

Notice: Posts with the word DRAFT are posts that haven’t been edited. There are only two of us, and only one person creating the post and rendering the oracle. We can’t delegate tasks because of political persecution. The political, corporate, and religious persecutors interfere with everything we do, from our website to banking. When we hire services, the political scum perscutors abuse power, authority, and autonomy, trying to prove science and the bureaucracy are superior. Therefore, posts with the word DRAFT at the beginning mean that the post is being edited. If you reread the post later, it will often be more concise, and most grammatical errors are corrected.

July 22nd-29th 2023




This FrontPage Oracle update shares a dream I had that validated several things, including the dying cactus in Arizona!

Exhibit C shows two files– one I recorded on 7-20-23 and the other around 8:30 pm tonight (7-28-23). I forgot I recorded myself logging the dream on 7-20-23, so I rerecorded the log at 8:30 pm tonight.

I had the two-part dream on the morning of 7-18-23, but I couldn’t recall it. But suddenly, while meditating on 7-20-23, I remembered the entire dream and recorded myself typing the details in my daily spiritual log, including the moment I search-engined cactus dream and where sequoias are found primarily in America. 

Before I went to sleep around 4 am on 7-18-23m, I asked Father YHVH to show me a sign that I would achieve the next level of spiritual power (walking on water, changing water to wine, etc.). The only way demons know your prayers is by uttering them aloud. I don’t pray out loud because several demons, FBI included, could hear them. So the answer in my dream wasn’t demonic. We’ll post the full dream details in a video presentation of the FrontPage Oracle shortly. 


“I recorded my dream log twice because I’d forgotten Gabriel suggested recording it the day I recalled it (7-20-23).”

I was living in a mansion on a farm in the dream. The farm’s owner was a white man who never showed me his face. The farmer was cutting down trees when I saw a giant sequoia rotting from the inside out so severely that you could walk into the cavity. The first thing I noticed was a bright green cactus growing in the rotting pit of the sequoia. Long story short, I called the old white farmer ‘Dad.’ But I understand entirely why now.

After walking past the rotting sequoia, I reentered the mansion. But the mansion’s basement was like my office bedroom in this house. I lay on my bed and saw my cards, which started levitating, on some stand to my right. So I stretched out my hand. The cards floated to my open hand and landed. Estastic, I jumped up to tell my brother what had happened but woke up from the dream instead. 



But I felt like I was trying to tell my brother about what happened in real-time as I was waking. During meditation on 7-20-23, I heard, “Father YHVH has answered your prayer!”

Like our racist persecutors and their motley crew of pawns, I was like, “Yeah! Right!” referring to the angel assuring me that our Holy Father had indeed spoken through that dream. But after seeing the CNN cactus story validate my dream, I have no doubt. 

But, the cactus dream foretold the CNN article about the dying cactus. I knew the dream had to be someplace like Wyoming, Arizona, or Nevada because of the sequoias.

You can view time-lapse videos HERE and HERE of me recording the dream. If you stop and read other elements, you’ll see more omens pointing to events that are about to occur.

FYPWC: Your ‘fronting’ disbelief is irrelevant

Now, the Jason Aldean-type white boy bigots who are orchestrating our political persecution think I’m talking ‘spooky shit,’ like the 80s devil-worshipping rockers. But that dream manifesting assures me of several things, namely that the African American and Latino slaves and their puppet masters will get what the angels said they’ve got coming. Furthermore, the angel said the (cactus) dream’s fruition validated something big coming our harasser’s way (from the top to the local municpal scum). 


Mystics know that YHVH can communicate through dreams. The intellectual snob psychologist and dream analyst can’t say that dream was a subconscious manifestation of my psyche because the event manifested today via a CNN news report. Through the dream, the cactus was trying to tell me they needed shelter, and they provided a general location using the sequoias.

 Native Americans and other spiritual folk completely understand that dream’s supernatural nature. Moreover, the angels told me the Indians were on the verge of beating the white man (way back in the day) using their spiritual power. 

But like our racist persecutors, those evil men’s souls were defunct, so they kept pushing, not realizing the adverse events around them were supernatural. African voodoo also worked on the (racist) white master. But again. That kind of white man has no soul, so he keeps pushing because he thinks his white supremacy and ‘Christendom-ism’ will always reign supreme! 

You can continue fronting, PWC, because your actions and disbelief will not change what’s coming, as you’re about to see firsthand! Yeehaw, MFer!!!  Now watch how proud and stupid our Proud Boy Persecutors become!


Ron DeSantis was visibly shaken during that televised debate, compelling him to expose himself and Jason Aldeen unless…

…you forgot about the 7-25-23 ORACLE and THE OMEN THAT PRECEDED IT! Remember DeSantis’s recent accident in the Country Music (state) Capital? Maybe you’ll recall that the FrontPage Oracle stated the accident was an omen about RACISTS exposing themselves, just after Jason Aldean’s sneaky PWC tough-guy threat (Try That In A Small Town)!

