
ORACLE Table of Contents launches within:



As you read the FRONTPAGE ORACLES, please keep in mind that we use’s home page to combat pollical persecution and materialize a seemingly invisible adversary!

Please read the PIGS, GOATS, and PAWNS (PGAP) Documentary Synopsis and the OPERATION BREAK BEAK (OBB) posts to understand how we use our front page to materialize the invisible enemy we’ve codenamed Team Woody (or Chuck, or Woody, or Chuckster, or Woodchuck, or Chuck Wheat, or Federal Pink Adversary).

In the PGAP and OBB posts, we speak in first person to those persecutors (You scum, you’ve been warned, etc.). Our persecutors are Columbus Municipal powers and authorities, including LGBTQ, the entertainment industry, politicians, clergy, and the pawns they employ to harass us.

We have hundreds and hundreds of FrontPage Oracles that have predicted everything from a play-by-play Oracle of Michigan defeating Ohio State to Trump’s downfall.

However, since we use our website’s home page to counter-provoke our political persecutors, we’re separating those Operation Break Beak/Oracle Blog Response posts from the FrontPage Oracle Posts. Click HERE for a sanitized Oracle Response Blog responding to a recent weaponized staged harassment authorized by Columbus Municipal powers.

FrontPage Oracle for June 25th-28th 2023


10:09 pm: Same cowards, same municipal authorized harassment.  What would you do after fifteen years of political persecutors testing and taunting? Do you think you’d be driven to kill them? They would already be dead if not for the circumstances! Municipal powered introduced a new Beaner Pawn the camera’s never seen.

9:49 pm Municipal authorized Weaponized Bass Harassment

7:46 pm Municpal authorized Weaponized Bass Harassment


7:46 pm UPDATE: Municipal-powered MEXICANS Using Weaponzied Mariachi Music to Harass:

Click HERE to watch the video:

First, the Black Baptists harassed today, then probably Catholic Mexicans took their turn. Wicked and godless! Keep in mind Columbus Municipal powers are authorizing the harassment. Blatant pigs and goats are sponsoring provocation, daring us to act. Tell Universal/World Harvest to f—- off before it’s too late for them! Death is the only way… We have every right to use slurs and counter-demoniac language! Fear isn’t changing the slur-filled responses. Politics sanitize these posts!


Churchy Black Demoniacs, Please Step Back:

6-27-23 5:54 pm: This ORACLE RESPONSE post’s title and images explain everything. The links to the online oracles and Bibliomancy oracle are found below.


Churchy Black Demoniacs 1:

Churchy Black Demoniacs 2:



6-27-23 2:30 ORACLE UPDATE:

The angelic oracle update admonishes remaining detached, neutral, and free from expectation or desire. Expectation often leads to disappointment. Having the gift of free will means you can’t control what others do.


Hexagram 38 admonishes neutralizing show-offs, braggarts, and the bold by ignoring them, a simple witchcraft psychology tactic.

However, remaining neutral refers also indicates not taking sides between opposing factions, which suggests, in this case, rendering judgment or refereeing a sporting event.

I wanted the Miami Heat to beat Denver to silence nerd critiques. Even though I knew the outcome, I stayed detached and let Heaven decide the conclusion, another meaning of the 38th Hexagram (don’t interfere in God’s Work, Christian knows it all). Similarly, I wanted Russia to finish off that proud imp, Zelensky!

Another 6th Line Interpretation is that it’s hard to tell who your friends are when they behave like your enemy!



Angels don’t have real wings. Wing symbolism helps simple humans identify with something unfathomable. Jesus walked on water, not fly through the atmosphere. Even if he chose to fly, The Master wouldn’t need wings to do it.

Of course, those types of Christian hypocrites who can’t distinguish symbolism from actuality propagate the lie that the Master put on some type of rap show reappearance for all to see (descending from the sky, which was also symbolic). Why would Jesus show off his supernatural power, alerting his enemies to his identity, prematurely

 However, the fish know that The Master said he would return like an invisible thief and why he would do so.  All the Bible God/Jesus Experts are in for a real doozie!


