

Cheerleaders Syndrome

“Strike the power to Drop the Cheerleader”


Cheerleaders and Yes Men will be the topic for the next seven days since they are likely to cause humiliation, disgrace, and shame from the regular muggle, all the way to the halls of politics!

“Easily enamored by money, prestigue, and power, muggle civilians make the best cheerleaders!”



“Cheerleaders brag, boast, and intimidate hiding behind people who can do what they will never be able to achieve!”

This short introduction to the 7-Day Oracle identifies Cheerleaders in the news headlines.

Angels used the scientific principles and concepts of Tension Force, Cohesion, Adhesion, and Force as the basis for this 7-Day Oracle introduction.


Cheerleading is a form of ‘Hater.’ Cheerleaders, Bench Riders, Second Stringers, call them what you like. Annoying people who can’t beat, outsmart, or outshine others always know someone who can.

Cheerleaders love hanging out in YouTube comment sections, bragging about people they’ve never met. ‘Cheerleading’ is another cheap witchcraft tactic (psychological ploy) with many functions, mostly undermining someone’s confidence or ‘Solar Eclipsing’ someone else’s genuine, well-deserved recognition moment. 

The physics topics in the image symbolically influence power abuse!

House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik is a Political Thot, much like Marjorie Taylor Green and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Those women shouldn’t have power, as their childish, petty, and unprofessional behavior reveals.

Stefanik has no direct control or authority over Hamas, so the best she can do is let off steam in public rants. Imagine what type of persecution Stefanik heaps on Palestinian and Arabic American citizens!

Cardi B, Nikki Minaj, and Beyonce share similar character flaws with Elise Stefanik. Those types of women are known to have people killed when scorned or, like certain Columbus, Oh, city council females, persecute their victims via power abuse.

However, if you undermine their platform, influential, bossy, demanding, and vengeful females are reduced to TikTok celebrities.

You REAP WHAT YOU SOW. Israel kills thousands of Palestinian children and then harps on one Israeli child. America is Israel’s ‘jehovah!’

Elise Stefanik’s only power is public ranting, boldly, and adamantly threatening to ‘wipe them (Hamas) off the face of the earth!’ Stefanik is like the weakling little brother running around starting trouble. Then, when it’s time to fight, weakling little brother starts threatening to sick his college MMA-tough big brother to beat his opponent.

Stefanik is having a ‘Hey Spike Moment’ because that’s all she can do—rant while showing her hateful, demonic, wrathful attachment. I’ll use a quick, true story to demonstrate how women like Stefanik are silenced.

A Philly ‘street soldier’s’ girlfriend threatened an adversarial ‘street soldier,’ boasting that her boyfriend would “kill him!” At some undisclosed moment, the rival ‘street soldier’ snuck up behind the girlfriend’s boyfriend and shot him in the back of the head. Her boyfriend’s death destroyed the female in one fell swoop. When you undermine a cheerleader’s confidence base, you cripple the Cheerleader!

Of course, at another undisclosed moment, police found the boyfriend’s killer shot execution-style in an abandoned house. Such is the cycle of revenge. 

Cursed is the opposite of blessed. Too many curses damage the soul. A severely damaged soul becomes damned. A damned soul is bound to this side of Eden, Hell on Earth, and can’t return to Paradise.


The angels correlated today’s subjects to physics in my angelic meditation:

  • Tension force: You can see the Tension (force) in Elise Stefanik’s face, which means she’s not handling the stress very well.
  • Cohesion: Judaic Jews and Zionists are supporting ISRAEL (same attracting the same).
  • Adhesion:  JOE BIDEN-Why can’t Biden mind his business? Probably because he has business with Israel since Biden is a self-proclaimed Zionist. Biden is cheerleading Israel because he is “Biden Ben-jehovah to them.”
  • Force: In this case, force is the opposite of POWER. Power is required to contain a force. Power abuse is a blatant misuse of force. Authority is the force abused in this case. Right and wrong are moral forces. Immorality and unrighteousness are examples of damaging forces. Good and bad are legal forces (holy and wicked). 

Demons, which are forces, are responsible for:

  • Tension: Tension is generated through pushing or pulling, which equates to expansion and contraction.
  • Coercion: to force against one’s will.
  • Power abuse: A lack of virtue, self-control, and self-discipline contribute to power abuse. Unrighteousness and wickedness are the causes of power-abusing virtue deficiency. Higher virtues are required to exercise power righteously. A lack of virtue contributes to corruption, degeneration, and destruction.


As I finished this post, my brother’s sudden but timely text directed me to CNN, where part two of the oracle below became a reality. 

Part one of the oracle concerns Israeli spokesperson Stefanik’s wicked, virtue-deficient public wrath. CNN journalist/writer Lauren Izso is the Knight of Sagittarius in the oracle above. 

Izso’s using the correct term in her introduction, propaganda, to refer to the Israeli headline rant is the reason the angels highlighted the journalist (for making the correct assessment of the Israeli forces’ intentions–propaganda).

Sadly, many journalists are troublemaking cheerleaders using headlines to taunt, brag, harass, and annoy, further dividing an already disunified nation!

Below are links to the oracles online:


Daily headlines reveal that the political arena is wicked, inundated with corruption, death, and malice (just like street politics).

The  FrontPage Oracle’s nearly six-month political focus has had a specific purpose. We’ve repeatedly demonstrated the 64 Levels of Power’s effectiveness and how I use it to forsee serious topics like war, politics, science, and corporate business, and how angels and the demons they suppress are part of that process.


Biden and the rest have proven they are godless reprobates who think discretion protects them. However, Heaven’s Eye is honed on those reprobates. In the absence of light, evil thrives!

“Strike the power to Drop the Cheerleader”

UPDATED @ 6:50 pm: Part one of this oracle is based on a morning meditation I had just after our political persecutors authorized a suppressed weaponized vehicle intrusion as if suppressing the racket excuses the offense (that twisted Christian ideology again). Moreover, this oracle reveals who authorizes the harassment and how it relates to current news events, either seen or confidentially concealed.

“Easily enamored by money, prestigue, and power, muggle civilians make the best cheerleaders!”


Please note that Catholics, Baptists, and ‘Name Your Christendom Demonimation’ have executed three weaponized vehicle intrusions, two in approximately two hours:

NOTICE: Notice the date in the image below says 2020. Uncle Sam has also tampered with the time on our website, which is why it seems like we’re late publishing the Oracle! 

  • 6:19 pm
  • 4:30 pm a violent, obnoxious, weaponized vehicle intrusion.
  • We’re not speaking to those reprobates, their clergy, or the eager, cheerleading pawns.

FOCUS: King of Swords;

The “god-fearing” King of Swords thinks that possessing authority grants him the right to abuse it!

Path: 40th-Forgivness, repentance, mending, healing, release from bondage, imprisonment, enslavement, etc.

You can’t forgive someone who refuses to repent. Moreover, the demon-compelled don’t allow wounds to heal before making demands, which demonstrates their motives aren’t righteousness aligned (their intentions are power-oriented; they’re only concerned with power). So, in a corrupt person’s mind, they feel that leaving us alone for three days justifies their return to harassing us today (which is true, twisted Christian rhetoric).

We’ve refused the subject’s requests (demands), prompting continued lawbreaking and an effort to force acknowledgment (which is typical petty bureaucrat conduct).

The subjects’ criminal acts (power abuse) are the reason they can’t rebuild bridges. The 7 of Rods reversed is the crime of having blocked or handicapped a situation, preventing advancement. The subjects are now blocked as a consequence and continue using force, demanding reconciliation (because serious legal consequences are coming to the oracle’s subjects).

Corrupt and controlling individuals ruined relations and then continued behaving in a manner that damaged the situation beyond repair, like Freemasons thinking they were above reproach, trying to lay claims or take what they wanted. 

YHVH will charge the oracle’s subjects with their offenses (they won’t get aways with anything). The ruling, according to Divine Law, is that bridges cannot be mended, the consequences of abusing power, and thinking there would be no repercussions. The subjects are so used to abusing power they didn’t stop to think they were dealing with an unusual adversary. No! Instead, those powerful, arrogant individuals mocked and scoffed at their target, undermining the Heavenly relationship that he places above all else!

