Welcome to the FRONTPAGE ORACLE. If you’re visiting the Angelic Oracle for the first time, please read the FrontPage Oracle Introduction HERE.
We will demonstrate why we know Retarded President Biden and his Loose Cannon First Lady, the FBI, Freemasons, and local Columbus, Ohio Municple powers are invading our privacy and violating the Constituion to teach us lessons about standing up to foul, corrupt authority.
The Probably-Catholic pawn, codenamed Weaponized Beaner Segal, in this video suddenly appeared on September 27, 2022, after publishing a blog about how ridiculous Joe Biden and his little Red Corvette appeared racing against Colin Powell’s son. John Fetterman, Biden, and Obama started whining about ‘sedition’ around the same time Weaponized Beaner Segal appeared. (this post continues below).
That post about Biden and his gifted red Corvette exposed how our political persecutor used weaponized vehicles to harass us. So, how convenient for Weaponized Beaner Segal and his weaponized Infinity to be placed in a residence where he can make weaponized racket on command like this (place 6:56 pm video here).
All law enforcement agencies, from municipal to federal, utilize psychological harassment with weaponized vehicles, including the police copter, sirens, and the trademark redneck weaponized NASCAR, as we will continue to prove!
Please understand that once you become powerful and influential, the powers, principlaites, and authorities will try to silence you because, like Jesus, you can influence the masses while exposing the system!
Weaponized Beaner Segal hasn’t executed a weaponized intrusion since that 2-24-23 at 4:15 pm video. Weaponized Beaner Segal only harasses us when we publish anything about Joe Biden, anything to do with Ariana Grande, TAXI Music, Universal, and Republic Records (continued after the image below).
“The image below depicts the moment Weaponized Beaner Segal started his car (VIDEO), revved it loudly (VIDEO), then pulls off in the opposite direction (VIDEO). I was finishing a post about Hollywood actors, directors, singers, rappers, athletes, and coaches who thought they got away with rape and other mortal sins.”
When I received emails from TAXI before blocking them, Beaner Segal would start his car and rev the engine within fifteen minutes when I ignored those emails, as surveillance videos and emails can correlate. Federal scum empowers the harassing pawns, allowing them to taunt, and daring us to respond, which typifies racist white boys playing while hiding autonomously!
We can confirm and back up our claims with videos and published posts that coincide with those videos and weaponized Intrusions. Another interesting fact is Weaponized Beaner often engages as I finish posts, as seen in the Grammarly screenshot. The FBI, who was in my oracle today, abuses autonomy menacingly, tampering with various apps.
From the evidence gathered, some autonomous scum is watching me work online through WordPress, Grammarly, and my Office 360 Word phone app. J Edgar Hoover played God unlawfully and unconstitutionally his entire tenure as the agency’s head.
And best believe the FBI hasn’t changed a bit. How will you know what wickedness they do since the FEDS cower behind autonomy? Revelation’s Beast and his mark have already been implanted in your phones, laptops, and other technology science can manipulate with a button’s push!
Do you remember how the FBI protected Jeff Epstein? FBI Freemasons are likely to do the same. The subject matter for Oracle Update #9 is about Hollywood actors who’ve gotten away with Rape, Murder (for hire), and other serious crimes. Let’s not forget the FBI protected Whitey Bulger as he murdered rivals.
The FBI’s unconstitutional practices allow it to collect filth on wicked men and women that the agency can use to manipulate and control its corrupt operations. A prime example of the FBI abusing the system for its twisted purposes are all the rapping snitches who didn’t do a lick of time for drugs, murder, and other crimes (or did a little time to make it look good).
Remember, the FEDS knew who killed Tupac (because they had the wiretaps) and watched Biggie die! So, if those wiretaps captured Sean Combs soliciting Keefee D for Murder for Hire, why didn’t Combs do any time for that crime alone? Yup. Scum FBI, once scum (J Edgar Hoover), always scum!
3-6-23 4:54 pm FRONTPAGE ORACLE UPDATE #8: Trainwreck #2, Somewhere Over Tha Rainbow

The COUNTDOWN CLOCK points to something that will occur AROUND THAT TIME, somewhere IN THE SOUTH (or maybe, OVER THE RAINBOW).