6-27-23 12:31 UPDATE:

What purpose does flying over Columbus serve the Airforce refuelers, and why is it news? I mean, why announce a military maneuver? Icarus, those are Lucifer’s wings you’re using (science created those wings). 

My brother discovered the connection between Drake and 85 South Ghetto Legends: 21 Savage.

Religious Black Christians are still trying to be slick, leaving the back porch light on during the day. Those black municipal pawns are like LGBTQ arguing with YHVH about why they’re not allowed into Paradise (there were no gays and lesbians in Eden when humans were expelled—simple logic)! Keep on trying to prove righteousness with blind faith, Hypcoritess!

The images for yesterday’s ORACLES are now displaying. The images help illuminated the oracle.


I see why law enforcement justifies municipal wickedness and thinks they are above divine retribution. However, the more I watch law enforcement documentaries, the more I see the supernatural at work. YHVH is on the (body of) law’s side, not the police, as He’ll demonstrate. 

Police aren’t angels of YHVH or His soldiers. Humans ordain human police, as they do with clergy. However, YHVH can use anybody at any time to do the right thing, but that doesn’t make them YHVH’S angels. Convicted serial killer Angel Resendiz’s sister Manuela negotiated his surrender, not the Texas Ranger sitting in her living room!

Law enforcement and the judicial system are the second largest body of criminals, second to politicians, something we’ll prove beyond a reasonable doubt! But police aren’t superhero Christian soldiers of God either!

If Lee Boyd Malvo hadn’t dropped that magazine containing his prints, more people would have died. Heaven made sure Malvo dropped that magazine! Yet, law enforcement patted itself on the back like ‘good ole fashioned police work’ led to John Allen Muhammad’s capture.

The media and the police demonized Lee Boyd Malvo when John Allen Muhammad contributed to the delinquency of a minor, molding Malvo for his twisted purpose, which should have been a mitigating circumstance in Malvo’s defense.

In John Allen Muhammad’s defense, Uncle Sam creates some of the worst monsters by enlisting them to serve in the military. Many veterans return from active duty and become deranged and anti-government as a result! Imagine putting your life on the line, and your reward is living homeless with a serious mental condition!

Yet, law enforcement further demonized  Oaklahoma City Bomber Eric Rudolph, claiming he became antigovernment after being discharged for smoking weed as if that silly reason turned him into a domestic terrorist. Eric Rudolph was a wimp when he enlisted in the military. Rudolph was a deranged wimp with bomb expertise when he was discharged!

The FBI and ATF created the monster that became Timothy McVie. WACO and Ruby Ridge were directly responsible for the tragic Oklahoma City bombing. Yet the FBI still pats itself on the back for THE WACO TRAGEDY when a bunch of non-military trained Bible Thumpers whipped the FBI and ATF’s asses!

Have you ever been victimized by tyrants who thought they could get away with abusing the law to torture and harass innocent people who intimidated them? You have no idea what would push a person to the threshold of the unthinkable! Well, we know fully what would cause a person to snap!

I had several friends that served in the military. One of those friends who returned from active duty was never the same good-humored person we all knew. I had another friend who served in the military and shared numerous tragic accounts of military negligence that were responsible for many deaths.

Most people who enlist in the military and law enforcement aren’t soldier material, and the result is dysfunctional, mentally, and emotionally damaged people! Then when Uncle Sam is finished with those soldiers, they’re discarded and expected not to become antigovernment!

Again, Father YHVH will demonstrate to hypocritical Christians that the Bible doesn’t contain everything there is no know about Him, and everything they thought they knew isn’t all true (like YHVH is a temperamental and violent white man with a beard looking for opportunities to punish you for farting in a quiet room).


DRAFT: Updated on 6-26-23 at 7:47 pm

6-26-23 7:12 pm: Oh! It’s just a coincidence that a BILLIONAIRE Chase executive died while racing in a city called Woody Creek. Hickory Creek was the apartment complex we lived in 1n 2008, and when Columbus Pigs, also referred to as WOODY, began openly harassing us with weaponized vehicles and unlawful law enforcement harassment and entrapment practices.

