

Notice: Posts with the word DRAFT are posts that haven’t been edited. There are only two of us, and only one person creating the post and rendering the oracle. We can’t delegate tasks because of political persecution. The political, corporate, and religious persecutors interfere with everything we do, from our website to banking.

When we hire services, the political scum perscutors abuse power, authority, and autonomy, trying to prove science and the bureaucracy are superior. Therefore, posts with the word DRAFT at the beginning mean that the post is being edited. If you reread the post later, it will often be more concise, and most grammatical errors are corrected.

August 16th-23rd 2023

8-21-23 12:00 pm You live in a fantasy world (we live in the real world)-Updated

DRAFT: If you read the comment section of THIS YOUTUBE VIDEO, you’ll see why Columbus law enforcement thinks they’ll get away with persecuting us (terrified civilians). THIS YOUTUBE VIDEO explains why pigs, goats, and pawns think we’re a social media experiment, believing there’s no danger or repercussions for breaking the law and violating the Constituion to harass us. 

Your reality, Pigs, Goats, and Pawns, is fantasy, so you think we’re deluded. But wait, why are you so desperately trying to intrude if we’re deluded? The world lives in a mundane social media entertainment and sports bubble.

The asshole authority figure trying to push his way into the situation via pawns appears in the oracle (the Hermit reversed). It is beyond reason to our harassers that spiritual power is real because so many fake ass attention hounds and social media frauds are polluting the world.

Now I see why we will blow people’s minds. Our Christian adversaries test YHVH in the same way, like He’s a joke. Then when tragedy and misfortune strike, those same people whine and complain!

It was a joke, huh, when we published a post that a demon flickered my lights three times, and shortly after, a fair to midland earthquake hit California today. You, Christendomite Harassers, spent your time chasing social media, movies, and sports while we suffered, and you wonder why we can do what we do.

America is a social disease, which is the root of its prophesied downfall! Two weeks ago, the oracle mentioned a small earthquake in Cali that would signal something much bigger around the bin.

The snooty Christian Americans who act proudly about their fortunes when we have to battle are weak-minded imps. Hugh Jackman wasn’t always Wolvine. So, Wolverine got to take a pampered break, let his healing factor kick in, juice up, the return all fresh.

It must be nice to pretend since I don’t get a chance to heal, with PWC, CMN, and B Christians constantly harassing me through sickness and probably death. Sick-ass, two-face Christian demoniac MFers!

Notice in the oracle below that your Massah (King of Swords (r)),  and filthy authority figure, IS CONDEMNED (Judgment (r)) the same way, and for the same reasons, the fallen angels were condemned. Autonomous abuse of authority marked the fallen angels as worthy of eternal punishment!


The High Priestess in reading is the FrontPage Oracle. The Star in the oracle represents magic and miracles coming from Stars! The High Priestess and the Star together mean Supernatural Spirituality becomes a phenomenon! But you won’t believe it until the s—- hits the fan in your window, wicked Pigs, Goats, and Pawn harassers!


8-20-23 5:25 pm That's Ok...-UPDATED

UPDATED @ 6:30 pm:


My light flashed three consecutive times earlier, PWC, CMN, B! Keep your reprobate Christian eyes on the news!  I’m at peace despite the Christian political harassment we endure because we’re assured our political persecutors and their pawns will get what they deserve when least expected, and recent events reveal how they’ll get it. Hmmm… let’s see:

A star OSU wrestler is shot during an alleged robbery, which I doubt was random (but the Columbus Pigs and the city often cover crimes related in any way to OSU)!

Sasso is an Italian surname. But Sammy Sasso looks mixed or Latino, which probably means he’s Catholic. But wait… Sasso is from where, PWC, CMN, B Catholics, and Baptists? Yup, NAZARETH.

The name Sasso is quite close to ‘sassy.’ Of all the people in Columbus to get “robbed and shot,” an Italian OSU wrestler from Nazareth, PA is the focus? Let’s move on!

A fire rips through a historic Rhode Island hotel. A quick search engine trip revealed two things: Rhode Island made a move for independence from the British on my brother Carlos’ birthday. Moreover, a fire ripped through a historic section of Hawaii. No coincidence.

Oh, Father YHVH! I really can’t wait!!!!!


Pigs, Goats, and their pawns continue taunting and harassing. Last night the pig copter flew over our residence just after I swatted a huge House Centipede chilling in plain sight on the wall above the bathroom light switch. 

After SWATTING the ugly creature dead, I heard, ” Humans will behave like the insect, boldly attempting to get attention, realizing full well they’ll be exposed. You’ll know which ones not to swat!” 

VIDEO #1: Pigs Fly Over

VIDEO #2: Pigs Fly Back Over

VIDEO #3: Pigs Fly Back Over AGAIN

Then the police helicopter flew over as if to say, “You can’t touch me, so I’ll keep harassing you!”  Demons guided that House Centipede, and my smashing it symbolizes how Heaven will swat wicked scum. I know! It’s funny and far-fetched until it isn’t!

 In YO BYBLE, you’ll notice that Heaven often asked prophets to act out coming prophecies. It might seem as if those prophets were performing empty symbolic gestures. However, that prophetic act grounds the prophecy, meaning that it would never manifest if that prophet didn’t reenact the coming events as Heaven asked. 

Maybe you’ve heard the oath spoken, “as is above, so is below” Yeah! That oath is the same as a human judge banging his corrupt gavel. In the old days, you would take a sword, utter your vow before Heaven, then plunge it into the earth to ground the oath. 

Kaballah practitioners are familiar with the Lightening Path! Divine lightning strikes down the center of the Trees and Pillars and literally signifies God’s Will manifesting in the earth. Oh, my bad. None of that spiritual intelligence is found in the ‘yo Bible!

Again, if not for knowing the outcome waiting for our political persecutors and their pawns, I would take matters into my own hands! I had two dreams last night. Once they manifest, I’ll share them. I can say that lions attacked farm pigs in the middle of the Serengeti in my second dream! WOW! A no-brainer there!


Eager African American pawns continue playing their simpleton roles in taunting us while trying to send messages! I was going to post this Oracle yesterday after black political persecution pawns suddenly turned on their porchlight in broad daylight after we published an update. (continued after the video)

“I just happened to be in the kitchen when a pawn emerged to put on a show. The rest of the details are in the video below.”

These municipal-controlled pawns are irrelevant, so they feel big playing simple roles like flicking on a porchlight in the day or speeding past in a car with weaponized bass, engines, or mufflers.

