FrontPage Oracle for October 19th-23rd 2023
This post continues to demonstrate OMENS, SIGNS, and how they can appear anywhere. Interpreting omens and signs is very tricky. Demons provide omens, and angels provide signs. However, piecing everything together is where skill and expertise come into the picture.
Tarot card readers very seldom are exact in their readings for many reasons, and lack of discernment is usually the biggest issue. As you view this illustrated oracle, watch the logic and patterns that unfold as I interpret the signs I received in a bowl of All-Brand yesterday.
I’ve been eating All-Bran since I was a kid. My mother was a health food nut. But I still eat All-Bran because I like the taste and texture. But I also feel like a horse when I’m eating All-Bran. As I was nearing the end of my second bowl of concentrated fiber, I immediately noticed all the omens you see in the image, which are numerous.
- A: H
- B: C
- C: Symbol for Capricorn
- D: Symbol for Sagittarius
- A land goat that also looked like a Western dragon (politics, capitalism, science and technology, weapons of mass destruction, etc).
A + B: I saw HC first when I looked into the bowl. Part of that message was science-related, and the other sports-related.
- HC-organic chemistry (30th Hexagram)
- HC: hockey club (sports-Sagittarius)
So, a hockey club could be the emphasis for HC. But soccer has been my focus for the last week. Soccer is also big in the Arabic Nations. Columbus has a pro hockey team. But soccer is the more reasonable answer (although Country music and Hockey are relevant recent Oracle topics).
“I outlined the Capricorn symbol in the image below.”
The second thing I noticed was the symbol for Capricorn. I’m not revealing most of the interpretations for discretion purposes. So-called symbol experts, etc., won’t be able to interpret the signs and omens exactly (meaning their reading will be superficial or unable to relate the reading to politics, science, etc, in an in-depth manner).
We will reveal a plethora of meanings and interpretations once the oracle comes to complete fruition. Capricorn has many interpretations, like politics and physics.
When I zoomed in on the Sagittarius symbol, it became a drooling dog with its master petting its chin. Immediately, a scene flashed in my mind’s eye of our dog Samson. Last night, I rubbed Samson under his chin after he came in from romping around the backyard and got slobber all over my hand. Stick with me as the logic starts unfolding.
That image of the dog doesn’t look like All-Bran anymore (it looks slimy, almost like the gel-like way Chia seeds become wet). Remember, a demon who appeared like SLIMER was the focus a few days ago. So there’s that!
When I looked at the ‘C,’ I immediately saw what looked like an Arabic letter. Last night, before going to bed, I saw Dubai, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates.
My brother Carlos shared a picture of another cloud of smoke from the Gaza Strip. Carlos noticed a dog, and I immediately noticed in the bomb clouds Charlie Brown and Snoopy, with Snoopy leading.
“Sagittarius was one of the messages in my bowl. The spirit used the bomb smoke in the Gaza Strip to tell us to look for Charlie Brown and Snoopy in Arabia. I couldn’t make this up if I tried.”
Of all things, an image of Charlie Brown on the red carpet at a Dubai gala popped up. Notice that there is a horse (Sagittarius) beneath the Dubai name on the wall behind Charlie Brown. Expensive thoroughbreds come to mind when I think of Dubai. Capricorn is filthy rich, so there’s that!
Many will look at the image and wonder how I saw the Sagittarius symbol. The Art of Life & Death movie and series will demonstrate how things appear to us versus how non-spiritual people see the event. However, you’re not supposed to look for signs and omens. They’re supposed to call out and grab your attention.
Intellectual supremacists (nerds, scientists, logic lovers (police, military, etc.)) laugh and scoff. But they also claim the Shinobi’s legendary supernatural abilities are myths. Wizards (scientists) very rarely achieve spiritual mastery because they give up long before the magic kicks in. However, if I was on a mission, these signs and omens would guide me, even to my enemy’s location, among other things.
I know exactly what message I’m receiving, who’s sending it, and why I can trust those people over the wicked Christians persecuting us. However, when you trust Heaven, He will guide you from one message or event to the next, as you see with the Charlie Brown and Snoopy reference. Nearly everyone else saw a smoke cloud in the image of the Gaza Strip bomb smoke. But we know that the smoke cloud was a supernatural message for the Illuminated.
Similarly, muggles watch sporting events and think the players and coaches control the outcome. If Heaven is using a game to send a message, the game’s outcome is often shocking. Everyone else sees a game. But the illuminated receive information and the same is true for movies and music.
Sagittarius is a messenger. Capricorn is the most pragmatic and practical of the celestial stars. So, the angels are confirming that the signs and omens messages) aren’t figments of my imagination.
All divas have familiars, whether it’s a drug familiar, sex freak familiar, or whatever. That demonic familiar often sends messages for that diva that master exorcists can hear, much the same way as when demons speak from the weaponized racket our political persecutors use.
The first thing I heard when I glanced at the Temu ad was TAYLOR SWIFT. I know why one of Taylor Swift’s familiars is reaching out. Sadly, Swift is headed for regret and sorrow. Many around Swift realize why sorrow is headed her way.
And finally, we have our pit, Samson. When I saw the omen about the master rubbing slobber beneath his dog’s chin, I knew it was referring to Samson and me. My brother Carlos put Samson on bed punishment for a month since Samson likes to tear into his comfort.
Samson whined and whimpered through the whole month as if to say, “Come on, Unk! I get it!” Samson behaves like Scooby Doo and Marmaduke. Samson isn’t just a dog. Samson is part of the family, and we treat him like he is.
