
The FrontPage Oracle

Tump’s Self-Lynching Administration: part 2

Tump’s Self-Lynching Administration: part 2



Remember, the oracle highlighted suicide, abuse, and political corruption. The Devil appeared in Uncle Sam’s guise in the 2-10-25 Oracle. Notice that the Devil appears again at the 12:03 a.m. Oracle I cast. The angel clarifies that Trump’s sudden, senseless change is politically and financially motivated. That likely means that Trump, not America, can gain from his sudden Netanyahu alliance.

Trump and Netanyahu worship the same gods: money and political influence. Both are godless men. Money and political influence doubtlessly aided Trump in navigating and circumventing prosecution and accountability. It is impossible for Donald Trump to have skirted dealing with the Italian Mafia, specifically in building his casinos and hotels. A convicted criminal is the President of the United States.


Full ‘Quean’ Ahead:

As you see, Trump came out of the starting block making one extreme, foolish move after another. It would have been wiser to exercise restraint and employ more subtle clandestine ‘chess strategies.’ A prudent and sensible politician would first feel the waters for ripples and undercurrents of his formidable adversaries’ moves. Instead, Trump, intoxicated by his reelection, has only enraged his adversaries, who will formulate the perfect intrigue to tighten Trump’s self-wrought noose, and burn him at the stake.

Revelation’s Beast Master will be of German and Jewish descent. That partial Jewish heritage is why the Jews will trust that Beast Master who will rebuild their temple. Then Beast Master will betray the Jews, demanding their worship and loyalty. Donald Trump is the Beast Master’s template, his forerunner. Trump is full steam ahead, exercising very little restraint or conservatism, crossing legal, moral, and common sense boundaries.

Flattening The Front Musk and Axle:

The first of many insurmountable obstacles will injure Trump’s locomotive. Elon Musk will make a series of erroneous, resign-worthy blunders, further crippling Trump’s mobility. Many incapable, incompetent people Trump placed in important positions that will further his administration’s stability.

By mid-spring, Trump’s momentum will reverse, as he will have committed enough blunders for his formidable adversaries to capitalize upon. Trump and Netanyahu will hang themselves, with Trump’s self-lynching preceding the latter. Donald Trump and his minions personify the All-American bully.