The images and accompanying video tell the rest of the story.

A: The 10 of Cups symbolizes family, love, support, community, lovers, good soul, pop, and R&B music, among other things. 

B: Contrastingly, the 10 of Rods symbolizes groups or companies of competitive, arrogant, self-righteous, or unrighteous people, infighting, jealousy, violence, clubbing, strip clubs, block parties, arrogance, sports addicts, hatefulness, rap, rock, the hood and trailer park, cheaters, unfaithfulness, and the list is endless (4:34 pm a vehicle with weaponized bass just passed the house). 

The 10 of Rod’s house doesn’t know anything about love, compassion, etc., and always tries to prey on the 10 of Cups, the most dangerous house, as we will see!

The Pennsylvania Action 6News clipping below epitomizes the 10 of Rods!

C+ B-1:  Radio Station Monkey + King of Rods reversed, black media (like The Source, Vibe, and Jet).

The image below demonstrates that the black, ‘Mesican,’ and white pawns taunting today are working for a piece of scum whose stock value is worthless, meaning these CM, PWC, and B are playing puppet for someone (Hermit reversed) who needs something valuable from me that he and the rest won’t get.

 Yet, these BAMF pawns are acting (proudly) when they would be irrelevant in any other situation. Those pawns have no value or worth, so they must play weaponized gophers and bad actors. As YHVH is my Witness, we can’t wait until those wicked reprobates are dead, sick, broke, or whatever it is that will destroy those pigs, goats, and pawns! 

Wicked scum powers demonstrate why waiting on YHVH must be reinforced with a preparation to meet violence with violence! You’re wasting your time, money, and energy, scum MF! Get your piglet goat Catholic and Baptist reprobate jollies, Chuck Wheat!


8-19-23 3:33 pm The Power of Oaths, Vows, and Promises-Update

The Oracle text provides additional information on coming events. But you can skip to the actual oracle (HERE).

Most Christians are hypocrites who put their faith in humans, fallen angels, and Nephilim. Politicians are the most wicked people. You can’t be successful in politics unless you play by the arena rules. Corruption in its various forms governs the political world. 

YHVH could care less about politicians because they serve the specific purpose of proving that humans can’t govern themselves. However, more importantly, the American government’s role is setting the stage for The Beast of Revelation and his UN puppet. When America falls, the Beast rises!

Simple-minded humans, Christians most notably, refuse to believe that Liberals stole their win over Donald Trump. One Oracle yesterday focused on energy manipulation. Everything is made of energy, including words, thoughts, actions, and emotions. When you move into a new house, start a new job, or attend a new school, energy changes. The energy change principle is the basis for Feng Shui.


Oaths and vows have spiritual power. So, breaking baptismal and marital vows are serious offenses that transgress Divine Law. Vows and oaths charge all political offices, and that charge grants authority, not just in the human sense of the word. But I want to keep this post short as possible.

Donald Trump continues to exercise influence because the Presidential office still charges him. Every time the court swats Trump’s face, the rebuke barely phases him because he’s still charged with the power of the Presidential office.

If human and fallen angel Liberals hadn’t stolen the presidential seat, you would have witnessed, naturally, Donald Trump’s impeachment, which was Heaven’s will in the first place.


The angels have planned Trump’s downfall for decades, and Liberals momentarily interfered with that process. Trump’s wicked past will consume him within six months of the 2024 election. Why? Because the charge of POTUS will begin weakening.

But in the Almighty’s Power, YHVH can salvage even the most significant human blunder to keep His plan on the right trajectory. In other words, humans delayed Heaven’s process of destroying Trump for good by usurping the presidency.


Trump is still riding the current of his presidential oath. Joe Biden’s oath was empty since he was not supposed to become president. Rewind Biden’s bumbling term in office, and it becomes painfully apparent he has no right to be there. Trump is a slithering mutant vermin. But YHVH had a specific reason for allowing Trump to win both elections, and it’s connected to the Beast’s rise.

Now, watch all the fake politic-loving Christians deny the sound and now logical truth that the despicable Trump won both elections. Liberals were too eager to take office to exalt LGBTQ, BLM, and their Babylon the Great agenda.

Patience isn’t something humans are good at exercising. But impulsive stupidity interfered in a Divine Plan that would have effortlessly impeached Donald Trump midway into his second term, as we see by the Trump legal proceedings.


So, maybe now it’s quite evident why YHVH and His angels allowed the world to reach its current state. Without thousands of years of proof and testimony, Lucifer’s Edenic-spawned lie couldn’t be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. As politics and science confirm, humans can’t govern themselves and shouldn’t have been permitted to exercise power.

So, hateful atheist nerd scientist, in His Wisdom, YHVH, chose not to interfere with human-generated filth, wickedness, and self-destruction, especially since humans are trying to prove they don’t need God or, in your case, callous nerd, that He doesn’t exist!

YHVH is a myth to those science freaks because He’s quietly permitted humans to self-destruct since they wanted so badly to be like Him and His angels.

You know how a parent puts a child out of the house and leaves them to their own devices to demonstrate tough love!?! Well, nearly nine thousand years of Tough Love only made humans think they were omnipotent!


Our political persecutors and pawns test us because they don’t believe in YHVH. Years of corrupt practice have desensitized wicked powers, authorities, and principals. Sadly, YHVH entrapped those fools as He did Donald Trump and every other evil political and corporate scum.

As today’s oracle validates, politicians and municipal powers are reprobates, so they can be touched by the wickedness that blessed them. Those politicians, especially the white ones, don’t understand what time it is prophetically. So, they’ll keep testing and trying to prove political masonic power still reigns.


To summarize this oracle, politics, big business (corporate business), and religion will receive one blow after another (seven days). Moreover, what the wicked have done to others will return tenfold.

Reprobates and repeat offenders can’t and won’t be forgiven and will need help from those they’ve hurt, tormented, or destroyed. Sadly, help for the wicked will not arrive. The Righteous and Good might want to consider cutting ties with people they know will never change, or they will destroy them in the near future.

Temptations are likely over the next four to five days. Anything without papers, concrete evidence, or reliable and credible testimony should be shunned or is too good to be true.

Liars, thieves, and other criminals will be highly active (due to demonic influence), so use caution and vigilance, especially if you’re wealthy or drive expensive vehicles.

If prayer is a last-minute resort, you can forget about it having any power to move Heaven. If you live foul, immoral, etc., your prayers are also worthless and incapable of moving YHVH. Heaven asked you to comply with simple rules that protect you. So, how do you expect Heaven to want to hear anything you have to say, paganized Christian?

