I had two distinct supernatural dreams last night. I’m working, so I have to make this quick. But first, notice the description for the angel Hahahel states he is an angel of Christianity, a blatant, Christendom-spawned lie. Hahahel is a Hebrew name…, so how is he a Christian-exclusive angel?
Jesus said he came on behalf OF THE ONE WHO SENT HIM (YHVH as Christ). Moreover, Christendomites, Jesus never named his adherents Christians (Ignatius of the Catholic Church is the father of the Christian title).

Jesus only spoke of Fish and Sheep (in your Bible) when he referred to his adherents (and warned the sheep about wolves in sheepskin). Interestingly, you pronounce the angel Hahahel’s name, HA HA HELL (the jokes on you)!!!
In dream #1, The Gambino Crime family ‘called for me.’ I showed up and went through the motions (pat down, etc.). The Gambinos in the dream were old school (suits and ties, etc.). I recognized quite a few of the Gambino soldiers (old school). It appeared the Gambinos were trying to ‘initiate’ me in some way.
So, one of the Gabino soldiers told me to put a brick of coke in my mouth, the powder. I told the soldier, “You’re breaking my balls for what?” The soldier kept persisting, so I put the coke in my mouth.
Immediately, I thought to myself, “I’m not doing this! What if I swallow all this coke?” So, I blew the whole brick of coke in the soldier’s face. Everybody but the soldier busted out laughing.

When I started my spiritual path, a true story about a Catholic medium stuck with me. The medium was working for a mob family. I guess she was too good because a hitman ended her mediumship. I thought that it was strange that a medium wouldn’t know someone was coming to kill her. I knew someone was coming to kill me on five separate occasions!

Oh, that’s right!!!! A medium’s only ‘gift’ is talking to the dead. A lot of good that did! I’ve repeatedly stated that I expected particular divas to be ‘underworld connected!’ You can’t reason with people who don’t realize what they’re up against.
The phenomenon occurring happens only once every thousand years (the entrance of a new covenant and the supernatural events that accompany it). Christendom had its thousand-year reign (as your Bible prophesied) of wickedness. Christendom will be bruised in the head, as your Bible also prophesied.
I didn’t know Tony Sirico (or Paul Sorvino) passed in 2022 until I Googled, ‘Paulie Goes to A Medium, Sopranos!’ So, who else was in that Gambino dream?
I was visiting a shelter that was also a thrift store located at the corner of Hudson and Joyce. Someone was probably murdered at Hudson and Joyce (probably Sunoco), which is why it was significant to the dream.
Long story short, LGBTQ had taken over the shelter and was only concerned with their community. I was going to donate money to the shelter until I saw what was happening.
As I left the shelter, Shakira Barnes, assassinated GD lesbian ‘shootah,’ met me at the door. Barnes was wearing lipstick. Immediately, I connected the dots (Lipstick Lesbian). My dad’s sister Joyce is a lesbian, although she claims bisexuality. So, there’s that dream reference.
“The Real Lil Snoop, Liberal Daily Mail Brit, did time for real murder am I ,right? So that makes The Real Lil Snoop (from the WIRE), the “Real Lil Snoop” long before Shakira Barnes!”

Daily Mail is toxic media. But notice the Daily Mail Liberal Brit article about Shakira Barnes? The probably gay Daily Mail writer makes Barnes out to be a lesbian Al Capone, which she wasn’t. Barnes wracked a few bodies up but was ultimately killed by a what? A male.
I knew last nights dreams were referring partly to the Operation Break Beak codenames. Incidentally, all the spirits in last night’s dreams, Shakira Barnes, Pauli, Gambino soldiers, etc., are in Purgatory, just as Christopher Soprano’s dream revealed after he nearly lost his life!
People won’t stop playing mundane games until Heaven strikes them. Muggles think spirituality and power are ordinary Hollywood movie fantasies. Yet, I can list strings of Hollywood titles that I’ve lived with the proof to back my claims. I only fear losing YHVH and everything that comes with that loss. Read my balloons, “DAVID DID NOT BEAT, GOLIATH! YHVH DID!”
On that note…
My poop and farts haven’t had very much smell or smell like cake batter. I Googled the gastrointestinal phenomenon yesterday. So, technically, at this specific juncture, “my shit really don’t stink!”