ORACLE COMPLETE 3-10-23 12:00 am
Welcome to the FRONTPAGE ORACLE. If you’re visiting the Angelic Oracle for the first time, please read the FrontPage Oracle Introduction HERE.
I was backing up our site for migration when I started receiving the message FAILED TO UPDATE PLUGINS, followed by a message stating BREIFLY UNAVAILABLE FOR SCHEDULED MAINTAINCE. Keep on playing Woody because all eyes are on you, corrupt capitalist scum!

3-9-23 6:00 am ORACLE UPDATE: Capitalism, Christianity, and Conquest

Explain how every business we contacted yesterday was experiencing longer ‘wait times’ or ‘currently responding to more inquiries than usual’ as this BMI reply email claims. BMI still hasn’t replied.
I received an email for an automatic charge from a company named Poptin this morning. I have no auto-renewals enabled on my Pay Pay or bank account. But guess where Poptin is located? Tel Aviv, Israel. Why is Poptin’s location relevant? This post will explain (this update continues below).
Team Woody is the codename for our persecutors. The individuals in THIS IMAGE own THIS WEAPONIZED INFINITY and are Team Woody pawns. We don’t know those people or any other individuals acting as municipal pawns. Instead of leaving us alone and letting us finish our work, Team Woody continues to taunt, harass, and persecute. Team Woody thinks if they keep using force, they can break us like humans do horses.
After doing this yesterday, the Weaponized Infinity pawns decided to walk around the block with their dog, something our surveillance cameras have seen them do. My brother can’t even walk our dog without staging interaction with one of their pawns. I’m sure you’ve seen an abused dog’s behavior, and how it shrinks from its abusive master. We are that dog!
Money, politics, and pleasure compel Team Woody and their pawns instead of respect and righteousness. Team Woody repeatedly and relentlessly brakes the law and constitution to harass but is bewildered because we don’t trust them and aren’t interested in trying to ‘be friends?’ You befriended the Native Americans, and they trusted you. Then you stabbed them in the back and took their land! You ‘gotta love that motley crew of Capitalism, Christianity, and Conquer!
3-8-23 6:56 pm Oracle Update #15: Bureaucrat Cartel Psychology 101 part 2

Click HERE to view the automated Oracle.
This post continues to demonstrate why spiritual authority and the 64 Levels of Power give us the upper hand against corrupt, elitist bureaucrats hiding discreetly behind money and status. I make executive and legal decisions using spiritual guidance, and I survived five murder attempts the same way!
Unfortunately for I Heart Media and political persecutors, in 2019, spiritual guidance provided the strategy that led to them falling into one carefully laid trap after another.
Let’s start with the 11:23 email I sent to CD Baby.
Unfortunately, I didn’t receive a response from CD Baby. However, CD Baby employees have treated us trivially in the past, so I knew what to expect. So, I waited until 4:11 pm to contact Cd Baby by email again.
This time. CD Baby rep Brett A!@Q# responded nine minutes later.
As you can see, Brett appears to be brushing me off, directing me to automated support articles. I told Brett I was too busy to review support articles and why!
I knew those articles wouldn’t solve the problem, and Brett undoubtedly did too. Brett, however, didn’t bother responding to my final email. The oracle at the beginning of the post only confirmed what I knew about Brett; that he is an elitist, macho, egotistical jerk who thinks his CD Baby status makes him significant! The Oracle also confirmed what I knew about BMI and CD Baby. (post continues after ORACLE.)
“We know that Jewish Liberal Capitalist are behind BMI, TAXI Music Group’s February Shenanigans, and several other unlawful and Unconstitional harassment and blackballing, as the oracle confirms! Click HERE to view the automated online Oracle.”
Notice how Brett Byrd’s snide refusal to reply mimics BMI rep Lilly Brown’s sudden office hiatus! Bureaucrats are liars! They think you can’t uncover their discretely concealed unethical conduct. It didn’t happen if there wasn’t any proof or admission, is the bureaucrat’s get-out-jail-free card. However, we have all the needed evidence like this I Heart Media’s 2019 fumble demonstrates!
