

Notice: Posts with the word DRAFT are posts that haven’t been edited. There are only two of us, and only one person creating the post and rendering the oracle. We can’t delegate tasks because of political persecution. The political, corporate, and religious persecutors interfere with everything we do, from our website to banking. When we hire services, the political scum perscutors abuse power, authority, and autonomy, trying to prove science and the bureaucracy are superior. Therefore, posts with the word DRAFT at the beginning mean that the post is being edited. If you reread the post later, it will often be more concise, and most grammatical errors are corrected.

July 22nd-31st 2023

IV: 9:02 pm 7-31-23 IRISH OMENS #2


 I’m wrapping up business while dealing with political persecution. So, I spend about ten minutes tops interpreting the oracle before publishing it. However, spirits provide quick clues to aid the Oracle’s accuracy. We’ll begin presenting the Oracle in its full glory shortly.

Eminem’s opening for the Crawford-Pence fight was an Omen for me. Then a Mark Walburg video about Hollywood blacklisting nagged my attention the next day. Two white dudes connected to the black community in some way was the omen. Then there’s my “black dude who’s part Irish” reverse connection.

You’ll remember a July 27th Oracle referenced my Irish ancestry. I was sarcastically responding to racist Irish by referring to myself as O’NIGGER! All of the oracles and references tied into Sinead O’Conner’s passing. You may also recall that Mitch McConnel’s podium freeze made two references to IRA: financial and Irish terrorist bad boys.

When I posted THIS IMAGE at 7:01 pm, I was expecting something else that I’ll explain later. But the  ‘ERACIST, NERDS ON FIRE‘ Oracle and the ‘IRISH OMENS‘ oracle predicted Agnus Cloud’s untimely passing. You don’t see the uncanny connection between Sinead O’Conner, her son, and Angus Cloud?

I’m telling you. It’s better to live vice-free because you have spiritual protection from those voices that push you to test the limits, as they do to our political persecutors and their pawns!

At 7:01 pm this evening, we posted the following image:

I don’t know anything about Angus Cloud, and I wasn’t aware of his passing. So, when I posted that image with the Knight of Cups reversed, the Tower reversed, and the Page of Swords reversed, I was trying to figure out who was at my alter. However, when I posted that image, I knew the answer would be revealed between 7:30 pm and 9:00 pm. 

Remember, we published the image below right after I received the flashing light, Omen! I knew that flashing light meant someone would die, and I was hoping it was one of our political persecutors or their pawns. 

The reason I knew someone would die when the light flashed for the second time in two days was because I heard that the people the omen referred to had made the decision that would end their lives!” In other words, the fatal decision or direction was made around the time my lights flashed. What this demonstrates is that a person has until a certain time to turn courses before Heaven Oks their deaths, particularly in premature death cases.

For example, the Friday morning before my son’s brother was murdered in 2019, my brother Carlos walked into two different stores that had power outages as he entered the establishment. The Spirit said that my son’s brother’s killer had made up his mind to kill him by that Friday morning. So, my son’s brother had been given until Thursday to change negative courses.

At about eight pm tonight, my brother briefed me on news updates and asked if I’d ever heard of Angus Cloud. Carlos told me the actor had passed. The cause of Angus’ death is also part of the oracle.

As soon as I heard the name, Angus, I told my brother, “Oh! He must have been Irish, Scottish, or Australian.” After Angus Cloud’s official autopsy release, I’ll reveal how the Oracle illustrated the cause.

The image below is taken from the 7-27-23 ERACISTS, NERDS ON FIRE post. 


I didn’t plan to publish the ABSURDITY OF GRAVITY EFFECTING TIME today. Yet the July 27th Oracle focused on callous nerds, scientists, and atheists. Dr. Spock appeared in that oracle too.

I don’t read the post after they’re edited. So, as YHVH is my Witness, I forgot all about the post until just now. When I meditated this morning, angels gave me the content for the ABSURDITY OF GRAVITY AFFECTING TIME post, as I will demonstrate with videos.


We’re about to launch FrontPage Oracle via Vimeo. Now, watch sick-ass Capitalist MF’ers try to block Vimeo. However, we’re prepared, as we were for TAXI Music, I Heart Media, and the rest of the bureaucrat slime!

Are you MF talking about some Ohio State Fair? For real! WOW!!!

LGBTQ is already grooming young dude:

Next Oracle

III: 1:45 pm 7-31-23 The Absurdity of Gravity Effecting Time


GRAVITY CAN’T AFFECT TIME: Gravitational Time Dilation is flawed because it claims gravity affects time (a concept) rather than the timekeeping mechanism (a physical object).

