

Notice: Posts with the word DRAFT are posts that haven’t been edited. There are only two of us, and only one person creating the post and rendering the oracle. We can’t delegate tasks because of political persecution. The political, corporate, and religious persecutors interfere with everything we do, from our website to banking. When we hire services, the political scum perscutors abuse power, authority, and autonomy, trying to prove science and the bureaucracy are superior. Therefore, posts with the word DRAFT at the beginning mean that the post is being edited. If you reread the post later, it will often be more concise, and most grammatical errors are corrected.

September 16th-23rd 2023


3:23 pm: Response to 3:19 pm Corrupt Christian Municipal Power Harassment: As we’ve stated, Columbus Pigs. Follow Due Process, bring your corrupt selves to the front door, and present a warrant or some proof of criminal wrongdoing instead of executing weaponized drivebys. But, we know you can’t do that.

So, you keep breaking the law and violating the Constitution, playing FOP/Freemason games that will be your noose. If YHVH doesn’t make good on His promise, PWC, CMN, I will! There is a first time for everything😁! Letting YHVH respond instead of using New World Order cheat tactics is a first, All-American Bully Cowards.


DRAFT: Please click HERE to watch the video first. My pit, Samon, started whining like he had to use the bathroom. I took him out, and he started playing instead of handling his business. So, I brought Samson back in, and he started whining again. When I took Samson back out, he started trying me, disobeying my commands, and running from me. As the video shows, Samson started acting out the moment I heard the white trash off-duty pig riding his weaponized motorcycle around the highway.

A demon was compelling Samson, just like the PWC on the motorcycle. I had to rough Samson up, like you must do ever so often to male pits, to get that demon out of his ass!

That PWC on the motorcycle is just like the ones who used to ride around in the dark on horses, with sheets covering their coward heads, heehawing. Those types can’t be reasoned with. Being a Columbus pig makes him feel even more untouchable.

That PWC was riding around acting tough like he’s Thor on this chilly night. There were two cars sitting with their high beams on waaaay down the street about forty-five minutes ago.

The 7:04 pm CHRISTIAN INFAMY post found below told me about the Christian, God Bless America PWC riding on that motorcycle. I didn’t need to look for the event. As you see, I was led outside by an unruly dog. Do you think it was just a coincidence Samson started acting out as that PWC passed the house?

Also, notice that the off-duty pig laid off the throttle just as he passed our area of the highway. Then the coward revved his engine as if to say, “I was here half-breed, mongrel Irish Nigger!” So, in the same way as the video depicts, I would have been in the right position to deal with that PWC if it was Heaven’s Will.

I’ve demonstrated in numerous videos of being guided to an adversary at the right place and time who had no idea I was there, or I met them as they passed the house.

 Oh, that’s right! White American “Ninja” think the spiritual power of Shinobi is some “Gook S—-,” the same thing you said about the I Ching! Did you know one of the first “White American Ninja’s” disciples is also a Columbus pig?

The CIA, wanna-be-Shinobi, with its billion-dollar tech, wishes it could develop this level of spiritual attainment (but will never do so)! Remember, the CIA was trying to train agents to locate enemies using ESP and all that.

DRAFT: 9-18-23 10:13:

This ORACLE UPDATE demonstrates how angels help us strategize against our political perscutors. But this update also provides more hidden ORACLE info into major, supernaturally orchestrated events about to unfold publically.


We knew our political perscutors (Chuck Wheat) would take the bait and harass us today (9-19-23), thinking it would stop our big business moves. The oracle below explains the strategy:

Do you see the Lovers card (top center in the image below)? That card is saying that spiritual power (Oracles, the High Priestess below the Lovers) is a blessed, earned gift. Continued after the image.

Tuesday is also in the reading (Gemini in the bottom center). Moreover, the Star speaks about the ELITE and refers to the SoldierOfYHVH song, SOG (Soldiers of God). You can listen to SOG (Soldiers of God) HERE.

But Gemini is also referring to having to use INTELLIGENCE to counter our political persecutors’ attempts to stall our efforts by interfering with our emails (I spent most of the day battling nerds playing with our business email accounts, which is what we’re using to make businesses contacts).

 The Queen of Coins reversed (far left middle card) is one of many corrupt reprobates behind today’s witchcraft harassment, both the weaponized vehicles harassment we dealt with and the technological harassment.

The Queen of Coins thought she would manage the situation and benefit from leaching off our hard-earned work (typical capitalist bull mentality).  The 5 coins reversed is the card right above the Knight of Swords in the oracle. The 5 of Coins also represents our stock and hard-earned efforts (meaning we earned what we have).

Jupiter rules Wednesday (not Thursday, pagans). Angels of Jupiter govern everything that deals with business, money, education, doctrine, and everything material, physical, etc. So, Wednesday is propitious for business. 

But, our political persecutors walked right into another well-laid trap (33rd  I Ching Hexagram Line #3). Tuesday is also represented by the 10 of Swords reversed.

We’ll explain the 10 of Swords reversed and its role and meaning in Tuesday’s (9-19-23) Oracle update. So, daily, we battle the Powers, Principalities, and Authority using a real spiritual weapon (The angelic 64 Levels of Power).

“There will be a free downloable version of the 64 Levels of Power for people who can’t afford the commercial edit.” 


Spiritual power is required to fight a spiritual battle. Amreggedon is that spiritual battle being fought in the material world! The Powers, Principalities, and Authorities rely on science, technology, and abusing authority (cheating).

By the Power and Might of YHVH, try using your Bible to discover the adversary’s next move and tell us how that works. Moreover, when the time comes that the Beast outlaws Bibles thanks to Christian hypocrisy, where will you draw your strength (for those requiring a Bible)?

Memorizing scripture can be helpful, but can it aid in acting proactively in a supernatural battle fought in the flesh?  But we’ll let YVHVH answer that question through his angels via the public arena shortly!

Technology has made it so the Beast can track you down with ease. If you’ve ever read the Celestine Prophecy or watched the movie, it demonstrates perfectly how having spiritual gifts against a wicked enemy, using tech and power abuse, is a blessing. Several divas have used dreams and other spiritual tools to communicate. Often, my brother will send a message spiritually, or vice versa, and I’ll get the message.

Imagine you get separated from loved ones in a disaster, or, for those left behind, the Apocalypse. But you receive (angelic) directions in a dream that guides you right to where your loved ones are, away from danger. The God we know (YHVH) wants you to be prepared and have the upper hand on the wicked.