Next Oracle




 A cult leader’s objective is to enslave the mind and soul, not free them. Clergymen like TD Jakes and the Pope are more cult leaders than anything. Humans look to those men instead of to YHVH. Moreover, their adherents treat them like Jesus. 

However, pawns breaking the law and violating the Constitution at clergy and municipal command is very cultish. People who openly claim to be Jesus or the Messiah are always frauds. Even Jesus knew to be tactful when dealing with questions concerning his role and identity.



Cult leaders prey on the weak-minded, while intellectual elitists belittle them.

The spiritual path Heaven guided me through freed me from Christian mind control by sharpening my intellect, which concentrated spiritual power.

Heaven tasked me with doing the same for the oppressed.  I’m just playing a small among kindred souls. So, you can try that cult shit all you want, PWC, CMN, and FB-Libra elitist!  

My brother Carlos didn’t have self-confidence or spiritual power. People used to run all over Carlos. But I loaned my brother one of my earliest copies of the 64 Levels of Power. Granted, allowing Carlos to borrow that third 64 Levels of Power edition manual helped validate its credibility. But Carlos benefited greatly. 

I often pamper my brother with guidance, protection, and illumination. But if you ask Carlos, he’ll tell you I’m constantly rebuking by reminding him that he must stand on his own feet before YHVH, as I could be gone tomorrow.

Charismatic people very seldom possess intelligence because charisma is their power; they’re intelligence. But charisma can be feigned, like actors. Standing over thousands of people, putting on the same old show, and changing vocal intonation accompanied by flamboyant actions seem to work wonders when pretending to have the Holy ‘Ghoss’ or Spirit.

However, athletic coaches perform an identical function as Christian clergy, particularly Baptists and Evangelicals. Megachurch sermons are just big, fervor-raising religious pep rallies. 


7-28-23-frontpage-oracle-uncle-sam-cultAll bureaucrats use psychological bullying tactics to control and dominate others. Intellectual supremacists and the elite-minded will attack a confident person’s strengths to undermine their conviction, which only works on weak-minded people. Intellectual Supremacists believe their intelligence makes them better or more elite. 

TAXI Music group demonstrated typical bureaucrat snob reverse psychology with its unreasonable and severe music critique (please click HERE for more information). But an intelligent, spiritual person can always counter intellectual snob witchcraft, as the post you’re reading does. 

Netflix and entertainment media use the same psychological ploy utilizing the term CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED. When superficial or shallow civilians hear or see CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED, they’re likely to be swayed before even seeing a movie or hearing a song.

 Most critically acclaimed movies and series are subjective views of an often overpaid elitist who thinks an expensive college degree in analyzing theatre means their perceptions are gospel. Critics were essential thirty to forty years ago. But today, the critic is about as useful as the paper boy.


Scientists, the CIA, and other nerds/geeks are often Intellectual Supremacists or ‘intellectuals!’ You can spot those Intellectual Supremacists in comment sections on social media. Intellectual Supremacist types use one word in a sentence that only other nerds and intellectuals understand, then high-five or thumbs up the comment with giddy glee. 

Intellectual Supremacists pride themselves in knowing fake alien languages like Klingon. Dressing up as Gandalf for a movie, steady wolfing popcorn while snortingly narrating the film, describes a nerd/geek, aka, Intellectual Supremacists. 

When you mention the apocalypse or validate the end is neigh, Intellectual Supremacists try to belittle with statements like, “There have aways been doomsday prophets, etc!”

But a specific prophecy named the nerds, atheists, and scientists as targets that YHVH will stick His eternal-sized Foot up their asses for shaking their fists and talking smack about Him!

Charismatic genius counters science-backed intellectual supremacy because most nerds are ‘intelligent’ with little to no finesse!


It is a lie that humans can have a close relationship with Heaven without tribulation, suffering, and self-sacrifice because those things are the only way to cleanse the soul.

Eve and Adam lost that oneness with YHVH through His angels. Humans were expelled from Eden to keep sin from defiling it. Yet, religous Christians seem to think that indulging sin grants them reentrance to Paradise. 


So, since humans have no direct relationship with Heaven, they look to humans, fallen angels, and Nephilim to fill that void, and those individuals exploit that weakness for profit and perversion!

If religous Christians had a personal relationship with God, they wouldn’t exalt humans to divinity as they do with TD Jakes, Joel Osteen, and the Pope. A person with a real divine connection finds it impossible to elevate humans, let alone bow and ingratiate themselves to them (or fallen angels). 

I mean, how could any human compare to experiencing YHVH’s presence through His angels? Yet, human scum continues harassing us because their clergymen and municipal and political powers control them like crazed cult leaders! Moreover, those Christian cult leaders are furious because they’re insignificant compared to the YHVH and His angels (so we don’t acknowledge them). 