Christians use their Bible to manipulate outcomes. So, the subjects abused power in God’s name, which failed. Now, those same people demand that I follow Jesus’ words on forgiveness. However, if those fools knew Michael (Jesus) or at least one of his angels, they would know that forgiveness is only granted with remorse and repentance.

A remorseful individual actively seeks to change (repent). However, the wicked Christian reprobates who continue abusing power aren’t sorry for their evil (they’re only sorry that they and their illegal control tactics will be exposed).

Money and spiritual power are the reasons those people seek reconciliation. An unrepentant person will continue hurting those they claim to appreciate. If you don’t sever ties with an unrepentant person, they will persist in causing pain and suffering. As we see, our Christian political persecutors revel in causing misery, claiming their actions are righteously based.

Abusing power and trying to make demands is the Irresistible Force Paradox and is a waste of time!


According to Hitler, he felt Jews were trying to assume financial control of Germany, preventing him from being able to secure employment, among other gripes. The Jews deny Hitler’s allegation. But history can at least correlate Jewish America’s financial takeover.

Jews have worked diligently trying to assume control of our financial empire using discreet, illegal capitalist practices, a fact we will prove repeatedly. Jews control Columbus, OH, and have for nearly 100 years (Schottenstein, Wexner). Jews own or control most of America’s primary financial institutions, including the infamous Stock Market.

So, did Jews actually drive Hitler to a threshold, causing him to snap? I’m not excusing Hitler’s atrocities. But If I snapped from religious and capitalist-motivated political persecution and went on a killing spree targeting Jews, self-hating Blacks, and white corporate executives, the individuals responsible for driving those actions would play the victim instead of accepting their consequential roles. Doubtlessly, Washington Jewish-backed Liberals want stricter antisemitism laws to make it illegal to speak against Jews in any capacity, further solidifying their financial omnipotence. Money is power in a capitalistic society!

Jews continue harassing us. If not for Jews and self-hating African Americans, we would have health insurance, we would still own an expensive Luxury company car that was a corporate asset. I would have paid off my child support, I wouldn’t have developed bacterial pneumonia, and charged $35K for hospital expenses in 2021. I wouldn’t have missed my mother’s passing! Our impeccably managed twelve-year-old Chase Bank business account would still be active if not for those greedy Jewish illegal capitalists practices, and the list goes on. But the purpose of Capitalism is financial enslavement. Rich people can’t feel bigger and better than you when you have as much or more capital than they have.

Jews assumed and maintained financial control, hiding behind antisemitism propaganda, which isn’t going to work anymore. All good things must come to an end, even exercising unlawful financial monopolies that ensure a small group of people dominate and control the whole. And you wonder why antisemitism is on the rise and will continue rising? For the same reason, black-on-black homicide and wanton violence seem to continue to exacerbate exponentially!

Instead of taking responsibility for the roles they play, Jews will continue crying wolf while holding the lion’s share of the American financial machine, persecuting others from a sense of religious entitlement! Now, watch as Biden leaps to his Jewish American benefactor’s rescue, whining about antisemitism, only further enraging the masses who realize full well who controls the money in America.

Below are the links to the online readings that accompany this oracle:

Let’s start this Oracle Update with my dream and Oracle illustrations. Last night, my Mother, her sister Diane, and cousin Carol were all in one of my dream sequences, along with Whoopie Goldberg. My mother was a feminist before her passing.

Before she passed, my mother was a staunch feminist. Mom’s sister Diane and first cousin Carol are also feminists. Like most feminists, my mother had issues with my not bowing to her and felt she could disrespect me as a servant of YHVH.

By 2015, my mother realized and accepted that Heaven sent me to do a specific task, and her attempts to break my will and submit to her would never happen. Mom began to respect my spiritual gifts because she was also spiritually gifted, albeit a devout Jehovah’s Witness. Mom became fascinated by my spiritual experiences and underworld travels. Mom would often dote on me, remarking how I would have made a fine Jehovah’s Witness Elder when I provided spiritual counsel. Let’s start with the most recent oracles I cast just after publishing the last oracle.

My Aunt Diane and Cousin Carlos are very Liberal. Wealthy, college-educated (Whittenburg), and socially connected, Diane has lived in LA for a long time and is very Hollywood. Carol, a college-educated Kappa, lives in Columbus but was always well connected to the NAACP, which often came in handy. So, it’s no coincidence that four feminists, my mother included, appeared in a dream last night (5-21-24).


I was confused by the adverse HERMIT in the oracle below, with little explanation from Gabriel.

The 5-22-24 FrontPage Oracle (9:44 pm-5-21-24)-ORACLE LINK

In the second rendering of the oracle below, immediately, I knew I was dealing with the Black Community, as well as celebrated ” black slags” (one of the spirits was British).

I was still confused by the Hermit (this was another test to see if I could discern the Hermit’s identity)…9:49 pm- The adverse Hermit Clarification-ORACLE LINK

As soon as  Gabriel suggested re-reading the 5-19-24 Paradigm of Power conclusions, last night’s dream flashed in my mind’s eye, and Woopie Goldberg flashed in my mind beside the adverse Hermit.

image: google images

Gabriel threw a curveball because the Hermit is usually a mature man. That was a good one, Gabe! Then Gabriel finished the ministering by correlating the second oracle below. 9:49 pm- The adverse Hermit Clarification-ORACLE LINK.

Pisces is a fish, and when you couple it, in this case, with Death reversed, you have FERTILIZER. However, in this case, human feces will probably burn up your tomato plants if you use it! Moreover, who pees on their garden as fertilizer? When we translate those topics to symbolism, we have someone doo-dooing and peeing, using their mouth (smart alec potty mouths). Let’s continue!


By the looks of those ‘Did I Just Have A Dookie Moment,’ looks on their faces, I bet cheerleaders coaxed Kid Cudi and his ‘staged husband’ into that scenario (5-1-24 FrontPage Oracle).  image-Google Images

Free will is a gift most humans abuse and take for granted. You are free to do whatever you want to do as long as you realize the consequences. Humans are so arrogant, especially the Christians, that they forget the Highest Power who made free will ‘a thing.’

 I don’t care what Jezebel or any of Babylon the Great’s daughters do (I really don’t). But if you look into the lives of the carelessly promiscuous witches, you will see that nearly all are miserable despite that pretend happy smile. There is very little order in their free will-abusing chaotic environments.


Using abortion as a contraceptive isn’t an alternative for any female who claims a belief in one God and one Master. However, most of those paganized Christian witches ignored that one God and Master’s rules for living a righteous life in the first place.

Again, if you peer into the lives of the avid immorality cheerleaders, you’ll see where living that kind of life leads. Your favorite 2nd Tim 3 Gen liberal reality show demonstrates the consequences of so-called boundaryless paganized living. Yet, those types are always whining and complaining about the consequences of living scrotums to the wall wild while pretending there aren’t any repercussions. Have it at, more power to them!


Hollywood is saturated with yes men and Cheerleaders. People are either too afraid to tell the truth or are actively exploiting the exaggerated egos of stars!

Whoopie Goldberg recently endorsed her Babylon the Great lifestyle of casual sex with no strings. Yet, Goldberg is a mature spinster slag (quote) who probably has an animal and plenty of gay buddies to keep her company but no long-term companion.

The Whoopie Goldberg type will always preach, “She’s so much better off without a mate!” But what kind of man would have the headstrong, outrageously outspoken gender-ambiguous Goldberg for anything but a run in the sack? There is no such thing as reality on the far-left side of the fence. Ada Mae ‘the Ghost medium’ and Whoopie are two different characters: one was fine, and the other gender-ambiguous!

 I want to be raunchy right now because I’m addressing raunchy. But let me maintain decorum. I could care less about a VIEW, an ultra-liberal platform for opinionated females who travel the same avenues as Goldberg, (some of her) her panel buddies, and Babylon the Great cheerleading audience who would follow Goldberg’s advice of sleeping around rather than finding ‘true love!” Again, MO POWUH TO YUH!!!

But let’s face it! 2nd Tim 3 Gener females have set the standard for a ‘good woman,’ which is why there are so few. According to 2nd Tim 3 Gen-ers, a good woman is one that you can palm her twenty-mile-long booty while taking a selfie that you aimlessly post to social media so that your family, friends, and congregation can see. How soon we forget!!!!