The 64 Levels of Power can help you train those spiritual gifts. Wicked government officials, law enforcement, etc., can’t use the 64 Levles of Power any more than a godly person can use the occult without being harmed. The occult has been removed from 64 Levels of Power with years of practice and the scientific method.

So, maybe you can understand why Freemason scum and other New World Order types have been trying to force me into their butt-sniffing, brown-mustache-drawing, Cottaging fraternal order (which they did to Issac Newton and Ben Franklin)! The Freemasons think they are the top predators. But there is an angelic order above them, as they will eventually discover.


So, do you see how much more interesting and even entertaining spiritual practice is? Nearly everything you thought to be a fairytale is real. You saw the headlines about a Deputy Sheriff killed in LA. The deputy sheriff assassin’s mother claimed he’d been hearing voices.

The LA deputy sheriff was killed as law enforcement here in Columbus, and their Mexican pawns harassed us relentlessly. Moreover, a Mexican-American was responsible for shooting the deputy sheriff.

That LA deputy shooting occurred just after I prayed and asked for a sign that the wicked men and women harassing me would be punished severely–my exact words were, “My adversaries would receive death as You promised, Father YodHeVavHe.” The angel told me I would receive three signs to confirm YHVH’s promise wasn’t a figment of my imagination. We published every event that manifested as it happened.

What about the pilot in recent news mysteriously losing control of his plane, flying over South Carolina, forcing an emergency ejection? Yet, Christian hypocrites think Heaven is incapable of modern-day supernatural events (which is why they must run to their Bibles for a dose of supernatural rather than experience it in real time).

Several unexplained things are about to occur and will point directly back to us and be referring to the Hell coming our Christian political perscutors way. Go ahead and get your laughs because when these events transpire, you won’t be laughing😁!

The free  64 Levels of Power version doesn’t contain everything, but it will still be invaluable and powerful! Everything the angels taught me won’t be in the commercial edition of the 64 Levels of Power either.

If connecting to Heaven is your first priority, the 64 Levels of Power is for you! Suppose there is an atheist who decides she genuinely wants to know if there is a God and angels. That atheist will not be disappointed.

If your desire is to use the 64 Levels of Power for worldly reasons (like the CIA, etc. would), it will not work but will instead affect you like a righteous person dabbling in the occult (meaning the angels will ravish you as the demons do when Christians dabble in the occult).

I suffered and toiled greatly for years, compiling the angelic documents that became the 64 Levels of Power. Ninety percent of that suffering was at the hands of Christian Powers, Principalities, and Authorities, as you’ll see shortly. You can read more about the 64 Levels of Power HERE. 

You can familiarize yourselves with BTG’s FAN PAGE and SOG’s FAN PAGE. Become illuminated on why social media presence is a fabrication by clicking HERE and why we can’t use social media by clicking HERE. Please continue reading below.

We always pray and meditate after we finish something and before we embark on the next step. The angelic oracle in the image is that after-prayer mediation. The High Priestess in the reading is the angelic Oracle itself. The High Priestess also reminds me to check my daily oracles for additional guidance.

Monday is often not the best day for business for several reasons. But the Empress reversed in my alter reading is influencing today. So, disgruntled witches (certain divas) are going to try casting spells today. Tuesday, however, is the Hangman in my alter reading, which confirms that I will exorcise those spells. But more importantly, the Hangman is a spiritual executive.

Divas who’ve been using muggles to harass us will be SOL by Tuesday because of all the February 2023 TAXI MUSIC songs I did. either Warner or Sony Music artists will perform (that’s what the oracle is saying, anyway).  Hexagram 27 supports executive conclusions.


The angels taught me that, spiritually, a conclusion differs from a decision because you must be mindful of many people when drawing a conclusion. A decision may affect others but is not your concern. You make decisions for yourself, not others. An executive decision will affect large groups of people.

There are many agencies and representatives we will contact from Tuesday to Friday. However, Tuesday is the best day for clear thinking and communication. You can’t always wait for the best day, spiritually, to act. But in this case, everything is ready. Moreover, as the angelic oracle admonishes, tomorrow will be full of witchcraft and spells that will backfire and return to senders by six a.m. Tuesday morning.

We are timing our website’s official launch with Tuesday as day one of big business introductions.

Meanwhile, you can familiarize yourselves with BTG’s FAN PAGE and SOG’s FAN PAGE. Become illuminated on why social media presence is a fabrication by clicking HERE and why we can’t use social media by clicking HERE.

The FrontPage Oracle will also resume forecasting prophecy updates, public events, disasters, and delights on Thursday, September 21, 2023.

Biden boasting about his proud Catholicism is like a football player kneeling, putting on the vain and self-righteous endzone display Jesus warned the Fish about.

The football player boastfully thanking YHVH for his touchdown will engage in every immoral act known to man during the aftergame celebration revelry. So, praising the Lawd in the endzone is all smoke-and-screen.

However, those vainglorious athletes should thank the gods that aided them in making that game-winning catch, namely. DNA, practice, and steroids! But don’t mind them (they follow in their clergymen’s footsteps, not Jesus’).

 History tells the story of a Catholic missionary priest who had the gall to claim that YHVH blessed the Christian conquers by sending pestilence and plagues those Euro-conquers brought to America, wiping out tribes of Native Americans. Yet, Jesus healed Jews and Gentiles alike.

Notice the Knight of Capricorn reversed in THIS ORACLE and THIS ORACLE. Negative Capricorn can represent corrupt and godless men and women who deserve nothing less than death. Why? Because they are so corrupt, the only way to stop them is to dispatch them. Sending powerful reprobates to prison is useless because they will pull political strings while behind bars.

But iron bars only detain demons, not their boss devils. Our corrupt, wicked harassers resemble those devils. Just as THIS ORACLE predicted, today would be filled with Masonic (or FOP) witchcraft.

The pigs and goats are tampering with our email system while dispatching peace-disturbing pawns driving weaponized vehicles. So, most of today, I’ve spent problem-solving the email issues in preparation for business. Gabriel assured me the problem wouldn’t be corrected until after 3 a.m. because someone else was causing the issue.

But as a Soldier of YHVH, daily, using willpower, I battle wicked PWC scum. Your will must match your adversary’s relentlessness. Without a steel will, the daily harassment would break me, as it would a Neanderthal brute or macho black muscleman with very little mental resolve for anything more than pushing past a certain number of reps! My power isn’t drawn from muscle, money, or status. All I’ve had was YHVH, His angels, and my brother Carlos.

