Notice: Posts with the word DRAFT are posts that haven’t been edited. There are only two of us, and only one person creating the post and rendering the oracle. We can’t delegate tasks because of political persecution. The political, corporate, and religious persecutors interfere with everything we do, from our website to banking. When we hire services, the political scum perscutors abuse power, authority, and autonomy, trying to prove science and the bureaucracy are superior. Therefore, posts with the word DRAFT at the beginning mean that the post is being edited. If you reread the post later, it will often be more concise, and most grammatical errors are corrected.
Playing psychological games at the wrong time (Libra, Gemnin) will result in adverse consequences. Something thought to be confidential is leaked and will likely lead to an embarrassing checkmate, abruptly ending a series of events, trials, etc, prematurely (Libra, Aquarius). Anything you don’t want others to share, make sure to have them sign a Letter of Confidentiality.
Counting chickens before they hatch is one way to crack the few eggs you have in your basket (Pisces). Moreover, stealing chickens you don’t own will end disgracefully (Aries).
(15th) Desperate fools who have no morals, values, or principles are willing to degrade themselves for peanuts (Capricorn, Scorpio). Try not to be one of those individuals by thinking about your future and the future of those you care for (Leo and Cancer).
If you (Gemini-Libra-Aquarius-Cancer) feel uncertain or sense something is off (15th-16th), it would be wise to withdraw and rethink your strategy in favor of a more conservative approach. Bluffing (16th) is also ill-advised, especially if you are overly confident. Tact and carefully planned strategy will grant second chances for some (17th).
Sadly, many will bluff (Sagittarius and Leo) themselves into losing major battles, contests, or legal proceedings (18th-21st). The prosecution is favored to win in major cases because of last-minute wise choices, sound advice, and practical applications (Capricorn).
Theatrical conjecture will only make you or your case look silly (Cancer and Leo) and unreliable (by the 22nd). Some may even decide to lie (Aries, Leo, Sagg), deceive, and cheat, which will only make disgraceful major headlines (20th-24th). Sadly, those who’ve burned bridges won’t realize it until the 24th.
Look for moles, traitors, and pawns to play double agents, leaking vital information (Aqaurius and Gemini). Middlemen and meddlers will cause long-term damage that can’t be repaired easily, if at all. The good thing is that those pieces of scum will hang themselves trying to be important or trying to prove how intelligent or superior they are.
When you allow inferior people to hold important positions, you run the risk of creating a monster you’ll eventually have to remove. If you’re expecting news or information and you don’t receive it, the problem is likely to be caused by middlemen, messengers, or careless mail and parcel delivery.
Libra, Aquarius, (male) Taurus, and Gemini play front-stage roles. Virgo and (female) Taurus will play ancillary roles in events.
Have a qualified attorney view matters regarding copyrights, publishing, contracts, trademarks, and other legal documents. If you don’t have the funds to secure an attorney, borrow the money because it’s likely you’ll be able to repay others in kind. It’s quite probable that legal counsel might charge pro bono or take the fee from the money you’ll be receiving from business arrangements or settlements.
Marketing and stocks are also highlighted today as favorable, particularly land, property, cattle, and agriculture that originate in the south.
Discretion takes the form of letting your actions do all the talking; the more you talk, the less confident you’ll appear or the more you’ll give away, especially during negotiation.
However, avoid using discretion as a bluffing tool. Others are likely to know way more than thier putting on. If you suspect you’re dealing with people who are playing games or trying your patience or intelligence, act tactfully but decisively, and don’t look back.
Make sure you are organized and orderly in your actions, particularly 11-13-23. Follow all rules, and avoid shortcuts. Wednesday, some (Scorpio) might try to make desperate propositions. Those individuals’ heads are not very clear (maybe drugs or just plain impractical). If you have nothing to offer or offer something others don’t need, you’ll drown in a sea of shame!
Avoid arguing for the sake of being right when you know you are wrong, or you will damage bridges you can’t repair. Arrogant, self-assured people won’t realize they’ve destroyed opportunities until the 24th (they will have nothing to be thankful about). A lack of careful thought before speaking or acting will cause a reversal tomorrow (on 11-14-23) Scorpio, Pisces), marked by others withdrawing and deciding to use a counter strategy you are unprepared for.
Again, let your actions do your talking, or make sure you can walk the talk!
53rd Angel- Nanael: God defeating the proud with Truth.
Humans are arrogant and proud. For example, the person who described Nanael stated his name means God defeating the proud, which is very perceptive. But the primary key to understanding how Nanael overthrows the proud is omitted.
A prepositional phrase clarifies that Nanael humiliates the proud with TRUTH, as all Principalities do. Anything in parenthesis during Nanael’s discourse is my two cents added to his lecture. If my two cents were inappropriate, I wouldn’t be permitted to include it in the angelic discourse. But I’m a messenger and soldier, so having a human body allows me to ‘humanize’ the angelic discourse.
The Hierophant is the focus of my early afternoon meditation and Nanael’s discourse.
“So, Nanael taught me something new: abstract philosophy. When I described those Sony ‘executives in yesterday’s oracle, it wasn’t Character Analysis or abstract philosophy!”
For the witches and other thieves, the Page of Aquarius and the Knight of Sagittarius appearing together doesn’t always symbolize abstract philosophy. Other 64 Levels of Power indicators work synonymously for that combination to refer to abstract philosophy!
The Hierophant: Truth vs. Abstract Philosophy and Perception. Nanael’s Ministering begins below;
“-proposition (philosophy) a statement or an idea that people can consider or discuss whether it is true.”
– to propose a concept or idea for discussion; this implies perception or opinion and allows humans to think what they believe matters, whether true or false.
Moreover, a proposition is exclusively related to philosophy, where one is still uncertain of the truth and is still searching for it, or answers.
However, the truth can’t be refuted. Experience is the qualifier, the validator of truth. Those without experience or expertise can only philosophize, argue, debate, or suppose.
Logic isn’t philosophy. Logic is one of truth’s qualifiers. Moreover, logic makes truth real. Facts concretize truth. If you can apply truth and gain results, you’ve concretized truth.
When you (me) reveal the truth, humans think it’s propositional, yet it can’t be refuted. Aquarius (nerds, intellectuals, etc.) likes to debate for the sake of argument, even when Truth is concretized.
Intellectuals aren’t intelligent but perceptive. Perception is subjective, while philosophy is objective. Therefore, perception has no place in philosophy. You can’t gain truth with perception because perception emphasizes personal observation and the need to be correct or have an opinion recognized. Debate rarely resolves anything long-term because debaters are only interested in being right, even when wrong.
Debates often erode into arguments, which is why debaters make practical attorneys. Lawyers love to argue even when they know they’re wrong or their client is guilty! (Gotta love that human mentality)! Politicians also love to debate because they believe their ideology is right and others are wrong. So, they can’t be reasoned with.
–underlying: one that signifies. 2. : a symbol, sound, or image (such as a word) that represents an underlying concept or meaning
Distinction is perception’s power. Perceptive people don’t possess the penetrating power of discernment, so they can’t ascertain the underlying meaning of anything. Discernment answers all questions. Contrastingly, perception answers all questions but one: how.
Without discernment, you can’t read certain qualities if they’re hidden. Character analysis is perceptive and requires certain qualifiers like body language, posture, and behavior to be effective.
However, the spiritual power of discerning spirits abstracts character from the spirit, regardless of physical appearance, etc. Character analysis can’t tell if a person is a murderer, adulterer, etc., while Discerning Spirits can! (end of Nanael’s lecture).”
Delusional hypocrisy describes Jewish Americans protesting for the release of Jewish hostages in Palestine. Those who support Israel support Zionism. Zionism believes it has the right to the land God gave to Ishmael, Palestine. Zionist will lie, steal, kill, and cheat to take Palestine’s land.
“Thanks to Biden, Jewish Americans can protest with National Gaurd protection. The historic Palestine protest was peaceful, so there was no need for government protection!”
Greed (Belial) drives Zionist. America wants Israel to expand its territory to ease that expansion into Jordan and other surrounding borders. So, taking Palestine won’t be enough to stop America and Israel because they are driven by greed and imperialism.
Tomorrow is the 7 of Cups, impractical delusions, for the FrontPage Oracle focus. The Israeli and Jewish American delusional perception is that they are still Chosen. However, history (and Jewish history, The Bible) validates two things:
Jesus’ death ended the Jews’s relationship with Heaven. Morever, like wicked Christendom, Jesus wasn’t saving the Jews. Jesus’ message was for the Gentiles. Remember, the Jews thought they were better than the Gentiles and still do.
So, like a Baptist or Catholic who claims they are saved, Jesus didn’t return for those who make such egregious public proclamations (as saved or chosen) while refusing to live the life required to be saved!
Sadly, Christians claim that Jesus’s self-sacrifice implies they are already saved, which contributes to thier willingness to commit gross sin willfully ( I can do what I want because Jesus saved me). Fools, you won’t know until it’s time to die if you are saved.
The reward of salvation is earned through living righteously until you die, not doing what you want, and then getting right at the last moment. Death only absolves Adam and Eve’s original sin, not all the trifling s—- you did during your life. Christian humans think believing in God is salvation. But those who believe practice that belief by following the guidelines that separate them from the pagans!
If you live as a paganized Christian, how the hell do you think that’s worthy of returning to Paradise? But do ‘yo thang, and you’ll see moments before a semi crashes into the back of your bus if you are saved and ‘lived’ a life worthy of the gift of Paradise!
“I don’t feel sorry for Christians who die unreconciled. Those who died in that horrible semi catastrophe can’t take advantage of salvation or “get right with the Lawd” because they no longer have bodies, which are required to perform WORKS! No! Instead, those people chose to absorb themselves in the distractions of this world! Therefore, it’s best to live as rightly as possible, just in case today is your last!”
If you don’t care or disbelieve, nobody is talking to you. So, you can ease your atheist, heathenized Christian ass on down the road!
You have the nerve to be in our faces talking that patriotic noise, Uncle Chuck, and Brits control American music through its labels?
No wonder Sony appoints tired-ass execs with no power whatsoever! Now I understand fully why the DEMON was saying FORIENGER, DOUBLE AGENT. Brits control Universal and Sony. Rolling Stones claims people don’t listen to music all the time and that Brits listen to more music than Americans.
England is a dot on a map compared to America. So, how can you measure England’s music consumption on the same level?
My brother did the research on the labels. However, a demon revealed what my brother had overlooked. Demons always surround the executives, whether it’s because of drugs, perversion, or some other filth! I don’t choose to deal with demons and devils. But it’s mandatory to deal with darkness when it compels the people you’ll be dealing with.
So, after sending Sony VP of A&R Walt Jones that email today, demons were the ones who couldn’t wait to snitch. You see. Muggles continue to think this is a game, a make-believe Hollywood movie! Ok. Well, that means a Hollywood movie will be responsible for this next public event that will provide more answers on our executive adversaries.
You’ve got the nerve, Uncle Woodchuck, talking all that American patriot BS, and Brits control the American music scene and not domestically?
The angel that ministered today is Daniel. Daniel and Gabriel waited until I emailed Sony EVP of A&R, Walter Jones, before revealing the outcome, and for a good reason. After I emailed Jones, I did what I always do: meditate to establish the outcome of the action.