Goldberg, her buddies, and the rest of Babylon’s priestesses encourage involved, younger females to flirt on social media, walk around with only shade covering their nipples and bushes, crash peaceful caucuses with their flap-jack breasts and prayer bead-looking nipples, and then complain about female objectification. Why? Because Shock Thots have no respect for themselves and others. So, you can’t expect a selfish Shock Thot to respect Heaven’s carefully designed creative process and the privilege of being able to have and carry a child, instead opting to use abortion as a contraceptive, all while claiming to be a good Christian. Again, there are consequences despite Babylon’s High Priestesses’ theatrical protest-worthy sermons!


I stopped using nonsensical dating sites in 2010. I learned a valuable lesson about your average woman, especially professional, highly educated, or ‘powerful’ women. Those types of women really don’t want a strong, self-confident male because either:

  • She can’t control him
  • She’s intimidated
  • Because she’s used to men falling at her feet at one glance at her profile, money, and her misshapen klackity, Kim Kardashian Danny DaVito Penguine, sideways football-looking booty!

As soon as my profile went live on every dating site, I had thousands of views before the female witch games began. Muggle females have to play games to feel secure and dominant, especially powerful, influential, or educated females, who are often more ‘thotty’ than the trashiest, uneducated females.

But those confidence-undermining mind games don’t work on someone like me for many reasons. Specifically, I already know the outcome before those females get to home plate. Those same types of females are the ones who claim they’re looking for love but look and act like mindless Kim Kardashian clones, complete with flapping facial lips and loose, clapping labia!

A woman who feels the need for constant attention beyond that of her mate is not usually someone you can trust. Those types of females use reverse psychology tactics like the ‘male insecurity sermon’ because he has morals, values, and principles. The male insecurity sermon reverse psychology craft is similar to Jewish people crying antisemitism wolf or LGBTQ making homophobia accusations when the truth is that most people have had enough of their predatory behavior or Hollywood sermons.

AINT NOBODY LISTENING TO YOU, BUT YO TYPE (which is a small audience):

Why is it so hard for people to stay on their side of the fence? 2nd Tim 3 Gen-ers are entitled whiners who throw public tantrums because, well, that kind of behavior is tolerated and promoted by the side of the fence that nonsense originated, the farthest left.

We don’t wander over yonder on the far-left side of the fences. We know that there is nothing but constant drama, violence, theatrical disorder, and chaos in 2nd Tim 3 Gen land. Everyone isn’t going to like you or agree with what you do, and trying to force them only invokes the Irresistible Force Paradox.

As a grown adult, never let someone try to tell you what you can or can’t do. Not even our glorious Heavenly Father tries to tell you what to do! Why? BECAUSE HE GIFTED YOU FREE WILL! So, for someone to try to force you to use gender-specific nouns, etc., transgresses free will, something demons do all the time! Excuse my Canadian, but IDGAF what people think who have no bearing on my relationship with YHVH and His angels. NADA blasted thing!!!

However, abusing the free will gift has consequences, and we see examples of them daily! It’s also not wise to push your ideology on others, a valid concept the Far Left can’t seem to grasp! I share what the angles teach me, and whoever wants to hear it sticks around (line #5, I Ching Hexagram 8).

But you know the funny thing is the farthest left is always preaching about free will, “it’s my body,” “it’s my life,” etc., but are the first to resort to reverse psychology tactics and bullying because they feel entitled to intrude upon your space and time. Contradiction is a demon trait!

Chaotic people often resort to violence when they don’t get their way, which is why the Fish must always be ready for a battle, regardless of being spiritual lovers of righteousness!

“YOU LOOK  OLD AF (the black is all cracked up)!”

This FrontPage Oracle update illustrates the angels’ revealing adversaries during the angel’s ministering and then confirming them. The Oracle continues to focus on the Cheerleaders/Yes Men topic.

“There comes that sobering moment when a cheerleader realizes everything happening to them is otherworldly, and there’s nothing they can do about it! “


The moment you realize that demons and devils are behind your persecution is terrifying. I’m only speaking from experience. It was even more terrifying when Christian clergy was too mortified to help me rid my home of the devil Asmodeus, forcing me to rely solely on Heaven during the two-week battles that I share in the My Spiritual Path To Illumination post series!

YOU LOOK OLD AF (the black is all cracked up!

We’ve clarified what we mean by Liberalism in a post you can read HERE. But the 64 Levels of Power illustration below provides a visual aid to the topic. 

Living a balanced, imperfect life on this side of Eden means you can have indulgences (your speedometer can bounce a little to the left and right). Problems arise when you go too far left or right into the Excess Zone! Humans are already Edenic exiles. So, living an excessive, spiritually damaging life is just adding to your sentence.

My 2:45 am Angelic Meditations are the basis of this oracle update.

1 5-22-24 Early Morning Angelic Mediation #1-ORACLE LINK

A (The) Guardian article engaged my attention this afternoon while checking for news updates. An angel told me to scroll down the page where I saw The Guardian US editor Betsy Reed’s support petition. The first angelic morning meditation flashed in my mind’s eye at that moment.

The angels were assuring me that I could trust The Guardian more than most media outlets (even though it’s slightly on the liberal side of the fence)!

Bingo! Once I saw Elon Musk and the Murdochs in Betsy Reed’s support petition, I knew those were two of Oracle’s topics.

5-22-24 Early Morning Angelic Mediation #2-ORACLE LINK

During meditation, the angels told me I was looking for a competitive liar who continues to challenge (compete) using money and status. Moreover, that person (and those people). driven by the need for attention,  is making up stories and promoting them as bona fide. Clergy and male actors were also in the crosshairs in the same oracle (the angels will reveal those people to me via YouTube)!

Suddenly, just after my first early morning meditation (around 3 a.m.), I was asked to watch OUTLANDER. When I saw that MURDOCH is also a Scottish surname, I knew I was on track spiritually!

I searched the Murdoch surname, and immediately, Outlanders and the Oracle flashed into my mind.

Scottish Freemasonry, also associated with the Fraternal Order of Police, appears in the Oracle below. The same oracle references Elon Musk and the Murdochs.

image: Elon Musk image-Google Images

The Oracle also references African Americans with no Scottish ancestry, having Scottish surnames, which is a slavery hiccup.

The Oracle then expands upon our dangerous subjects, dangerous because they hide behind money and political connections. Elon Musk could (and probably has) bribe those men with him in the picture below.

Remember, the demon I’m exorcising is providing the narration like, “CORRUPT!”

So, Musk’s enemies could suddenly die from what appears to be food poisoning or be executed in a nightclub, which is why partying in 3rd World locations when you have political beef and no political underworld connections is unwise. Many 3rd World countries practice corruption openly, often terrorizing the locals. Open corruption is a 3rd World trait. So-called 1st World countries like America carefully conceal their corruption.


Yesterday, Columbus, Oh, municipalities working concertedly with other corrupt reprobates executed a series of weaponized vehicle harassments, as the video above demonstrated.

As you see, the second rendering of the Oracle #1 is also associated with the Black or Brown motorcycle rider. Notice all of the topics associated with the biker.

As I’ve repeatedly stated in other oracles, the oracle above assures me I’m dealing with a devil (a criminalized human) who would walk right into his final exorcism.

It’s worth noting that Columbus municipalities would employ such a person we refer to as a ‘Whitey Bulger.’ A Whitey Bulger is a criminal working for the police who continues his criminal acts under police protection.

Morever, a Whitey Bulger could also be an undercover law enforcement agent assigned to infiltrate dangerous organizations. What all this means is that I know what caliber of scum I’m dealing with and that executive force will likely be necessary.

Moreover, I know there are more ‘roaches’ where that motorcycle rider comes from. Standard practice is recording license tags, as we did via certain cameras, and running those tags with a private investigator. Once you find the roach’s hang-out location, you can opt to “throw a can of Raid into the window.”

Doubtlessly, the Columbus Municipalities will return to removing license tags or using fake plates on their temporary pawns’ vehicles. Temporary pawns appear and disappear or appear only once.

A devil, Asmodeus, finished his exorcism by telling me, under oath (pain of demonic torture), the judgment reserved for today’s subjects.

You torture a demon or devil by binding it back in Hell, where it’s not free to roam and cause havoc. This world belongs to the devils and demons, so binding them is painful because they can’t do what they love to do. Legion (Asmodeus) argued with Jesus that it was not his time to be bound (read it for yourself in Matthew).