Money and power reinforce our political persecutors and their puppets’ wills. Corrupt people must maintain their power, wealth, and status because the minute they lose it, they become regular old, vulnerable muggles. You saw how weak Trump looked when his dignity was stripped alongside his $8k suit.

So, it is as the angel told my brother and me last week. Wicked Christians know what they’re doing to us is wrong and that reconciliation won’t happen. Yet, our Christian perscutors will continue harassing and forcefully trying to get attention. That criminal behavior mimics the demons exactly!

Driven by money and influence, twisting scriptures delude Christian reprobate tyrants. But, the end of the old way (the 1000-year-old New World Order) is approaching. As prophesied, every self-exalted bureaucrat (and elite-minded) will fall, which also compels our persecutors (they see the “Mene, Mene, Tekel, Uparsin”)!

The only way to bring that prophesied momentary peace is to disrupt and displace those who benefit from chaos and disorder, the Powers, Principalities, and Authorities. The Christian clergy-backed Columbus, Ohio, criminal reprobates persecuting us use weaponized violence to disrupt peace, which speaks volumes! Yet, in ‘they Bible,’ what are the fruits of the Holy Spirit, MF demoniacs?

Moreover, the 33rd Hexagram’s guidance accompanied the oracles appearing in this post. People are trying to draw me out, expecting reconciliation after using such violence and mayhem to harass us. Target denial is another 33rd Hexagram topic, as well as out of sight, out of mind.

In combat, the 33rd Hexagram admonishes using withdrawal as a tactic to pull your adversary into an ambush, as I demonstrated two days ago. The 33rd Hexagram assures that your position is much stronger than your adversaries. But only a fool (Hexagram 36) would dare to pursue or chase an enemy onto his stronghold. If someone comes onto your property threatening you, that is foolish, and daily we see macho fools dying!

Interestingly, the 32nd Hexagram accompanies the second oracle. What that means is that our adversary’s situation is regressing, going backward (from 33 to 32). Hexagram 32 admonishes persistence, especially when the going gets rough. But our adversaries badger, or PESTER (also Hexagram 32), demanding an audience and their requests granted, which ‘ain’t ‘gonna happen.

So, our adversaries are fronting, pretending, when their situations are less than ideal, driving them to break the law, violate the Constitution, and offend Heaven, like King Saul!

Do you see how knowing the truth is empowering? If you knew your adversaries’ positions, you wouldn’t think they were getting away with anything. Our political persecutors pretend like they are unphased. But their desperate actions reveal another story!

However, the trick is believing without a doubt the counsel and guidance you receive (Oracles), especially when your adversary is reprobate scum using tech and pawns, expecting to confound you and make you lose faith in Heaven!


I tried to watch Gangs of Oslo (GOO) and the Polish-produced movie Freestyle. Those two programs demonstrate the negative effects of black American so-called hip-hop. Lil Baby isn’t a gangster or a thug. So, why would a Polish thug reference him? The rest of the world thinks all African Americans are sluts and thugs.

Then, another series, Infamy, is already off-putting because the lead character “is supposed to be trying to use hip-hop to escape the dregs of poverty,” which is a (contemporary) hip-hop lie. 

Hip-hop isn’t at all about escaping the ghetto but bringing it with you, as American rappers have proven. I don’t deal with the ghetto the same way because it will always pull the ghetto out of you, as we’ve proven recently!

I’ll finish watching GOO because I get it. I’ll watch Infamy because it’s about a Gypsy female. So, I’ll get it. Freestyle is a bit absurd. A predominantly white culture acting like American black ghetto people is jarring. Please continue…

Jesus healed the sick, resurrected the dead, and performed all sorts of supernatural feats. Yet, muggles still doubted him.

Jesus could have come down from the cross, executed the Roman soldiers, and dispatched the wicked Sanhedrin with a finger snap. Nerds and pagans’ argument is always, “well, if Jesus was so powerful, why didn’t he save himself?” Jesus wasn’t trying to save himself! He was trying to save your ungrateful atheist, pagan, and paganized Christian asses (so he had to endure that humiliation)!

The Christian capitalist CMN, PWC, and B municipal harassers continue trying to force themselves into our situation. Sadly, those Christian warlocks and witches can’t get through their muggle heads that if the angels asked me to pay attention to them, I would.

“Ghetto African America’s Worldwide Influence!!”

Those same Bible Thumping hypocrites also think I’m expressing personal conviction when I say that the angels assured us those wicked pigs, goats, and their pawns are condemned (for their wicked, un-Christlike persecution).

The Master isn’t sacrificing himself this time, sheep and goats! So, likewise, we’re not sacrificing anything for some two-bit scum whose only concern is social media relevancy and pimping.

Christianity is one of capitalism’s greatest supporters. aint that right, Black Clergy!! It’s now proven that Christianity is a BIG BUSINESS! What was the first thing that offended the Master when he entered the Temple? All the scum-ass trade and commerce.

So, Nappolean, Negrosity of ‘Lat,’ (the pawn in the house with the porch light on daylight), we don’t care who your massah is. So, you’re wasting your time, you and your racist counterparts, you black warlocks and witches (Freemasons and Eastern Stars).

“This is what Black People Are Known For WORLDWIDE!”


The following posts are the ORACLE RESPONSES we published after receiving angelic guidance that exposed why the Columbus police have employed mostly Mexican pawns to harass us relentlessly for the last nine months!

The post is raw and demonstrates how we’ve used our site for fifteen years to manipulate our political perscutors egos into reacting for our surveillance cameras. You can read more about Pigs Goats, Pawns, and Operation Break Beak HERE.

8:42 pm Right now, off-duty pigs and Mexicans are riding around making weaponized vehicle rackets on the highway! We’ll return and connect all the dots using today’s Mexican-Columbus Pig harassment. Please click the LINKS below that we’ll explain later.

Pigs, Goats, and Mexican SPONSORED PAWNS Oracle #1:

Pigs, Goats, and Mexicans, racists Columbus country music PWC Oracle #1:

Columbus Pigs Country Singer Oracle:

Confirmation Oracle

All those demons coming out of those Catholic mufflers and bass stereos (please see videos later) told me what I needed to know. Click HERE to peep COLUMBUS’ FINE ENTERTAINMENT SCENE while noticing the COLOR SCHEMA! Welcome to Columbus, Ohio, home of OSU, Pro Hockey, Pro Soccer, and Country music!!

