

DRAFT: We wanted to publish this post before it’s completed just to remind our political persecutors of how we’ve already proven what they’re doing.

Our Catholic entertainment business-funded, religiously-based political persecution increased exponentially in 2022. September 27, 2022, our political persecutors moved Mexican pawns driving an Infinity with a weaponized catalytic converter into a nearby house. The previous tenants were lesbians who played similar taunting and harassing municipal pawn roles for four years. Interestingly, there is no video surveillance of those lesbians moving (not truck, etc.).

Initially, those pawns were codenamed the Weaponized Heroine Addicts. We first noticed the Weaponized Heroine Addict’s appearance after publishing a post ridiculing Joe Biden for racing Colin Powell’s son. The videos in the carousel below led up to the 10-12-22 explosive events. Notice the taunting and harassment that occurred for nearly two weeks. 

There are a total of 75 videos we collected between September 27 to October 18, which means that there were, on average 8 weaponized vehicle harassments. The Weaponozed Heroin addict wasn’t the only pawn the Catholic Columbus Pigs and municipal powers employed. Rednecks and hillbillies are quite familiar with the weaponized harassment and provocation tactics because they created and perfected them, a throwback to the white-sheets-and-horses days.

By November of 2022, the Mexican Catholic harassment began dominating, and Black Baptist weaponized harassment diminished, as video surveillance will prove. America became a white, Christian-dominate country using the same type of religious-based political harassment we endure.

I called the new Mexican pawn Weaponized Heroine Addict because the pigs often employ drug addicts and snitches in exchange for going to jail or reduced sentences.

Eventually, we changed his codename from Weaponized Heroine Addict to Beaner Segal after he tried to get gangsta with another pawn’s teenage daughter. Hence Bugsy Segal, or in this case, Beaner Segal (like Stephen Segal). We had been using our website to counter-taunt the pigs and goats all day, and the following videos was the climatic ending.

10-12-22 12:50 am Weaponized Heroine Addict Starts His car:

The new Mexican municipal pawn codenamed Weaponized Heroine Addict had been taunting relentlessly all day (10-11-22), along with several other municipal-sponsored weaponized pawns.

10-12-22 12:51 am THe Chase Begins

I was armed because our political persecutors allow their pawns to carry firearms (or they reach out trying to pretend to be armed).  The Weaponized Heroine Addict and the Columbus Pigs underestimated the level of contempt their wicked harassment had invoked.

10-12-22 12:52 am Weaponized Heroine Addict Terrified, Waiting For Mexican Undercover Police Backup

I caught up with the Weaponized Heroine Addicts’ Infinity immediately. The fool was shaken. I couldn’t figure out why he stopped. Truthfully, I thought he would get out and start menacing. If is saw any weapons in his hands, I would have started blasting through the windshield.

But the angel told me he wasn’t going to get out, and I would see why he stopped shortly. That’s when I saw a dark Charger with black tint driving erratically like he was trying to find somewhere to U-Turn so he could get behind me.

10-12-22 12:53 am I Catch Up To Mexican Undercovers Who Try To Evade Detection

The Weaponized Heroine Addict got the 71 North entrance lane. I swear, as YYHVH is my Witness, I was hoping he’d do something since the Weaponized Heroine Addict had been running his mouth for weeks using his car. I was ten steps from blasting his car when the angel started pleading, reasoning with me. I still wasn’t sure if the Charger was involved.

The Charger either wasn’t familiar with the area or was so shaken that he was trying to find somewhere to turn around. I know the area. I needed to turn around, so I took the service road beside the old Golden Eagle. I noticed the Black Charger was turning in the same direction. By the time I caught up to the Charger, I knew they were involved.

But the all-black time exposed what they probably were (undercover pigs). The big tough coward waited until I was in the turning lane to run his mouth just loud enough while his punk ass kept driving. Again, I wanted to blast that car full of holes, I swear, as YHVH is my Witness. But again, I listened to the angel. A demon was urging urging me at the same time.