We don’t open our windows because our political persecutors exploit the open windows with loud weaponized vehicle harassment, which happened at 6:19 pm. The weaponized harassment was ‘likely’ to be directly associated with the www.thatbdpfyop.com Oracle Countdown Clock reaching 0. We have hundreds of videos proving that last statement.

When I went to Netflix to retrieve my viewing history….

Again, the moment I saw the Act Your Age pilot staring me in the face, running its mouth, oracles began flashing in my mind, first the 5-20-24 Power Abuse FrontPage Oracle, followed by today’s second FrontPage Oracle.


Notice THE DEVIL appears in both oracles! The 5-20-24 Power Abuse Oracle admonished remaining vigilant for ‘thot-ing’ African American actresses (entertainers) trying to make statements that would hang them (putting their foot in their mouths)!

The fourth rendering of Oracle #2 correlates with Elon Musk and the Murdochs. In this case, we have some type of black, politically connected (Freemasons, etc.) underworld that’s making threats, the adverse King of Leo and Cancer.

Threatening me when I know exactly who they are is typical, arrogant, ignorant, dark, African American foolery, which is why their underworld is at the bottom of the food chain (no intelligence and white-power dependent). However, we don’t venture on that, 2nd Tim 3 Gen side of the fence. So, they have no business wandering onto our side of the fence. But you know how that entitled, 2nd Tim 3 Gen is!

Act Your Age has a very narrow marketing audience (BET). But there is a huge market for people who want to feel positive and good and are about love, even though they’re at war. Our Supernatural Entertainment brand is well-balanced (we do have mature content and family content, all supernatural). But now, it may be clearer why America, ‘God’s Country,’ is so wicked (criminals control everything). 

Imagine the lifted spirits and hope the poor, unfortunate, ghetto-trailer park bullied will receive learning to use the 64 Levels of Power to navigate their way out of the ghetto-trailer park, around the bullets, thugs, and domestic terrorism they experience daily!

The Angelic Generated 64 Levels of Power.


The moment YHVH and His angels validate their presence, your life will take a drastic, welcomed change. So, is it any wonder that toxic, religious, hypocritical clergy, their pawns, and their politicians continue persecuting us with their power abuse? As Jesus stated, the Blessed are persecuted by the Damned, those obsessed with money, political power, and prestige!

I had two significant dreams last night related to this post and the events that are about to unfold! I know one of the dreams targeted both the motorcycle rider and Act Your Age!

“The wicked and their cheerleaders only become remorseful when their caught or more aptly, “PLAYERS ONLY LOVE YOU WHEN THEY’RE PLAYING”-Fleetwood Mac “


The Guardian news publication will receive a significant boost against competitors. However, arrogance and pride always sneak in and ruin progress, often before it has a chance to get moving!

The Guardian (US) publication’s editor, Betsy Reed, was one of the 5-22-24 FrontPage Oracle’s subjects.

Wicked spirits will be directly responsible for every event that will occur over the next seven days, but the next three exclusively. When you see these events occur, think of them as demons sarcastically remarking, “HELLO! WAS IT ME YOU WERE LOOKING FOR?”


devils and demons, enslaving authority, tyranny, torture, failed painful or dangerous extractions, tribulations brought about through temptations, opening the door to wickedness

-ALSO: The Underworld-gangs, gangsters, cartels, politically motivated underworld activities (bribery, extortions, contract killings, fixed elections, election tampering), substance addiction, chaos, wild and untamed behavior, extreme and unbearable heat, inhumane war crimes, human sacrifice, heathens (evil pagans), criminals, Satanists, 2nd Tim 3 Gen-ers (the extreme left and right), Babylon the Great (2nd Tim 3 Gen):

  • The Sun: divine protection for the virtuous. Those who live moral lives are protected, saved (rescued) from harm, or shielded from danger. 
  • The World: a victory for the righteous in a decisive battle in a longstanding war against evil.

64 Levels of Power LESSON (Hexagram 41):

Rectification, restoration, healing, mending, recovery, preservation, sound, waves, soundness, chemical treatments, chemistry, release from bondage, imprisonment, and addictions:


  • Waste Elimination, especially toxic waste 
  • The process of elimination 
  • Deductions (subtraction), 
  • Reduction (less or minimal usage)
  • Liquidations (compromise that minimizes loss).

FRONTPAGE ORACLE for 5-23-25-2024

Let’s begin with an ORACLE CORRELATION.

Yesterday’s MOTORCYCLE THUG today becomes SEAN COMBS, JZ, and others who will make HEADLINES. Please click HERE to allow the thug driving the weaponized motorcycle to refresh your memories. 

Waste and worthlessness are the primary 3-day focus. Elimination is the only solution when dealing with waste, which in this context is a direct reference to feces and urine. Longstanding situations involving toxic people, situations, or conditions have become dangerously septic.

The next three days will demonstrate many irredeemable, irreparable, unsalvageable, or unaidable people or situations and why deaths or tragedy befall them. Whether self or externally inflicted, those people and their adverse effects on situations make redemption a lost cause. Death or elimination is the only way to facilitate healing for victims or repair a severely damaged situation. 

In the situations this oracle update depicts, Heaven removes the individual through some means that humans can’t understand or readily accept. For example, a family member whose heroin addiction has become burdensome or dangerous dies of an overdose or is murdered in a drug deal or vendetta. In this exclusive case, the family ‘victim’ was beyond redemption, beyond mental, emotional, and physical repair. Moreover, the daily suffering and anguish experienced by the ‘victim’ of being out of control become unbearable.

“When a drug-addicted or chaotic person dies, a loved one’s grief exacerbates  with memories of the individual before becoming drug-dependent, etc.”

It’s programmed human conditioning to forget the suffering and grief the drug-addicted relative inflicted upon the situation and dwell on better times. However, not allowing the positive memories to overshadow the truth and cause of death helps navigate the grief, a feat easier said than done.

Tragic, disastrous, or catastrophic events that will occur and are likely to make headlines are the direct result of mental, emotional, or atmospheric damage caused by irresponsible human conduct and a refusal to accept responsibility, which includes spoiling children who become severely problematic adults. 

Contemporary parenting spoils and entitles children, creating monsters they release into society upon entering adulthood. If poor parenting leads to drug addiction or criminality, then Heaven holds the parents accountable, regardless of disbelief in a Higher Power.

Guilt often plagues irresponsible parents, which is an appropriate consequence. Plaguing guilt is another form of self-inflicted punishment.

Trying to act tough or play the hero over the next three days will likely end tragically. Wicked, cowardly individuals will not hesitate to kill or injure to get what they want. Fear and terror will be the criminal tools, including cheerleading propagandists rooting for antagonists, troublemakers, and antiheroes.

“Powerful or wealthy people are dangerous only because they will go to great lengths to keep their evil secrets buried.”

Then there are those devils who employ demons in what they call Necessary Evil.

You will always encounter a devil at a crossroads, especially those driven by money, political power, or pleasure. Eventually, a nice payday compelled murdered journalist Danny Casalaro to his death. 

Devils like the FBI and CIA will kill or allow a killing for those driven by greed, power acquisition, or pleasure (“those types of people had it coming because they’re intentions were impure”). Tupac and Biggie had become problematic public figures, and their deaths were a necessary evil that had very little effect on their future influence (such is the way with ‘martyrs’).

Sadly, a drug-addicted prostitute (etc.) has doubtlessly soiled or damned her soul. So, when she meets the devil at a crossroads, he will always collect on her soul. In this case, the devil is a serial killer, politician, or underworld figure. 

For all the Liberals in the audience decrying that prostitutes, gang females, etc., are humans, you only have to spend some time around a few to know that–eventually–they reap what they sow, per Cause and Effect. ‘Thots’ and bad girls always looking for a good time or an easy ride also eventually meet the devil at crossroads, and few make it out alive to talk about it!

Remember, wicked powers, principalities, and authorities think they are god, untouchable. Sadly for them, many will learn there is a God, there are angels and demons, and there is Divine Law!

PATH: 41st to the 32th

Pesky, persistent, troublesome people will reap what they sow. Selfish and thoughtless individuals, or thrill seekers, will face catastrophic repercussions for pushing the limits or buttons one time too many. If you don’t know when to quit or leave well enough alone, the results will forever haunt you and those close to you.

“Thanx, ADOBE!”