Gravity is a fixed force, so it doesn’t move. If the sun emits or causes gravitational ‘waves,’ the planets should bob even slightly like a buoy. With all the so-called genius inundating the scientific community, you would think it had enough sense to know that gravity affects the timekeeping mechanism, not the man-made concept of time. Does gravity affect thought? Nope! Time and thought are similar!

  • Why would gravity affect time if time has no actual weight or mass?
  • If light is weightless, how can you weigh it according to weight principles?
  • Claiming weight is a light property based on momentum is an absurd scientific dichotomy, not a paradox. So, either the momentum formula is flawed, or weight shouldn’t quantify light.
  • Time is an imperfect human concept that measures length and distance, or span (the amount of space an object covers during a period).
  • Time doesn’t ‘tick’ at a steady rate because it is an imperfect man-made concept. Timekeeping isn’t relative to any natural or supernatural law.
  • Gravity works on the clock’s movementnot the concept of time. In other words, the watch itself is affected when two friends climbing up a mountain experience a difference in time. Gravity can’t affect time because time is a man-made, forward-moving concept (not law).
  • Moreover, the further you move from the ground, gravity changes or becomes more oppressive, which we know happens when climbing or traveling uphill. Therefore time is the same for both climbers, but their watches are affected (the gears, etc). Gravity is acting on the watch itself, including digital watches, not time!
  • Space existed before human time. So, to lump time and space together as relevant is also absurd. Adam and Eve knew nothing about time because time doesn’t exist in Heaven or its Paradise, Eden.


  • The farther away from the Earth an object travels, the more gravity tries to keep it down. Gravity’s natural role is lawfully suppressing objects with mass.
  • Therefore, defying gravity is unnatural. If everything has a purpose, according to the Law of Purpose and Reason, defying gravity defies that purpose, bastardizing it.
  • Human scientific arrogance is Luciferian, so it revels in defying natural law instead of obeying it.
  • Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should, which is a lesson wicked, corrupt politicians, capitalists, and scientists ignore.
  • If there is a reaction for every action, mother nature’s imbalance is reacting to human and scientific abuse. The more you abuse the Earth, the more she adversely reacts, like a horse refusing to be tamed.

Human science is flawed, even with a Scientific Method. Many theories presented by Newton, once thought to be gospel, have been disproved or debunked. Einstein’s THEORIES will also be debunked and disproven because Einstein isn’t God, and his theories aren’t gospel. They are just theories!

The body of science aren’t geniuses. Genius is rare. While Einstein was a human that was guided by Genius, his arrogance blocked important intelligence the Genuis could have taught him, including correcting his flawed theories.

Einstein was probably the most significant genius since Newton in terms of his scientific contribution. Einstein will be replaced, and many of his theories will be diminished or disproven.

The fact that modern science hasn’t disproven Einstein demonstrates there are no Geniuses of Einstein’s caliber. Otherwise, there would be groundbreaking laws formulated from Einstien’s theories.

In other words, because there are few geniuses, science must continue with theories that aren’t gospel or concretized as scientific law! Science is a bunch of Einstein/Newton/etc. Cheerleaders! Promoting and glorifying AI is sciences way of diminishing the fact that it hasn’t cured cancer or other significant diseases and conditions that arise.

Over one hundred years have passed since Darwin introduced his theory of Evolution.  In all that time, Evolution hasn’t become law, yet science continues to postulate that Evolution is, indeed, a factual law)?


Look around at the effects of Dr. Spock’s fabulous parental training.


My mother was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease by three doctors in 2004. Mom told me in 2015 that she had been rediagnosed, and Parkinson’s was ruled out. My mother passed in 2022. So please spare me the science and medicine can’t be refuted BS. 

Click HERE to read another post related to questing science and its absurdity.

Next Oracle

II: 2:45 pm 7-30-23 The Lightning Has Only Begun



America is a bully country. So it’s not surprising that Americans root for and favor bullies. I didn’t know anything about an Errol Spence fight. But I did work two hours on an Oracle yesterday afternoon. However, as soon as I saw a black Team Woody pawns porchlight in broad daylight, I shelved the oracle. But that oracle partly predicted Errol Spence’s humiliating beat down.

The Oracle addressed Spence before and after his car beat his ass in an accident. I’ve repeatedly stated that long before I appear, Heaven will deal with the people talking about what they will do when they see me. Viola! Heaven will also deal devastatingly with Adrian Broner and other flamboyant, boisterous black bullies. I can’t wait to tell them I TOLD YOU SO! 

“The look on Spence’s face during the press conference in the image below reveals he could feel his coming defeat. You can see the same kind of look on Tupac and Suge Knights’s faces before Tupac’s untimely demise!”

Erroll Spence, his camp, and the Charlo brother’s behavior and antics depict everything wrong with glorifying that side of the African American fence, the one liberal whites love, which brings me to last night’s dream.

