
ORACLE Table of Contents launches within:


Having pawns drive past your residence committing weaponized harassment like THIS, and THIS is psychological harassment/warfare. The law benefits the cowards who create and enforce them. I can guarantee all the weak-willed macho cowards talking tough-guy s— would have committed homicide after s short about with weaponized political persecution. The more we ignore this punk-ass b —-, the more the harassment exacerbates, as we will prove! Those pigs and municipal powers know that provocation will eventually result in someone dying or losing their mind! So, pigs, goats, and pawns can provoke, cause a person to lose their mind, then prosecute them, which is exactly why Heaven asked me to keep going (because your days are numbered)!


10:26 pm: (Please see the videos that accompany this post below the text): Your hiding behind pawns, Woodchuck, just like you’re hiding behind Ukraine. No African Americans, Mexicans, etc., can act absolutely without your coward white puppet strings. It’s like the UK and Germany. Without the US, they can’t play Superman! The same Columbus power cowards using eager, paid pawns!

Daily, people are being killed! Yet, the Columbus Pigs, municipal powers, and ‘government cowards’ keep taunting! The third video reveals the Columbus Pigs playing with their sirens, which is their trademark move of daring us to confront the taunting pawns. The pigs are disturbing the rest of the clueless neighborhood to taunt us (which is collateral damage).

All the pawns will never be anything more than Columbus municipal peons receiving comps for their services, like OSU tickets, cheap car payments, and moving into a house it would have taken ten years to save for.  None of you pawns would have half of what you do if you didn’t eagerly play puppets to taunt us! WARNING: Videos contain profanity



5:49 pm: We have proof that Columbus EMT and firemen are also harassing us with weaponized vehicles and sirens. I had two dreams last night. But I’ll keep them concealed until they happen. We used to live in ‘Good ole boy Marion, Ohio. My dad was restoring a Sanford-style truck, and…

This post continues after the images…

…the racist deputy Sheriffs set it on fire. I’ve got plenty of racists oriented stories about Marion, Ohio! The KKK had a headquarters in Delaware, Ohio, when we lived there.  I loved Delaware. But it was racist too!

The Marines are the bullies of the armed forces. So I doubt the scenario that involved some marines getting beat down on Memorial Day in California unfolded quite as the Marine claims. Everybody isn’t going to fear you just because you’re a Marine!  However, I have no doubt the bastards popping fireworks were rowdy and disrespectful.


I can prove you removed those files of the American flag. Dixie Flag, American Bald Eagle, and the expensive Dodge Ram Sitting in front of a firemen’s post with American flags flying. My screen recorder is always on because Federal and Municipal Chucks are always trying and testing!


2:04 pm: Gabriel asked me to prepare this oracle but didn’t reveal some other details. Once I went to Adobe Cloud to fetch some files, I realized why Gabe hadn’t said anything. The Oracle is calling America and its allies sneaky cowards and sending a warning! Hexagram 35 changing to 23 indicates a shocking, unexpected, absolute, utter collapse and defeat! You can read the IRISH interpretation of line#4, Hexagram 35, HERE.

However, when I went to Adobe Cloud to open the American flag Paranpahelia for a 3D scene I worked on for four days,…

…I noticed those files were missing. Here is a snapshot of my Adobe cloud that appeared with THIS POST. In THIS IMAGE, those files are missing, including the one that predicted an accident involving firemen yesterday. THIS FILE demonstrates the moment Gramarly white imperialism tried to elicit sympathy for Ukraine!

Grammarly and Adobe appear to  be working concertedly with Uncle Sam, as many bureaucrat principalities have in the past, and we can prove it! Now you see how the Beast uses its technological mark to control and suppress the blind sheep who trust it!

Everything you have is tech that Uncle Sam and his pawns, like Adobe and Grammarly, can control! Suddenly, yesterday, Photoshop started acting up AGAIN, and today those files are missing! The same white boy imperialist who thinks they’re so much more intelligent than everyone else strikes again!


5-30-23 1:13 pm: Oh! So, that boat capsizing and the green water in Venice are coincidental, too, Chuck? Italian secret service (retired or not)?

12:58 pn UPDATE: BUT WAIT!!! Ukraine is in the East, not the West! So, again, NATO should keep its ass out of the war Ukraine started! Western Christian hypocrisy strikes again!

America started a war with Vietcong, and how did that end? Little ole Vietcong drove America out! You talk all that patriotic white Imperialism talk! Yet, there were homeless American veterans who celebrated Memorial Day by begging for money and food! Hypocrites!


5-30-23 12:48 pm: Bluffing and propaganda are principal military tactics. Fidel Castro bluffed his way into power with a small band of fighters! Are you going to believe the hype from a NATO chief with a reason to twist the facts? Stoltenberg is either Jewish or German, Frakensteen, or Frankenstein! 

Don’t forget! Western Europeans came to America, murdered and raped the Indians, and took their land. Moreover, those same imperialists repeated their warmonger Revelation White Rider roles by conquering and pilfering Asia, Africa, and South America!

Those Western imperialists are only concerned with white power and people (but will use anyone they can)! Do you notice how the Pope and many Latin American power figures and presidents often seem to look WHITE instead of BROWN or RED?

Many American presidents can be genetically linked to England, Scotland, and Ireland. So, there’s that prophetic NATO connection (Daniel’s statue’s bastardized feet)!

The west is the Red Dragon. Lucifer’s Red Dragon must rely on tech and guile to win (the sword protruding from the White Riders’ mouth)! You fools are still trying to battle prophecy. You have little resources and financial backing! Yet, you’re taxing citizens and printing worthless money to fund a war that isn’t any of your business? God-complex much? 


5-30-23 11:51 am ORACLE UPDATE: I was using Uncle Sam’s puppet, Grammarly, when suddenly, it started preaching (please see image #2).  Politically inept,  loud, socialite intellectuals can’t seem to understand that Ukraine started the war while making it look as if Russia jumped up and decided to bully a clown who joked and taunted one time too many!  Uncle Sam is always running around the world, starting trouble. Sam’s two biggest puppets are Israel and Ukraine! The post continues after the images.

Notice the little smart-alec cheap shot CNN sideline cheerleading reporter’s headline. That headline should read, the war Ukraine and America instigated! Journalists are like nerds. They use their words and intellect to bully but are very rarely prepared for the repercussions!

Cowardly American, British, etc. Imperialist white boys hiding behind Ukraine are probably responsible for the Moscow attack. Instead of fighting directly, Superpowers are feeding their warmonger erections with plausible deniability. Remember, warmongers love war. But a coward hides behind a docile woman. 

Like our political persecutors, American imperialists can’t stand to lose. So fuzzy head white boys are endangering America playing puppet master, trying to prove that a basketball game doesn’t dictate a war’s outcome?

Mind you, those ‘men’ are all proud, Christian white Americans! Patriarchal American military cowards are always itching for combat, which is easy when you’re sitting in an office using other people’s children’s lives and money.


