



“The worst criminals are those that wear badges, sit in public offices, and govern the people.

The oracles below are arranged according to the significance of predicted events.

NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device.


First, let’s perform a quick Oracle Validation featuring Chris “Suspended-in-Mid-Air” Brown.

I cast one of several early morning oracles on 6-16-24. In one specific Oracle, the angels first informed me of recent events so I could correlate them to the Oracle, specifically Chris Brown’s recent performance hangup.

My brother Carlos mentioned Chris Brown’s recent humiliation during spiritual counsel this afternoon.

As the illustration below validates, you might recall that the adverse King of Rods and his 10 of Rod’s house was the focus for 6-14-24.

6-14-24 was the day Brown got hung up’ while performing a stunt during a show. The illustration below reveals the Oracle timeline from 6-14-17-24. Today is the 3 of Swords reversed, bad decisions that will return with severe consequences for others.


Yesterday was the 9 of Coins adverse. My brother also mentioned yesterday that RED LOBSTER went bankrupt, which aligns with the 9 of Coins reversed and applies to many corporations that haven’t gone public about their grave financial woes. RED is one of the adverse King of Rod’s colors. Do you see the logical connection between RED Lobster, Chris Brown, and getting hung up, particularly financially?

These uncannily precise spiritual power displays are a joke to Uncle Sam and his Columbus law enforcement buddies. But we’re not finished with this section just yet. 

The image below explains everything. But first, I wonder if Uncle Sam and the rest of the audience remember last week, when the oracle revealed that THE HANGED MAN is negative when reversed, unlike in Pagan interpretation.

Ask any pagan witch, Uncle SAM, if the Page of Cups can refer to a drunk, lush, someone who can DRINK LIKE A FISH. What was the name of the song Brown got hung up on? YUP!!!

 In that oracle, the Hanged Man appearing upside down also explicitly stated that SOMEONE WOULD BECOME SUSPENDED (The Hanged Man).


The demon I exorcised used THE SOPRANOS as a locator, providing a definite location. Where did Chris Brown’s hangup performance occur? Newark, NEW JERSEY. Brown, Uncle Sam, Columbus law enforcement, corrupt municipalities, and their pawns can blame Brown’s hangup fiasco on whatever they’d like.

But the exorcised demon was responsible for Brown’s performance hangup, regardless of careless human interference. What I mean by that last paragraph is that even if some lazy, careless 2nd Tim 3 Gener failed to perform a proper equipment check, an exorcised demon motivated the situation-–that’s why YO BYBLE warns about permitting or indulging laziness and other VICES! The demons use vice (spiritual criminality) to their advantage (through suggestion), which is exactly how our political persecutor will get whatever is coming their way (they’ve marked themselves with their power abuse)!

Moreover, the demons targeted Chris Brown in an incident via the oracle and exorcism and connected it to the Suge Knights 2014 shooting for many reasons. The angelic oracle’s precision is one reason Uncle Sam and his corrupt Columbus reprobate compadres hate so badly.

Remember, racist Uncle Sam claimed that the I Ching was ridiculous “Chink S—-,” and called the 64 Levels of Power bogus, illogical, and unscientific. Yet, you just witnessed  64 Levels of Power logic, along with angelic guidance, and how it evens the playing field against the powers, principalities, authorities, and other wicked criminals. Every oracle has been exact, and you can check them below and with the links that appear at the end of this section.

When the 12-Day Oracle and the 6-16-24 Oracle flashed in my mind, I knew Chris Brown was another Oracle subject, meaning angels and demons were targeting him.

Every time reprobate law enforcement and their fellow municipalities perform a criminal action, like cutting the electricity or authorizing weaponized vehicle harassment, Heaven has already countered their imperialistic arrogance with other spiritual events, as this post demonstrates.


Let’s look at what Uncle Sam and Columbus municipalities did to us today that was already anticipated:

Columbus law enforcement and Uncle Sam cut our electricity again this morning, as anticipated. At 1:19 a.m., thanks to several oracles, I knew what to expect. My brother said the bathroom lights flickered at 4 a.m. as he prepared to meditate in the tub. Columbus law enforcement and Uncle Sam also authorized a (likely) off-duty law enforcement or “snitch pawn” to execute another violent weaponized vehicle harassment at 7:05 pm tonight.

This oracle update validates why either YHVH’s angels make good on thier promise to devastate the corrupt Christian Pigs and Goats, or someone will. The angelic oracle was, again, EXACT, which is comforting and assures us that the angels aren’t lying about our political persecutor’s catastrophic punishments (they’re desperately trying to undermine our angel’s assurance with their constant, blatant persecution and harassment.