Sunday will demarcate the righteous from the wicked, the blessed from the cursed, and exalted from the damned!

You’ll know for the first time if you are evil or divine!
Ronnie James Evil


8-18-23 7:32 pm Counter Witchcraft 101-Updated

UPDATE: Moments ago, an angel guided my brother’s attention as he peeped the sudden, suspicious  KIMI email I received at 9:28 pm on 8-16-23, just after we published a business update. Something that I overlooked, the angel helped my brother see clearly.

But Carlos came down with this look on his face that let me know he was about to reveal something big. Carlos looked at me and said, “Kimi, Quality Control Music!” I saw the Quality Control Music on the email but was like, WTF is that? Well, Takeoff was one of QC’s artists, as was The Migos.

Interestingly, Quavo, not Offset, is still under Quality Control Music. Quavo probably has no choice but to stick with Quality Control! But do you want to hear something crazy? SOG’s PYROHYDRO song, SHE’S ON FIRE, was a counter-witchcraft track directed at the Migos and Da Baby. Counter Witchcraft?

A counter-witchcraft track is like an invisible sneak diss with no trace of the diss. Counter Witchcraft only works for practicing people. However, most rappers use witchcraft, like Future utilizing a song to harass his ex and her man.

As you see, the Coutner Witchcraft worked because TAKEOFF used She’s On Fire to get my attention, which he couldn’t have done if the track wasn’t targeting The Migos, particularly Quavo! In other words. Kimi (or whoever) from Quality Control is Takeoff’s puppet.


Let me give you a recent example of why Counter Witchcraft is necessary when dealing with this sick-ass entertainment industry. I decided to give J-Lo’s 2022 documentary another chance after some spirits asked (nagged) me to do so.

At some point in J-Lo’s career, the industry, mostly macho warlocks, started attacking her spiritually. Faith, crucifixes, and all that doesn’t work against witchcraft, especially when you’re practicing vice! But, how could J-Lo let some corny ass, nerdy white boy s— like South Park affect her?

Morever, I forget which weak-ass nighttime talk show host was ragging on J-Lo; I think it was that corny-ass Conan O’Brien. Conan O’Brien is strictly white people’s humor. But all those corny-ass macho warlocks were casting spells against J-Lo. Now, Lizzo’s case isn’t quite like J-Lo’s.

Then, according to J-Lo, she contended with the warlocks she dated and their witchcraft (downing her). J-Lo not winning those awards is the same as weak-ass South Park making corny white-boy jokes that girlfriendless nerds crack up over.


Lizzo is receiving her witchcraft back tenfold. How can you act like you’re a bona fide diva like Beyonce or J-Lo? Lizzo wasn’t humble by any stretch of the imagination, which is the case with most divas and superstar dicks!

However,  if you’re really not confident with who you are, portraying yourself as a bad bitch is the worse kind of self-sabotaging witchcraft! Others’ witchcraft will make quick work of you if your fronting self-confidence or you rely on yesmen to boost you!


But entertainment divas often befriend gays and lesbians who have a dangerous form of their own witchcraft. You, divas, surround yourselves with gay men who want to be you and lesbians who want to be with you. That kind of witchcraft is a slow poison that is undetectable.

Suppose a diva suddenly comes down with some unexplained sickness. Always think of witchcraft in some fashion! But more often than not, that witchcraft is coming from someplace close!

Sean Combs, JZ, Quincy Jones, and Clive Davis epitomize the kind of warlocks that destroy weak women. A man who allows competition between a woman, a transgender, or a gay male is one who will eventually poison your soul.

Warlock BS is one reason Hollywood and entertainment females are stepped on or converted to lesbianism! That is how dangerous warlock witchcraft is versus its female counterpart!

You can be a fool and trust your gay and lesbian help or your warlock leading man or singer, and it will bring you down. Witches resorted to witchcraft and black magic because of that warlock-ery and wizardry (old gay patriarch males)!


But divas and sorority females use the same witchcraft as their warlock parallels. How? A female will claim she’s just going out for a weekend with the girls when they’ll be bumping p—- all weekend long. Somewhere during the course of the evening, the boyfriend or husband starts feeling weak, inadequate or lost as his girlfriend is muff diving.

When the girlfriend returns from her weekend ‘lezcapade,’  the man is usually docile and eating out of her palm. Witcraft is just energy manipulation.  A woman sensing her man cheating or a man dreaming his girl is fooling around are forms of energy manipulation. A gazelle sensing a lion’s approach is the same type of premonition (sensing a negative or dangerous change in energy)!

You counter that kind of wicked  female witchcraft by going to the strip club with your homies, finding a thot who’s also tricking, and ‘wax her off.’ Then, the male’s girlfriend or wife feels as if she needs to cut her revelry short and returns home with her tail between her legs.

However, righteous people don’t have to worry about any of that witchcraft! All you good Jehovah’s Witness kiddies tempted to go to the world, take heed as a wicked world full of witchcraft-practicing heathenized pagans awaits you! I lie is simple witchcraft at its finest!


I’m not saying all of this trying to be fly or cute. You can’t move a person’s soul with ulterior motives (the 31st and 61st I Ching Hexagrams)! Spirits asked me to post this info, and Angels gave me the OK! So, there’s that!

I’m very cold and detached at the moment because I battle spiritually daily. I’m in a killer frame of mind, so I feel very little compassion, empathy, or mercy, except for my brother Carlos.

If not for my role in Heaven’s plan, I would ditch all of this (music, etc.), stockpiles weapons, and snap due to constant PWC and CMN persecution.

People listen to my soul and R&B music and wonder how I could be so cold or how I can switch into Soldier Mode in my raps! Mudhark white boys and girls also underestimate me, judging a book by its cover in a way they would never do a dark-skinned African-American thug. Those ‘trynna-be-ni—s  wouldn’t even test a dark-skinned nerd!

War is hell!  But to beat a devil or demon, you must become one without losing your soul, something law enforcement fails at miserably! I know exactly how to become a demon or devil (desensitized detachment). Spiritual battle requires that kind of extreme separation of the soul from the body.

Click HERE to read the post this current post updates. 


8-18-23: 5:20 pm Oracle Update-1-Updated

UPDATED 8-20-23 @ 11L58 am:

As expected, our Christian political persecutors exploit their pawns attempting to send messages after the 1:00 post publish below. These fools continue demonstrating that YHVH isn’t their God, and The Master isn’t their Lord!

