
Table of Contents

By 2007, we knew that corrupt municpal powers and racist Columbus police were abusing authority to strip our faith in Heaven and self-confidence. We thought the wicked municipal-sponsored hell we’d endured in New Orleans was behind us.

Naively, I thought I was coming home to a safe haven only to learn the painful lesson that the Powers, Principalities, and Autorities are all part of the same wicked bureaucrat gang.

But our 2008 Hickory Creek apartment complex residency would reveal the corrupt reprobate Long Arm of the Law practices used on those who show fearlessness against The Beast and its wicked, political power system of things. Enter the Hickory Creek Incident.

January 13, 2008

 On January 13, 2008, I sent a certified letter to Hickory Creek Apartment manager, Miki Bowling, about the neighbors blasting music and banging on walls. The certified letter was the first of four we sent to Hickory Creek management (please click the image to enlarge it). Bowling also told us that we couldn’t keep our 8-month-old pitbull. Yet, the day we moved in, a lesbian resident appeared with her pit bull.

The LGBTQ king’s walking her pitbull repeatedly in front of my window was a taunting, trademark Team Woody maneuver. The lesbian’s mockery was also part of the powerful bureaucratic-oriented LGBTQ harassment that began in 2006.

Around this time, it became apparent that Ohio State appeared to be involved in the systemic persecution. The first night of harassment began the morning after LSU beat OSU in a bowl game. But there were many other indicators that someone connected to Ohio State was working concertedly to harass us.

Drunk Pawns Bang On The Wall Moments After LSU Defeats OSU-3:30 am
The Hickory Creek Incident
Hickory Creek Manager Mikki Blowling's Smoke & Screen Reply Letter

Municipal Rape Tactics

Seeing the ‘Sorry We Missed You” sign was a regular occurrence. Miki Bowling stated in her impotent letter not to hesitate to contact the office if we had concerns or questions.

Yet, regularly, when the wall banging and loud music escalated, no one would when I called the office. I was often greeted with an out-to-lunch sign on the door when I visited the office after the weaponized noise began, as the image depicts.

Moreover, the times I did reach the office, the weaponized harassment immediately escalated, demonstrating racist Columbus municipal powers’ intent to make me feel helpless and vulnerable (which failed). Sadly, I learned that certain white people stick together, especially the racists and bigots.


March-April 2008

Stress and tensions were off the chart by March 2008. On March 6th, 2008, around 3:21 a.m., the pawns with adjacent bedroom walls were drunk and began banging on the wall for an hour. Those same pawns repeated a similar event on January 8, 2008, the morning after OSU’s defeat to LSU.

Finally, I reached a tolerance threshold and punched the wall, leaving a three-foot-wide hole. We tried to get maintenance to fix the hole for weeks, to no avail.

On March 31, 2006, Hickory Creek manager Miki Bowling claimed I was harassing the neighbors with a sports horn through the hole in the wall. Nearly four months of relentless harassment had passed with no office intervention. 

But if I had been harassing the racist pawns with a sports horn, I would have been justified. Rape is a violating act intended to render its victims powerless. The municipal powers and Hickory Creek management tried to rape me by violating my Constitutional rights.

Miki Bowling Threatens To Call The Police As I Mock Her
The Hickory Creek Incident

The sound files below demonstrate the daily bass stereo harassment we endured that could erupt at any moment, including overnight. The CPD-sponsored trash pawns blasted hip-hop at first, which was connected to radio station/record-label harassment. But it didn’t take long for the pawns to switch to blaring, exclusively country music, which coincided with the municipal racists sponsoring the daily torment!

Racist CPD Reveals Itself:

Mikki Bowling’s attempted intimidation and threats failed. By this time, we knew the Columbus police were involved in the racist, Long Arm of the Law harassment. It became obvious Mikki Bowling and CPD had already collaborated on an entrapment plan.