When Samson sprained his paw a few months ago, the vet and nurses kept saying how happy Samson was. They even took his muzzle off because he was so well-behaved. The nurses thought it was so cute that Samson let them clip his nails without acting foolish. Samson’s tail is always wagging.
I thought our political persecutors were trying to be funny when I heard Samson howling like a wolf during one hid dreams recently. I asked my brother if he’d heard the fake wolf howling, and he said it was Samson’s ass! Samson has been howling in his dreams for the past few weeks.
The Catholic Church and others have purported that animals don’t have souls, which isn’t entirely true. You have to have a soul to dream. Certain animals, like rows, ravens, and reptiles, don’t have souls. Humans are the highest animals in the hierarchy.
Slaughtering animals is a sacred process. I used to condemn people who eat monkeys and dogs. But cows are as intelligent as monkeys, yet we eat beef. We only eat Halal meat for the aforementioned reasons. But the angels have had me on strictly fish and chicken meal. We don’t eat pork any longer. I cooked some pork chops in 2010, and the next day, they stank and were blackened. I haven’t eaten pork chops since.
Remember, due to a demanding schedule, I render the oracles for about ten minutes tops. Imagine how much intelligence I extract when I perform an hour or eight hour rendering.
So, as the image below confirms, I was finishing the oracle when the municipal-powered Mexican pawn driving the weaponized Infinity suddenly started his car, revved the engine, and then shut the car off.
The local FBI and law enforcement are your typical elite-minded c—- s—- who are always trying to prove their tech and autonomy are supreme.
But just as the angels said, the weaponized Mexican would start his vehicle and taunt me just as I was finishing the oracle, a regular occurrence we can prove beyond a reasonable doubt.
The FBI/Columbus Pigs are the Strength card reversed (force, power abuse, etc.) in THIS ORACLE. The King of Swords reversed in that the oracle is the corrupt Catholic hiding behind power abuse and authoring the harassment (the Mexican ‘Catholic aspect of the harassment).
THe image below explains it all (COLUMBUS COUNTRY MUSIC PIGS:)
Yup, The weak-ass Exorcists reboot. You PWC pigs should remember when I searched-engined VIRGIN RECORDS a few days ago after it appeared in an oracle. Mike Oldfield is the composure of the Tubular Bells’ original Exorcist theme. Oldfield is also Catholic. Moreover, Oldfield was the first artist signed to the now-defunct Virgin Records, which falls under the Sony umbrella.
However, I’ve already cleared the mechanical licenses used for Tubular Bells. There is no sample of the Exorcists in The Boogeyman. I just replayed the part and layered and mixed the sounds to mimic the original. But we’re not going to release Boogeyman for profit and will give the song away as a freebie.
“People who think their FBI/Underworld Connects/etc. ,will protect them (online oracle MUSIC INDUSTRY MF WHO THINK THEY’RE UNTOUCHABLE:). But my mindset is on ‘Hamas,’ which trumps all that other s—–! If I didn;t have to finish the job Heaven assigned, I’d say f—- you Captialist, join Hamas, and prepare to die!
All the macho fakers claim they don’t fear death, But you’d be surprised how many Marines and CIA agents piss and poop their pants, whining about how they don’t want to die, begging for their lives! So, either YHVH and His angels make good on Their promise, or…
“Notice Justice reversed (the image below) appeared in an oracle yesterday, along with the PAB King of Leo reversed. Remember, the angels said that these wicked reprobates refuse to back off (Temperance reversed) and will continue breaking the law. So, you see, you must dispatch those types because they damned. They hide behind pawns, hoping they will provoke me, and I’ll kill one of the imps, which is a waste of time!”
Again, we have white supremacists and elitists who are fronting, trying to nullify the truth, namely that their power abuse will return with serious consequences. So, they continue to puppet meaningless imps who receive perks for their service. However, without a soul or conscience, the same PWC and their eager pawns will continue harassing because their clergymen are liars with something to gain.
Our Christian municipal reprobate persecutors and their pawns just don’t get it. But they will. I had a dream the morning we published the STILL CHEATING TO COMPETE, THE TYPICAL ALL-AMERICAN WAY post. That 10-20-23 Oracle referenced The Devil Went Down To Georgia.
My mother was in that dream. But that dream featured another peculiar detail. In the dream, I remembered approaching an establishment on the west side with a sign that read, “ALDEEN” with a rebel flag beside it. However, the West side was a combination of the Columbus West side and a city I’ve yet to visit (probably where we’re moving to).
Moreover, the West side establishment was where a strip mall is located on Sullivant, at Wedgewood. So, now I understand the dream and its reference to the Devil Went Down to Georgia and other subjects.
“Our wicked persecutors still think everything I’m revealing is a bunch of superstitious ‘whatever.’ Yet the logic is sound. A demon compelled John C. Drake to shoot two police. Morever, the Guardian isn’t going to mention that John Drake lost respect for the law after having a corrupt police officer for a father! But the demon answered my question with the event. DRAKE!”
John Drake Sr. resembles Baby from Cash Monkey, so there’s that!
The angels reassure me that the (Columbus) police chief’s son will die violently. Something horrible will strike the chief’s Detroit police force partner in crime, the mayor, and several others abusing power for All-American Christian reasons.
How hard is it to grasp that you, municipal reprobates, are justifying breaking the law and violating the Constitution so you’ll be punished as the fallen angels were?
But it is equally reassuring that the Mexican pawn driving the weaponized Infinity (VIDEO) will die in a car wreck along with whoever is in whatever car he’s driving at some undisclosed moment in time. At some point, Heaven will strike everyone involved in persecuting us, even so-called, self-righteous, liberal, negro ‘family’ members.