But those wicked clergy, municipal powers, and their worshippers prove they have never met YHVH or His angels. No one who’s genuinely been in YHVH’s presence could ever again see any human, fallen angel, Nephilium as magnificent or pretend to be so grand and splendid!

It looks like lightning has struck Hunter Biden’s TOWER!

BA Oakfield Nerd Visitor Update:

Intellectual Supremacists, like our political persecutors, like to try to play mind games. For example, Team Woody has two pawns driving similar cars. I thought the pawn in THIS VIDEO was the Latino pawn.

A light-skinned or mixed nerd drives the vehicle in the video. But one of Team Woody’s Latino pawns drives a similar car without a flap on the back. So,  I’ve been thinking the car in the video is the Latino pawn when it’s a nerd visiting a reverse Uncle Tom white boy’s house, another Team Woody willing participant.

Next Oracle

VIII: 2:40 pm 7-26-23 A HISTORY OF REPROBATION-Edited


When people find out I have spiritual gifts, they do two things: test the gift, or expect me to figure out what they want (or know why they’re acting a certain way)

I do know what and why our political prosecutors and their pawns break the law and violate the Constitution to persecute us.

But when you’re breaking the law and harassing relentlessly, it nullifies any goodness you may claim to be doing. Moreover, justifying badness with the Little White Lie Theory only exacerbates contempt. As usual, the letters below correspond with those in image number one.

A: Ones realize they’ve burned bridges yet continue demonstrating blind faith, signifying religious self-righteousness.

B: The Knight of Scorpio reversed represents the black BMW parked backward at the house in the image with the porchlight on in broad daylight. Scorpio also symbolizes the weaponized vehicles reviving loudly today and yesterday.


C: Notice the Devil and Strength reversed in the oracle. Those cards confirm the subject’s (Scorpio)  wicked intent. Strength reversed assures me the power-abusing scum will continue trying to bully using excessive force and that, ultimately, someone will end up dead (the Page of Coins reversed) somehow. The Page of Virgo (coins) reversed also refers to the sheep following and worshipping human clergy rather than Jesus. 

Self-righteous bullies, braggarts, and cheaters are additional Oracle subjects. Therefore we know the Oracle highlights the deluded, twisted, and obnoxious side of Christianity’s fence where the sheep reside. 

I had three dreams, and the Moon in the Oracle confirms those dreams are connected to today’s municipal and federal harassment. 

Hexagram 10 further confirms Christian clergy and municipal power involvement, or people stepping on a spiritual tiger’s tail because they have earthly power, which is useless in Heaven. 

Temporal dominion is the bottom three lines of Hexagram 10, and Heavenly ordained authority is the top trigram (three lines). The oracle reveals that Human authority is demanding that Heaven’s servants recognize their wicked earthly positions, just as they did to Jesus!


 So, those soulless corrupt men and women provoke and agitate us, not realizing they’ve been judged and condemned and are awaiting Divine sentencing. We know those reprobate souls are damned because they have no conscience! Wickedness springs from having no conscience and no fear of offending YHVH, making those people wicked criminals!

Hexagram 10 also reminds us that history often confirms the present. Moreover, the 10th Hexagram indicates that certain institutes, agencies, and dogmas are history, finished, and DEAD, another reason corrupt reprobates and their pawns continue to justify harassing us. 

In other words, the angels are saying (Hexagsram 10) that powerful and influential people, clergy included, have always behaved the way they do with us, breaking laws and violating Constitutions and using the Bible and God as the grounds for doing so!

Furthermore, Hexagram 10 refers back to Jesus and the Sanhedrin (history, dogma, the Bible) and what The Master warned about these wicked sons and daughters of Vipers!

The image below depicts a municipal-authorized pawn using his porchlight to send messages.


When we publish specific posts, especially rebuking the African American community leaders, that porchlight in the image suddenly comes on in broad light. I’ve also noticed those pawns turn on the porchlight when I mention ” family.” A black BMW will often suddenly appear at that house, parking backward with the porchlight accompanying the act.

I don’t know any of these municipal pawns. Yet, we can tie staged events like the porchlight coming on suddenly and weaponized harassment to posts we publish, as you’re about to see. 

Next Oracle

VII: 12:25 am 7-26-23 THE 'ERACISTS' and LIAR, NERDS ON FIRE


The IRISH OMENS Oracle below contains many of the clues for this Oracle. Simply correlate the letters in this post to those in IMAGE #1!


The Oracle addresses racists, one specifically, who will be humiliated. That ‘Chuckster’ Knight of Gemini reversed has condemned himself and is about to drive the final nail in his coffin of doom (Judgement reversed).

You see,… that good ole boy (or good ole boys-politicians) thinks he’s so supreme, so great, thanks to fake social media and the Hollywood Delusion Effect (HWDFX). What is the HWDFX?