As stated, bureaucrats think they are superior and more intelligent based on secular education and status. We’ve suspected many things about CD Baby through our less-than-pleasant journey. But when BMI contacted us with this royalty statement, CD Baby’s probable involvement continued concretizing.
I’m neither a BMI member nor my Blacc Dragon Productions Inc. production company. However, For Your Own Protection Records Inc. is a BMI member, and so is my brother. Yet, my brother received the February 2023 BMI royalty statement with my name, production company, and titles from a 2008 project not registered to BMI.
The problem is that those songs on the BMI royalty statement appeared on a 2008 Hydro Pyro CD Baby release that was never promoted or published and shouldn’t appear on our FYOP Records BMI account! Moreover, BMI removed the 2019 PYROHYDRO songs registered to BMI and locked my brother out of our account in 2022, just before our The Exorcists and Ground Zero release.
Hydro Pryo was a horrible project! I recorded Hydro Pyro drinking a pint of vodka daily, trying to drown the relentless, horrific weaponized harassment, as this HICKORY CREEK INCIDENT excerpt from the PIGS GOATS AND PAWNS Operation Break Beak post explains.
3-8-23 2:00 ORACLE UPDATE #14: Bureaucrat Cartel Psychology 101

We know that the federal government is working concertedly with corporate bureaucrats BMI and others, as we’ll demonstrate. The Bureaucratic Cartel is working concertedly to convey that Capitalism works the way they demand and no other. This image reveals who controls capitalism, especially music industry-related Capitalism.
If you recall, in THIS post, we mentioned that this Weaponized Infinity is used to harass us and only does so when our post references certain people or topics. The chain of events in this post goes like this: I contacted BMI. BMI contacted their federal connect, which in turn contacted the local municipal powers who authorized this 11:41 pm Weaponized Infinity harassment.
The series of events below occurred chronologically as those did those of the previous sentence. Let’s see if you can see the correlation between events.
You’ll notice the BMI online service claims it is currently responding to more inquiries than normal.
We receive that same email every time we contact BMI. Furthermore, we will show that Bluehost uses a similar ‘we’re experiencing a high volume of calls’ tactic when our site suddenly becomes non-functional. The stall tactic is a psychological ploy intended to make you hang up or stay on hold indefinitely.
I received two response emails at 11:26 am, one from BMI representative Lilly Brown and the other from BMI online membership department. Notice that Brown is suddenly out of the office.
TAXI Music used the same sudden out-of-the-office bureaucrat psychological tire tactic on February 8, 2023.
I Heart Media Rep. Maria Benhauser was conveniently out of the office for a specified time when I Heart Media canceled our ad campaign on July 2, 2019, a day before the campaign was scheduled to begin.
3: In this 11:41 am video, Weaponized Infinity starts and revs his engine extremely loud, which we disclosed in this post.
In the 2-8-23 TAXI MUSIC and 3-8-23 LILLY BROWN emails below, both send reply emails stating they will be out of the office for a specified period, which is a lie and stall tactic intended to prevent any further email attempts. Additionally, you’ll notice in Lilly Brown’s email she specifies a two-day window which is just shy of the standard three-day professional response after I address BMI’s lack of professionalism.
Political, corporate, and municipal entities are a unified gang. Therefore, if you contend with one faction of that gang, you must fight all three. Capitalism and power unite criminal bureaucrats. Bureaucrats believe you must bow and kowtow to them because they are secularly educated and politically connected elitists.
Contesting Microsoft or any other American bureaucracy is to challenge the American government, the largest Capitslaist American corporation. This post demonstrates the Bureaucratic Capitalist gang working concertedly to suppress and oppress our efforts to capitalize and stay free of bureaucratic enslavement and pimping.
Because the legal system is part of the litigious Bureaucrat Cartel, BMI, TAXI MUSIC, and the municipal and federal powers involved think they will win a litigation dispute. The reprobate bureaucrats involved are wicked, defiled by years of corrupt practice and escaping justice. That ingrained wickedness and refusal to cease and desist are why killing them is often the only way to stop their persecution, which is what occurred in this 2008 abcNews report. The Constitution is a lie that doesn’t protect you from the kinds of wicked people who created it!
