system is rigged and is intended to keep the little man small and the elite wealthy, fat, and in control!

The oracle contained far more intelligence that we’re not revealing yet. But we know who’s working concertedly and why.


However, the angel’s discipline is working because this post maintains calm and composure after nearly sixteen years of constant capitalist domination. But knowing the outcome, despite pigs, goats, and their pawn’s charades and facades, also provides peace of mind!

The capitalist persecutors are in relentless harassment mode, trying to create distractions. So, we’ll let the weaponized harassment videos amass, then publish them for public record’s sake, along with the entertaining video of my brother’s 8-14-23 prophetic dream.

Wow! Stupid PWC CMN Pigs, Goats, and Pawns will continue harassing us until the reality bullet splits their melons wide open. We posted a business update @ 11:39 pm on 8-14-23. Around 12:05 am, Pigs and Goats sent another eager-to-please POS to make a weaponized racket. Those political perscutors told their powerful scummy corporate buddies they could break our will, allowing them to split up our empire between their Brown Mustache-selves. But business is about to take precedence over unprofitable favors, Chuck Wheat.

Pigs, goats, and their two dollar-for-hire pawns will be here in Columbus, sticking their noses up OSU’s pooper since they’re your gods and all! We’re talking multi-millions in the short-term, MFer, and billions in the foreseeable future. Friends and associates have been known to betray for far less. You’re a dead man, PWC-CMN-B! A dead man! What you need to revive your sinking Titanic, you won’t get because your competition is going to get that fuel, Trick.


8-13-23 7:14 pm 7-Part Oracle

Updated 8-15-23 @2:29 pm:

This post updates the 6-11-23 Not Lost in Translation FrontPage Oracle. However, this post also demonstrates how angels and spirits guide and teach me through dreams. You might recall I had a dream referencing Marion, Ohio, during the overnight hours of 6-11-23. My grandmother, two of her sisters, and their Dachshund, Mitsy, appeared in that dream, among several others. My mother, who passed over in November of 2022, was also in that dream.

I was meditating after prayer this morning when Gabriel asked me to check the news for myself today. Usually, my brother collects the news articles for Oracle correlations and then passes the info on to me. After scrolling through several headlines, I noticed a Daily Beast post with Marion County in its heading.

I didn’t see Marion County KANSAS until I started reading the post. I always know how far to read because what I’m looking for stands out, which is what The Spirit wants me to focus on. I recognized to stop reading when I saw OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY MORITZ COLLEGE OF LAW in the Daily Beast article!

Of all the posts in the world, one dealing with a county named Marion in Kansas contained an excerpt about a professor from OSU Moritz College of Law. The images accompanying part one of this post reveal the rest of the omen.

The Marion County, Kansas woman who co-owned the news outlet law enforcement ‘attacked’ was doubtlessly a grandmother, great-grandmother, and possibly a great-great-grandmother (so there’s the reference to grandma and her sisters in my dream).

But the images below conclude part one of this oracle and provide the other details the angels wanted me to see. 

EXHIBIT-I: The image below, the information in it, and the writer’s name (Pilar Melendez) was a message that led to THIS Google search (and intelligence) concerning ethnic female CNN faces, some of which are feeling types of ways.


So many people who think they are “special” (etc.) will find themselves jobless, ailing, or transformed from physical reality to an irrelevant fart (ethereal), reinforcing the fact that, in reality, those people are as generic as the next!’

What that last sentence means is that CNN, NBC News, and other ‘high-profile types’ will go from ‘high-profile’ to the lowest profile in the book! But they will have no one but themselves to blame!

EXHIBIT-II: What are the odds that a Daily Beast news article about a  Marion, Kansas newspaper appears two days after I had a dream about Marion, Ohio? Moreover, the article features a statement from an OSU law professor and an additional omen


Law enforcement still doesn’t comprehend how the 64 Levels of Power could have been used to provide concrete leads. Using the 64 Levels of Power, dream transmissions, and out-of-body travel, I just received several valid pieces of intelligence about our adversaries, as well as counsel to retain a lawyer for upcoming negotiations and legal battles based.


 Heaven staged the Marion, Kansas, municipal powers bully newspaper event with demons. The audience laughs and jeers while so-called Christians claim it is impossible that YHVH, through His angels, orchestrated a human event to send a message!

However, demons can’t do their dirty work without divine authorization. An angelic opposite commands every demon (as we’ll see again shortly). In your Bible stories, angels commanded demons to destroy cities and inflict plagues and disasters. If YHVH is beautiful, and He is, how could He act destructively? Angels create. Demons destroy!

“As soon as I heard that Mick Fleetwood suffered great losses in the Maui fire, I connected the fire with Stevie Nicks’ Horshoe stadium appearnce the week before the fire broke out!”

Interestingly, fake Christendom swears YHVH no longer works mysteriously through disasters. Contemporary Christians like to restrict Divine Punishment through tragedy to the Bible.