However, this illustrated post continues demonstrating how spirituality differs greatly from hypocritical religious practice. 


Let’s start with spirits guiding my brother Carlos to go to the store at a specific moment. As Carlos approached Ambleside, lo and behold, he ENCOUNTERED a 6 on Your Side van. I capitalized ‘encoutner’ because the encounter is one of infinite I Ching 19th Hexagram interpretations. 

Please click the image to watch the video.

I told my brother during morning prayer and mediation we were looking for the 10 of Rods, which is a news agency with other supporting oracle elements. 

Traffic and out-of-stock food delayed Carlos’ store run, which frustrated him. However, at two different locations, Carlos encountered SUVs with busted back windows, which correlated with his dream last night!


I’ve shared a story of how demons manipulated stop lights, ensuring that I arrived at Churche’s Chicken at 5th and Cleveland just as some unaware opps exited the building. I wanted to kill those “opps” on the spot!

But Gabriel intervened, assuring me that the moment was a lesson (that demons arrange deadly encounters and that The Law of Cause and Effect deliver Vengeance). Interestingly, not too long after that supernatural Churches Chicken encounter, one of those opps was murdered (not by my people or me), and the other received a life sentence.

Ancient Shinobi received the same supernatural guidance that put them in the right spot to eliminate an enemy! Fuzzy-head Woodchuck MMA laugh and taunt Shinobi because they don’t understand Shinobi were killers, assassins who employed whatever means to eliminate an adversary, including poison vaginas!

Macho ring fighting isn’t life and death!  I’ve been Ninjustsu’s student since I was fifteen, as another post will demonstrate. Not fake, macho dojo white boy Ninja! Shinobi!


I heard a weaponized vehicle pass the house. I asked my brother Carlos to check the camera. Carlos didn’t hear the vehicle but found the footage. Our political perscutors use pawns in weaponized vehicles to draw attention to staged events or to harass us.

“I received the oracle below after sensing the SUV’S rumbling. Politics and religion (the Hierophant reversed) compel the staged incident. Politics and religion often signify Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, and Presbyterians!”

“The above oracle verifies our adversaries don’t have YHVH on their side, which drives their corrupt actions! Catholics (etc) and Baptist appear in the oracle!”

As I prepared this update, my brother sent an email of the exploited pawns driving the loud SUV (VIDEO). Immediately, I called Carlos down for a quick meditation and testimony. Without even seeing the oracle 


We must testify for each other before YHVH. So, I needed Carlos to come down, view the oracle that contained the 5 coins, and testify before YHVH. That testimony is always the same. So, for example, when I showed Carlos the 5 of Coins in the oracle, Carlos testified, “I see the connection to the 5 of Coins, in Father YodHeVavHe’s Name.”

Another example of having to provide testimony comes when we see wicked Christians claiming to belong to The Master’s Flock. So, for example, I will say, “In Father YodHeVavHe’s Holy Name, these Christians are guilty of being 2nd Tim 3 scum, yet claim to worship Father and follow the Master’s teaching,” and Carlos will do the same! Testifying before Heaven is an automatic ritual we don’t have to think about doing. It just happens the moment we see something evil or good!

My brother’s spiritual gifts have amplified since he began working with my 64 Levels of  Power copy. I loaned Carlos that copy so we could practice together and continue subjecting the 64 Levels of Power to the scientific method.

I hadn’t mentioned the  FrontPage Oracle with the 5 of Coins to Carlos because he usually reads it after we publish it. So, Carlos had no idea that the 5 of Coins was the focus of the reading, yet it flashed in his mind’s eye.

“Carlos sent a message with the email containing the surveillance camera footage. There’s no way Carlos could have known the 5 of Coins appears in THE ORACLE!”


Religious municipal powers are deluded! Mentoring isn’t in my Divinely Authorized job description any more than staying in Columbus. Moreover, the high school and college students in that dream were more like friends. Females in that group were even trying to holler at me. That dream was an omen about the car crashing into a Hilltop Elementary school.


Some demons can only appear in dreams to reveal their next deed. That demon would be a nightmare for humans. So, I’m exorcising demons in my sleep! The same demon caused both vehicles to crash into schools (Livingston Elementary and today’s Hilltop elementary school crash). Speaking of Exorcist..


That Pope’s Exorcists was HORRENDOUS! The first thing I noticed was THE JERK priest’s name was SULLIVAN! Wow! That’s my Pop’s surname. Morever, the ‘Exorcist’ Gabrielle fights Asmodeus in true Catholic propaganda fashion. But wait! We published a post about my real battle against Asmodeus, which will appear in three episodes of the Art of Life & Death. But check this out…

“Notice a cripple and bastard appear on the 5 of Coins, which flashed in Carlos’ mind’s eye as he reviewed the footage!”

How could ‘Father Gabielle’ be a real exorcist and not know that Beelzebub, not Asmodeus, is Blasphemy? Beelzebub compels all unholy acts against YHVH, including blasphemy! So, for example, Beelzebub compelled Madonna and Lady Gaga’s blaspheme. Madonna is so blasphemous that Richard Ramirez used her music to rape and molest helpless girls.

Richard Ramirez’s apartment was fifth incarnate, which is the perfect habitat for demons, partially Beelzebub, to manifest. Foul smells, dookie, vomit, all of that comes from Beelzebub, which is one reason he’s the Lord of Flies. Amazon’s Good Omens tried to be cute with its Beelzebub depiction..

A person who smells like dookie, but is unphased, is often under Beelzebub’s influence. How else could a person normalize the smell of their own stinking butt, and not be affected? There’s something wrong with a person walking around other sane people with a stinking butt who acts offended when you address the stench.

Nerd science and psychology will provide other ‘actually-illogical’ explanations for a supernatural event, like a foul-smelling person simply being out of their mind. A spiritual issue lies at the base of psychological disorders and conditions.

I know that Beelzebub was one of the devils possessing Ted Bundy because Bundy would have sex with decomposing bodies. So, again, so-called Exorcists, you’ve failed miserably to prove your Catholic supremacy.


Father Gabriele promoted idolatry when he told the little possessed boy’s mother in The Pope’s Exorcists to “Pray to her guardian angel!” You’re not supposed to pray to anyone but YHVH. Yet, Catholics and most of Christendom don’t even use God’s Name! So, what does that tell you?

So, again, you wicked demonic Christian pigs, goats, and pawns! Keep adding to your already condemned sentences with your unholy, typical religious Christedomite antics!