As the image above revealed, I’m an extremely light sleeper, so I heard the corrupt reprobates cut our electricity when it happened. I heard my brother reboot the Bluetooth-powered MP3 app, and I texted him so he could pull the video. The surveillance video demonstrates the moment the reprobates disconnected the electricity. An interruption in the live feed occurs the moment the camera shuts off.

I also recorded a video of me rebooting my graphics workstation, which is always on, and my printer rebooting moments after criminal municipalities cut the electricity.

However, as I stated, I had already performed several oracles that told me what to expect. I will explain the rest in the next section of this Oracle update.

Columbus law enforcement authorized another violent weaponized intrusion at 7:05 pm as I prepared this update and as the Oracle below predicted.

Uncle Sam and their corrupt friends must feel foolish since someone is tampering with our web server again. I forgot one last illustration below that reveals I was told what time to look for the loud, violent, weaponized vehicle that the Columbus Police-etc authorized at 7:05 pm.

Please click HERE and notice the Strength card appears reversed again, as you see in the illustration above. That card refers to LAW ENFORCEMENT abusing power, and in this case, trying to play Knight in Shining Armor for the adverse Queen of Cups. That means our subjects are a bunch of easily enamored suckers abusing power, trying to be impressive! WOW!!! Just WOW!


When I questioned the angels early this morning via oracles before they dove into the corrupt power abuse issue, they caught me up to speed on the Chris Brown concert hangup before I knew it happened. Brown’s farcical incident became the angels’ primary focus, despite the many other pressing subjects the angels originally referenced, and for a specific reason!

The angels targeted everyone in the image below, but notice Suge Knights’s position. 

That oracle illustration was supposed to trigger my memory when I discovered the Chris Brown concert fiasco, which it did. The next section reveals the way the angels logically explained how the politically persecuting municipalities and the science community invoked both the apocalypse and their near-future devastations.


Thermodynamically, the more order, the less energy is expended. The Divine Law of Conservation states that power is the ability to perform some action efficiently. The more mental capacity involved in problem-solving, the easier it is to find ways to complete tasks without excess, waste, or damage.

Damage occurs when power of any kind is abused. Detroit, Michigan’s conditions demonstrate the effects of power abuse on a city. Corrupt politicians using the money designated to care for the city and rampant police and municipal corruption contributed to Detroit’s dilapidated, degenerative appearance, causing suffering to Detroit’s citizens.


The closer you get to Saturn, the more order in the universe, and vice versa towards the Sun (it’s colder the close you get to Saturn). Jupiter represents order and the application of laws. Therefore, logically, it makes sense that Jupiter is the biggest planet (its angels put in the most planetary work maintaining order).

So, Mother Nature’s imbalances and extremes mean that NATURAL ORDER is disrupted and becoming increasingly unstable, chaotic, and apocalyptic. Laws maintain order and balance. Therefore, Science and human nature have grossly transgressed both natural and Divine Laws, contributing to the entropy occurring in nature and space.

Our political persecutors can’t get through their thick imperialist heads that abusing power and violating laws and constitutional boundaries contributes to the overall disruption of Natural Law, invoking further chaos and tumult. You reap what you sow is just a fancy axiom to the human powers, principalities, and authorities they think don’t apply to them.


I don’t publish everything the angels reveal in oracles or will tactfully disclose information. I’m battling wicked powers, principalities, and authorities. Therefore, it would be nonsensical to put everything I know, oracle-wise, into a public format while combating corrupt authorities. So, the arrogant, egomaniacal municipalities, their religious leaders, and pawns who think I’ve overlooked some detail or got it wrong are sorely mistaken. The angels are wiser than those reprobates will ever be.

I know what compelled the constant, ‘entropic’ municipal-authorized activity on Father’s Day, 6-16-24. But as we demonstrated in today’s Pigs Goats and Pawns-Operation Break Beak post, the reprobate municipality harassment quickly exacerbated into an intensified, unlawful, and disordered series of events. The more we ignore these wicked Christian bastards, the harder they push, which means they’ve lost control.

Using the second thermodynamics law as a reference, Sunday’s lapse or lack of municipal and social order resulted from power-abusing humans violating Divine and human laws. The purpose of the law is to maintain order. The videos in today’s Pigs Goats and Pawns presentation of Sunday’s municipal harassment demonstrate a lack of order caused by reprobates violating laws and ordinances. 

Loud mufflers and engines disturb peacefulness. Increased speed, a serious law violation, is one way to amplify a motorcycle’s loudness. It’s a contradiction for off-duty law enforcement trash to drive around speeding and disturbing the peace yet call themselves peacekeepers.