However, ignoring, rather than recognizing, those divine contemporary tragic events allows Christendomites to believe that YHVH’s angels are less active now than in those hypocrites’ Bibles. In other words, Christendomites want to believe that YHVH wouldn’t allow an entire village to be nearly razed, causing death and grief! Yet, you read about the same tragedies in your Bible!

Disregarding the divinity behind the Maui disaster and others enables Christian hypocrites to push Divine Judgement by disaster to the back of their minds, allowing them to do as thou will without their bad choices harassing their delinquent consciences.

As you will see, the aftermath of the Maui wildfire tragedy will expose many people, negligence, and other issues. So, again, fake Christian, The Lawd really does work mysteriously!


America is a nation that glorifies bullies and violence yet claims to be YHVH’s country. Bare-knuckle fighting is a Neanderthal sport catering to bullies and cowards. 

Our political persecutors and their pawns exhibit the same Neanderthal mentality we’re about to address, which is why they do things like THIS. Ignorant and godless Christians laugh and taunt when you tell them YHVH, His angels, and the demons will cause their demise/downfall (yet, their Bibles make the same statement). 

Violence is the only language brute ignorance understands. I fully comprehend that YHVH’S angels will deal decisively with bullies and cowards, but to be prepared for ignorant violence nonetheless. Fighting fairly or honorably isn’t an option when dealing with brute bullies who only pick fights with people they think or know they can beat.

The following images and videos reveal more bad omens predicting tragedy and misfortune humans will blame on God instead of their capitalistic filth and immoral recklessness!

“The skinny brawler with the Tie Died shorts in the image below had no form whatsoever.”

The bearded Leprechaun had form and was buff. Yet, the skinny fighter lasted fairly long, considering. A lucky shot dropped the Tie Die brawler, which was followed by an ecstatic display of arrogance from the Leprechaun as if his performance was outstanding.

The Tie Die-shorts fighter had enough heart to get in the ring, even with no boxing skills, which also makes him foolish. Click VIDEO #2  to watch the video.

“The image below is s a gender-switched repeat of the previous one.”

Again, the fighter in black had form, and her opponent was formless, lacking technical execution. Yet, the mismatched female took the punches, which means there couldn’t have been a lot of power.

It appears that the fighter in black felt she, too, would whip her opponent and end the fight quickly. Click VIDEO #3  to watch the video. It’s a shame when ignorance and poor self-esteem drive you to such heights!


Connor McGregor doesn’t understand and accept that his day is over and continues his Neanderthal antics to stay relevant. I can’t wait to be one of the first to say THE ORACLE TOLD YOU SO when McGregor’s full karmic debt returns!

Jake Paul is another Neanderthal whose following consists primarily of impotent internet goofballs who cheer him on because they’re cowards. It’s like the little brother who can’t fight, always bragging about his big brother.

“Spiderman’s July public Lomachenko cheerleading demonstrates precisely what I mean about weaklings supporting bullies. Many racists are hiding in plane sight, especially white boys still worried about “Mudsharks!”

Professional fighters weighed in on Jake Paul’s recent match, basically calling him a joke. But Hall’s YouTube d—riders whined, complained, and threatened those fighters.  Many who are tired of trolls will catch them slipping outside of social media or the internet. We’re going to show how to track anyone down via social media, even if their information isn’t public.

Bare-knuckle fighters and clout chasers are mostly ignorant brutes with nothing to lose. There’s little order in the Bare-knuckle ring, which will lead to tragedy and disaster. Take the fighter in the image below.

The Irish fighter is Neanderthal trash with no honor, dignity, or respect. Notice IN  THIS VIDEO after the fight, the Irishman becomes verbally abusive and menacing.  I bet that Irishman hates Mexians for all the racist reasons.

But when that Irish fighter tries that ignorance outside of the ring, somebody will kill or seriously injure him. Many tragedies, in and out of the Barenuckles fighting ring, will either shut the sport down or force it to create rules based on non-capitalist standards. 


Yesterday, angels and demons also targeted Floyd Mayweather, his fighter Gevonte Davis, Boots Ennis, Errol Spence, Gilly and Wallow, boxing’s downfall, and Bareknuckle Fighting. Gabriel pinpointed the tragedy, misfortune, and downfall coming those individuals’ way.

Firstly, boxing has allowed the street to contaminate it. But boxing has always been corrupted, which is why we see very few Italian fighters dominate the sport.

However, nothing good will come from permitting troublemakers to cause problems in and outside the ring. Wallow of the Million Dollaz podcast recently appeared to be trying to start trouble between Terrence Crawford and Boots Ennis, which Ennis happily played into.

Ghetto ignorance likes to instigate in the same way Wallow did when he posted a private text between Crawford and himself, which could escalate needless beef.  I hope Terrance Crawford maintains his warrior mentality and stays low to the ground because he’ll be glad he did.

Gevonte Davis is also ghetto with his taunts and jeers. But, since boxing is a capitalist invention, it encourages dangerous beef recklessly. Boxing used to have some measure of honorability.

I saw another omen in a Google search. Notice how Floyd Mayweather Sr. seems to resemble an aged Mike Tyson in the image below.


I thought the elder Mayweather was Tyson at first glance in that Google search.