I mean, it’s amazing because we don’t need or want anything from those people. Yet, they keep pushing their way into the situation. This post continues after the illustrated intermission.
- The letters coincide with those found in the image below.
- A: White Catholic/Christian reprobate authority is weaponizing the Beaner Bass Harassment because HE THINKS I’LL KEEP DOING THE RIGHT THING instead of the LIBERAL CATHOLIC, BLACK BAPTIST THING (acting wickedly in God’s Name). IDGAF about your worldly Christian rapper, etc!
- B: I refuse to compromise because, DUUUH, our political persecutors are BREAKING THE LAW & VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTION. Common righteous sense would dictate not having anything to do with someone abusing power to make demands (2nd Tim 3)!
- C: The King of Leo reversed represents Drake/John C. Drake/Baby/Chief Bryant’s son/Lebron James/Keith S./Municipal pawn, Day Day/and other Black, self-righteous wicked Christians
The wicked Catholic reprobate (King of Swords) sponsoring the Mexican pawn has recently equipped the weaponized Infinity (VIDEO) with a bass stereo to accompany his car’s already weaponized catalytic converter.
“I performed a video oracle on 10-21-23 (please click HERE). When I saw the WORLD and 8 of Rods reversed in the oracle, I also heard, “OHIO STATE WILL CHEAT TO WIN.” The World can also be a UNIVERSITY with certain combinations. But Columbus municipal powers and their pawns must cheat to compete. Go figure!”
The problem is that everyone involved thinks I’m trying to be scary (like they’re trying to be) when I repeat what the angels told me about our coming vengeance. But, I’m not playing a psychological game they must believe to be affected. However, those same idiots believe Gawd/The LOOORD blesses their wickedness and will protect them.
Remember, PWC, CMN, and BNR, you must be warned, even though, like Belteshazzar, your arrogance will occlude the warning!
Our political persecutors are always trying to prove that tech is superior to YHVH, so they tamper with our surveillance camera in various ways. I didn’t have time to exorcise the mischievous demons yesterday (10-21-23). But if you click HERE, you can watch a video of a weaponized bass intrusion yesterday morning. Notice a yellow glare coves the truck as it passes.
We know that our political persecutors have tampered with our YI camera because someone changed the video resolution from 1920×1080 to 640×360. That resolution makes it impossible to zoom in on the video. Every day, we battle capitalist, ‘so-called Christian persecution.
I don’t use profanity when talking to moral, decent, or innocent people. However, I deal with demons daily, not fake demons or Hollywood-dramatized demons. An ‘Exorcist often uses the same foul language when addressing demons as they use. Police do the same thing, screaming expletives when taking suspects into custody.
Silly paranormal investigators who use profanity during their ridiculous ghost hunts only fuel the demon (because those investigators have no authority).
Please keep in mind as you watch parts 1 and 2 of the video that the moment I use profanity, I’m addressing the demon responsible for the subject I’m covering. For example, in the video, I’m addressing the demons compelling our political persecutors and their pawns, in this case, the demons of Arrogance, Pride, Bigotry, and Elitism. Those wicked reprobates listen to their egos, which demons puppet through suggestion.
We will begin censoring the videos or having age verification pages. I’m wrapping up work for coming big business deals, so I have to compromise and publish the videos uncensored and unedited. Also, keep in mind as you watch the videos, I’m hearing thousands of voices, blocking out everything to listen to the angels. Please click the links below to watch the videos.
Our political persecutors again resort to weak-ass witchcraft. It’s crazy because… Millennials and Gen-Z have singlehandedly screwed America in less than fifteen years. Violence is out of control, and loss of morals, principles, values, and professionalism continue to keep the world on an Apocalyptic trajectory.
American goods and Services are s—. I bought a brand-new washer and dryer in 2019 that arrived banged up. The genius Millennial Washing Machine Agitator design catches and tears anything with a strap.
I spent ten thousand dollars on TWO custom-built computers, and none of them work as efficiently. Neither of those two PC workstations is reliable as the workstation I had custom-built in 2009 that I’m still using. Get with the times? Is that your sermon, MFers? WTF are you proud about/of?
A lot of these 25-30-year-olds look like they’re pushing 45, p—- worn out from mile-long dildos, face cracked and tatted, and you’re still talking about some old head s—-?
By the time the Millennials and Gen-Z reach fifty, there won’t be anything left of America as you know it! But wait… all you 2nd Tim 3 MFers don’t even realize that you’re the 2nd Tim 3 Generations. Let’s put your generational accomplishments in the spotlight, Chrisitan Millennial/Gen-Z:
3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.
2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,
3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good,
4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—
5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people (yet you fake Christians demand we join forces when YO BIBLE SAYS, WHAT? HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH SUCH PEOPLE).
6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires,
7 always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.
8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses(talking about get with the times), so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected.
9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.
We blend right in with WTF is going on while keeping our minds and souls on the right side of the fence. The MFers hating most are the old heads who think we should be finished like they are, sitting on the front porch, drinking beer and smoking joints, reminiscing about some s— they’ll never recapture. TFOH, Christian demoniacs!
I don’t like using the Scrapini Tartot deck for several reasons. The Scrapini deck was one of the decks I was using before fighting Asmodeus. But the cards are dark. Therefore, I use them when interrogating demons and their bosses. This oracle will be short and sweet and demonstrate how I received confirmations about the exactness of other oracles I recently interpreted!
The Scripini deck depicts life in 15th-century Italy. Remember, Heaven is always testing me, which keeps me sharp and learning. This post continues after the image
Let’s quickly break the oracle down for the audience.
