
The FrontPage Oracle

ORACLE UPDATE: Vertical vs. Horizontal Morality

ORACLE UPDATE: Vertical vs. Horizontal Morality


My daily meditations aren’t random fortune-telling tarot card readings. I’m using the 64 Levels of Power and angelic ministering when meditating. Witches and pagans use the tarot for fortune-telling.

However, the goal of the 64 Levels of Power is reconnecting with Heaven. 

Therefore, focusing on that divine reconnection first yields information about the future as an effect of the meditation.

The tarot reveals divine intelligence from before YHVH became active to the coming human-invoked Apocalypse. However, without angelic guidance, you can’t exact that information from the cards.

The angel Hariel was the principal angel guiding my meditation today. All the information for this Vertical vs. Horizontal Morality post came from just one card in my three-day meditation, the Emperor.

“The Emperor, or Lord, teaches rectitude through discipline, which is necessary to maintain order. The Emperor also teaches values, often through doctrine.”

  1. Exercising morality isn’t about God rewarding you, but you rewarding yourself through responsible choices and decisions.
  2. Humans were gifted free will, and cause and effect govern free will.
  3. Morality applied to atheism refers to knowing right from wrong. Righteousness is part of morality, and right and wrong are morality concepts. However, morality is a subjective matter of perception regarding atheism and paganism (this post continues after the quoted excerpt)

The female in the image below believes she’s answered the argument of vertical vs. horizontal morality. She states she’s not religious, as many contemporaries do. I guarantee that the female’s life is less than ideal, and bending morality (boundaries, discipline) is probably the cause! Click HERE to listen to the female’s Vertical vs. Horizontal Morality lecture.

  1. Right and wrong depend on benefit and detriment. Something seemingly bad could be beneficial, like lying to save someone’s life. 
  2. Science and atheism speak of the higher good, the lesser of two evils. So, science claims its harmful experiments and tests benefit the greater good in the long term. Yet, space travel and other toxic human science have damaged the Ozone and caused irreversible effects upon Mother Nature that science is powerless to reverse.
  3. Therefore, something science purports to be beneficial has actually become detrimental.
  4. In this case, a Higher power must intervene to restore natural order. Science can’t repair the Ozone any more than it can make other planets habitable.
  5. In that sense, vertical morality would have prevented science from exceeding its boundaries. But when you think you’re God or believe He doesn’t exist, you have no limits, which in this case would have prevented science from pushing into realms it had no business entering.
  6. Humans are destroying themselves, nature, and space, proving that horizontal morality is ineffective.
  7. Science thinks it can do anything without repercussions because it practices horizontal morality.
  8. By the same token, most Christians don’t abide by the laws and codes Heaven set and are required to return to Eden. So Christianity is hypocritical because it doesn’t follow Heaven’s rules, then dares to accuse atheists of being immoral.
  9. So, humans possess free will that they abuse immorally and illegally.
  10. The primary reason Heaven hasn’t directly interfered with human foolishness is to prove humans are incapable of exercising power or possessing intelligence.
  11. Humans have destroyed themselves with power and science, confirming they aren’t suited for either. Therefore, humans require a Master to maintain order or, in this case, restore balance and harmony.
  12. So, the concept of horizontal morality is just another way of humans saying they don’t require a moral, Higher Power, supporting the atheist and pagan argument.

Our Christian political persecutors demonstrate that Christianity is a lie! Those reprobates think they are at the top of the hierarchy. Therefore, corrupt officials and their clergy play God and do as they please, establishing the fact that humans are unfit to exercise authority. 

Atheists and pagans witness immoral, hypocritical Christian behavior and believe YHVH is a two-faced, oppressive tyrant and that there is no reward for living virtuously. Eden is governed by Divine Law, and virtues spring from that law.

You reward yourself by living morally, eventually allowing you to take advantage of all Eden (Paradise) has to offer. Contrastingly, you condemn yourself by living criminally(grossly immoral). Criminality governs the wicked Edenic parallel you reside in. 

So, it is a lie that God punishes you for not living according to the Bible when Michael gifted humans free will, which, by the way, was an experiment.

You punish yourselves by living immorally. All you must do is investigate immoral lives, and the previous statement is proven.

So, try again atheist and paganized Christians to use vertical and horizontal morality as your argument for there being no need for a Higher Power to maintain order.

There is only morality.  Humans, in their arrogance, use many different words and acronyms to show off their puny little scientific brains. But morality can be simplified to either right or wrong, beneficial or detrimental!

UP NEXT: The Four Stages of Freemasonry and Tying the FBI to  Secret Societies and Political Persecution.