Wicked Christians use the Bible and the Master’s words to commit evil, like conquering nations and enslaving people. When the Master was here as Jesus, he acted as Savior. However, the Master said he would return to wage war this time, not love his wicked enemy. Jesus tried to love his enemy, and what was the result? Isn’t Amreggedon a war?
Twisting Jesus’ words suits wicked Christians. So, by stating Jesus preached to love your enemies, reprobates can behave as demons, then demand forgiveness!
Would you love a devil or a demon? Try loving a demon and see how that works. The Master also wisely stated not to seek material pleasures over the Kingdom. Very few Christians follow that wisdom. Yet Christendomites demand forgiveness and respect for their evil deeds, hiding behind poorly misinterpreted scripture.
If your enemy is a devil, you can’t love him because evil uses love to inflict harm and suffering. When people claim to act out of righteousness, but those actions are devilish, trying to show love to those types is foolish. It’s like turning your back on a thug or feeling compassion and mercy for someone who just attempted to harm or kill you.
Contemporary humans equate warriorhood with macho, muscles, and braggadocio. Not so! A warrior exercises humility to avoid conflict. Bragging and boasting create hostile environments filled with jealousy, hatred, and drama.
The recent Crawford Spence match, and its aftermath demonstrates why bragging and mess-talking are ill-advised. Crawford behaved like the warrior before and after the fight, humble, modest, and unassuming.
The Bible explicitly warns The Lawd Have Murcy and Good Looord Hypocrite Gangs that those who exalt themselves fall. Yet, visit 99% of your Christian social media pages and see how they ignore that wisdom!
Archangel Michael is The Warrior leading the Heavenly Host against your Christendom lord and master, Lucifer. Everything most of Christianity represents proves it is not the Mater’s disciples.
Wicked clergy and politicians slandered and crucified Jesus. If you put your faith in Christianity and its clergy, you aren’t an adherent of The Master. The Master’s followers put their faith in Heaven, not the Bible, false clergy, or political leaders.
Sheep follow their clergy masters, including doing their wicked bidding. I believe the Master told the wicked Sandherdin that they make their followers twice as worthy of condemnation than before winning them over!
Revenge and vengeance are two different roads. Vengeance means that only the guilty receive condemnation, judgment, or punishment. Why make someone pay who has nothing to do with injustice against you?
Reprobates hide behind willing pawns to persecute and harass us. Those obedient pawns receive perks for playing their roles. So they don’t obey Heaven’s laws to gratify themselves. Willing pawns know well what they’re doing when they harass us, following evil powers, principalities, and authorities. So they are just as culpable!
You can only turn the cheek so many times. However, the more you turn the cheek, the harder wicked people will smack you, which our political persecutors continue to demonstrate.
Did YHVH ask Joshua to turn the cheek and love the wicked people who tortured the Hebrews as they wandered the wilderness for forty years? So again, Christianity postulates convenient dichotomies to suit its purpose.
You should think twice about loving your enemy! Wicked enemies will do nothing but arouse contempt. So, how can love and contempt exists simultaneously?
The Master said he would return and render the Final Covenant. If you follow the dead covenant, this world’s wicked will devour you. The Blessed are the oppressed, and the damned—the powers, principalities, and authorities—are their oppressors.
We will prove there is no reasoning with a wicked demonic politician, clergy, or corporate power. The fools who think all conspiracies are fabrications are suckers. However, many are waking to the reality that leaders, governors, and rulers are the foulest and wickedest.
We don’t have to spread false conspiracy theories because we have fifteen years of evidence that wicked so-called Christian powers, principalities, and authorities, compelled by politics and capitalism, have tortured us with relentless abandon, using YHVH and Jesus as their reason.
Our political and religious persecutors also twist Jesus’ words about faith and works. Motive, intent, and purpose collaborating with faith in action decide the outcome and purity of that action.
Fake Christians claim their actions are demonstrations of faith, but their motive is often impure. Blind faith is worse than no faith. Self-righteous hypocritical faith is often motivated by money, power, or pleasure.
The Powers, Principalities, and Authorities aren’t invisible. You see them daily in the news as your governors, clergy, and corporate powers. Chrisitan fools put their faith in these wicked, mostly male figures. Why?
It’s easier to put your faith in presidents and pastors, expecting them to do the right thing because of their positions. But those powers, authorities, and principalities more often abuse their positions because they know you trust them rather than Heaven.
Suckers don’t want to believe the truth because it forces them to take responsibility and contend with seemingly invincible forces. But try praying and waiting on Father YHVH without being prepared to deal with the repercussions when contending with soulless demonic conscienceless bureaucrats.
I don’t fear death or killing in this wicked world, which conditions me to act exactingly. But having Heaven’s blessing and guidance further empowers my conviction when decisive and severe action is necessary!
If America was YHVH’S country, why is it filled with wickedness and governed by reprobates? We’ll see if divine prophecy is as fake as Christendom and whether America is, in fact, the bastardized feet of Daniel’s prophetic statue.
Heaven has determined the synonymous fall of the West with Babylon the Great’s (Christendom) collapse. So, what person can change the fate humans invoked and God authorized?
Christian hypocrites love this world more than Heaven, so they don’t want to believe the beginning of the end has arrived. Go ahead and flap your baloney strap lips, science, because another prophetic fulfillment is about to stick its foot RIGHT UP YOUR SPOCKTSTERS (sphincters)!!!!