When dealing with today’s subjects, keep in mind that fear and the threat of death is their first debilitating spiritual choice of weapon. When the intent to murder me was validated, my knees buckled, and I became confused, doubted myself, and was near resignation of the inevitable.

But I had been feeling the murderous plot for about a week. I’ve explained that feeling as how the flesh necrotizing wound of a snake bike appears. However, the angels brought me to my senses. They reminded me that I defeated Asmodeus once and would again defeat him while living in Collins, Mississippi, countering each murder attempt.

The first step in countering MURDEROUS WITCHCRAFT is accepting its inevitability. The second is changing your routines and establishing a counter. I would often practice taking the trash out, imagining my adversary using the moment to kill me. I found ingenious ways of misdirecting my actions, relying on carefully placed surveillance cameras.

If I knew my enemy was planning an ambush, I would authorize my ex-military security detail to follow and record every move that enemy made. Then, the moment those adversaries acted, they would be walking into an active ambush.

Criminals are some of the dumbest people, but think they’re so witty, intelligent, and advanced. My point is that the moment a righteous civilian person is threatened by a politician, underworld organization, etc., preparation and vigilance are two primary counter-weapons.

Make papers (file a police report) on those types so that when they act, you’ve protected yourselves. If you have left the streets, you’re no longer bound by no-snitching rules, and manipulating the law in your favor is a viable asset (so, file a police report as an extra coat of protection). If you must go to the club for an attention fix or drive around showing off, you’ve already enabled a sneaky, godless enemy waiting for just such an opportunity. 

“You literally open the door to demons with your choices and lifestyles!” Going to ‘dah club’ opens the doors for the unexpected (and demons are masters of orchestrating the unexpected).”

Hexagram 44 warns of avoiding thots, strippers, call girls, prostitutes, and every other form of bad girl because they can’t be trusted and will entrap their victims for small sums of money or perks. The downside to those trifling female roles in ambushes is that they are then expendable!


Let’s begin by focusing on our 64 Levels of Power lessons.

  • 5-23-24 12:23 am- Snapshot of the ‘MULTIPLE SUBJECTS ’Subjects-ORACLE LINK

  • 5-23-24 12:28 am Confirmation-ORACLE LINK

  • 5-23-24-12:35 am Sean Combs, JZ, and others-ORACLE LINK

The Science Of Exorcising A Demon

“Exorcise the medium, the cheerleader in this case, and you exorcise the demon!“

The Oracle’s female subjects are used to whining and complaining, believing their ideas and polluted rhetoric constitute quality leadership and power. Moreover, those females are accustomed to so-called ‘powerful men,’ Samson Warriors, and trolls ingratiating themselves like little schoolboys at their mindless feet.

Sadly, those females are like a jogging track because so many people have run through their vaginas. I mean, should a Soldier of YHVH be concerned with what feces and urine think? If so, that would make that soldier feces and urine! 

Mind you, the witches in question align with Hexagram 41. I Ching Hexagram 41 is one of the topics of the 7-day oracle, in this case, worthless people who spread their toxic mental and emotional disease.

Let’s get the show on the road.  At 10:20 pm (5-23-24), my brother Carlos sent me a text with images.

Notice that immediately, I recognized the demon Belial and texted Carlos. This post was ready at 10:20 p.m. However, after a quick exorcism, I received other pertinent Oracle subject matter, including the identities of some of the witches in the spiritual email (oracles). 


The 2nd Tim 3 Gen-ers are the so-called WOKE and vocal, the boundaryless, entitled ultra-liberals. This quick update demonstrates COUNTER WITCHCRAFT. In this case, knowing what a witch (diva, etc.) is about to do and addressing it nullifies their witchcraft, which returns the craft to them but amplifies it.

Did you know there are people in this world, young and old, who’ve never heard of Cardi B or Megan Thee Stallion?

Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion have paid their demonic dues with their souls. Defilling and spreading vice is one way to make a demonic payment. However, as both Cardi and Megan will discover, that due only works at the onset, not at the zenith of your ride at the top.

Ohhhh! But demons can’t touch an influential thot, right? Have you seen the Torrey Lanes Shoots Megan Thee Stallion in the foot video?

You will see a demon puppetting Torey Lanes for a stretch in that infamous video that landed him in prison. Moreover, Megan, Lanes, and another female were all nearly half-dressed. There was nothing but demons in the hotel room that spawned Megan getting her toe blasted.

A Belial Skirt, eh? The thots talking foolishly are like the one wearing that dress (she thinks playing with demons’ names is a harmless joke)!

The two airhead trash thots in the image below are more dangerous than Cardi B, Megan Thee Stallion, and hordes of other 2nd Tim 3 Gen-er influencers. 

Those two TikTok thots are opening portholes they can’t close, much like NASA destroying the ozone with no way to repair it!!!! But they can’t help fulfilling prophecy!!

Those white thots and their Death Metal buddies are demonic cheerleaders who have Christian counterparts! In the Satanists’ case, they feel kissing demons and devils’ butts will earn them favor, the same way a Christian thinks putting on a public show, sanctifying God, will grant blessings (when Jesus warned otherwise).

The Belphagor Death Metal peons could, at any moment, become demonic puppets, and the next thing you know, there’s a news headline about cannibalism and decapitated bodies propped up in hotel rooms.

But as summer gets underway, we will see another breaking news headline that proves demons, in this case, devils, can easily touch these 2nd Tim 3 Gener role models.


Another common trait shared between the Death Metal bands and Drill rappers is their use of terror. Death Metal ‘artists’ think they’re terrifying everyone when they mention demons and have their pathetic reversed crosses and pentagrams splashed in blood hanging on the stage and on their cover artwork.

The Drill rappers also believe pointing their guns at the screen and bragging about bodies and cutthroats scare those outside of their white liberal constituency. But the slew of Drill rapper’s murders proves their demoniac opps aren’t afraid. However, that wickedness has now spilled into the general public, where normal people can’t enjoy movies or attend fairgrounds, parks, and parades. Drill rappers terrify law enforcement so badly they often shoot them first before even discerning the threat level!

It won’t be long before drastic measures are taken to quell the demoniac rapper-spawned violence disrupting the world. I mean, there are special forces that specialize in counter-terrorism, which is what those thugs are: demonic domestic terrorists!

But you see, Megan and Thee Gang are used to what they call demons:

Demoniac Savages are just demonic puppets. If, by the Power and Might of YHVH, those demons obey a master exorcist’s commands, who’s the real Boogieman? Sadly, these demonic savages demonstrate why the Fish must always be prepared to manage or navigate situations involving violent, wicked predators. 

Those rappers and their gang buddies aren’t demons. No!!! Demons do compel them during their drug stupors! But, as YHVH is my Witnesses, you will all see a succession of several high-profile (if that’s what you can call them) Drill rappers dropped by demon-compelled opps! 

Those Drill rappers and their music are no different than the Satanist Black Metal scene. The variation is that those white Satanists openly worship demons like Belphegor, and demons like Belphegor compel the black Drill rappers.

Murder is human sacrifice. The Drill rappers have a slight edge over the Black Metalists in that aspect because they murder outright! So, every Drill rapper that murders, participates in murder, or associates with murderers is paying dues to the highest demons (or DEVILS).

Look at Da Baby, whose career shot to the top after murdering someone in Walmart. Also, notice that Da Baby is falling off the face of the earth, the aftermath of human sacrifice and near worthlessness.

The only way Da Baby can rejuvenate his failing career is to either murder again or be murdered, the latter not really being any benefit when you’re stuck in Purgatory! We don’t want another Tupac! So, let’s hope some other dastardly fate awaits Da Baby, leading to his final show!

The 2nd Tim 3 Gen Music Preachers and their Cheerleaders

“Last I checked, following the leader doesn’t make you one!”

This oracle references several angelic meditations early this morning involving the adverse King and Queen of Rods, two of many subjects the angelic oracle addresses today. By 3 pm yesterday, I knew those subjects and many others’ identities and what compels them.


Please click HERE to view the 5:25 am weaponized vehicle harassment video that, in part, spawned this Oracle update.

Corrupt Christian reprobates then authorized another, more violent weaponized intrusion at 5:21 pm on 5-24-24.

The sudden appearance of the Brooklyn Bridge icon is not a likely coincidence since it appeared soon after the weaponized vehicle intrusion. Our political persecutors use correlative events to get my attention. Moreover, I’ve noticed that Microsoft Windows has been behaving peculiarly and in line with our political persecutors’ corporate manipulation practices.