The public oracle coincided with my own. Remember, the oracle admonished looking out for petty middlemen in positions they either don’t deserve or haven’t earned. I wasn’t sure what color Walter Jones was. But once I saw the King of Rods reversed, I knew Jones was black and possibly dark and or southern!
“I threw the oracle below after seeing Walter Jones was black, and had worked for Universal. The Oracle assures me there is some connection to Universal some place.”
The Hierophant represents this post by telling the absolute truth about why the music business needs to fire most of its exec and start over.Most people, including corporate executives, are weak and hide insecurity and inequity behind barking orders and commands. My bark is more like a roar (Strength). Sony might put young toy executives out front. But an old head calls the shots invisibly (Hermit).
The Emperor reversed thought he could bully his way in but has no power of which to speak, which ends in CHECKMATE (2 of Swords reversed). Sony should fire all those toy execs and hire mature minds who are thinking about business, not social media relevancy, which doesn’t always equate to success and money!
The FrontPage Oracle advised looking out for the King of Rods (Leo) reversed. Sadly, the oracle told me to expect the typical self-hating African-American mentality. But the angel’s reasoning is sound. We’re approaching people who get paid to do nothing yet think they’re so significant, like most bureaucrats.
Moreover, working for a ‘big name’ corporation inflates their egos exponentially. Please click HERE and take a gander at the LinkedIn page of Sony Executives. Those ‘executives’ are like the TAXI Music Group haters. When mediocre people see greatness, it reminds them of their mediocrity.
The angels stated that, if given the chance, Thomas Krottinger would replicate TAXI Music (step on somebody else to feel bigger for doing nothing special).
Those types of Pages of Aquarius reversed exalt mediocre people because it makes them bigger, or at least equal to the ‘stars’ they sign. As the oracle admonished, Sony Music reps aren’t thinking about business because they live in unrealistic, social media fantasy worlds. You must battle them from outside their bubbles to burst it.
Remember, the Oracle also admonished withdrawing at the first sign of problems.
A: Change of tactics and strategies
B: because of double agents (a double agent could also be working in their own best interest, cockblocking all the way).
Weak, desperate people would wait for a response from Walter Jones, Thomas Krottinger, and the rest, which would drain their energy. Neither the King of Leo reversed nor the Knight of Gemini reversed are trustworthy, upright, or principled.
But I’m acting decisively based on spiritual intelligence. Nothing but games will come from Sony, who will take one look at everything we have and can do, and it will remind them they live in an unrealistic social media bubble. The Oracle also warned of double agents, which is what happened with I Heart Music.
I Heart Music alerted Power 107 about an ad campaign, and they worked concertedly to harass us. You can read about that PYROHYDRO incident HERE. Walter Jones worked for Universal Music for five years, his longest stay at any label. As soon as I saw Universal in Jones’s ledger, I threw another oracle.
I read every SONY rep’s spiritual profile and knew nothing positive would come from contacting them.
All of these people are demon puppets because they’ll listen to demons of jealousy, mediocrity, and the gamut of mischievous to wicked spirits. And let’s not forget we’re battling Uncle Woodchuck Sam, who must cheat by using tech and pulling bureaucrat puppet strings!
7 of Swords- landmines, traps, ensnarement
FOCUS: Military and law enforcement-sting operations and the need to be upright and abide by laws and codes for military and law enforcement; those who are lax, lacking, or slack get caught and will be humiliated. Law enforcement who abuse power are caught red-handed.
Capricorn, or practical, mature, and responsible individuals, won’t feel like playing mind games with Libra, Aquarius, or Gemini or dealing with Leo and Sagittarius’ tricks (deceit and misdirection). Capricorn will likely walk away and cut all ties if tested or tried, particularly on Thursday and Saturday. It’s one thing to play it cool and another to play coy games to keep the upper hand, fearing power loss or embarrassment.
Expect genuine appeals for second chances after messing up on Thursday. The more tact you displayed on Thursday, the more likely you can mend bridges with others you may have underestimated or blown off, Libra, Virgo, Taurus, Leo, and Aries are the guilty culprits!
It’s unwise, Aquarius, to play power games, trying to be coquettish, discreet, and sneaky, especially when you don’t have power of your own. Playing mind (the air signs) chess is foolish (Thursday) unless you want to lose something or someone for good (Saturday).
Picses will probably need to apologize for putting their foot in their mouths. Remember, if you don’t know what you’re talking about, it’s best to be silent or let someone more qualified speak for you.
Virgo, Female Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius could lose their jobs based on indiscretions or sexual harassment. Financial aid or assistance could be halted or minimized due to failing important tests or lying about education.
Failed inspection reviews could be associated with mediocre work ethics or novice craftsmen claiming to be experts. It would have been wise to ensure that something offered or proposed was legitimate, documented (had papers), or sufficiently insured.
This post continues below.
You are drawn out and enticed by your own desires is a wise Biblical passage to keep in mind over the next three days.
If you don’t believe in demons, that won’t stop what they can do. You can either cleanse or damn your soul this weekend. How you exercise free will determines the outcome of the next four days.
Tribulation occurs when wicked spirits test and torment you directly. It feels dark, dirty, and ominous when demons and devils are tempting or trying your resolve. Everything feels out of sorts like you’re in some other universe. Suppose your soul isn’t working correctly, or your mind (conscience) is weak. In that case, your ability to sense and reason is impaired because your conscience and sensibility are compromised.
If you’re overcoming addictions, compulsions, or obsessions, avoid anything that might trigger you into indulging. For example, suppose you’ve not used cocaine for three months, and somebody pops up (suddenly) and urges you to attend a lavish Hollywood party. It will take a firm will to refuse the invitation if you don’t want three months of resistance work going down the drain!
The tempting voice on your left shoulder will keep pushing and nagging until the moment the party ends. All night long, you’ll have to put the breaks on every time you feel the urge to give in to some weakness. You’ll even feel like you can’t control the urge to resist or even like you’re going crazy. But if you resist the enticement, you’ll feel stronger and more confident the next day, weakening the demon’s power.
Thursday and Saturday are days to avoid tempting offers. If something is too good to be true, has little grounds, or can’t be validated or confirmed, consider passing at least this time Gemini and Pisces, particularly on Thursday.
But all the stars (‘zodiac’) are vulnerable to temptation and seduction, except Capricorn, whose integrity, patience, and experience will get them through the weekend without a scratch.
“It’s easy to entrap the soul and the ego, and once entangled, it’s difficult to break a spritual bond. Sex is the easiest, most dangerous way to form a spirital bond that can’t be easily undone!”
If you can’t back up your talk with actions, it’s best not to speak. Well-thought-out efforts are safer than impulsive bluffs. Weak men are likely to fall hard and humiliatingly, particularly police and military, bodybuilders, MMA fighters, boxers, and football players. Check your roid rage, or get checked!
A nerd or geek falling in love with a sex chat worker or macho egotist paying thousands of dollars for sex are the types who will wake up the following day feeling broke and foolish, unable to pay their rent or car note.
If certain military and police males feel their spouses are cheating, they likely are. Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces’ female mates are probably cheating on their military or police officer spouses. Morever, a friend, relative, or associate might be the person your mate is cheating with. But don’t act until the proof surfaces, and it will surface!
Contrastingly, male Leo, Scorpio, Pisces military, or law enforcement are probably being unfaithful to their female spouses. If you’ve been having dreams, received reliable tips, or just feel something is off, today is the day your suspicions will be validated. If the proof doesn’t surface immediately, mark today on your calendar. By February 14th, you’ll know that 11-16-23 was the day your spouse began an affair or the affair escalated to an entanglement that your spouse couldn’t break.
“Sadly, thots, tricks, strippers, and divas will discover that playing games with serious minded men is unwise. Those females will find themselves in precarious situations they won’t easily escape, some situations could be deadly!“
Drugs, Alcohol, and sex addictions will be the booby traps that ensnare the weak, impulsive, and impressionable. Prostitutes, call girls, strippers, and divas will make fools of macho, tough trolls and vulnerable men who chase women out of their depth.
White, Catholic, or Far-Right males are indicated as probable humiliation subjects (or make shameful headlines). But that doesn’t mean those males are the only ones who will be shamed and disgraced (Leo and Aries will also probably stand in the lineup of infamy). Liars and thieves will be tempted to deceive and cheat (Thursday and Saturday) and burn in Hell by February (arrested or exposed) for it.
Sticking to your regular routines for the next few days could help avert severe loss, harm, and trouble. Taurus and Capricorn should make it through the weekend whole as long as they remain grounded and practical, exercising discipline, morality, and faith in the highest good.
Fire and Water signs should reason before acting and speaking. Air signs should do more truthful, heartfelt speaking and sharing instead of playing head games, lest they damage others’ feelings permanently.
Those who live moral, righteous lives will rejoice by Sunday and will be thankful they traveled the straight and narrow instead of Wide-Open and Immoral Avenue!
(c)(p) 2005- 2023 FrontPage Oracle, All rights reserved.
(c)(p) 2005-2023 64 Levels of Power All rights reserved.
DRAFT: The capitalist Christian reprobates who persecute us continue their harassment. The automated oracles below correlate with the oracle you’re reading and the public 12-Day FrontPage Oracle. Please click one of the links below to view the automated oracles.
By the 10th grade, I had curbed my class clowning tendencies and confined them to drama and English class. I realized that most muggles are superficial and shallow, so they mistake comedians for weak, punk suckers. I performed all the Granny Gross All-Stars standup routines full of contempt while enduring intense political persecution.
” As the image below explains, the angels exquated Elon Musks’ Rocket Man humiltion to the FBI/Federal government. I know why. But, Musk’s rocket flop validates that money isn’t power (otherwise his rocket launch would have succeeded)!”
You wouldn’t be able to tell I was on the verge of acting violently when listening to those comedic routines. A joker can be cracking jokes while killing you. The demon-to-priest interaction in the original The Exorcist was hilarious. The demon was cracking truthful jokes when it said, “F—- him in the a— Karis!” The demons know what priests get up to, so they use wisecracks to remind the priest he isn’t pious. However, the priest can deny the truth because “it’s coming from a demon!”
I crack on demons when I’m exorcising them, just as I would with a Thug Wheat during a shootout! I could be seriously addressing someone, but it will often come out humorously, and most people don’t know whether to laugh or not. A joker isn’t a clown. He’s dead serious, no matter how hard you’re laughing.
The bureaucracy is a united gang. Therefore, if you contend with one corporate scum bag, imperialist elitism ensures you’ll fight them all (you’re supposed to bow without questioning the powers, principalities, and authorities)! So, standing up to corrupt capitalism is a blow to the biggest capitalist entity in America, the federal government.
“I heard to open the door just as a municipal pawn walking his dog passed the house. The municipal pawn looks around, then looks directly at the door, although I never said or did anything to cause him to react. Please click HERE to watch the video “
A weaponized vehicle intrusion preceded the pawn walking his dog in the video. Why look directly at the door if I didn’t say anything? A demon exposed two pawns as related to (some kind of) divas. The dog-walking pawn and the Mexican pawn driving the weaponized Infinity in THIS VIDEO are playing municipal reprobate messenger boys.”
