

Heaven allowed me to experience quite a bit while testing the 64 Levels of Powers. Years of practical spiritual experience experimenting with the 64 Levels of Power taught me politics, capitalism, and corporate business and how to correlate those topics to spiritual disciplines like I Ching. But authenticating the 64 Levels of Power in the underworld provided invaluable intelligence while confirming my angelic lessons.

 BTG was associated with the sex workers industry early in their careers. Several past BTG female members were strippers who promoted BTG music in clubs throughout the South and Midwest. However, The sex work industry became one of my spiritual classrooms in 2012.

Heaven allowing me to endure severe tribulation unlocked spiritual gifts. But enduring Hell through danger and persecution allowed me to put the 64 Levels of Power manual to the Scientific Method. Persevering through agonizing torment gave me the upper hand and power of belief during fifteen years of political persecution. I learned that one condition of Hell for humans is more a state than a place.


3rd World conditions open portholes to Hell that we’ve entered many times. Hell is chaotic, corrupt, lawless, and violent. So, prisons, ghettos, and underdeveloped countries are all Hellish portholes. Vice and deviancy are welcomed in Hell. In my experience, all devils and demons are criminals that behave like mob families. So, in the AOLD, BTG enters Hell through the ghetto.

But BTG’S political persecutors (Team Woody) open or raise Hell in several ways. The AOLD depicts how demons actually appear during unlawful and unconstitutional political and municipal harassment. Surveillance cameras blurring or suddenly cutting off are a few ways the demons and devils our political persecutor’s wickedness raise announce their presence.
However, Hell is also a literal place where Heaven bound pure wickedness. Humans were expelled from Eden to its criminal parallel, where you currently reside (Hell on Earth).

Dragon's Lair Brothel Mockup


But BTG’S political persecutors (Team Woody) open or raise Hell in several ways. The AOLD depicts how demons actually appear during unlawful and unconstitutional political and municipal harassment. Surveillance cameras blurring or suddenly cutting off are a few ways the demons and devils our political persecutor’s wickedness raise announce their presence.

However, Hell is also a literal place where Heaven bound pure wickedness. Humans were expelled from Eden to its criminal parallel, where you currently reside (Hell on Earth).

The angel Michael bound powerful demons in the third form of Hell. Those extremely diabolical spirits persecuted Adam and Eve as they descended Mt. Kilimanjaro. The Christian Bible prophesies in Revelation that Michael (the angel with the seven Keys) would descend to Hell and unlock those demons, which has been occurring for roughly thirty years.


For me, entering physical Hell from the Earth resembles Sardom Numpsa in the Golden Child movie. One minute, I’m in a room; the next, I’m surrounded by demons. Without divine authority, demons and devils will ravish you, a lesson I learned battling Asmodeus. You can read about my first Dark Night of the Soul with Asmodeus HERE. Little did I know I would be dealing with Asmodeus and many other devil bosses again and regularly.

The AOLD depicts how we see and experience spiritual events like angels and demons appearing and my mother’s passing in November of 2022.

But the AOLD also chronicles BTG’s battles with capitalism and the music industry’s attempt to silence them using unlawful and unconstitutional capitalist blacklisting practices. 

The AOLD demonstrates how BTG’s political persecution ties directly to record labels, radio stations, and other industry agencies. To witness spiritual power and angelic guidance, please read the two AOLD episodes, THE PYROHYDRO and TAXI MUSIC Incident. Those presentations reveal how angels provided the perfect plans for entrapping corrupt bureaucrats who thought money and power were above YHVH and His angels.

However, at www.thatbdpfyop.com daily, we provide one real-life AOLD episode after another, particularly our battles with wicked and corrupt powers, principalities, and authorities! But The Art of Life and Death will also confirm prophecies while providing angelic-sponsored illumination. In addition, video game sagas accompany all the Blacc Dragon Productions Inc. cinematic features and streaming series, providing more engaging entertainment!

We’re not concerned whether people believe The Art of Life and Death’s fact-based truths. We don’t require human approval to confirm our beliefs and experiences. More importantly, you don’t believe half of the truth you see coming out of Hollywood, yet you’re entertained. Belief isn’t required for the Art of Life and Death to engage. Illuminate and entertain you.