Interestingly, but not coincidental, Webster’s word of the day is CAHOOTS. Webster is also a member of the Bureaucrat Cartel and appears in today’s Oracle Update as the Hierophant reversed!
As you see in the following Channel 6 News report, a female police officer is permitted to return to work after being ‘accused’ of drunk drag racing. As we’ve stated and will prove beyond a reasonable doubt, Columbus law enforcement uses loud, weaponized vehicles like the one in this video to harass us and, undoubtedly, other citizens. As you hear in the video, that motorcycle had to accelerate considerably to reach the intended decibel to achieve the desired weaponized noised effect.
Rest assured that the person driving that motorcycle is off-duty police, deputy sheriff, EMT, or fireman. Like the female police officer accused of drunk drag racing, if a law enforcement officer was caught speeding on that motorcycle, it could be explained away, and the officer would escape punishment. So, law enforcement is the largest body of criminals in the business of apprehending other criminals. It takes a criminal to catch one!

In The Absence Of Light, Corruption Prevails
UPDATED 3-7-23 @ 1:50 pm:
Remember, as you watch the videos of ‘meaning’ weaponized harassment, we don’t know any of these cowards. Also, note how the weaponized harassment increased from 2-19-23 to date (2-24-23). The weaponized harassment exacerbates because of the corrupt Principalities, Authorities, and Powers… continue reading below, or click HERE to go straight to the weaponized video presentation.
The Principalities are your clergy, Chrisitan particularly, entertainment and media figures. The Authority is law enforcement, from municipal police to the Secret Service. The Powers are your corporate entities. These individuals are working concertedly because we’ve found a way around the Capitalistic System that oppresses anyone not a member of those three wicked entities (Powers, Authorities, and Principalities)!
The Pigs represent law enforcement on every level. The Goats are the municipal powers and organizations like the FOP and Freemasons, wicked entities that act outside of the law. The pawns are the bums, Nine-two-fivers, and scum that sell their souls for momentary perks like OSU tickets, discounts on new cars, or living in a residence a McDonald’s check couldn’t possibly afford!
Probably close to 100 people are involved in persecuting us, which speaks volumes about what kind of wicked people we’re dealing with, how intimidated they must be, and how badly they want what we have (another reason Team Woody can keep a roster full of generic, hater pawns).
As you watch the videos, remember them at the next mass shooting that makes public headlines and what would make a person seemingly snap! This post may explain why the weaponized harassment was exacerbated and many other activities on CNN’s political forum!
The FRONTPAGE ORACLE links below also contributed to the increased weaponized harassment. But those FRONTPAGE ORACLES also predicted several events precisely, another reason the Pigs and Goats are feeling types of ways.
FrontPage Oracle 2-22-23-23 Holy Unholy + 4 More Oracles
ORACLE UPDATE #5 2-21-23 The Jokes On You, Medusa FOX
This post of weaponized harassment demonstrates that the Constitution is a joke and that the Powers, Principalities, and Authorities have gone unchecked for far too long, enabling them to do what they are doing to us.
The white, flag-waving bigot patriots will have something to say and cheer our political persecutors because they’re of the same mind and corrupt hearts, using identical practices. But we will see if America is God’s Country or a cesspool for demons and devils.
We will also witness YHVH humiliating the Liberals, in this case, in the Whitehouse focusing on everything but America’s needs. How much does Biden really love America if he’s taxing us to fund a war that isn’t any of our business just to boost his ego?
You can introduce yourself to PIGS, GOATS, AND PAWNS, OPERATION BREAK BEAK, and THE FRONTPAGE ORACLE by clicking the titles for those posts.
You can find the videos of the recent videos of WEAPONIZED HARRASSMENT below. We will continue posting the harassment, which will be the first press release we send out!
3-7-23 12:45 pm: We’ve finally been able to access the video of the weaponized pawn mentioned in THIS Oracle Update.
3-6-23 Weaponized Beaner Segal Starts Car 655pm
3-6-23 Weaponized Beaner Segal Revvs Up Car 657pm
3-6-23 Weaponized Beaner Segal Pulls Off In Opposite Dirction 657pm
You’ll notice in those videos the weaponized Infinity was parked in the wrong direction!