As the 10-20-23-837pm ORACLE revealed, music was the foundation of today’s municipal weaponized harassment. Our political persecutor’s pawns act off the radar, so Columbus municipalities may or may not activate pawns (but they authorize them).
In a nutshell, the demons were forced to reveal that Catholic Divas associated with certain record labels are behind today’s weaponized harassment. Our records and evidence support that the Mexican pawn (video) who plays municipal-sponsored weaponized puppet is associated with Republic Records and Latina divas, among other subjects. The rest of the story appears in the above oracle.
The Devil Tarot card is always connected to vice, slavery, and other darkness. So, the Devil Tarot can represent taxes, which is an evil way of pimping and enslaving. However, the Devil is referring to politics and Capitalism and how I will use them both to reverse-pimp.
Moreover, notice the 3 of Coins beneath the Devil. Yes! That combo is saying that I had been willing to accommodate, even make concessions, until the subjects tried to make unreasonable demands (manipulating weaponized pawns, damaging bank accounts and scum PayPal, etc).
Spirits I encountered today were speaking for SONY (Japan). Nothing has changed (in reference to who we’ll approach first and foremost for business deals and arrangements). However, an extra three days allowed me to write a detailed Art of Life & Death video script.
Clearly, tying the marketing strategy and plan to the 64 Levels of Power and the rest of our Supernatural Entertainment line was the angelically assigned three-day task.
So, when we make moves all through Monday, no one can play dumb about our market value and strategy. Contrarily, a smart, business-minded person will see the financial worth in the marketing, the product, and its publicity and promotion because everything gels solidly.
In closing, just as the High Priestess in the oracle explains, people think that just because I have supernatural guidance, I should spend precious time interpreting wicked actions like weaponized vehicle harassment or Chase Bank f—- around! Heaven made sure I knew everything months in advance.
However, the one thing wicked Christianity fails to understand is that they’re supposed to leave heavy lifting to YHVH and His angels. But nooooooo!!! Those hypocrites must try to prove their political and wealth strength, trying to display power and influence.
Everything 99% of Christianity claims to be is a lie, namely that it believes in and complies with YHVH, His laws, and constructs. As we see, ‘Uncle Woodchuck’ and ‘King Herod’ are trying to prove they are God, which, sadly, won’t end the way they think! I mean, how can you commit a thousand years of (political and religious) wickedness and not think Heaven would eventually pull your card?
Because 99% of Christianity is a lie, namely that it believes in and complies with YHVH, His laws, and constructs! You (99%ers) don’t follow the commandments and try to claim the wicked you do is good!
I always record my meditations because they will prove to Believers that I’m not a spiritual fraud like the gamut of Christian clergymen pimping and perverting Christendom or the $2k/hr. Yoga masters. So, let’s allow the images and videos in this post to do all the talking, okay PWC municipalities!
I: Exorcism EXHIBIT 1
I’m memorizing the 73 angels’ names while they minister to me and nullify and correct the misinterpretations, lies, and other fabrications about them. The angel Ieialel appeared first, and just before the first Catholic weaponized demon struck (please click HERE for the video). I laid down and started meditating when the Mexican pawn driving the weaponized Infinity struck for the first time today.
II: Exorcism EXHIBIT 1-a:
Forgot the Catholic propaganda movies about exorcisms (they’re mostly fake). However, the demons do use foul language, as the journal entry below demonstrates. Demons are racists against everyone, even the “peckerwoods!”
III: Exorcism EXHIBIT 1-b:
The demon continues revealing the truth as Ieialel’s lance pierces it. The fake angel experts don’t realize that discernment is the fundamental property of intelligence.
Therefore, if you don’t have intelligence, Ieialel’s spear can’t penetrate (or pierce) the demon’s hide, and your exorcism yields no results, like most Catholic exorcisms (which are mostly fabricated).
So, intelligence is required to work with all angels! But Demons love dummies, thick heads, know-it-alls, etc.
IV: Exorcism EXHIBIT 1-c:
Ieialel then suggested going back to a 10-4-23 mediation entry. At this moment, the Netflix Beckham documentary flashed to a scene of Beckham and Victoria dancing to Islands in the Stream. I knew country music compelled part of today’s weaponized harassment in some way.
V: Exorcism EXHIBIT 1-d:
Another angel woke me around 2:45 p.m. I resumed up my morning meditation and wasn’t trying to get Islands in the Stream stuck in my head. At that moment, I heard, “The Devil Went Down To Georgia,” and Googled it. I spent a lot of time in meditation, only because I would be spiritually battling Catholic demoniacs all day.
VI: Exorcism EXHIBIT 1-e:
I was nearing the end of The Devil Went Down To Georgia when the Mexican pawn driving the weaponized Infinity executed another intrusion (3:12 p.m., please click HERE for the video).
The Mexican pawn passes the house again at 3:29 p.m., and instead of going to his residence, keeps straight (please click HERE for the video), which is a cowardly taunt authorized by his white masters and Latina power-connection.
As the demon revealed, white Catholic municipal powers puppet the Mexican pawn. But the powers activate that pawn when it deals with Biden, Catholicism, and other subjects, a fact we can prove.
A demon compelled and authorized the Mexican driving the weaponized Infinity to pass the house, meaning that the Mexican and his white masters listened to a demonic suggestion to harass us with weaponized noise.
Is that why the weaponized intrusion occurred just as the Devil Went Down To Georgia finished playing (demonic compulsion), or did the fuzzy-head racist send the weaponized Infinity after invading my privacy as I watched the music video?