We’ll also show you how Columbus supports its country and Mexican music scene and why the Columbus municipal powers are working concertedly, trying to menace. We’ll be back at midnight, Pigs, Goats, and Mexicans.

If you recall, Mexican Proud Boys proudly stormed the nation’s Capital beside their racist coutnerparts on 1-6-23. Country music is probably one connection they share. Remember, BNRS, we’re going to use the pigs and the law to set you up! Get this through your MFing head. I owe this city nothing but exposing its powers, principalities, and authorities for what it is!

“Frank ‘Ray’ is a former Columbus Police Officer turner country star!’

Now it makes sense why Columbus pigs are eagerly persecuting us using Mexicans, first and foremost! Then there’s the Columbus Latin music producer nominated for a Grammy last year and how 10TV and the rest hailed him as great—ain’t that right, Yolanda?

Look at the number of likes Frank Ray, the Country Music Police, received for his award nomination flyer, and tell me it was significant.  You’re so proud, Police Ray! Then, use your Latin last name to promote your career in a white-dominated, anti-Mexian music genre!

The video cameras prove that Mexicans are the primary pawns the Columbus Municipal powers are using (six months strong), replacing the black pawns. You won’t get away with anything, Senior Chuck Wheat! Not a MF thing!

9-16-23 5:58 pm: We’re also about to show you how the Columbus pigs use women and their children as shields, thinking that would stop fifteen years of victimized fury. These Christian reprobates problems are like 99% of Christianity–they think because you love YHVH, and talk about angels, you’re a sucker!

9-16-23 5:33 am  BMW BEANER COWARD… You’ll keep playing, PWC pigs, and somebody isn’t going to make it. Cowards. Somebody is going to drop if you keep playing. But you know what I’m going to do, PWC pigs? We’ll make papers, then see if your pawns are stupid enough to drive around here taunting and menacing. I told you we’re going to demonstrate how to use your PWC law to counter you and your pawns.  According to that camera, Beaner, you’re menacing, you fantasy Island MFer!! Yup! And we’re about to post the incident so that if you come back around here menacing, there won’t be no talking, you and those Escalade BNRS!!

9:08 pm That OSU score epitomizes the American and Columbus bully mentality we’ll continue exposing, starting later. You have OSU cheerleaders riding around here, making weaponized rackets with vehicles, proud about a game they knew they would dominate!

OSU shouldn’t be #6 because they haven’t earned that. Lex Wanker’s money and politics are the only reason OSU is #6 and able to pay opponents they know they’ll beat up on to play preseason! Maybe replace less formidable schools with  SEC conference-level competition, and watch them blow OSU out preseason!


Federal PWC and Columbus Municpal powers used Mexican pawns to taunt us today. After another Mexican pawn came through with a weaponized bass, I told Father YHVH that if the Catholic reprobates keep up, people are going to die.

 I asked YHVH for a sign since these wicked Catholics continue testing. I wanted to make sure that it wasn’t just a figment of the imagination when the angel stated, “These people are going to die violently, every last one, at the right moment,” 

So, I was working when I heard to go to YouTube again, around 10:09 pm (click to view the Google History).  After watching the Maurice White min-story, I heard to click on the link about where Sanford and Son actors now. As soon as I found out Hal Williams, who played Officer ‘Smitty’ on Sandford and Son, I knew I received my answer. That little supernatural confirmation that I’m hearing exactly what angels and others are saying to me was empowering.

Your intention, Senior Chuck Wheat, is to force us to lose faith in YHVH with your Idolaterous PWC, law-breaking Catholicism, the same way you did the Native Americans. Lucifer always uses torture to break wills, claiming he is Father YHVH!

You want us to believe your PWC abuse of law is God and that your demonic clergy assignment was given to you by a vicor of YHVH! White boys like you have never respected YHVH, which is why you kept bringing unacceptable fruit instead of proper and holy sacrifice. Read my lips, scum, YOU ARE DEAD!!!!! Outside of your Bible, you have never witnessed what you will continue witnessing!

Next Oracle

9-17-23 1:41 pm YHVH Truly Works Mysteriously


A Columbus, Ohio, municipal authorized pawn using weaponized bass to harass us passed the house at on 9-16-23 at 8:14 pm (VIDEO). As the weaponized bass harassment unfolded, I told Father YHVH that I didn’t know how much longer I could hold back from unleashing on cowards and bullies. 

I also asked Father for signs that it wasn’t a figment of my imagination when angels said our “persecutors would die violently.” But, immediately, an angel said, “Your adversaries will die violently!” 

We published that angelic warning in an Oracle yesterday, which prompted more corrupt harassment.  “Die violently” could mean dying from an accident, a fall from a flight of stairs, choking on some food, etc.

After the bass-weaponized pawn passed and my prayer to Father YHVH, another angel guided me to a video about Sanford and Son actors and their locations.

I discovered that Hal Smith, who played an LAPD POLICE OFFICER in Sandford and Son, lives in Columbus, Ohio. So, was it purely coincidental that a deputy sheriff with a Canadian Cranium was found shot to death while on duty at six-something LA time and nine-something here? To logic-loving PWC police, the well-timed Deputy Sheriff killing is just an uncanny occurrence.

Yesterday, suddenly, I added DEPUTY SHERRIFS to the list of pigs harassing us. Deputy sheriffs are local law enforcement’s foulest, sloven, and sloppiest civil servants. A Hattiesburg Deputy Sheriff was responsible for the first of five murder attempts on my life. Deputy Sheriffs are most likely to either set you up for murder or do it themselves.

The ‘brazen’ hit on the LA deputy sheriff officer frightens clueless civilians who will refuse to believe that officer did something terrible and thought he’d escaped retribution, just as the pigs and goats are doing to my brother and me. 

The police and media will exalt the ‘fallen’ deputy sheriff as a hero. But imagine how ecstatic we are about the excellent LA CONFIRMATION Heaven provided. Again, Catholics, you have no idea what YHVH’s angels are capable of, even though it’s in your Bible. Sadly, you (wicked reprobates) will learn that painful truth firsthand.

YHVH authorized Joshua to eliminate an entire wicked Aryan clan. Yet, you doubt He would authorize the death of corrupt public officials (however that death may come)? Oh! You don’t understand why the angels called that clan ARYAN (Cain’s children)? I’ve seen Afghan-born terrorists that resemble blond-haired, blue-eyed white trash.