In 2010, I fought with my ex-wife’s gorilla boyfriend. Unfortunately, I had a severed left tendon. So, I couldn’t use my equally powerful left hand.  Instead, I utilized kicking tactics. However, the other guy outweighed me by at least fifty pounds. 

I allowed rage to overtake me, and I kicked too high, causing me to lose balance and fall to the ground. After breaking the fall, I immediately adopted a Shinobi ground stance.

I started beating the guy on my back. Evert time he threw a punch, I stuck him with powerful kicks to the stomach and face. I remember thinking, “I’m going to beat this guy’s ass on my back.”

My ex came out of the store screaming, “what did he do to you,” repeatedly. My ex was talking to the gorilla. Immediately, my ex started kicking me. 

I was winning the foray up to that point. But when my ex started kicking, I launched three kicks, two to her stomach and one to her face, which got her off me. However, in that instant, the gorilla jumped on my back.

Since the gorilla outweighed me, I couldn’t get up. So then the gorilla started welling on the sides of my face with punches! But the gorilla couldn’t knock me out. So he put me in a chokehold.

I was breathing through my nose using Shinobi breathing tactics and tensing my neck muscles, creating a slight space between his arm and my neck. Approximately six minutes later, I told the guy, “You got me.” My ex started getting worried and asked the ape to back off.

But the ape responded, “Naw! He said he was gonna beat my ass,” which I had been perfectly doing, on my back, until she came out and changed the odds. That was one of many times I said to myself, “Ok, I’m about to pass over. I’m about to die.” Instead, I passed out.

I was probably out for close to a minute. Repeatedly, I heard a voice telling me to get up. I came to and jumped in my car, struggling to regain my breath.

It took twenty minutes to regain a regular breathing pattern. We were staying at The Motel 8 Ball Hole in The Wall on Dublin Grandville Road because of the same imperialist Woodchuck mentality hiding behind Ukraine. Team Woody had us unfairly evicted from the Hickory Creek apartment complex here in Columbus, Ohio.

We’d been living in hotels and motels for almost two years because Team Woodchuck made sure we couldn’t get another apartment! Do you see how imperialist Woodhucks must cheat to win?

You’re cheating like a bitch, Uncle Cracker. Why don’t you fight like a man? Notice the STAR appears, yet again, in THIS ORACLE.

YUP! WHO'S LAUGHING NOW!?!?!??!?!?!?!

11:31 pm: Don’t forget to read THIS ORACLE that revealed WHO WOULD WIN between Boston and the Heat! Humility is THE WARRIORS HALLMARK! Michael is the HEAD WARRIOR! Remember, you soulless racists don’t believe in the supernatural, any more than your black demoniac counterparts (or you think the LAWD GOT YO BACK)! Like Pharoah, when it’s all said and done, you will be looking up from the flats of your unleavened backs! Now on to the GOOD STUFF!!!!

10:58 pm: Here’s how I could have made money using my spiritual gifts to place bets! 

1: Letting the Celtics think they were going to win was a setup: The Heat had to be down to be THE UNDERDOG (Micheal backs the underdog or those who are right, even when it appears what they’re doing is wrong to humans)!

2: Notice how fickle you disloyal humans are! First, you were all on the Heat’s ASS when they won three games! Then, when you thought the Heat would lose, you were all up Boston’s ass!

You saw how many of the Heat’s shots in the last two games should have gone into the basket many more times than they did! Spirits made sure the Heat would lose so they could beat Boston IN BOSTON!!!!!! So, do you still think you can ball against angels and demons and Heaven’s will? REPEAT AFTER ME, SET UP!!!

3: Like BTG, I think seven Miami Heat players were overlooked during the draft! Yup! Coaches listening to stupid sports commentators and bad advice, like Ukraine!

4: As soon as I saw THE HOT in that LA NEWS 7 post, I knew the Heat Would win! My dream confirmed it when the spirit used ELHAE (LA) to tell me to LOOK FOR THE  (demon-sponsored) LA SHOOTING, which was at THE HOT Lounge! But,

5: The icing was that TEMU AD last night! St. Patrick’s Day is OLD NEWS! Yet, the Temu ad was advertising for St. Patrick’s Day sales.

6: And finally, MICHAEL BEAT LUCIFERS ASS ON HIS OWN TERRORITY! Welcome to Armeggadon, Baby!

Go ahead and try looking for omens, human! The demons will trick you, and you will lose a s—load of money, like Vegas, SCIOTA DOWNS, ETC., ETC., ETC!  I earned these gifts by SEEKING FIRST HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS!

So, again, the angels and spirits have told me exactly how my adversaries die, fall from grace, or go broke! You only think you run s—, humans! Just like the presidential election outcome and Russia finishing Ukraine (all because America, Britain, Italy, and Germany couldn’t mind their own business trying to play GAWD IMPERIALIST)! You can be stupid as the Celtics in Boston if you want, oops, ALLIED POWERS!

Oh, yeah!!!! Gabriel told me I (we) earned the right to bet on sports when I want! Why? Because I chose to make YHVH happy and proud and didn’t give a s—- about human concerns or kill when compelled! But wait!!! WATCH THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


5-29-23 6:53 pm: Wow! I bet you think that fiery highway crash was coincidental. Please read on! This post continues after the image.

I’ve been working on the BTG’S AOLD animated ad for three days. The scenario is BTG is leaving Columbus, but Powerless 107, Team Woody (The Dodge Ram), and Lex Wanker (on the Billboard) are trying to stop them.

Yesterday, around 1:30 am, I added THE HIGHWAY EXPLOSION to the scene. As you see, the WALMUTT’S (Where Trash Shops) Semi is the cause of the explosion. The highway is virtually empty (there will be police cars and traffic traveling on the other side of the highway in the final render).

More importantly, the Highway sign flies over the car so the viewer sees COLUMBUS 18 MILES. BTG was forced onto the wrong side of the highway by the municipal powers of Columbus and their pawns!  The explosion in the AOLD ad happens just after the chase reaches Grove City.

In the final render, a porthole to Hell opens in front of the BTG Impala. The racist rednecks opened that pothole with the NASCAR Hell-rasing ritual! The angel Haniel battles Lillith in the final scene, which is why the semi overcompensated after trying to avoid the racists in the Ram!

By the power of YodHeVavHe, I also warned you about the firemen accident that happened, and I’ll prove it after the game!

The Lex Wanker billboard says I PUT THE PRIDE (rainbow) IN COLUMBUS! That firey highway scene NBC-4 shows is what that AOLD scene will look like when I’m finished.

The TOWER REVERSED in THIS ORACLE is saying the SEMI FIREBALL on the HIGHWAY in Columbus this morning, and the scene I’m working on is correlative. The Tower reversed in the oracle is my situation (meaning it is the source of what’s going on). The Moon in the reading is saying the accident is mysterious to fools but connected supernaturally!

Remember! I said we let Heaven prove and validate. You won’t be able to say the next series of events aren’t directly related to us and our situation, naysayers! Heaven has assured us that our adversaries and persecutors will be struck shortly and not to allow their bluffs, etc., to fool us!