Bowling’s grounds for calling the police was that I was harassing residents when it was the other way around! By this point, we had sent three certified letters to the front office about the wall-banging, door-slamming, and loud music. Yet, I was the harasser!

We moved into the unit in January 2008. Bowling called the police on March 31, 2008. Now it was clear the Columbus Police worked concertedly with Bowling as they had at previous residences, including hotels and motels.

Officer Rubble ‘Protecting’ The White Fat Albert”

Officers Rubble & Flintstone

The police showed up in just over five minutes when Bowling called them, probably because they were already waiting. It was a moot contradiction when the police advised calling management, and Mikki Bowling suggested calling the police to report the harassment.

After leaving our apartment, Officer Rubble tried to menace me, sitting beneath my window, providing a ‘protection escort’ for the silver car (in the image). A pawn we codenamed the White Fat Albert is driving the silver car. The White Fat Albert lived beneath CPD’s primary active pawn apartment and used his house stereo concretedly with thiers to harass us. 

The police and Miki Bowling thought we’d be intimidated by the threat of calling the law. When the police arrived, the two officers resembled Fred Flinstone and Barney Rubble. Officer Rubble was a five-foot stump with a massive chip on his shoulder. Officer Rubble hurled threatening intimidations repeatedly.

I wasn’t impressed or intimidated and continued questioning the officers. So, officer Rubble threatened to arrest me on an aged traffic ticket. I still wasn’t threatened. Officer Flintstone was tall, sloppy, and goofy, and while not as obnoxious as Officer Rubble, he was still either bigoted or racist.

Office Rubble threatened that we’d better not confront the neighbors about the harassment and either contact management or call the police. We’d already tried contacting management, which failed! The next day would expose sneaky Columbus police Long Arm of the Law racism in action!

Disturbing Revelations

The day after Mikki Bowling called the police and officers Flintstone and Rubble tried to intimidate us would reveal law enforcement provocation and entrapment tactics. Please click HERE to watch the 2008 video of the incident. We didn’t have a camera that captured audio. So,  I would set up a microphone while videotaping.

A redneck riding a motorcycle appeared beneath my open window, revving his engine loudly (please continue below)…

…as if he was taunting me. I knew the redneck was heckling, and I responded as the video demonstrated. However, I heard the angel Gabriel warn me not to go outside and confront the menace. Moreover, Gabriel told me to grab the camera and film from my brother’s bedroom patio.

That’s when I saw the Columbus police cruiser sitting on the highway, watching the ordeal unfold. The video’s sound is of me confronting the redneck. However, the video depicts me following Gabriel’s advice and capturing the police cruiser sitting on the highway just after the redneck entered the apartment of CPD’s primary harassing pawns.

Once, I filmed the police sitting on the balcony waiting for me to emerge and confront the redneck, my legs buckled. I realized at that moment the Long Arm of the Law was again trying to set me up through provocation and entrapment.

Remember, the previous day, Officer Rubble all but dared me to confront the harassment. Then, mysteriously, a CPD cruiser is sitting on the highway as a redneck revs his engine beneath my window?

When I realized people were trying to kill me in Collins, Ms., I experienced the same knee-buckling phenomena, followed by a reinforced will to deal decisively with the threat.

But this was a different, more wicked, power-abusing adversary I was confronting. That day, Gabriel told me to get up and steel my will, the same thing he said when I realized I was alone in my battle against the demon Asmodeus years before.

Gabriel then instructed me to record everything that happened from that point forward. I was also admonished to record phone calls and file any pertinent documents for future use. Honestly, I thought the ordeal would end in a few months. That was fifteen years ago.

I now realize that when you dealing with a demonic criminal force like the police (and municipal powers), you will need a mountain of evidence. Racist police count on Republicans and the Silent Majority to back them, as well as weak civilians who believe the police are the good guys when most are criminals with badges.

We’re non-political Conservates. So, spare me the accusations of being seditionary, hippy Liberals. Racists Republicans will cheer the bigot CPD activity in this post because they’re of the same wicked mind!