Our political persecutors can’t stop pushing because YHVH is not their Father. If YHVH were your Father, you would let Him dispatch His angels to pass messages, not try to play God!


8-18-23 1:00 pm Another Dream Comes True-Update

DRAFT: I was supposed to post this Dream Oracle update with the 5th Avenue Monopoly Man Dave Thomas dream post. But the 5th Avenue dream took a lot of time to create.

On 8-16-23, I dreamed I was mentoring poor mature black and white students. Those students were both college and high-school-age, indicating that contemporary high schoolers’ maturity level equals college-aged students. This post is short because I’ve got work to finish.

Long story short, in the first dream, I mentored those students at the site where the old dilapidated Livingston Elementary School stood when I was a child. I knew my location in the dream because of the elbow-like curve at that spot. I didn’t realize the city had built a new Livingston Elementary close to the original in 2007.

VIDEO #1: Google search history backs the claim that yesterday I was looking for the demolished building that was the old Livingston Elementary School to corroborate my dream.

VIDEO #2: The Google search took me to a page with the image of the car crashing into the Livingston Elementary School.

Immediately, a news story about a car crashing into Livingston Elementary School caught my eye during my Google search. I was supposed to post that image with an Oracle Update yesterday.

So, imagine my surprise that a vehicle crashed into an elementary school on Hilltop today. Moreover, West High School also captivated my attention, along with the Poindexter Village demolition during yesterday’s spiritual Google Earth journey. At least the city saved a piece of Poindexter Village.

I learned several things yesterday as Dave Thomas showed me around the city. Whoever brainstormed The Livingston should receive an award. However, I hope The Livingston provides good security for the facility and its residents.

I spent my entire childhood at The Livingston location because my grandmother lived at 954 Geers Av. There was a drug store on the corner and a clinic beside it at The Livinsgton spot.

You may recall that my grandmother died in a house fire at 954 Geers. Moreover, in 2021, we posted an Oracle about another dream I had involving two she-bears,  my grandmother’s sister Pauline’s Driving Park house, and the intersection of Fariwood and Livingston.

The morning of that 2021 dream, I downloaded murder cases from the CPD webpage when I came across one with the address 954 Geers Av. I hadn’t remembered my grandmother’s address, yet it came to me when I saw the murder report.

In an uncanny supernatural twist, sometime between 2019-2021, a white murder victim was shot down the alley from my grandmother’s old house but collapsed at the back of her house.


Speaking of the dead…

Of all the things that could pop up, Angus Cloud and Pee Wee Herman appear on a WBNS update page, which is no coincidence. Yesterday’s oracle referenced suicide, but it was more allegorical than literal.

However, the Oracle did state that those who’ve died by suicide would attempt to reach out on Thursday. As soon as I saw Angus Cloud’s picture, I heard, “Don’t forget us!”

But notice the 10 TV news recap shows the Circleville police appear to use FOP witchcraft to cover their tracks! Deploying a K-9 dog unjustly is a violation of department policy!


8-17-23 7:00 pm The Vanity of Humanity

DRAFT: This post will continue demonstrating how we received constant supernatural guidance to keep us on track. But this email will also showcase capitalist bureaucrat harassment!

I don’t share my dreams for glory. Revealing my dreams is a validator that supports our claims because they coincide with actual events. Gabriel suggested video recording my meditations and dream logs earlier this year for the same reason. I also record our daily meditations.


Last night, in the dream world, I was at 5th Avenue and Nelson Rd, here in Columbus. In that dream, a bank was at that intersection instead of a BP gas station (please see the image below). I was holed up at that bank with a group of wealthy white people. We were waiting for a storm to pass.

The Monopoly Man was also in the dream, cracking jokes, and trying to be the life of the party. The atmosphere was festive, almost-hippy-like. However, once the storm passed, the group dissipated. When I emerged from the bank’s front door, I immediately recognized the Wendy’s store located at that corner (in real life). 

5th Avenue has a more ritzy reputation in New York. When I saw the Monopoly Man, I knew it referenced 5th Avenue Manhattan, not ghetto east 5th Avenue Columbus. But when I saw Wendy’s in the dream, it summoned its founder, Dave Thomas.

“The oracle below features the Little Greedy Capitalist who can’t take no for an awswer, and is one of the sponsors of the municipal-powered polticial harassment we endure daily!”


Dave Thomas (in the spirit) was trying to preach Columbus support, etc, etc. I spent an hour and a half via Google Earth as Dave took me around a Columbus that I didn’t recognize! I don’t get out much because I’m performing the task of a small corporation. I didn’t get to spend much time with my son Raphael before he left because I was always working.

“Thomas is a Bible name meaning twin (or GEMINI in this case). There must have been a darker side to Dave Thomas, especially with his alledged Masonic membership!”

I haven’t been to downtown Columbus since 2017 and haven’t been further than a block in a year. Scum capitalist bureaucrats forced me to assume a phenomenal ten-year burden with their blacklisting and political persecution.

There is no one to delegate work to because there’s only one person doing all of that work which required self-education and experience! Yet, those capitalist scum have the nerve to invade my privacy and rights, making demands! 

After Dave’s spiritual sermon, he reluctantly revealed a piece of his past. A few days ago, during meditation, you might recall that an angel told my brother Carlos to look out for Freemasons, Catholics, and two other groups. The Rosicrucian secret society is like a Catholic Freemason. The name Thomas is also an omen since it means ‘twin’ in Aramaic.


So, it wasn’t a shock that AT&T sent a worker to our door earlier today, which was purposeless. But just before the AT&T worker appeared, my brother received a phone call from the company, which was anything but a coincidence.

Click HERE to watch a video of the ‘AT&T’ worker and notice his body language and posture. Municipal scum repeated the same fiasco in THIS VIDEO on 8-9-23 that THIS ORACLE predicted. You’ll notice in THIS IMAGE Amazon Prime was showing out for the camera on 8-9-23.

The twats who authorized that ‘AT&T’ worker are behaving disrespectfully, testing me by sending that fool to our door. Our municipal-powered persecutors continue trying to make good on their bureaucrat promises to force us to acknowledge their discreet business connections. That municipal, corporate connection is probably associated with Lex Wanker, Columbus’ billionaire, and OSU owner.


AT&T was formally Ohio Bell. But what is AT&T known for? Yup. So, as soon as I saw AT&T, ‘Communication’ by the POWER STATION started playing in my head, specifically, “DON’T HANG UP! GOTTA KEE-EP IN TOUCH, DON’T PUT ME ON HOLD!