The Hierophant reversed represents badgers, wolverines, Tasmanian Devils, Mexicans, police chiefs, FOP, Freemasons, Deputy Sheriffs, and countless others. But think about it: badge and badger (to use authority to harass or annoy persistently). 

With the deputy sheriff’s execution, I’m now confident the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department works concertedly with CPD and others to BADGER us daily. With that intelligence, the Eye now has an additional focus. The demons placed all of the blame on the Police Chief and the federal government. But the deputy sheriffs are like the FBI of local law enforcement.

BADGER, also a tiny but vicious animal, implies pestering a person to confusion or frenzy, which the angels confirmed (that Christian PWC (specifically) hogs and pigs are trying to cause us to lose faith and doubt the truth, just like every White Rider racist before them).

The Columbus law enforcement have always bragged about how they drove the Italian Mob out of Columbus. Now we know that PWC used Good Ole Boy, Long Arm of the Law deputy sheriff’s tactics to achieve their success over the mob. But Columbus police turned us into outlaws.

As I was finishing this post, “I’m Every Woman,” started playing in my head. We will post at midnight the names of agents, agent rep agencies, and contacts who we’ll be approaching.

We didn’t require jealous muggles and their municipal-powered reprobates to remind us of what we needed to do! I made oaths, vows, and promises, and unlike our depraved municipal badgers, their clergy, and muggle pawns, I keep my word and honor my vows!


The following posts are the ORACLE RESPONSES we published after receiving angelic guidance that exposed why the Columbus police have employed mostly Mexican pawns to harass us relentlessly for the last nine months!

The post is raw and demonstrates how we’ve used our site for fifteen years to manipulate our political perscutors egos into reacting for our surveillance cameras. You can read more about Pigs Goats, Pawns, and Operation Break Beak HERE.

8:42 pm Right now, off-duty pigs and Mexicans are riding around making weaponized vehicle rackets on the highway! We’ll return and connect all the dots using today’s Mexican-Columbus Pig harassment. Please click the LINKS below that we’ll explain later.

Pigs, Goats, and Mexican SPONSORED PAWNS Oracle #1:

Pigs, Goats, and Mexicans, racists Columbus country music PWC Oracle #1:

Columbus Pigs Country Singer Oracle:

Confirmation Oracle

All those demons coming out of those Catholic mufflers and bass stereos (please see videos later) told me what I needed to know. Click HERE to peep COLUMBUS’ FINE ENTERTAINMENT SCENE while noticing the COLOR SCHEMA! Welcome to Columbus, Ohio, home of OSU, Pro Hockey, Pro Soccer, and Country music!!

We’ll also show you how Columbus supports its country and Mexican music scene and why the Columbus municipal powers are working concertedly, trying to menace. We’ll be back at midnight, Pigs, Goats, and Mexicans.

If you recall, Mexican Proud Boys proudly stormed the nation’s Capital beside their racist coutnerparts on 1-6-23. Country music is probably one connection they share. Remember, BNRS, we’re going to use the pigs and the law to set you up! Get this through your MFing head. I owe this city nothing but exposing its powers, principalities, and authorities for what it is!

“Frank ‘Ray’ is a former Columbus Police Officer turner country star!’

Now it makes sense why Columbus pigs are eagerly persecuting us using Mexicans, first and foremost! Then there’s the Columbus Latin music producer nominated for a Grammy last year and how 10TV and the rest hailed him as great—ain’t that right, Yolanda?

Look at the number of likes Frank Ray, the Country Music Police, received for his award nomination flyer, and tell me it was significant.  You’re so proud, Police Ray! Then, use your Latin last name to promote your career in a white-dominated, anti-Mexian music genre!

The video cameras prove that Mexicans are the primary pawns the Columbus Municipal powers are using (six months strong), replacing the black pawns. You won’t get away with anything, Senior Chuck Wheat! Not a MF thing!

9-16-23 5:58 pm: We’re also about to show you how the Columbus pigs use women and their children as shields, thinking that would stop fifteen years of victimized fury. These Christian reprobates problems are like 99% of Christianity–they think because you love YHVH, and talk about angels, you’re a sucker!

9-16-23 5:33 am  BMW BEANER COWARD… You’ll keep playing, PWC pigs, and somebody isn’t going to make it. Cowards. Somebody is going to drop if you keep playing. But you know what I’m going to do, PWC pigs? We’ll make papers, then see if your pawns are stupid enough to drive around here taunting and menacing. I told you we’re going to demonstrate how to use your PWC law to counter you and your pawns.  According to that camera, Beaner, you’re menacing, you fantasy Island MFer!! Yup! And we’re about to post the incident so that if you come back around here menacing, there won’t be no talking, you and those Escalade BNRS!!

9:08 pm That OSU score epitomizes the American and Columbus bully mentality we’ll continue exposing, starting later. You have OSU cheerleaders riding around here, making weaponized rackets with vehicles, proud about a game they knew they would dominate!

OSU shouldn’t be #6 because they haven’t earned that. Lex Wanker’s money and politics are the only reason OSU is #6 and able to pay opponents they know they’ll beat up on to play preseason! Maybe replace less formidable schools with  SEC conference-level competition, and watch them blow OSU out preseason!


Federal PWC and Columbus Municpal powers used Mexican pawns to taunt us today. After another Mexican pawn came through with a weaponized bass, I told Father YHVH that if the Catholic reprobates keep up, people are going to die.

 I asked YHVH for a sign since these wicked Catholics continue testing. I wanted to make sure that it wasn’t just a figment of the imagination when the angel stated, “These people are going to die violently, every last one, at the right moment,” 

So, I was working when I heard to go to YouTube again, around 10:09 pm (click to view the Google History).  After watching the Maurice White min-story, I heard to click on the link about where Sanford and Son actors now. As soon as I found out Hal Williams, who played Officer ‘Smitty’ on Sandford and Son, I knew I received my answer. That little supernatural confirmation that I’m hearing exactly what angels and others are saying to me was empowering.

Your intention, Senior Chuck Wheat, is to force us to lose faith in YHVH with your Idolaterous PWC, law-breaking Catholicism, the same way you did the Native Americans. Lucifer always uses torture to break wills, claiming he is Father YHVH!

You want us to believe your PWC abuse of law is God and that your demonic clergy assignment was given to you by a vicor of YHVH! White boys like you have never respected YHVH, which is why you kept bringing unacceptable fruit instead of proper and holy sacrifice. Read my lips, scum, YOU ARE DEAD!!!!! Outside of your Bible, you have never witnessed what you will continue witnessing!