Weaponized vehicle harassment resumed on 11-17-23 and is related to delusional reprobates using the oracle to justify their actions as genuine and sincere (the oracle said to look for genuine and sincere attempts to communicate). But harassing someone with a weaponized racket and other harassment practices is hardly genuine! However, we know humans do the same thing to YHVH (act all sincere and genuine when they want something from God, or are scared, etc.)!
We’re standing up to reprobate entertainment industry officials, and doing so fearlessly is a threat to the rest of Bureaucrat Central.
“The African American pawns in the image below knows why divine retrobution is coming their way. Sadly, like their white and latino counterparts, they justify their actions with Biblical backing!”
It doesn’t require intelligence to practice law or business administration. Congress and corporate brass are full of powerful, shallow, and inept imbeciles driven by hubris. So, when you put those types of elitist in their places, they feel offended and insecure, resulting in unlawful and unconstitutional persecution and harassment known as ‘pig and goat revenge.’
As for all the tough guy Nimrods and Vikings in the audience, watch THIS VIDEO of the 2021 Miami Dade Shooting. As the video depicts, macho “Negro Bravado’ drains from the hardest of hardcore when sudden violence erupts, and even more so when the crowd is a bunch of ‘badass civilians’ who think they’re hardcore!
Did you see that big, strapping GHETTO SUPERSTAR in the video actually grab a female’s ankle, trying to pull himself out of harm’s way? I would have been aware of my surroundings, especially if I had beef, which someone in that crowd obviously had.
But the only thing on those “Nimrod’s” minds was getting in to “duh club” and start “drank’n,” “fangering’ b—– on the dancefloor and showing off (and that’s why it’s so easy to provoke and entrap those types and their trailer park counterparts)!
“Notice the same Empress reversed appears again in the image below. The oracle reveals that trifling females blindly listen to and follow bad spiritual counsel (A-1). Loose and immoral are those females (A-1). Sadly, Heaven CONDEMNED those women , and coming misfortune will validate that fact (A-2). Divas also refer to powerful airheaded females, which includes professional thots (lawyers and agents), among others!”
Someone somewhere will die tonight, either going into or coming out of a club. However, the truth is that, like those Nimrods in the 2021 Miami Dade shooting video, the moment violence suddenly erupts, all that tats, muscles, and bravado drains like filthy bathwater.
Most 2nd Tim 3 muggles live in social media-relevant fantasy worlds that mistranslate to the practical world. Then there are the celebrities also floating on the Cloud 9, 7 of Cups delusion. Many entrainment divas listen to bad counsel from fake psychic advisors with everything to lose, or they perform their own readings and haven’t mastered the science of performing detached and objective readings, as the oracle reveals.
One of the most difficult things for muggles to do is perform card readings on themselves. Moreover, most psychics and card readers can’t provide practically sound counsel that can be used decisively, which the oracle also reveals.
Israel’s actions mimic our political persecutors. The more support Palestine receives, the angrier Biden and Israel become. That rage compels Israel to further genocidal acts. Spiritually speaking, the same devil (wicked mindset, vice) compelling our political persecutors drives Israel and Biden’s agenda.
Racist Christian intelligence dismisses the truth about demons because they find it illogical, impractical, and improbable. Christendom (99% of Christianity) powers, principalities, and authorities are hypocritical. They ‘believe in God,’ yet disbelieve demonic influence, even though their Bible speaks about it and even warns of its dangers.
Even when faced with logic, facts, and Biblical confirmation, Christendom will act unholy, justified by self-righteous delusion. But how can legions of demons (per devil boss) influence the world?
Malevolent spirits have legions of demonic minions to assist them. Moreover, spirits aren’t bound by natural law or human principles such as time. Therefore, one angel or demon can perform millions of tasks in the blink of an eye.
Like Heaven, devils program events based on probability. Free will is observed even by demons and devils, allowing human imperfection and the tendency to make bad choices instead of righteous and good ones to ensnare and entrap them with little effort. In other words, demons know that simple humans, especially the powerful and corrupt, will always make harmful choices and decisions because they always have.
Heaven programmed human wickedness to trigger the apocalypse. 2nd Tim 3, among other prophesies, warned what to look for as signs of impending doom. Humans have two choices: follow the right and good or the wrong and evil.
So, all spiritually programmed events are centered around free will. Therefore, heavenly programmed spiritual occurrences, which include prophecy fulfillment, comply with the Law of Cause and Effect. Consequently, weak-ass humans can’t blame the devil or God for their choices, thanks to Divine Law!
Wicked human leaders will always make evil decisions at some point due to hubris. The same demon influences similar events without question. For example, the same devil, or one of its minions, compels every serial killer! All it takes is the right (demonic) agent and compulsion to activate the next serial killer, which Israel and Uncle Same have officially become (serial killers).
Greed, contempt, fascism, imperialism, politics, and materialism are a few of the dark agents compelling Israel and its Western protection. Those same vices compel our political persecutors, so their actions are synonymous and correlative to Israel and America’s war crimes, as they both revel in violently attacking innocent people who refuse to submit.
The demons realize that the right vice appealing to corrupt hubris at an opportune moment will spur wicked humans to action with an eventual, fatally predestined outcome. So, at the right time, Israel, America, and its allies will fall disgracefully based on the ‘karmically repercussive’ actions they thought they’d gotten away with! Their Bibles and Torahs say the same thing, yet…
“The angels said the Tower and the Strength cards reversed in the oracle below also refer to bombs, and rockets used in warfare.”
My lesson yesterday was corrosion and erosion, which I can now spot and correlate in oracles. Political Power is a protective coating that insulates wicked humans from exposure.
Sadly, cruel humans like Joe Biden, Ben Netanyahu, and our deluded political persecutors believe they are immune to the consequences of their evil decisions and actions. Think of it like someone suffering from pneumonia having no symptoms for a spell, and thinking the condition is healed, then goes into the freezing cold and dies a few days later. Biden and the other wicked reprobates have no souls, so they can’t sense they’ve already gone too far because they are in a state of full-blown hubris!
Corrupt people wear down that protective coating, which eventually exposes them in some way, making them vulnerable, which is how assassinations occur. Most assassinations are plotted within each government, which is why it’s been ages since America had a presidential assassination.
Wicked Joe Biden is thoroughly insulated by groups of patriotic imps, and the American government is a different beast than it was before WWII! Therefore, it is highly unlikely that even the CIA would attempt a presidential assassination. But the CIA will orchestrate a presidential assassination within the next twenty years.
Propagandistic headlines and other damage control forms momentarily repair the corrosive effects of political wickedness. For example, America, which has no business backing Israel, claims they have intelligence that Hamas had an underground headquarters beneath a hospital, prompting a preemptive strike that killed, injured, and maimed civilians. Yet, the American military didn’t produce viable evidence to support its ‘claims.’
Common sense would dictate producing tangible evidence to support an irrefutable decision to endanger civilians. Instead, the American military revealed speculative 3D images that confirm very little. So, Israel and America justify their wickedness with presumptive suggestions the media help to reinforce and propagate. Similarly, Catholic exorcists concoct fantastic fabrications about exorcisms because they know that, if no one else, Catholics will believe unquestionably. Likewise, racist, imperialist warmongers realize America’s Silent Majority will support its wickedness, and that’s all that matters!
So, reprobates repair their ‘protective metal coating’ from exposing their corruption with false headlines and deceptive statements delivered in carefully planned, discreet public appearances. Moreover, those same reprobates aren’t above killing to mend the protective coating covering their wicked actions, like killing careless journalists and making it look like a random act. The bureaucracy thinking it can hide atrocious acts from Heaven is a delusional premise, especially for corrupt idiots claiming to believe in a God!
Netanyahu is like a thug whose been shot multiple times and survives. Netanyahu’s dire heart condition scare only frightened him momentarily, invoking a spell of common sense. But like the ghetto thug who escapes death with thirteen bullets still in him, Netanyahu feels invincible, thanks to Biden’s undying loyalty!
Even though many Americans obviously disagree with Biden and Israel, Biden’s actions validate that he could care less because all he needed was votes, which he didn’t earn. Sadly, at the right time, Biden and Netanyahu will lose their protective coating, and divine retribution in some fashion will finish them both.
Slowly but surely, Donald Trump is also losing his Teflon coating and facing a disgraceful humiliation that his children and grandchildren will inherit.
When I prayed and mediated this morning, I asked YHVH What does Woody want, and what will be the outcome? I know that business, politics, capitalism, and religion compel our political persecutors.
Divine Justice is served. How? Equity (something has become extremely valuable, or value and worth realized (or recognized). This refers to Woody claiming we had nothing to offer and weren’t important or significant sixteen years ago.
The Columbus municipal powers persecute us in part due to their attempts to degrade us (or make us think we’re worthless). Now, worth and value are proven, and like good capitalists, Woody’s making demands. (Team) Woody is the codename for the municipal powers harassing us.
Venture Capital, management, investment;
The World (appearing in the oracle):; our website; also graduations after passing tests at critical crossroads; making substitutions and adjustments at the goal line ensures victory;
LEVEL (learning lesson): 20th Hexagram: oracles, guidance, counsel, confessions-Listen, assimilate and apply all counsel.
A pause before proceeding. Clear your head from expectations, doubt, and confusion before making crucial decisions.
“The angel steps in and provides details by having me look up terms I already know!”
What is a venture that is certain to generate large returns? I was asking what type of venture is certain to yield high returns, making it low-risk.
9th Angel-Haziel: (God’s Mercy)
Angelic focus: Forgiveness, Grace (an opportunity to do the right thing before judgment strikes). If one does the right thing, one can be absolved; the need to exercise empathy, compassion, and mercy.
“However, remorse and repentance are necessary to take advantage of YHVH’s Grace. Those who continue to abuse power or behave tyrannically will be judged and condemned.“
Angelic Quote
“Angels answer my questions through guidance. I know the difference between venture and enterprise. But looking up definitions is a part of a process that leads to other synonyms, or information.”
Light that has converted to heat or thermal energy that nurtures and feeds;
-making corrections or intensifying training before proceeding, or the need to face fears or challenging tests
-consciousness, awareness, insights (pay attention to signs and omens for more answers and validations)
-(spiritual) Heaven neutralizes the situation to prevent it from moving too fast or hard too soon.
The situation is at the beginning of neutralizing threats or opposition. There is a need to remove fear and expectation through preparation.
Rectification through patience, free of expectation: avoid being demanding or pushy;
-correcting errors and mistakes before they get out of hand
My argument before YHVH was that Team Woody has behaved wickedly and continues to do so.
“If bureaucrats can break the law and violate the Constitution trying to steer me in the direction they want, that means there is no God, and there is no law, and I can do as I please, consequence-free!
So, if I wanted to screw a neighbor’s wife, according to bureaucrat abuse practices, I can puncture the woman’s tire, offer her a ride after her husband goes to work, and seduce her. King David killed a man so he could take his wife, so I guess God is ok with such wickedness?
Chase Bank, Dr. Pepper, and PayPal ‘cut my tires’ by messing with my account through dubious methods. Woody shut my brother’s temporary job down next week, another example of trying to beat a person into submission per capitalist law!
So, if simple, powerful humans can break the law and violate the Constitution, the fallen angels should be forgiven for doing the same!
