
Supernatural Spirituality

Supernatural Spirituality

If You Can Talk To Angels part 3 of 4

If You Can Talk To Angels part 3 of 4

If You Can Talk To Angels part 3 of 4 Introduction

Atheists and scientists are Luciferians. Satanists and Luciferians are different breeds. Satanists worship demons and devils. Luciferians don’t believe in God or devils because they think they are both God (creators) and destroyers (devils), which is true and false. Luciferians are the Illuminati and they worship science, logic, technology, and intelligence.


Lucifer rebelled against Michael because he wanted an audience with YHVH. Michael refused Lucifer’s demands eon after eon. However, Lucifer concluded that God wasn’t real since his request to speak directly to Him concerning his lesser position in the solar system never materialized. Lucifer further inferred that God was a fabricated concept Michael invented. Truthfully, YHVH put Michael in command of this angelic solar system, and only ten angels can approach YHVH’s throne. Lucifer demanding an audience with YHVH is like an associate employee seeking a meeting with a corporation’s chief executive to complain about a supervisor doing her job.

Michael is brilliant, Lucifer is intellectual. Lucifer tries to emulate Michael in every way, like claiming to be brilliant. Intellectuals (Aquarius) believe hobnobbing about philosophy, poets, astrology, and metaphysical pseudoscience is intelligence. Intellectuals are perceptive while geniuses are discerning. The primary difference between perception and discernment is that perception is subjective and discernment is objective. Subjective perception blinds modern society. Contemporaries can now identify as whatever they choose even when there is no science, logic, or practical grounds involved with that identification.

” The adroable little boy in the video below demonstates that children are born into sin. When Michael questioned Adam about his involvment in Eve’s seduction, Adam responded like the the little boy in the video, innocently, as he lied!”

If You Can Talk To Angels
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Nerds and alien enthusiasts are correct when they say there are Extraterrestrials, but deluded when they claim the existence of watermelon-headed outer space beings. Fallen angels are the only Outerspace aliens walking around the earth in human form. Lucifer was the governing angel of both Uranus and the angelic Aquarian stars (constellations). The age of Aquarius began in April of 1005 AD and ended in April 2005. Metaphysics and New Age philosophy are part of the Aquarius age, along with false peace, tolerance, and twisted self-expression.

The fallen angel’s primary pursuit is returning to their invisible homes located on the various planets. Science compels the fallen angels. Michael stripped the angels of spiritual authority and bound their extradited immortal spirits in reincarnating human bodies (earth). So, fallen angels have no supernatural abilities, and rely on science for power. I explain what the angels told me about the difference between fallen angels and demons in another in-depth presentation, as well as the absurdity of Extraterrestrials and the origins of flying saucer sightings.

The New World Order isn’t the Illuminati, but the Illuminati are part of the New World Order whose objective is world domination through corporate power, science (Gemini), technology (Aquarius), and the occult.

SUMMATION: If You Can Talk to Angels, why don’t they tell you something useful

I: Heaven expelled Humans from Eden, stripping them of the protection they had before they stole intelligence. Intelligence is Heaven’s power and is the only reason humans can practice medicine, science, and government. So why would angels tell humans how to use the intelligence they stole to play god and cure diseases? Science and medicine consider themselves God, so He isn’t going to interfere with their stupidity!

II: Humans are unreconciled with Heaven, so why would He interfere on their behalves when they haven’t bothered taking advantage of salvation? Violent car accidents, death by a natural disaster, or bullet occurs because humans are criminal exiles in a foreign and hostile land surviving with the intelligence they stole from Heaven, courtesy of Lucifer, the Dark Prometheus.

Inmates don’t receive preferential treatment in prison! Humans are serving their prison sentence on the dark and criminal side of Eden, so they aren’t rescued by angels from misfortune or spared when it’s their time to pass over!

III: Cancer, and other diseases, can’t be fully cured. If science cured incurable diseases, then science would be God, and you would be in Eden. However, even if science could create an absolute cure for cancer, some new terminal condition would take its place. Angels aren’t going to provide intelligence (cures) for disease treatment and calamities caused by humans who’ve abused intelligence (power). Humans brought sickness and suffering upon themselves when they coveted power/intelligence (to be like God and the angels).

“Science and its technology may appear to be benefitting humanity. But the truth is science is dividing humanity, making it more inhumane, robotic, and mechanical.“

If You Can Talk To Angels
“Instead of using intelligence wisely, science misuses intelligence for profit’s sake. The medical field creates medicines with harmful side effects. Foolish!“

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