Next Oracle


DRAFT: edited @1:34 pm
We will be publishing an age verification page shortly. We apologize for the strong language used in this update.

But this ORACLE RESPONSE demonstrates many things:

  • How police provoke and entrap
  • How Catholic powers hide behind kids
  • Reaching a dangerous threshold from political persecution
  • Dealing with demon-compelled Christian scum who claim YHVH is their God
  • How racist Christians have used the same torture and harassment tactics against other religions yet claim this is God’s Country.

 Racist Catholic pigs and goats deal daily with murders and violence. Yet, those pigs continue provoking and harassing using willing, bold pawns.

At 5:19 pm, on 9-16-23, the Columbus pigs, FBI PWC, and municipal Columbus powers, working concertedly with entertainment capitalists, started a series of weaponized provocations using vehicles. 

A Mexican municipal pawn with a white Mercedes starts revving his engine violently. I was going to ignore the taunt until the bean demoniac continued. But notice in the video that the coward waited to rev as a Quaker-looking white female with a little blond boy passes his location. Please click THE LINKS BELOW to watch those videos (parental advisory).


First, can you hear Tupac in my voice? That voice isn’t the comical, fun voice you’ve heard in most videos up to this point. That voice is my Gangster Rap voice and only comes out if I’ve reached a threshold and violence is around the corner. When that voice comes out, I know longer GAF, and I’m counterprovking, hoping someone will make my day.

Notice the level of contempt in my voice! At that moment, I wanted that loudmouth FBI CPD snitch dead. But listen to how violent the weaponized harassment is that summoned that contempt. That Mexican pawn went off script because the first thing the pigs do is advise their pawns not to engage, as we’ll prove. 

Life-threatening violence is a daily event. A woman was shot in the back of the head yesterday in Columbus after her husband flipped somebody off on the highway. So, as a precaution, we automatically take a tactical life-and-death posture whenever wicked scum is involved.

By this point, I’m counter-provoking to cause the Mecian pawn-mouth to act since we’re placed perfectly to deal decisively with him and anyone who suddenly shows up.

Just as expected, after running his loud Mexican municipal pawn mouth, he called up some other municipal-protected Mexicans in an Escalade!

My brother was already tactfully placed in the same position as the camera.  At that moment, I had my firearm in hand, waiting for the drama to ensue since that is the norm, and so many are trying to be hard or play gangster. As usual, the Columbus police had other resident pawns watching from their windows as witnesses. But the cameras tell the whole story and would refute those witnesses.

Once the Escalde Mexican pawns tried to menace and got checked, I changed position to one that would allow me to see them coming down the street in case they decided to return with some monkey s—–! 

Since I would see them returning up the block,  I would have again switched to a less vulnerable position than the garage since thugs would shoot right into the front of the house. My brother could see both directions thanks to the security camera, just as we would see the police coming should they arrive.

By the time those thugs passed, I would be in another spot two or more houses down, and as they drove by, killed everyone in the vehicle. I will demonstrate the tactic in a near future video! I don’t revel in such talk or strategy. But this post demonstrates we live in a sick, Christian world that’s always eager to resort to violence.

We call those types of pawns in the videos Whitey Bulgers because the pigs and FBI often put criminals to work. Another municipal-protected pawn reached for a weapon after I confronted him in 2020. The next day, we made sure all our firearms were legal! We’ve got the video of that strategy-changing incident! White Bulger pawns will act off the radar and bring drama to your house because they’re pig-protected!

QUAKER LOUDMOUTH: Why was she so bold?

Notice the white female in THIS VIDEO was bold, scolding me. That white female and her son were also Columbus pig pawns involved in the harassment.

As we mentioned, the pigs, goats, and their so-called Christian clergy use children and weaklings as protection, as if that would deter counterviolence after years of predominantly racist torture.

I would never willingly endanger innocent civilians., nor return fire if there are civilians in range, which is exactly what those PWC pigs count on!

Also, notice that the displaced female had the nerve to run her mouth at me when she just walked past the Mexican pawn revving his engine tauntingly.

Again, the Mexican pawn waiting until the loudmouth female passed was a psychological tactic those fools thought would stop me from using profanity to counter-provoke! Do you see? Pigs and goats taunt us but dare any kind of response or retaliation, just like 9/11.

The Columbus Pigs even passed the house menacingly in THIS VIDEO as the same pawn used the same weaponized harassment in April of this year (one of many times our cameras have captured the police passing threateningly).

That Quaker-looking female has read our post and thinks that because I love YodHeVavHe, and talk to and about angels, that makes me a bitch, like her man. We don’t know any of the pawns involved, and we haven’t publicized our website in Columbus. 

Macho tough guys reading this would exclaim how they would have returned and put me in my place, which is why we set up a tactile position, waiting for some shotgun-welding loudmouth to walk right into an ambush.

Do you know what would follow after we put that bully hubby down? The pigs would show up and try to arrest us, even though they were the ones who orchestrated the whole ordeal! Do you see how sneaky and dangerous the Long Arm of the Law is?

 The YI Cloud Camera skipped the entire episode, which is where the PWC Quncitco Flunky Ohio FBI comes into play. You must have the right tech and autonomous power to tamper with the YI Camera, and no pig force lower than the federal government has the autonomy to pull that off! Do you see how technology is the Beast’s Mark (they can control everything you do with tech)?

Those reprobate pigs don’t care about their Mexican pawns and hope they’ll provoke me to violence because that’s how the PWC Long Arm of The Law operates. If I kill those pawns, the pigs then have the authority to try and arrest me, put me in jail, if they can, and torture me for life. Why? Because they have no authority to approach (so they (angrily) break the law)!

Then, after constant harassment and provocation, those federal PWC and CPD-Deputy Crackers-etc sent their Mexican pawn who uses weaponized bass (in THIS VIDEO) to continue provoking, which is racist imperialist coward 101 torture tactics.

When you’re not afraid or intimidated by corrupt, reprobate powers, authorities, and principalities, you endure what we endure daily, throughout the day.

The same wicked pigs are interfering with a relief credit card that was supposed to be here two days ago. Again, do you see how wicked these  ‘Chrsitian’ devils really are?

(c)(p) 2000-2023  The 64 Levels of Power and War in Heaven. All rights reserved.


The following posts are the ORACLE RESPONSES we published after receiving angelic guidance that exposed why the Columbus police have employed mostly Mexican pawns to harass us relentlessly for the last nine months!