Weaponized vehicle harassment also relates to thermodynamics, literally and symbolically. The more ordered— calm, and cool—my brother and I become, the more disordered and chaotic the weaponized vehicle harassment increases. The more peaceful and self-controlled I respond, the more disruptive the Christian reprobates and their pawns become.

The municipal and federal reprobate efforts aren’t compelling the same responses they once did. So, they are wasting energy, which amplifies their disordered efforts. There is no energy transfer because those reprobate’s efforts have the opposite intended effect— their witchcraft duds instead of having an adverse product. If psychological manipulation witchcraft doesn’t do its job— manipulate your mind and soul–that energy is wasted.

Nerds and logic lovers don’t understand that spiritual energy is energy absolute, so they have no idea how to harness it. But how can you harness something you claim doesn’t exist? As for the corrupt  Pigs, Goats, and other skeptics, I guess YHVH can show you better than we can tell you!

This oracle continues below

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device.

Corrupt Human Mundanity Interfering With Divine Processes:

10:00 pm: This update exposes the Christians persecuting us for the hypocrites they are, using Wisdom, Truth, and logic! Moreover, today’s oracle update demonstrates submitting to Heaven’s Will and guidance, ensuring that your actions are near perfect, or more aptly, all your ducks are in a row before you start shooting! Wicked Catholics have interrupted me with three separate, loud, demonic, weaponized vehicle intrusions. I’m not a fake Catholic exorcist, either. So there’s no connection between

Traditionally, I Ching Hexagram 25 referred to innocence, which isn’t quite its meaning.

6-16-24 7 p.m.-Oracle-ORACLE LINK

 Innocent refers to an unadulterated focus. The 25th Hexagram deals with logic, and logical processes, which require detachment. Divine Law both constrains and compels Heaven. In other words, Heaven obeys Divine Law, unlike Christian reprobates.

Heaven, that is, YHVH and His angels, act contrivance-free. Detachment involves removing desire and expectation (behaving ‘innocently’) from the equation. As I’ve repeatedly stated, Hexagram 25 is related to science, law enforcement, and the methods used for investigation and scientific discovery.

Tainting an investigation or research with expectation and desire blocks rational and logical thought. When the illogical enters an investigation or research, it stops them dead in their tracks. A deeper investigation or research effort is required to produce concrete evidence to restart the process, which also occurs in computer programming.

When an application throws errors, the debugging process begins. The neater the code, the less hassle involved. Detectives are guided by evidence and facts. However, Wisdom is the highest logic. The angelic oracle employs both Wisdom and Truth regularly.

Wisdom and Truth are how I can explain something without facts or evidence. Moreover, Wisdom and Truth extract logic from events without concrete human evidence. Our political persecutors act from expectation and desire, which compels them to break the law and violate the Constitution for personal gain.


Applying Hexagram 25 practically involves remaining detached, not expecting a specific outcome, but allowing the facts and logic to guide you through a process unless Wisdom is your Guide. Our political persecutors are making demands because they have unfulfilled expectations and desires (Judgment), which are irrelevant to Heaven’s Plan. 

Reprobate authorities have interrupted divine processes with their mundane, materialistic demands, represented by the Chariot adverse in the oracle, the source of the problem, and why they won’t be pardoned or forgiven.

But those corrupt, delusional individuals continue to demand forgiveness, pardons, and second chances after abusing power wickedly. Sadly, they treat Heaven in the same contemptible manner. For example, ‘Chrisitan’ LGBTQ demand that Heaven accepts them when their Bibles clearly state that He doesn’t and never will.

“We don’t care what God thinks because He’s going to love and accept us on our terms” is the LGBTQ mindset in reference to Heaven. Ok. Whatever floats their boats. But, we will certainly see whether that delusion is factual when, logically, it’s invalid. Our political persecutors exhibit the same LGBTQ mindset, as they demand we accept them and concede, which will never happen because we obey Divine Law.

The Magician in the reading represents this Oracle update, using the Hexagrams and Oracles accompanying it to answer questions and provide direction.

As the angelic oracle reveals, trifling Christians are insisting we give them what they want, which has nothing to do with our role in Heaven’s Plan! Our subjects are so delusional, with their misinterpreted Bible scriptures, that they have no idea how severely they’ve transgressed Heaven’s Divine Laws to persecute us with relentless abandon.

Remember, our evil Christian subjects claim “they is blessed,” or they are the “true Believers.” But they believe they have the right to abuse authority to force concessions and deference, yet claim they acknowledge and follow the One True YHVH! How contradictory and laughable is that?


We know that Christianity isn’t anything close to what Jesus intended. If most Christians followed Jesus’ path, America, predominantly Christian and supposedly God’s Country, would be Paradise, and Christendom would be united.

