
ORACLE Table of Contents


As you read the FRONTPAGE ORACLES, please keep in mind that we use’s home page to combat pollical persecution and materialize a seemingly invisible adversary!

Please read the PIGS, GOATS, and PAWNS (PGAP) Documentary Synopsis and the OPERATION BREAK BEAK (OBB) posts to understand how we use our front page to materialize the invisible enemy we’ve codenamed Team Woody (or Chuck, or Woody, or Chuckster, or Woodchuck, or Chuck Wheat, or Federal Pink Adversary).

In the PGAP and OBB posts, we speak in first person to those persecutors (You scum, you’ve been warned, etc.). Our persecutors are Columbus Municipal powers and authorities, including LGBTQ, the entertainment industry, politicians, clergy, and the pawns they employ to harass us.

We have hundreds and hundreds of FrontPage Oracles that have predicted everything from a play-by-play Oracle of Michigan defeating Ohio State to Trump’s downfall.

However, since we use our website’s home page to counter-provoke our political persecutors, we’re separating those Operation Break Beak/Oracle Blog Response posts from the FrontPage Oracle Posts. Click HERE for a sanitized Oracle Response Blog responding to a recent weaponized staged harassment authorized by Columbus Municipal powers.

FrontPage Oracle for June 21st-24th 2023


Start Here

The Oracle is self-explanatory. But you know how the momentum changes in the game from one erroneous move? A news agency reporter remarked (paraphrased), “Putin’s mercenary’s very public meltdown made Putin look weak.”

According to the oracle, psychologically, Putin’s band of mercenaries appear to be having a mental breakdown (quote)!” But that oracle also refers to our political persecutors working concertedly with corrupt Capitalists (all corporate capitalists)! As the last three days of surveillance demonstrates, something is driving Team Woody. I know what it is!

Some more things are about to happen, and when they do, we’ll update the Oracle. I had prepared a detailed oracle the day India’s Prime Minister visited. The Oracle was focused on France, England, India, Italy, and several other places. But in Columbus, Ohio, White, brown, and black municipal trash shelved that oracle.

The same Oafiled pawn passed the house again without the bass (but made sure to rev his engine loudly)! Daily, people are killed for playing the same games. That pawn and several others would be dead without police and municpal protection.

If our political persecutor’s pawns were killed after fifteen years of nonstop persecution, the police and municipal powers, clergy, and Freemason politicians authorizing the harassment would try to act innocent (which is why I’m told it’s so important to finish and expose the system)!

 But those corrupt municipal C, M, and B aren’t YHVH. You, that ‘industry’ ape and his sponsors, are losing your mind and making constant mistakes!

Oakfield Drive Pawn Driving Car Equipped with Weaponized Bass Stereo:

3:56 pm UPDATE: The videos below demonstrate a municipal power-authorized pawn repeatedly passing the house, taunting with his weaponized bass stereo.


It’s always the loud mouth, tough guys who are stupid enough to do anything for attention, money, or pawn perks, and those are the easiest to ensnare!

We’ll confirm shortly if the pawn driving the vehicle with the weaponized bass lives at 1213 Oakfield Drive (I’m working on other things while creating this post, so Oakfield is misspelled in the images). We don’t know any of the municipal pawns.

Municpal powers activated that Oakfield pawn approximately three months ago. That PAB driving the weaponized bass vehicle ‘ain’t afraid of no ghoss or demon!” Just wait b—-! 

You can’t call the police on the perps because they’re authorizing the weaponized harassment. But we can use the law to set the perfect trap! As the videos show, that pawn is driving in circles. The weaponized bass harassment is an act of aggression. We can’t wait to see how many people would say they’d kill that pawn and the others for continuing to harass at the command of the City of Columbus! Provocation and Entrapment is the pig practice of pushing someone until they act, then harassing the victim as the criminal!

Also, notice the pawn codenamed Section-8 is moving! Another worthless Ohio State Cheerleading pawn will be placed in the house Section-8 is moving from.

Nearly every house in the immediate area knows about the weaponized harassment or is involved!


6-24-23 2:39 pm UPDATE:


The Oracle was on point again. Team Woody is the codename for municipal, political, religious, and corporate power bodies persecuting us. It appears that Team Woody has moved another set of pawns from a residence to make way for fresh. Section-8 was that pawns codename.

Fifteen years of surveillance will reveal how Team Woody, Woody for short, rotates pawns. Yesterday, Team Woody used another newly positioned pawn to draw attention to Section-8, as THIS VIDEO depicts. Notice the pawn on the speeding illegal dirtbike looks directly at the moving van. Sadly, the angel told me earlier in the year that when Section-8 moves, whatever tragedy will befall them for their roles will occur.