UPDATED 3-5-23 @6:55 pm
Click HERE to peep the Freemason political ‘head honcho’ scum also involved in today’s fiasco! YOU STUPID IMBECILE!
You federal FreeMason Scum can keep playing! You’re in the same league as your snitching rappers and rapping Masonic Pawns!
How stupid could these fools be? The rapper blasting out of an Ape’s Cycle in THIS VIDEO was foolish enough to use my dream that appeared in THIS FRONTPAGE ORACLE YESTERDAY as fuel!
The ape, speeding through the 20mph zone at 8:06 pm IN THIS VIDEO, tried to make small talk about pit bulls with my brother yesterday while he walked our pit, Samson. That’s why I always admonish my brother to leave his phone recording when he walks the dog.
“Surveillance video will show the Team Woody Pawn with the white truck suddenly parked backward in the last 8 to 10 hours. Please see the PIGS GOATS AND PAWNS Introductions for more information!”
Columbus isn’t the only place watching us, you stupid cowlick idiots! You’ve always d—rode out of towners and famous people while stepping on locals that your corrupt municipal powers and radio station pawns didn’t handpick (like you handpicked Bow Wow)!
The house with the white vehicle parked backward belongs to either a self-hating dark-skinned family or Somali Muslims. Team Woody activated Those pawns during OSU’s 2022 season.
Team Woody’s white factions are too logical and atheist-minded (sacrilegious) to leave us alone, and the African American faction, like their black rappers, think the Lawd blesses their Negroisty! Why don’t you focus on all this black-on-black murder you spread with your role models?
The black pawns’ codename where the car is parked backward is Section-8. We have four years of video surveillance demonstrating those pawns suddenly parking backward after we publish posts or some event staged by our persecuters is about to occur!
Bullies are all the same, and ganging up is typical American Bully style! Biden exposed himself while visiting Florida when he said, ” Nobody f!@$ with a Biden! Biden is also Masonic scum, like nearly every preceding POTUS!
THIS FRONTPAGE ORACLE explains why Money Bags Yo was blaring from the motorcycle radio.
4:58 pm Facebook tried to prevent us from completely deleting the BTG fan page and my personal page (which is why we posted our intentions yesterday). But publishing and promoting what we uncovered about social media fakeness will change how competent people view social media relevancy.
4:51 pm: This oracle warns that the same business scum will send the Monkey on the Motorcycle to protests at (0:00 pm). These same degenerates often think they can murder some to erase them! But they are sorely mistaken! Like ‘Columbus Mob’ type..
4:47 pm: Click HERE to view the reading that followed the one above (in Oracle Update #6). Notice the Empress/QUEEN reversed appears, which means SHE TOO WILL FALL!
3:53 pm Corrupt African American Municipal Powers authorize a weaponized vehicle intrusion after the 3:27 pm update. The reference to the now defunct played-out African American Thot, Trap, and Drill references in THIS FrontPage Oracale update is what triggered that weaponized motorcycle intrusion that will appear HERE..
This OPERATION BREAK BEAK update demonstrates how Team Woody’s Political Persecution suddenly exacerbates for various reasons. We’re letting all of the weaponized events accumulate and will post the videos after.
6:00 pm update: It took three hours to convert three YI surveillance videos which normally takes less than five minutes. So, you federal scum are at it again!
5:51 pm: The 8th municipal-authorized weaponized vehicle intrusion was executed after the 5:45 pm Oracle Update #2 So, continue fulfilling the oracle that stated you corrupt scum would HANG YOURSELVES BUT 6:00 PM! 3-4-23 4:28 pm: Seventh weaponized vehicle intrusion
3-4-23 4:12 pm: Exactly one hour to the dot, a sixth weaponized vehicle intrusion. Associate the pawn who committed the 4:12 pm weaponized intrusion with scum Joe Biden, the Catholic Church, Republic Records, and TAXI MUSIC, and a future post will explain why.