So, what do the manager and businessman working through Team Woody want, according to this Oracle update? Notice in THIS confirmation oracle the same Queen of Coins subject appears again.
When I look at the Queen of Coins card, City Councilperson Lourdes Barroso de Padilla flashes in my mind’s eye. So, the Queen of Taurus is someone involved in politics and business (or is an agent, broker, etc). Isn’t that about it, Team Woody?
It’s so crazy because just as I was ‘opening my mind’ as the oracle suggested, Team Woody authorized the violent 1:37 pm weaponized harassment (please see the links below). So, who is the demon, Chuck Wheat?
The text below is the response to the numerous weaponized Infinity harassment that occurred as I finished this post:
2:03 pm: You’re just a pawn, INFINITY BOY, stuck in the middle of GROWN FOLKS BUSINESS!
Click the links below and watch municipal-powered Catholic demonism flow from the muffler!
1:34 pm: Weaponize Infinity Starts Loud (first time in about two weeks)
LEVEL (lessons to learn): 58th Joy vs. Pleasure, spiritual liberation from attachment and unhealthy desires, a reason to rejoice or contrastingly, experience serious grief (or grievances)
This Oracle update applies to events that will occur through Thanksgiving. Sadly, we won’t be having Thanksgiving this year thanks to Columbus Municipal powers, TAXI Music, Chase Bank, Dr. Pepper, and every other Christian, Jewish Businessman scum who’ve constantly tried to break our will with their capitalist BS!
Blessings are divine gifts for living righteously. There are great rewards for staying faithful and devoted to marriage vows that only those who’ve done so can understand. You don’t receive spiritual gifts for material achievements, like graduating college or making touchdowns!
Heaven didn’t have to gift humans with free will. But with free will comes great responsibility, requiring a sense of commitment. A person who breaks vows and promises can’t be trusted. Those types of people look for reasons to violate their spiritual obligations. It’s like the trifling Christian spouse who starts an argument so they have a reason to spend time with a fling. Adam and Eve’s lives were beautiful, free of this world’s wickedness, until Lucifer seduced Eve’s vanity and sense of curiosity. Eve is Pandora.
There are ways to live here in Eden’s criminal parallel without it consuming you or destroying your soul. Remember, humans are only visitors here per Adam and Eve’s Edenic expulsion. Redemption and salvation of the human soul is the only way to return to Eden for those interested in such a worthwhile cause.
However, humans can’t return to Eden until the lifetimes of accumulated sin are purged. Moreover, if humans had lived by the protective guidelines Heaven introduced, they wouldn’t have amassed so much consequential spiritual debt (or karmic debt for New Agers). The objective is to resist temptation, not to give in to it. The Original Sin should be the only gross debt that requires purging.
Ask any convict about the difficulties of surviving in the clink! Any ex-con who had to kill while in prison won’t be charged in Heaven if it was self-defense or proactive self-defense (you went after somebody before they got you). Those who reveled in murder and vice while incarcerated were already damned and beyond rehabilitation. Executing those types would save the government and society money and possibly more future victims.
Hell on Earth’s rules benefits the wicked, criminal, immoral, and debased. Here, vice is the ruler. White-collar criminals prosper because criminality, demons, and devils govern this world.
Therefore, corrupt, ethically depraved politicians, clergy, and the rest prosper when they do evil things. Donald Trump is a vile man, which can be proven with a top-notch investigator. Few could do business in the ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s without mafia approval. Yet, Donald Trump had once been king of New York businessmen. Rudolph Guiliani preached his RICO sermons, yet we learn about his political filth years later. The most wicked people are those with power, just as your Bible states (the powers, principalities, and authorities).
If your life is miserable, you have no one to blame but yourself. You chose your lousy job, relationship, or situation. You can’t blame YHVH, Satan, your boyfriend, or your heroine dealer for your current situation.
Most people aren’t with their soulmates. Rejoining your soulmate is a blessing, a gift you must earn. Adam spent five hundred years lonely while finishing the task Heaven assigned.
When Adam completed his life’s work, he heard Eve calling him. Adam’s greatest gift was Eve. Adam, finishing his daunting task in turn, blessed Eve because her spirit could enter and animate her body. Therefore, man and woman are each other’s greatest gifts.
Not even children surpass that gift between husband and wife, between man and woman, because when the children leave, they still have each other! A magic bond happens between a man and woman the longer they remain faithfully happy with each other.
A blessed person isn’t concerned with someone else making them happy. Contrarily, the greatest joy comes from wanting to please others. Sex goes to another level of pleasure when your objective is giving rather than receiving. A relationship can be argument-free when people practice virtues like love, peace, trust, and understanding. How can you trust someone you can’t communicate with?
Moreover, how can you know what someone wants or needs without communication? Frustration is a direct response to being unable to genuinely express oneself, and I’m not speaking of selfish whining expression. So, again, humans complicate their lives and then blame everyone else, including God, for their miserable existence.
There are three levels of virtue. Simple virtues are respect, appreciation, and gratitude, among many. Civilians can find solace and peace in exercising simple virtue. Powerful people should exercise high virtues like patience, conservatism, and humility. However, when the elite exercise power criminally (vice and corruption), they cause damage, decay, and destruction.
If America were really God’s Country, then there would be no corrupt powers and authorities instead of wicked reprobates. But humans were never meant to govern other humans. There are only 144k humans who will rule in Eden with the angels. Those humans will not reside in Heaven because Eden, Heaven’s earthly Paradise, is material (lakes, grass, etc.). Moreover, the angels will reside in Eden alongside humans with their angelic mates, which is their reward for eons of faithful service. Even YHVH will come down and mingle. And you say living foul and remaining here is better than Paradise? More power to you!
The problem is that you can’t just do what you want in Eden because there are rules that keep it beautiful and criminal-free. Adam and Eve were self-expelled to keep Eden beautiful and criminal-free. However, Eve condemned herself and Adam with her curiosity, her deficient, albeit misguided choice!
Cause and Effect ensures that you punish yourself with bad choices and decisions. Cause and Effect no longer works on those with no conscience or soul, which automatically invokes Absolute Law.
So, it may seem like celebrities, politicians, clergy, law enforcement, and other criminals escape punishment and judgment. For example, before Bill Cosby was convicted of ‘taking advantage’ of women, his son was murdered. Cosby’s daughter, Ensa, died during his incarceration.
Yet, feminists, lesbians, and other mentally and emotionally damaged misandrists whine and complain because Cosby was released early from prison. However, those women Cosby was alleged (‘convicted’) to have wronged knew they weren’t going back to his place for jokes.
As far as Heaven is concerned, Divine Law meted justice to whomever Cosby might have wronged. Michael Jordan’s tragedies are another example of Divine Law working regardless of power, influence, or celebrity. Jordan was obviously humbled after his tragedies, which was Heaven’s objective.
It’s not easy to let Heaven render justice. Moreover, you might have to take up arms to protect yourself against wicked people without regard for Heaven, life, or themselves.
Practicing Divine Law prepares you for returning to Eden by helping you stay grounded and disciplined, knowing how far to go or if you haven’t gone far enough. The 64 Levels of Power will introduce you to those Divine Laws and how to use them to govern your life in a way that brings joy and spiritual attainment while allowing you to open Eden’s forbidden gates.
“American-backed Israel’s objective is to force a Hamas/Palestien surrender through hopelessness (spiritual quote).” The Israel-Hamas ceasefire brings a false sense of hope because neither America nor Israel are interested in settling amicably with Palestine.
Incorporeal devils use similar tactics of seemingly backing off after intense conflict (torment). The diabolical intent is to get the subject to let down their guards and then return with a full psychological assault before attacking. However, a soldier knows not to relax his guard until the war is finished.
“A five-day ceasefire only allowed American-backed Israel to fabricate more convincing proof that Hamas had a secret tunnel beneath the hospital that American-backed Israel attacked (quote).” Moreover, the American-backed Israeli army is doubtlessly using the moment to plot new attack strategies, as this update seems to suggest.
In other words, the Israel-Hamas ceasefire is just smoke and screen intended to create an atmosphere of hope that American-backed Israel plans to undermine. Let’s start with the BLACK BEAN OMEN!
The Silent Majority will probably be appalled by my very tasty “Nagger Meal” of Black Beans and Rice!
Let’s look at the image above before peeping the omen that came from it. You’ll notice a ‘P’ and several other seemingly unrecognizable blots. The Art of Life and Death movie and series will demonstrate how we witness spiritual phenomena like a demon leaving its signature on a plate before exorcism!
Yet several demons lurk in the plate within the black bean juice stains. I use a plate to place the stirring spoon for the beans to prevent staining the counter. However, I also put the spoon on a plate because I know I will receive messages.
But if demons are involved, what does that tell you about most of the subjects related to this oracle update? Two demons use “P” to announce their presence, and both of them left messages on the plate.
Purson (20): You’ll face Purson at every major crossroad, whether a life-changing moment or driving through an intersection. Purson can cause accidents at crossroads (like a cat or deer suddenly jumping into the road). Purson can be found at inaugurations and other political or religious ceremonies with unholy foundations (like putting your hand on a Bible and swearing an oath that you don’t intend to honor).
Ipos (22): Ipos brands, BBQs, marks, or scars, especially the superficial and shallow, or those who underestimate their opponent or promote slavery. Moreover, Ipos sponsors the spreading of lies through misinformation, meaning Ipos is the muse sitting on the left shoulder that suggests fabricating stories or spreading propaganda. You should always double-check media information because Ipos runs rampant through the media.
Balam (51): Balam compels the arrogant, impulsive, and aggressive and causes suffering, death, and loss through those compulsive actions. Moreover, Balam entraps and ensnares using bait (or muses the idea to do so). Balam is diabolically mischievous. So, he’ll cause someone to trip, resulting in a severe head injury, and then laugh about it! Balam also Initiates and teaches through disgrace and humiliation, specifically the arrogant and overly confident. Head wounds are one of Balam’s ensigns.
I won’t be sharing such in-depth descriptions of demonic machinations for the Catholic Priests, Satanists, and Pagans to pilfer. But this post is important because everything it reveals will appear in the news next week.
I can ‘read’ the demon’s sigil, which is one way it speaks. Sadly, all the thieves who try to steal will only open a terrifying Pandora’s Box. I earned my authority, thanks to YHVH and His angels!
Remember, wicked politicians and the rest of Bureaucrat Central think what I do is a millennial social media publicity stunt. Those types of godless men believe spiritual power is a Biblical myth. The oracle in the image below also speaks of great financial collapses for both America and its Allies and Israel since they chose to waste money on a conquest mission.
Sadly, Jewish America’s financial hold will be stripped by 2026. It might be wise to start investing in precious metals because the American economy will collapse, phase two of America’s fall as an empire.
America isn’t ready for what lies ahead and will suffer greatly for investing itself in thots, thugs, muscles, and godlessness. If you think I’m just bumping my gums, paganized Christians, and nerd naysayers, 2024 will do all the talking!!!!!!!!
Yesterday, I looked up ‘GODZILLA ROAR’ out of the blue, as my Google History confirms (please click HERE for the validation video). Today (11-19-23), my brother sent me an image of smoke in the Gaza Strip. Immediately, I noticed Godzilla in the image.