Moreover, you can flip the homophones Wendy and Windy, and you have Chicago. I’ll explain why there are two versions of Friends with Benefits, the LA Times Mix and the Chicago Sun-Times Mix, later. But the story behind those remix titles is also supernatural.


We’re about to contact all of these big names. But watch how difficult it will be to get any form of communication. Why? Because politics and policy stall the process, which is normal. Yet, powerful people think they can intrude upon us when they didn’t want to hear anything we had to say, particularly local OSU-powered municipal scum!

However, Gabriel suggested announcing our intentions in a public press release to reach out to those places. Hence, they’ll recognize that ZenTao Enterprises represents Blacc Dragon Productions Inc. and For Your Own Records Inc, and ‘Gino’ is the agent when we approach. 

Usually, if you don’t have an agent or a connection, trying to circumvent the industry’s ‘iron wall’ is near impossible. Those big-name corporations probably receive thousands of emails from people pushing ideas in their faces, which is why Gabriel and seven other angels admonished publishing our content in a way that showcases our brand of entertainment and its quality. 

We’ve been promoting and publicizing our brands since 2019. The BTG Starlight publicity campaign was successful because it put eyes on us who have watched since that moment. Yet, watch the games begin the instant we reach out to these agencies!


My brother mentioned something about Tyler Perry and Sean Colmbs trying to buy BET from Paramount, which has nothing to do with us. African Americans don’t usually make the best corporate executives, particularly in the entertainment industry.

Bad Boy, No Limit, Solar Records, and LaFace never achieved long-term major label status. Many African Americans still haven’t learned the cardinal lesson. Money isn’t absolute power.

African Americans focus too intently on money and showcasing it rather than impeccable management. You don’t run out and buy brand-new cars, clothes, and everything with investment money. When you achieve your first big financial break, you don’t make it rain for ‘thots.’ 

Managing finances is like the bull dad saying to his son, “No, son! Let’s walk down and f— all the bulls instead of running down a f— one.” How do African Americans not own a black-originated corporation like BET? 

What went so wrong that black folks don’t own BET??? Now that’s shameful (yet you’re in our faces talking about black pride)! Stop talking to me about black power when you no longer own BET! Where do Oprah and her billions play a role in blacks not owning BET?

Oprah’s running around Africa trying to help, which is Halal. But Oprah can’t reacquire BET? Shameful! Where’s all that legendary pimping African Americans talk about? Allegorically, a good manager knows how to pimp! We own everything, so the same capitalists are trying to bully us. But you can’t pimp (bully) a mack (a boss)! 


Startup funding is easy to acquire when you have a solid business plan, which we have. But we invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in ourselves, allowing us to pre-concretize our plan, and who guided and backed our entire journey? Father YHVH, His angels, and human spirits! 

We fully comprehend our worth and value, as shown in our concise, well-formulated business plan. How many rappers approach industry institutions with a business plan? YUP!!!! Very few!

We’ve done all the marketing and branding work, which excites investors because everything is tangible, and all that’s required are the finances to begin generating large sums of capital in the short term. The minimum income we’ll yield in the first year is $100M. Once our games and series are released, we’ll quadruple that figure! 

Generating publicity and promoting our projects is effortless because we can do–precisely–what we say. There’s no hype needed to energize our publicity campaign because the hype is true!

THIS VIDEO demonstrates a bureaucrat scum-authorized pawn still trying to push into our situation at 7:47 pm this evening. The pigs, goats, and their harassing pawns deserve nothing less than death because they continue to use force, even after fifteen years.

 Quit trying to play God, municipal bitch! You’re already marked for death (which is–probably–why you’ll keep pushing, you soulless POS)!


At 9:28 pm last night, I received another suspicious email just after publishing our business update. 

Click the IMAGE to read the suspicious ‘Kimi’ email.

The email was from an alleged ‘Kimi.’ ‘She’s on Fire’ is a SOG 2019 PYROHYDRO track. So, it’s interesting that ‘Kimi’ claimed she just heard She’s on Fire and was ‘catching up.’ ‘Kimi’ is a fabricated thot that capitalist scum used to violate my space.

I use SOG and SoldierOfYHVH, not my name. So, Kimi using my name already aroused suspicion. My response to Kimi is in the image. I’ve heard no reply from Kimi because his cover is blown. Since I am a SOG, I intend to change my name to my professional title.


8-16-23 3:15 pm Business and Angelic Marketing Strategy

DRAFT: Our ZenTao conglomerate consists of Blacc Dragon Productions Inc, and For Your Own Protection Records Inc.  Shortly, you can read all about our tiny conglomerate on the ABOUT US page. We performed thorough test marketing research and crafted our promotional and publicity campaign. 

For example, FYOP Records Inc. entitled the October BTG release THE ART OF LIFE & DEATH to support its first short-term marketing objectives. We have a line of apparel with twenty titles, like The Art of Life and Death, that you can peep on our merchandise page shortly.

BTG’s music videos will be three to five-minute episodes of the AOLD. FYOP Records Inc. and its distributor will begin promoting The 15-song Art of Life and Death music project shortly. As you see, we really only require distribution since the marketing and branding are already in place.

By summer 2024, BDP Inc., in association with its distributor, will release phase one of the mobile version of The AOLD, which will keep our following and customer base engaged.

ZenTao Enterprises, in association with its publisher, will release The 64 Levels of Power next Christmas. BTG will begin filming the Exorcists Demon Hunters in the spring of 2024 and release the first season right in time for Holloween.

Actors and actresses will play BTG’s roles and characters’ roles (Madam-eX, etc.) in The Art of Life and Death. Madam-eX, Revelation, and War in Heaven movies. So a bit of time is required to materialize those cinematic features.

However,  BTG will participate in the CG and live-action AOLD, Madam-eX, Granny Gross All-Stars, Revelation, War in Heaven, and Gomer Punk series, among scores of other series and movies coming from BDP Inc. While our persecutors and their pawns harassed and taunted us, we endured their torment, and look at the reward.

Sadly Christendomites are fools who don’t understand the purpose of suffering, pain, and self-sacrifice, and how it defines seeking first the Kingdom. However, we know that very few Christians believe that seeking first the Kingdom will reward you with whatever this worthless world offers. But more importantly, trying to discover YHVH first ensures that your soul is cleansed and prepared to return home to Eden if that’s you’re objective!

So, again, hypocrite Christian municipal powers and clergy, your actions validate that you DON’T KNOW YHVH or His angels since money, power, and pleasure are your obsessions!