HWDFX is where normal people surround themselves with yesmen/women who are too afraid to tell a ‘star’ there’s nothing special about them. Being in a special, elite position further fuels the illusion, causing its sufferer to experience delusions of grandeur. So, for example, hundreds of thousands of people telling the truth about how weak a star or TIKTOK celebrity is registeres in their mind that millions of people are just haters when (actually) they’re telling the truth!  On to letter A+B!

A+B: By Jove! It’s Science-fiction!

But the oracle is also exposing science, nerds, Luciferians, aka, The Illuminati!

The SUPERNATURAL has busted our subjects again. But when have you known nerds, logic lovers, and supremacists to take the Supernatural seriously? According to angels and demons, Spock is lying out his pointy a—h—-, claiming the government is hiding classified info about UFOs (a one-hundred-year lie, to be exact)! Reason with me for a moment.

If the government really had evidence of UFO remains, or whatever, you would think they would release such information willingly just to back their claims! The Pentagon has been lying for years about UFOS. The sudden “Global UFO Phenomeon” appears to be the nerds, atheists, and sci-fi enthusiast attempt to remain relevant in the midst of a major spiritual revolution.

Think of the UFO farce like Catholic exorcists and Exocists movies suddenly popping up all over tarnation! Those Exorcists movies are appealing to predominately Catholic audiences. However, with all the weak-ass media stories and Hollywood flops, you would think the government would release information on UFO nonsense just to add some spark to the American people’s lives as supernatural spirituality does!

Demons can and do cause sky phenomena, as they did in Skinwalker Ranch! Moreover, there are also demons that look just like aliens or can assume an alien guise! 


Judgment reversed in the oracle means flat-out DIVINE CONDEMNATION!!!! Science is also really pushing the AI BS to its limits. I imagine AI has Hollywood terrified because so many ‘actors’ would lose their jobs!

I mean, type-cast actors like the Rock play specific kinds of roles that AI could handle effortlessly. However, AI has no soul, so even though it looks and sounds like the Rock, it wouldn’t feel like him. Hollywood is already devoid of magic.

Science nerds want to turn the world into some weird-ass, soulless Mars where you would choke to death without your science-based space helmet! Moreover, greedy Hollywood execs love the idea of AI!

There are nerds who pretend their sex dolls are real women, which demonstrates how detached and soulless many of them are! Sadly, AI will become a government and law enforcement weapon, which is part of the Beast’s Plan. I mean, can you imagine soulless AI police brutality? The Beast himself is either an illegitimate child or cloned!

Yup! Lucifer is Illuminati, and Illuminati is science!

Next Oracle

VI: 12:00 am 7-27-23 IRISH OMENS



You invoke bewilderment when you say to pure white Irish that you’re half-Irish. Those white Irish don’t understand that their male ancestors raped and pleasured themselves at the expense of enslaved black females. Interestingly, ‘pure white’ Europeans labeled the Irish “the Niggers of Europe!” 

So, when I said, “It must be the Mick in me,” in the SoldierOfYHVH Hip-Hop Boogieman song, I was referring to ‘the Nigger of Europe in me!’ Moreover, my dad’s family surname is “O’Dark Ones” in Gaelic. I was proud when I discovered my Irish ancestry until I learned the incomparable truth (that I’m just a Mick, An American Nigger of Europe). 

My “O’Dark Ones’ Family Crest


I researched my Irish “O’Dark Ones” roots and found their origins in Counties Tipperary and Kerry before the Anglo-Norman invasion. O’Dark Ones is Ireland’s third most common surname name. So that means Biden, or O’Boxes, isn’t anywhere near as important as the O’Dark Ones. My love of Muenster cheese must also stem from my McGillycuddy of the Reeks ancestry (a question posed as a statement)?

But my posting the Boogieman on 7-25-23 was part of several oracle fulfillments. If you add the beached whale incident in Australia, you have a supernatural reference to Sinead O’Connor’s untimely passing. O’Connor is known for one song specifically. But one song that she did so well!


I’m not Cracking on McConnel. I genuinely feel bad for him!


Mitch McConnel, who’s also part Irish, and his public freeze was SUPERNATURAL and connected to Sinead, even though nerds and logic lovers can’t make that connection. Here! Let me associate those dots by the Power of YHVH!

Mitch McConnel froze as he was about to speak on what? Yup! The IRA! But was McConnel talking about retirement finances or Irish Terrorists? Ahh!!!! There’s the Sinead supernatural connection (IRA).

Interestingly, THIS 7-25-23 ORACLE addressed Catholic priests and exorcists trying to compete. Allegedly, Sinead O’Connor was an ordained Catholic priestess (isn’t that a Nun)? Valec, anyone? It will be no big surprise when the cause of O’Conner’s death is revealed!