Someone will seriously hurt Jake Paul either in or out of the ring. Paul is following Connor McGreggor down Self-Impalement Lane.


The first thing out of so many mouths is, “Who do you think you are?” I’ve repeatedly stated that I’m a messenger and soldier of YHVH.

Unfortunately, one of my job descriptions is warning people of coming repercussions, tragedy, and loss. I’d rather do my job and please YHVH than worry about threats, especially when everything Heaven said would happen has.

But neither the public nor the people the Angelic Oracle warn will have very much to say when the oracles are fulfilled.


I won’t fight someone with nothing to lose, as Christendom does. Life and death are the only reasons to fight viciously, endangering health and well-being.

There are no limiting rules when you’re fighting for your life. I’ve been in many verifiable (eyewitness) life-and-death battles, including those involving weapons. Yet I’m here.

But, deadly professionals will decisively deal with clout-chasing fools who violate our space. The chances of violent encounters have increased in this look-at-my-weak ass-for-attention 2nd Tim 3 last days.

A spike in Bareknuckle fighters and boxers killed in deadly altercations is expected. Yet, very few see the handwriting on the wall! But your Bible prophesied it all, from Barenuckles to clout chasing to Smash and Grab!

Incidentally, you can’t jump up and follow angelic and demonic signs and omens without earning that ability which requires experience and practice. Demonic omens are tricky, and angelic omens demand intelligence for flawless discernment.

Speaking of chasing danger…

This OPERATION BREAK BEAK update responds to the weaponized harassment in THIS VIDEO. The eager pawn driving the SUV equipped with weaponized bass doesn’t realize he’s pawning for a dead man. Briefly, let me explain. When you want to kill an adversary ‘symbolically’ (of course), you undermine their power source. 

TAXI Music working concertedly with industry capitalists tried to kill me in February by attacking my artistry, production, and engineering, which failed miserably. However, TAXI Music did delay the release long enough to gather concrete evidence to support litigation. The Oracle explains the rest. 



The public official (etc.), not the money, who authorized the bass-weaponized SUV is desperate. He’s being ignored (2 of Rods received), so he takes petty leaps of faith. This FAT PIG (Knight of Coins reversed + Hierophant reversed) also put his foot in his mouth (that he could ‘HANDICAP’ us with his old PWC/CMN abuse of authority). 

Two fateful events will occur: Columbus Municipal powers will be disgraced, and that filthy pervert sponsor’s business will collapse! But, our subject claimed THE LAWD BE BLESS’N HIM, when, by the Grace of YHVH, we’re genuinely blessed (as Heaven will prove shortly).

How are we blessed? In this case, music and entertainment is our blessing! This filthy businessman has a bunch of worthless stock desperately in need of ‘alchemizing!’ Too bad for him. This oracle continues in Exhibit B.


I was about to write Exhibit B when THIS HAPPENED. So, again, the more we ignore this corrupt, FOP, Masonic scum, the more they harass us! Interestingly, Exhibit B introduces the greedy Mexican trying to bully, or should I say, using Mexican pawns to try and bully LIKE THIS PAWN

 Exhibit B:


The corrupt money (businessman-King of Coins reversed) behind the harassment is also the scum paying for, what appears to be, a Mexican riding past our residence bumping Mariachi tunes (Ole, MFer).

Do you see the 6 of Cups? That card represents whatever Mariachi music is bumping from that tamale-colored truck, among other weaponized bass vehicles used to harass us.

Our wicked scum adversaries still think the supernatural is a joke and that they will escape punishment from YHVH’S LEFT HAND! However, the High Priestess reveals that God, through angels (High Priestess), told us who to shop deals to. 

Moreover, the game will be over, and it’s the end of the King of Coins and Swords reversed as their business and power structure collapse. Notice how sobering the oracle is about the downfall of our subject’s businesses, as the 10 of Coins reversed appeared in both oracles! 

Furthermore, the quiet (2 of Swords) before the storm (8 of Coins reversed and Tower) further illuminates why our adversaries and their pawns act so desperately! The Tower right side up is positive (for us) and negative for that greedy a– capitalist pig!!! 

When the dust settles, our adversaries, like Tommy Hearns and Errol Spence, will be utterly dazed. Scum-a— Columbus municipal powers assured our adversaries they could cage us and break our wills, and they will continue trying.

Our wicked adversaries will ramp up their illegal persecution, which will only provide superglue to support fifteen years of nails in bureaucrat scums’ coffins!

You don’t know what would drive you to pray for someone’s death until you’ve endured fifteen years of dealing with demons in human form, hiding behind money, power, and pawns!


8-12-23 12:00 am Bureaucrat Witchcraft & Uncle Sam Omens

Before we graphically sodomize Amazon, let’s update the 8-10-23 Macheengun Kerny FrontPage Oracle located in ORACLE #1 below.

INTRO: Uncle Sam Omens

I was going to post this oracle on 8-10-23. However, a real angel said to wait until the right moment. Well, this is that moment.

You might recall we published THIS IMAGE on our front page (we had to re-upload that image because it disappeared from our media database). That same day, searching for Uncle Sam images would lead me to HERE. 


