

This post is a draft. Some of the content for this post was part of the Operation Break Beak 2022 CPD’s Weaponized Heroine Addicts video presentation. So, we’re presenting Catholicism’s Role In Politically and Religiously Persecuting Us separately.

We will link the (Catholic) entertainment business to the exacerbated Catholic, religion-based political persecution we’ve endured. As you’ll see, our political persecutors are proud, bold, and overly confident, ensuring that we will validate our claim that Catholicism is 2/3 of the political harassment we’re suffering. The Catholic Church has persecuted every spiritual movement of its 1018-year Reich.



September 27, 2022, our political persecutors moved Mexican pawns driving an Infinity with a weaponized catalytic converter into a nearby house. The previous tenants were lesbians who played similar taunting and harassing municipal pawn roles for four years. Interestingly, there is no video surveillance of those lesbians moving (not truck, etc.). 

Initially, those pawns were codenamed the Weaponized Heroine Addicts. We first noticed the Weaponized Heroine Addict’s appearance after publishing a post ridiculing Joe Biden for racing Colin Powell’s son. The videos in the carousel below led up to the 10-12-22 explosive events. Notice the taunting and harassment that occurred for nearly two weeks. 

We suspected reprobate Catholic municipal powers moved the Weaponized Heroine Addicts into that residence. But that suspicion was eventually substantiated. Whenever we published posts about Joe Biden, The Pope, and the Catholic Church, the municipal reprobates activated the Weapoinized Heroine Addict, as many videos can corroborate. 

 Catholicism appears to think it owns the term exorcists, which it stole from the Celtic pagans. We can link the exacerbated Catholic harassment to our exorcist references (BTG’s stalled 2022 The Exorcist music project, for starters). I also used elements from The Exorcist 1973 Tubular Bells theme in The Boogieman song. 

 Exposing Catholic exorcists as frauds in the EXORCISTS DEMON HUNTERS presentation also seems to have irritated the Catholic Church and its violent faithful minions. The Vatican should have nothing to fret about if YHVH backs them. 

Morever, we can prove that the Pope’s Exorcist, The Exorcist: Believers, and the slew of fraudulent Catholic exorcists appearing in YouTube videos are directly associated with our resurrecting the exorcist topic. I’m not a fake exorcist like the ones in movies and paranormal investigation programs.

But the Weapoinzed Heroine Addict Furthermore, we can tie sudden emails I received to the Weapinzed Heroine Addict suddenly starting his car and revving his engine loudly. For example, I would receive and ignore email notifications from TAXI Music Group. Within twenty minutes of receiving the email, the Weaponized Heroine Addict started revving his engine. The Operation Break Beak Weaponized Heroine Addicts presentation demonstrates weaponized vehicle harassment. 

Our political perscutors know about my spiritual gifts and ability to interpret messages and signs, which is why they stage events or harass us with the weaponized activity that coincides with events like receiving emails.

Another example of municipal reprobates activating the Weaponized Heroine Addict was when I received sudden emails from Trademark Vista claiming that an anonymous businessman had applied for my ZenTao: 64 Levels of Power trademark. Interstingly, I can tie that first 2023 Trademark Vista email to canceling my TAXI Music membership (please see the TAXI MUSIC INCIDENT).

 The greedy capitalist trying to assume control of our conglomerate attempted to claim the ZenTao 64 Levels of Power trademark through a flunky trademark registration company called Trademark Vista. 

The move was just another harassment maneuver the greedy entertainment businessman tried to use to rattle me. We can also prove I received emails from Trademark Vista every time I introduced an additional 64 Levels of Power information to our website or significant FrontPage Oracle predictions occurred. We have reason to believe the corrupt capitalist is Jewish, especially after BMI Music blocked us from being able to access our account to log BTG’s 2022 Ground Zero songs into the database. 

We were preparing a lucrative radio airplay campaign in 2022. Collecting royalties for radio airplay without logging the songs into BMI would have made collecting royalties a pain. Every time we try to capitalize on our work, bureaucrats interfere using illegal and unconstitutional practices, and weaponized harassment is one of those practices,