We’re also preparing to move. The angel assured me that once we move, the hell will visit the rest of the neighborhood pawns. However, something horrible is about to happen to two other Team Woody pawns. You don’t receive blessings for breaking the law and violating the Constitution to torture people, well, unless you are Baptist or Catholic?

So, go ahead, Woody, and get your wicked Catholic and Baptist jollies persecuting, taunting, and harassing. Your worthless, self-damned souls and consciences are bankrupt, default, and defunct


6-24-23 11:48 pm UPDATE:

The difference between our political persecutors (Team ChuckWheat) and us is that we must wait on YHVH while they insist on trying to play God. The reason atheists and others don’t believe in God is partly due to corrupt people like Team ChuckWheat and their pawns.

When you pray to Heaven while dealing with debased demoniacs abusing power, it may seem like those people are winning or escaping justice.  However, it’s only a matter of time before their wickedness ensures reprobates hiding discreetly receive what they deserve. That’s why the Christian Bible mentions endurance, patience, and long-suffering.  

The recent west side hit and run is probably GREENCARD RELATED.


6-24-23 9:13 am ORACLE UPDATE:

On 6-21-23, the FrontPage Oracle warned Russia, China, and America that YodHeVavHe had withdrawn His attention from those countries, resulting in reversals. Heaven told me to publish the oracle warning Russia, China, and America about coming reversals, then remove it. Gabriel explained explicitly that since human leaders think…

…they are in control of the world Heaven would prove otherwise. Everything that occurs, the good, bad, and ugly, keep Heaven’s Divine Schedule on course. As the AP News report shows, Putin is talking about what he will do. China is next to receive a major sign indicating reversals.

The angelic FrontPage Oracle revealed what would happen before CNN or any other major news outlet. Moreover, neither the Pope nor his Exorcist revealed Heaven’s Will before It hit the news.

Something significant occurs every time our wicked Christian political persecutors and their demoniac pawns. When the events the angels say will occur happen, it feels good. Those events coming to pass confirms that the angel’s maledictions they’ve proclaimed against our adversaries will also happen, including the Vatican and the rest of Babylone the Great!

America and Christendom will also receive another horrific sign indicating YodHeVavHe isn’t its patron! Keep your eyes on this strange weather pattern, among other things! You Christian fools are the ones who abandon your Lord and Savior’s message and chose to live as Pagans! Faux Christians misinterpreted prophecy and deny the truth when the Master said not to worry about what to say because the Spirit will teach you at that moment, and now you have no daily updates!  

You’ll notice you never hear me say that I TOLD YOU something would happen before or after an oracle manifests! I always defer and glorify Heaven and His angelic servants., even though I’m a messenger and soldier of YodHeVavHe!

So, get your wicked Christian jollies, Powers, Principalities, Authorities, and pawns. We will see on whose side Heaven resides!


Yeah! There are Catholics involved in the weaponized harassment. But the same greedy, dead capitalist bulls are working concertedly with Columbus, Ohip municipal powers. Those individuals receive some type of perk to authorize pawns, who also receive a perks, to harass us. Religion, business, and politics are compelling the harassment.

ORACLE: “Corrupt Commander” Munciple Powers Receive Perks

ORACLE: From Music Business Capitalist: What’s another word for ubiquitous?

ORACLE: Who Won’t Get A Thing, But what they’ve got coming?

Those greedy goats are the ones providing the perks for everyone involved, including the yellow truck parked backward, trying to tell us to get ready to move. All of the pawns involved wish they were in our shoes, having a bunch of greed-compelled capitals begging them to do business. Those same capitalist scumballs violated our bank accounts. So, they still don’t understand where funding is about to spring from, Bull!

6-23-23 7:20 pm Corrupt Catholic Municipal-powered Latino Weaponized Bass Harassment angle#1: Notice when the pawn turns up the bass

6-23-23 7:20 pm Corrupt Catholic Municipal-powered Latino Weaponized Bass Harassment angle#2

6-23-23 5:10 pm: Another Illegal Catholic is speeding on an equally as illegal dirtbike.

6-17-23 3:27 pm: A different Catholic Latino was authorized to exercise weaponized bass harassment.

Psychological and political harassment is intended to cause the subject to snap and commit an act of violence. That’s where the expendable, eager political pawns like the cowards driving the weaponized vehicles come into play. But as YHVH is my Witness, the tables will turn. Many eyes are watching, which is the only reason I’m being civil!


