BDP Inc Movies, Series & Video Games

Read Blacc Dragon Productions Inc. series real-life, supernatural storylines and plots.


The Art of Life and Death Script

The Art of Life & Death focuses on my life's path to illumination, spiritual self-mastery, and all the people and events that helped shape it. I was advised to start...

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The Art of Life and Death Pitch

Home THE ART OF LIFE & DEATH SYNOPSIS The Art of Life and Death is too innovative for a thirty-second elevator pitch. The Art of Life & Death presentation and...

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Revelation Series Pitch

REVELATION SYNOPSIS Revelation will be an exciting streaming series about a spiritual Rhode Island family of six, the Littles. The Littles find themselves immersed in unfolding Bible prophecies. America is...

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Exorcists Demon Hunters Series

Exorcists Demon Hunters will be a series starring BTG. Entering haunted locations with known demonic entities will bury the dead paranormal investigative genre while exposing clergymen claiming to have divine...

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The Art of Life and Death

INTRODUCTION: Heaven allowed me to experience quite a bit while testing theĀ 64 Levels of Powers. Years of practical spiritual experience experimenting with the 64 Levels of Power taught me politics,...

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