Our story is phenomenal because we worked through years of capitalist-motivated political and religious persecution with spiritual guidance. The Art of Life & Death will retell that true story in all its glory, pain, and persecution!

So, we’ll be approaching Sony Music and Playstation, and Netflix. I designed our website’s front page after Paramount+. So, there’s that. We will contact entertainment agents to connect with directors, artists, and actors.

We’re also shopping for an agent, so contacting agents and agencies serves a duo purpose. Contacting entertainment agencies doesn’t necessarily mean anything will come of it, which is why we have angel investors that will be waiting in the wings.

Angel investors are similar to record labels and movie studios. Our value has been proven, so it won’t shock angel investors when we reveal that disruptive innovation is why so many have tried to stop us from doing exactly what we’re about to do!

Our business plan will do all the talking after the Letter of Confidentially is signed, sealed, and delivered. Monday, August 20, 2023, we’ll begin making all of the connections and contacts. Remember, we don’t act without spiritual counsel. Publishing this post is part of that spiritual counsel. So we already know what to expect. 


8-16-23 5:26 pm Art of Demon Hunting

DRAFT: NOTE: We speed up certain video soundtracks for comedic effects.

NOTE: We speed up certain video soundtracks for comedic effects.

This post demonstrates why The Art of Life and Death and Exorcist Demon Hunters will make history while dispelling lies, myths, and religious fabrications. My Brother Carlos, Los for short, had a dream featuring Chris Rock, Stephen A. Smith, and Future on 8-14-23.

We waited to publish the post until we received the sign that it was time. That sign came today when a video of Stephen A Smith on a podcast with Jake Paul. The YouTube video popped up in Los’ side feed. That video was another omen.

DRAFT:  We waited to publish the post until we received the sign that it was time.  That sign came today when a video of Stephen A Smith on a Paul George podcast popped up on YouTube. The YouTube video popped up in Los’ side feed. That video was another omen. Smith responded to Rich Paul’s D—Rider reaction to a LeBron James comment.

This post continues after the BTG: Look Ma, No Tats Podcast of Los’ Dream.

There are LeBron James fans and Lebron James d—- Riders. Rich Paul is a LaKong James D— Rider. You see, LaBron James DR’s are like him. Your average James DR didn’t go to college, yet they are always bragging about what they would have done on the pro court.

Worse still, another kind of LaKong James DR brags about winning the McDonald’s All-Star game in high school and is always “tahmbout’ how he could he would have gone pro.  But you never made it to college, N—-!

Then there is the James DR, who plays streetball like it’s the NBA, then sits around for weeks “tahmbout’ the play nobody that matters ever saw!

But Rich Paul is the kind of LaBron James D—- R—– who lives in the same fantasy world LaBron James lives. You know! The universe that James is as great or greater than Michael Jordon. There would be no LaKong James to pretend to be without Jordan.

LeBron James whined and bullied his way to renown! So, people who really didn’t earn their way, stole others’ moves and mannerisms, and call that great are LeBron James D— R—-s!

Boisterous braggarts and bullies love them some LaBron James. But we know why David Stern exalted LaBron James, and that’s one reason we stopped liking him early in his career (around 2006). 

When LeBron James shat on Stephan Mulberry’s “cheap shoes,” that really told us what type of person LeBron James is. James’ line of sneakers are some of the ugliest, loudest, goofiest shoes ever made. But chalk that up to trying to beat Jordon’s! James appearing in Space Jams was another attempt to outdo Jordon, which History shows failed miserably!

Without David Stern manipulating the game of basketball for one person, James wouldn’t have lasted this long. Cheating refs and other factors made LeBron James larger than life. However, according to the angelic Oracle, James is history (only he refuses to acknowledge the inevitable memo).

We’re glad James’ son is doing better. But how much more of a sign does James need to realize that grave misfortune is coming his way? Oh, that’s right! James’ clergy is probably filling his head, as clergy does with our political perscutors and their pawns! 

Michael Jordon performed the same historic role as Julius Ervin. So many phenomenal NBA players have blessed the game, Barkley, Rodman, Drexler, and Bird. But one man changed the game into something it had never been. Is it any wonder Jordan is named after an angel? The same is true for Tyson, a legend who changed the face of boxing entirely!

Bosses, men of honor, and Men’s Men don’t dick-ride, and not even females. A Man’s Man honors and respects worthwhile men without cheerleading. Stating facts and truth is what men of honor live by. Tricks and punks cheerlead other men.

On that note, my brother Carlos will be acting as the momentary liaison as we clear the mechanical license for ESPN NBA videos for the Rebound (Game Time Remix), Tha Rebound, and 7’Um 11’Um music videos.

BDP Inc. and FYOP Inc. will also be submitting music like the Scheme’n Rhym’n and Thieve’n instrumental to ESPN for its program use. Los keeps up with sports because I just don’t have the time at the moment. But that’s about to change!


Before I forget. Los has tats. I was going to get tats in 2014 until the angel Gabriel said I couldn’t. I’ve explained Gabirel’s reasons for forbidding me to get tats. Long story short, a warrior priest can’t have tats because he will not be protected. The  Divine Logic is sound, and we’ll explain it another time!

DRAFT: Daily, I exorcize demons. However, exorcise really isn’t the correct term. I interrogate and then banish the demon that manifests to reveal its next divinely scheduled tragedy, catastrophe, or disaster. For example, a demon appeared last night and announced it would compel some allegorical or literal instance of suicide on Thursday.

On December 2, 2021, a demon manifested while brushing my teeth and knocked a cup from my hand. The splash from the fallen cup formed a face I immediately recognized as the demon Buer. Demons enter homes through movies and series. 

BTG: Look Ma, No Tats Podcast


The previous day, I watched Deliver Us from Evil. When I say that Deliver Us From Evil is real, I mean that a soldier in Afghanistan could easily pick up a djinn and bring it back home.

King Solomon first mastered those demons. Solomon eventually bound the demons in a vase (Aladdin’s lamp). However, Arab folk recovered the vase, and ancient Babylon was the aftermath. So, the demons, or djinn’s operation base, is the Middle East!

I had no demonic interactions for nearly a month until I watched Deliver Us From Evil. Like the 1973 The Exorcist, demons are in Deliver Us From Evil. Deliver Us from Evil is another overly dramatic Catholic Hollywood story that’s more fabricated than true. But, again, the demons are in that movie! 

