Welcome to the FRONTPAGE ORACLE. If you’re visiting the Angelic Oracle for the first time, please read the FrontPage Oracle Introduction HERE. Many of the February 27 – March 3 FrontPage Oracles are still manifesting. We will direct you to the oracles foretelling those events when they happen.
3-4-23 8:25 pm: FINAL ORACLE UPDATE

This final FrontPage Oracle (FPO) demonstrates how one reading rendered several times yields different results. A few weeks ago, we published an FPO revealing another detailed dream I had.
In that dream, a pit bull and a lion played together, and a white opossum and a raccoon played together as I walked through an alleyway going back to a childhood home one of my dad’s brothers currently resides.
In that same dream, I passed NAS and Mary J. Blige…(continue reading below)
…in one of the yards.
After the Spirit suggested Googling Method Man for this update, I noticed he’s beefed up quite a bit, stating that at 50, he’s being a prudent businessman to continue living the lifestyle he’s used to. I assume buffing up was part of that prudent business move.
Method Man very closely resembles two of my dad’s brothers, Kieth and Johnny. Kieth also lived in the family-owned house I was heading back to in my dream with the pitbull and lion.
Symbolically, Method Man, Tupac, and DMX have a lion or pitbull growling-type voices. I have five rapping voices. Out of theose five voices, one is a pitbull and the other is a lion.
Remember, in this Oracle Update, the exact reading that appears with Method Man at the beginning of this update appears in that Klitchko Oracle.
The Rods, like the King of Rods, often indicate THE EAST. Ukraine is an EASTERN BLOC country. Of course, New York is East Coast. The Queen of Rods appears in that same reading and indicates Mary J. Blige in the current rendering. The Empress, however, indicates Hayden Panettiere and Method Man’s wife (or the mother of those men’s children).
In physical terms, the Knight of Coins usually has beefy muscles. The Knight of Capricorn can also be a hard hitter, someone who could knock you out in one punch, In that sense, Klitchko and I have something in common, though I’m not huge and beefy.
In certain cases, the Strength card with the Knight of Coins indicates power, not strength. Several elements go into creating a powerful punch or lifting heavy weights! Interestingly, the Knight of Coins can represent a heavy-weight fighter!
The Knight of Coins can carry a heavy load and is often self-employed, like a construction worker. I am also a workhorse carrying a phenomenal burden, so I don’t have time to buff up or practice combat fighting. Military-wise, the Knight of Coins is always the Army, the foot soldiers who take the brunt of battle in combat.
And finally, the Knight of Coins is a HIT MAKER and PRODUCER! So, in my case, the Empress is referring to divas. However, I’m not Hollywood. I have no fear of death because I’ve faced it repeatedly. Moreover, I’m looking forward to death because I don’t love this trifling world but am repulsed by it!
I don’t fear a beating, which I’ve only taken two times in my adult life, and that was because the cowards cheated! I’m not making money to maintain a lifestyle because I work for Heaven and have been commissioned what to do with a portion of my income.
Once the Angel Investors invest in our small conglomerates, which happens the moment we finish this Stage Two Business Plan, I’m going to hit the weights and resume my combat training for s!@# and giggles, but also to be ready!
3-4-23 6:50 pm ORACLE UPDATE #3

The oracle update that appears in the image and HERE shows what Columbus, Oh, radio station Power 107 can appear in an oracle.
This ORACLE UPDATE demonstrates what happens when the situation is supercharged spiritually.
When Our political persecutors (Team Woody) harass us relentlessly as they did HERE all day., it charges the atmosphere negatively and clashes with the positive energy coming from this situation, much like an electrical storm. But there is all kinds of negative energy coming at us from all kinds of sources.
When that ‘storm’ happens, the energy results in a rapid succession of oracles like what appears below.
UPDATED @ 5:40 pm:
Click HERE to see three of the seven corrupt municipal scum abusing authority to harass us; a municipal power (like a mayor, etc.) failing businessman/athlete, and Christian clergy! I know two names, and working on the third!