As I started scrolling down the page, I noticed all this Supernatural TV series BS, which was also an omen.


But check this out. As I continued scrolling the webpage, I came across two unexpected additional omens, Sam and Colby. Sam and Colby are two pretty white boys turned paranormal playas like the Supernatural tv series actors. Here’s where it gets good.

“We don’t care about skeptics. But the Google search engine doesn’t lie! The events that sparked this oracle are in the Google search history”


Last year, I came across a paranormal investigative YouTube channel called Mind Seed. Immediately, I knew most of the Mind Seed videos were 100% real. Remember, the demons talk through paranormal TV shows like Ghost Adventures and Haunted Saginaw.

I commented on several of the Mind Seed videos, revealing the demons’ names the Mind Seed crew encountered. On one particle video, I went into detail about what demons were saying, conversations their EVP recorders failed to detect!

In fact, a powerful demon said it would be responsible for Colby Brock’s death. Yes! I told Casey Nolan just that. Why? Because when it happens, people won’t think I’m just trying to be scary, as our political persecutors, their pawns, federal scum, Amazon, and the rest think.

Many paranormal investigators and priests will fall prey to the very forces they claimed to be unafraid of or have banished. I wouldn’t have paid the demonic threat any mind if Gabriel and Khamael hadn’t confirmed its declaration of intent!

You see, ‘paranormal investigators’ played with demons (Ouija Boards, etc.) as they do with humans, and all for social media fame and a little money.

However, the demons ensnare humans by letting them think they’ve won. Then, when least expected, the demon returns to collect, as it will with Zak Bagans (which has already begun), and the rest!


Certain types of white people lack divine reverence and respect for what demons can do when tested, which is why PWC powers and authorities continue harassing and persecuting us!

I also exposed John Zaffis, Ed, and Lorraine Warrens, kin, on that same Mind Seed YouTube video. Moreover, I warned Casey Nolan he should think twice about continuing his ghost chasing before the inevitable. I also warned Zak Bagans on that same video.

So, you can imagine my surprise when, of all places, Supernatural and Sam and Colby pop up on the same website in the same area of the page. appears to be owned by Eastern Indians. All of this occurred after I was guided to that website looking for Uncle Sam cartoons!


Oh, I know! It’s pure coincidence that Sam and Colby, two irrelevant to the rest of the world YouTube influencers, appear on a website owned by reversed Uncle Toms, who wants so badly to be white!


Interestingly, Netflix released its 26 Days Haunted last year. Several things I mentioned on Mind Seed’s video page popped up in 28-Days Haunted. Moreover, Tony Spera is Ed and Lorraine Warren’s son-in-law. Zaffis, Spera? You’ll notice that 28-Days Haunted tried desperately to prove that reading Bible scriptures to banish demons works.

Interestingly, one of the things I told Casey Nolan was that reading Bible scriptures is useless, and 26-Days Haunted validated my claim. The female mediums were 28-Days Haunted only ‘saving grace’ (pun intended)!

We’re not pretty boys like Jared and Sam, Sam and Colby, or K-Pop. You can’t compete with pretty white boys or anybody trying to be one, which, sadly, was a demon Michael Jackson wrestled until his death (and now Lil Kim wrestles with). I thought you knew that the Barbie movie was subliminally taking shots at all the Nicky Minajs, Lil Kims, and Kim Kardashians! 


But long before two white boys ghost busted driving a Chevy Impala, we were GD Folks representing, riding two-door Impalas, listening to angels’ guidance in the ghetto’s deadly streets. Old-school Impalas are black gangster cars, especially West Coast gangsters. Sam and Jared pretend at supernatural, and that’s cool because that’s their job.

Unfortunately, we’re not pretending about the supernatural, a sad lesson many will learn a day late and a dollar short.

The Amazon oracle mysteriously disappeared, and at the same time, Adobe Photoshop crashed. I’ll reconstruct that post, and we’ll republish it later.

Angels might be gay to perv priests and others who’ve used the “son’s  of God” argument to deny that there is a female angel counterpart for every angel but two! It’s not gay month, week, or weekend! So, what’s the deal with Red, White & Brown Mustaches?

Until we reconstruct this post, we’ll tell you how Red, White, and Royal Blue appear to be Amzaon trying to punk-punk ‘somebody’ in section #2 of THIS POST!


8-11-23 4:20 pm NOt Lost In Translation

The angels taught me to use the exact word, no matter how repetitive, when explaining something complex. The English language is overly verbose and snobby. How you say something can affect its meaning. Non-English speaking often rely on intonation, body language, and other factors to relay meaning and emphasis.

This oracle update demonstrates how YHVH’S angels and human spirits deliver messages and why PWC and CMN municipal powers and pawns aren’t necessary. 

On 8-9-23, I asked YHVH to reveal the subjects of a personal oracle so that I would know who I was looking for. I had performed another reading and wanted a more definitive answer about who its subjects were. The following oracle was the answer.

