
2-21-23 ORACLE UPDATE #2 The Jokes On You, Medusa FOX!

When I got up to meditate this morning, a pink crockpot made by a company called WOLF DOMAIN appeared in a Temu ad on the side of the webpage.

When I peered at the Wolf Domain logo, it looked more like a FOX than a baby wolf, which is how I knew to check FOX NEWS for oracle updates instead of CNN but only for today. FOX news is the Daily Mail of political reporting

Pink CROCK indicated to me two things: I was looking for snide elitist FOX feminist reporters/writers and gay sentiment. Let’s first let address COMEDY, CORNY JOKES, and WOKE CENSORSHIP!

A: . Comedy has been dead! You can’t humorously say fag, nigger, peckerwood cracker without someone being “OUTRAGED” (spoken in your most gay VOICE). 

What’s the problem if fags call each other fag, and niggers call each other nigga? Nigga was Richard Pryor’s trademark! I think it was Elon Musk who said WOKENESS killed comedy. 

Remember that Hilarious Liberal Trump Shock?!-image cnn

B: Like most contemporaries, comedian Nimesh Patel couldn’t wait to whine and express his “outrage” at Tucker Carlson’s absolute truth! It takes a certain, corny ear to sit through comedy routines like Patel’s Outsourced Humor and take it seriously as comedy!

C: Another HILLARIOUS JOKE was Dizzie FOX Assistant Editor, Brandon Gillispie referring to Marianne Williamson as a SPIRITUAL GURU! New Age Philosophy has always been HIPPY RHETORIC!

Speaking of Methusala.. Joe Biden is obviously senile, taxing Americans for his Ukraine Superhero Campaign. Biden is both senile and delusional, drunk with his temporary position as POTUS! So,…

if you aren’t calling for the most senile power in America to step down, why should Dianne Feinstein? Here again, we have the tired hypocrisy that defines contemporary media . Feinstein is retiring in 2024, so why trip?

No wonder FOX News is so simple, superficial, and toxic, with an assistant editor who appears to still be sucking breast milk! The first thing callous talentless contemporaries attack is age when they can’t compete with old heads! 


The boisterous, self-absorbed reporters and writers will look like that crowd of Liberals who were left speechless after Trump’s shocking win over Hillary Clinton.

Everything the toxic-propaganda journalist expected to happen, won’t! Why? Because they believe in humans like Biden, Harris, and their Republican counterparts. We will see, shortly, how ‘special, important, and elite the self-absorbed and self-enamored, silly, delusional news journalists really are!

Biden is about to fall and land on the flat of his back, with the most hilarious look of bewilderment plastered across his senile face!