Remember, there are quite a few high-profile FBI rappers, moguls, etc., informants (and the FBI has been known to play middle-man messenger boys if it suits their agenda). Sadly for the FEDS, we will never be FBI informants because they will never have anything stupid hanging over us, like a Tupac murder-for-hire surveillance recording!

“The 5-24-24  5:20 pm violent weaponized vehicle intrusion happened at the moment the www.thatbdpfyop.com countdown clock reached .44min. The 44th hexagram —hots, thugs, and and all that—was one of the 5-23-24 Oracle topics!”

SITUATION: 2 of Swords reversed

The situation is the atmosphere of the reading and how the past and present are affecting it. The 2 of Swords reversed is the first card in the spread that you don’t see in the image below to your left. The 2 of Swords can indicate: 

  • Checkmate
  • A loss of peace before a storm versus
  • The quiet before the storm

The image above depicts one of many problems self-entitled, power-abusing imbeciles with us. They preach their toxic rhetoric while their pimps (labels, etc.) step on the positive role models, all in capitalism’s name. Yet, those artists and influencers aren’t making a lot of money with their mentally damaged, contaminated art.

Line #5 in the illustration below exemplifies Jesus’ teaching method. He wasn’t worried about the trifling people running away who like to use force while making adamant demands. Those types of evil people think they’re so important and believe we care, or should care, about their support or opinions! But those ‘unscrupulous’ people see that righteous individuals want to hear what we’re saying, which only exacerbates their harassment.

In the illustration above, those who come here and steal represent lines #5 and #6 and the disastrous outcomes they face.

Line #5 also personifies LGBTQ and other bullies when they say, “You’re welcome over here! So, how come we aren’t welcome over there?” We’ve explained in detail what the LGBTQ community did and continues doing and why we decided to stop supporting them (please see the end of this post for a link to that article).

“The image below illustrates what happens when you associate with 2nd Tim 3 Genres or invite them to your party?



Sincere appeals, meaning one has carefully formulated what they want to say or ask for. Contrastingly, evil, shallow, and entitled people decide to intrude and harass because they are either damned or they are seriously mentally and emotionally damaged.

Another topic the oracle below highlights is (real) singers who want to perform positive music that draws a certain crowd and makes people feel good. These singers are like us because they don’t care about losing evil people, particularly toxic artists, negative fans, and fairweather media.

The oracle above references sincere appeals (that went to YHVH via His angels first). Moreover, the angels reveal that people abusing power, their pawns, and selfish arguments will be denied, first in Heaven and then in a human court of law!

The oracle clearly describes there is plenty of concrete evidence establishing that powerful people have worked tirelessly to prevent us from capitalizing on the empire we built from scratch with four hands and four feet after being rejected repeatedly (psychological mind games). 

LEVEL (overall lesson)

  • adding warmth through concentration, color, or tone,
  •  putting attention to, addressing, and acknowledging worthwhile people 
  • building character (rather than destroying it), 
  • learning self-respect and respect for others,
  • learning to use the right words in speech,
  • Focusing on the second stage of mobility, or how to move people (focus, concentration, and the movement it generates)

Path #6 (specific lesson): 

  • Contention that occurs due to varying viewpoints, unrealistic expectations, and demands-
  • poor character-
  • immaturity/childishness-
  • Temper tantrums compelled by entitlement and impatience-

The image below reveals many things, but it illustrates our Christian political and capitalist persecutors’ contentious actions.

  • Line #3: They whine, complain, and make threats-
  • Line #4: They abuse power to try and stop us from advancing or promoting the message Heaven gave us to publicize because it’s so powerful and clashes with the tired, 2nd Tim 3 Gen fads (our brand disrupts the market with positive entertainment that isn’t preachy or hypocritical).
  • Line #6: They refuse to back off, complaining, using the same old exhausted arguments that will stand neither in Heavenly nor human courts. Christian wicked reprobates and their trifling pawns will continue harassing until divine judgment finally strikes them!

But what can be expected from wicked, godless people who have no morals, values, principles, or virtues?

Today’s oracle, Hexagram #6, highlights worthless people who attempt to argue or make delusional and invalid points (soliciting their unwarranted opinions) or make unjustified demands.

Wicked Christian municipalities harassing us just before an Oracle update is another way for corrupt FBI/law enforcement, and probably Christian clergy, to demand an Oracle update so they can steal intelligence, a futile effort! 

In fact, one of the individuals representing the 5-25-24 oracle, the adverse King of Leo, is a lying, stealing, cheating clergyman who comes here, steals intelligence, and then claims he received it from God when the angels gave it to me. But just as 2nd Tim 3 states, everyone will see his black follies as he disgraces himself (among other more pressing legal issues)!


White, suburb, liberal Reddit Drill Cheerleaders strike again. I imagine “interesting” means violent and immoral. Gotta love them 2nd Tim 3 Geners, and their muggle cheerleaders!!!!

The word worthless appearing in today’s oracle implies troublesome, opinionated people with nothing positive to contribute to society or a community. Shallow, superficial people (2nd Tim 3 Geners) who’ve become entitled are accustomed to forcefully expressing their ideas, which are often contorted.

“There are dozens of videos depicting broad daylight shootings happening as daycare, and elementary schools are let out. There is another New York video of a thug trying to use his little sisters as a shield. Miraculously, none of the bullets harmed anyone. Do you think that tiny miracle changed anybody’s outlook about YHVH?”

For example, the subjects of this Oracle are the kinds of people who deny that Drill music and ghetto rhetoric have contributed and continue to contribute to African American violence, wanton criminality, and aid in destroying what’s left of America, as prophesied (to become a haunt for devils and demons). Moreover, those subjects complain that the current social climate and its cultural influence are generational. So, “old heads don’t get them.” 

But the most delusional aspect of contemporary religious political ideology is preaching the 2nd Tim 3 Gen sermon that YHVH accepts and tolerates their evil principleless social tenets, which is laughably absurd, and Christian leaders and Christianity itself are to blame.

“I had never heard of a ‘Spottem Gottem.’ But running from the police in a jet ski is what I know of him now. ‘Gotta love them 2nd Tim 3 Gen role models. What do you think ‘Spottem Gottem’ means?”

The younger generation is more knowledgeable because of the internet, so they’re more accustomed to mature content. You can’t simply fool the younger generation, who see right through TD Jakes and the other Christian clergy.

If you add the exacerbated violence and criminality the 2nd Tim 3 Gen introduced, how could there be a God in their minds? Worse still, Contemporary societies paganized version of Christianity is acceptable to them because YHVH hasn’t objected, or so they think.

So, entitled paganized Christians have surmised that their lifestyles are acceptable to Heaven and consequence-free. However, contemporary society and their often chaotic lives validate that living the 2nd Tim 3 Gen ideology has grave consequences. Morality and virtue were the traits that separated YHVH from Zeus and the pagan gods. Doing what you want to do is the fundamental principle of paganism and Satanism. You can do what you want only because you were gifted free will, which is consequentially costly when abused. 

Hindsight requires experience and maturity. In hindsight, world conditions have deteriorated exponentially. Therefore, when Gen-Z is fully grown, society will collapse entirely, a consequence of having little to no morals, values, or principles (ancient Babylon). In other words, the future is bleak, as prophesied. Yesterday and today are responsible for building tomorrow’s future.

Per Free Will, I don’t care what people do if they do it in their own time and space. 2nd Tim 3 Geners want to dominate and control, which people are tired of!

Babylon the Great, the 2nd Tim 3 Gen, fears we will unravel its wicked hold on society when we don’t GAF about them. GAF? They’ll grossly underestimate you if you don’t speak like a 2nd Tim 3 Gener (IDGAF jargon). 2nd Tim 3 Genres think talking about love, God, and angels constitutes a weakling. The truth is that I could blow someone’s head off listening to slow jams if I needed to protect or defend myself. 

Drill music isn’t hardcore to me. I don’t need it to fire me up. Superficial muggle cheerleaders need to see their violent, domestic terrorist Drill gods to feel hardcore or even to push out that last rep. The problem is that the 2nd Tim 3 Gener’s role models claim to be Godly with their demonized conduct. So, those influencers are the 2nd Tim 3 Gener’s idea of a righteous person, causing them to underestimate and provoke a genuinely righteous person.