The post is raw and demonstrates how we’ve used our site for fifteen years to manipulate our political perscutors egos into reacting for our surveillance cameras. You can read more about Pigs Goats, Pawns, and Operation Break Beak HERE.

8:42 pm Right now, off-duty pigs and Mexicans are riding around making weaponized vehicle rackets on the highway! We’ll return and connect all the dots using today’s Mexican-Columbus Pig harassment. Please click the LINKS below that we’ll explain later.

Pigs, Goats, and Mexican SPONSORED PAWNS Oracle #1:

Pigs, Goats, and Mexicans, racists Columbus country music PWC Oracle #1:

Columbus Pigs Country Singer Oracle:

Confirmation Oracle

All those demons coming out of those Catholic mufflers and bass stereos (please see videos later) told me what I needed to know. Click HERE to peep COLUMBUS’ FINE ENTERTAINMENT SCENE while noticing the COLOR SCHEMA! Welcome to Columbus, Ohio, home of OSU, Pro Hockey, Pro Soccer, and Country music!!

We’ll also show you how Columbus supports its country and Mexican music scene and why the Columbus municipal powers are working concertedly, trying to menace. We’ll be back at midnight, Pigs, Goats, and Mexicans.

If you recall, Mexican Proud Boys proudly stormed the nation’s Capital beside their racist coutnerparts on 1-6-23. Country music is probably one connection they share. Remember, BNRS, we’re going to use the pigs and the law to set you up! Get this through your MFing head. I owe this city nothing but exposing its powers, principalities, and authorities for what it is!

“Frank ‘Ray’ is a former Columbus Police Officer turner country star!’

Now it makes sense why Columbus pigs are eagerly persecuting us using Mexicans, first and foremost! Then there’s the Columbus Latin music producer nominated for a Grammy last year and how 10TV and the rest hailed him as great—ain’t that right, Yolanda?

Look at the number of likes Frank Ray, the Country Music Police, received for his award nomination flyer, and tell me it was significant.  You’re so proud, Police Ray! Then, use your Latin last name to promote your career in a white-dominated, anti-Mexian music genre!

The video cameras prove that Mexicans are the primary pawns the Columbus Municipal powers are using (six months strong), replacing the black pawns. You won’t get away with anything, Senior Chuck Wheat! Not a MF thing!

9-16-23 5:58 pm: We’re also about to show you how the Columbus pigs use women and their children as shields, thinking that would stop fifteen years of victimized fury. These Christian reprobates problems are like 99% of Christianity–they think because you love YHVH, and talk about angels, you’re a sucker!

9-16-23 5:33 am  BMW BEANER COWARD… You’ll keep playing, PWC pigs, and somebody isn’t going to make it. Cowards. Somebody is going to drop if you keep playing. But you know what I’m going to do, PWC pigs? We’ll make papers, then see if your pawns are stupid enough to drive around here taunting and menacing. I told you we’re going to demonstrate how to use your PWC law to counter you and your pawns.  According to that camera, Beaner, you’re menacing, you fantasy Island MFer!! Yup! And we’re about to post the incident so that if you come back around here menacing, there won’t be no talking, you and those Escalade BNRS!!

9:08 pm That OSU score epitomizes the American and Columbus bully mentality we’ll continue exposing, starting later. You have OSU cheerleaders riding around here, making weaponized rackets with vehicles, proud about a game they knew they would dominate!

OSU shouldn’t be #6 because they haven’t earned that. Lex Wanker’s money and politics are the only reason OSU is #6 and able to pay opponents they know they’ll beat up on to play preseason! Maybe replace less formidable schools with  SEC conference-level competition, and watch them blow OSU out preseason!


Federal PWC and Columbus Municpal powers used Mexican pawns to taunt us today. After another Mexican pawn came through with a weaponized bass, I told Father YHVH that if the Catholic reprobates keep up, people are going to die.

 I asked YHVH for a sign since these wicked Catholics continue testing. I wanted to make sure that it wasn’t just a figment of the imagination when the angel stated, “These people are going to die violently, every last one, at the right moment,” 

So, I was working when I heard to go to YouTube again, around 10:09 pm (click to view the Google History).  After watching the Maurice White min-story, I heard to click on the link about where Sanford and Son actors now. As soon as I found out Hal Williams, who played Officer ‘Smitty’ on Sandford and Son, I knew I received my answer. That little supernatural confirmation that I’m hearing exactly what angels and others are saying to me was empowering.

Your intention, Senior Chuck Wheat, is to force us to lose faith in YHVH with your Idolaterous PWC, law-breaking Catholicism, the same way you did the Native Americans. Lucifer always uses torture to break wills, claiming he is Father YHVH!

You want us to believe your PWC abuse of law is God and that your demonic clergy assignment was given to you by a vicor of YHVH! White boys like you have never respected YHVH, which is why you kept bringing unacceptable fruit instead of proper and holy sacrifice. Read my lips, scum, YOU ARE DEAD!!!!! Outside of your Bible, you have never witnessed what you will continue witnessing!

Next Oracle


DRAFT: edited @1:34 pm

If you encounter the word BIOPSY instead of BIOPIC, thank useless Grammarly!

This oracle update demonstrates how spirits called me to a series of Chaka Khan videos to deliver messages from specific divas, all without a human agent, phone, or email! We’ve uploaded a time-lapse video of my spiritual trip later in this post illustrates.

 Keep in mind as you watch the video later in the oracle, thousands of spirits are trying to talk as I focus on the ones I’m supposed to listen to. When I’m surfing the net and working, I speak aloud. So, I removed the sound from the video to optimize it (plus, I have no idea what I might have said while conversing with angels and spirits).

ORACLE #1 10:11 pm:

ORACLE #2 10:11 pm:

ORACLE #3 10:11 pm: This is where I heard, “LOOK FOR THE CHANGE.” a subliminal thought that made me intensely vigilant.” The #3 oracle also exposes a wicked, controlling man working concertedly to harass us using political power. 

This oracle’s corporeal and incorporeal diva subjects know (and despise) that Hermit. The adverse Elder represents many (older males) with earthly authority who’ve escaped punishment for decades due to their patriarchial/Freemason connections. 

Thanks to the angels and the 64 Levels of Power, I interpreted three oracles (10:11 pm) within less than a minute, leading me to my next step. 

Between 10:30 and 10:59 pm, technologically, I was politically harassed as I worked on our site, prompting me to cast an additional five readings. Casting those oracles verified demons were working through those nerdy, fuzzy-head badges and working etherally (supernaturally).