Heaven gifted humans and angels with free will, but they must choose to use it righteously. Years of traveling a spiritual path in preparation for my role as a messenger and solider of Heaven have conditioned me.

The paradox is that even though I have free will, I have no choice but to fulfill my predestined role. But, my desire is to fulfill that role, to make Heaven’s Heart joyful. Preachy, ‘powerful’ hypocritical Catholics and Baptists continue to claim to be blessed. Those reprobates can abuse free will and public office because they have no divine role to play.

If YHVH ordained those prominent ethical deviants, it would be impossible for them to abuse the privilege of public office or so-called law enforcement. Let me explain, Reprobate Municipalities, by quickly demonstrating what happens to a messenger and soldier Heaven has trained for a specific purpose that must be enacted at a given moment.


If you recall, we published a post about upcoming business moves (we’ll republish that post on Thursday). Our religious hypocrite political persecutors have no idea what it’s like performing the job of a small corporation. I can’t entirely rely on tech to help because of automatic divine restraints.

The weight of constant political, corporate, and religious persecution increases that phenomenal workload exponentially. Those political persecutors and their capitalist sponsors don’t want me to finish my work without their interference. Finishing my huge workload will only prove their involvement wasn’t necessary, and they’ll get nothing from us.

Years of carrying significant burdens prepare us to delegate to those Heaven has commissioned, not greedy, self-righteous, wicked, ethically depraved powers. Heaven has assigned specific alliances for us for definite reasons, meaning we can’t hook up with just anybody because it transgresses the Divine Plan.

What would we look like joining forces with wicked deviants for capitalism’s sake? Nerp!!! Those we join are on the same side, going in the same direction. Our alliances with those agencies, etc, are mutual and divinely appointed. We will die, or heaven forbid, have to kill to protect and defend ourselves against those wicked demoniacs.


When your workload becomes burdensome, you’re willing to cut a few corners, well, if you’re a Christian muggle with no divine destiny. But it’s entirely different for me, for us.

When I’m about to transgress Heaven’s Will and my training, events constrain any further activity, whether I like it or not. On 6-15-24, I felt fine. But when I woke up Sunday morning, my body was exhausted.

Usually, I get up regardless of how I feel and tackle the day’s workload, which is plagued by municipal reprobate harassment. Today, an angel immediately suggested that I not struggle with the divine constraint and to rest instead. The angel assured me that I would begin feeling better later. That’s why I’m preparing this update at 5:39 pm.

Another angel reminded me of two significant deadlines (I Ching Hexagram 19). One date has already passed, May 4, and the other is just ahead. The angel also refreshed my memory about completing certain things before initiating action.

You have no idea what it’s like to keep moving in a circle, a sixteen-year routine. Once I finish three things, another nine tasks are waiting for me. Yet, the powers, principalities, and authorities persecuting us have staffs of assistants and a supply of pawns they use to harass us, and they think we’re supposed to be impressed or bow to them!


Everything I’m enduring will smack the shit out of people who think they’re so incredible. Heaven intends our lives to be living testimonies, especially with so many so-called Christians sanctimoniously testifying about how blessed and chosen they are, yet live foul as a dog’s ass.

Those two-faced Christians have no idea of the meaning and purpose of self-sacrifice truly. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be paganized, 2nd Tim 3 Gen hypocrites. But that’s why those people are so jealous and contemptuous. We demonstrate self-sacrifice, among other virtues, and the rewards, rewards our hypocrite Christian persecutors can’t claim.


I am a soldier and messenger of Heaven trained by angels for a specific purpose. So, paradoxically, I have free will, but not when it comes to the task Heaven prepares me for. Many have been patient while keeping up with us via our FrontPage Oracle. The angels assured us we’re preparing to forge concrete, life-long alliances. Those individuals know we are preparing to approach them, whether through dreams, a series of continuous coincidences, or our FrontPage Oracle.

However, wicked Christian and Jewish capitalists think using force will change Heaven’s Will. They have no idea what’s in store; well, they ‘kind of’ sense what’s coming. Heaven is destroying those people’s businesses, lives, reputations, and everything they built with their criminal practice, which also compels their stupid, unlawful, and unconstitutional actions (they see the handwriting on the wall).

INTERRUPTION—It’s 5:52 pm, and municipal reprobates authorized weaponized vehicle harassment. Notice that intrusion coincides with my concluding this update—Interruption end.

The delusional Black Baptist powers, principles, authorities, and their pawns think “they is so blessed” that Gawd agrees with their ethically perverse motives and actions. The Catholics, on the other hand, believe the Pope is God and deserves deference and obedience.

Well, for one, we are neither Catholic nor Baptist. The Baptist and Catholic powers, authorities, and principalities use Bible scriptures referencing obedience to authority to justify their power abuse. We lovingly obey only One Authority, and His name isn’t Francis, Bryant, La Blimpa, or FBI.