Law enforcement wants you to be fearful and intimidated when you see them in the rearview mirror or standing on duty. The only people who should fear the police are the only individuals they have authority over. Criminals!

Please Click HERE to watch a  2008 video of where the Columbus police cruiser was sitting as CPD tried to entrap me with harassment and provocation tactics. THIS VIDEO also demonstrates more recent Columbus pig harassment and entrapment practices involving weaponized illegal dirtbikes that have been pestering and menacing us. THIS VIDEO demonstrates the police helicopter harassing us as my brother pulled into the garage on 9-23-23 at 8:16 p.m.

Continued Long Arm of the Law Provocation and Harassment:

On this particular day, we learned how stupid, predictable, and Neanderthal most police are. The Columbus police sent a group of rednecks on motorcycles to taunt us the day after I recorded a video of a racist police officer sitting on the highway after another municipal-sponsored redneck heckled, revving his motorcycle beneath my open window.

That captured video of the police cruiser emboldened me to confront the motorcycle riders trying to be intimidating. I was confidently armed with just a fighting staff. The redneck bike group pretended they didn’t see me and entered CPD’s primary harassing pawn’s apartment.

Immediately, the loud bass music began reverberating through the walls of our apartment. So, we decided to call the police after management said they couldn’t do anything. But calling the police was part of the plan. You’ll never guess what happened…



My brother was on the phone with a police dispatcher for less than five minutes when the loud music stopped, and the rednecks on motorcycles came flooding out of the apartment like roaches.

The image captures the moment those pieces of scum jumped on thier bikes. The coward putting on the helmet is the one who appeared the previous day, revving his cycle beneath my window.

The police showed up five hours later. Yet, Officers Flintstone and Rubble appeared for Mikki Bowling and the pawn we codenamed the White Fat Albert. Showing up five hours later was another racist Columbus pig mind rape maneuver to show we were nothing, even though we were the victims.


Before Officers Flintstone and Rubble left, they suggested asking Mikki Bowling to release us from our lease. Suddenly the next day, Mikki Bowling sent a threatening eviction letter. This was the same day the redneck revved his engine beneath my window as Columbus police watched from the highway.

The eviction letter stated that we were freed from our lease and had three days to move. The racist municipal powers successfully made the same move three years earlier at the Wyndham Ridge Apartment Complex.

The letter stated that we were being evicted, releasing us from our leasing arrangement, which is different from an obligation, another Team Woody/Hickory Creek intimidation tactic (Click the documents to enlarge it).

I was concerned about the false eviction since a racist judge worked concertedly with police and the Wyndham Ridge apartment manager to evict us without probable cause in 2006.

So, after mediation and prayer, Gabriel advised sending a certified email to Mikki Bowling, putting the rent in escroll, and disregarding Mikki Bowling’s Columbus police-backed empty threat, which was reassuring.

“The counterentrapment letter I sent to Mikki Bowling.”


However, Gabriel admonished contacting the COLUMBUS URBAN LEAGUE (CUL) as a backup measure. The lease was in my brother’s name. So Carlos had to go to the Urban League’s office.

The Columbus pigs and municipal powers would manipulate landlords into refusing to rent to us when my name was on the application, more municipal rape tactics to dehumanize me. But, technically, I’m not human.

Gabriel suggested presenting The Columbus Urban League with all the certified letters and evidence we’d gathered from January 2008 to April 2008. Team Woody, the codenamed for our racist persecutors, and Miki Bowling thought the eviction threat would elicit a knee-jerk reaction, and we’d leave without incident.

The next day, a Columbus police liaison knocked at the door but didn’t allow time to answer, affording him the convenience of leaving his card in the door. Yet, the police liaison spent an hour next door at the pawn’s house who had relentlessly harassed us for months. We knew the police knew about approaching the Urban League. 