As the video confirms, I was compelled to look up Godzilla on 11-18-23. Last night, my brother had a dream with crocodiles and alligators running around in a post-apocalypse scene. Godzilla is a giant alligator! Revelation’s Red Dragon represents both Lucifer and white Western power. Godzilla is also a dragon.
The Godzilla omen suggests that America will be behind whatever mayhem Israel unleashes. In this case, Godzilla (America) is the King of the Western Dragons or the Allied Forces. Godzilla represents America’s Silent Majority. The Silent Majority is the last institutional stronghold for racist America. Moreover, the Silent Majority litters the bureaucracy (FBI, CIA, Pentagon, etc.).
The Red Dragon is a supremacist warmonger (the Red and White Riders of Revelation). Once the Silent Majority in the halls of power is outed, it ends racist American control, the third event signaling the prophesied end of America as we know it (the end of America’s control by non-Native Americans)!
When the Silent Majority hold on America is stripped, then Arabs and Asians will finally have their day in a country that professes religious freedom and diversity.
Racist America doesn’t see the handwriting on the wall and is constantly ‘bumping their ignorant gums’ about a race war they are prophesied to lose (the fall of Daniel’s Statue).
But a series of divinely orchestrated events will topple the Silent Majority from the heights of American power. A schism in the political kingdom will further expose the Silent Majority (Conservatives will separate from Republicans, and Democrats will break with Liberals and Progressives). Liberals and Progressives are among those the Beast will devour (Babylon). Then we’ll see if all that outrage BS will work any longer!
The number seven, the scientific symbol for Pluto, and Catholicism appeared in the Black Bean omen. Once I saw the P with the foot on the bottom, the Catholic ensign flashed in my mind’s eye. I also recognized the Astronomy symbol for Pluto, which is irrelevant in Heaven.
However, the scientific symbol for Pluto did serve to confirm science was involved in the omen. Science is Lucifer’s’ thing,‘ ‘THE ILLUMINATI.’ Cain’s ‘thing’ is the New World Order (Freemasonry, etc).
The number seven represents many things, including Venus and Olive Green. Remember, I mentioned that two demons use the letter P to announce their presence. Paimon is the big ‘P!’ Paimon is the King ‘P’ and sponsors gay males, among other things.
Paimon is the demon who causes gay attraction. However, there must be another agent involved for that attraction to become magnetic, meaning a person must be raped, molested, or endured some other traumatic sexual calamity for Paimon to compel a straight man to homosexuality or cause a child to become same-sex attracted.
So, it was no coincidence when I saw Netflix’s Suburra: Blood on Rome (Suburra Eterna) advertised on Netflix last night because the Black Bean omen told me to look for the omen manifestation (the series). I watched the first three seasons of Suburra: Blood on Rome. The Liberal side of Italian Hollywood shines in Suburra (Suburra Eterna).
But Gypsies, one of Suburra’s subjects, are associated with Pluto (darkness, death, curses, and sorcery). Still, Vatican wickedness is also associated with Pluto (those black priestly dresses and the nuns). Gay priests are always part of Catholic storylines revolving around the Vatican, and thus, we have the demon Paimon running freely through the Vatican walls!
Gomorrah is another gangster Italian streaming series that was more up my alley (fewer LGBTQ sermons, traditional gangster mentality in the younger generation, etc). I watched each season of Gomorrah eight times.
“Blowing up the Black Bean spills revealed additional information”
It is a lie that humans go to Heaven. Humans were not created in Heaven, and their spirits are not suited to Heavenly life. An even bigger lie is that bad, immoral, or wicked humans go to Heaven when Purgatory holds those souls. Purgatory is like solitary confinement, and you have little to no privileges.
So, gang-banging thugs and hoes go straight to Purgatory, as my cousin Johnny did after his spirit left his body after being murdered. The more wicked the spirit, the less likely it will be released from Purgatory. Purgatory (Limbo) can also be a sort of time out that allows the spirit to repent or clean up.
Most human spirits CAN’T reach loved ones in Purgatory. Moreover, if there are no righteous people to pray for you, you ain’t getting out of Purgatory anytime soon. Imagine an inmate who doesn’t receive visits or commissary! Yup! Those in Purgatory can’t reincarnate until purged, either.
Suppose an inmate desperately wants to reach a loved one through the prison phone. Still, he doesn’t have any money for phone privileges. In that case, the inmate will make a deal with another, more powerful inmate that will tax him. Likewise, humans in Purgatory will often make deals with demons to pass messages to the living that usually take the form of dark dreams or nightmares.
However, Purgatory spirits can reach me because I’ve been back and forth to hell and traveled through the underworld. Bypassing the demon prevents the spirit from accruing any additional debt (time in Purgatory). Morever, the spirit in Purgatory can get a moment of peace through our interaction, which I limit greatly.
I really don’t care for rapper or thot spirits. If not for angels, I wouldn’t be bothered with certain spirits because they are filthy and offensive, some still behaving as they did when they were alive. They chose how they lived and died, so there’s that.
This oracle was longer than usual but pertinent and full of omens, signs, and hidden insights. So, rereading it will reveal concealed details about coming events.
Remember, before I exorcised him, the demon Purson and several other demons appeared on 11-19-23 to snitch on American-backed Israel’s next wicked act.
If you recall, Purson appears at Crossroads and muses the idea of blowing up bridges. However, a hospital is also a crossroads, particularly between life and death.
When I looked at the Catholic symbol for Christianity on the 19th, I saw the ‘x,’ which triggered the image in my 3rd Eye of the helicopter landing on a hospital roof. There is some implication of Christianity, Catholicism specifically, being involved in Israel attacking yet another hospital. Please continue as we make that probable connection.
As usual, I started the day with prayer and meditation. I’ve been using a number generator to test my theory of generating angelic numbers, which has been successful. However, for the last two days, Gabriel suggested trusting my mind’s eye and ear instead of using the number generator, which has also been exact. At 1:43 pm today, I saw and heard the number 45, as the image above depicts.
The angels won’t simply provide answers when they are teaching me something. So, I heard Sealiah say, “Google Lloyd Austin’s Israeli equivalent!”
The power of Knowing assured me I was looking for who was responsible for Israel’s wicked hospital attack. You may recall that Angels used Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken as placeholders for what would become their Israeli equivalents.
We posted an Oracle update at midnight (please click HERE). That oracle manifestation’s focus was the 2 pm hour today. After Googling Yoav Gallant, more information began surfacing. The information below I began recording as Sealiah started ministering:
45th Angel: Sealiah will confound the wicked and the proud while exalting the humiliated and the fallen
Summarizing this section, Sealiah stated that Israel is receiving bad intelligence intended to confound and expose them for acting impulsively, driven by contempt and a lack of humanity or mercy.
“An image of Godzilla appeared from smoke in the Gaza Strip on the 18th.”
Google Yoav Gallant and notice how many images he’s mean-mugging angrily. There appears to be something psychologically wrong with Gallant, so he shouldn’t be acting as Defense Minister.
Yoav’s motives and objectives are skewed by prejudice, malice, and contempt, which is painfully evident in not one but two hospital attacks. But Yoav Gallant isn’t the only twisted, wicked human occupying such a powerful position.
One of the attractive features of the 64 Levels of Power is that it allows groups of people to work together, each providing an additional piece to the whole puzzle. For example, Justice reversed is today’s FrontPage Oracle’s focus. The Hermit-reversed is my daily spiritual focus, and my brother Carlos’ focus is The Hangman-reversed.
The subjects in the 11-19-23 oracle below were just place cards for Israeli tyrants!
All three cards,—Justice reversed, The Hermit reversed, and the Hangman reversed—pinpoint illegal (illicit) and unethical actions from governing officials (tyrants) leading to genocide or massacre.
Several other pertinent elements derived by logical 64 Levels of Power processes support those three cards. Therefore, I don’t doubt what the angels and the oracles have revealed is true. However, the beauty is that YHVH will validate (or invalidate) our findings through public events, as we’ll see shortly (through Thanksgiving)!
The next piece of the puzzle will arrive shortly and will reveal who else is likely to be responsible for the Frankensteen Palestinian genocide taking place in the Gaza Strip.
I also know who will win between OSU, Michigan, The Dolphins, and the Jets. I’m preparing a ‘preemptive’ video oracle tomorrow that we will publish after those games are played to prove, by the Power and Might of YHVH, that we knew the outcome (just as we know the fates of those who continue to persecute us politically).
—————————–oracle fin—————————————————-
12:00 am: You can’t serve two masters, and why should you have to? However, you will have to choose the side you’ll represent. I was trying to figure out why all these black rappers are suddenly heading to DUBAI. The ORACLE UPDATE responds to some inquiries and trash-talking while illuminating and forecasting. We’ve also added the next ORACLE PREDICTION for today. What do you think’s going to happen, and what time?
11-20-23 8:30 pm Dubai, Beelzebub’s Punching Bag, and the Flies
11-20-23 5:23 pm Beautiful, Black Voyeur Female Answered-Choose, Your Master Wisely
I received several ads related to travel to Dubai over the last month. Suddenly, I also started seeing rapping N—- headed to Dubai in the headlines and was trying to figure out what caused the Flight of Negrocus to Dubai!
During a spiritual counsel session today, my brother told me that some boxing extravaganza is scheduled in Dubai for next month. The images in this post tell the brief and shameful story scheduled for that boxing event, among other things.
I: Negro La Shiek- Awwww, F—- Off, La Chic, La Freak (sung like Freak Out-La Chic)
“I thought Kanye West was Rick Ross in the image below. All Kanye wants to do is nab a new ‘Kimmi’ while dumping ‘baggage,” in true N—- style! In Dubai, West might still be relevant, increasing his chances of snatching a gorgeous Saudi female to boost his lagging career! Anyway it goes, Kanye is black history!”
Notice that Deontay Wilder is the king of Rods (upright), and Anthony Joshua is the opposite in the image below. The difference is one has a rigtheous character and is a man’s man outside of the ring. Wilder is favored above, Joshua below (spirits have nothing good to say about the man).
“Gemini cuts and Capricorn pummels like a hammer. Which is more dangerous, a knife or a hammer? Yup! It depends on the circumstances. The demon referred to Joseph Parker as “white boy’ (the Knight of Gemini-cold-ice) because he’s from New Zealand, and fair skinned.”
“Boxers, MMA, and others tend to be bullies, that is they expect for you to be intimidated because they beat people’s asses for a living and enjoy it.”
Never think you must fight fair against someone who either knows they can beat you, or thinks they can. Contemporary American society has bred violent, macho bullies looking for a social media moment! You deal with that type of element in various practicle ways.”
For example, I was in a restaurant a few years ago when a brute bully decided to show off and use me as his example. I’m not the incredible Hulk. But when I’m in season, I’m cut.
I walked into the restaurant with my wife-beater on, feeling good. The steroid muscle Neanderthal became jealous, which was no fault of my own. I don’t dap when I walk or behave arrogantly with any form of Negro Bravado (menacing braggadocio).
The Neanderthal’s female was trying to be flirty and cute because she knew her man wasn’t a boss but he thought his muscles made him one. But, what would a ‘boss’ look like playing with some thot who already has a man? That’s some weak-ass, macho, circus monkey, third-level game, flirting with an easy female who’s got a man. So, I passed on the opportunity.