We’ve posted several times that we knew wicked, corrupt scum capitalists were violating our rights, looking into our bank accounts. I also know a filthy rich capitalist scum worked concertedly with the fuzzy-headed federal government to try and steal the name ZenTao-The 64 Levels of Power recently (we published a post about that too).

You’re using your little white boy tech and abuse of power against something else, Chuck. Do you know what started me on this spiritual path, PWC and black CMN?


All I wanted was to be able to talk to YHVH and have Him respond. I didn’t care about money, fame, or power. Now, I can talk to YHVH, and since I sought that, first and foremost, everything else is falling into place! The Oracle warned our political persecutors (Woody) and their eager pawns. But they all have true, delusional God complexes!

Irreverent, corrupt imperialists keep pushing because they think this is just a game. The angels have even said demons will start attacking Mexican Cartels and other wickedness. Woody and their Catholic Mexican pawns thought persecuting us was hilarious, and there was no way they could be touched and held accountable (but they claim they believe in YHVH and righteousness)!


Every last one of Woody’s pawns will either die prematurely, be struck with debilitating sickness, or lose loved ones tragically. Paganized Christians read about the same things in ‘THEY BIBLES,’ then have the gall to claim YHVH only worked back then!

Woody’s pawn we codenamed Section-8 moved recently and will be the first of several pawn tragedy strikes! Moving from that residence removed protection, and Section-8 no longer has a purpose. For three years, the oracle warned Section-8 and his family!

So, go ahead, white power Woody and black power commander. Vengeance ain’t ours! But we will surely enjoy its arrival. We see everything clearly!

Real fake Christians, nerds-science, logic pigs, and politicians won’t be running their mouths and harassing for much longer! You can’t be touched, right? Yet, you claim you believe in the Almighty YHVH, whose Finger reaches everywhere, even the Whitehouse. Hypocrites!

I can’t wait for what’s going to happen to Benjamin ‘King Saul’ Netanyahu! The world will call Netehyahu, Benjamin Fred Sandford!


Russia had plenty of time to finish, and had he done so… But wicked humans and fallen angels don’t recognize boundaries when they assume power! Putin’s Russian mercenary and his band of demoniacs recently ‘unseated’ Putin with one strike (just ask the people).

Now Russia will pay for what he and Assad did in Syria! Do you see how YHVH sets these proud, arrogant men up with their own egos? YHVH gave Russia the chance to do the right thing, as He did with those godless, fuzzy-head Pentagon and Oval Office Imbeciles! Are you saying, Biden and Harris, you’re above YHVH? Obviously, you think so!


So, get your jollies harassing and tormenting while you can. Chuck, because your own lynching rope will hang you, you, and ‘WHEAT!’ If you knew YHVH, then you would understand why these negative events empower us and confirm vengeance is just around the corner!


Interestingly, my mother and Marjorie Taylor Greene were in dreams last night. I can say that several cities were combined with Columbus in one dream location!  

Keep your eyes on the news, Chuck and Friends, and watch how those events point back here and to enemies in Hollywood, the music business, the media, religion, and politics.


Remember! There are people who fell away from YHVH for this paganized world. People lost faith because of wicked Christian crime sprees, greedy pastors and reverends, and filthy pedophiles priests, among other things. So, if those people see there is a God and how He works CONTEMPORARILY, they will return to Him and will never leave His side. The Vatican had ample time to right their molesting, LGBTQ  priests’ ‘iniquities,’ instead opting to spurn their victims in the process!

Scum Christian clergy want to be exalted, make a lot of money and molest many children along the way. Armeggdeon, Wicked Christian, is all about redeeming souls from the far left side of the fence.  You don’t even have to go onto that side of the fence and retrieve them.

Your works will draw them to you instead of repelling them with your sermons and hypocritical Christianity! You made YHVH and Jesus look bad! So, again, get your jollies while keeping your eyes on the national and international news, and by the Power and Might of YHVH, we will see who the deluded joke is!