Then there’s this b—- (Queen of Coins reversed) who’s really desperate for money, working with Columbus’ municipal powers trying to make propositions, yet rejected me several times (and thinks I’m obligated to help her)!
But check out THIS ORACLE targeting a Republic ‘Records-type’ capitalist bully (the Devil and the Hierophant reversed in the reading). Can you locate The Weekend in that Oracle?
This oracle also reveals that the Music Times and Rolling Stones articles about those artists can’t be true (5 Rods) because the Devil (bribes, payola, etc.) is why those articles are so contradictory (5 Rods)! The Star reversed validates, spiritually, that those artists aren’t phenomena any longer, so how are they dominating Spotify!?!
3-4-23 5:48 pm ORACLE UPDATE #2: Show and Tell

The Ukrainian athletes in the image below aren’t soldiers. Moreover, the Ukraine athlete in the black proves he isn’t a soldier, placing his finger on the trigger! Using athletes as moral boosters? Is that even prudent? This post continues after the image.
Macho-types are always the first to die. Is that why they send the Marines into battle first? Civilian cheerleaders are probably thinking, “Awww!!! Klitschko’s a bad ass whose going to beat your ass for putting his wife in your post!” Firstly, a spirit familiar with Hayden Panettiere summoned me. I didn’t even know Hayden Panettiere was still acting!
Moreover, there are many ways to defeat a boxer two times your size, especially if he’s only bullying you, like our Political persecutors, and just because he or she is bigger. ‘stronger!’
Klitschko is Hayden Panettiere’s husband, right? I wonder what omen the spirit that is trying to reach Panettiere is delivering? From that image above, it might be for those social athletes to stay off the frontline before the inevitable. This post continues after the image.
The King and Queen of Rods are ACTORS, not SOLDIERS! Moreover, the Knight of Capricorn is often in a contact sport (MMA, Boxers, American Football, Ruby, etc.). However, the Strength card is an actual warrior, even though its presence suggests Nephilim, or extremely tall men and women.
Justin Bieber also thinks he’s a fighter because he trained a bit with Floyd Mayweather just to call out Tom Cruise (just like a bully). But Bieber’s alleged drug issues mean he probably doesn’t train like a machine as Floyd once did. Besides, a life-or-death fight in the streets is a very different beast than a ring match. Bieber looks like funk, Herpes, and scum set up shop on his body. Bieber always looks unclean, disheveled, and spaced out! Scooob! Where are you?
There’s always some contemporary fool like Bieber who runs to Floyd Mayweather, gets a bit of training, then wants to challenge, which is all about social media glory.
However, if some fool decides to violate your space while he or she is being filmed, you have the right to address that threat with whatever force is necessary, considering so many contemporary hippies/liberals feel obligated to violate your space for a social media boost.
It’s like the mad, purple-haired feminist witch who feels entitled to disrupt your peaceful camping speech with other toxic, unwelcomed boisterous, and outrageous behavior.
If that wasn’t bad enough, the liberate, WOKE female, who’s also a breast-flashing MMA fighter, takes a swing at you, only to be pummeled into the ground with dangerous, threat-diffusion counter-combat maneuvers not used in ring sports!
Too many hippies and extremists are playing dangerous games with others who are tired of being trifled with, as we’ll see shortly!
UPDATED @ 3:27 pm: This post demonstrates how our meditations and spiritual counsel lead us to answers spiritually. The ORACLE UPDATE in the image and HERE is my morning meditation but relates to this Oracle Update, and why municipal scum is breaking the law and Constitution trying to send messages!
PRIMARY FOCUS: Tela, Hayden Panettiere, Christina Aguilera, and Justin Timberlake.
Last night, I dreamed my brother and I were in Memphis for a BarBQ. Sho Nuff by Tela repeatedly played during the dream. The BarBQ was greasy (super getto), but people were having fun. I always pray and meditate first when I rise. We have spiritual counsel after we pray and meditate separately.