Within twenty-four hours of relaunching our new front page and Supernatural Entertainment Universe, Universal boosts its ‘The Exorcist: Believers” on YouTube However, Warner Brothers, not Universal, released the 1973 The Exorcist classic.’ Moreover, McNeil is Irish or Scottish (again, a correlation to Sinead O’Oconner and VALEC). 


The Exorcist’s Regan McNeil was impure, which probably means she was like me, a Nigger of Europe! Now there are African Americans in the ultra-multicultural The Exorcist: Believers. Pure Irish will probably just call those actors straight-up N—–s!

Interstingly, The Fish symbolizes The Master’s Believers. The Fish are spiritual, which water represents. Moreover, we’re always talking about the Fish (the Master’s Spiritual adherents)! Contrastingly, the Sheep are religious and are the furthest thing from a Believer (and that’s why the Master (Jesus) warned about the ravenous shepherd wolves in sheepskins)!

Next Oracle

V: 9:50 pm 7-25-23 Tide Riding


I’ve been humming and beatboxing the theme to The Exorcists all day! Suddenly, after BTG reboots it, we have another Catholic propaganda movie being released by Universal. First, it was The Pope’s Exorcist, now it’s The Exorcist: Believers. The truth is the Catholics tried to steal exorcism from the pagans. Interestingly, many paranormal investigative series show how impotent Catholic exorcisms really are.

Catholic priests failed to exorcise demons or were too afraid to do so, referring the paranormal investigators to pagan witches instead.

The slew of Exorcists movie’s target market is Catholicism. I exorcised the demon Valefor after he appeared and revealed he would humiliate liars and energy thieves, which he does best.


By releasing the fake Catholic propaganda movie The Exorcists: Believers in October, it will appear as if BTG was Tide Riding the failed movie reboot, when, by the Power and Might of YHVH, I’m the real McCoy.

Now do you see how greedy capitalist pigs try to bully?  All those pigs have is money and very little blockbuster-worthy content to invest it in. Capitalist pigs control every market with unethical and often illegal practices, like the ones they’ve used to stop us (The PYROHYDRO INCIDENT and the TAXI MUSIC. INCIDENTS 1 & 2)

Even more interesting is that Universal Music is also an adversary we’re currently exposing in THIS POST! A demon spoke from the racket of the Catholic Mexican pawn driving the weapo9nizecd vehicle IN THIS VIDEO.

Catholics think they own exorcists, like Jews think they own YHVH! Yet, none of those Catholic priest exorcism experts revealed any of the info I collected exorcising demons, as the EXORCISTS DEMON HUNTERS introduction reveals HERE

BMI Music and “That Record Label” stopped the release of The Exorcist Ground Zero in 2022 when they refused to let us log into our BMI account to register the 43 songs. Moreover, I was stalled trying to get the mechanical licenses cleared to use fifteen seconds of Tubular Bells, the Exorcists theme. I  wasn’t clearing a sample. I played the fifteen-second piece of Tubular Bells.

The song clearance was for SoldierOfYHVH’s Boogeyman (The Exorcists Remix) that appeared on BTG’s The Exorcists. Verse 4 of The Boogieman retells the night angels helped me thwart the first of five attempts to kill me outside of the Gold Club strip club as I waited to pick up my sister!

You can listen to the Boogieman (Exorcists Remix) HERE. The clicks and pops in the song are there because I hadn’t cleared the mechanical license but was showcasing the song!


In the old mob, they would kill a soldier with little power just to get the opposing families’ attention. The Exorcist: Believer appears to be attempting to do the same! Hollywood and the music industry have been relentlessly trying to stop us.

See, I’m not a fake Exorcist. So, all of these PWC games are dangerous, especially to corrupt filth that the demons and devils can touch easily, as we will continue to witness from this moment forward!

Next Oracle

IV: 6:17 pm 7-25-23 Oracle Update



LeBron James and world-renowned Christian Masonic pimp TD Jakes have been constant fixtures in the FrontPage Oracle, and they know why. The 7-19-23 angelic oracle mentioned both Jakes and James.


7-19-23 Oracle Update VII Nothing to Lose spoke directly to several clergies, specifically TD Jakes and Lebron ‘King James!” Columbus municpal worked concertedly with clergy, celebrities, and others to harass us with pawns driving weaponized vehicles, as the post demonstrates. You can read that post HERE.

The 7-16-23 6:28 pm Oracle Update Battling Wickedness addressed the Masonic clergy harassing us with pawns driving weaponized vehicles. The oracle called out Lebron “LaKong” James, TD Jakes, and several other wicked Christians abusing money and power to persecute us. Click HERE to view that oracle.

Suddenly, TD Jakes hosts a clergy event called “EXPERIENCING THE SUPERNATURAL” (Click HERE to see the flyer). Catholic, Baptist, and Evangelical wicked Christian clergy connected to Columbus, Ohio municipal powers have harassed us relentlessly. 


Every time we warn our political persecutors, ‘Pharoah,’ and their pawns about the dangers of harassing ‘Moses and Arron’ while doing YHVH’S work, they scoff and intensify the harassment.

