Most Christians are hypocrites who put their faith in humans, fallen angels, and Nephilim. Politicians are the most wicked people. You can’t be successful in politics unless you play by the arena rules. Corruption in its various forms governs the political world.
YHVH could care less about politicians because they serve the specific purpose of proving that humans can’t govern themselves. However, more importantly, the American government’s role is setting the stage for The Beast of Revelation and his UN puppet. When America falls, the Beast rises!
Simple-minded humans, Christians most notably, refuse to believe that Liberals stole their win over Donald Trump. One Oracle yesterday focused on energy manipulation. Everything is made of energy, including words, thoughts, actions, and emotions. When you move into a new house, start a new job, or attend a new school, energy changes. The energy change principle is the basis for Feng Shui.
Oaths and vows have spiritual power. So, breaking baptismal and marital vows are serious offenses that transgress Divine Law. Vows and oaths charge all political offices, and that charge grants authority, not just in the human sense of the word. But I want to keep this post short as possible.
Donald Trump continues to exercise influence because the Presidential office still charges him. Every time the court swats Trump’s face, the rebuke barely phases him because he’s still charged with the power of the Presidential office.
If human and fallen angel Liberals hadn’t stolen the presidential seat, you would have witnessed, naturally, Donald Trump’s impeachment, which was Heaven’s will in the first place.
The angels have planned Trump’s downfall for decades, and Liberals momentarily interfered with that process. Trump’s wicked past will consume him within six months of the 2024 election. Why? Because the charge of POTUS will begin weakening.
But in the Almighty’s Power, YHVH can salvage even the most significant human blunder to keep His plan on the right trajectory. In other words, humans delayed Heaven’s process of destroying Trump for good by usurping the presidency.

Trump is still riding the current of his presidential oath. Joe Biden’s oath was empty since he was not supposed to become president. Rewind Biden’s bumbling term in office, and it becomes painfully apparent he has no right to be there. Trump is a slithering mutant vermin. But YHVH had a specific reason for allowing Trump to win both elections, and it’s connected to the Beast’s rise.
Now, watch all the fake politic-loving Christians deny the sound and now logical truth that the despicable Trump won both elections. Liberals were too eager to take office to exalt LGBTQ, BLM, and their Babylon the Great agenda.
Patience isn’t something humans are good at exercising. But impulsive stupidity interfered in a Divine Plan that would have effortlessly impeached Donald Trump midway into his second term, as we see by the Trump legal proceedings.
So, maybe now it’s quite evident why YHVH and His angels allowed the world to reach its current state. Without thousands of years of proof and testimony, Lucifer’s Edenic-spawned lie couldn’t be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. As politics and science confirm, humans can’t govern themselves and shouldn’t have been permitted to exercise power.
So, hateful atheist nerd scientist, in His Wisdom, YHVH, chose not to interfere with human-generated filth, wickedness, and self-destruction, especially since humans are trying to prove they don’t need God or, in your case, callous nerd, that He doesn’t exist!
YHVH is a myth to those science freaks because He’s quietly permitted humans to self-destruct since they wanted so badly to be like Him and His angels.
You know how a parent puts a child out of the house and leaves them to their own devices to demonstrate tough love!?! Well, nearly nine thousand years of Tough Love only made humans think they were omnipotent!
Our political persecutors and pawns test us because they don’t believe in YHVH. Years of corrupt practice have desensitized wicked powers, authorities, and principals. Sadly, YHVH entrapped those fools as He did Donald Trump and every other evil political and corporate scum.

As today’s oracle validates, politicians and municipal powers are reprobates, so they can be touched by the wickedness that blessed them. Those politicians, especially the white ones, don’t understand what time it is prophetically. So, they’ll keep testing and trying to prove political masonic power still reigns. Click HERE to read today’s FRONTPAGE ORACLE #1.