Revelation will be an exciting streaming series about a spiritual Rhode Island family of six, the Littles. The Littles find themselves immersed in unfolding Bible prophecies. America is no longer a world power and finds itself devoured by social chaos. The Beast of Revelation, Cain, also the head of the UN, is preparing to rise to power.

Richard Little, the patriarch of the Little family, is a high-level FBI agent who discovers he can’t trust his fellow Christian workmates after they turn on him when he becomes a whistleblower.

Influenced by contemporary society, the Little children, Parquer, Alicia, Evan, and Amber, become spoiled and entitled. However, Richard, his wife Margaux, and their four children begin questioning whether Christianity is worth the effort after their pastor is convicted of rape, and much of their Catholic parish is deemed ungodly and untrustworthy.

But terrifying prophecies begin unfolding rapidly, compelling the Littles to stick with YHVH and ditch Christianity just as it falls worldwide after the Pope and first female president of America are assassinated.

The government began violating American citizens’ rights, using invasive and unlawful tech on the precipice of nationwide Martial Law. The Littles must unify as a family since very few Christians can be trusted.

 Occult practice is widespread, causing an outbreak of abductions and human sacrifice. Reincarnated fallen angels and Nephelium control and dominate the general public. America is now overrun with demoniac criminals and horrifying supernatural phenomena.

The Littles come to realize they must rely on latent spiritual gifts, angelic guidance, and help from deceased family and friends to navigate an evil world. Angels reveal to the Littles that the first wave of apocalyptic events will soon occur, destroying technology, electricity, and other man-made inventions, as well as razing skyscrapers, sports arenas, and churches.

Can the Littles prepare in time with wicked adversaries persecuting them at every opportunity? The Littles will need to travel around the world to join forces with those few scattered, blessed, and chosen.

 Revelation will reveal illuminating insights into prophesies that will occur in real life. Angels provided Revelation’s script, so it is highly likely the events the series will depict are very close to what is likely to occur in the foreseeable future. Regardless of your beliefs, Revelation will be an entertaining and engaging program with an accompanying videogame saga.

(c)(p) 2008-2023 Blacc Dragon Productions Inc. All rights reserved

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