5-29-23 4:09 pm: Remember, I don’t care if people don’t believe what I’m saying. When Heaven is your Backing, you have nothing to prove because He will prove everything for you. The people who have something to prove are those who claim Heaven backs them, so they have to manipulate events in their favor. Heaven will validate everything you’re about to read!

You don’t believe in the Avengers, but you those movies entertain you. The difference is that when we repeat what angels and spirits say or reveal, it will happen or will be validated (like when I update this post after the Celtics vs. Heat game conclusion)!

5-29-23 3:47 pm:

Christians were foolish to ignore the signs, omens, and prophecies. Christendom is smack dab in the middle of one Prophecy fulfillment after another. For example, the generation that will not completely die before seeing this world’s end was born between 1969 and 1979. In a video presentation, I’ll explain why that generation is the LAST IN LINE.

Christian clergy is responsible for Christendom’s ill-prepared condition. Nearly everything you thought was fake or a fairytale is authentic, and vice versa. YHVH and His angels govern and guide everything that happens to keep prophecies unfolding promptly. Speaking of prophecies…

THE PROPHECY: More Than Just Hollywood Entertainment

Since there’s so much garbage passing for movies and streaming, try watching THE PROPHECY. Heaven often played Puppet Master using Hollywood directors of old. When spiritual people watch those movies, it’s like being in a classroom. Everything you will witness in the first three Prophecy movies IS REAL! There are a handful of angels battling multitudes of fallen angels, not demons! 

Bypassing all the Catholic propaganda in the Prophecy while remembering that you’re watching reality will give the Prophecy more meaning. In the first installment of the Prophecy franchise, angels have unique books that help them navigate through life while fulfilling Heaven’s Will. Those angelic books also help the angel master his or her spiritual power for Armageddon’s supernatural war. 

Unfortunately for them, the fallen angels are spiritually powerless. Michael revoked the fallen’s spiritual authority (swords). So, the fallen angels must rely on technology, which is a Luciferian invention and market (Illuminati = Scientific Community and Technology). Fallen angels also practice black magic, like high-level Freemasons. The 9th Gate is real and another entertaining classroom!

Once their higher self awakens, angels can’t simply say, “Oh I’m an angel!” Only a fool or Charleton would do that because who would believe them. Heaven’s few angels don’t care about glory, fame, money, or anything else that obsesses humans. Father YHVH’s angels only care about glorifying Him, not themselves, and saving souls that Lucifer, Babylon (Azazael), and the other fallen have enslaved.

In your Bible, angels never took credit or revealed their identities. Not all of the angels in the Bible magically appeared. Michael forbade materialization for nearly four thousand years. So, many of the Bible’s angels were born into the earth and showed up when Heaven asked them to.

But Christian clergy claim they are masters of knowledge about God, humans, and the universe! Lest I remind you, that truth is being revealed, just as prophesied!


The public version of the 64 Levels of Power is not its angelic counterpart. I was instructed to destroy everything before leaving this sick world. Moreover, the angelic edition of the 64 Levels of Power is so concise that it’s reduced from 450 pages to 50. You know what Einstien said about mastery, don’t you?

 Earthbound angels throughout the millenniums have often lost or misplaced their angelic books. Those angelic books often fall into stupid human hands.  Humans aren’t angels, so they can’t use the angelic book even if they tried. Contrastingly, Grimiroirs are evil books written by demon-inspired humans.

 Witches view non-witches with disdain, like they themselves aren’t “Muggles.” But witches are humans who must rely on demonic familiars to power their witchcraft. Witches have become so bold that they tell you the truth about their practice (Sabrina the Witch is doing so irreverently and in your face). Those hateful feminist witches then play the victim card, whining about the often justified witch hunts of old!


So, again, can you see how entertaining and engaging the Art of Life & Death, Revelation, The War in Heaven, and Madam-eX movies and streaming series will be? We don’t care if people believe us! People think older Hollywood movies were make-believe when many told you the truth in plain site, and you were entertained!

The most magical movies were created between 1980 and the last Hobbits installment. Comic book movies are sci-fi (not even fantasy), which is Lucifer’s domain. However, superpowered beings walking the earth is a truthful and factual concept.

Notice the BOSTON GLOBE wrote the endorsement for the 1995 Prophecy film. After tonight’s Celtics vs. Heat game, we’ll return, and I’ll tell you how I knew which team would win and why!

5-29-23 1:45 pm: The legal community and law enforcement preach a sermon of consequences. Yet, corrupt municipal powers abuse authority without realizing there will be consequences. Moreover, most of those corrupt reprobates claim to worship God and adhere to Jesus’ teachings, yet they think they will escape the consequences of their corruption.

What was a young fool thinking, jumping overboard on a cruise ship as a dare? Did he not realize the consequences of jumping overboard on a moving vessel, and no one on the boat knew? Who would save the young fool if only his Tik Tok audience knew about his death stunt? Moreover, what kind of fools would urge someone to jump overboard on a cruise ship? So, there are consequences all across the board on that one!

Consequence is one of the many meanings of the 9 of Swords. Horrible mistakes that return to haunt is another 9 of Swords topic. It’s not until you’ve been caught and you’re in trouble that you become sorry or remorseful (which is usually when Christians want to “get right with the Lawd”)!

Sadly, once the Wheels of Judgment begin spinning, you can’t reverse the inevitable. You can only wait for punishment to come knocking! Nobody get’s away with anything, and YHVH Laws ensure that the corrupt pay too!

I thought Sciota Downs was in Canal Winchester. 7 God-fearing Christians were shot at a party in white suburbia?

The HOT, Elhae Shootout, and Frebis Avenue Bus

5-28-23 9:19 pm ORACLE UPDATE: This post continues demonstrating spiritual power and validates many things that have recently happened and are about to occur. But I’ll let you read the Double Oracle! If you like the post presentations of THE FRONT PAGE ORACLE and SUPERNATURAL SPIRITUALITY POSTS, you’ll love the video presentations! Double Oracle continues after the images…


Demons provide readings about fortune, fame, and power. So, all the psychics and mediums who perform readings about money, “Will I meet Mr. Right,” etc., get their power from demons. Those mediums aren’t necessarily evil. But just like a pagan witch, demonic familiars power those mediums and psychics’ gifts.’ 

Another news article kept nagging my attention while I watched the video about the Charlotte transit bus shootout. Moments after the ABC-7 LOS ANGELES California shooting video started playing, I saw THE HOT! The shooting took place at The HOT LOUNGE. But THE HOT draws your attention in the video!

The second news article took place in California. California and Florida have palm trees. I used to be a Notre Dame and Celtics fan! Of course, Boston’s comeback could have just been a supernatural setup (since we’re trying to break Las Vegas)! But I wasn’t thinking about any game. 