I: ORACLE #1-a


  • A+ B: A dream would have within 24 hours would answer my question.
  • C: Death, or the DEAD, and sudden changes would also demonstrate a change of heart and mind from others. 
  • D: RZA, Steven Yuen, David Choe, and others from the East or Orient are subjects. 
  • E: I was being reminded that certain people I don’t want to be bothered with, for very good reasons, are part of our destiny and past lives.

I had a dream last night. My mother, my grandmother, and her sister Marvine, my brother Carlos, my sister Maili, RZA, and several others were in that dream. We were all staying in a motel like we were on tour. The motel was one part house and resembled the house we lived in Marion, Oh.

Marion Ohio.



Somehow we had all packed into a 1998 Buick Skylark. Oh. I took a quick trip to Marion and discovered the front steps were the only thing left of our former home.


I realized my mother was in the dream when she told me the brakes to Skylark were going out. Buick is my least favorite car brand, so there’s that. My grandmother, who died in a house fire, sat at the kitchen table and told me she wanted to move to DC.

I figured the DC move referenced Grandma’s autographed presidential picture sitting over her fireplace. Long dream short, RZA was out selling mixtapes as a hustle, which is what we used to do. 

There were twenty other oracles open when I received the oracle to look out for my dream and wordplay of titles, as the image below depicts.


But a beloved BTG member named Isiah, stage name I & J, talked and rapped like he was from New York and was tall and lanky like RZA used to be. 

My sister Maili also had platinum bars and an east coast rap style. We used to clown Maili and call her east coast because she loved New York and New York, rappers. Los, J-Dog, and I are Southern and West Coast-styled rappers.

Rah Digga was one of Maili’s rapping influences. Maili dated Kid Capri’s homeboy, Kevin, from the Bronx. Next thing you know, Kid Carpi is in Columbus, and the city was d—riding him and playing BTG weak. Typical!

Carpi’s homeboy Kevin was our tour guide when we visited New York. I bought the Illustrated I-Ching from a Manhattan, Chinese-owned bookstore. So, another past-life connection was made in New York, as the oracle referenced (The Wheel of Fortune and the Moon).

Everything I just revealed is part of the dream’s meaning. The dream was much longer and will appear in an episode of The Art of Life & Death.


2:00 am 8-10-23 YouTube Harassment? and Ladies up, Thots Down?-Update

UPDATED @12:48 pm

Suddenly, there are black lines in my YouTube comments after exposing Catholic ‘exorcists; on YouTube yesterday. The political persecution censuring move is executive.

YouTube knows exactly, who I am, as do many other high-level bureaucratic scum. Bureaucrats are members of the same gang, and they often work concertedly, as we’ll prove. There was no profanity in any comments I posted because YouTube immediately censures those comments.


I always screen-record everything I do online because of the political persecution we endure daily and repeatedly throughout the day. Tampering with my comments is an executive decision passed down to the nerds that moderate behind the scenes. Part one of this oracle update demonstrates how the bureaucrat gang works concertedly.

Our rights and privacy are violated regularly, and YouTube pulling its ultra-liberal, bureaucrat gang censor stunt is another example! Bureaucrats think they are untouchable and above reproach. Again, Goliath! David didn’t beat your ass! YHVH did!

Mind you, trying to prove their supremacy, white elitist cowards persecute us and call the shots. Regardless of how many black and brown pawns they use to heckle us, white power finalizes the deed! I mean, all these big powerful people cheating and trying to defeat two spiritual servants speaks volumes. 


Hip-Hop was always male-dominated because Hip-Hop centered around male ego, bravado, braggadocio, and “all that!” There were and are plenty of ‘dope’ female MCs.

But female rappers speak for and to women. I mean, was WAP really talking to men or lesbians? Lady’s First is a slap to every great male MC who made Hip-Hop what it was

Click HERE and HERE to peep your, what did you call it, self-expression and how it represents the black community. Everybody around the world thinks every black woman is a thot ass ho with ten miles of ass! African recording artists are now mimicking YO EXPRESSION, African-American.

Lady’s First had ‘plenty’ gorgeous black women, past and present, several of which spit platinum bars then and now. Latifah and Rah Diggah were royal and classy, as usual, in Ladies First.

How soon we forget! A contradiction arose when you hear Latifah rapping not to call her a bitch back when Hip-Hop was about black empowerment (yet, today, loud, ghetto bad bitch is what it’s all about).


Stripping might be all this and that. But tell the whole truth. Better yet, watch Player’s Club, and you’ll see everything stripping is about! Females who strip are often snorting coke, tricking, and bump’n p—- within six months to a year. One out of every fifteen stripping females is a good woman.

Now, it’s one thing to rise from the stripping pole and become something other than ghetto fabulous! We were emersed in the toxic stripper’s universe while in the underworld. We even worked ‘sacurity’ for strip clubs. My sister was a stripper, and it destroyed her! So spare me the stripper is the best way sermon!

If not for YHVH, we’d still be doing all that BS. But you can’t do n—- s—– when the pigs watch you wipe your ass! It’s been hard doing things Heaven’s way! But the rewards are greater! Which reminds me…

What did the black community do during Obama’s reign? Glorify the blackest, ugliest side of the community, and now we have THIS and THIS. Those videos are what’s wrong with the degenerate state of the black community! Obama’s silence on key black issues is why all that s— is happening in his city!