But the thots witchcraft was enough to push her man to stupidity. He started running his mouth, and I responded, ‘You might be standing over me when everything is said and done. But you will get your ass beat, beating my ass!” I was playing my next move and its outcome in my head as I was talking.
The Neanderthal started advancing. As he stepped into the parameter, I picked up a chair, swung it around my back to gain momentum, and cracked it right on the top of the tough bully’s head, sending him to the floor, out cold, blood gushing from a head wound.
I don’t stick around after something like that because so many cowards run to get a gun, or “they homeboys.” I grabbed my food, watched the news for three days to make sure the bully wasn’t dead, and avoided that spot for a few months.
Gemini and Capricorn reversed in the image above can also represent THE FBI (Neanderthal brutes) and THE CIA (nerdy James Bond types using mind-over-matter gadgets and tech). I’m battling the most wicked and dangerous gang in America: the powers, principalities, and authorities. So, you think macho brutes are supposed to terrify me? Most Neanderthals and Gorgo boxers couldn’t last one round against the adversarial gang I’ve battled for sixteen years.
Moreover, I’m not just battling one or two people. There are at least fifty people actively harassing and persecuting me! Yet, thots and their trolls automatically underestimate me.
“Again, spirits had nothing positive to say about Jarrell Miller. Moreover, something tragic is scheduled to befall Miller within five years. The angels said, “Miller will know why that tragedy strikes. Most boxers come from a street environment and bring it to the ring instead of leaving it where it belongs (then claim ‘they is blessed by dah Lawd’).”
A black female between 30 and 35 is the subject of this oracle update (Queen of Leo).
A: Black female addressing me, explaining what influenced her thot antics B: Black female rappers, ghetto queens ages 21-25 C: Blowback those females will receive from contradictory excuses and explanations (D) Self-degradation that defeats the purpose (part of the blowback) (The Sun) Wise angelic answers
That Queen of Rods female is probably dark-skinned and/or was raised in the ghetto. She argues that while she may be ghetto, independent, “liberal-minded,” and likes to wear revealing clothing, she still has “morals, principles, and boundaries.” That’s cool. But according to whose morals, principles, and boundaries does she live?
Moreover, this female was probably raised by a strict Baptist mother (or Rev Pappy) who is hypocritical, which further drove her to certain levels of Thotery that she refers to as “expressing herself,” which is also cool.
Furthermore, this female doesn’t see any harm in having fun, clubbing, going out, etc., and she’s partially correct. But this black female’s argument will backfire because it proves that enjoying herself is more important than salvation, which is also acceptable, particularly for pagans.
Hexagram 16 deals with pleasure instead of joy. Music, drugs, parties, cigarettes, and other things that motivate some people are 16th Hexagram subjects. What charges your batteries or gets you pumped? Is it healthy? Does it damage your body and brain or boost your mind and soul?
Overindulgence can have drastic consequences (as we’re all about to see yet again)! People who seek pleasure are very seldom happy, albeit content (sometimes). Furthermore, the subject of Hexagram 16 burns out in line #6, which can indicate someone moving from weed to coke or heroine, running from their unfulfilling life, or less-than-ideal circumstances (among other scenarios)!
Ghetto females and educated black females can be demanding. When you add materialism and infidelity to the mix, a certain type of white boy who loves black females will always return to white females, like Taylor Swift’s new old man. Many white boys who’ve dated black females return to white females because they can’t handle even the most ‘docile’ of dominant black women.
Ghetto black females might speak ‘properly’ but are still ghetto under the hood. So, she’s going to want to smoke weed, enjoy voyeurism, and clubbing, “even if she got a man!” Only a strong or dominant black man can deal with a black woman with black issues (oppression, racism, etc.).
“The 2nd Tim 3 Generation is delusional when it comes to what being an adherent to Jesus’ way actually entails! But when you smoke crack and read ‘yo Bible, something is bound to go awry! You can’t serve two masters!”
Many black men don’t want to deal with that type of black woman either, so they chase white females. That black man isn’t always weak or a pushover. A black man looking for love is not likely to pursue ‘mudshark’ white females, who are just as bad as their ghetto counterparts (unfaithful, sexually addicted, ignorant, etc.).
Slavery and heritage displacement contributed to the African American’s inability to express love sincerely or love themselves enough to support the community wholeheartedly. But making excuses or blaming the white man doesn’t fly before the Divine Grand Jury.
There used to be role models, like the Huxtables, for becoming a successful black couple. However, we have primarily Christian ho-ass hookup reality shows dressed as match-making entertainment.
Paranormal ghost hunter Chelsea Laden (Destination Fear) broke out into a full ghetto character in one episode. I mean, Chelsea sounded and acted like a black ghetto female and switched right back to her white self as effortlessly as tying a shoe. It was ‘cute’ only because you know Chelsea and her brother Dakota were raised on the farthest opposite side of the track.
So, Chelsea’s ability to ‘act black’ is because of the overabundance of ghetto female role models. I know, I know. “YOU DON’T GIVE A F—-,” which is why you don’t understand the magnitude of what you’ve done (and the Heavenly repercussions)! But don’t stand before the Judgment Pulpit acting like you weren’t warned.
Now you have awkward-looking white couples taking selfies with the man’ holding ‘they wifey ass!’ Ghetto females are the ones who started saying, “We don’t ‘wanna hear nut’n ’bout no love. Nigga!”. And let’s not forget that white boys now kill each other while screaming N—-a (who does that but n—-s?)! And you’re still going to argue the black community doesn’t need fine-tuning? Whatever floats your 2nd Tim 3 boats!
“Drill music has TWO purposes: “Kill Opp Motivation! THOT ASS-TWERK COMPULSION!”
“The rest of the ghetto-enamored world thinks America is a big Drill video who believes being a black man or women means being a ghetto thug or thot, and sadly, these days it means just that
I created dozens of adult-oriented comedy tracks, street raps, and sex songs. However, I can leave that shit on the blackest side of the tracks, perform illuminating oracles, and provide sound spiritual counsel. I can keep one foot in this immoral world, and ninety percent of my weight distributed in Paradise.
Some black folks don’t know how to turn off the party, which is obvious by the sheer amount of black entertainment focused on sex, violence, and balling. Liberal white America is obsessed with trying to be what they think black is–balling, hoeing, Negro Bravado, etc.
When ghetto African Americans start ‘rioting,’ if you pan a camera across the crowd, half of it is twerking and hoeing off, and the other half is looting and tearing up public and private property! Most of the mass smash-and-grab incidents that occur are predominantly African-American. And what about the epidemic in THIS VIDEO?
IDGAF, I really don’t. But all these Christendom fools who claim there’s nothing in ‘they Bible’ about ‘they’ heathenized practices and no repercussions, please take your asses to 2nd Tim 3, crack-pipe free, and stare into that scriptural mirror!
Wicked Christians and Jewish Businessmen are trying too hard to break our wills, cheating (please read the Pigs, Goats, and Pawns Post)! The Imperialists hiding behind Mexican pawns and fat black police chiefs continue to behave pettily childishly. They’re abusing power to taunt and provoke and dare us to do anything (please read the Operation Break Beak Post).
They’re going to pay. The problem is they’ve gotten away with so much wicked corruption they think they will get away with what they’re doing to us, FBB, and B! Oh, how Christian can you get?
I don’t care what your priest told you, Weaponized Infinity, you, and whoever is in the vehicle that will become your coffin will die with you! As far as Chief Fat Women Panteis, let’s see if your badge and corrupt power will stop your son’s fate he will bring upon himself. And all you Proud Boy PWC, each and everyone will get what you’ve got coming according to your deeds. Sadly, your disbelief isn’t required or capable of doing anything against Cauise and Effect.
It might seem like I’m just talking. But as we’ve stated repeatedly, this will be the first time someone prophesied outside of your Bible, and it comes to pass in a looooong time!
I have every right to take the law into my own hands and get you to back off. Hell, as full as contempt I am at this moment, I’m not cussing and swearing in this post, and only because the angels have asked me not to, even though I’m speaking to a bunch of wicked demon-compelled reprobates and their satellites!
You’re going to get it, Team Chuck Wheat: You, Washington, Hollywood, and Christendom. You should have let YHVH prove your wicked Christian point instead of trying to play God! You’re too busy trying to prove something, and we have not time to waste trying to prove anything (so we leave it up to Heaven to prove).
I wouldn’t say anything about ‘dangerous’ PWC Washington and Israel if I didn’t think vengeance was coming their way at the right time, on the right day! So get your wicked Christian reprobate jollies.
The Columbus Pigs will start up their revenge mode Chukery, along with the other low-level scum eager to act fearless! But by the Power of YodHeVavHe, you will reap ten fold what you’ve sown, just because you thought you could get away with abusing power, just like you Fallen Angel role models!
It’s the 22nd. So, the 22nd Demon, you know, Ipos, he should be putting on some type of show today that isn’t related to reprobate Columbus pigs and goats pretending to fulfill the Oracle!
The videos below set the stage for this brief Oracle update.
VIDEO #1: One minute of a 34-minute video showing me receiving intel about the 6:53 Weaponized Harassment;
VIDEO #2: 6:53 pm Weaponized Harassment
VIDEO #3: 6:54 pm Quick Video Validating the time of the Weaponized vehicle harassment and the oracle in Video #1
In this update, the racist Columbus faction of our political persecutors continues to demonstrate flag-waving, Silent Majority stupidity. This quick update demonstrates why I would have been waiting for the weaponized pawn in THIS VIDEO to pass the house.
I started working on the 11-21-23 Oracle Update: Frankensteen in the Gaza Strip below just before 6 pm today. Gabriel suggested recording myself with my phone and my PC screen recorder. I was to prove that our racist Federal and municipal persecutors seem to activate pawns driving weaponized vehicles just as I finish rendering oracles, as numerous videos will prove.
But I had finished rendering and posting the 11-21-23 Oracle Update: Frankensteen in the Gaza Strip Oracle at 6:18 pm. But I also heard to lay another oracle down and record me quickly interpreting it.
According to the oracle I recorded, some fool would be riding past here at the very end of the 6 pm hour, which occurred at 6:53 pm, right on the dot. In other words, I was expecting that pawn who would have driven into an ambush.
Commander Woodchuck is your typical flag-waving, proud Silent Majority trash, too ignorant to stay on his bear-hunting side of the tracks. Don’t boast about your Silent Majority Great American privilege while you continue to violate the law, our rights, and the Silent Majority-crafted Constitution trying to prove your supremacy!
Again, Team Woody, you think we’re playing games, and sadly, some Proud Boy trash will do the same (and the public will witness what we’ve been warning you about from day one and couldn’t wait to demonstrate)! Let’s not forget there is a twisted, pervert Jewish businessman here in Columbus who we believe is one of the financial sponsors for Columbus municipal powers and the plenty of pawns they use to harass us!
We have reason to believe that Jewish businessmen also worked concertedly with Chase Bank, Dr. Pepper, and PayPay to ruin our business account and twelve years of an impeccably managed, pristine business accounting record! Ya gotta love that deficient, trifling thing called CAPITALISM and the vapid and inept Masonic document that holds America together, The Constitution!