The closer we get to the apocalypse, those types of demonic possessions you see in Catholic Hollywood movies become real. In reality, a zombie is a demon-possessed human. Drug addicts are demon compelled, which would explain a former rapper turning cannibal after smoking sherm. But you’ve seen plenty of demon-possessed drug addicts in the news and shows like The First 48.

Demons enter your lives through vice and other mediums like video. But the angel Michael is unleashing the demons as Revelation predicted. Look around you and try to deny that conditions haven’t significantly deteriorated!

What was it that scripture said? Oh, that’s it BABYLON HAS BECOME A HAUNT FOR DEVILS AND DEMONS! For your entertainment, BTG will hunt those demons who will put on their own spectacular shows!

Unlike the gamut of paranormal tv series, the Exorcists Demon Hunters series is safe for the audience to watch. In the Exorcist Demon Hunters, cameras set up around the house we’ll live in capture all of the supernatural phenomena, including demonic manifestation, for seven days before BTG heads out to known demonic locations those demons haunt.

Our dashcams and camera people will follow nearly everything we do. Omens, signs, and indicators providing guidance and warnings are part of our daily lives and routines. But there are other innovative and engaging aspects of the Exorcist Demon Hunters we’re not revealing.

Exorcist Demon Hunters will be hilarious, entertaining, and terrifying, with regular celebrity guest appearances, among other enticements.

DRAFT: This is a quick update showcasing a video we’ve presented in the past of a spirit kicking a heavy window out of the frame. You’ll notice the window is bent! The spirit was trying to get our attention and warn about impending weaponized harassment from our political perscutors, Colonial Chuck, and his sidekick, Chief Wheat!

“You’ll notice in the video that we had no idea what had happened. We have videos in stragegic places around the house due to Poltical persecution.”

The synopsis for Exorcists Demon Hunters is itself exciting. Once our asses are fully covered, we’ll share that innovative storyline that will make television history.

We’re making sure that no Hollywood knock-offs start surfacing on Discovery and YouTube without serious legal repercussions. I mean, the objective of capitalism, after all, is to eliminate, not encourage, competition (and we speak from experience).

Exorcists Demon Hunters will humiliate many skeptics, liars, cheats, and deceives, including the Satanists! Speaking of Discovery, we’ll be hollering at them to clear the videos in the EXORCIST DEMON HUNTER preview you can read HERE. We’ll also take a stab at pitching the Exorcists Demon Hunters series to Discovery! No matter the outcome of our industry shopping, we will have the funding to launch our entire line of entertainment.

We’ll be uploading parts two and three of the ORACLE shortly. Meanwhile,  click HERE to watch a video of another 7-25-23 ‘exorcism.’ Interestingly, I just noticed that a spirit pushed the window out on 7-25-20, and I exorcised the demon Valefor on 7-25-23 (three years later). So, what spirit pushed that window out, and just took credit for it?

I received spiritual information about suicides on 8-17-23. I can say that suicide is also referring to someone who hangs themself publically, causing disgrace, dishonor, and humiliation. Suicide-suicide, or the spirits of suicide, will play a role in Thursday’s Oracle. Demons often play the role of the voice that drives the desperate to take their own lives.

If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts or a crisis, please reach out immediately to the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 or text HOME to the Crisis Text Line at 741741. These services are free and confidential.


8-16-23 5:26 pm The Corrupt, Christian Capitalist American Way

DRAFT: We endure constant harassment, and the following videos demonstrate, in a few hours, fifteen years of the same thing. My brother was trying to mow the lawn when almost everything you’re about to see transpired.

4:14 pm (VIDEO): Columbus Police copter flies over the house, and Los flips them off.

4:16 pm (VIDEO): I heard to come upstairs and start filming. I noticed my brother was looking into his phone. But I immediately saw two sets of black municpal pawns showing off for the camera. Suddenly the back porch light was on when it was off all day. The other black pawns scattered when they realized they were being recorded.

4:32 pm (VIDEO) Gray truck flies through a 20mph zone, as several other pawns did.

5:25 pm (VIDEO): Los was raking up the grass when he noticed a truck parked in front of the house. Lo and behold, the landlord’s maintenance man husband shows up unannounced. But notice the weaponized truck that passes seconds later.

6:49 pm (VIDEOS) Mexican-Latin-Catholic-World Harvest pawns strike again.

Another weaponized Beaner attack just occurred (7:54 pm). So again, because criminal PWC CMN pigs and goats have no boundaries, there is no way to stop the harassment short of killing. Then, if you kill a pig or goat, the media and the pigs work together to make it seem like you’re the monster. 

But this post demonstrates the truth about sick-ass America and its capitalistic Christendom. Disruptive Innovation will put you on your greedy assess, and the competition gains the upper hand, capitalist B—-!

The right amount of money can end partnerships, as we’ll see. The Constituion and Capitalism, the Greatest White Lies! I don’t care about your pawns! By the Power and Might of YHVH, if He doesn’t get you, I’m a get your punk ass, Bitch! Your pawns are irrelevant irritations!


8-19-23 1:41 am Old PWC Dead Man and His Pawns

THIS VIDEO demonstrates white trash, flag-waving, power-abusing PWC trying to be scary because they’re terrified. 

That type of ignorant human refuse doesn’t take heed to warning and instead tries to prove his PWC human authority. As we’ve mentioned repeatedly,  the only way to stop the scum is to eliminate it because they are so used to breaking the law with their good ole boy justice they won’t quit!

We turned the volume of the video down because it would have hurt your ears. We’re going to demonstrate how you entrap and expose that type of trash. Investigating law enforcement and other wickedness with a private investigator will yield all kinds of evidence!

If Conservatives can’t wake up and distance themselves from the racist Republican party, it will be a cold day in Hell before they win another election. Tim Scott is a Republican joke that is no longer funny. A few more rounds, and we’ll see Scott throw in the towel.

PWC Republicans are counting on Trump, which will backfire. Trump is history, whether he and the band of Chucksters realize it! Ohio is only 14% Black and 4% Latino. So, regardless of what POS was hiding in the dar, making that infernal racket at 1 am, a racist (operative word) PWC pulls the strings!

All you’ll ever be, you troll PWC, is an Ohio State cheerleader wishing he was a superstar! PAB!

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Please click HERE for more information about the FRONTPAGE ORACLE. Team Woody is the codename for the corrupt ‘Christian’ Columbus, Ohio municipal powers that have persecuted us for sixteen years. We also use the FrontPage Oracle to counter Team Woody’s political persecution (the Oracle Response Blog). Please read the PIGS GOATS and PAWNS, and OPERATION BREAK BEAK posts for more information.