
The FrontPage Oracle





Fortunetelling is not providing spiritual guidance any more than the Bible offers illuminating and personalized counsel.

If your spiritual gift comes from Heaven, your main objective is assisting people spiritually, not just materially. Worrying about love or money shouldn’t be a priority if spiritually harmful habits are wreaking havoc in your life. If you find love or increase wealth, living a spiritually deficient and morally bankrupt life will disrupt any chance of long-term happiness.

Psychics don’t usually provide psychologically sound guidance. Most psychics are too flighty and superficial to render practical counsel based on Divine Law. Some card readers even hold psychology degrees. But their readings often lack a spiritual element.

The mind is 1/3 of the human spirit’s trinity and tends to interfere with the soul’s development! Addressing spiritual issues logically or psychologically only doesn’t contribute to spiritual growth or well-being! Think of the mind as a valve that closes the soul’s free-flowing expressions and feelings!

Suppose a spiritual counselor helps a person understand what attitudes and behaviors could cause good fortune to sour. In that case, that spiritual counselor benefits the person they are guiding. I charge five times the rate for wealth, fame, and love readings (Will I be famous, will I get rich, will I find love). I don’t charge people looking for spiritual guidance so long as they do not abuse the service and apply the spiritual prescription (counsel).

Speaking to a psychic, medium, or reader may tell you what lies ahead but rarely provides the insights you need to effectively deal with upcoming life-changing events.


In 2012, I submitted an employment application to CALIFORNIAPSYCHICS.com. A few days after submitting my application, I received an email from the administration that I WAS OVER QUALIFIED. At that moment, I realized why 99% of the ‘psychic advisor networks’ are a waste of time and money. Those psychic lines are nothing but rip-offs.

California Psychics, Circle of Stars, and other psychic hotlines are money-oriented bureaucracies. So, the only objective is keeping you tied into a lengthy phone or chat session, not supplying illuminating spiritual counsel. I could have easily kept customers engaged for hours with illuminating and helpful guidance. So, I would have met California Psychics’ protocol of keeping customers online for as long as possible. In this post, I deliver a detailed explanation of the difference between fortune-telling and spiritual counsel.

Be wary of getting readings from phone or online ‘psychics,’ especially if you notice the front page is full of selfie-like images of the readers and psychics.

Maybe avoid flightily, superficial mediums and readers altogether!

Also, most of the five-star reading ratings are hyped, especially if you see that nearly every reader has a four or five-star rating.


The FRONTPAGE ORACLE predicts significant events unfolding on the public stage: earthquakes, mass shootings, political and corporate embarrassments, and more. Using news media outlets as its stage, the FRONTPAGE ORACLE heralds breaking news before it breaks. Unfortunately, the government and much of the media spread misinformation, lies, or biased, opinionated information. However, The FrontPage Oracle exposes lies, deceit, and propaganda and provides logical and illuminating explanations and direction.

More importantly, the FRONTPAGE ORACLE delivers guiding and empowering illumination. Poor choices and decisions make our lives hellish or heavenly. For example, why bring a child into this world if you are neither mentally prepared nor financially stable? Yet, millions of people do just that, then complain or neglect their parental duties. Change how you think, respond, and behave, and you will change the quality of your life. You reap what you sow, plain and simple.

The FRONTPAGE ORACLE doesn’t always reveal the obvious. But reading the FRONTPAGE ORACLE in its entirety provides spiritual secrets and missing details. Most importantly, the FRONTPAGE ORACLE delivers warnings, additional guidance, and counsel. In addition, visitors could win prizes and money for recognizing and identifying the events the FRONTPAGE ORACLE predicts.

The FRONTPAGE ORACLE predictions and prophecies will abide by legal stipulations, using tact and suggestion to safeguard against the litigious nature of corporate bureaucracy. Liars and deceivers always cover their tracks with false accusations and threatening lawsuits. Likewise, moral and ethical degenerates believe they can hide their filth discreetly behind money, influence, and public office. But these bureaucrats and public idols can’t escape the ever-watchful angelic eyes of the FRONTPAGE ORACLE. But a celebrated private investigator will go a long way in silencing evil people hiding their deeds behind discretion’s iron walls.

So, following the FRONTPAGE ORACLE has many benefits and rewards. But most importantly, the FRONTPAGE ORACLE will keep you informed and illuminated while teaching you to master yourself and your environment!


The Oracle Blog Response is part of OPERATION BREAK BEAK. The Angelic Oracle responds directly to our political persecutors (Team Woody) as they attempt to appear like they are influencing the reading. Please click HERE to read the OPERATION BREAK BEAK INTRODUCTION, how we use it to counter-provoke Team Woody, and how the Oracle Blog Response plays a role in that endeavor. This Pigs Goats and Pawns Introduction provides an in-depth description of who and why is persecuting us and why we use such harsh and crude methods in OPERATION BREAK BEAK.