Now, I don’t ask those demons to provide those signs. An Exorcist shouldn’t ask demons and devils for anything because then you’ll owe them a favor (just like the mob)! However, because I am a master Exorcist, those demons do things free of charge. Gabriel said the demons behave like our Pitbull Samson. 

Samson is only one year old (May 13), spoiled, and mischievous. So, Samson likes to test and try, especially when he comes in from playing with his little girlfriends who live on the side and back of us. But Samson knows when he’s gone too far because when I roar, he drops to all fours and tries to get sympathy.

When the demons appear to tell me their next wicked act, I don’t try to get information about anything more than what they’re fixing to do. They volunteer the rest!

DOUBLE PUBLIC NEGROSITY: The Charlotte Transit Bus Shootout

Interestingly, THIS ORACLE foretold several incidents, including the Charlotte transit bus shootout. The bus driver is the King of Rods reversed, and the Page of Rods reversed is the Lil Thug on the bus! Notice two things in the oracle, the Sun (today) and the file’s title (negros.jpg)! Remember, that oracle we published yesterday also targets Team Woody’s pawn codenamed SECTION-8 (the King of Rods reversed)!

The bus driver in that Charlotte shootout demonstrates the opposite of what you should do in that situation. A city bus driver should have a silent alarm that alerts the police. But that Charlotte bus driver must be watching too many rap videos. 

As soon as the thug brandished the weapon, the driver should have triggered the alarm, let the violent fool off the bus, and provided a description. Instead, the driver was so busy trying to play Josie Wales that the bus moved onto the curb and could have hit pedestrians unawares. 

When violence and firearms are involved, Shinobi always think about the civilians before acting. The Millineial Deputy Sheriffs in THIS SHOOTOUT should be reprimanded or fired. Those Deputy Sheriffs were sloppy and careless! Likewise, the Charlotte bus driver was stupid and irresponsible.

But this story also has a supernatural twist!


Our political persecutors violate our privacy. So they should be able to look at my search engine history from yesterday to validate when I looked up #8 COTA BUS ROUTE. 

I had a three-part dream LAST NIGHT. First, I was standing on the corner of Fairwood and Frebis. It’s been so long since I rode a COTA bus I couldn’t remember the name of the intersecting road at Fairwood and Frebis. I searched for the #8 Bus route to no avail. But when I saw the Charlette transit bus shooting video, I heard, “FREBIS!”  This oracle continues below…

DREAM WEAVERS: How My Dream Foretold the Transit Bus Shootout

My mother was in that three-part dream too. Interestingly, the singer/Rapper Elhae from Atlanta was at my mom’s house in the dream. Elhae (pronounced LA) had a MAC-10 and a shootout with someone on my mom’s back porch. Elhae was terrified! Elhae is more a lover than a fighter.

In the dream, I told Elhae, “Bruh! You can’t be bringing that kind of drama to my mom’s house.” So my mom and I got Elhae into her car. I told Elhae to keep out of sight! 

My mother lived in Lancaster before her passing in November 2022. But in the dream, Mom’s house was on Fairwood, just up the street from Frebis and Fairwood. One of my Southfield homeboys, Big Dave, and many ghetto thots and thugs were also in that dream. 

There’s a convenience store on the corner of Frebis and Fairwood. But in the dream, there was a house instead where Big Dave, me, and the crowd were standing. But there’s much more to that dream.

The point is that I couldn’t remember Frebis. But once I saw the transit bus shootout, I heard “FREBIS,” which triggered my dream sequence I had last night!

By the Power of YodHeVavHe, everything I just told you happened (exactly) as you read it! No Hollywood-hyped script! Do you see how our real-life Art of Life and Death series and its spinoffs will make for high-octane movies and series? 

Since we’re implementing the marketing strategy for The Art of Life and Death, we’ve changed the Exorcists and Ground Zero music project names to The Art of Life and Death. In addition, we’re introducing five new tracks!

Old Mexico, New Mexico...

5-28-23 1:23 pm: Three days ago, I received omens and intelligence in my oracle pointing to the New Mexico motorcycle rally that left three dead. On 5-25-23, I was looking up DODGE RAM images to texture a 3D late-model, redneck, racists Dodge Ram. My Photoshop Cloud supports my claim. Notice in the second image below the last time I opened the Rebel Flag (3 days ago)  and Dodge Ram (2 days ago) files.

On 5-26-23, I was led to…(continued after the images).

…the Aventura BROTHERHOOD OF MUSCLE article. As soon as I saw the title and the macho bald head, I heard ARYAN BROTHERHOOD. The macho bald head looks like he could be a biker and a member of the AB. Bad bitches melt then they see those macho tough guy types and make the mistake of thinking muscles, tats, and beards always win the match.

Shinobi were often tiny, male and female farmers and common folk. Yet, the government would hire those Shinobi to assassinate the often bulky, macho, overly-confident Samurai and Shogun.

As you see by the NPR headline, macho types have to prove their tough and dangerous, and you use that to your advantage to puppet their hubris into a tactical advantage to their detriment. That motorcycle rally would have been the opportune moment to eliminate hundreds of bikers in one fell swoop for Shinobi.

I’m not posting these ORACLE UPDATES trying to be scary. Scores of good people are bullied by one adversary or another but are empowered by the fact and truth of being able to use spiritual power to manage threatening or dangerous situations and people. All those persecuted people would need are the weapons to match their bullies, whatever type of weapon that might be.

The guiding spirits used both the Aventura article and the New Mexico motorcycle rally to reveal more enemies who think I should be threatened (The Peckerwoods and Aryan Brotherhood). You will always hear, see, or smell those types coming long before they arrive. However, spiritual power can confirm, validate, and empower your position and confidence. More importantly, with Heaven on your side, no matter the tribulation, you can emerge victorious.


Again Federal Woodchucks, you won’t be able to use the 64 Levels of Power because you are wicked and would try to abuse spiritual power as you do with human power. So, you can keep trying to steal, etc., because when you try to use that intelligence, it will confound you. Speaking of confounded intelligence…

Today’s oracle for municipal and political reprobates is I Ching Hexagram 24, line 6.  That 6th line says: “He has been given misleading information. Acting on that information will bring disaster. Do not set the army in motion, for you will be utterly defeated.”

I mean, that line is pretty obvious and doesn’t require a genius to comprehend. That 6th line also warns that a situation (or standing) can’t be reinstated or repaired because callous and apathetic actions and conduct have burned bridges. (like a Ukraine tennis player using sports to make a political statement, another American shortcoming). In other words, if you try to cross a bridge, it will explode because it was BOOBIE TRAPPED by your hubris!

THIS whitewashed interpretation of line #6 of the 24th Hexagram provides a more powerless interpretation. May 24th is also the focus for you, Unk Sam, and the rest of the world!

Zelensky is emulating his American macho backing with his impotent threat about consequences for Iran if they provided the drones that just whupped on him! The US just threatened African mercenaries the same way!




GEt YOur Kicks Lucifer!!!

TWO-STAR CATHOLIC BS: Get mad all you want. You still don’t get it! But you will, and suddenly!