DRAFT: I don’t update certain events immediately. Sometimes, waiting to update demonstrates humility because most humans can’t wait to say I TOLD YOU SO! Then there are times I’m unaware that Oracle Events have occurred, like the Springfield TRAINWRECK! Several Oracle-related events occurred. One significant DEMONIC EVENT, the TRAINWRECK, contains several important OMENS.
at my grandmother’s former residence on Geers Avenue. First, I didn’t know about the trainwrecks until after I got up. My mother’s family originated in Nipgen, Ohio. But some of my mother’s family migrated from Nipgen and Chillicothe to Dayton and Springfield (Williams, Pritchard, and Cousins).
Where was Biden yesterday? Selma, which is where? SOUTH! Biden going to Selma was nothing more than a political moment to mix Irish Catholic History with the Civil Rights Movement. U2 did a much better, more sincere job with several songs.
Biden visited the Palestine trainwreck long after the disaster. Biden is petty, supporting all things Jewish. So, Biden was probably petty in his decision not to support PALESTINE, that is, Palestine, Ohio! The Palestine TRAINWRECK was toxic, an omen pointing to the CIRCUS in Congress last month spearheaded by Ringleader Marjorie Taylor Greene.
The Springfield NORFOLK SOUTHERN trainwreck points to several events about to occur. The Democrats will again DERAIL, thanks to Biden. But the Democratic, well, actually Liberal, derailment will be far less toxic than the Republican Congress trainwreck. If you recall, the FrontPage Oracle specifically mentioned TRAINWRECK, and all you must do is reread the oracles for March 1-4.
The 3-4-23 Oracle Update #1 reveals my 3-4-23 overnight dream about Memphis, also a SOUTHERN CITY (Click HERE to read that Oracle Update). That Memphis dream and the Springfield wreck are also related, and FrontPage Oracle #7 demonstrates that TRAINWRECK. The Springfield trainwreck wasn’t as toxic, but it still wreaked unnecessary negligent havoc. Unfortunately, this Columbus, Ohio, trainwreck did the same!
Here’s CBS jumping on the push Rihanna bandwagon using talented mature ladies. Of course, if Rihanna were a lady, that video would have been on point!
The demon Paimon appeared just now (4:46 p,m, which means something LGBTQ-related is about to occur!
UPDATED 3-5-23 @6:55 pm
Click HERE to peep the Freemason political ‘head honcho’ scum also involved in today’s fiasco! YOU STUPID IMBECILE!
You federal FreeMason Scum can keep playing! You’re in the same league as your snitching rappers and rapping Masonic Pawns!
How stupid could these fools be? The rapper blasting out of an Ape’s Cycle in THIS VIDEO was foolish enough to use my dream that appeared in THIS FRONTPAGE ORACLE YESTERDAY as fuel!
Look, Negro Money Bags Yo, Gangsta Boo, and three other rappers sent that dream (I just didn’t announce that info). When Gangsta Boo passed, she found out all the trifling things her TRIPLE-6 RAPPING HOMIES, so-called family, and others did behind her back, and she doesn’t anything to do with any of you, as she is about to show you for herself!
Snootie-Wild, who I’ve never heard of, was also sending messages in that dream, messages her daddy and his n!@# don’t want to hear because it’s “only a matter of time (her words).”
This is not a game, and those demons you thug negros like playing with ‘during’ your street ‘bidness’ will set you up! You fools think you finished Dolph, we’re about to see about that (and I heard it straight from a demon exorcised, the same one that got Dolph)!
Yo Gotti was the Ape King of Coins reversed in this reading and should have sat down and out for good (that’s why I heard MOB/Columbus Mob when I watched the video)! You must not realize that when you pile filth and evil into the Heavens, you will reap what you sow, ask every dead rap about that!
But Yo GOTTI, and JZ are homeboys, RIGHT, which means I was right on the money about that DEAD EMPEROR appearing in THIS ORACLE These demons are snitching on you fools! You don’t believe in demons, NEGROS! By the POWER OF YHVH, YOU WILL!
