
Supernatural Spirituality

The 64 Levels of Power Blog

The 64 Levels of Power: Introduction

The 64 Levels of Power: Introduction


In 2010, I told my brother that I didn’t know how to prove I received spiritual information, truths, and prophesies from angels. Gabriel responded, “not to worry about that!” But, after the past eleven years of practicing the 64 Levels of Power through trials and tribulations, I don’t doubt that I can prove what I’ve been tasked to introduce to the world! One of the things that compelled my spiritual practice, in the beginning, was that I wanted to be able to communicate directly with God.

However, when I began studying esoteric literature and practices, I wanted to clean it up and remove the occult. I believed there was a logical way to perform checks and balances to ensure that the spiritual information I received wasn’t from evil or demonic entities. Eventually, I learned that demons and devils can’t behave long enough to perform good deeds, which invalidated the religious programming propaganda that spiritual practice is demonic. Spiritual practice can be demonic if you are corrupt and immoral!

``Between 2005 and 2010, every six months, the angel Gabriel tasked me with rerecording hundreds of handwritten journal pages into a uniform and cohesive volume, which became the 64 Levels of Power in its various stages of the Scientific Method.`


The scientific method is the process used to perfect data or findings. Science is the process of perfecting. You test the data you’ve gathered, that validates or invalidates your findings. The validated results you log carefully. Then, you file any date that hasn’t been proven and store it for future use. You never dispose of logs containing invalidated findings. I’m glad I didn’t throw any of my journals or documentation away because the spiritual information I recorded in them would later be authenticated.

Between 2005 and 2010, every six months, Gabriel tasked me with rerecording hundreds of handwritten journal pages into a uniform and cohesive volume, which became the 64 Levels of Power in its various stages of the Scientific Method. When I began proofreading my handwritten angelic journals, I was shocked that all this intelligence and information was coming through me. I started applying spiritual intelligence and spiritual principles and operations in practice and mediation, and the results were mind-blowing.

Each time I re-wrote the journals, I would immediately begin editing them while memorizing everything. Then, I would start editing the newly recorded, Scientific-Method-tested information, which would become the foundation for the following handwritten composition journals. By 2003, I began transferring the handwritten journals to a word processor. The first journals I transferred to a word processer were elementary, which was the origins of my fear of being unable to conceive intelligent or skeptical minds that my work was valid.


By 2015, I was studying several branches of physics, and correlating spiritual principles and Laws with those of science. The angels assured me that physics and higher mathematics are how they created the earth, the planets, and everything in between. The planet’s distances were measured precisely and contributes to their orbital patterns and behavior. The earth did evolve, but not in the Darwinian sense of the word evolve.

Through my studies, the angel confirmed that the earth wasn’t created in one day and that the animals were created during stages of the earth’s evolution, starting with marine life. The earth was covered in water, eons after its formation. Every planet started from lava, and over billions of years developed into dry, hot waterless bodies. Once an appointed number of years passed, the trapped heat from the lava and the earth’s surface triggered torrential, violent rainstorms that filled the earth, and once that occurred, marine life was created in the aftermath. Millions of years later, mammals were created.

Gabriel told me that dinosaurs were an experiment, as were the first human-like creatures, the Ape-Man and the Neanderthal, which were the blueprints for Adam and Eve. The Great Flood finished off the dinosaurs, some of which were still roaming this side of Eden after Adam and Eve’s expulsion. There are a few prehistoric creatures living deep within the ocean that humans know nothing about.


I recorded thousands of pages of angelic journals. The journals would become filled with additional notes. So, I was required to rewrite new, clean, and neat journals every three to six months. Finally, I was permitted to transfer the journals to wordprocessor.

Once committed to wordprocesser, I printed the pages and placed them in ring binders. Within three to six months, the printed pages would be filled with new intelligence and notes, which I would update in the word processor. I kept repeating that process for years until I was able to fit thousands of pages into fifty, concise pages of spiritual intelligence, like a Cliff Notes book.

Please click HERE to view some of those Angelic Journal documents.


By 2008, the 64 Levels of Power was beginning to take shape and concretize. Zen Tao was the name of the 64 Levels of Power until 2010 and was more of a spiritual combat manual than a well-rounded spiritual illumination self-help book. From 2001 to 2005, I used the 64 Levels of Power while active in the Underworld’s streets. I was given several spiritual combinations and operations that revealed the various gangs and Underworld figures. I knew who was trying to kill me and how to undermine their efforts as well.

Without hands-on experience, I could not confidently introduce the 64 Levels of Power, free of concern for skeptics. But the 64 Levels of Power works for the righteous, providing guidance and intelligence down to days, hours, locations, and direction.

In 2005, I began using the 64 Levels of Power in a web blog post called THE FRONTPAGE ORACLE which accurately predicted the Virginia Tech shooting and Barack Obama’s landslide election, and many other things over the last sixteen years. We’ve used the 64 Levels of Power to combat political persecution too. The 64 Levels of Power provided the guidance and plan that aided in entrapping all the agencies and people who were trying to stop our promo publicity campaign and assume control of our endeavors while promoting BTG’s 2019 PYROHYDRO project.

Supernatural Science

Reincarnation and life after the body’s death can be validated with Heaven’s 1st Law of Thermodynamics. Yet, scientific atheist hypocrites deny a spirit world?


In 2020, we published the first blog post featuring the handwritten spiritual journals I’ve kept from the beginning of my spiritual path. Gabriel advised me to go back and read some of those journals. I thought those automatic writing papers were just jumbled thoughts I’d jotted down for posterior’s sake. I’m an entertainer in the business, and I’ve dealt with the spirits of all kinds of industry figures, famous (and not so famous or infamous). I would often record sessions where these spirits were speaking about famous people’s filth and secrets.

As time passed, I began to realize that what I had recorded were the words of actors, athletes, rappers, singers, etc., that had passed over, some of which were angry and vindictive at (living) people they knew or were alleged to be responsible for their demise in some way. Around this time, I began to believe in Purgatory as an actual state or condition but only because it had been proven factual. When my cousin was murdered, Uriel placed him in a state of Purgatory to prevent him from lashing out at me (please see this blog).

I no longer doubt that I can prove the 64 Levels of Power’s validity anymore. But I no longer feel I need to prove anything either. The job Heaven gave me doesn’t involve trying to prove anything or change minds! Instead, I’ve been tasked with sharing a fresh message of self-empowerment, illumination, and spiritual power that dogmatic religious adherence is incapable of providing! Jesus hated religion because he knew that money and politics fueled by fossilized doctrine govern religion, not God.

I’m glad I took the Red Pill because the 64 Levels of Power is the result. I only dreamed that I would achieve the spiritual gifts I earned with self-sacrifice and suffering. But those who use the 64 Levels of Power won’t have to endure all the pain I did gathering the 64 Levels of Power’s intelligence. It doesn’t mean you won’t have to earn the right to unlock your spirit’s power, The 64 Levels of Power makes it safe to do so.