I’m not sharing the details because of groups of self-righteous sheep and goats in the crowd. Long story short, the two-part dream took place in Columus’ Mt. Vernon area. I was in front of the former Carl Brown IGA location surrounded by rapping cutthroat n—– who were soliciting production work. I wasn’t armed in the dream. So I didn’t want to be bothered with a bunch of untrustworthy scum that I have to be in cutthroat-mode to deal with. 

Mayor Coleman did a fabulous job of tearing down Columbus landmarks instead of restoring them. Carl Brown IGA was a historic building and the first black-owned grocery store in Columbus. In another part of the dream, I lived in the house that used to be a black-owned beauty salon that my grandmother worked in close to the intersection of Mt. Vernon and Greenway.

My grandparents owned one of the first black drycleaners at the corner of Greenway and Woodland Av.


Fools still think we’re trying to be like them when discussing angels and demons (playing a scary mind trip game, trying to intimidate). So, those violent, self-righteous, demonized fools will continue trying and testing. You talk about being a demon when I deal with the real McCoy daily! Therefore, if I know how to handle a demon or devil, I know what to do to a demoniac human!

But when Asmodeus showed up last night around 12:30 am, flickering my lights, I already knew what to expect. Again, I’m too busy working. So I didn’t know anything about the Spence/Crawford match. My brother Carlos mentioned last night’s fight during spiritual counsel. Carlos checks the news and updates me. The Spence Crawford fight must have ended shortly after the devil Asmodeus appeared.

Next Oracle

I: 12:45 am 7-30-23 DEFEAT, DISASTER, DOWNFALL



At 12:30 am, my lights started flickering wildly, which indicates a demonic presence. The demon appears and tells me what it’s about to do. Once the demon does its thing (mass shooting, etc), angels bind it, and send it back to hell (or its prison cell). Think of the process as a prison work release program.

You will know exactly what the demon has done because it will make headlining news, in this case, several headlines.

We’ll see if the pagan witches, so-called angel experts, and the adulterers who pray to angels know what’s about to go down. You claim to know Michael so well, so let’s see how well you know him (and if he answers paganized Christians who pray to angels or claim they can summon them)!

Michael, Kamael, and Uriel will be right in your faces, but instead of speaking through the Oracle, they’ll be putting on shows right in real-time. Michael puts on daily shows right here at However, this time, he’s going to demonstrate that humans have angels all wrong! They are not at your beck and call or cute little white angels.

 The angelic oracle explained previously that most Christians mistake the work of angels for demons. How would you know the difference between being in the center of the sun and the center of Hell if both burn, scorch, and consume?

Sodom and Gomorrah, the Flood, Jericho, Katrina, Pompeii, etc., etc., etc. were all angelic masterpieces that angels ordered demons to execute. A line in the 1996 Prophecy movies says it all,

“When God needed to send a message, destroy, etc, He sent angels to do it. Can you imagine what a creature like that is capabel of?”

(Thomas Dagget paraphrase)

Next Oracle



Again, Pigs, Goats, and their Pawns think this is a social media stunt. So, they keep testing, taunting, and provoking us. The white truck committing the muffled weaponized harassment is another pawn the municipal pigs and goats send on specific occasions.

After sending a Mexican pawn weaponizing Mariachi music (VIDEO), they send the white truck and family of what appears to be Latinos riding four-wheelers illegally on city streets. Notice that one pawn appears on her phone, probably hyping the event on TIK-f—–TOK!

Those pawn’s pastor, revered pontiff, etc., probably encouraged the incident. I mean, could you imagine Jesus riding on four-wheelers, making noise, trying to get attention, or sending messages? Or would Jesus do some s—– like THIS? Only in the mind of a Christomdomite. You seriously have YHVH, The Master, and his brothers and sisters all twisted up, as twisted as your Christian perspective.

 I don’t think you, PWC, CMN, and B, corrupt municipal/religious, understand what I mean when I say dangerous. Why Gabriel asked me even to say anything is senseless. But the angels always have a reason for what they ask.

Those demons who show up are like an eager pit bull. They like doing things to try and appease the exorcist, thinking it will keep them from going back to Hell after they do their dirty work, like compelling terrorists to attack a Muslim political event.

For example, I want the pigs, goats, and pawns using motorcycles to harass the dead.  So, notice how many dead motorcyclists there are in such a short period. There are many other examples of the demons trying to get extra credit before going back to Hell.

The angels mentioned that the demons are also saying with their extracurricular activity that our enemies and adversaries will get what they deserve at the right moment, like while they’re drunk, high, or totally off guard. It’s not my fault that fake-ass wicked Christians think I

m trying to be scary or that they are protected from evil when they themselves are committing evil! This is not a game, and you corrupt scum and your pawns are going to continue your relentless, demonic compulsion until the horrific tragedy finally strikes you. If we did what our enemies continue doing, the PWC and CMN pigs would be here quick to arrest us.