6-23-24 5:59 pm UPDATE:

We’re going to be able to tie all of the sudden Catholic Exorcist coming out of the Wormwood directly www.thatbdpfyop,com. Wicked Catholic, black Baptists, and Evangelical demoniacs continue thier attacks!

"Olé, Olé, Olé-UPDATE

6-22-23 7:28 pm UPDATE: Click HERE to view the online Oracle.

Now, we know that science will have some explanation for the imploding submarine. But let’s look at the situation from a pragmatic mystical angle.

  • Why did the submarine implode this time and not before?
  • 2 Explosions and 1 Implosion: France, China, and the Submarine
  • Submarine Occupants: France, Pakistan, British, and American
  • France explosion 6-21-23 General Secretariat for Catholic Education, an institution that promotes Roman Catholic teaching in France.
  • Warned the Vatican of its forthcoming scandal-saturated Implosion
  • Sub Tragedy discovered the day Eastern Indian PRIME MINISTER visited the US

China is known for its scientific ‘genius!’ But science and tech can be manipulated the same way spirits manipulate THIS AUTOMATED online oracle.

Moreover, for the last week, spirits have been turning things off, on, or interfering with computer mouses, cameras, and many other things around here. A spirit played with a Chinese skyscraper a few years back. Yet, we haven’t heard anything else about the Leaning Tower of Hong Kong!

Greed is one demon that wreaked havoc with the submarine tragedy, and Arrogance and Vanity (prideful conceit) are two others. Thinking science is absolute is another variable plaguing the tragic submarine conclusion. NASA, Elon Musk, and other greedy, irreverent humans worldwide will experience something similar to the submarine tragedy playing around in space. 

The first unexpected ‘freak space accident’ will be a warning that will go unheeded. However, the second outer space fiasco will be tragic. I hope Musk will be on that last ‘extraterrestrial mission!” Remember, ” A fundamental theory disproved with tragic repercussions will set Science back 100 years (quote)!” 

The variable that destabilizes Nuelcear Energy (not fission in this case) will also cause a BIG BANG THEORY, first overseas, then in America! But wait! Christendom should know all of this stuff. But that’s what you get for becoming lax and “tolerant, “Christian! All of this prophetic tragedy is good news for the righteous and disconcerting and upsetting to the 2nd Tim 3 Lovers of this World!

“There are scores of unreported ‘freak accidents’ that have happened around NASA, the Pentagon, and every other science-dominated facility (quote)!”

So, all the Humanist Rationalists will become godless, humiliated Irrationalists. Science won’t be able to claim there is no God/angels/spirits or continue to play “Omnipotent (quote).” Science has no viable contingency for the supernatural, which will catastrophically implode it! (quote).

And what about that tornado that tore up MATADOR, Texas? Remember, an Olympic competitor died in a tragic motorcycle accident in BULL VALLEY, Illinois. I’ve been playing Matador with a capitalist scum who keeps trying to take off my magic slippers. However, think BULL and what it meana for the deficit and the American economy! Oh, I know! I’m FOS, right?

The Bible scriptures are for the black Bible Thumpers, particularly, still trying to intrude playing messenger!

Exo: 31: 16-18:

Gen: 32 27-31

Matt 27: 35-40

ORACLE: God Speaking

ORACLE: A Devil‘s Warning


Start Here


6-22-23 12:33 pm UPDATED @1:05 pm

1:02 pm THIS VIDEO reveals that our demonic Catholic, FOP, and Freemason municipal persecutors will continue harassing and provoking. Then, when violence erupts, municipal scum will work concertedly with the media to demonize the victim as the monster when the monster is the victim. FY, PW-C, BNR!

That Chinese explosion was just a friendly reminder from YHVH that if there were no God, the tables wouldn’t have turned in China’s favor in recent news. Rationalism and Humanism aren’t going to take you to the next level, China!

Like all politicians, it’s highly unlikely that President Xi Jinping or the other Buddhists/Confucians will take heed because, in their minds, the Chinese explosion is just a random fluke caused by human nature. However, Heaven and Hell exploit human error to warn and rebuke using tragedies like explosions, lost submarines, and other recent headlining news.

Yesterday Rationalism vs. Mysticism oracle spoke directly to President Xi Jinping, his staff, his military leaders, and many others. With no Divine Intervention, the tables will turn immediately on China. One minute, China is coming up, and the next, he’s a rationalist humanist monk falling down the mountain.

Just as I finished this post (12:42 pm), our demoniac Christian persecutors authorized weaponized vehicle harassment (revving engine and obnoxious muffler). Get this through your Catholic PW head, Woody. You aren’t my Master or God, PWC, and the oracle isn’t for your PWC-A!

