
The FrontPage Oracle

FRONTPAGE ORACLE: Hypocritical Arguments Part 2

FRONTPAGE ORACLE: Hypocritical Arguments Part 2


Before we jump into the heat of battle, let’s set the stage by revealing omens my brother received almost twelve hours to the tee from when those omens materialized!


My brother Carlos went to the store around 6:30 pm yesterday. Within moments of Carlos leaving, the corrupt, reprobate Catholic faction of our political persecutors authorized weaponized vehicle harassment (video placeholder).

My brother has to drive to several grocery stores because management is so awful that one store very rarely has everything in stock. So, by 8:00 pm, Carlos was at the Walmart at Sawmill and Bethel Road.

By 8:40 pm, Carlos was exiting Meijer’s in Walmart’s vicinity. Carlos noticed two flickering lights in different parking lots. Moreover, my lights flickered on and off throughout yesterday. Three significant things stood out:

  1. Bethel is the name of Jehovah’s Witnesses main headquarters (and the JW Governing Body is part of my morning meditation)
  2. Gia is my Brother Rico’s daughter. Gia is mixed with Black, Irish, and Pakistani. My mother, dad, and Rico were in a multi-faceted dream I had last night.
  3. 8:40 pm yesterday was the time Carlos recorded the flashing lights, and 8:43 am today was the first Catholic-oriented weaponized intrusion.

The Gia Russa Italian seasoned bread crumbs immediately drew Carlos’ attention. But an angel told Carlos to take the picture (and now we know why).



The image below just validates when my brother took a picture of the GIA RUSSA bread crumbs and flickering light videos.

TO EACH HIS OWN: Lucifer attracts Lucifer

“Catholics worship the Pope. The image below of the Pope tenderly focusing on the male speaks volumes!”

Again, notice the Pope playing God without mentioning what angels or YHVH said directly to him. Catholics are the Pope’s henchmen, like the pawn that committed the weaponized vehicle harassment in THIS VIDEO at 8:40 am this morning.

The Pope has no supernatural abilities, so he must rely on an abuse of power as the papal political office has always done when persecuting and tormenting non-compliant targets.

I cast an angelic oracle right after the Catholic weaponized vehicle harassment, as the image below demonstrates. Please click HERE for the online oracle.

But the Pope would bless same-sex marriages because he and the rest of the priests and nuns can now get married (since the only thing stopping many priests and nuns was disinterest in the opposite sex). Moreover, the Catholic Church singlehandedly contributes to LGBTQ via its molesting priests and nuns epidemic.

Too bad Francis doesn’t focus on righting the rampant gay priest molestation cases and issues. But we know Francis won’t commit to such an expensive legal endeavor because it would bankrupt the Catholic Church!

As the ORACLE reveals below, the Pope is playing on words (5 of Rods), which is the lowest form of witchcraft! What same-sex marriage even remotely resembles a ‘normal marriage? The Pope issues A carefully crafted statement that some legal counsel probably provided.”

If you investigated any number of Catholic schools, you would find lesbianism and homosexuality running rampant long before gayness became a popular fad.

Every foul mortal sin imaginable has taken place on Vatican grounds. So, imagine how unholy the Vatican must be. The first serious tragedy or catastrophe that occurs on Vatican grounds AND ISN’T SUPPRESSED marks the beginning of the end of its seemingly invincible and untouchable status.

The Pope is Catholicism’s only god because like attracts like. Who else will nurture Catholics but the Pope? The Pope is only ever speaking to Catholics. But what will the Pope do when neither he nor his papal hierarchy can perform real miracles?


You see, I didn’t have to be anywhere near Biden, yet his misfortune continues to move closer and closer.

The 12-15-23 Oracle referenced bald white racists, cocaine, and law enforcement. Hey! Didn’t they find cocaine in the White House?

We’ll see if God is backing the Vatican, Pope, and Catholicism very shortly. I mean, it is better and wiser to let YHVH prove anything remotely related to Him.

Remember, what we do isn’t about us. It’s about YHVH, the Master, and correcting the thousand years of Christendom’s misrepresentation of both! Non-Christians who despise Christianity do so because of the rampant, wicked, hypocritical Christians!

Since the Pope wants to put himself in God’s Divine Eye, so be it. In the meantime, let’s see Pope Francis battle in real spiritual warfare, starting with stripping the witches and pagan’s demonic familiars from them.

Please click HERE and read all the comments of people who’ve paid anywhere from $700 to $1.5k for real pacts with demons at ETSY.com.

Those fools who paid for demonic contracts and benefited have no idea that they will lose everything they’ve gained! Think of the comeup those desperate imbeciles make by forging demonic pacts like a stripper or drug dealer who amasses large sums of money, then either ends up in prison or working at McDonald’s!

However, within a certain time, all of the ‘powerful’ muggle witches will have their demonic familiars and income stripped, just as Paul did to the Roman slave medium in your Bibles.

How can a moment of peace survive without binding the wicked forces causing all the havoc? But it won’t be Francis, TD, or Joel winning that supernatural battle!

People practice black magic openly, and Soldiers of YHVH like us are the ones battling the effects, not churchy African-American female pastors or their equally spiritually inept male counterparts!