Woody, Wheat (Buckwheat), and their pawns will continue (and almost immediately, Heaven will respond via the news)!


4:39 pm: After publishing the last oracle, I heard, “Look at that 10 of Swords,” which  THIS ORACLE featured. There’s a DEAD SPIDER in the middle of the 10 of Swords in the Medevil Scapini deck. Scapini is obviously Italian. Most of the detectives who worked the New York Zodiac Killer case were Italians.

Nerds will swear I staged the fly sitting dead over the ten of Swords. I’m unlike the Catholic exorcists, who lie, making up outlandish exorcism tales to terrify the Catholic faithful into obedience. But pretending, like 99% of social media, doesn’t end well when it’s time to put your money where your faith is!

Those fake exorcists will understand what I mean when they’re faced with a real demon, not a Hollywood depiction! So go ahead, run your mouth, and act brave and unconcerned, Woody! The 10 of Swords, as you see, can also mean A FUNERAL!


4:02 pm: I had finished the 3:34 pm post. I turned around at 3:36 pm to look at an oracle laid out on my bed and saw a fly sitting right above the 10 of Swords in the reading. I removed my slipper and swatted the s—- out of that fly, which bounced closer to the 10 of Swords.

The imperialist pigs, sitting around ‘white-boy talking’ about what they would do to me, don’t understand the meaning of the fly besides the fact Beelzebub is the Lord of the Flies. You ain’t afraid of nothing yet, “Casey Nolan Treats! “When I saw the fly, I heard, “Don’t sweat the highway, cowards. They just don’t know!” That reassurance is all I need to wait on Heaven! The videos for the weaponized municipal harassment are found in the links below!

3:16 pm 2nd Law enforcement-sponsored Weaponized Motorcycle Harassment

2:21 pm 1st Law enforcement-sponsored Weaponized Motorcycle Harassment

Coward, White Trash OSU Cheerleading Flunkies with Badges:

3:34 pm The video and title do all the talking. But those same jealous, warlock Quantico-flunkies repeated the same weaponized Chuckery at 3:18 pm. All those Chucks will ever be are Ohio State sideline cheerleaders wishing they in Tennessee white some Whooite Country goddess!

The people of color harassing us couldn’t do so if not for the Good Ole Woodchuck powers of Columbus and America! You can hear how jealous and angry Woody is in the second video we’ll post later. Remember, three different pigs were stopped by other law enforcement for racing, one while drunk. Dead cowards! The pigs and goats will rack up more weaponized videos. We’ll just post them all at once!

White Pharoah, Black Caesar

6-26-23 11:00 am ORACLE UPDATE: Team Woody, or Woody, is the codename for our political persecutors. You’re like Pharoah, Woody! It took twelve plagues to brutalize Pharoah before he conceded. Pharoah let a woman coax him into pursuing Moses and Arron one last time! Yup! You’re just like Pharoah, Chuck Wheat! You’ll rush to occupy Section-8’s old house. But you’re wasting your PW and BMA time!

Exorcists Demon Hunters Episode: YI KAMI ONI-

The two cameras captured something tampering with the surveillance footage are Kami, formally Yi. Kami/Yi cameras are designed in China and manufactured in Indonesia. The Japanese word Kami is translated to god, lord, or deity, which includes forces of nature or ELEMENTALS, both good and evil. The weaponized car that passed when both cameras changed perspectives also appeared to be Japanese.


Those Yi cameras can’t move vertically, especially at a 45-degree angle or sharper. Moreover, the cheap Yi cams can barely move horizontally. But notice how both cameras change positions just as the weaponized car passes.

It doesn’t matter if there is tech capable of pulling off those stunts. A demon was responsible! Federal Nerds and the rest can authenticate the videos since they like invading our privacy!

I’ve been watching Japanese movies for the last three nights, Bleach and Full Metal Alchemists. Another Japanese movie I watched referenced Oni Masks. Yi wouldn’t let my brother download the videos, so he had to screen-record them with his phone.