“Music Times and its record label-dominated artists’ articles demonstrate Music Business Witchcraft 101, the same witchcraft TAXI MUSIC pulled in February 2023 with me!”
Spiritual counsel is a daily practice, but we often conduct several spiritual counsel sessions throughout the day. When we hold spiritual counsel, it validates the information we receive in our separate meditations per The 64 Levels of Power practice.
I knew someone’s spirit who’d recently passed was using my Memphis BarbBQ dream to communicate. Yesterday, the same spirit and several others guided me, through the internet, to Hayden Panettiere, Christina Aguilera, and Justin Timberlake.
One spirit used Transgender-Bender Riley Gaines to trigger thoughts of Hayden Panettiere. Another spirit utilized Justin Timberlake’s image to trigger Arron Carter (because both were members of Boy Toy groups). That’s when I learned about Panettiere’s brother and Arron Carter’s passing.
But I still didn’t know the message the spirit referencing Christiana Aguilera was conveying until this morning’s spiritual counsel.
“What’s got Justin Bieber on a sudden supernatural kick? Notice Music Times’ witchcraft title claims Bieber has a hit song, yet the stats seem to differ, showing Bieber isn’t popular! Justin Bieber reminds me of Shaggy , SCOOOB’S homeboy!”
Christian Aguilera is a ‘The Voice’ alumnus. During my Memphis BarBQ dream, the angel Gabriel planted the Player’s Club movie in my subconscious because that’s where I heard Tela’s Sho Nuff. During counsel, Gabriel’s subconscious Player’s Club trigger unlocked. If I remember correctly, The Player’s club fictitiously occurred in Atlanta, Georgia.
Once I mentioned Atlanta to my brother, whose name and stage name is Celo, he said something about Celo Green and USHER being banned from The Voice, which triggered the Christina Aguilera reference. But the next event provided the true purpose of the spiritual journey.
Another article led me to the hyped hogwash Rolling Stone Magazine report about The Weekend. Spotify is another record label-controlled venue. TAXI Music tried to push The Weekend in my face, among other Republic and Universal Music artists.
“I thought the Glastonbury Festival was an exclusive LGBTQ event since it seems to be advertised in many places as such. Interstingly, Glastonbury boasts of being “the Cradle of Christianity!”
That Music Times article the spirit led me to reference a Rolling Stone Magazine article claiming The Weekend recently broke the record for amounts of Spotify streaming with an alleged 100Mil monthly listeners.
How convenient for Rolling Stones, another record label pimped entertainment venue, to make claims that can’t be validated anymore than getting the FBI to reveal information classified as AUTONOMOUS. Someone is obviously working overtime to hype Canadian-born The Weekend.
Moreover, the Music Times article mentions that “just days after The Weekend allegedly became the first artists to have 100 million monthly Spotify listeners, The Weekend’s ‘Die For You’ remix, featuring Ariana Grande, another Republic Records artist, was released.
Why didn’t The Weekend release a new song instead of a remix? We know why Republic, Rolling Stones, Music Times, and Spotify pushed The Weekend, and for the same reasons he’s reduced to having to release a remix instead of fresh material.
A world-class private investigator can uncover anything, including the corrupt, illegal, capitalistic cheating methods used to control markets with lies, hype, and payola.
Spotify is one of the music streaming services that pay the least for royalties, which speaks volumes. My brother researched financial data for our business plan and learned that streaming royalties from Spotify are ridiculously minuscule, between $0.0003 to $0.0005 per stream.
(CORRECTION)So, Republic Records and The Weekend made only $500,000 per song last month if 100 million people streamed a ‘The Weekend’ song. If it doesn’t make real dollars, why waste time on Spotify? You’d have to sell millions and millions to make a small profit. 100 million MP3 or CD sales would be a huge profit. In the past, triple platinum was a big deal, so how is The Weekend or any other artist selling 100 million, especially since The Weekend has only 17.4 million people following him on Twitter?