Click HERE to watch the 3:55 pm, FreeMason/Motorcycle Club, Radio Station, black APE CEO-authorized weaponized harassment and taunting!
3-5-23 4:23 pm ORACLE UPDATE #6: Same Old, Same Old...
Oracle Update #6 explains the reason for the 3;53 pm weaponized vehicle harassment. Click HERE to view the automated oracle for those who’ll try to say I fabricated it. The Emperor reversed is who called in a Masonic Favor in Columbus to authorize a self-hating African American pawn on a motorcycle to execute weaponized harassment.

Notice on the DEATH card the EMPEROR APPEARS DEAD and DETHONED, as his QUEEN WEEPS! Death reversed means many things, but in this case, Death means LOOOONG OVERDUE CHANGES that DESTROYED THE MARKET are OVERTHROWN! Simple old Capitalism, SUPPLY, AND DEMAND which is why those scum tried to block our supply while making Capitalistic demands!

That same corrupt scum Emperor reversed tried to muscle me out of my music, production, and hard work. The Emperor represents many things, but EAST, NEW YORK, LONDON, PARIS, and SPAIN are directions, countries, and cities representing PLACES ONCE RULED MY MONARCHS! Click HERE to view the reading that followed the one above. Notice the Empress/QUEEN reversed appears, which means SHE TOO WILL FALL!
3-5-23 3:00 pm ORACLE UPDATE #5: The Death and Ressurection of the Music Industry

Dr. Jill Biden seemed to become annoyed when asked whether she thought competency tests should be performed for representatives over a certain age. Perhaps Dr. Biden took that question personally. Joe Biden isn’t incompetent in the traditional context. Biden’s incompetency results from his ego blocking common sense!
I’ve never had so much fun creating a business plan. During our research, we’ve uncovered a plethora of falsehoods and laxities that our investors must sign a letter of confidentially because businesspeople can use our Business Plan’s hard work and data for themselves. (this post continues below)
You’ll notice that many mainstream artists haven’t released a full album since 2017, according to favorite diva, thug, Pop-Thot, and Boy Toy artists’ Spotify pages. Take note that the Thot Pop/Hip Hop, show-everyone-your-ass-and-tasseled-teats diva fad took off around 2014 and peaked between 2015 and 2017. That means that Trap and Drill s—- reached its zenith by 2017!
It’s also odd that Beyonce was able to release full albums past 2015. However, by 2022, Beyonce was releasing singles like her contemporaries. Record labels probably had the same Trap, Drill, and pop music presented to A&R from 2017 to the present, contributing to the release-a-single trend!
A fad isn’t a legitimate trend but a gimmick-filled poot that stinks and dissipates. Social media platforms like TikTok continue demonstrating what the angel Gabriel revealed; humans are generic creatures requiring genius for inspiration. Unfortunately, humans repeat the same silly fads and trends without an external creative stimulus until they’re run into the ground!
Thankfully, I have several angelic muses who keep me fresh and creative. So I’ve never “burned out!” But I am a messenger and Soldier of YHVH, a different kind of ‘breed!’
Major record label A&R use agencies like TAXI MUSIC as sieves, vetting quality material that can be copied or assumed for Major Artists who should have been dethroned! The real problem is that record labels should probably fire 70% of their A&R, whose only objective is sitting pretty and staying relevant!
But enough talk. Gabe suggested sharing a DATA EXCERPT from that business plan!
The Chinese book of wisdom, The I Ching, states that you undermine his strengths and capitalize upon his weaknesses to defeat an opponent. Therefore, analyzing and enhancing a competitor’s strengths produces a strategy perfected that can be used as a counter.
Googling stats and figures in modern society becomes complicated due to the amount of misinformation the internet supplies. Unfortunately, ethics have always been lacking in the corporate world.
Corporations are willing to ‘fix’ statistics and present fraudulent data in the name of Capitalism, which our marketing analysis will prove. Simple mathematics demonstrates how the music industry deceives the public with dishonest, illegal corporate practices.