The ‘RAPPERS’ Lyrics:

  • Stuck like a puzzle, got a mismatch
  • NOT A FAN OF LOVE, Heartbeat, and boo’d up,
  • When your life’s a wreck, do ya get that?
  • Not saying that you should run, but you’re incorrect
  • Trying to tell me who I am, what a dialect

Obviously, the rapper needs a life coach if “his life is in such a wreck” that it negatively impacts romance. Yet, he’s got the nerve to preach that somebody trying to tell him who he is is full of shyte! He doesn’t even know who he is. Otherwise, his life wouldn’t be a wreck!!!

The rapper is preaching a contradictory sermon, especially if he’s a so-called Christian. But that rapper validates another Biblical prophecy, Matthew 24:12.

Trying to appear hard through emotional detachment is a façade the rapper hides behind. It’s quite likely the rapper hooked up with your average thot who played him when he revealed his true nature.

If YHVH is Love, and He is,  then Love compels Heaven’s soldiers. Sex, drugs, money, and imperialism drive human soldiers, Uncle Sam’s soldiers, and ghetto thug soldiers. Don’t preach your military-enables-me-to-enjoy freedom sermon when we’re politically persecuted daily by wicked, Christian municipal reprobates and capitalists who strive to prevent us from living that fake American dream!

Again, just because Love, YHVH, compels me doesn’t mean I can’t resort to violence, especially in a Christian-sponsored violent world.

Raytown Production’s guest artist, spotlight Kester, also preachers a contradictory sermon in his lyrics. Moreover, in the 2nd Tim 3 Gen imaginary world, you can do anything you want. Kester has probably been encouraged to sing any way he feels, including poorly.

Kester’s girlfriend knows that he’s wrapped around her finger.

Moreover, Kester’s girlfriend realizes there are females out there who are drop-dead gorgeous. Doubtlessly, Kester was singing about his girlfriend in that song, which is commendable but the wrong move when building a music career (when they break up, he’ll hate that song).

However, Kester’s girlfriend’s insecurity will likely drive him away at some point. Kester is her trophy, that perfect, Thor white guy that females like her dream of.

I didn’t get a bad vibe from Kester. But God is the furthest thing from his mind.

Please click HERE to read the Why we don’t support LGBTQ any longer.


This quick Oracle update only validates the 5-26-25 12 am Oracle Update below and demonstrates why Catholic and Black Baptist witchcraft power abuse has no effect.

“Trying to kiss God’s Butt, loudly sanctifying and praising, is the Chrisitan cheerleading that Jesus and 2nd Tim 3  warned about!” 


I knew well in advance to expect Christian trash to play weaponized cowards ten days ago, along with today’s weather-related tragedies.


I didn’t realize Memorial Day was tomorrow. The white, black, and brown municipal trash exploit holidays, using relentless weaponized harassment and Christian staged events.


However, our Christian political persecutor’s witchcraft efforts dud, and you’re about to see why.

5-26-24 11:31 am-ORACLE LINK

The oracle above reveals the same Catholic reprobates responsible for yesterday’s weaponized Ford Mustang and the Latino FBI-looking van.


I started watching Derry Girls during the ‘wee’ hours of 5-25-24. Remember, I watch content the angels ask me to watch, meaning it has a specific purpose.


I guess Christian power abuse witchcraft had me searching for the Cranberries, followed by Dolores O’Riorden, at 12:41 a.m. this morning!

Did good old spiritually powerless Christian witchcraft cause the alleged turbulence on the Doha-Dublin flight? We didn’t publish any of the cloud omens my brother took pictures of, which revealed several things to watch for, including that Doha-Dublin flight, which is the second plane-related event within two weeks (one person was killed in the last plane news headline).

So, our Christian reprobate municipalities and their pawns’ tech, power-abuse-based witchcraft duds in the face of our reality, that reality being Validating Divine Assistance and Guidance. Demons of denial are among those compelling Christian municipal reprobates to ramp up their harassment (doubtlessly Uncle PWC Sam’s doing). Uncle Sam’s wicked cheating self should know everything in the post since they continue to violate our privacy.


It’s mind-blowing that black Baptists and their brown Catholic compadres are harassing us with parking statements and weaponized motorbikes…


…when they should direct their efforts at curbing the black violence that they cheerlead!

Our political persecutor’s witchcraft is about as powerful as the T-shirts those females are wearing in the image below…



Our wicked Christian municipal reprobate persecutors think using their power-abusing witchcraft will cause a loss of belief, a truly devilish endeavor. Contrarily, recent supernaturally related events nullify that witchcraft while concretizing our belief. We believe the angels when they say that our wicked Christian persecutors and their pawns will receive tenfold the consequences of their evil at a specified time when they least expect it!!!!!


Originally Published 5-25-24  @9:50 pm:

The Devils Cheerleaders

The angels suggested tuning this oracle.

“Yes Men are political cheerleaders, as demons cheerlead their devil bosses!”

Demonic compulsions and attachments occur when evil accumulates unchecked. For example, a cousin raping his cousin for an extended period creates a demonic attachment. Molested or raped individuals develop demonic attachments often associated with sexual deviancy. A child introduced to pornography will most definitely develop a demonic attachment. 

Wherever a wicked act occurs, a porthole opens. So, there are portholes in locations where rape, murder, molestation, or some other unholy act occurs, which is the basis for much of the paranormal activity you see in tv shows.

“Demons are bound within the image below. Drug use, gang affiliation, and other vices are the mediums the demons use. Demons can exploit the image , using it to trigger the impulse to porn surf and masturbate. Ghetto females don’t turn me on. But the demons screaming in the image sure did try!”

Psychologists will explain compulsions scientifically yet have no solutions, opting to prescribe drugs that often exacerbate the condition.

I was introduced to pornography at seven and molested when I was eight. I would masturbate three or four times a day. Morever, I would ‘mysteriously’ happen upon pornography, like a pile of dirty books sitting on a trashcan. But the idea to turn down the alley that led to the trashcan filled with dirty magazines was a demonic suggestion, along with the irresponsible act of leaving a trashcan filled with porn magazines in an alleyway.

The compulsion to masturbate is demonically driven. Explain how thoughts just pop into your head suddenly, sparking an obsession to porn surf or masturbate. That masturbation compulsion was so overwhelming by age twelve that I would use women’s underwear ads, especially ones with the model’s feet exposed since I couldn’t buy porn magazines.

Compulsions drive you until satiated because they are supernatural. The mind is one-third of the human spirit. Can you ‘touch’ your thoughts? No! Because thoughts are spiritual energy. So, a demon planting ideas in your head is a (spiritual) psychological attack.

Serial killers aren’t making up stories when they confess that they hear a voice or feel compelled to kill, followed by a momentary satiation after the murder. Serial killers often feed on the filthiest porn or other Beelzebub-sponsored content.

The door to the demon opens and closes every time the individuals engage with the content and relieve themselves (masturbation, murders, rapes, etc.). At first, the person feels shame, like the first time you masturbate. But the shame dissipates each time that individual murders, etc.

As you see in the image below, there are obviously demons stitched into the rapper’s music. 

The more impressionable, the easier it is for the demon to influence using the music, which is why Liberal white teens are the perfect market for Drill garbage.

Murder, robbery, and other forms of criminality are all demonically sponsored, meaning demons plant the thought to rob, murder, etc, in their little thug demoniac heads. Many of those rappers have murdered or participated in them, which is the ultimate demonic sacrifice. Hardcore drugs like cocaine and heroin act as the perfect conduit, or microphone, to manipulate an ignorant thug!

So, when those rapping degenerate “savages” refer to themselves as demons, there is a lot of truth in that statement. With the right conditions, listening to your favorite savage could compel you to shoot somebody!

Death Metal is also demon-saturated music that could influence you when you are high (on hardcore drugs), depressed, etc.


However, devils are always responsible for evil associated with authority abuse. A father raping and molesting his daughter, a drug dealing police officer, or a corrupt city council member misusing power are all events that open the door for powerful devils to operate.

Influential people with political and corporate status are devil magnets because they commit their offenses, hiding behind positions that were meant to protect and serve, or as the Chrisitan Bible states, “appearing as angels of light.” Moreover, those authoritative positions come with a certain level of insulation that makes it difficult to expose those people, who will often resort to slander and murder.

