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White boy rockers dabbling in the occult have been responsible for many tragedies. Interestingly, all the so-called black magic experts are clueless as to how demons get their sacrifices.
A well-founded rumor that Marylyn Manson was responsible for Columbine is 90% true. However, the ten percent obscured truth is that he was clueless about what his dabbling summoned and the consequences of playing with ancient demonic beings.

Professor Griff falsely accused Jennifer Hudson of selling her soul. But the truth is that someone Hudson worked with, or did business with, was dabbling in black magic, including Freemasons, just before members of her family were murdered by a demonized relative!
Martin Sharp, the artist who introduced alternative theories to the cause of the Luna Park Ghost Train tragedy, was along the right path when he suspected the occult. But Sharp had no way of validating how the occult was connected. This post will do what Martin Sharp couldn’t while providing illumination.
Firstly, I recorded ten videos over an hour from the Exposed: The Luna Ghost Train tragedy, yet only one was recorded with sound. Demons, in some manner, were responsible for the missing sound, which infuriated me at first!
However, just after I discovered the videos didn’t record the sound, I made an even more profound discovery that would prove to be far more compelling (thanks to those seeming mishaps).
I: Five Boys, Four Catholics, Non-Catholic Survives:

Jason Holman was the surviving non-Catholic boy in the Luna Park Tragedy. Holman states that he went to Mass that day with the other four boys as part of a deal with their parents to allow them to go to Luna Park unsupervised .
Holman participated in the Mass service, yet all the Catholic boys died in the tragic fire, and the non-Catholic was spared. Think about that… I wonder how many of those near saint boys listened to AC/DC?
II: Mum receives insight that Dad Ignores:
Please click HERE for the video. Three of the fire victims would be alive today if they’d trusted the mother and wife’s random thought to get some ice cream rather than ride the Ghost Train. Hubris is the fundamental cause behind the Ghost Park tragedy. There was no foul play, only negligence that allowed the demons to do their work with ease.
The lesson here is that if your mom, sister, aunt, or girlfriend tells you she feels something is wrong, bad, or off, it might be wise to listen, especially if she has a track record of having a strong intuition.
Michael Frazeze is a former member of the Columbo Crime Family. Franzes’s mother warned him that she had a dream something bad would happen at Columbo’s rally the next day. And her dream was right on point! Men are egoistical and shun and shame a woman’s powerful intuition.
III: Angels Put Me On The Important Track:
Immediately, I saw demons and other figures in the reenacted fires portrayed in Exposed: The Ghost Train Fire. At first, the image I saw appeared to be a witch riding a broom, as the image below depicts.

At first, I thought there might be a connection to witch burnings in Sydney’s history. So, I heard to Google the subject, which led me on a hot trail, a Highway to Hell. This post will validate why many of those witches deserved to be burned at the stake.

I know my rock and heavy metal history. So, I knew that AC/DC was an Australian Band. Back in Black flashed in my mind’s eye at first. But I heard, “Google WHAT YEAR WAS HIGH WAY TO HELL RELEASED!

As soon as I saw Highway to Hell was released on July 27, 1979, the witch riding the broom turned into a warlock with horns and a guitar, probably Angus Young.
Once I saw Highway to Hell’s release date, I heard, “Now Google the year the Luna Park tragedy happened, which was one month before High Way to Hell’s release, June 9, 1979. In numerology, 27 = 9 (July 27th).

So, the many Conservative attempts to shut down demonic rock music in the late 70s and 80s were legitimate. Those Christians had grounded reasons to fear many hard rock bands.
Dabbling in the occult is dangerous because these white boys and girls think they know how it works. But let me explain.
I’ve already stated this on many occasions. But the demons and devils can take their sacrifices without even drawing up a contract.
For example, when Lucifuge Rafocale appears, all you must do is agree with his terms, and you may not even realize you’re doing so like a nerd who thinks playing with black magic is fake.

I’m not going to explain how the demons just take their sacrifice because all the fake Catholic exorcists, pagan c—- Wiccans, and witches will steal food and claim it, as they’ve been doing in Hollywood.
Sadly, in the same way those boys died tragically and unexplainably in that Luna Park ride, those pagans and exorcists will meet some violent or tragic end for pilfering from what I earned through the pain and suffering of self-sacrifice.
Our political persecutors and their pawns listen to the demonic voices coming from the left shoulders, urging them to keep pushing and pushing, hoping I’ll snap and the demons will get my soul!
See, if I wanted our persecutors dead, which I do, I could make a deal with the demons, much like those Salem Witches of old did and still do. When evil witches are close, unexplained events like the Luna Park Ghost Train or Columbine occur.
Other demons appeared in the reenacted fire in Exposed: The Ghost Train Fire. Every time I heard Ghost Train, Crazy Train played in my head. Notice the ANGEL with the wings on the far right commanding the two demons to the left.