One week later, we received a letter from Mikki Bowling, who obviously felt stupid since her Columbus police-backed attempts to evict us had failed. The Columbus Urban League reviewed all the evidence we’d collected, some of which appears in this presentation. The Columbus Urban League was appalled and not only reversed the eviction but demanded Mikki Bowling evict the racist Columbus police-controlled Kentucky and Virgian pawns in the adjacent apartment immediately!

Mikki Bowling was reduced to telling like in a letter because she couldn’t produce any facts or proof to support her claims. We rejoiced, which was short-lived. The day the Urban League checked Mikki Bowling and the Columbus Police, weaponized vehicle harassment began at 6:00 a.m. and continued throughout the day, as the next section demonstrates.


Columbus police-authorized racist white trash driving weaponized motorcycles and cars began driving past our apartment, making weaponized NASCAR-type rackets. Micki Bowling had switched us to another unit a week before moving in. Bowling conveniently relocated us to the area right beside the I-71 north to 270 east entrance ramp. The weaponized vehicle harassment intensified in 2008 and never stopped. You can view thousands of videos of weaponized vehicle harassment in other posts.

Please click the following links to view recent examples of weaponized vehicle harassment.

9-24-23 dirtbike 1257 pm

9-24-23 dirtbike continues 128 pm

9-22-23 silver Latin booming 626 pm

3-6-23 revvs-up 6:57pm

2-24-23 The Pigs Latin Pawn taunts 415pm

We’ve been enduring trademark white-trash NASCAR harassment since 2008. Without the weaponized harassment, they can’t persecute. So we can tie every loud vehicle to municipal harassment. We have video footage of two different police officers admitting to using weaponized harassment. 

In 2011, during a moment of intense weaponized harassment living at the Cherry Bottom Apartment complex, Ibroguth brought the unlawful weaponized noise and illegal speeding to a police officer’s attention, to which he replice, “Well, who’d you piss off?”

In 2015, CPD’s Officer Mauk assured us that he likes his cars loud and bragged about his factory Harley muffler’s boisterous power. I grew up listening to all that weaponized racket and had no problem with it. But when it became a weapon that racists could use to harass and taunt, it was no longer kewl!

Law enforcement across the country, black, white, and in between, use weaponized sounds to harass, persecute, and torment, as we’ll prove.


By March 2008, I couldn’t sleep or work due to the constant wall-banging, door-slamming, and weaponized vehicle attacks. Team Woody authorized Hickory Creek management to allow specific pawns to place speakers against adjacent bedroom walls and turn up the bass.

I moved my office into one of the walk-in closets and slept in the huge walk-in closet in my luxury bathroom. Bad management and maintenance were starting to degrade Hickory Creek when we moved in. But the apartments were still fairly upscale when we moved into them and would have made the perfect bachelor apartment. My brother’s room had a balcony, and our bathrooms had tall ceilings with sky windows.

Poor management and maintenance are the reason so many Schrock Road complexes are run down in a once-premier side of town.

The End of the Beginning

That red truck speaks volumes about the municipal pawns. The image reveals the day those pawn menaces were evicted. They left piles of trash on the porch. The day they moved, they blasted Country music from sun up until the last box was out of the house.

We had almost two months of peace. But the Columbus pigs had to cover their tracks, So they moved a big fat black blimp into the apartment. The new resident, whom we labeled the Real Fat Albert, looked like an undercover cop. A female who looked like a black stripper moved in with The Real Fat Albert,  which only made him look more like an undercover pig.

The Real Fat Albert had New York license tags. So,m either he was undercover or a snitch working for the police to stay out of jail. A few weeks after The Real Fat Albert moved in, the loud music blasting against the wall resumed. Do you see how little imp racists behave when they can’t beat you fair and square? The Real Fat Albert tried to test me one day, running his mouth but ran it while walking his fat ass, push-broom mustache into the house.

Fifteen years later, we’re still dealing with corrupt pigs and goats who think they will escape Divine Judgment for doing exactly what the fallen angels did: abuse positions of power and authority for corporeal reasons!