When I say, GO UP, BALD HEAD, GO UP, our political and religious persecutors react with violent weaponized harassment, including police sirens and helicopters. Yet, nine days ago, the angelic oracle warned both LeBron James, TG Jakes, and the rest of the ‘Lawd Have Murcy Gang.’ Moreover, the Oracle warned Benjamin Nethenyahu in early spring about his heart condition and how demons would capitalize on it.


Several exorcised demons have said they’re about to attack other stars, celebrities, and athletes, particularly LeBron James’ boy Maverick, his girl, JZ, and his old lady!

All the macho tough guys talking about what they will do when they see me don’t understand spirit over matter and how prepared I’ll be. But long before we encounter those TROLLS, Heaven will touch every one of them most memorably. Ask Jamie Foxx.

The end of the troll, macho, tat, bearded tough guy, and thot witches fad is just about over, as we will all see shortly! So the washed-up stars resorting to the muscle popularity-boosting trend are wasting their time! Certain CNN  and local news outlet “correspondents’ won’t be Huffington and Puffington for much longer either. 

 The same Masonic, FOP, macho, godless autonomy-covered, wealthy, politically connected will think LeBron James’ recent misfortune was a simple coincidence when the oracle foretold the event and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s similar misfortune. 

“David Stern = Netanyahu (and LeBron James attended a Catholic high school)!” Spiritual Quote 

Columbus Municipal Power’s African American pawns in the image below invoked the 7-16-23 Oracle by taunting us with their porchlight as they did in THIS APRIL VIDEO.



Nerds and medical experts, along with macho jock police, will cite purely medical causes for LeBron James and Netanyahu’s recent heart issues. I don’t respect LeBron James. But I’m not going to use his son’s name because that’s a serious issue he’s dealing with.


TD Jakes is an energy thief and Charleton. Supernatural Spirituality continues exposing and condemning Christian clergy who use YHVH and Christianity to pimp and pilfer from the sheep. 

However, like the wicked Sanhedrin that framed Jesus, Jakes, and other clergy are trying to compete, using politics and Freemasonry (as the SUPERNATURAL EXPERIENCE churchy expo title demonstrates). Using the title SUPERNATURAL is a witchcraft practice called TIDE RIDING. Jakes knows good and damn well there’s nothing supernatural about him or his pimping ministry!


I was about to eat breakfast when I noticed a paper towel I had laid down morphed into a donkey. Click HERE to watch the video of me realizing the message about the donkey.

The demon Valefor has a donkey’s head. Moreover, Valefor entraps liars and thieves through temptation, allowing them to escape punishment and exposure until the right moment.

Once I saw the donkey’s head, I recorded a video of the event. Do you notice my voice sounds like Red Foxx and Richard Pryor in the video in certain places? It’s quite distinctive. The ORACLE  below…


…was about Lebron James and his son. Notice the fool reversed appears just after the card that represents Lebron Jame’s son (the Knight of Sagittarius reversed).

Lebron James is the King of Leo reversed, which is also representing the African American pawn codenamed Day-Day, who plays with his porchlight after we publish certain posts. But the oracle also targets TD Jakes trying to use SUPERNATURAL EXPERIENCE as a psyche trip (The Moon and Justice reversed).

Notice that Justice reversed appears in that oracle. However, as Justice reversed reveals, everyone involved is a criminal (breaking the law to harass and taunt us, among other things)!

We’ll pick up from here at the next FrontPage Oracle update.

Next Oracle


There will be one more Oracle Update before we launch at midnight tonight. This post continues to demonstrate how spirits confirm events through guidance, meaning the spirit shows me something, and doing so is their way of saying, “THIS IS WHAT I WAS TELLING YOU ABOUT!”

For the last week, every time our political persecutors send their pawns to harass us, I immediately hear,

You’re an engineer. So you’ve got money in your pocket. So, quit playing back there because I’m trying to get paid!


It’s Not Deep Enough is an extremely pimpish song, especially the breakdown. So, when I heard Jewel, I didn’t think Juel. Let’s allow the Oracle to explain the rest of what happened today (7-22-23).

I: Rick (James) and three other spirits guided me to the New York Times Juel Taylor interview.

7-18-23-juel-new york times interview

Juel’s words highlighted with the red line are exactly my dream and the 7-19-23 post we published about it. In that dream, Rick James said to me, ” I was pimping hoes while I was making records!” Rick James’, Give It To Me Baby was playing in the dream, and as I was waking.

I heard (a spirit) suggest retelling the account of why Rick James’ death is forever etched in our minds and lives. Soldier Slim also made a supernatural appearance in that post as he was a part of the incidents surrounding Rick James’ expiration date, along with Cash Monkey! Moreover, Teena Marie was signed to Cash Monkey Records! Dirty South and West Coast rappers and music influence BTG.

