The Art of Life and Death is too innovative for a thirty-second elevator pitch. The Art of Life & Death presentation and every post on our site provide an engaging introduction to the AOLD script. However, this synopsis puts the AOLD in more of a focused script format.

While the AOLD features BTG, it is an authentic mystical story about SOG’s (SoldierOfYHVH) spiritual path, the supernatural events that shaped it, and the people Heaven included in the years of travel it took to arrive at a qualified level of spiritual mastery.

The 64 Levels of Power plays a fundamental role in the AOLD and is a central theme throughout the movie and series. Every supernatural event that shaped my spiritual path is sewn into the AOLD script.

The Christ and the Antichrist walk the earth in human form.

Fallen Angels are influential politicians, clergy, scientists, and entertainers and use secret societies to control everything from the stock market to the media. Per Hebrews 13:2, small bands of Heaven’s angels are born into the world as was Jesus.

Demons try to stop Heaven’s soldiers from waking their higher selves by puppeteering foul and wicked humans: 


  • My being driven to attempt suicide at thirteen.
  • My walking on the train tracks at sixteen after hearing a voice suggest it, only to have an angel shove me off the tracks seconds before a train passed.
  • Political persecution by the City of Columbus, working concertedly with the entertainment business to stop me from succeeding without their approval.


 The Angel Gabriel defined Armeggedon as the war between Heaven and Hell’s soldiers using persuasion and power to influence the public. For example, Hell’s bastard soldiers have dominated the public arena with Drill, Trap, etc. Those dark minions’ influence resulted in wanton violence, a black-on-black homicide epidemic, and a ridiculous crime spike.

The entertainment business purposely suppressed Heaven’s soldiers so Hell’s soldiers could shine and dominate the public. In the Art of Life and Death, Hell’s entertainment soldiers are called The Illuminati All-Stars, aka, the 2nd Tim 3 Generation.

  1. Fighting the New World Order (secret societies, reprobate clergy, the Vatican’s 1000 years of suppressed wickedness, the CIA and Pentagon’s role in provoking 9/11, etc.). The elite control the world through science, technology, and the occult. The 9th Gate Society is the name for the New World Order in the Art of Life and Death. 
  2. The Dragons: Lucifer has been reborn and resides in Rome. The two hundred fallen angels of Enoch (Samyaza, etc.), are also reincarnated. The AOLD will subtly reveal who these fallen angels are in real life, according to Gabriel and seven other angels.
  3. Rescuing Souls from Hell: Hell’s celebrities and entertainers have used their influence to promote wickedness that humans embraced, causing spiritual damage to the weak-minded while opening hell portholes worldwide. Many humans are in a state of hell. So, Heaven’s soldiers are fighting to regain influence to reverse Hell’s damning effects on the world. Gabriel stated that 3rd World conditions are portholes to hell (the ghetto, prison, and 3rd World countries).
  4. Demons try to stop Heaven’s soldiers until they wake their higher selves.
  5. Fallen Angels: politicians, clergy, superstars, the elite/aristocrats
  6. The Nephilum are prominent athletes, lower celebrities, scientists, and twisted, perverted minds like serial killers, rapists, etc.
  7. Due to reincarnation and their immortal souls, the flood didn’t destroy the Nephilim and fallen angels. All Nephilim weren’t giants (children of Watchers-Saturn and Uranus). Angels fell from every planet, producing a variety of Nephilim, not just giants.

Spiritual Practice in a Material World

  1. Reincarnation, waking your higher self through tribulation and suffering, and rectifying past mistakes are fundamental topics.
  2. Signs, Insights, and Omens guiding the ‘wakening’ journey and divine missions.
  3. Traveling to the past or around the world through dreams and astral travel
  4. Opening Hell gates or portholes physically through war, prison, 3rd World Conditions (poverty, ghettos, etc). BTG enters Hell in the game, movie, and series through those three portholes, amongst many others.
  5. Introducing the demons, their devil bosses, and their machinations with intelligence gathered from years of exorcising them. For example, The devil Asmodeus controls Underworld figures, gangs, and terrorists, while Paimon influences pedophiles, molesters, clergy, and other subjects. The demons and devils will appear in their actual forms, not typical Hollywood depictions (like Manga, aliens, etc.). The demons will also assume human form and occupations, like appearing as a corporate executive or clergyman.
  6. The AOLD will demonstrate how angelic and demonic muses guide Hollywood movies to teach,  illuminate, and confuse Heaven and Hell’s soldiers.
  7. Dante’s Inferno accurately depicts Hell’s ten levels and the infinite pathways in those ten levels, Entering Hell through the Underworld and escaping it is another theme related to Dante’s Inferno. Devils and demons were Dante’s muses, which is how he created that masterpiece.
  8. Jesus descended to hell after his murder. You can’t face your ultimate fear without going to hell. Ronnie James Dio basically says the same in the Last in Line (you can release yourself, but the only way is down).
  9. Going Back in the past through dreams and astral travel are part of spiritual soldiers’ path to awakening their past lives and a fundamental supporting AOLD theme.


The AOLD premises are cliche-ish if not for years of experience and practice concretized that infuses the story with a magical and engaging property.

Demons and devils harass and block soldiers of Heaven until they awaken their higher selves. But that torment is part of the awakening process.

Fallen angels and Nephilim are walking the earth, occupying positions of power and influence. However, Heaven has ordained a chosen few reborn angels to represent in Armageddon. 

Heaven and Hell’s soldiers win souls through public influence, money, and power. The weapons, alongside military arms, are the occult, science, and spiritual power. Rescuing souls that have died unreconciled and salvaging damaged souls is another aspect of Armageddon.

Athletes, the media, and celebrities promote Babylonian (Illuminati Allstars) propaganda. The Illuminati’s weapons are the occult and science. The American government, Freemasonry, the CIA, the FBI, politicians, and clergy are the New World Order (9th Gate Society). Using wordplay and the power of suggestion, the AOLD will reveal stars, athletes, politicians, Nephilim, and fallen and ascended angel identities.

The Art of Life Death will allow the audience to undergo what a genuine spiritual practitioner experiences using spiritual gifts and dealing with angels, demons, and human spirits. YHVH stars in the AOLD, and the show will demonstrate how He communicates and the beauty of that experience. The adventure of traveling back and forth to Hell is also a regular AOLD theme.

The New World Order wants the 64 Levels of Power angelic manual in real life and AOLD script, which forms the fundamental premises of The Art of Life and Death. The 64 Levels of Power is the foundation of the BDP Inc. Supernatural Entertainment series. So, the movies and streaming programs will also teach the 64 Levels of Power. The book will also allow viewers to participate in each episode (since the script is about the journey that became the book)!

There is also a video game saga for the Art of Life & Death (please click HERE for more info).

Click HERE for a more informal, practical reading of The Art of Life & Death series.

(c)(p) 2005-2023 Blacc Dragon Productions Inc. All rights reserved

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