What you hear in the background of the videos is the thunder and rain sounds we use to block and counter the PW weaponized NASCAR and busted catalytic converter harassment.

You’ve just witnessed how an Exorcists Demon Hunter episode begins. The demon or spirit manifests itself, then BTG goes to the location the demon is manifesting from. The demons will then start calling out fake exorcists, demonologists, pagans, and Satanists before showing up in person, as in the videos you watched.

The demons will also show off performing all kinds of stunts without being able to travel through tv and monitors as they do with Ghost Adventures, Mind Seed, and The Skinny Turtle-faced Nerd and his Team Ghost Busters! But your Bible told you all about Michael releasing those demons from their hell cells with those seven Keys—Remember! King Solomon had three of those Keys (The Goetia)!

Indonesia and many Japanese forests are hotbeds of demonic activity. But that ‘kami’ also reveals coming events surrounding Japan, China, and Indonesia.

We’re not trying to be scary or impressive. You don’t say anything when paranormal macho white boys and nerds like Zac Baggins and Mind Seed do their thing. Demons also caught our attention in recent news with a Saginaw, Michigan, mass shooting. Saginaw is demon infested, for real, for real.

Steven ‘Prozac’ Shippy and his Haunted Saginaw series was the first paranormal show I watched and saw real demons acting on camera and knew it wasn’t staged! Exorcist Demon Hunters will be terrifying and hilarious.

The End of a Twelve Day Oracle-UPDATE

6-25-23 11:00 pm UPDATED on 6-26-23 11:22 am:


I created the images for those oracles on 6-25-23 at 6:47 pm (today). Click HERE to watch a timelapse video of me casting the automated oracles at Certain cards repeated in each spread every time I pressed FREE READING. I interpret those oracles at a glance thanks to internalizing the 64 Levels of the Power Teacher’s edition. Each time I press FREE READING, it’s like having a spiritual conversation. Often, I’ll have up to twenty-five oracles open on each device I’m using.

All day the angels told me that several presidents and other political leaders are listening and accepting foolish advice from advisors and that bad advice would return to haunt them shortly. Those political advisors are arrogant and vain, trying to compete with sound and wise counsel.

There are also so-called “expert spiritual advisors,” from Tarot Cards readers to I-Ching, providing demon-sponsored advice (meaning they are receiving confounded information).

When I worked as a ‘phone psychic,’ I often received callers who tried to test or doubted the spiritual counsel. The doubters were always callers who didn’t want to hear the truth. But, within hours to months, those customers would call me, apologizing and requesting more counsel. In other words, for the naysaying, CNN sideline war expert hypocrites who think an oracle was off or absurd, simply wait! Remember! War is hell and is the demon’s primary stomping ground!


Today, spirits were tampering with surveillance cameras, suddenly turning them in opposite directions. High winds can’t reverse those cameras since they’re bolted and fixed. However, those cameras switch back within moments, facing their proper orientation.

The first thing I told those spirits was, “If you can do that, then why haven’t you attacked our adversary!” The response is, “We have attacked some. But we’re demonstrating what we can do when the time comes!” That response reinforces faith to tolerate the relentless persecution we endure!

I haven’t exercised those spirits. But I’m researching whether there is technology that could have caused those camera malfunctions simultaneously at the moment weaponized pawns passed the house! We’ll post those surveillance videos and the new seven-day FrontPage Oracle shortly.


Nerds will say the recent Montana bridge collapse that caused a train derailment was a freak accident. Montana, Utah, Wyoming, and other state neighbors are ‘Skinwalker territory.’

Science and engineering experts also claim a semi was solely responsible for Philly’s highway collapse. I just found out today Joe Biden is from Philly. So, there’s that!

Those logic nerds also claim this, that, and the other caused the recent submarine implosion. However, after a while, those science experts won’t be able to hide fear behind logic!


For those who’ve stuck around, you’ll notice that the energy starts fizzling towards the end of an oracle’s cycle. This last oracle persisted for twelve days. China’s public statement referring to Russia today makes the end of that cycle. Tomorrow begins a new month-long cycle. By the end of that four (to five-week) cycle, everybody who was talking s—–, their breath will stink from eating their own dookie!