I swear, by the Power and Might of YHVH, the African-American community will regret not checking itself and allowing things to go from upscale to garbage can!

The purpose of Hip-Hop, once upon a time, was to use it to get out of the ghetto and improve the quality of life. Does THIS LOOK LIKE AN IMPROVEMENT? NERP!!!!!!

ONLY TWO CHOICES (if ‘you following The LAWD’):

When the Master first started his ministry, there were huge crowds following him. The closer to his crucifixion, the smaller the Master’s crowds became because all the fakers couldn’t make the sacrifice to live righteously! Nope! Those fake followers were just like these 2nd Tim 3 MFers, wanting to do ‘they thing!’

There were all kinds of thots and hoes following Jesus, but only two stuck by him, Mary and one of her friends. But by the time Mary was washing the Master’s feet with her hair, Mary was no longer thot’n or hoeing!

YHVH can’t tell you what to do because, in His Beauty, He gave you free will. The bad news is there are only ever two choices, the right (moral) choice or the wrong (YUP) one!

All thot ho “express yourself-tivity” goes against YHVH’S rules, which is cool if you’re a pagan. But when you’re laying on your death bed, I swear by the Power and Might of YHVH, you won’t be talking all that thot-ho was the way to go! Guaranteed! You’re going to wish you didn’t take the fast lane and lead millions of others down the same destructive path, like THIS SHIT and THIS SHIT!

I’m not preaching. Stating truth-backed facts isn’t preaching. Truth is never popular with the godless, which is why prophets were often despised!

It was good to see WGN interview ghetto teens from the hood who denounced the July black teen circus that tore up downtown Chicago. Sadly, not many support those teens, who could even become victims for speaking out!

Is it me, or did Monie Love look like Lil Durk sister back in the day?


8:00 pm 8-9-23 Practical Magic & MacheenGun Kerny

Or political persecutors continue testing and trying. You’d think people would mind their step after everything we’ve demonstrated. But that is what’s wrong with humans! We’ll save the incident we’re referring to for last since there are more significant Oracle Updates to address.


Deceased LA Blood members showed up at my alter on 8-5-23, invoking the Mob James, Cedric The Entertainer Oracle Update (please click HERE).


Notice the PRACTICAL MAGIC thumbnail in the image above taken from my Amazon dashboard. Initially, I blacked out the other movie titles in my purchased movies dashboard when I prepared the image for the 8-5-23 midnight Oracle update. 

However, Gabriel said, “Leave those movies slightly visible!” Practical Magic was part of my 8-5-23 morning meditation. I also mentioned that we were battling pagan Hollywood witches and that a coming event would warn those witches to back off. Yesterday, something urged me to watch weak-ass paranormal. 


YouTube videos when I saw a misleading, National Inquirer-type YouTube title. Adam Sandler couldn’t have passed because he would have undoubtedly shown up in spirit. Moreover, Sandler’s passing would have caused a media phenomenon.

That YouTuber should be slapped for using that image of Sandler as clickbait. However, a spirit brought that video to my attention, using it to say, “Hey! I recently passed over!”


The only reason I’ve been hanging around Amazon is because nothing is popping on Netflix. So, I tried to watch Good Omens and immediately remembered why I only made it ten minutes into the series.


Gabriel, the real Gabriel, said, “Go ahead and watch that drivel (Good Omens), and you’ll also be incensed.”

God isn’t a woman, pagan fools (well, maybe to Catholics). YHVH does have a Queen, but she isn’t Almighty! Good Omens incensed a lot of angels because preached that angels are gay and there are no males (females portrayed male angels).

Humans think they can take creative license for entertainment’s sake. Remember Andromeda and her momma? Yup! That myth is truth dressed in a fun package. Neither Michael nor Gabriel found Good Omens amusing. 


We’ve known that our internet activity, social media pages, and streaming services are being watched, and that’s probably why that Amazon Prime truck appeared moments before a pawn had the nerve to ring our doorbell. We’ll get to that in a minute!



Fifty or so events the FrontPage Oracle predicted have happened. The perv Asian doctor and the Hawaiian wildfires are just two events.

Tragedy seems to plague the Obamas, and they should know why. But the Hawaii fire is an omen for both Obama and the Rock, as we’ll see!

However, the recent hawk, snake, and country girl incident in Texas was the third animal omen for us. The first was a groundhog, and the second was the deer, mother, and offset omen (please click HERE).


Lucifer is the snake wrapping himself around ‘Mary’s’ arm for protection, which fails miserably, as we’re about to see. There is only one God, and his Name isn’t Mary! So, that takes us back to Good Omens depicting YHVH’s voice as a woman!

4: Megan Guud, Meaghan Better, Meghan Best:

Hollywood P—- is like a BUFFETT! Everybody’s been through it! But, with so many ‘D—-‘ in Hollywood, can you blame ’em?



