
The FrontPage Oracle

Oracle Validation #6: Bad Surgeon, Black Badness, Reprobate Powers

Oracle Validation #6: Bad Surgeon, Black Badness, Reprobate Powers


Justice reversed was one of the FrontPage Oracles topics for today. This update reveals what the angelic oracle warned to look for publically. This post continues below.


The Bad Surgeon documentary exposes the lengths wicked patriarchal bureaucrats go to cover their unscrupulous mistakes. Click the Bad Surgeon documentary excerpt links below to see what happens when powerful people abuse authority to cover their evil. The videos mimic what we’ve endured for sixteen years!

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Atheists and pagans will scoff, “Why would your God allow those people to die, blah, blah, blah!” Because if those people hadn’t died from fraudulent negligence, civilians wouldn’t have wanted to hear the truth.

Those Karolinska Institute reprobates would have made the issue disappear with their political power and money, and ignorant muggles would have believed the powers, principalities, and authorities again. We’ve endured sixteen years of political persecution because we had to accumulate concrete evidence.

Without proof, who would have believed that Dr. Pepper, Chase Bank, and others would damage twelve years of building impeccable credit? Who would believe that racist OSU Dental Clinic professors and their students would work concertedly with our political persecutors, causing irreversible damage?

 Oh, no! Who would believe that Mount Carmel Medical Clinic would withhold serious issues because I didn’t have health insurance but was willing to pay for the exams, etc., I needed?

“Kalle Grinnemo seemed to be implying he was close to suicide after the Karolinska Institute decided to destroy his life. Yet my brother Carlos and I have been relentlessly persecuted for sixteen years. I laugh when weak minded imps like Drake think they’re so hard, yet couldn’t last a few days of phycological torture, and call themselves and ‘they shootaz’ soldiers!”

Who would have believed that racist bigot imperialists would have started riding around my hospital room, revving their engines, making a weaponized racket if I hadn’t filmed it? I was in the hospital with life-threatening bacterial pneumonia, necrotizing two holes in my left lung, while a weaponized racket ensued.

I even realized when the wicked reprobates told the doctors who I was because they started walking randomly by my five thousand dollars a day room, gawking, and acting suspiciously.

“Gary Webb endured intense psychological torture intended to do what it did, drive Webb to end his life.”

So, yes! Father YHVH allows such unethical wickedness persecution like Paolo Macchiarini’s colleges endured because plenty of hardcore evidence is required to destroy corrupt reprobates, which still doesn’t ensure justice is rendered.

Powerful people escape punishment because they have money and political connections. Paolo Macchiarini was given a suspended sentence for ‘causing bodily harm to victims’ when Macchiarini was directly responsible for at least two people’s deaths that would have survived if not for his fraudulence.

Then, if a family member of one of his victims killed Macchiarini after the court failed to render justice, the bureaucrats would work concertedly with the media because justice was finally rendered.

The system is rigged, so the wicked bureaucrats always win! And that’s why capitalist municipal reprobates continue harassing us, thinking they will escape punishment.

However, this will be the first time the wicked powers, authorities, and principalities are struck in a way they thought existed only in their Bible stories.


The types of African American reprobates persecuting us worship their filthy black clergy. Moreover, the churchy African Americans abusing power claim that YHVH blesses murderers, hoes, and degenerate athletes. Do you know why?

Because their depraved clergy claims they are blessed because they ‘hab’ megachurches full of suckers that gift them with wealth and status, even though those clergymen are foul, immoral, and delinquent. Yes, indeed, God blesses them with the five-thousand-dollar suits they DON for religious services.

“Demons and spirits were snitching during exorcisms like an FBI wiretap at the Ravenite Social Club!”

White and Latino capitalist municipal reprobates also persecute us politically. But the ones the oracle targets are black, self-hating, and unrighteous!

Moreover, some even have the nerve to talk about what they’re going to do when they see me or “get they hands on me!” Those types are like Sean Combs, who thought he was a gangster because he could pay $1M dollars to have Tupac killed, according to FBI surveillance tapes.

That type of ignorant scum will test, sending “they shootas,” etc., and that will afford me the opportunity to demonstrate how I escaped five murder attempts with angelic guidance and applying 64 Levels of Power principles.

“When you live in a Hollywood fantasy world, you won’t realize when the gig has been up (Wheel of Fortune reversed). The oracle reveals the subjects are African American. But support will come from a spiritual community, not one driven by self-hatred, materialism, and self-aggrandizing.”

Remember, the wicked reprobate scum have escaped justice, as Sean Combs thought he would. Moreover, those same wicked deviates thought all those Bible prophecies were fictitious or would never manifest! Again, do you see how much of a Genius YHVH and His angels are that He would let stupid and proud humans with power believe they would continue to escape justice and punishment?

Moreover, do you see how much more valuable having a ‘spiritual wiretap’ is than having to sneak into some place and plant a nerd-friendly, tech-driven bug? YHVH is The Master of master plans.

So, wicked, religious, delusional, Bible Thumping municipal/corporate degenerates have escaped justice for so long that they’ve become lax and certain of the outcome because they control it with money and political connections.

The 2nd TIM 3 LIE:

Again, we have tired muggles repeating the same weak ideas because, well, their only human.

Oh, stop it! Remember, Eve wanting to be like God and the Angels (brilliant) is what got her in trouble. Humans are herd mentality-oriented, so they follow each other mindlessly.

What pants are you wearing? What purse “you got slung round ‘yo neck?” Yup! I bet it’s the same one ‘yo gods endorsed. One person starts a unique thing, then contemporary muggles try to compete with each other using somebody else’s “genius!”

The hippy culture spread the lie that “anyone can become a star, or become anything they want.” So, we have fifty R&B female singers, and you can’t distinguish one from the other. They even intonate and express the same phrasing styles, then get on ‘Instagram’ and TikTok, acting like “they are so unique and ice cold🤣!”

Very few can come up with original content. So we have a society of copycats who get to shine while the real talent is wiped silent!

TikTok muggles hate because they can’t replicate something that takes talent and hard work to achieve! So, they spend ‘they time’ running around giving the thumbs-down to anything they can’t do. And you wonder why the market is shot and why you have to pay Rolling Stones and Source to write hype about a tired artist’s new release?