Social Media platforms like YouTube and Facebook once empowered the ‘little people’, providing a competitive edge against enormous corporations with million-dollar budgets. However, by 2015, corporate powers assumed dominant control of YouTube and other social media outlets, diminishing the competitive advantage smaller corporations and businesses once enjoyed. As a result, YouTube is no longer Your-Tube, but Corporate-Tube.
Social media presence and fame are often illusionary, hyped fabrications that project superiority above seemingly unestablished artists. Illegal practices such as payola and bribes run rampant in the music industry but ensure that big-name artists remain dominant long past their primes.
During our 2019 test marketing campaign, we discovered many ugly truths about our competitors, facts we can now use to our advantage. Please see the Appendix for additional documentation and graphs.
Social Media Bots:
Again, simple arithmetic will demonstrate social media fraudulence. In 2010, the average…
3-4-8-23 8:33 pm FRONTPAGE ORACLE Introduction : Push the Envelop too far, and the ENVELOPE WILL STRIKE BACK!
I was told not to interpret the following four-day oracle just yet. But you can peep the illustrated oracle below or click HERE to read the automated reading.
I will tell you that tomorrow (3-4-23) is the Hanged Man reversed and will influence March 4th to March 7th. Specifically, that Hanged Man reversed represents EXECUTIVES or SO-CALLED EXPERTS who hang themselves publically (make themselves look like IMBECILES, or maybe they commit Hari Kari for real out of shame)!
DeSantis and the far-right aren’t the only people fed up with WOKE, as we will see!
- Moral and Political Liberalism;
- LGBTQ’s self-inflicted mortal wound;
- Hypocritical SO-CALLED (the operative word) Christianity and its pimping and perverted clergymen exposed (among other tragedies and travesties);
- irreversible reversals;
- politicians disgraced, particularly Liberal politicians claiming to be DEMOCRATS (also ‘so-called’ Progressive Republicans);
- Rar-Right Retardation (Scooob, it me RAGGY);
“Now Transgender Benders are claiming they are FEMALE, as Riley Gaines states below.
Notice The New York Post’s cheap shot journalism disables commenting, a foul practice MSN News is guilty of!
Riley Gaines personifies Red Witchcraft (illusion, glamor, and pretense). Once Gaines takes off the pants, the illusion disappears. But Transgender Bender’s objective is to ‘charm’ straight males hoping they will accept the phallic surprise that any male worth his weight in maledom will reject.” Riley Gains would be a beautiful woman if only female!
- smacking the s!@$ out of the WOKE MOVEMENT;
- the continued fall and disgrace of far-left African American role models and FAR-RIGHT ROLE MODELS;
In the Troy: Fall of a City” program, BBC appears to be using the same toxic, “Let’s aggravate our opposition” as The New York Post by casting a dark-skinned Englishmen to play Zeus! Can you imagine Justin Timberlake playing Shaka Zulu? BBC was probably targeting and aggravating, white, Far-Right Brits, Scots, and Irish!
- Bigotry dethrones King Charles and Prince Wiliam;
- Warning for Meghan and Harry to lay low for a hot sec;
- Mother Nature Pimp-Smacks America,
- Mother Nature Pimp Smacks the Media
- LIGHTENING Strikes some more journalists
- Another disgraceful warning for WOKE SOCIAL MEDIA/HOLLYWOOD THOTS to pop a squat before getting SWATted
- Get you’re fingers out-cha butt so you can hear
More toxic journalism appearing on MSN New’s SUPER Far-Left-Dominated Wall of Trash!
Also, notice how BuzzLoving appears to purposely aggravate with its absurdity, then disables commenting! The number of thumbs-downs reveals why BuzLoving disables commenting!
Most of the general public lives in a fantasy social media world, hallucinating that pushing their opinions and antics will bring the change they seek. Nothing in excess is a golden Alchemical Rule.
Yes, nerds, geeks, atheists, magic skeptics, and logic-worshipping scientists, Alchemey is 100 percent real, as real as logic and science (as Heaven and the Angelic Elements will continue to prove beyond a reasonable doubt). Science will have its rear beaten raw during the second stage of the FrontPage Oracle.