As I prepared this part of the oracle, our persecutors sent their eager Mexican/Latin pawn driving a vehicle with weaponized bass (please Click HERE).

Interestingly, at that moment, my brother screamed that Dave Chapelle was stopping in town tonight. These PWC, CMN, and B cheerleaders act really stupid when somebody famous is in town (but shyte on us).

But I asked ‘people’ not to use MFing Freemason, New World order MFers to send messages because I already want to blow their disrespectful heads off their dick-riding bodies! Disrespectful? Please continue!


 We placed a NO SOLICITING sign on our front door in 2017 because municipal-sponsored PWC and CMN pawns would harass us through solicitation. Yet, around 4:30 pm today, our doorbell rings, and the MacheenGun Kerny fool in THIS VIDEO was standing on our porch. 

That PWC was bold, and do you know why? The PWC pig hiding behind the work truck IN THIS VIDEO assured him that nothing would happen if he rang the doorbell even though there was a no soliciting sign on the door. In that last video, the pawn pretends to check out the house next door before continuing down the street. 

The BAB in THIS 6:40 PM WEAPONIZED BASS HARASSMENT VIDEO, continues pushing his luck because he’s been assured by PWC and CM municipal powers that he’s protected, like the Gilligan’s Isle, MacheenGun Kerny MFer, who tried to solicit today with a no soliciting sign on our door!

The weak-ass municipal, starcrossed pawns are starstruck by ‘stellar visitors,’ like when LaKong James comes to Columbus! Sadly, those fools aren’t starstruck by YHVH and His angels, proving they’ve never met God or His messengers and soldiers!

Our political prosecutors think they’re so witty, trying to fulfill THIS ORACLE with today’s staged shenanigans and weaponized harassment!


We knew people would take leaps of faith today because that was the focus of my brother Carlos’ morning meditation. Bully ‘igots’ continue stepping on our toes, trying to force encounters.

But YHVH told us who’s leaps of faith to recognize, and it was none of the bold, macho cocky fools playing around our house today that we introduced in several videos (MacheenGun Kernry, etc.). 


Our business plan was complete, or so we thought, three weeks ago. Heaven is our guide and director. So, through His angels, YHVH stalled us until we thoroughly completed our business plan.

Next week we will undoubtedly begin making contacts. We will announce those agencies (etc.) because we don’t intend to play games as TAXI Music did and others continue doing. You know who we are, where we’re coming from, and what ain’t fixing to happen

My morning mediation and counsel was about business and upcoming negotiations. Speaking of ‘witch….’

Angel Investors are as demonic as the rest! Trying to pimp Business Macs who know the capitalist pimping game doesn’t;t make sense! Negotiating with Angel Investors is no different than dealing with record labels, movie studios, and the rest because both try to flex with ‘psychosomatic’ BS! But the moment you end the negotiations, the tune starts changing

Mind games have very little to do with business at this point and are absosmurfly pointless!!!




12:00 pm 8-8-11-23 FRONTPAGE ORACLE

America was founded on the bully principle. But America began glorifying bullies, and the side effects are everywhere. Oppressed, bullied, or harassed people often become bullies. So, unsurprisingly, the angelic oracle continues to highlight events surrounding bully mentality.

Alchemy is a spiritual science. Human science requires quantifiable measurements, etc. Alchemy is also quantifiable. However, once you’ve mastered Alchemy, it becomes an approximation science.

What is an approximation science? For example, when studying sound engineering, a studio engineer measures by exact decibels, hertz, and kilohertz. However, once an engineer masters acoustic fundamentals, he gauges with approximations, a dash here, a slight bump there. The same can be said of a master chef.

The master chef becomes more artistic, using intuition and taste to measure more than exact tablespoons and cups.  According to the angel Gabriel, the animals, humans included, weren’t created with precise measurements. But YHVH is perfect! So, paradoxically, humans were created with exact measurements. Therefore, Alchemy is both a science and an art (approximation through intuition). Now on to the angelic Oracle.


The air element is influencing Capricorn adversely today (8-8-23). Think of it like this. Air affects the earth in various ways. Capricorn is like a big rock. Corrosion is one adverse effect air has on a rock. Apply that corrosive implication to Capricorn alchemically, and you have a person or group of people easily corrupted by power or elitism.

Those who sit loftily above the rest of us represent Air. Air is associated with the mind. Rock, in this case, represents corrupted, calcified behavior patterns. Air is the mind, and behavior is earth, or rock in this case!

A phrase for the corrosive effects of air on a rock is a lack of integrity. So, today’s Oracle focus is people easily corrupted by power or prestige. Since Capricorn is the subject, we have the meaning of overbearing, extravagant, wasteful, liberal, and abusive. Obesity is another demonic Capricorn attribute. 


However, negative Aquarius is again lurking in the background. So Capricorn’s lack of integrity stems from a sense of entitlement or privilege. Since Aquarius reversed influences the oracle, foreigners or aliens are added to the interpretation. Aliens can be interpreted in many ways. Negative Aquarians are often weird, nerdy, or excessively eccentric. So, UFO alien nonsense is also influential to the oracle.