VII: Exorcism EXHIBIT 1-f:
I knew to expect persecution through pestering because I received the 32nd Hexagram during morning meditation before going to sleep. I saw the name DUGGAN and knew it was Irish, but I looked it up for confirmation (9:19 a.m.). Country music, country folk, white trash, hillbillies, etc., became the subject when The Devil Went Down To Georgia influenced the oracle.
Suddenly, Johnny Cash flashed in my mind’s eye, and for two reasons: Charlie Daniel’s country rapping style (a Johnny Cash signature) and the character’s name battling the Devil in the song was Johnny. If I didn’t know better, the devil must have been black in The Devil Went Down to Georgia because he played his fiddle over what seemed to be disco music.
VIII: Exorcism EXHIBIT 1-g:
The angels are always testing me. So I’m required to ‘freestyle interpret’ the I Ching Hexagram and lines first, then compare it to its generic online interpretation. You’re not supposed to receive the same oracle twice when you’ve mastered the I Ching.
Through Hexagram 32, the angel was confirming that today’s weaponized harassment is tied to the 12 a.m. post you can read HERE. You’ll notice in that post I mention that I knew when our racist political persecutors discovered I was in the hospital because white trash and Mexicans began driving around my hospital room, revving their weaponized engines, peeling out, etc. I recorded every bit of the harassment with my phone.
IX: Exorcism EXHIBIT 1-i:
The image is a continuation of my freestyle 32nd Hexagram interpretation.
“Those unexpected developments were also referring to the illegal and Constitutional-violating weaponized intrusions!”
So, as the oracle reveals, the Catholic powers and their Mexican pawns blew things out of proportion just so they could find a reason to raise hell (harass and provoke), even though it’s against the law for the rest of us.
Interestingly, an Irish Catholic owns and operates and is the generic author of the interpretations and oracles. You can read O’Brien’s 32nd Hexagram lines 3, 5, and 6 interpretations by clicking HERE.
Let’s not forget that Joe “Nobody F—- With A Biden” Biden is also IRISH CATHOLIC. Morever, the fans who threatened Portuguese footballer Figo were probably Catholic too, along with the London Irish Catholic football fans who did the same to Beckham.
X: Exorcism EXHIBIT 1-j:
The angel said the Maryland judges’ homicide was one of the indicators I was looking for to validate some things relating to wicked reprobate municipalities. However, you might recall that I exorcized the demon Astaroth (Ishtar), who said to look for his diabolical work throughout the 19th.
Notice how NBC News makes sure to use the word ‘targeted?” Yeah. That’s witchcraft and a way for the media and police to make it seem as if the public has nothing to worry about, which is true in this case.
The Maryland judge is “Dead because of Cause and Effect.” But what got into the suspect, a seemingly normal guy, to make him kill a judge? You PWC still think it’s random and unconnected to the spirit world.
XI: Exorcism EXHIBIT 1-k:
Of all the news stations, a beautiful Asian anchorwoman appears on NBC News covering the judge’s execution. Yammie Lam and other Chinese females have been the Oracle’s focus since 10-17-23. I know why Asians and, more specifically, Chinese females are dominating the Oracle, but I’ll keep that under wraps.
Interestingly, whenever I talk about Islamic Muslims or Chinese, the racist, fuzzy heads attack us with weaponized harassment or some other form of political persecution. Gotta love America and its laws, Constitution, and Capitalism that work flawlessly only for the corrupt!
XII: Exorcism EXHIBIT 1-l:
And finally, a kangaroo was drowning a man’s dog in recent headlines when pandemonium broke out. (please click HERE for that video). My brother Carlos watched the video that appeared on CNN’s news page. Immediately, Carlos came down and said, “What country has a red dot on its flag?” We looked it up, and Japan was the answer (I thought the Japanese flag had a red dot with the sun’s rays around it).
Carlos is getting quicker with recognizing signs and omens thanks to Heaven and the 64 Levels of Power. But wait!!! What did Charlie Daniels say in The Devil Went Down To Georgia? Yup, “The devils in the house of the rising sun,” or in this case, “the devil’s in the kangaroo that’s choking the dog. But look for the Japanese flag to confirm that fact.”
Oh, you forgot, wicked PWC, that Japan/AJIN/SHADOW CREATURE appeared in the 12 a.m. Oracle Update (please click HERE to read that Oracle).
Our racist political persecutors will keep trying to prove that being white and Catholic and abusing power makes them so damn supreme. They will also keep projecting (misdirection) their persecution onto the Mexican and black pawns they puppet, including the chief. The Mexicans and African-American harassers can’t act without those racists’ irreverent, godless, white hands!
That Maryland judge getting popped just isn’t enough vengeance against our persecutors. But I was told that within a certain time frame, tragedy will directly strike the Christian powers, principalities, and authorities, who think corrupt power abuse makes them exempt from judgment and damnation.
You wicked, corrupt scum are haters who think your human clergy and thier benedictions are legit. In Father YHVH’s Magnificent Name, we can’t wait.
Uncle Macho thinks he’s invincible, spreading himself too thin, trying to play international Superman. You can’t be everywhere, Sam, and those places you think you have sovereignty will be uprooted and destroyed.
Moreover, places ‘where so-called Christians were welcome will revoke Christian passes! Then we’ll see if the Pope is actually thier savior. Places Catholicism infiltrated will no longer be welcomed.
But wicked, false Christianity will be the blame for persecution, not the Master. If wicked Christians had behaved as Jesus asked, what will occur could never have happened.