Heaven oversees our situation via a divine itinerary with specific deadlines, in this case, the 19th and the 25th. Catholicism is notorious for its wicked use of political torture to force submission. Baptists are notoriously driven by money and prestige. Yet those Christians always preach, waiting on the Lord, but only some apply that wisdom because the Lord isn’t compelling the rest.

If we try to force this situation, it only invokes divine restraints. Are the wicked trying to say that YHVH doesn’t know best? Yup!!!!! Why? Human temporal motivations compel them, so they want what they desire now and abuse power to make those demands. However, following Heaven’s schedule ensures our efforts will be nearly flawless, achieving our objectives and aligning with Heaven’s Will (everything has a time and condition to happen).

Gabriel assured us that the 20th is the divinely appointed day for our entertainment showcase. The 25th is the next deadline, which ensures that everything needed to get and keep the ball rolling will be completed, allowing us to shoot every duck in the lineup flawlessly.

[Catholic FBI-Law Enforcement Reprobate Weaponized Vehicle Intrusions:]-Keep it up, jealous pink pigs! You better leash your reengage pawns, the rainbow pawns included, Chuck!

10:44 pm
9:57 pm
9:29 pm
5:52 pm

This oracle continues below

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device.


By the escalation of today’s tired, violent, weaponized BP vehicle harassment, the Columbus pigs and goats are really agitated. No, you’re quite mistaken about what courageous is, Catholic Pig. It’s cowardly hiding behind badges, public office, and corporate sponsors perking you. Anyone in thier right mind realizes that you, Columbus Pigs and Goats, are cowards.

What, you’ve got a tough guy and gal force, and no shortage of pawns, even though you’ve been playing pawn a lot lately, pigs. That constitutes a bunch of cowards and bullies, typical, all-American behavior! You and your Irish Buckwheats are wasting your time. You can front, but only until your time comes, pigs, goats, and pawns! But rest assured, pigs and goats, you aren’t getting anything from us. So, all that tough pig talk about how you’re going to make us bend to your will is delusional.

The oracle was again exact today. But we didn’t publish it. So, again, pigs and goats, the situation won’t end the way you’re expecting. 

Same Christian Pig Games, Another Day

6:50 pm There’s no need to explain. The Columbus pigs and goats and their pawns commit the same illegal coward tactics!


There will come a time, you filthy Columbus pigs, that I will ignore the angels and listen to the same demons compelling you. I’m not going to waste time on some pawns, either.

An angel asked me to come upstairs, go to the window, and start recording. The video below reveals what happened and how I would have been in position moments before a pig-sponsored tough guy made his move.

As the rest of this oracle demonstrates, I knew the outcome of the Celtics-Mavericks game. I didn’t post it because it wasn’t pertinent.

No matter how many times the angelic oracle demonstrates spiritual power, wicked Christian reprobates will continue testing, trying, and provoking. But as I said, there will come a time when I listen to the same corrupt demons and devils compelling Columbus pigs, goats, and their pawns.

This oracle continues below

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device.


NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device.

6:15 pm Just as I published this update, Columbus Municipalities authorized another Latino-oriented weaponized vehicle intrusion. From this point forward, we will begin publishing the addresses of every municipal pawn involved in the neighborhood. As you see, Columbus municipalities are ramping up thier harassment as they did on 5-31-24.

6:13 pm UPDATE: The Columbus, Ohio, municipalities authorized their 1227 Oakfield Drive pawns to execute a 3:57 p.m. weaponized minibike intrusion. At that moment, the angel was explaining the coming Juneteenth-oriented harassment. The next three images contain pieces of my angelic meditation referencing 6-1-24 and 6-12-24.




The angel explained that our political persecutors violate my rights as an intimidation tactic because I neither fear nor respect their authority. I’m supposed to be terrified at the idea of the City Council and law enforcement’s willingness to break the law, which equates to: 


Therefore, those reprobates fulfill Cicero’s quote:

He that violates his oath profanes the divinity of faith itself!”

If the angels told me that I should open and accept the wicked Christian reprobates, it would be done without a second thought. However, the angels have said, “HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH SUCH PEOPLE (2nd Tim 3: 1)”

I’ve recorded a brief video that explains the rest (please click HERE for that video). The following recent posts provide recent examples of Columbus Municipalities authorizing weaponized harassment to align with events. The links below take you to the Columbus Municipal staged and weaponized harassment posts.



This oracle continues below

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device.


 Weaponized vehicles are used to harass us because corrupt pigs and goats think the event can be explained as normal traffic. However, the videos in this post of yesterday’s constant weaponized vehicle harassment demonstrate how abnormal the noise and activity are, especially in this area.

