As stated in the 11-24-23 7:30 pm Bieber, Bums, Babes, and Head Bangers Oracle Update, an oracle contains so much information that you can refer to it years later. In this Illustrated Oracle update using Chase Bank, we’ll demonstrate how much info each Oracle contains.
I’m always busy. But I’m simultaneously meditating at any given moment, meaning I receive spiritual information and intelligence at a heightened pace as I work. So, hundreds of thousands of beings and energies are passing along information, and that’s why my oracles are packed with multiple topics.
I received another bogus email from Chase Bank:

So, I immediately prayed and asked for clarification, which silenced all the spiritual voices (because they use the oracle to start talking).
Notice in the BS, FBI-style generated email, that Chase claims they closed my account because of fraudulent activity.
But Chase is so stupid and arrogant that they also appear to be using the email to make a statement (South Africa). Then, per FBI-type nerd games, I get several ‘bunk’ phone calls just before and after the emails.

The rest of the story is illustrated. Please click the header links that appear before each section to view the automated oracles.
I threw Oracle #1 immediately after checking the email link and calling the bunk numbers.

The oracle states that by freezing our business account with lies and deceit, Chase, apparently working concertedly with others, made a stupid move (The Fool reversed) intending to stall us (The Hang Man reversed).
Notice the Oracle also confirms that Chase and the other fools involved were so confident they’d escape punishment and retribution that they didn’t cover their a— before throwing a monkey wrench (The Ace of Coins reversed) into the mix.
But, thanks to angelic guidance, I changed plans (Death), which threw an even bigger monkey wrench into our adversary’s operation, invoking illegal and unconstitutional retribution from none other than Uncle Woodchuck (the bureaucracy). But here’s the kicker:

A: Examining Facts and evidence (D) will incriminate (B) everyone involved! My confidence (E) lies in experience (E), and evidence (D), thanks to those fools underestimating me and, more importantly, underestimating God and His angels! But wait! It gets better!
When I cast the second oracle, other subjects like Sony Music A&R and Justine Beiber, along with more info on Chase Bank and friends, popped up.

All I’ll say about Beiber is that he will burn and knows why. Status-wielding fools think they can keep secrets from YHVH AND HIS ANGELS, then hide behind megachurch perverts and pimps!!!!!
Separation and divorce also appear in the oracle, which only proves that everyone involved is either a religious, hypocritical Jew or Christian! I wonder, who that could be? A whole lot of hypocritical Christians and Jews!
Do you see the 10 of Cups reversed and the 8 of Rods reversed? Yup!! A broken home, thanks to infidelity and DISHONESTY! The Knight of Scorpio’s (reversed) songs are not genuine and very insincere (like singing about being a Believer or Honest or being a straight male when they know that’s a lie).
Only sucker muggle females, and gays believe anything Bieiber or effeminate K-Pop stars sing in their music!
Sony appears because, well, I’m not going to say. I will reveal that we will start over next week (shopping and making business contacts) while bypassing any reps with emails or any other red flags of unprofessionalism!
Chase reenters the spiritual conversation with the Queen of Coins, causing Chase and their buddies concern. Why? Because, Yup, I maintained an impeccable business bank account for twelve years, and now it’s frozen. Moreover, suddenly, Nimrod is alleged to have hacked the account down in South Africa! All this concentrated negativity has been thrown at our business account in less than two months of a twelve-year period!
But I also keep impeccable records for legal proof and evidence. Furthermore, the previous oracle assured me that Chase and the gang underestimated me, overestimated their power, and didn’t cover thier asses as well as they should have.
But the corrupt become lax and self-assured when they’ve destroyed so many using the same unlawful and Unconstitutional capitalist practices. There’s just a small bit of oracle left to cover!
CHASE Oracle #3:
Do you see that a—hole King of Swords reversed in the oracle?

Yup! That is the mastermind ‘apparently’ behind Chase and every other bureaucrat who’s wronged us. That old white patriarch jerk wasn’t thinking about money. No!!! All he cared about was trying to demonstrate how powerful he was, which will be the last time he ever gets away with abusing power! Justice reversed is waiting for that fool!
Moreover, t certain people will betray that dupe, that grey fart from Methusla’s decrepit sphincter! I warned the power freaks who’ve tormented us that they would be betrayed, giving us the upper hand. The Queen of Libra represents several people who will betray that corrupt imbecile, including the powerful attorney who’ll represent us!
But check this out!!!! One tiny error (the Ace of Rods reversed) will destroy that power imp. Do you notice that the 9 of Swords appear in each oracle? Let’s provide a scenario of what the 9 of Swords depicts.
A thief robs a house and misplaces a glove. That thief doesn’t know if he left the glove at the house or lost it along the way. So, for months, the thief stresses about the lost glove, which causes him to lose weight and go bald while strengthening his sphincter’s grip!
Five months later, the police haven’t appeared at his door to arrest him. So, the burglar thinks he’s off Scott-free. But two weeks later, the news releases his name to the public and the information he’s a wanted man! This post is like the news update!