The oracle highlights serious repercussions, which is I Ching Hexagram 51. The Divine Law of Cause and Effect (‘karma’) has two levels. On one level, you punish yourself, and the other level, Heaven punishes you. Civilians are disciplined by Cause and Effect when they commit lesser spiritual offenses. Divine Law punishes judges, police, doctors, and scientists. Divine Law ensures that no one escapes consequences, even when they think they have.

Hexagram 51 addresses consequences, repercussions, and rewards. Recently, a New Jersey politician suddenly dropped dead at 70, a fine example of Divine Law assuring nobody gets away with anything. The oracle hones in on adverse Capricorn (today), Aquarius (Wednesday), and Libra (Thursday).


Evil Aquarius has a penchant for turning debates into arguments. Why? Because negative Aquarius isn’t interested in your perspective and hates to be wrong. Critiques, analysts, and other debate-loving people will lose important arguments or will be proven wrong publically, ending careers and reputations. 

Refusing to back off or allow worthwhile people the freedom to speak or express themselves will cause problems for many. Politically correct, social justice warrior types will be humiliated, silenced, and rightfully driven into obscurity. Is allowing a discussion or debated to escalate to a life threatening altercation? Wednesday might be a day to diffuse argumentative people by letting them think they’ve won.

Everything in the oracle points back to adverse Capricorn’s lack of integrity, willful abuse, and bullying practices. Wednesday, utter failure and loss will befall intellectuals, nerds and geeks, panelists, critics, weirdos, hypocrites, false witnesses, and eclectics, to name a few! Intelligence defeats intellectualism on Wednesday.


However, Thursday, we’ll see humiliation and disgrace for powerful women, lesbians, and female control freaks! Agents, lawyers, vice presidents, and representatives will try to use excessive force or unnecessarily extreme measures and will receive instant ‘karma!’

Again, everything points back to adverse Capricorn, the big, fat, obnoxious, extravagant bully with little integrity! Both Liberals and their Republican opposites jump from the frying pan into the fire, and you can blame it all on a lack of professionalism and situational property. Some people have forgotten (or never knew) that there;s a time and place for everything.

Aquarius doesn’t wield a sword like its Libra and Gemini counterparts. Knives are Aquarius’ symbolic choice of weapon. Therefore, be on the lookout for backstabbers, hypocrites, and indifferent, callous, and apathetic people, particularly Wednesday and Thursday.


Six days of public executions are in store for the corrupt, degenerate, debased, immoral, and debauched! Sadly, every humiliating, tragic and disastrous event about to make headlines is tied directly to Divine Law punishing those who thought they got away with wickedness! Today’s events will culminate on Sunday. The Devil will collect his dues in full on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, as we will all see!

Next Oracle

I: 2:35 pm 8-8-11-23 'Deer' Rapping Fools Oracle:

Yesterday it was Groundhogs. Today, deer provide messages and signs. My brother Carlos was making some runs earlier. Carlo’s put the stereo on shuffle to allow spirits to provide messages, etc.

Today. Tupac tried to take over the mp3 shuffle, which Carlos wasn’t having. So, after a quick rebuke, Carlos put the stereo back on shuffle. Please click HERE to watch the deer omen video.

A Takeoff and Gucci man track came on. My brother noticed traffic stopping to let a deer pass. The mother deer crossed the road when Carlos saw a doe. Just before the doe crossing, the car started choking. On 8-6-23, I was watching murdered rapper videos.

A video of Gucci Man getting into it with one of his artist on Instagram popped up. The 8-7-23 Four Part Oracle #3 mentioned a list of rappers karma is about to catch up to. I was reminded to add Gucci Mane and that artist he was arguing with in the list of rappers karma is coming for!

You don’t want a ghetto-owned record label should you meet an early demise because your family is less likely to see the real number of royalties the rapper earns. But major label can be equally as shady when it comes to ensuring loved ones receive royalty payments after a rapper is killed. 

However, as the 3-Day Oracle reveals, nobody get’s away with a damn thing thanks to YHVH’S Divine Laws! We keep warning people that what were doing and the Oracle does isn’t a joke or publicity stunt, as we’ll see in due time!

Next Oracle

8-12-23 2:17 am How Violating The Constitution "Made America Great!"

The videos accompanying this update are reminiscent of white trash cowards riding around on horseback, hooting and hollering in the dark wearing white sheets, except its municipal-sponsored fags and tough guys trying to menace.

But without that municipal protection, they wouldn’t be so bold. This post demonstrates how corrupt bureaucrats have run America from the start (by violating the Constitution).

VIDEO #2: 1:40 pm PWC Cowards pass the house after we published the  1:20 am update below

VIDEO #1: 1:14 am Weaponized motorcycle revving coming from Dublingrandvile Road.

8-12-23 1:20 am Columbus Pigs and Goats

“Columbus Pigs started harassing with weaponized MCs over 150 yards from the house. Dead cowards!

These PAB will ride around here, menacing all day! What you have is a bunch of cowards trying to prove they ain’t afraid of no demon because their Christendom Freemason, FOP witchcraft can’t be beaten!

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