5-26-23 9:15 pm: If you look around the web, you’ll see Catholic liars and thieves who’ve obviously seen or heard what’s going on here! Catholics fabricate miracles to confuse and mislead their ignorant members. Recent news reveals what’s really happening to the Catholic Church and why its humiliation and destruction lie just ahead. Catholic Hollywood continues to cheat and steal.

 As we’ll prove repeatedly, Catholics will lie, steal, and cheat, trying to gain the Pope’s favor. Catholic wickedness exacerbates when their perverted priest claims they can absolve gross, mortal, and unforgivably sin. Catholicism’s noose is its own wickedness!

The Catholics and their mediums lie about speaking to angels, something YHVH and the angels will also continue disproving! Catholics can speak to angels yet cover and deny papal molestation! The greatest number of so-called demonic possessions come from the Catholic community, and papal molestation and incest are the biggest culprits!

Hollywood also continues its blatant life-story pilfering. But Hollywood is polluted with desperate, coke-addicted warlocks and witches. All warlocks and witches are liars, thieves, cheats, and pretenders. Hollywood has a history of stealing and capitalizing on others’ lives and experiences. As a result, there are very few quality movies and series to watch, even on Netflix.

You can always identify a Hollywood production pilfered from someone else’s life or story. Those stolen Hollywood movies always fall flat, or the first season is the bomb, and the rest of the series turns B-Flick.

Paramount’s Evil is a prime example of what appears to be a Judaic/Catholic script pilfered straight from, and we’ve compelling evidence to back that claim.

Evil started on Netflix, and the first season was the only one that would engage non-Catholics. Then there’s that drivel that is Devil Conspiracy and the Pope’s (Fake) Exorcists. Catholic Hollywood is really fighting against the inevitable and appears to be pilfering to do it!

The 1973 ‘The Exorcist’ classic was the perfect Catholic propaganda movie because it even scared the hell out of lesbians, sending them scouring back to the cathedral that put them on Pride Avenue! As THIS ORACLE and THIS ORACLE reveal, when it’s time for litigation, we’ll be the victors and not just against Hollywood.


Notice The Devil appears in both oracles. Who gave birth to politics? That’s one reason the Devil represents Catholicism. But pagans are IDOLATERS, another meaning of the Devil card! Catholicism is an abomination (another Devil meaning) of Jesus’s ministry! Lucifer stole Jesus’ movement, claimed it for himself, and called it Christianity (Catholicism-Ignacious is a Catholic god).

You see! The power of truth, experience, facts, evidence, and science always trumps the fakes, charlatans, and liars! The Catholic Church and other Luciferians will continue trying to smear and pilfer. This is Armageddon, after all! But you demoniac fools rely on your corrupt political power and money to cheat!

But we’ll see if Catholicism’s idols, saints, and Holy Father’s tricks, sleight of hand, and misdirection stand up to the real McCoy! Remember Lucifer! South America is the first to fall into the sea, be covered in molten lava, and/or be razed by one earthquake after another! We will see then if your Catholic witchcraft is of God or of demon-compelled men.

You’re so used to fakers and pretenders that mirror yourselves you can’t fathom the reality of this prophetic moment! Lucifer is a liar, and so are his bastards! Your wavering or uncertain Catholic pawns will second-guess you when they see real miracles, prophecies, and events, which is your biggest fear.


How many non-staged Catholic exorcisms have worked in real-life paranormal investigative series? None! Zilch! The Pope’s Exorcists are doubtlessly fabricating many exorcisms. Deliver Us From Evil is another bunch of highly exaggerated series of Catholic hype! Catholics have been capitalizing off of exorcism-themed flicks since 1973. But why is the original The Exorcists the best and most realistic? Demons are in that 1973 movie because it would be the first and last of its kind!

Where do you think my confidence and belief to stand against millions of wicked and evil people is derived? You think if you continue your wicked Catholic, Baptist, and Evangelical harassment, it will somehow reverse prophecy!

Your Rosy Cross, modern-day Knights Templars, will also hang themselves dabbling and extending the limits of their abilities! So, get your wicked Luciferian jollies! You’ve been acting wickedly towards Heaven’s servants for 1018 years! If you scum, manage to kill me! When I wake up on the other side, I’m going to rip you ten new assholes!!!!! Your disbelief is irrelevant! But this next event will demonstrate who’s full of dung, Beatles!

By the Power and Might of YodHeVavHe, we will see if Lucifer and his bastards defeat Michael and his soldiers. Get your laughs and giggle and taunts! All you’re doing is fulfilling prophecy.


BTG’S Exorcists Demon Hunters will be a masterpiece, not because I’m exorcising demons. This world belongs to them, which is why Jesus didn’t bind them, and cast Legion into a herd of police! When we visit demonic locations, those demons will begin taunting directly the fakes, charlatans, and tricksters. Moreover, those demons and devils will then begin attacking all the tough-guy paranormal investigators, their producers, and others who dabble and taunted with their silly paranormal shows.

The people who watch EXORCIST DEMON HUNTERS, however, will be safe, unlike when you watch Ghost Adventures and open a pathway into your house via your tv or monitor!

The next thing you know, those demons will begin showing up at the Vatican and all the other unholy grounds where murder, rape, and other mortal sins have occurred for a thousand years. The Pope’s proud local demoniac beaners also think this is a joke and that the Pope will protect them! We will see!

Remember, you Catholic fools! Revelation warned you that Michael is unleashing the demons, you wicked hypocrites! Michael is not acting as savior this time, Liar! Michael is coming for your ass!

You don’t need a network to back you these days! You can stream from your website (and we’ll have our own server)! All you need is excited investors who see that you’re going to make history while fulfilling prophecy while they make beaucoup loot!


It’s your fault, Biden, Imperiialsits Cracker Pentagon, and the rest, for disbelieving in prophecy and thinking your Luciferian devilry is higher than angelic authority! Remember, scum! You are responsible for what’s about to happen! Get your laughs and jollies while you can!

Christendom must rely upon the Bible for a second-hand dose of miracles. Heaven set you fools up by letting you think the only place you’ll see supernatural displays is in the Bible. Then, you church suckas claim Jesus will vaingloriously appear in the sky, so you can suddenly act like a good Christian! Fool! Jesus’ whole purpose was to sneak up on your ass and catch you acting like pagans while claiming DA LAWD IS WIT YOU!

You fools jumped on Babylon’s LGBTQ paganized boat and took YHVH and His angels for some jokes you humor every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. So, you’ll keep testing, laughing, and talking dookie until the shyte hits the fan!  

THE Sixty Four Levels of Power vs. The Underworld..

  • 00Days
  • 00Hours
  • 00Minutes
  • 00Seconds

HERE’S THE ONLINE ORACLE, wicked Hierophant!