Framing an innocent person and sending them to prison is as wicked as a public official raping someone and then denying it. Morever, those injustices open the doors for demons to torment the victims, creating a diabolical cycle of pain and suffering.

Uncle Sam and the Columbus Municiaplites continue persecuting us because they believe they are untouchable. Morever, they are so accustomed to abusing power and seemingly escaping justice they are desensitized by consciencelessness! Anyone capable of torture in any form is soulless.

Wicked, powerful people will not leave you alone because evil compels them. They are used to having their way because the powerful have never been opposed. As long as those individuals possess authority, they will continue their persecution because they assume you will break as every other person they’ve destroyed has.

Until a corrupt, morally bankrupt power, principality, or authority is either dead or imprisoned, they will continue their persecution, harassment, and power abuse, making them extremely dangerous. In certain situations, even imprisonment won’t contain a wicked and powerful person.  As stated many times, Pablo Escobar was still a very dangerous and violent man, even behind bars. However, all that danger spilled on the concrete when Escobar was gunned down with high-powered artillery!

So, now you might better understand the rest of this oracle, Hexagram 59 line #6, and why it states that the only way to exorcise a devil is to execute its wicked host.

FRONTPAGE ORACLE: Exorcising A Devil Dispels Its Demons (cheerleaders)

Please click HERE to view the video of the 5-25-24 5:11 pm municipal-sponsored weaponized Mustang harassment.


Over the last year, we’ve accumulated scores of videos involving the white van in the image below and video acting in concert with other vehicles and staged events.

Political harassment often coincides with my web work. So, for example, when I start working on a post, within a few moments, a weaponized vehicle will ride by, my internet will be cut, or I will start having problems with WordPress crashing. Uncle Sam is egomaniacal, so he wants to show off and let me know he’s watching.

I’ve recorded dozens of videos in the last month of Uncle Sam disabling the web-dependant MP3 player at 3 a.m. We play thunder and rain sounds 24/7, 356 days. Cutting the MP3 player is Uncle Sam’s witty, white-humored way of trying to be funny since 3 a.m. is supposed to be the ‘devil’s hour!’ Demons and devils are masters of psychological attack. Uncle Sam is a true devil in that aspect!


You have to eliminate the boss Hydra to disperse the rest of it. 

Uncle Sam and other devils employ a line of demons, like pawns. The Pigs Goats and Pawns documentary will show how Uncle Sam and the Columbus municipalities swap pawns every three months to three years.

Pawns receive perks like new cars, furniture, jobs, etc. The black Baptist pawns behind us went from driving a bland family-looking SUV to some type of sporty vehicle for their role, which is turning on their porchlight during the day after we publish certain content.

The municpal devils turn their pawns into little cheerleading demons who think they’re so special because they sold pieces of their souls to play sucker roles.

One of the most infuriating things about us is that we refused to bow or be impressed by those wicked reprobates’ power or their wealthy sponsors as their pawns and most muggles are! 


Devilish Uncle Sam created the demons who destroyed the Twin Towers. Torture is one way to ensure you send someone to hell when they die. Some of the souls I’ve rescued from Hell were torture victims. 

Uncle Sam and our municipal political persecutors mimic the relentless autonomous power abuse that spawned 9/11. After years of religious, imperialistic persecution, Muslim ‘terrorists’ retaliated, resulting in the 9/11 tragedy. Uncle Sam is a cheater and a sore loser.

Image 6: Sicking a devil on a civilian

Danny Casolaro’s investigation only compelled Uncle Sam to deadly lengths. The Truth doesn’t burn devils, who are cold as ice. When dealing with devils, the room will get cold or cool because devils reside in the coolest spots in Hell. A devil’s frigidity is a sobering reminder that you are dealing with pure wickedness.

Devils control fiendish authorities. Demons are the cheerleading, yes, men.  You’ll find devils residing on the farthest right of the spectrum, where corrupt authority operates.

Image 7: Exorcising A Devil

Line #6 of Hexagram 59 means death is often the only way to stop a wicked threat.

Comic Illustration: The Illustrated I-Ching Koh-Koh Kiang

I Ching Hexagram 59 provides guidance on many topics. But Hexagram 59’s primary subject is exorcising devils.

Danny Casolaro was a civilian journalist caught in the middle of a deadly conspiracy. Wicked people employ murder and torture regularly, a truth and fact that anyone who decides to take on the elite must understand and accept. If you are prepared and willing to kill for defense or protection, you even the odds when facing the corrupt and unholy.

Evil individuals wait patiently for a victim to relax their vigilance. Line #6 warns that wicked authority strikes, hiding behind a peaceful moment or, in Danny Casolaro’s case, waiting for a victim’s trust to build.

My first battle against the devil, Asmodeus, taught me that wickedness allows you to think all is well and then strikes when your guard relaxes. Those carefully planned tactics wear on your resolve and erode your faith, especially in a higher power. Like Uncle Sam, a devil wants you to believe it is god!

Today’s weaponized Mustang intrusion is an example of a devil striking during a peaceful moment. However, our guards weren’t relaxed. Danny Casolaro underestimated Uncle Sam’s propensity for wickedness and became lax and too trusting.


Jesus exorcising Legion into a herd of pigs demonstrates Hexagram 59 dispersal principles, specifically line #6. Instead of killing Legion’s human host, Jesus opted to dispel the devil and his demonic troops into pigs and drive them over a ledge to their deaths, releasing the demonic spirits. Dispersing the demons from their leader weakened their accumulated power.

Hexagram 59 Line #6, for a non-civilian, often means you will have to kill the subject because they are damned, and the devil controlling them isn’t likely to release its hold, so they will continue their evil. Moreover, doubtlessly, the hostile subjects in line #6 have repeatedly murdered, raped, or committed some other mortal sin. Tyrants are one of line #6’s subjects, along with serial killers.

For a civilian, line #6 means that decisive, drastic, and extreme measures will be necessary, like disowning a heroin-addicted loved one, realizing that they will likely be killed or imprisoned long-term! 


If I received Hexagram 59 line 6 and had been in Danny Casolaro’s shoes, I would have devised a counterstrategy, waited for the CIA operative, and probably killed him with poison since he would have underestimated my ability to foresee events.

Morever, I would have cut a hole into the pockets of a partially zipped jacket, with my firearm readied, never turning my back. You must think like that when dealing with dangerous people, which is why civilians like Danny Casolaro always lose in those types of situations.

However, as I said, Uncle Sam is a coward, a cheater, and a sore loser. So, even though I would be justified in killing a CIA agent authorized to kill me, Sam isn’t going to let that slide. Therefore, I would have to keep killing until the inevitable. The same premise is true of a drug cartel. You would have to keep killing unless you decapitate the head hydra. At this point, settling for revenge is the best you can hope for, thus 9/11.

 9/11 is an example of others suffering the consequences of Uncle Sam’s actions. But Sam flipped the script, played dumb, and acted as though 9/11 was unwarranted, then used the moment to declare war after a just retribution act. Uncle Sam realizes that racists, Christian America– the Silent Majority—will always side with him, and their opinion is the only one that matters.

Again, we have a cheating Uncle Sam and his Columbus, Ohio, municipalities binding someone (us), beating and torturing them with constant weaponized harassment, tech tampering, privacy violations, and corporate manipulation.

If I rightfully retaliated against political persecutors who hide behind money, political power, and autonomy, Sam and his cheerleading media demagogue plants would lie to the public, painting me as the monster, just like a devil and its cheerleading demons!!!!

Supernatural Spirituality

Supernatural Spirituality demonstrates what walking with YHVH and talking with His angels resembles. Reading the Bible and believing in YHVH isn’t spiritual. But you’ll get personal with YHVH and His angels, walking and talking with them regularly. Supernatural Spirituality demonstrates the results of our long, painful, self-sacrificing walks with YHVH and His angels and the miracles it produce. Click one of the images below to experience what our supernatural walk with YHVH and His angels revealed!

Pigs Goats & Pawns

Bible scholars are absolutely clueless about the meaning of Ephesians 6:12. Fools think the Powers, Principalities, and Authorities are ephemeral, invisible. We’ve been fighting the Powers, Principalities, and authorities for fifteen years, and they aren’t just invisible!

Please see the introduction EYE ON THE BEAST POST below to learn about the fifteen-year battle against the Powers, Principalities, and authorities.