LEVEL: 21st Punishment, legal proceedings come to conclusion, verdicts, sentences, and rulings, maximum sentences
White boy rockers dabbling in the occult have been responsible for many tragedies. Interestingly, all the so-called black magic experts are clueless as to how demons get their sacrifices.
A well-founded rumor that Marylyn Manson was responsible for Columbine is 90% true. However, the ten percent obscured truth is that he was clueless about what his dabbling summoned and the consequences of playing with ancient demonic beings.
Professor Griff falsely accused Jennifer Hudson of selling her soul. But the truth is that someone Hudson worked with, or did business with, was dabbling in black magic, including Freemasons, just before members of her family were murdered by a demonized relative!
Martin Sharp, the artist who introduced alternative theories to the cause of the Luna Park Ghost Train tragedy, was along the right path when he suspected the occult. But Sharp had no way of validating how the occult was connected. This post will do what Martin Sharp couldn’t while providing illumination.
Firstly, I recorded ten videos over an hour from the Exposed: The Luna Ghost Train tragedy, yet only one was recorded with sound. Demons, in some manner, were responsible for the missing sound, which infuriated me at first!
However, just after I discovered the videos didn’t record the sound, I made an even more profound discovery that would prove to be far more compelling (thanks to those seeming mishaps).
Jason Holman was the surviving non-Catholic boy in the Luna Park Tragedy. Holman states that he went to Mass that day with the other four boys as part of a deal with their parents to allow them to go to Luna Park unsupervised .
Holman participated in the Mass service, yet all the Catholic boys died in the tragic fire, and the non-Catholic was spared. Think about that… I wonder how many of those near saint boys listened to AC/DC?
Please click HERE for the video. Three of the fire victims would be alive today if they’d trusted the mother and wife’s random thought to get some ice cream rather than ride the Ghost Train. Hubris is the fundamental cause behind the Ghost Park tragedy. There was no foul play, only negligence that allowed the demons to do their work with ease.
The lesson here is that if your mom, sister, aunt, or girlfriend tells you she feels something is wrong, bad, or off, it might be wise to listen, especially if she has a track record of having a strong intuition.
Michael Frazeze is a former member of the Columbo Crime Family. Franzes’s mother warned him that she had a dream something bad would happen at Columbo’s rally the next day. And her dream was right on point! Men are egoistical and shun and shame a woman’s powerful intuition.
Immediately, I saw demons and other figures in the reenacted fires portrayed in Exposed: The Ghost Train Fire. At first, the image I saw appeared to be a witch riding a broom, as the image below depicts.
At first, I thought there might be a connection to witch burnings in Sydney’s history. So, I heard to Google the subject, which led me on a hot trail, a Highway to Hell. This post will validate why many of those witches deserved to be burned at the stake.
I know my rock and heavy metal history. So, I knew that AC/DC was an Australian Band. Back in Black flashed in my mind’s eye at first. But I heard, “Google WHAT YEAR WAS HIGH WAY TO HELL RELEASED!
As soon as I saw Highway to Hell was released on July 27, 1979, the witch riding the broom turned into a warlock with horns and a guitar, probably Angus Young.
Once I saw Highway to Hell’s release date, I heard, “Now Google the year the Luna Park tragedy happened, which was one month before High Way to Hell’s release, June 9, 1979. In numerology, 27 = 9 (July 27th).
So, the many Conservative attempts to shut down demonic rock music in the late 70s and 80s were legitimate. Those Christians had grounded reasons to fear many hard rock bands.
Dabbling in the occult is dangerous because these white boys and girls think they know how it works. But let me explain.
I’ve already stated this on many occasions. But the demons and devils can take their sacrifices without even drawing up a contract.
For example, when Lucifuge Rafocale appears, all you must do is agree with his terms, and you may not even realize you’re doing so like a nerd who thinks playing with black magic is fake.
I’m not going to explain how the demons just take their sacrifice because all the fake Catholic exorcists, pagan c—- Wiccans, and witches will steal food and claim it, as they’ve been doing in Hollywood.
Sadly, in the same way those boys died tragically and unexplainably in that Luna Park ride, those pagans and exorcists will meet some violent or tragic end for pilfering from what I earned through the pain and suffering of self-sacrifice.
Our political persecutors and their pawns listen to the demonic voices coming from the left shoulders, urging them to keep pushing and pushing, hoping I’ll snap and the demons will get my soul!
See, if I wanted our persecutors dead, which I do, I could make a deal with the demons, much like those Salem Witches of old did and still do. When evil witches are close, unexplained events like the Luna Park Ghost Train or Columbine occur.
Other demons appeared in the reenacted fire in Exposed: The Ghost Train Fire. Every time I heard Ghost Train, Crazy Train played in my head. Notice the ANGEL with the wings on the far right commanding the two demons to the left.
Other events like people getting sick suddenly, couples (suddenly) arguing viciously, or even parents who don’t abuse their children suddenly doing so are some of the signs to look for when evil witches, warlocks, voodoo, etc., have moved into the neighborhood.
Some of those historic Salem Puritans could recognize the signs of black magic practicing witches. In all fairness, imagine being persecuted, as we are, and being driven to make a pact with a demon for revenge. I get it, witches! I really do. But innocent people are often the ones who get hurt.
However, there will be innocent people killed or struck in some way, along with many of our persecutors. The difference is that the angels authorized those deaths the demons will carry out. Don’t even try it, Catholic ‘angel experts.’
There are 73 angels who command and counter (oppose) the 73 demons (angels are powers, and demons are forces). Demons unleashed the flood and destroyed LGBTQ before it was an acronym (Sodom and Gomorrah)!
So, Randy Rhodes, Razzle (Hanoi Rocks), and many others were casualties of white boys dabbling with the occult.
The demons wait until the opportune moment to take their sacrifice, which often devastates large groups of people, and they feed off that sorrow, grief, etc.
“Playing with the pentagram and being mischievous talking about Shout at the Devil were games played that came back to haunt Motley Crue. Dabblers unleash hell on themselves! Yup! I listened to Motley Crue too!
Moreover, an eye for an eye is demonic law. So. Razzle died, and then Motley Crue’s Vince Neil went through hell a few years later. Razzle’s bandmate is still whining about his death.
But holding a grudge against Neil is like lesbians and feminists still whining about Bill Cosby. Cosby and Neil have both suffered greatly. But you know how those pagans are (retribution rendered is never enough).
You see, the Irish white boy in me is what enabled me to listen to all those hard rock and heavy metal bands, including the demonic ones. But I’m a messenger and soldier, so that protected me from the demonic effects. Now, I can call out all the black magic practices and the come-ups they made throughout the years.
The problem with ‘that kind of white boy’ is that they lack reverence and respect, so they think they can do anything, including trying to command an ancient demonic being. I mean, think about that one (that some muggle fool can command an ancient demon—laughable)! The demons only let you think you’re in control, muggle fools!
Drill rappers have practiced black magic (murder-human sacrifice) openly, in your face, bragging about their demonism. Sadly, we’ll see how hardcore those n—s are when the demons come to collect!
The Migos’ third member, Takeoff, was a casualty, an unknown sacrifice. Of all the people to get struck by a stray bullet in that crowd, it just found Takeoff, the most beloved member. There is a specific demon that makes sure stray bullets ricochet and find innocent targets!
The remaining Migos know why Takeoff passed when that bullet should have found them instead (dirt they thought they could sweep under the rug, like Tupac?).
So, spare me all that “Lawd Have Murcy, I is blessed’ nonsense because you have no idea what’s coming! You don’t get away with a damn thing, no matter who you are! But ‘yo Bible tells you the same thing!
The logic in this post is sound. Yet there will be some terrified coward who will try to prove otherwise, just like our political persecutors and their eager pawns. But, by the Power and Might of YodHeVavHe, Heaven will continue to back and validate us via the events that occur in the public arena.
This post, again, demonstrates why The Exorcists Demon Hunters and the rest of our Supernatural Entrainment line will be innovative and unparalleled, eliminating any competition from the board!
Remember, we DGAF what you believe, Chuck Wheat, nerd skeptic, macho logic lovers! We believe because we know– because we’ve experienced–and because everything the angels have said (or confirmed) would happen has happened!
So keep on Chucking, Chuck, you and Wheat, because you always have from Cain and Nimrod to the present!
This FRONTPAGE ORACLE update validates and confirms many events, including ones received from exorcised demons.
Oh, yeah! I’m full of crap, right Nerd Skeptics, Logic Lovers, and Bible Experts? Yet, in the 11-19-23 11:00 pm BLACK BEAN OMEN post, I shared a plethora of coming events in that Black Bean Omen oracle I received just before exorcising several demons.
You may recall the demons Purson and Paimon revealed the wicked Israeli hospital attack. However, I shared in that Black Bean Omen post that Purson appears at CROSSROADS and BRIDGES. Moreover, I revealed that Paimon is the king of homosexuals. Hence, an explosion on Rainbow Bridge at ‘Viagra’ Falls.
Where is Niagara located? Yup! The same location (state-wise) as the next Oracle validation. Oh, yeah, Super FBI! Investigate all you’d like because the fact remains that two exorcised demons said what they would do (influence), and it happened (one of many events occurring over the next four days).
Click the link to view the automated oracle.
The oracle below reveals a HOLY ANGEL (The Oracle-High Priestess) telling me to ready myself because the demons would be appearing around 3:10 am to provide their next machinations.
Click the link to view the automated oracle.
Those demons appeared in the oracle (around 3:10 am) to confirm they either had already made or were about to make headlines!
The event this section updates is the second to reference New York.
Do you see how demons compel you humans to stupidity? Oh, Uncle Fuzzy, don’t say you can’t see the correlation. Remember, the oracle admonished looking for confirmation that Israel attacked a hospital with a genocidal intent. The angels said that another HEADLINING EVENT would confirm Israel’s Frankensteen agenda (Stuart Seldowitz).
Thus, we have ‘former Obama official,’ Stuart Seldowitz, confirming the mindset of the Israeli military leaders and how it contributed to the ideology of attacking hospitals using conjecture-backed plausible deniability! Are you starting to see the way in which angels command demons to do the dirty work they love to do?
Moreover, the angelic FrontPage Oracle is exact again. But wait until we begin publishing oracles that I took 8 hours to render, which will provide dates, times, and locations of coming events!
“Minds of a Feather, Genocide Together!”
Stuart Seldowitz personifies how ‘powerful’ Jewish Americans abuse authority, hiding behind plausible deniability. Former NBA commissioner David Stern used his authority to persecute Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf.
Those Jewish-backed corporations that demanded the names of pro-Palestinian Harvard students protesting against Israel also intended to abuse authority, like Joe Biden, to persecute those students into silence. Jewish American businessmen are abusing power to persecute us, along with their so-called ‘Christian’ buddies!
11:16 am: I received an email from Chase that was intended to get my attention. Yet, Chase makes no mention of how it plans to clean up working concertedly with Dr. Pepper to damage an impeccable twelve-year business account, with no overages and never falling below a certain capital threshold!
4:17 pm: Chase sends another email intended to grab attention, this time working with Google (Drive). There is no one trying to access our business account. The last email is intended to provoke me into contacting Chase and dealing with its Eastern Indian Customer Service from Hell.
When I contacted Chase about the freeze on our account, I had to deal with mouthy Eastern Indians and Filipinos. Which I can prove with phone recordings! Chase and its customer services were trying to belittle and rape me, which worked in reverse.