For Your Own Protection Recrords Inc. will launch BTG’S The Art of Life and Death project shortly. The poster below is nearly finished. It will contain all the Hollywood special effects you see on posters.

Some of the elements in the poster appeared on BTG’s The Exorcist music project, which is now The Art of Life and Death. We’re disconnecting from Catholicism since they like to cheat and Tide Ride as they’ve been doing. However, Exorcists Demon Hunters will remain the title for BTG’S real-life supernatural series.

I didn’t cheat using AI technology to create that 3D 2D composition like THIS YOUTUBE VIDEO. Only four CG characters in the poster are DAZ characters. Everything else I  modeled or composited. Now that I know how to create anything (CG) I want, I won’t feel bad about using the cheat tech that makes Tik Tok Junkies think they’ve done something fantastic.

It took 6 months to model, from scratch, the area between  I-270 (Hickory Creek Apartments) to Morse Road, using 2D Google Earth maps. Instead of spending $4k+ on City Engine, I chose to save that money and do the work manually!  Shortly, I’ll have all the latest, frill-filled expensive programs to finish my work.

After I finish my assignment, we’re hiring employees to fill four small departments to complete what I started in 2010! So, get your jollies, demoniac harassers! Get your jollies while you can!

Table Turning Momentum Changes

6-25-23 2:07 pm Update:

I watched season three of Catching Killers last night. Angels guided me to that docuseries, and this post explains why.

A: Night Terror: New York Zodiac Killer: A New York police officer began researching the occult to help understand the Zodiac Killer’s mind. However, the first thing I noticed was WARLOCK.

B: We were going to publish an in-depth FrontPage Oracle that featured British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, among others. The Hierophant reversed can be many things, including a Freemason, Warlock, and Prime Minister.

C: I didn’t know Julian Sands was missing or deceased until my brother brought it up in this morning’s mediation. Julian Sands played a warlock in The Warlock movie. Julian Sand’s eyes tell many stories.

D: A cocky retired NYPD detective was baffled at the Zodiac Killer’s ability to pick his victims by astrological signs randomly.

 The same way The Nightstalker picked the houses with sleeping husbands, unlocked windows and doors, and Asian victims is how the Zodiac Killer knew his victim’s zodiac signs (with a demonic genius’ guidance).

E: That same NYPD detective thought demons, witchcraft, etc…

F: …was “offbeat stuff, y’know.”

G: Catching Killers episode 3 revealed more Christian law enforcement hypocrisy.

The Irish Catholic hypocrite FBI in The Manhunt: The Olympic Park Bomber episode claims he’s doing YHVH’S work. However, that detective is like the typical white Christian imperialist harassing us who don’t believe in spiritual power or guidance. 

Yet, in episode 3, the former FBI agent said his hair stood up on the back of his neck when the suspect’s truck matched a description. But my hair also stands up when spirits are around, or I realize who an oracle is referring to. Click HERE to listen to the former FBI agent’s account of his hair standing up when the Atlanta Bomber became a prime suspect. 

G-2: That same Irish Catholic had the nerve to question how a Christian uses religion as an excuse for wickedness. 

Yet, there are Irish and Roman Catholics and Black Baptists using religion, politics, and capitalism as reasons to harass us. Hypocrites! Click HERE to listen to the Irish Catholic FBI agent’s hypocritical drivel!


The following image depicts black Baptist pawns playing their corrupt municipal-authorized role of using a porch light during the day.

The African-Americans in that house continue using their porchlight as a weapon (a taunt) or attempt to send messages. 

The image depicts those pawns using their light to draw attention to a visitor at that house. We can tie the broad light games to two events: published posts and sudden visitors to that house who park their vehicles backward. What are African Americans notorious for?: Yup! That’s all those harassers want. The Pigs, Goats, and Pawns will validate everything else.


Drake suddenly moved his Columbus, Ohio, appearance back from July 1st to October.