The Rationalist and the Humanist


When I saw the CNN article about Prime Minister Modi’s Whitehouse visit, I knew exactly what I was looking for.

Facts First, CNN? Ok! We’ll see about that contradiction!

The CNN writers matched the Oracle’s Descriptions down to the Nerd.

However, in my mind’s eye, Jason Mamoa was the placeholder for CNN writer Jeremy Diamond until I saw his picture. However, I kept hearing, “he thinks he’s hard” = Diamond.  

“The country recently surpassed China to become the most populous country on Earth.”

CNN writers playing Biden Propaganda Pawns Taking Shots at China?

Biden demonstrates Politic’s true, wicked face. A Catholic would join forces with a Hindu to spite Muslims and China !?! Yup! Commander White relied heavily on his Hindu-Indian enforcement in China, Africa, and Arabia in the previous two centuries. However, this is a new day. 

It’s sickening to see groups of grown men acting like boys, endangering people’s lives. Biden can stick his democracy sermon up his Depends. We (my brother, I, and millions of Americans) don’t receive democracy. Democracy is a little white lie! We deal with authoritarianism daily, throughout the day!

But natural disasters will continue to humble India. The rest of the story is in the cryptic oracle below that follows this one.

Today will be quite eventful, so we’ll let a few things transpire before updating the Oracle.

Wee-Wee Monsignor, oh so Titular: Updated

6-21-23 6:43 pm ORACLE UPDATED 6-23-23 10:33 am

6:48 pm Weaponized Vehicle Devilry (place video here)

When I received THIS ORACLE earlier, I wasn’t paying attention to the Pope, Brazile, or the news. But I heard many names and titles (in my head) that we published with the oracle mage. Fast Forward: my brother showed me an hour ago an article about the French gas explosion. 

About four days ago, some may remember that I started referencing France as an oracle subject in Oracle headlines with titles like “Poolie Frown Say.” Earlier, I heard “Napolean Boner Petite,” which is the title of THIS ORACLE UPDATE

I’ve mentioned in several oracles that I only repeat what I hear, which includes coming up with Oracle headline titles. When I saw the BBC article on the French Explosion, I mistook the French Flag for the Mexican flag, which probably explains why our political persecutors activated their Mexican pawn to execute a weaponized intrusion, as THIS VIDEO DEPICTS. It’s just a matter of time before everyone gets what they deserve!

After seeing the French flag, I heard “REMEMBER ITALY and ZELENSKY. “OH, yeah! I forgot that an explosion happened recently in Italy the day Zelensky snuck into its capital. So, what’s the coincidence of a French gas explosion today while the Pope visited Brazil? 


On 6-20-23, around 12:30 am, I saw a Gremlin in the fog in the bathroom mirror. The Gremilin’s face turned and looked directly at me while changing into a goblins face. By the time I grabbed my camera, the faces were gone. 

However, Gabrel suggested recording my search for Gremilin and Goblin symbolism, followed by a brief description in a word processor. Click HERE to watch a time-lapse video of me recording my Gremlin and Goblin research on 6-20-23 just after midnight.

After recording myself typing the event, I heard to cast another oracle. The demon in the mirror appeared in the oracle, as the last part of the video I recorded shows. After a quick exorcism, I learned that gremlins and goblins are (just) imp demons. As the French explosion shows, an imp’s activity ranges from diabolically mischievous to mischievously benign. 


But I discovered all of the information Heaven was drawing my attention to after I learned about the French explosion: 

  • The Catholic Church embracing LGBTQ, 
  • The Pope visiting Brazil, and 
  • how The Pope managed to negotiate a corrupt politician’s pardon and release from prison. 

The Catholic Church spawns so many LGBTQ with its pedophile priest pandemic that it’s only fitting to welcome them back home. The Church is setting itself up for its demise, as prophesied!

If you recall, in THIS ORACLE, I referred to Joe Biden. But because I was busy and spent about two minutes on the oracle, I didn’t hear exactly which president the spirit spoke about. So, now I know it’s the Brazilian president and the corrupt criminal the Pope freed!

6-23-23 10:40 am UPDATED: The spirit was also referring to E

All the strange events occurring we were told would happen, which strengthens us (because we know what’s coming to our political persecutors and their cocky pawns).

But those Christian reprobates will continue playing, taunting, and harassing until they’re dead, sick as a dog, bankrupt, or whatever the judgment will be. We know what to expect tomorrow too. And we’ll post a play-by-play account when those events unfold.