Then, you will (so-called Chrisitan powers) foolishly and impulsively try to prove God is with you, as Isareal continues doing, and everything will backfire, proving otherwise! Remember, God-Complex, you’re trying to compete, as Korah, Dathan, and Abirium did, and like those wicked ancient Hebrews, you must cheat!
The moment your Euro-Christian alliance starts getting involved… well, you tell me what your PWC intelligence told you, Sam?
Team Woody, the racist faction of political persecutors, often harasses us when we let the countdown time out.
At 8:36 pm, the Catholic powers of the city authorized the same Mexican driving a weaponized Infinity to harass! Gotta love Catholicism, gotta love Christianity, Gotta Love White Power Columbus/Ohio!
This post will address many while revealing the details of that exorcism about coming tragic events. The images in between reveal the GAZA, Hurricane ‘tammy’ omens.
Unlike most humans in a social media attention-hungry society, I don’t do anything for attention. The world is full of weak ass people who think they’re great, and they will always hate even on the humble, modest, and unassuming. Moreover, fools mistake humility for weakness. This post addresses those imps. (this post continues after the image)
“Netflix ‘witchcraft’ summoned me. When I arrived, I noticed tons of Chinese movies calling me. The re-rendered oracle below referenced a (C:) displeased (A:) nerd skeptic. But the oracle assured me I would (B:) put 2 and 2 together, which this post demonstrates!”
Immediately, Anothy Wong drew my attention when I arrived at Netflix!
Nerds and geeks are annoying pests! Comic book movies and the internet empowered nerds and made them think they ruled the world. It doesn’t help when power nerds with money like Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and What’s His Face that started Facebook dominate the public scene. Don’t ‘nobody’ GAF about how to say vagina in Klingon because there’s no such thing.
Nerds and geeks are intellectual bullies. A nerd will make a one-line wisecrack on social media that only he and other nerds understand, then bust out laughing, acting tough like he just kicked someone’s ass in real life!
Then there’s MMA nerds and geeks who can kick people assess but can’t keep their stripper girlfriends because, duh, they’re nerds! So, it wasn’t a shock when skeptic nerds started bumping gums supernaturally after I re-rendered today’s oracle for the third time. (this post continues after the image)
“My Google history depicts the moment Neflix summoned me. I was already preparing to watch Luis Figo, the Transfer that Changed Football. But I saved all the Chinese movies to my que to watch shortly. Spirits will continue talking through those movies. I wonder what they’ll reveal?”
Nerd skeptic’s witchcraft is reverse psychology when it comes to the supernatural. By calling someone fake or decrying disbelief, science nerd goofball thinks that a stony stick will break my bones. Again, first, a person must have an ego to humiliate (and I don’t have an ego). Second, experience and practice trump lip flapping and whimsical New Age babbling. In other words, I’m not a fake guru master, and I can back my claims.
Political persecution and blackballing forced me to study science and high math. I hated math, which is why I didn’t sell dope (I tried but didn’t know an ounce from a kilo from a gram). Robbing people was easy. I knew how to count money and could weigh gold necklaces with my eyes. So, while I have street experience, I have scientific intelligence thanks to angels.
So, IDGAF what some nerdy actor or director thinks about the supernatural, in this case, Yammie Lam guiding me to watch a movie, then revealing herself. Moreover, there were some people ‘hiding skeletons’ in reference to Yammie Lam, people who wanted her silenced (so those people would try to call bulls—). Lam was allegedly making damning accusations before her untimely passing that have since been conveniently ‘refuted’ as hoaxes.
I have nothing to gain by putting myself on the line and sharing the things we share (supernaturally). But Heaven asks me to publish my stories and accounts for specific reasons.
A kung fu movie is not life and death combat, something I’ve experienced during my divinely sponsored tenure in the streets. I have no doubt that the gamut of Hollywood actors, either playing boxers or hiring Floyd Mayweather to teach them to fight, have learned how to box/MMA/WFT ever. (this post continues after the image)
“My brother Carlos shared the Gaza war images below during morning meditation. Don’t believe all the propaganda headlines the government probably orcherstrated.”
But wait until you must use that boxing in a dangerous, life-threatening situation: no cameras, no fake blood, and no retakes! I have lived that kind of danger. Micky Rourke can talk. He was a boxer (and probably barroom bar brawler) and wasn’t worried about the beating to his face. However, dealing with life and death is a totally different demon.
Please read my tubes, I don’t fear but embrace death. Celebrities have too much to lose (fame, money, etc.) to embrace death, which will control them until the day they die.
Insercuries also plague Hollywood and most artists. I’m spiritual but quite pragmatic. So, I don’t pretend to be something I’m not, and I’m content with who I am and my abilities. (this post continues after the image)
“The image below is the second one my brother shared during morning mediation. I must add that I saw a shadow figure walking around last night while washing dishes, which will make sense a few images later…”
I don’t need fame to get p— either. If I want p—-, I’ll hire high-price call girls, which amounts to dating celebrated p—-, except without all the drama. Chasing p—- gets old, which is probably why Will Smith and his buddies started ‘diggling’ in each other’s booties.
Love and Sex are two different things, something Hollywood still doesn’t understand. There are only five vagina types, so new ass really isn’t new ass, but a new face. So again, I don’t do what I do with ulterior motives. I shoot straight from the hip!
But I can’t wait to start filming Exorcist Demon Hunters because skeptic nerds, geeks, and scientists are the ones we’re sending into demonic locations to set up cameras and use their Dr. Spock logic to confirm there are no gadgets and gimmicks at the site.