3-4-23 3:12 pm: The fifth weaponized vehicle intrusion
3-4-23 2:41 pm: Our political persecutors continue playing dangerous games trying to end messages. Dangerous because of the spiritual repercussions. But again, what can be expected from religious hypocrites playing the same games with YHVH? I don’t bother interpreting oracles or human-generated coincidences. I’m teaching my brother spirituality using my first copy of the 64 Levels of Power. So, with humility, I say that my brother isn’t the spiritual master, but is progressing along his path (so trying to appeal to him won’t get what you want either)!
3-4-23 1:59 pm Two SonsecutiveWeaponized Vehicle Intrusions
3-4-23 1:23 pm: Third Weaponized Vehicle Intrusion
3-4-23 12:55 pm Second weaponized vehicle passes.
3-4-23 12:36 pm: Pawn Driving a weaponized vehicle passes, correlating the Grammarly issues and other sudden events (place video here). You turd
3-4-23 12:30 pm: Click here to watch what happened several times as I prepared FRONTPAGE ORACLE Update #1. Even though I’m swamped with work, I was preparing the oracle with 8 minutes left in the countdown. The Oracle would have been published on time.
The video demonstrates how the FBI and other corrupt autonomous federal agencies harass. But that video also demonstrates the unlawful and unconstitutional practices that allow Uncle Sam to cyberbully you at every turn. A one-minute login preceded the sudden Grammarly interrupting as seen in the video. We’ll publish that illuminating and entertaining Oracle Update in a few moments.
9:04 pm Weaponized Infinity (place video link here)
Powerful corrupt LGBTQ Columbus, Ohio municipal powers authorized THIS PRIMARY CATHOLIC WEAPONIZED PAWN to execute the first intrusion since the first. The 9:04 pm intrusion came approximately 40 minutes after publishing this ORACLE UPDATE.
This update demonstrates how LGBTQ bullied and dominated their way to the top, using powerful LGBTQ municipal figures and supporters to suppress and harass anyone who doesn’t agree or speaks against their community!
2:43 pm Weaponized Infinity Reauthtorized
1:49 pm I received this oracle yesterday warning me about the events this update chronicles from the last to the first.
1:36 pm Suddenly, we can log into Bluehost
1:08 pm newly authorized LTD Crown Victoria executes weaponized intrusion
12:10 pm tried to log into Bluehost and was blocked from doing so
1:33 pm Day-Day House Pawns’ role is to turn on their porch light in the day when Woody or Day-Day House Pawns are displeased with posts we publish, among other things. I don’t know Day-Day House Pawns and have never met them! We published the THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE…Racists post at 1:10 pm. Day-Day House Pawns turned their porchlight back on at 1:33 pm, twenty-three minutes after publishing the 1:10 pm post below.
(Video Place Holder)
Place Video Link Here
11:03 pm More Radio Station Apes In A Blue Vehicle: When Lil Wayne came to Columbus, he and some local monkeys drove around our residence in an unmarked car, which is bitch type cowardice.
Unlike the slow-moving-target Apes in the white SUV (9:43 pm), the blue vehicle flew through the 25mph zone. We have three days of video from 2022 demonstrating how quiet and secluded our residence is, which contrasts greatly with all the loud vehicles and sudden traffic that drive through at specific times.
9:43 pm Black Apes Demonstrate Why Negroes Die Daily. I was in the tub meditating when the white SUV came creeping by. The SUV is demonstrating Negro Bravado (monkey cowards trying to act scary, and intimidating). Notice how the SUV creeps through the intersection as if to say, “Nigga I’m Out Here!” But if those monkeys weren’t working with the Columbus Police and municipal powers…
Furthermore, If those monkeys had crept through like that at another time, and there was a threat, then like every other ghetto, radio-station-sponsored monkey, I would have come out of nowhere, and those monkeys wouldn’t have been expecting that!
But next time, you CPD snitches, roll through make verbal threats and talk monkey shit while creeping through. Now that I know you FBI-Whitey Bulger Apes are going to get stupid, that takes things to another stage. Then it’s self-defense, you radio station monkey!
8:33 pm Police Helicopter Flies Over The House:
This video demonstrates Columbus Police trying to intimidate us after I Heart Media appears to have notified them about the Public Service Announcement we purchased in June of 2019.