Christian/Catholic Demoniac Power Abuse Menacing and Harassment:

Columbus municipalities moved pawns with loud vehicles into the neighborhood because it was so quite and remote, and they couldn’t use I-71 as effectively, something else we will prove beyond a reasonable doubt.

 The bullets beneath the video links below tell the rest of the story. Let’s start with videos of the Columbus Pigs, the ones partly responsible for every single weaponized vehicle harassment since 2005. Weaponized vehicle harassment is practiced by nearly every law enforcement agency in the country. In the first two videos, the pigs performed their trademark spare copter menacing coupled with the sirens.

0_a-6-17-24 Police Helicopter-111 amVIDEO LINK

  • Notice the beanpole sitting with his high beams shining at the house.
  • We have dozens of videos of Columbus Pigs interacting with the residents in that house as those pawns taunt and harass us.

0_b-6-17-24-police sirens-111-am-VIDEO LINK

  • The sirens work with the copter to validate the menacing event.
  • Most naive-to-corrupt-power-abuse people will say, “Oh! But the helicopter and cars is probably in pursuit of some criminal!” The pigs count on those people to believe them against us.
  • However, Columbus has two additional spare helicopters, along with spare cars, thanks probably in part to Les Wexner.
  • So, if the pigs are abusing public property along with their authority, again, you tell me, who’s more powerful than these corrupt fools who go to such great lengths?

6-16-24 Two Columbus Police-FBI-sponsored-Catholic-Pawns-Trying-To-Taunt-1043 pm -VIDEO LINK

  • This weaponized event happened shortly after publishing the 10:00 pm FrontPage Oracle, which means the scum read that oracle.
  • Notice how the Columbus Pig-sponsored cowards try to taunt by lingering in front of the house. That’s that Catholic wickedness. Yet, the Columbus Pigs try to claim they are God’s soldiers!
  • Menacing is a prevocational act, and if I went out there surprised them with violence, the Columbus pigs would say it was unjustified.
  • But notice how many times the Columbus Pigs-Latina-City-Council harassed on 6-16-24, and notice every event was intended to disturb the peace.

6-16-24 Weaponized highway Vehicle Working Concertedly with Taunting Catholic Pawn 957 pm-VIDEO LINK

  • Notice the Mexican/Latino playing at the intersection while a weaponized vehicle plays its part on I-71.
  • That pawn is from another house of Latino municipal pawns on Oakfield. Once I get that address, we’ll publish it, along with several others.

A: is the original publishing of the 10 pm Corrupt Human Mundanity Interfering With Divine Processes: FrontPage Oracle B: We published a subliminal reference to flickering lights, which occur when spirits are warned to look for certain events. I recorded a video of the event. C: We updated the site at 10:49 pm, just after another weaponized vehicle intrusion.

6-16-24 Weaponized-Vehicle-Intrusion-952-pmVIDEO LINK

  • As you see, the Catholic demoniacs begin exacerbating their weaponized vehicle harassment.
  • This happened eight minutes before we published the

6-16-24-Sneak Weaponized Vehicle Intrusion-8:20 pm-VIDEO LINK

  • The vehicle in that video is supposed to get attention just enough
  • When we don’t immediately update the oracle, Columbus reprobates and sends someone around like the SUV.
  • We didn’t publish the oracle until just after ten. A lot of the evening weaponized vehicle harassment is directly related to not immediately updating the oracle, even though it’s not for the Christian municipal trash or the demonic pawns.
  • The Black Baptists have joined out front as you see the silver SUV parked backward, probably fresh in from praising Tha World Harvest Lawd!
  • I can’t wait to leave Columbus and I am quite prepared for the battles where we’re headed. But it will be a totally different show.

6-16-24 Weaponized Motorcycles 551 pmVIDEO LINKS

  • Notice that’s ½ of the duo scum that passes the house in the next section

6-16-24 Weaponized Motorcycles 517 pmVIDEO LINKS

  • Those are a couple of the 1227 Oakfield Latino Pawns on what appear to be illegal bikes.

6-16-24-Weaponized-Old-model-Firebird-Intrusion-9:03-amORACLE LINK

  • That’s not the first time that Firebird was used to menace
  • But notice it’s loud, and he’s trying to drive slowly…
  • … This is the same menacing tactic repeated in many of the videos.
  • Cowards who use the law to harass, thinking it will prevent retaliation.