But by the Power and Might of YHVH, those locations are going to be so spiritually charged those skeptics won’t ever run their mouths again. Aaaaaannnndd, I can’t wait to send some of those diabolical spirits back home with those nerds bumping their bifocals about fake, blah, blah, blah! (this post continues after the image)
“As soon as I saw the image below, I heard, “POODLE.” But my eyes told the same story…”
I was never a soccer fan., and I didn’t like David Beckham. But after watching Netflix’s Beckham, he’s not what I expected. Beckham was raised like me, but my dad was more military severe. But I don’t regret my dad’s severity because it is part of what made me a soldier. Beckham’s upbringing is why he handled himself as he did. (this post continues after the image)
“However, a demon said, “Rememer SLIMER.” The demon was speaking from the dark black cloud in the second image with the HOD ORANGE TINT (the image below)…”
Two days before watching Beckham, I suddenly had the urge to watch Constantine, the series. As I watched Beckham, Matt Ryan (Constantine) kept flashing in my third eye. That’s when I heard a voice say, “Matt Ryan used to be a pretty boy!” Matt Ryan is awful Merl Haggard-looking to be only 42. Beckham must have gone through some rough times post-soccer.
Watching Beckham felt like I was watching Harry and Meghan (so I took that as an omen). But watching Beckham, I got the impression that Posh was selfish and thoughtless despite forgiving Bekham’s infidelity. It’s like a woman marrying a police officer or soldier. You know what comes with the job in your relationship. So why be demanding? (this post continues after the image.)
“That same ‘Slimer-Looking demon’ took credit for scaring some visitors out of the house on 10-1-22 last year. Click HERE to watch those visitors fleeing during the early morning hours.”
Beckham’s job was soccer. So, Beckham shouldn’t have felt any type of way for moving to new teams and cities since his work was paying the bills, allowing Posh to be the mom. Music royalties from past hits start diminishing after a while! In that sense (being married to seemingly demanding but good women), Harry and Beckham seem to parallel.
But like Harry and Meghan, Beckham raised my energy levels after watching it. It was good to see Beckham and Posh work through that infidelity hiccup, which couldn’t have been possible without true love. Hollywood America tried to use its bulls— witchcraft, having Beckham take photos with Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez just to stir up some drama! Same s—, another media butthole. (this post continues after the image).
“After a quick exorcism (interrogation and banishing), the demon Samgina claimed credit for the ‘alledged’ terror that drove visitors out of the house last October. Click HERE to watch a video I took while I was interrogating Samgina.”
Beckham’s persecution after his quite understandable London vs. Argentina folly required mental willpower to overcome, which slightly resembles the political persecution we’ve endured for fifteen solid years. The difference with our persecution is that something more significant is at stake than a football game.
Beckham could still make money, whereas greedy Jewish Americans and African Americans controlled by white powers continue trying to block us from earning a living from our hard-earned work, not to mention the Catholic and Christian persecution.
By the end of Beckham, I was cheering him on during his road to vengeance against London. So, I have a different view of soccer/football. (post continues after the illustration)
“Alestar Crowely was a sexual pervert deviant. So, he depicted the demon Samgina with an enormous erection! Zoom in on the image, and you can see Samgina clearly smiling diabolically”
“I created a GIF animation below to demonstrate how Samgina appeared to me. Notice that Samgina seems to wave as the Slimer did in the detergent spill to the top RIGHT in the image. The demon manipulated spilled detergent to create his likeness. The images and videos in this post again show how certain elements of the Exorcist Demon Hunters will play out.”
The same spirit that asked me to watch Beckham coaxed me to watch the Figo documentary today. Figo, another celebrated soccer player, endured the same wicked ‘Christian’ behavior Beckham soldiered when Figo left Barcelona for Real Madrid.
Figo’s documentary wasn’t quite as powerful as Beckham’s. But engaging nonetheless. As soon as I heard Real Madrid in Figo’s documentary, I recognized the name because of Beckham’s story.
CONCLUSION of the text-oriented post:
So, again, Heaven and the supernatural win the day and demonstrate we don’t require corrupt, wicked humans to do a damn thing, and they should mind their own business!
“And finally, beside that black, SLIMER demon in the HOD-ORANGE GAZA image, a figure appeared that resembled the SHADOW CREATURE-LIKE figure in the Japanese anime series AJIN.”
I outlined the AJIN in the image above for clarity. But I omitted the outline in the image below. I saw a shadow figure out of the corner of my eye while washing dishes last night.
In 2021, a shadow figure banged my brother’s bed the night before bacterial pneumonia had completely necrotized two holes in my left lung. Carlos watched the shadow figure leave the room. I knew it was a message. I had been coughing blood three nights in a row and waking up in the middle of the night, unable to breathe. The same day the shadow figure appeared to my brother, my bedroom light began flashing wildly.
Again, I knew something was really wrong with my health. I was going to keep holding off from going to the emergency room because I had been dealing with the condition for twelve weeks.
But when I tried to eat dinner that night, I started having problems breathing and went to the emergency room. I was in the hospital for four days. Mt Carmel St, Anne’s charged me $35k dollars, which is why I refused to go to the hospital for twelve weeks.
The doctors swore I had tuberculosis. Yet, I hadn’t been to prison or out of the country and had no other symptoms of the condition. I explained that I lost 40lbs because I couldn’t eat the regular 2.5k calorie meals I used to maintain and add to my body weight. I was too exhausted to cook. I had to stay in a special tuberculosis room, which probably ramped up my hospital bill.
So, I was charged $35k dollars for my hospital stay. I realized our racist persecutors knew I was in the hospital when they sent white trash and Mexicans to ride around my hospital room window, making a weaponized vehicle racket.