The video explains everything.
Finally, we have the angel Nithael, who was one of many ministering angels behind my first daily meditation. Catholicism’s angelic descriptions are delusional pollutions of those divine deities. There is no angel that patronizes or governs politics because Lucifer is the father of that wicked circus.
Demons provide half-truths or partial descriptions when dealing with humans who think they’re divine, blessed, or spiritually powerful but aren’t ordained by Heaven. According to Catholicism, the angel Nithael protects the stability of empires. But that protection is conditional!
Politics governs empires, which means every empire becomes mired in wickedness. History validates that last statement. Every empire falls when corruption reaches a zenith, and artists become the society’s predominant influence, causing moral decline.
Artists are hippies. There is nothing wrong with a hippy until they don’t know when it’s time to ground! Mentally and emotionally damaged artists are demonic puppets. Most artists are loose cannons lacking discipline, regulation, and a moral compass. I’m an artist who’s healed from the damage life inflicted in my childhood!
The first thing out of paganized Christians, pagans, and atheists’ mouths will be addressing my adult humor! Firstly, our test marketing showed that Christianity is the largest group of consumers in America, and they want as much immoral profanity as they can consume. Secondly, I have a balance and imbue everything I do with love, even the vulgar profanity in my comic routines.
I always follow Alchemy’s primary principle: nothing in excess! For example, the producer ‘artist’ in THIS VIDEO, which contains profanity, was trying to show off his new tune while providing engineering advice. There’s no artistic or comedic value or purpose in repeating f—– over and over. Or, what about Lady Gaga “swearing to Lucifer” in THIS VIDEO? Let’s explore the truthful and factual statements about artists in The Witch at King’s Crossing documentary video excerpt (please click HERE for that video)?
Lastly, I don’t promote adult anything to minors or innocent people, something that Babylon can’t seem to understand. Who in “they right mind” would make a movie with kids using vulgar profanity and acting like adults? Oh, that’s right. Seth Rogan and certain types of white people believe that type of s—- is ‘harmless’ to immature minds.
Pagans and Paganized Christians began pushing ‘the artist’s, express yourself BS agenda of teen pregnancy or teens having sex promiscuously, which isn’t wise. Kids think having sex, cussing, and smoking weed makes them adults. Ok! More power to you! IDGAF what you do! But with free will comes great responsibility. All those fools “tawm’bout,” “It’s my life,” are always the most miserable at the finish line. But again. IDGAF!
America is falling, just as prophesied. If God were the foundation of American society, then yes, Nithael and other angels would help its leaders to keep it stable. However, Babylon the Great (the 2nd Tim 3 Generation) has set the stage for America’s prophetic collapse.
YHVH is antipathetic to corruption and wickedness! Therefore, you won’t find any angels musing politicians, judges, or police officers who abuse the law and violate the Constitution!
We published the oracle in the image after we published the 11-24-23 12:00 am The Ghost Train, AC-DC, and Black Magic oracle that you can read HERE.
Please click HERE to view that automated Oracle. I already knew what to expect from those Harry Potter, wizard-ass FBI/CPD pig nerds. You see, those types of police nerds get paid to…
nerd off (hack and harass using tech.). They’re the kind of nerds who kill time counting the number of radians in the human a—hole.
Long story short, those Quantico Nerds cut the Thunder and Rain we use to block Uncle Woodchuck’s weaponized harassment, like THIS VIDEO recorded during Thanksgiving. Please Click HERE to get the rest of the story via video.
So, after Uncle Chuck cut the Thunder and Rain using nerdy Harry Potter wizardry, they executed the sneaky weaponized vehicle harassment in THIS VIDEO at 3:06 am. So they cut the thunder and rain so we could hear their weaponized harassment! All American all the way!
Those Harry Potter Quantico Nerds were trying to be funny doing all of this just after 3 am, the “Devils Hour (pffttt)!” Two cards in the oracle represent RACIST-SUPREMECISTS-FAKE MAGIC-AKA TECHNOLOGY!
Those Harry Potter FBI nerds are just hating because we keep slapping them in their pimpled, booger-picking faces.
Remember, those atheist-minded, Spocteral pimples can’t compete with magic, so they do stupid, pimple-ass Harry Potter nerd s—, like fool with the app we use to play Thunder and Rain, which blocks thier All-Amercian white guy weaponized harassment! All of this harassment happened after we published THIS POST at midnight!
As usual, the wicked Christian reprobates who are politically/religiously persecuting us are still playing games, trying to prove their Catholic and Black Baptist supremacy. This oracle update continues to demonstrate spiritual power and divine favor versus wicked religious hypocrisy and abuse of power.
Let’s start with videos validating that I was meditating when Uncle Woodchuck authorized weaponized bass stereo harassment at 12:35 pm today:
So, Catholic demoniacs drove past, blasting weaponized bass Mariachi music while the angel Mehiel was ministering! Oh, how very Christian of Uncle Woodchuck and their pawns!
I began prayer and meditation at 11:45 am today. Please click HERE to view my three-day automated online oracle.
‘No Puta Aqui’ was playing in my head when I woke up. So, I knew Latinos would be today’s primary problematic element. Moreover, the day we showcased No Puta Aqui a few months ago, rapper, whatever, Pit Bull, was in town. Pit Bull is Cuban, and so is Latina city council person Lourdes Bastille Barroso de Padilla.
Yes! Those two details—Cuban and Lourdes Bastille Barroso de Padilla—are very relevant, and we’ve explained why in countless oracles and posts. However, many Latinos claim Catholicism as their ‘Christian’ denomination! So, there’s that!
The angel Mehiel begins ministering by using my 11-9-23 meditation dealing with PHOTOSYNTHESIS.
Mehiel told me to read my 11-9-23 oracle (please see the image below). I added to that 11-9-23 entry, which was about how plants convert water to oxygen, something you probably learn in school science early in life.
However, that simple refresher provided what motivated the 12:35 pm weaponized harassment (a house self-consumed by heat (the sun), withering from a lack of water). The 10 of Rods often describes a team full of jealous, hateful liars and deceivers, thus SELF-CONSUMED, as the African American self-genocide reveals.
The image below is just a validator for the skeptics and godless Christians who continue testing.
Mehiel and several other angels suggested the photosynthesis refresher and used it to teach spiritual principles while validating my daily oracle.
Mehiel used photosynthesis to explain the 10 of Rods, my meditation for today. Rods can symbolize plants, trees, and flowers. Angels use intelligence to teach and guide, so there is no way an imbecile, witch, or pagan is guided angelically since most have the attention span of a fetus!
Latino Catholic weaponized bass intrusion occurs. Please click HERE to view the moment the weaponized intrusion occurred during meditation.
Mehiel confirms the 10 of Rods is the focus of his discourse, a withering house of creativity without water, which symbolizes music and support in this case.
Moroever, Mehiel validates that the 12:35 pm Weaponized Mariachi harassment is tied to the 10 of Rods as my meditation focus for today.
The demon VINE took credit for compelling the 12:35 pm weaponized Latino intrusion before he was dispelled. Notice how the artist depicted Vine with a lion’s face and wearing Knights Templar-styled armor. Yup!
1:09 pm: Federal Woodchuck starts tampering with the internet, so I laid down an oracle to validate the motivation behind the 12:35 pm intrusion. Catholic females decided to twist the oracle in their favor.
“The white space to the left of the image depicts where internet content should have been. However, suddenly, my internet stated to hang, and did so for almost ten minutes!”
So, in yesterday’s oracle, when I said that something done out of love can be positive, twisted Christian minds appear to be trying to use that statement to violate our rights.
However, Love isn’t the motive behind today’s wickedness. Moreover, money and maintaining relevance is the primary motive compelling the weaponized harassment and federal white boy law and the Constitution violations. There is no love in the street ghetto 10 of Rods. Only competition, infidelity, and lawlessness! In other words, the 10 of Rods is saying, “We ain’t trynna hear nuttn bout no love, N—–!” But, speaking of (racist) white boys…
Notice on the Scapini Tarot, the 10 of Rods, the scene depicts a bunch of hillbillies or rednecks. The 10 of Rods can be a place or a condition, and in this case, both. The ghetto and trailer park can be associated with the 10 of Rods. Therefore, we have a group of ignorant, violent, and unrighteous people of questionable character.
However, as we know, not all ghetto and trailer park people are evil, just the ones in the streets. Hustlers, criminals, and outlaws can also be 10 of Rod’s attributes depending on the numerous 64 Levels of Power indicators and influencers. Rap, or rap-influenced music (bass-heavy), is blaring out of the weaponized vehicle in the video of the 12:35 pm weaponized Mariachi harassment (please click HERE).
The (street) ghetto and trailer park mentality has no respect for themselves or others, so they’ll perform a degenerate act of using a bass stereo to intrude upon other’s space and time, making demands. However, without (racist) white trash-wearing badges and enjoying autonomy, those Latinos couldn’t pull that stunt without repercussions.
How do we know white power is pulling the strings? Because we’re not in Mexico! Uncle ‘Silent Majority’ Sam is the absolute power, the same corrupt scum with the autonomous authority to tamper with the web and cloud surveillance cameras (please click HERE for the video).
African-American municipal pawns occupy the houses in the image below.
African American pawns in the house at the top of the image use their lights to harass or try to send messages, as dozens of video footage can prove. The municipal powers have recently moved another black pawn into a residence that was occupied previously by black pawns (the house at the bottom of the above image with the silver vehicle parked backward).
The new black resident pawns are eager to play their role, which is to park their vehicle backward when taunting or drawing attention to staged events or weaponized harassment, like the 12:35 pm Mariachi bass harassment.
All this to say that I was prepared, know who our adversary is, and why they think they have the right to intrude on our space a time on a Holliday! You fools are not used to reality, in this case, the reality of spiritual practice, and why the 64 Levels of Power will be a phenomenon that only the righteous and true can use successfully!
7:40 pm Catholic weaponized vehicle harassment, as expected. Moses went before Pharoah 12 times. Even after Moses’ spiritual power was proven. Pharoah still pursued him to his death. Demonized PWC and their parallels will continue until judgment is staring them in their Neanderthal faces. I want you to watch, Chuck Wheat as the omens get closer and closer, which means your judgment is near. I don’t care about the Black and Latins on your payroll because white power authorizes it all!
We don’t know any of the pawns harassing because the activity is all Columbus municipal-authorized.
11-24-23 3:07 a.m. Stupid little Aryan idiots and their Latin pawns just passed the house at the “Devil’s Hour,” making a weaponized racket! Stupid, dead cowards. They continue to prove that they’ll keep pushing until they’re dead. They took America from the Indians with the same relentless Neanderthal, January 6, 2021, proud ignorance!
Once they’re fully exposed, and they try that s—–, we’ll see who prevails! Do you see what I mean about little silly racist imperialists playing games with demons, like the goofball in THIS TIK TOK video and his buddies in the above image? Our political persecutors have no soul and no conscience, and hiding behind autonomy makes them think you’re untouchable.
Please click HERE and pick out the trash in the oracle that just passed the house, making PWC noise! I don’t care about the black and Mexican pawns, relatives or not, because without that white power hiding behind autonomy, they couldn’t do what they’re doing.
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