II: Simply follow the letters that correspond with those in the picture below for the rest of the story:

A: The 3 of Rods and 6 of Cups, in this case, is HUMOR about THE PAST!

B: King of Rods:

  • Pimpish
  • Ghetto or Street (retired from)
  • East Coast, Deep South, or South African
  • Dark Skinned
  • Dreads or Braids
  • Writer, author, or director
  • Media or public personality
  • etc.

C: Temperance (in this case)

  • The Media
  • Something settled once and for all

D: The Strength Card is working with The Wheel of Fortune, the Fool, and the 2 of Rods in the oracle. What that means is that one takes leaps of faith because they know the Guardian or Warrior (Strength) is humble, unassuming, and exercises humility (because he doesn’t care about fame or glory, but about righteousness, honor, and valor)! Long story short, righteousness recognizes its own and takes a chance to let it be known they’ve seen and heard!

We got the message without getting cocky, arrogant, and proud, which is what we keep telling our political perscutors and their pawns. YodHeVavHe is our Master and Employer, and He tells us, through His angels and others, what to do (The Wheel of Fortune), and who to do it with!

But the Lawd Have Mercy Gang and The Heathens of Christendom claim we’re peers, yet they treat us as enemies, expecting us to bow and sniff their butts! 

Next Oracle


We’ll be launching on 7-24-23. I had a dream during the overnight hours of 7-19-23. We published the dream later that day. We’ll republish the dream when we relaunch This post is an update to that 7-19-23 FrontPage Oracle post and explains how spirits told me to look out for the Netflix movie “They Cloned Tyrone.”

I didn’t know anything about the “They Cloned Tyrone” movie premiere or the hype surrounding it.

I: Rick James was in the dream I had early Wednesday morning. But as I was waking, I heard Ice Cube, Dave Chapell, and Eddie Murphy.  After spending four hours on YouTube, a video of Ice Cube talking about Hollywood trying to kill Jamie Foxx popped up.

In the dream, some ghetto movie stars elicited the aid of an equally ghetto agent/manager to try to get us to come to some Hollywood-type party.

Rick James came out of nowhere wearing one of those prissy, prince-type jackets and boxer drawers. Rick slid through a puddle  of water in the ghetto managers’ living rooms, then got up and said, “I was pimping hoes while making records!”

II: As soon as I saw Jamie Foxx was playing a pimp, the first thing I thought about was Rick James in the dream, followed by hearing, “GIVE IT TO ME, BABY, in my head!” So, there’s Rick guiding me to the Ice Cube video.

II:  Juel Taylor’s hat was part of the dream (Hollywood party). 

When my brother and I arrived at the ghetto managers’ house, it was in the Styx of Kansas (Dorthy and the Wiz). Rockwell’s, Somebodies Watching Me Cover” is the Scarecrow/Michael Jackson reference. So, there’s that!

III: The previous night, I had a dream about my son Raphael’s sister J. I heard to add J to the post, which I did. As soon as I saw Teyonah Parris, I knew the connection. Teyonah Parris strongly resembles Raphael and J’s momma. So, there’s that!

I didn’t meditate about the Rick James dream. Otherwise, I would have confirmed the “They Cloned Tyrone” reference that day. The purpose of Rick James showing up in my dream was to demonstrate one-way witches, warlocks, and others use the dead to pass messages, even if the living person isn’t aware of it.

When you mess up your life and pass over (your body dies), you can’t fix the mistakes you made (you need a body to do that). But you can get extra credit and make amends by doing what Rick did, visiting in dreams, and using other mediums (ways or methods) to pass on messages!

There were other spirits getting extra credit too. “They Cloned Tyrone” is like a contemporary Blaxploitation flick, so there’s Dolemite (Eddie Murphy). Dave Chapell is probably an additional comedy reference, along with Ice’Cube and DJ Pooh’s Friday. But Charlie Murphy is obviously speaking somewhere in the background!

Several times while watching “They Cloned Tyone” Jamie Foxx morphed into Michael Jai White, who also did a Blaxplotation comedy. When I say morphed, I mean a spirit manipulated Jamie Foxx’s face at just the right moment, and the next thing I know, Foxx was White.

Red Foxx has been hounding for two days. I just watched another Netflix series flick called LUDICK! African actor Zane Meas morphed into Red Foxx and Q-Tip from Tribe Called Quest! So, who else is trying to get extra credit while reaching out to the living? Yup! Him too!!!

Actor Zane Meas

Next Oracle

X: 6:55 pm 7-25-23 ORACLE Post-Pests,Violators, Intruder


Thousands of surveillance videos will prove that, due to ingrained corruption, powerful people will never leave you alone. Corrupt people, especially clergy, are so comfortable with abusing power oppressively they’re not going to stop. That’s why we refer to those Pigs, Goats, and their Pawns as demoniacs.  Click HERE to view the automated oracle.