So, yup! I am SoldierOfYHVH fighting for the fake American Dream controlled by the even faker Capitalism.
You’ve heard that saying, “Tricks are for kids?” Tricks are also devious or dangerously childish games witches like to play. I prepared a post after exorcising several demons.
Those demons were revealing some things about what was about to happen in Gaza, among other places. But after the weaponized intrusion and harassment, I took the intrusion as an omen not to say anything and let the tough fuzzy-head bullies see if the intelligence CNN claims they have is legit.
I rerendered the oracle about the presidential sphincter, and it confirmed something my brother and I spoke about during morning spiritual counsel (pawns moving in nearby), as the oracle depicts.
I will say that a demon appeared last year and scared some residents out of our house last year. Moreover, the focus of that exorcism meditation was Deliver Us from Evil (DUFE), which is supposed to be based on a true story. If DUFE is a true story, then Catholic Biden either doesn’t believe in the movie or it’s fake. But we know that demons (djinn) came from the Middle East and attach themselves to the American military all the damn time! So, what did that demon tell those expert Catholic Exorcists about what Deliver us from Evil has to do with something about to happen? Yeah! That’s what I thought!
Please click HERE to watch a video of the Columbus Pigs and municipal powers drawing attention to the pawns they’re about to move into a house occupied by previous pawns. Those pawns don’t seem to exit the car at all, which means they’re trying to dodge the cameras.
However, the oracle reveals those pawns are either white or foreigners. I knew I was looking for a silver vehicle (remember a demon I exorcised said he would appear today (Ishtar/Astaroth) as Gemini-quick silver or MERCURY). Oh, you PWC, CMN forgot all about the 10-17-23 3:27 pm ORACLE UPDATE: Fat black, White Power post (please click HERE).
You see, the problem with white and black power is that they continue testing and trying, thinking tech and power abuse can’t be defeated. The macho supremacist driving that black truck in THIS VIDEO is a hater reveling in his role as a weaponized pawn (listen to how violent the disruption is). Can you imagine Jesus condoning some s—- like that, calling it good and helpful?
I’ve got white in me. So, spare me the reverse psychology racist BS! This update demonstrates how elitist government cowards play 200-year-old racist games using tech. After the 10-23-23 11:30 pm PRETENDING TO BE ANGELS OF LIGHT, suddenly I received a message from BureaucratTube that adblockers are not allowed.
I have screen-recorded videos of Uncle PWC trying to pull the same YouTube adblocker stunt several times over the last year. I also have hundreds of videos of me on YouTube with no issues. Then, THIS VIDEO demonstrates another white boy elitist’s FBI/Government harassment tactic (interrupting WordPress and causing a loss of work).
Ever since Uncle Chuck stole America from the Native Indians, America has been a bunch of cowards who must cheat to win. That’s why America is probably using some new tech to spot Hamas (then, like the cheater Sam is, block what simple aid to Gaza the soldiers can receive). Ohio State demonstrates the same white elitist cheating tactics.
Biden and some other federal white boys appeared in a morning meditation (the Knight of Gemini reversed). Interestingly, the Hermit never appears with Joe Biden when the oracle refers to his role in government. The missing Hermit only confirms that Joe ‘the God Complex’ Biden has no authority from God, or more aptly, he has no business in the position he finds himself. We DGAF about you or your new pawns, Woody!
Freemasons and their female counterparts use low-level witchcraft. The mind and soul are spiritual. So, anytime you manipulate those facilities, you’re using witchcraft. Psychology is low-level witchcraft. Professionals dismiss psychological issues as scientific mental conditions. But you can’t touch a person’s mind or feelings without using words and actions, which makes the mind and soul spiritual.
The media drives America and pushes the public with its toxic, one-sided headlines and articles. Irking people is the media’s primary objective, and they know it. So, a headline can cause violence or drama because of the craft it contains, both in its title and content. Celebrities use similar witchcraft tactics, making statements in interviews.
But low-level witchcraft only works on simple minds. It’s easy to manipulate macho brutes, thots, and other airhead egos and emotions. Low-level witchcraft isn’t very effective against intelligent or scientific minds.
Lies and deceit are potent forms of simple witchcraft. Wordplay or switching synonyms is also witchery. So, Biden is using Masonic warlock witchcraft when he states the explosion at Gaza City Hospital wasn’t Israel’s fault.’ But is Biden saying, “Israel didn’t attack that Gaza hospital, American did?”
Since Biden is exercising his god complex, “putting conditions on humanitarian aid to Gaza,” it is likely he’s sarcastically implying that America attacked that Gaza hospital.
Supernatural Spirituality
Supernatural Spirituality demonstrates what walking with YHVH and talking with His angels resembles. Reading the Bible and believing in YHVH isn’t spiritual. But you’ll get personal with YHVH and His angels, walking and talking with them regularly. Supernatural Spirituality demonstrates the results of our long, painful, self-sacrificing walks with YHVH and His angels and the miracles it produces. Click one of the images below to experience what our supernatural walk with YHVH and His angels revealed!
Notice: Posts with the word DRAFT are posts that haven’t been edited. There are only two of us, and only one person creating the post and rendering the oracle. We can’t delegate tasks because of political persecution. The political, corporate, and religious persecutors interfere with everything we do, from our website to banking. When we hire services, the political scum perscutors abuse power, authority, and autonomy, trying to prove science and the bureaucracy are superior. Therefore, posts with the word DRAFT at the beginning mean that the post is being edited. If you reread the post later, it will often be more concise, and most grammatical errors are corrected.
July 19th - 23rd 2023

Supernatural Entertainment