Other events like people getting sick suddenly, couples (suddenly) arguing viciously, or even parents who don’t abuse their children suddenly doing so are some of the signs to look for when evil witches, warlocks, voodoo, etc., have moved into the neighborhood.
Some of those historic Salem Puritans could recognize the signs of black magic practicing witches. In all fairness, imagine being persecuted, as we are, and being driven to make a pact with a demon for revenge. I get it, witches! I really do. But innocent people are often the ones who get hurt.
However, there will be innocent people killed or struck in some way, along with many of our persecutors. The difference is that the angels authorized those deaths the demons will carry out. Don’t even try it, Catholic ‘angel experts.’
There are 73 angels who command and counter (oppose) the 73 demons (angels are powers, and demons are forces). Demons unleashed the flood and destroyed LGBTQ before it was an acronym (Sodom and Gomorrah)!
So, Randy Rhodes, Razzle (Hanoi Rocks), and many others were casualties of white boys dabbling with the occult.
The demons wait until the opportune moment to take their sacrifice, which often devastates large groups of people, and they feed off that sorrow, grief, etc.
“Playing with the pentagram and being mischievous talking about Shout at the Devil were games played that came back to haunt Motley Crue. Dabblers unleash hell on themselves! Yup! I listened to Motley Crue too!

Moreover, an eye for an eye is demonic law. So. Razzle died, and then Motley Crue’s Vince Neil went through hell a few years later. Razzle’s bandmate is still whining about his death.
But holding a grudge against Neil is like lesbians and feminists still whining about Bill Cosby. Cosby and Neil have both suffered greatly. But you know how those pagans are (retribution rendered is never enough).
You see, the Irish white boy in me is what enabled me to listen to all those hard rock and heavy metal bands, including the demonic ones. But I’m a messenger and soldier, so that protected me from the demonic effects. Now, I can call out all the black magic practioners and the come-ups they made throughout the years.
The problem with ‘that kind of white boy’ is that they lack reverence and respect, so they think they can do anything, including trying to command an ancient demonic being. I mean, think about that one (that some muggle fool can command an ancient demon—laughable)! The demons only let you think you’re in control, muggle fools!
Drill rappers have practiced black magic (murder-human sacrifice) openly, in your face, bragging about their demonism. Sadly, we’ll see how hardcore those n—s are when the demons come to collect!
The Migos’ third member, Takeoff, was a casualty, an unknown sacrifice. Of all the people to get struck by a stray bullet in that crowd, it just found Takeoff, the most beloved member. There is a specific demon that makes sure stray bullets ricochet and find innocent targets!
The remaining Migos know why Takeoff passed when that bullet should have found them instead (dirt they thought they could sweep under the rug, like Tupac?).
So, spare me all that “Lawd Have Murcy, I is blessed’ nonsense because you have no idea what’s coming! You don’t get away with a damn thing, no matter who you are! But ‘yo Bible tells you the same thing!
The Demons Obey Me For Several Reasons:
- I don’t fear them- the house could be pitch black, with demons all around, and it’s just another day at the office.
- I don’t ask them for s—-, so I don’t owe them anything.
- I don’t judge them because you can’t judge a demon for doing what it loves to do: wreak havoc and raise hell.
- I don’t try to tell them what to do, except for when I’m banishing demons. The fake Catholic exorcists try to pretend they have authority and can command the demons, which only makes them angrier. So, the demons the fake exorcists think they’ve exorcised will return at some undisclosed moment to finish them and the so-called possessed person!
- Muggles dabbling in the occult are terrified when they show in their true demon forms, resulting in those muggles commanding them to take human shape, which only makes them angrier. I don’t care how they appear as long as they get on back to hell after revealing what they’ll do next!
- And last, but most importantly, I’m always surrounded by the highest light.
The logic in this post is sound. Yet there will be some terrified coward who will try to prove otherwise, just like our political persecutors and their eager pawns. But, by the Power and Might of YodHeVavHe, Heaven will continue to back and validate us via the events that occur in the public arena.
This post, again, demonstrates why The Exorcist Demon Hunters and the rest of our Supernatural Entrainment line will be innovative and unparalleled, eliminating any competition from the board!
Remember, we DGAF what you believe, Chuck Wheat, nerd skeptic, macho logic lovers! We believe because we know– because we’ve experienced–and because everything the angels have said (or confirmed) would happen has happened!
So keep on Chucking, Chuck, you, and Wheat, because you always have, from Cain and Nimrod to the present!