Welcome to Imperialist Bully America. Now get your f—- retaliatory jollies because you’re only adding to the coming fury. And for all the wicked clergy who think they are protected, you will see that you have another ‘think’ coming, wicked demoniac!

By the Power and Might of YodHeVavHe, you have never seen a public display of spiritual power ( so you think this is a social media stunt)! Your clergy can’t duplicate, so you automatically put us in the same category! But I’ve told you, Heaven is the source of power, Pharoah and Ceasre! You can only get away with wickedness for so long, isn’t that what you pigs tell the criminals? You are no different, corrupt scum!

It is mind-blowing how twisted and perverted Christendom is to think that evil is good and vice versa! MIND-BLOWING!!!!!!

Next Oracle

9:26 pm 7-30-23 The Definition of Demon


DEMON (according to Webster):

ba source or agent of evil, harm, distress, or ruin




Yet THIS IS HAPPENING DAILY for far less than political harassment.

One of the reasons we keep this public record of Christian municpal power harassment is that there is a larger audience outside of the demonic Columbus, Ohio persecutors. But the public record also serves as and testimony. As the videos depict, Christian demoniacs will continue pushing, which is (exactly) what demons do (keep pushing, expecting you to fold).

However, when I exorcise demons in their natural state, they obey. But when demons compel human scum, the demon can keep pushing as long as the human is game. So, demons I’ve already exorcised use wicked-ass corrupt scum pigs, goats, and pawns. So, again, the only way to stop the harassment is to kill the person authorizing it (because, as you see, the harassment isn’t going to stop). It might be clear why law enforcement, politicians, clergy, and the rest of the bureaucracy are the most wicked!

Corrupt, municipal Christian scum use demonized humans to do their dirty work. If YHVH doesn’t get you as promised, I swear, by YHVH’S Power and Might, as many of you as possible will get it!

IV: 4:57 pm 7-27-23 Fear of the 'Ghetto Thoat'


When we told ‘family’ and ‘friends’ about our political persecution, they didn’t believe us and could care less. ‘Family’ and black leaders asked me how I would complete the task of a small company. I told them that with YHVH’s backing, you can achieve anything. They all laughed, “tawenbout” I needed the pastor’s blessing and a rich Jewish sponsor. Some even went to far to say that I don’t have Jehovah, so I would never amount to anything! WOW! Just WOW!!!!!!

Now these same self-righteous MF are circling like vultures. I’m trying to finish ten years of work, and these MF seem to say, “You need us to do that!” WTF? 

You also behave belligerently self-righteous with YHVH by demanding that He recognize and accept your LGBTQ-ism, thots, and the rest of the paganized s—you call, Christian.

SETTING THE STAGE: Black Pawns = Black Truck


The black truck in the image isn’t a resident but made sure to park ‘their’ ass in plain site, which was preceded and followed by weaponized noise intended to draw attention outside. MF, I don’t have time to play your degenerate Christian tag games.

Pigs and Goats had the nerve to send a loud, ghetto female around because white people are intimidated by loud ghetto females! But when I hear a loud ghetto female, I know drama isn’t far, but is nothing to fear, white folks!

Obviously, you have more time on your hand Radio Station Pawn, Chief Fat Woman Panties, and Pastor Lawd Have Murcy. Black people kill each other daily for less than taunting and harassing. But you feel justified in harassing and persecuting us and expect no serious effect to that cause!?! Talk about delusional!

Remember, you (African American Community) Claim THE BOXERS BELOW ‘IS BLESSED,’ even with all the drama and toxicity they spread and promote!?!

You’re breaking the law and violating the Constituion driven by anything but Godliness, Pigs, Goats, and Pawns. But it’s just as Gabriel said it would be. Reprobates will continue pushing even though the skin has been flayed from the buttocks, meaning you have no conscience and a damaged soul, so you can’t sense when you’ve gone too far! Demons suffer the same affliction! Then when Heaven strikes, you’ll claim, “I DIDN’T DESERVE THIS, LAWD/LOORD!” But, according to Cause and Effect, you get every bit of what you deserve, Pigs, Goats and Pawns!!

You know that when we start promoting, it will be too late to clean up your fifteen years of PWC and CM BS! So, you think by using unlawful capitalist bullying will change the inevitable. I mean, you MF are deluded by…something!

A PWC or FBCM pig was sitting at the corner of the street, waiting for my brother to return from the store. You sick MF bureaucrats sure spend a lot of taxpayers’ money sniffing our asses! WTF makes you think we’d trust corrupt MF who abuse power? I mean, that blows the mind!

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