6-16-24 Illegal-Mini-Bike-turns-around-drives-right-back-past-the-house-853 amVIDEO LINK

These videos demonstrate the All-American bully’s cowardice. We also know that Christians are the largest body of religious bullies. I mean, America even tries to bully Russia. So, it’s fitting for America, a self-professed Christian country, to be the biggest imperial bully in the world. But the municipal-sponsored harassment isn’t intimidating. The harassment only steels our will, waiting for the situation to escalate from a game to something else.

The issue is that the criminal reprobates responsible for the weaponized harassment have no legal grounds to approach us, coupled with the fact that those Christian reprobates’ prayers fall on Deaf Ears if they must resort to abusing their little human power trying to intimidate their way into the situation!

The reason the pigs and goats will continue their criminal efforts is because they think their positions insulate them (they’ve been this untouchable for what, 100+ years). Well, that scum is facing a different element they’ve never faced, and it’s only a matter of time before the tables turn completely when that new kind of policing, the Soldiers of YHVH, begin to turn their FOP corrupt control completely around!

The wicked reprobates persecuting us are like Lebron James and his son, trying to make everything about themselves. However, the 6-16-24-1000-pm Human Mundanity Interfering With Diivin Processes FrontPage Oracle below is the primary focus.

PIGS, GOATS, AND PAWNS-Violating Their 2nd Tim 3 Gen Oaths:

The wicked reprobates persecuting us are like Lebron James and his son, trying to make everything about themselves. However, the 6-16-24-1000-pm Human Mundanity Interfering With Diivin Processes FrontPage Oracle below this update is today’s primary focus. However, that oracle references the wicked reprobate methods and reasons for persecuting us, so it’s linked to this Pigs, Goats, and Pawns: Operation Break Beak update.

(c)(p) 2008-2024 Pigs, Goats and Pawns

NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device.

This Oracle Validation does exactly what the title states. However, this update continues to demonstrate the validity of the 64 Levels of Power and spiritual guidance. First, we’ll address the reprobate Christian municipality’s 6:15 weaponized vehicle intrusion. 

Reprobate Christian municipalities continue abusing power, trying to make their presence known when we can’t wait for them to drop dead. 


As the illustration below reveals, the angelic Oracle isn’t addressing corrupt, reprobate Christian goats or their sheep pawns. So, who are they to demand I hurry the oracle?

Yet, those reprobates continue their intrusive efforts to be acknowledged. We know that those reprobates are evil because they keep trying to call bad good and vice versa, a 2nd Tim 3 Gener Christian character flaw.


Below is the 3-Day FrontPage Oracle and my 12-Day Oracle. We are five days into the 12-Day Oracle. Let’s break the oracle down.

 The 2 of Rods was the focus of the 6-11-24 Oracle and referred to people who’ve seen the Oracle and think they’re slick in some way. Death and the 10 of Rods Influence today.

Death is very positive in this case as it reveals that enriching (and sanitizing) changes are occurring. Morever, Death told me to pay attention to sudden, drastic, and unexpected changes from others, which are directly related to the oracle, as we’ll see very shortly. The angels are saying that the changes the Oracle reveals are positive, or should I say, I will know which changes are positive.

The adverse 8 of Rods appeared in the 12-Day Oracle Synopsis below:

The 6-11-24 Oracle Validation appears on the left of the image above, and the FrontPage Oracle validation for June 9-12 appears on the right side of the image. The adverse 8 of Rods appears in both oracles and was the subject of the 12-Day Oracle Synopsis.

 The invisible adverse 8 of Rods reappears in today’s oracle, hidden between the 2 and 10 of Rods in the image below:

Long story short, referencing the illustration above, 2 (Rods) and 8 (Rods) equals the 10 (of Rod). That sequence is the angel’s way of telling me that the 6-9-12-24 and 6-11-24 Oracle Validations are part of today’s oracle (the adverse 8 of Rods appeared in both of those Oracles in future positions).

Moreover, the angels use the oracle to assure me that everything I’ve encountered or seen from the 9th to the present validates that cheaters and haters trying to compete have seen the oracle, regardless of their facades. But allies and compadres have also seen the oracle, and they represent positive Death, change of heart and mind (Hexagram 50) in the 3-Day Oracle.

2nd Tim 3 Geners are entitled thieves, cheats, and liars who mistake me for a Yogi, a so-called spiritual master whose purpose is booty, wealth, etc. Unlike muggles, I don’t require any gimmick or trick to get what I want, booty or otherwise. Netflix is full of documentaries that reveal the consequences of pretending to be something you’re not, a predicament that doesn’t concern me.

Every time we remind deluded imbeciles of the dangers of taunting (adverse 8 of Rods) both angels and demons, they escalate their stupidity. Violence will likely erupt with shocking results for those who grossly underestimate the practical truth of spiritual power. Again, Father YHVH knew exactly what He was doing, keeping me concealed while His angels ministered and taught me thoroughly.