I also discovered how much hype and misinformation there is when I tried Googling stats and figures for our small conglomerate’s business plan. One ‘credible ‘site presents one set of statistics that contradict the others and vice versa. There’s no way to verify the truth with so much lying and misinformation the internet provides.
At any rate, the truth will emerge, and it will topple many ‘long-standing’ institutions (and their superstars) that pimped the system while destroying others’ careers and businesses using Capitalism! Record Labels and their entertainment magazine whores obliterated the market with control tactics that are now backfiring!
3-4-8-23 8:33 pm FRONTPAGE MAIN ORACLE: Push the Envelop too far, and the ENVELOPE WILL STRIKE BACK!
I was told not to interpret the following four-day oracle just yet. But you can peep the illustrated oracle below or click HERE to read the automated reading.
I will tell you that tomorrow (3-4-23) is the Hanged Man reversed and will influence March 4th to March 7th. Specifically, that Hanged Man reversed represents EXECUTIVES or SO-CALLED EXPERTS who hang themselves publically (make themselves look like IMBECILES, or maybe they commit Hari Kari for real out of shame)!
DeSantis and the far-right aren’t the only people fed up with WOKE, as we will see!
- Moral and Political Liberalism;
- LGBTQ’s self-inflicted mortal wound;
- Hypocritical SO-CALLED (the operative word) Christianity and its pimping and perverted clergymen exposed (among other tragedies and travesties);
- irreversible reversals;
- politicians disgraced, particularly Liberal politicians claiming to be DEMOCRATS (also ‘so-called’ Progressive Republicans);
- Rar-Right Retardation (Scooob, it me RAGGY);
“Now Transgender Benders are claiming they are FEMALE, as Riley Gaines states below.
Notice The New York Post’s cheap shot journalism disables commenting, a foul practice MSN News is guilty of!
Riley Gaines personifies Red Witchcraft (illusion, glamor, and pretense). Once Gaines takes off the pants, the illusion disappears. But Transgender Bender’s objective is to ‘charm’ straight males hoping they will accept the phallic surprise that any male worth his weight in maledom will reject.” Riley Gains would be a beautiful woman if only female!
- smacking the s!@$ out of the WOKE MOVEMENT;
- the continued fall and disgrace of far-left African American role models and FAR-RIGHT ROLE MODELS;
In the Troy: Fall of a City” program, BBC appears to be using the same toxic, “Let’s aggravate our opposition” as The New York Post by casting a dark-skinned Englishmen to play Zeus! Can you imagine Justin Timberlake playing Shaka Zulu? BBC was probably targeting and aggravating, white, Far-Right Brits, Scots, and Irish!
- Bigotry dethrones King Charles and Prince Wiliam;
- Warning for Meghan and Harry to lay low for a hot sec;
- Mother Nature Pimp-Smacks America,
- Mother Nature Pimp Smacks the Media
- LIGHTENING Strikes some more journalists
- Another disgraceful warning for WOKE SOCIAL MEDIA/HOLLYWOOD THOTS to pop a squat before getting SWATted
- Get you’re fingers out-cha butt so you can hear
More toxic journalism appearing on MSN New’s SUPER Far-Left-Dominated Wall of Trash!
Also, notice how BuzzLoving appears to purposely aggravate with its absurdity, then disables commenting! The number of thumbs-downs reveals why BuzLoving disables commenting!
Most of the general public lives in a fantasy social media world, hallucinating that pushing their opinions and antics will bring the change they seek. Nothing in excess is a golden Alchemical Rule.
Yes, nerds, geeks, atheists, magic skeptics, and logic-worshipping scientists, Alchemey is 100 percent real, as real as logic and science (as Heaven and the Angelic Elements will continue to prove beyond a reasonable doubt). Science will have its rear beaten raw during the second stage of the FrontPage Oracle.