A black pawn driving a weaponized motorcycle passed our residence at 4:41 pm today, which means the black municipalities are harassing us, instead of the white ones.
The Columbus Police Chief and other high-ranking municipalities must authorize the police helicopter’s use. So it isn’t a couple of rouge cops playing with the helicopter harassing us!
What we’ve surmised is that the police copter is able to harass us because, if there is a real crime in commission, it won’t take long for the copter to join the pursuit.
Click the highlighted text to open the media file.
4:41 pm Weaponized Motorcycle Executes An Intrusion: The black pawn riding that bike is a reserve pawn Team Woody uses. Municipal powers work concertedly with music industry personnel, like record labels, managers, and agents, and have always done so, not just in Columbus, Ohio.
That motorcycle is undoubtedly connected to Powerless 107, as we will prove. Click here to view the house and area where our persecutor’s Powerless 107 pawns reside. Just Google what rappers, singers, or athletes are visiting the city tonight, and you’ll know why Woody dispatched that motorcycle. Generic Columbus, Ohio municipal powers are fanboys and girls of celebrities like Joe Nine Two Five!
We will explain the connection between municipalities working concertedly with the entertainment industry in the Pigs Goats & Pawns video presentation: THE NEW WORLD ORDER WAY.
This link shows that I was working on the two FRONTPAGE ORACLE updates and validates the moment the weaponized motorcycle passed, as well as the moment I decided to post only one of those updates. It’s uncanny how weaponized pawns are authorized to strike just as I start preparing for an update!
4:07 pm I received this email from FEDERAL Trademark representative Chris MENDEZ stating another ‘man’ registered for my ZenTao trademark. These are the types of mind games white power agents play. But certain events are usually connected. So, my receiving this email just before the weaponized motorcycle passed is probably related.
2-24-23 Weaponized Harassment
10:10 pm White or Black Trash Driving Weaponized Truck responding to the following 8:57 pm counter-taunt: Thrill-seeking White Power Devils are going to keep it up!!! Corrupt Municipal Goats continue proving that the only way to stop their harassment is to kill them because they are cowards hiding behind their public offices with no conscience and boundaries, thinking they are above the law!
4:15 pm Oakfield Pawn Driving Weaponized Infinity
9:47 am Exiting Doctor’s Office Building
I expected our political persecutors to harass me during my doctor’s visit as they’ve done in the past, and they did. The only way Team Woody knew about my appointment was by violating my privacy and Constitutional rights.
Notice the white or Mexican trash waits to rev his engine right after I exited my vehicle. I heard a spirit tell me to make sure I had my camera rolling, which is how I captured the weaponized truck taunting and the military helicopters which were so loud, they shook the building!
3:42 pm Weaponized Infinity is authorized to taunt of publishing a 3:25 pm post
3:02 pm A new weaponized pawn driving a blue late model Chrystler
2:53 pm Weaponized Infinity is authorized to taunt after publishing 2:35 pm post
1:42 pm Weapoinzed Infinity is authorized to taunt after publishing 1:31 pm post.
5:13 pm Weaponized Infinity pulls off. 2-22-23 was a fairly warm day. But the Weaponized Infinity makes noise idling as well as when it’s mobile.
5:07 pm Weaponized Infinity starts his car. Notice the moment Weaponized Infinity starts his vehicle, the sirens stop.
5:06 pm Trademark CPD Sirens begin before Weaponized Infinity harasses at 5:07 pm and 5:13 pm-the sirens are a menacing tactic used to dare us to confront pawns, the Weaponzed Infinity in this case
7:38 pm Weaponized Infinity Violent Intrusion. Four things make this event stand out:
- We use the cars alarm to counter the weaponized activity
- my brother was at the store when Weaponized Beaner executed that 7:38 pm weaponized intrusion
- My brother pulls into the driveway at 7:40 pm
- as off-duty Columbus Pigs are executing violent weaponized motorcycle intrusions on interstate 71 located about 200 yards from the back of our residence.
7;40 pm Los pulls in from grocery shopping, as off-duty pigs execute weaponized motorcycle intrusions. Keep in mind, you must be speeding to generate that white trash NASCAR sound.