10-12-22 2:52 am House Surveillance Captures Weaponized Heroine Addict Speeding Away On 71 North

The split screen shows the moment the Weaponized HeroineAddict jumped on the highway from the dashcam and one of the front surveillance cameras. Our house is just under 400 yards from I-71. Yet, listen to how loud the weaponized Infinity is. Pawns, police, firemen, and EMTs are permitted to make that weaponized racket. 


10-13-22, the Weaponzied Heroine Addict was quiet. The Columbus Pigs came to the house on 10-13-23 at 12:55 a.m., claiming someone called and said I needed a welfare check to see if I was mentally well.

Do you see how pigs and goats create monsters who snap and commit mass shootings or bombings? The same white supremacist harassment was probably responsible for 9/11. It wasn’t long before the Columbus pigs and municipal powers authorized Beaner Segal to resume his weaponized harassment.

Please SWIPE the images to


Once a pawn gets hot (close to being busted or invoking violence), the pigs and goats introduce new pawns. Three weeks ago, another Mexican pawn driving a white Mercedes with black tint and a weaponized Catalytic converter appeared at the Weaponized Heroine Addict’s house. The videos below demonstrate what the Columbus Pigs and goats authorized the coward we’ve codenamed Mercedes Beans to do. Please click like to open the video.

9-30-23 Mercedes Beans 9:15 pm

9-26-23 spoiled Mercedes Beans 3:34 pm

9-16-23 Mercedes Bean First Appears 5:14 pm

Do you notice how Mercedes Beans pulled up and acted tough on 9-30-22? That is the Columbus Pigs and (and probably Latina City Cousnel) blatantly taunting and provoking, which is typical white racist behavior. 

The Catholic Mexican harassment has multiplied exponentially, thanks to Columbus pigs and municipal powers moving them into the neighborhood, sparking regular weaponized harassment like THIS VIDEO,  THIS VIDEO, THIS VIDEO, and THIS VIDEO. Those videos demonstrate provocational acts of war.

Yet, if I emerged from the bushes and started uploading the minute I heard all that racket, those proud roaches would be dead. But that’s why racists white trash Columbus pigs and Masonic goats are using those stupid proud Mexicans.

Notice how those illegals working for green cards stopped and taunted? That’s because the pigs know I work in the basement, and by the time I emerge, they’ve ‘beaned’ on down the road. What you’ve witnessed in those videos is the same wickedness Catholicism used to turn those Mexicans into Christians hundreds of years ago!

The provocation is intended to make me snap and kill those stupid proud pawns, so the white trash pigs and goats have a reason to bring their corrupt asses in here, which is the same tactic the FBI used against WACO.

All of this harassment has a capitalist entertainment business foundation! But the harassment is controlled by white trash FOP and Freemason, Shriner-types who call themselves the White Knights of Columbus, sneaky systemic racism at its finest. Those types of white boys like rasing hell for s—- and giggles. Every other participant receives some perk, whether it’s a green card or tickets to an OSU game.

A Marine told a story about a racist Marine who was stationed in Afghanistan. The racist Marine tricked an Islamic Muslim into eating pork rinds and thought it was so funny.

The Afghanistan Muslim and some of his Islamic brothers caught the racist Marine off offbase, ruffed and cut his testicles off, and stuffed them in his mouth, which led to retaliation. Of course, the racist all-American tough guys think the Muslim’s response was too much.

But those same racists don’t seem to want to address the Christian racist-motivated civilian homicides and rapes that caused Muslims in thier own countries to reach a threshold.

Something else very serious drove Muslims to 9/11. But those same racists will continue to act like 9/11 was unprovoked.

Mexicans and African Americans are just pawns in our political persecution. The weaponized harassment you’ve witnessed in this and every other presentation is the same tactics white, imperialist Trump-voting racists have used since they usurped this land from its Nativee Owners.

White trash with money and power hide behind eager Black and Brown imps willing to sell thier souls for a dab of whip cream from the American Pie Dream.