2;49 pm UPDATE: This post will answer definitively who authorized THIS WEAPONIZED MEXICAN and WHY! Even though I’m swamped with work, I’ll use this Oracle Update to share another real-life story. When you receive validating spiritual intel that you’re dealing with dangerous and diabolical adversaries, you switch to an entirely different mode. Meanwhile, keep in mind that the CIA, FBI, and the other federal acronyms will work concertedly with the underworld to eliminate threats, as we saw in recent news with the unexplained death of a Russian scientist…

Three assassination attempts on my life occurred in Collins, Mississippi. After the first early morning attempt on my life, the angel Gabriel told me never to leave the house without my gun, though it was a ‘dirty gun’ another G gave me.

One morning, I went to grab an early morning coffee at the Texaco on Interstate 49 in Collins. I stopped getting my coffee before sunrise after the first crack-fiend hitman. On this morning, I saw a car parked suspiciously in a corner store parking lot. That store was closed.

As I crossed Highway 49, the suspicious car pulled out of the parking lot. Immediately, I heard a voice tell me to be on guard. I had on a checkered short-sleeve shirt, buttoned MEXICAN STYLE (only the top button fastened). The car passed and pulled to the side of the road just ahead of me. The first thing I noticed was the New Orleans tags.

When I approached the passenger’s side of the car, a man who looked like a younger version of Frank Vincent rolled down the window and asked me if I needed a ride. My fifth element gate (fire) began pounding in the center of my chess.

In Shinobi practice, I learned through dangerous experience that when the 5th Element gate opens, to be on the offensive, to attack, or be ready to do so. Wild animals rely on the 5th Element gate to sense predators. Subjecting themselves to danger was the only way Shinobi could open those spiritual centers (which is why Heaven protected me while in the underworld)!

After the Frank Vincent-looking hitman asked me if I needed a ride, I pulled my shirt back, exposed my 9mm, and responded, “do it like I need a ride, Motherf!@#$.” The driver smirked as if to say, you’ve got balls and pulled off. 

If that driver had been a civilian, he would have reacted differently to my brandishing the gun in my waistband. As soon as I saw the New Orleans tag, the New Orleans mob flashed in my mind’s eye, and that was long before I saw the driver.

I had the drop on that adversary for two reasons: divine guidance and the preparation it afforded me. Law enforcement, among others, was also part of that assassination attempt, as they are partly responsible for the pawn driving the weaponized Infinity in THIS VIDEO

So, again, to do its dirty work, the CIA, FBI, or (place appropriate acronym here) will work concertedly with the underworld! The Underworld and the political arena have always been bedfellows! With that, let’s interpret the oracle:

A: The King of Swords reversed is a corrupt, wicked politician with Underworld (the Devil) connections. That could explain why a politician’s grimy soul pushes through his ugly mug.

B: The Hierophant reversed can symbolize corrupt public officials (especially the chief or deputy sheriff), evil Mexicans, and Bull (capitalism).

B+C +D: is both POLITICIAN (C+D) and Pontiff, or POPE (B). Vatican City is a political STATE with its own “laws,’ etc.

E: The Underworld is political. The Devil also symbolizes 666, or Money, Political power, and Influence (like Hollywood and the sports world influencing trends, morals, etc.).

E+F+G: Both the underworld and politicians are DAMNED (the Devil + Judgment reversed= condemned)
G: The Oracle has established something hidden BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT, so scum powers and authorities authorized THIS WEAPONIZED PAWN!

So, everyone in the angelic oracle IS DAMNED, including the POPE, DESANTIS, ELON MUSK, and the rest. Covering Papal molestation and dabbling in politics alone are condemn-worthy. Allowing people to call him Father and perform acts of worship  (bowing and kissing rings, etc.) exposes many things about the Pope that prophecy foretold.

Gabirel is the angel on the Judgment card, you know, like, “when Gabirel blows his horn, you better be ready,” Gabriel? And what do you know! Gabriel is the angel providing the oracle.

Now, Catholics will lie, steal, and cheat for the Pope’s blessing, which will be their undoing. But when THE COMPLETE TRUTH about the Catholic Church and the Vatican is revealed, it will raze the Catholic Church. Francis isn’t Roman or Italian, so he should have been called BENEDICT because his Papacy is the breech that will implode the Catholic Church.

The Vatican has murdered Heaven’s prophets and servants for centuries when they refused to bow. The Catholic Church appears to be harassing us for the same reason! What was Babylon prophesied to do? YUP! What the Vatican and Catholicism did to Heaven’s servants for a thousand years!

Servants of Heaven always possess legitimate spiritual gifts, and because the Pope has none, killing those servants protected his power and influence over his Faithfuls! Catholics worship and bow to the Pope. But the Pope isn’t my God or Master, and we’re not Catholic!


5-25-23 1:00 am: I’m publishing my three-day oracle for a reason. I know what’s going to happen twenty-five years from now. Christian clergy is like their Sanherdian predecessors. The Jewish rabbis also claimed demons powered Jesus’ spiritual gifts.

Christian clergy doesn’t personally know Jesus or his angelic brothers and sisters. Read the angelic oracle after his introduction, and tell me why would demons advise avoiding temptations when they are the tempters? Also, notice how the angels speak directly to me in the oracle. I’m certainly not talking to myself!

On a side note… When I see something in an oracle or an angel uses the oracle to tell something, it may not always be apparent (like it doesn’t make the news, or my enemies are fronting). For example, the Pentagon or government will doubtlessly do something the public won’t know about. However, Heaven knows everything. Therefore, having reliable spiritual counsel is invaluable when battling wickedness. Pagan witches haven’t spoken to angels either, or they would have told those witches Mars is Thursday, not Wednesday, and why!

43rd LEVEL: Resolution and Determination


FOCUS (the lesson or test): Cleansing tribulation that will remove sinfulness, overindulgence, and vice. You will either damn or purge your soul by the end of this level.

Concentration focuses the will, and projects intention, creating a powerful effect or ability to influence potently. 


At this stage of development, resolution is needed to trudge through difficulty. The trials and tribulations you encounter at this point are created externally but have a purging effect.

 Dark and wicked energy tests your integrity and sense of duty. Those without meaning and purpose in their lives will fail through self-defeat.  Indulging vice or succumbing to simple mundane pleasure will cause distractions that weaken resolve. 

Your objectives are in sight. In addition, you can see the rewards your work and its difficulties will bring, which generate the additional energy required to overcome obstacles. 

Weak-willed people are easily distracted, invoking needless drama that arouses chaos. Likewise, an overbearing demeaning could ignite an already volatile atmosphere.

Those with severe vices are self-destructive and ruin everything around them. Drug addicts provide the perfect example of obsessive self-destruction.

Pressure exacerbates obsessions, addictions, and compulsions, resulting in loss of self-control and abandonment. When you can no longer control yourself, you become a slave.

Remove anything detrimental from your life, even family and friends. Cleansing your situation will lead to greater focus, which is fundamental to achieving your objectives. 

Troublesome people drag others down so they aren’t alone in their misery! There is no hope for the damned or doomed. Keeping them around is dangerous because you will fall with them when they are judged.