The activity in THIS POSTS was municipally powered and probably connected to radio stations and music business scum. I used the word ubiquitous in THIS POST, referring to a record label.

For whatever reason, demons tied Drake to Netflix’s 85 South Ghetto Legends. I wasn’t interested in those demons or  85 South Ghetto Legends, so I didn’t bother investigating why those demons made the connection between Drake and 85 South Ghetto Legends.

Drake decided suddenly to come to Columbus after we published a post about Meek Mills Championing antisemitism in Germany. July 1st is also my birthday. Columbus, Ohio, has always had a di—rider mentality regarding celebs vs. local worthy talent. 

Artists from other places always receive Columbus’s adoration and support. Radio stations and municipal powers always chose second-rate artists while stepping on the city’s few talented and original artists.

 So, it’s unsurprising that Columbus cheerleaders were playing messenger boy for record labels and fallen stars, harassing us. Universal was among many names I kept hearing and seeing. 

Oakfield Drive Pawn Driving Car Equipped with Weaponized Bass Stereo:

3:56 pm UPDATE: The videos below demonstrate a municipal power-authorized pawn repeatedly passing the house, taunting with his weaponized bass stereo.


It’s always the loud mouth, tough guys who are stupid enough to do anything for attention, money, or pawn perks, and those are the easiest to ensnare!

We’ll confirm shortly if the pawn driving the vehicle with the weaponized bass lives at 1213 Oakfield Drive (I’m working on other things while creating this post, so Oakfield is misspelled in the images). We don’t know any of the municipal pawns.

Municpal powers activated that Oakfield pawn approximately three months ago. That PAB driving the weaponized bass vehicle ‘ain’t afraid of no ghoss or demon!” Just wait b—-! 

You can’t call the police on the perps because they’re authorizing the weaponized harassment. But we can use the law to set the perfect trap! As the videos show, that pawn is driving in circles. The weaponized bass harassment is an act of aggression. We can’t wait to see how many people would say they’d kill that pawn and the others for continuing to harass at the command of the City of Columbus! Provocation and Entrapment is the pig practice of pushing someone until they act, then harassing the victim as the criminal!

Also, notice the pawn codenamed Section-8 is moving! Another worthless Ohio State Cheerleading pawn will be placed in the house Section-8 is moving from.

Nearly every house in the immediate area knows about the weaponized harassment or is involved!

Politcal Persecutors Still Trying To Play Capitalist Bull:

Start Here

Yeah! There are Catholics involved in the weaponized harassment. But the same greedy, dead capitalist bulls are working concertedly with Columbus, Ohip municipal powers. Those individuals receive some type of perk to authorize neighbors to harass us. Religion, business, and politics are compelling the harassment.

ORACLE: “Corrupt Commander” Munciple Powers Receive Perks

ORACLE: From Music Business Capitalist: What’s another word for ubiquitous?

ORACLE: Who Won’t Get A Thing, But what they’ve got coming?

Those greedy goats are the ones providing the perks for everyone involved, including the yellow truck parked backward, trying to tell us to get ready to move. All of the pawns involved wish they were in our shoes, having a bunch of greed-compelled capitals begging them to do business. Those same capitalist scumballs violated our bank accounts. So, they still don’t understand where funding is about to spring from, Bull! Click the links below to watch the weaponized bass stereo videos.

6-23-23 7:20 pm Corrupt Catholic Municipal-powered Latino Weaponized Bass Harassment angle#1: Notice when the pawn turns up the bass

6-23-23 7:20 pm Corrupt Catholic Municipal-powered Latino Weaponized Bass Harassment angle#2

6-23-23 5:10 pm: Another Illegal Catholic is speeding on an equally as illegal dirtbike.

6-17-23 3:27 pm: A different Catholic Latino was authorized to exercise weaponized bass harassment.

Psychological and political harassment is intended to cause the subject to snap and commit an act of violence. That’s where the expendable, eager political pawns like the cowards driving the weaponized vehicles come into play. But as YHVH is my Witness, the tables will turn. Many eyes are watching, which is the only reason I’m being civil!