But, I was asked to look for a SUDDEN, DRASTIC change, which I noticed immediately upon watching those Chaka Khan videos. I heard Whitney Houston’s voice as Chaka Khan sang, “I’m Every Woman!”  

However, immediately, I heard a voice say, ‘No! What you heard was Whitney sounding like Chaka Khan!” As YodHeVavHe is my Witness, that is what I heard! I never spoke that thought aloud, so the only beings who could have corrected me about Whintey sounding like Chaka were angels.


Yesterday, Tina Turner morphed into Mary J. Blige as I watched “We Don’t Need Another Hero!” I’ll explain in another presentation the purpose of morphing and how the spirit uses it to communicate. 

‘goddess’ Divas (female stars Heaven sends to earth) can change appearances, unlike contemporary divas changing wigs, etc. A diva divine’s past lives start poking through to the present, especially when she’s feeling good, high, or angry. Contemporary divas are divas in their own right, but they are TITANS, which is the same as Nephilim. 

Beyonce’s mother is the actual diva, and Beyonce is the Titian. Beyonce’s mother, who looks like the diva, could have been of the same caliber as Tina Turner, but that was not Heaven’s will. Hollywood is so debauched because … well… think of Hollywood as Olympus, real-life Olympus!

Suppose you put Barbera Streisand on stage with Lady Gaga. In that case, Streisand will magnetize, and Gaga will attract, which are two different types of spiritual powers. Helen Mirren is another diva who magnetizes.

Magnetism is a magic principle. Think of magnetism like this: you look at a person but say, “I don’t know what it is about that person, but it’s something.” Magnetism is a soul property. Attraction is an ego property (or identity). The ego uses the eyes.

Everything I’m sharing in this post, the angels taught me.


Then you have your American Idol muggles who rise and fall like the sun rising and setting daily. Eve’s downfall was that she didn’t want to be a muggle. Eve wanted to be like the angels, like YHVH, Divine.

Every human since Eve has always wanted to be a star. Thus, we have TikTok and generic social media celebrities doing outrageous things trying to prove they aren’t muggles. 

Humans worship other humans, Nephilim, and, as you now know, angels and fallen angels (stars, politicians, etc.). Oh, come on! This is ARMAGEDDON, after all! So, there must be corporeal messengers and soldiers of Heaven and Hell to fight in the physical but spiritual battle of ARMAGEDDON.

The entertainment industry is lopsided because hippies like to spread the misconception that “you can be anything you want!” Remember, that very thought led to Eve opening Pandora’s box and cursing every muggle after her!

 They thought Jesus, Abraham, Moses, and Enoch were all muggles. But muggles very rarely play significant roles in human affairs or destiny (like Napoleon, etc.).

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers because you never know which angel has been reborn into the earth! But don’t take my word for it. Everything I’ve said here, YHVH will confirm by His Holy Name!

CLICK HERE TO PLAY THE TIME-LAPSED VIDEO OF LAST NIGHTS SPIRITUAL JOURNEY BLACK TO THE FUTURE: You’ll notice in that video that I was working. Then, suddenly, I heard to ‘Googgle’ CHAKA KHAN BIOGRAPHY, which, sadly, there wasn’t one. All these black people with money, and no one thought to make a suitable Chaka Khan BIOPIC

And get somebody to play Chaka who looks like her. And don’t make Chaka’s BIOPIC a weak a— made for A&E B-Flick, BET-type gig. The biopic should be epic Chaka can enjoy it loooong before she leaves this world behind.

That Whitney biopic was hard on the eyes. Whitney was gorgeous. Furthermore, Whitney was not happy with her BIOPIC, which focused too much on Robin, who seems to have exploited Whitney’s childhood sexual trauma (that Cissy refused to believe, which harmed Whitney in the long run). 

Cissy was finer than Whitney in her movie, which speaks volumes about its advisor! ‘Someone other than Clive should have executively produced the bio(quote)!” 

Robin shouldn’t have been the fixture in Whitney’s BIOPIC, either. But that lead actress’  playing Whitney’s face made it quite convincing Whitney was more gay than straight.

White hippies strike again (because that’s who had to have made that, sorry, Whitney BIOPIC). They need to redeem themselves and redo a Whitney BIOPTIC without the hidden agenda! 

Stop hiring white hippies who smoke crack to write scripts about iconic black superstars’ lives. Contrastingly, don’t get a thot, TikTok trick to make those movies either. 

Chadwick Bosman always did fabulous jobs on his character portrayals of historic black figures. Tate Taylor did an excellent job directing Get on Up. But Tate is from Jackson, MS., so he’s probably pimpish as hell.

 Boswick, Lance Reddick, Samuel L, and others are among my favorite black actors. Samuel L. was also in the dream my brother had about Floyd Mayweather. Samuel L. has always been pimpish.

You might have forgotten John Toles-Bey. But he used to come into the Roxbury in New Orleans when my sister worked for the club and got dances from her. Toles-Bey gave Maili his business card. My sister was a superstar exotic dancer who met and stripped for many rappers, actors, and athletes.

It’s now history that females funded Jesus’ ministry early. But who was always contending with Jesus? Macho, patriarchial, logical weaklings who didn’t believe in spirituality. Science has many males and females who think spirituality is a joke. But they also think YHVH and His angels are jokes!

But Jesus reiterated that his Spiritual Fish would endure the tribulations he’d undergone because of their spirituality! Witches started practicing witchcraft to fight the same macho, arrogant, logical jerks who think spiritual power is a fairytale!

 My youngest son’s mother was Marie Laveau. Highly photogenic, my son’s mother morphs into different people, among many other celebrated females/divas. Google Tina Turna, look at her images (or videos) and watch her morph. When those divas are high, they morph, meaning the imprint of who they were starts pressing outward, shaping the facial skin like a ceramic mold.

You can’t contact a spirit who has incarnated. So, now you know why all those foolish paranormal investigators try to speak to or summon some spirit that doesn’t respond!

You would think a Yogu, a Hindu guru, would know what I’ve just shared about reincarnation! The people who claim to be experts, blah, blah, will be debunked by spirits. But BTG’s Exorcists Demon Hunters will reveal all of this and more!

Jesus had to be able to talk to the ‘dead’ to resurrect them. Jesus called Lazarus back to his body after he mended it. Show me in your Bible what the angels told me and I just shared with you.

(c)(p) 2000-2023  The 64 Levels of Power and War in Heaven. All rights reserved.

Next Oracle

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