 Wednesday: 4 of Cups: refusing insincere offers; self-sufficiency will prevent temptation; those who lack discipline are easily persuaded or dissuaded; a polluted heart defiles the mind, causing unrest

line 3: the situation is being driven uncontrollably by an unhealthy external impulse (our political persecutors and the demons that compel them). Recognizing the difference between joy and pleasure will safeguard you from temptation. 

Disengaging from “(insert whatever here)” will curb compulsive obsessions. A bull and bullfighter provide the best illustration of your situation.

The bullfighter is supposed to be in control, not vice versa. Therefore, concentration is necessary to emerge victorious, especially in chaotic or dangerous situations. 

Rein excessive indulgence to reinforce intention. An intoxicated person impairs their ability to respond to any situation effectively. Confusion and doubt act as intoxicants, inebriating common sense and reason. 

 Thursday: The 44th Level

 Moon: terror, nightmares, and the dark night of the soul:

– Those who’ve used force excessively reap extreme consequences. Divine retribution wreaks havoc upon the bold, obnoxious, and flamboyant. LGBTQ, Ukraine, 🇬🇧, Lizzo, Liberals and trash Republicans, American military powers 

 – Those who apathetically and arrogantly ignored wise counsel are ultimately humiliated and disgraced.


–  etc., etc., etc.  

– Ones have been drawn out and ensnared by their obsessions, compulsions, and appetites. In…..

 Friday: Level 45

 10 of Cups: receiving support and unconditional acceptance from community, family, or like-minded individuals.

It becomes painfully evident that one’s excess has caused a mass movement of like-minded people taking hard stances against far left and right! Etc…….

Definitely A SET UP!

2:54 pm: The Christian political and religious devils and demons taunt us because they think I’m like them. I don’t post oracles, Chuck Wheat, because I’m showing off. Heaven asks me to publish these oracles as a warning that you are dead men and women walking! I thought your Woodchuck intelligence didn’t believe in all this!

The Mexican driving the weaponized Infinity in THIS VIDEO executed a weaponized taunt just after one o’clock today during meditation with my brother. The Hierophant reversed is the focus of my brother’s personal reading today. HERE IS CARLOS’ READING! Five minutes before the weaponized pawn struck,..

…I told my brother that the Hierophant reversed in his reading represented one or more of the following individuals:

  • Mexicans
  • The Pope
  • Police Chief
  • Republic Records/Universal
  • The Pentagon

Federal cowards invade our privacy in the name of national security. But they’ve been violating our privacy for sixteen years this October because autonomy enables them.

The petty Ukraine attack in Russia mirrors our political persecutors activating the taunting Mexican driving the weaponized Infinity. Before going to bed, I watched a Chinese movie about Shaolin Monks fighting Japanese pirates hundreds of years ago. The pirates were committing all kinds of inhumane atrocities.

The head Shaolin monk didn’t want to accrue unnecessary karmic debt because he didn’t understand the difference between killing and murder. The pirates murdered and decapitated monks from the warrior monk’s abbot to spite him. During an earlier battle, the monks killed the commanding general’s equally contemptible twin.

Once the monk commanding the small band of Shaolin saw his decapitated brother’s bodies, he screamed that the pirates were demons, Inhumans. The monk’s painful sentiments were exact! Similarly, a Syrian soccer player screamed that the tyrants killing innocent people didn’t fear Allah. Those two sentiments from the monk and Syrian freedom fighter mirror each other and are true!

The only way to deal with wicked, demonically corrupt people is to kill them because if the shoe is on the other foot, they’ll kill you. YHVH authorized Joshua to do the same, and for the same reasons I just explained. Moreover, demonic people will never leave you alone, just like the proud Mexican and his Catholic powers, principalities, and authorities. This is a Holy War that the unholy lose, Chuck!

America knew Zelensky was an imp loose cannon when they enabled him. Remember, political cowards commit reprehensible acts and then hide behind plausible deniability, which is what a bitch does!

Biden and the rest of the Western Imperialists understood demons would compel Zelensky’s ego. Now Russia has the green light to find and eliminate Zelensky, regardless of “who dunnit.” 

Line #6 of Hexagram 43 depicts a little imp who tries to whine and play the victim when karma returns tenfold. Very few but his political backing will feel sorry for the imp or the hell he and his patrons have unleashed upon him and themselves.

If Japan foolishly joins in the mayhem (through financial or arms support), years of past wicked karma will return in kind! Japan shouldn’t behave like South Korea, which acts as lapdogs for racist imperialists who have no love for their country or its people. 

As my brother pointed out, even if rouge Ukrainians committed the attack in Russia, what were they doing with American arms and vehicles (if that intelligence is reliable)? Again, western Imperialism strikes. All the fuzzy-head, civilian Woodchucks rooting for Ukraine’s “alledged’ attack in Russia won’t be rooting if and when that happens here! But remember, Chuck imperialists think they are untouchable.

I rendered my three-day oracle yesterday morning, and already you Woodchucks have begun fulfilling it. Here is a piece of video of me rendering that oracle. Notice some of the other names, places, and subjects Heaven will target.

1:46 pm NOTICE: When we start using harsh language like ‘crackers’ and ‘negros, ‘ it’s because we’re using our site to respond to recent political harassment, like weaponized vehicles and other events. In other words, we’re addressing the corrupt powers, principalities, and their pawns, counter-provoking them so our surveillance cameras can capture their reaction, providing more proof!

1:30 pm: Do you see THIS ORACLE? When the fools manifest the oracle, we’ll return and show you who the oracle is speaking about and what they did! When we update the post, it will demonstrate how I would use spiritual power to be in the place my enemies will appear, and execute them, which is classic Ninjustu! Lao Tzu vs. Connor McGregor!


5-21-23 10:21

PART I: 3-Day Oracle- Reading this entire post provides clues about coming events. Our visitors can win prizes and money by identifying the events hidden in the FrontPage Oracle, which will also be presented in video format.

LEVEL 61: The main focus of the 61st Path, or Level, is petitioning Heaven genuinely and sincerely. Contrastingly, Path 31 instructs the proper way to move humans’ hearts. 

Top Three Lines: dispensing privilege, gifts, and blessings, the mind, granting wisdom, loftiness, 

Bottom Three Lines: soul and heart; cleansing or purging the soul removes impurity; Tribulation (59th Level) has removed what displeases Father YHVH. So likewise, one’s heart and mind must be cleansed, free from artifice and unatoned sin, before approaching God.

Trying to petition God like a human never works. You must be genuine and sincere to approach Heaven if you expect to receive any response. In this sense, genuine indicates your prayer is uncontrived. However, sincere denotes you put a little thought into what you’ll say to Heaven during your petition.

Line #6: Misfortune and tragedy strike, compelling wicked prayers that fall on Deaf ears. Those who’ve been rebuked arrogantly ignore wise admonition. The problem is that the subjects have brought hell to others who may or may not deserve it (meaning innocence will pay for the wicked’s sins).