As cheating cowards continue to demonstrate, America is neither free nor dominated by the brave. The Constitution is impotent for commoners but works beautifully for America’s corrupt, powerful, and criminal class, b.k.a, The Bureaucracy!

Impulsive and arrogant people are the easiest to entrap and ensnare and are often extremely superficial, causing them to overestimate themselves while underestimating their adversaries.


Next Oracle

III: 7:50 pm 7-25-23 ORACLE Dead Pawn Riding


The pawn driving the weaponized car is a Mexican Catholic Team Woody (our p9ltial persecutors) moved into the neighborhood. THIS VIDEO demonstrates the Columbus Pigs allowing that pawn to harass with his weaponized infinity. However, THIS PRESENTATION you can read below demonstrates when that Mexican Catholic pawn first moved in and how he taunted, courtesy of Columbus Municplial powers and the US government, all day with his weaponized Infinity.

Woody authorized the pawn driving the weaponized vehicle to taunt after publishing the July-25th-fpo-6:17 pm Oracle below. The Oracle smacks the pawns and their master, so their authorized to cheat using political power and New World Order weaponized harassment tactics (like using weaponized vehicles).

Do you see how bold and cocky the pawn and trick behave for the cameras? As YHVH is my witness, if not for that pawn’s pig protection, he’d be dead already. Again, I ask you, who can you call to stop the harassment when pigs and goats authorize it?

The pawn and his handlers also demonstrate their fraudulent Catholic Invincibility as they continue taunting and harassing. If the Pope or one of his archdioceses condones the harassment, those fools erroneously believe they are untouchable, especially with pigs and goats backing them. 

But when lightning strikes their source or false confidence, all that invincibility, white imperialism will flush down the proverbial toilet! So, we’ll see who’s deluded, and who get’s struck, Demoniac Catholic!

Next Oracle

XII: 5:32 pm 7-29-23 Angels and Demons


You (power fools) can keep on pushing. But something truly horrible will shut you up long enough for the next horror to develop!

You’ll notice that we try to keep our content light and positive, despite constant political persecution. The more positive we are, the more our racist persecutors intensify their harassment and provocation, as THIS VIDEO demonstrates.

Team Woody, our political persecutors’ codename, continue to show they are Christian devils and demons. Compare positive posts like THIS ONE to negative posts like THIS POST. The second post is profane and violent, which is the same spirit motivating the trash that authorized the event, and the pawn used to execute it. I’ve restrained myself repeatedly for nearly two weeks. Demonstrating propriety and self-control only exacerbates the wicked persecution.


Demons and Devils hate the truth because it compels them to commit greater acts of wickedness, like disturbing peace, menacingly driving through the neighborhood blasting bass-heavy Mariachi music!

I swear by the name of YodHeVavHe, the only way to stop such evil is to kill it. Corrupt people think they are invincible, just as Pharoah thought he was against Moses. It took twelve plagues to get Pharoah to release the slaves. Even then, Pharoah pursued the slaves after freeing them. 

When jealous sick pigs and goats (black, white, and other) see positivity, the first thing that crosses their Catholic, Baptist, and World Harvest minds is demonizing it! If you’ve thought yourself incapable of killing someone, wait until you endure relentless persecution and taunting cowards hiding behind money, power, and pawns.

You are left with no recourse but violence when your persecutors are politicians, municipal powers, and clergy, the people who claim to be the good guys! Think about that for a moment! If the people tormenting you are the power, authorities, and municipalities, there is no one to call, not one to come to your aid!

Death is the only way to stop an unwilling demonic who surrenders themselves to wickedness! Truth is one way to exorcise demons. If you exorcise the demon with Truth, wicked and corrupt people will invite it back. 

For example, I’ve used Truth to exorcise the demons from our adversaries several times. When the demon is exorcised, the persecution pauses for up to six days. But the demon returns, and the wicked, corrupt scum resume their harassment with renewed vigor! So, those reprobates reopen themselves to the demon, which speaks volumes of how corrupt and wicked they are!


The Afro Light in the image represents the black municipal pawn who uses his light to harass or send messages from greedy black Baptists/Evangelicals and corrupt black municipal power, among others.

Money, power, and influence compel those black plagues!


So, again, I ask you, what is there left to do when the people harassing you are the powers, authorities, and municipalities?

Eventually, you will be driven to violence, and the pigs and goats, along with their media, always win that showdown. I want to make sure there is concrete proof to back me should I need to use excessive force in a final showdown against a body of corrupt scum who think they are so invincible and untouchable! 


Racist imperialists don’t believe in signs and omens, which will be their downfalls!

If America is so tough and fortified, why would they need tiny Australia? It’s also quite clear why Russia should have killed Zelensky long ago. Zelenksy is an imp with Napolean Syndrome. Zelensky is trying to prove he’s great while putting his people at peril, which shows he doesn’t;t care about Ukrainians! So, why should Russia care?

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