It’s not too late for certain ones if they put the breaks on now and exercise self-discipline, self-control, and self-moderation over the next four days. Rien your ego and humble yourself before Heaven pummels you. Ignoring obvious warning signs will only summon tragedy through chaos.


One does not petition Heaven for trivial concerns before asking Him for spiritual needs. For example, you shouldn’t ask God for money before entreating for His help fixing your marriage because it shows your priorities are off. Likewise, you don’t ask YHVH for a record deal when lust controls everything you do. Spiritual should always take precedence over the physical and material (just ask the dead).

When you approach YHVH genuinely and sincerely, He greets you with His heart and soul because He trusts you. Contrastingly, Heaven will use His mind to deal with those who petition insincerely. Father YHVH addressing you mentally is like dealing with an apathetic human judge presiding over a case without concern for meting (out) justice fairly or expecting an emotional response from Dr. Spock.

A fool asks God for money, fame, and power before asking for wisdom. Why? Because wisdom will make you rich, influential, and known without losing your soul. People with experience climbed many disappointing mountains. However, the wise knew (exactly) which mountains were worth climbing. So the wise didn’t waste time ascending mountains that caused them to become gray prematurely. 

There’s always some young fool walking around proudly sporting the grey in his beard like it means he’s so wise when all he’s doing is showing how many mountains the fool climbed without wisdom!


One problem with society is that so many people are obsessed with trying to be great, just like Eve. It is a lie that anyone can do or be anything. Everyone has limitations and a role to play. The illumination revealed daily at came from years of suffering, self-sacrifice, and seeking YHVH first

I have aged angelic documentation spanning years, validating when I first received the illumination we reveal. So, the liars, thieves, and cheats, the so-called spiritual masters, will only hang themselves with a legal noose that we intend to tighten.

The arrogant and presumption few who try to say I’ve pilfered or plagiarized their work will suffer grave humiliation should they try ‘Litigation Alley.’ Once the court sees that angels provided the missing pieces that so-called spiritual masters claim to have introduced, the outcome will be like asking the Pope what Gabriel, Uriel, or, Haniel told him about the result of the Russian and Ukraine conflict before involving himself and his country

Suppose those so-called spiritual masters and gurus claiming to have christened the public with illumination tried to accuse me of plagiarism. Why didn’t they instruct the antidote or connect all the dots as the angels did for me? Those fools can’t draw sound conclusions using spiritual intelligence if they tried (which will only prove they’re not masters of anything but foolishness).

 With Heaven’s blessing, we will also expose all the Hollywood warlocks and witches who tried to bite our life’s story before we take the matter to the highest court.


I’m so sick and tired of entitled Americans whining about nothing when we must play chess with powerful scum daily. So, a simple task like launching our website is always shrouded in mysterious chessboard movements. As a result, we try to keep’s front page filled with supernatural news and oracles until we launch.

We’ve been preparing for a major meeting with financers. Unfortunately, our persecutors violate the law and Constitution, so even that business meeting is shrouded. Once we’ve completed that conference, check in hand, we will launch our site. is finished. But the entire website is part of our business plan. Once launches, you will understand why!

However, we can’t publish the FrontPage Oracle we started three days ago just yet! Wicked men and women are about to add to that oracle, and we were advised to maintain discretion, another trap.

By Thursday, those fools will be humiliated worldwide. Remember, I warned these fools by the Power and Might of YodHeVavHe. So when what happens next occurs, we’ll just laugh in their faces. Speaking of jokes…

On a side note:

Last night, I was supposed to mention that Jaimie Foxx would recover, and, viola, Foxx released a statement today. I wish I had posted that update. Maybe Foxx might listen to reason when I say it would behoove him to exercise the utmost humility. Foxx doesn’t realize how close to ‘leaving prematurely’ he came, hoax or not.


5-20-23 1:07 PRE-FRONTPAGE ORACLE:  The Joker vs. The Riddler. As if you didn’t already know, the Joker whips the Riddler’s corny ass. I just mentioned finishing my combat/Shinobi training in Japan’s mountains, right? This post continues after the images.

Gabriel suggested publishing this FRONTPAGE ORACLE post update. Monday, we’ll post the entire Oracle, which revolves around anticipating our enemies and adversaries’ efforts and actions. The Pope, Joe Biden, and other political imps are working overtime to prove YHVH is backing their attempts to interfere in other nation’s affairs. The G-7 (or whatever) resembles our political persecutors because a quagmire of egos has decided to work concertedly for all the wrong reasons. 

If Russia wanted Zelensky dead, he’d be dead. Russia should have killed Zelensky long ago. But in politics, eliminating Zelensky would give imperialist, hypocritical American powers the greenlight. But, by the same token, if America and its Big Bad Wolf buddies act too decisively against Russia or China, it will give them the green light too. Do you see how a bunch of grown men act like boys, using politics as a chessboard? Interestingly, a Japanese Prime Minster was assassinated on July 8, 2022 (so there’s that)!

Ask those Spanish journalists that stayed in an Afghan hotel that American tanks attacked how they feel about America and whether they should be charged with war crimes. American intelligence would have known that the hotel those tanks attacked housed international media. The fuzzy-head Pentagon prides itself in intelligence gathering (so those American tanks knew journalists were staying in that hotel).

The G-7 conference is more bluffing and intimidation tactics like an elephant, or donkey in his case, flexing its ears. The media always plays its propagandistic instigator role for the government.

However, if you asked the people that the political leaders involved in the G-7 conference represent if they want to get involved in a situation that isn’t their business, you’d know the outcome of the imp conference. Zelensky is a clown, much like his political buddies, who acts tough and omnipotent, hiding behind military and special security.

So, Monday’s FrontPage Oracle, consisting of our personal readings, is again exact because it features ‘super-powerful’ imps working concertedly to smite and prove political power is divine. Imperialist, get your pagan witches to interpret the oracle and extract from it logical information pertaining to war and politics. 

You think you’re God! But you have hearts that can stop pumping at Heaven’s commands. You have houses that can be consumed by fire. You have loved ones that could drop dead or die suddenly after hitting a minivan on Dublin Grandville Road. Underestimating YodHeVavHe’s Might is where (you) Powers, Principalities, and Authorities repeatedly make the same deadly mistake. Again, by year’s end, we will see if the god you serve is the same One backing us.

You can read Monday’s FrontPage Oracle on the new and engaging site.

Since the oracle isn’t speaking to corrupt Municipal Powers and their pawns, I’ll keep my world by providing a superficial oracle (until we begin publicizing). Notice in THIS ORACLE, the same corrupt public official scum claims they’re trying to restore order and rebuild bridges, yet actions and intentions contradict! Corrupt principalities are trying to return order, yet use chaos (booming stereos, etc.) to mend bridges (something along those lines). Again, YHVH’S Law will strike. No one but desperate, eager slave pawns want lopsided propositions. Just as THIS ORACLE LINE TWO revealed, my adversaries are haters with no stock. Moreover, they can’t reach me,  so they violate the law and Constitution doing things like THIS!