In the 6-11-24 Oracle Validation, our subject was a white male trying to compete (trying to make his work appear spiritual).

The adverse Knight of Gemini is among a host of macho imbeciles, male and female, who hang themselves thinking there is no way I can expose them, one of the last foolish actions they will ever make!

Like our political persecutors and Uncle Sam, our Oracle subjects think our spiritual practice is a flighty, New Age, 2nd Tim 3 Gener Tik-Tok stunt. But we live this life not pretending like Wiccan Witches who parade around with purple hair and loud attention-thirsty behavior, or a pervert, spiritually powerless Eastern Indian Yogi-gu-gu guru!


When I said that old-school mobsters in Purgatory helped me foil the second murder attempt against me, I wasn’t pretending. The image below is an illustration from the 6-11-24 FrontPage Oracle. 

You might recall that the 6-11-24 FrontPage Oracle focused on Bandits, robbers, pirates, marauders, and other ‘outlaws.’

I’ve never heard of Scott Scurlock or the Hollywood Bandit. So, there’s no way I could have immediately identified his appearance at my PURE, SPRITIUAL ALTER, as he, among several, appeared below.

Scurlock couldn’t have appeared at my angelic altar if he were evil. So, despite the FBI and media demonizing Scurlock, he was an outlaw just like us. However, Scurlock didn’t know when to quit or how to refuse the demons that began compelling him.

As an exorcist, I can cut the demonic suggestions that could compel me. The demons will place all kinds of thoughts in your head, hoping you’ll bite on at least one. The only thought I entertain is watching females masturbate. However, that indulgence isn’t an obsession as it once was. Therefore, I can resist the suggestion which is accompanied by a sensation.

Scott Scurlock’s accomplices were held in his power, which is why, after his death, they appeared so relieved. The Federal government is the biggest criminal entity in America. Uncle Sam’s peon corporations are also evil and have been using illegal monopoly practices to stop us from advancing, a ruse Uncle Sam is also involved in!

Chase Bank, Huntington Bank, and Dr. Pepper are the reasons our business account is now deactivated and scarred. The System, the Matrix, is the enemy, the powers, principalities, and authorities the Christian Bible warned of. So, anytime we beat or best the System, it’s one notch in the victory belt for the Soldiers Of Light!

After watching HIEST…

… I made the connection to spirits trying to communicate from Purgatory, who was involved in both the Lufthansa Heist and the GoodFellas movie.

Jimmi Iovine, in the original illustration…

…becomes Martin Scorsese in the illustration above it, the second rendering of that RAIDERS oracle.

Spirits had me watch the IRISHMAN Table Read (DeNiro, Pesci, Scorsese, and Pacino) a while ago. I already knew everything those spirits were trying to tell me. Most of the old-school Italian actors and singers were often mob-connected, which is why the movies they starred in were so engaging.

Italian actors being mob-connected is no different from African American athletes and actors connected to black gangs in some way, except with more finesse. Liberal whites can’t get enough of black Drill gang lore the same way we used to be about the Italian mob.

If you recall, the 6-9-24 Oracle told me to look for JEWS and CATHOLICS, both of whom used to control the entertainment business.

Blacks took over the music business when Suge Knight emerged on the scene. Master P and everyone else who came after Suge are accessories after the (Suge) fact. White’s feared Suge Knight in a different way than Master P and the rest. The Sopranos’ A Hit Is a Hit, featuring Bokeem Woodbine as Massive Genius, accurately depicted the black gangsters’ emergence as momentary industry masters (which barely lasted thirty years).

The illustration below reveals many of the subjects the adverse King of Rods referenced from the 11th until today. 

Many old-school black gang members and gangsters often fashioned themselves after Scarface, as my dad’s brother Keith did. Several black gangsters/gangbangers didn’t care for my fashioning ‘our thing’ after the Italians, which was one of many reasons they were trying to kill me. Taking my music, publishing, and royalties were among other reasons I was marked for death.

But the biggest motivation for trying to kill me was because they feared me. Dumb, ignorant, non-organized imbeciles feared shinobi, my spiritual gifts and practices, and my absolute lack of fear. I was just a “white boy” (their term) surviving in the blackest pit in America, the Dirty South.

Black gangs and gangsters aren’t very organized or intelligent and are easily tempted by money, sex, and material possessions, which is why their reign was so short and unimpressive, besides the wanton black-on-black homicides for which they are notoriously known.


How To Rob A Bank was very good and trumped Heist, which required four stories to match How To Rob A Banks one story. I noticed how many of the documentaries I’ve recently watched claimed to have spiritual experiences that foretold events. However, the events that comprised How To Rob A Bank were spiritual regardless of the authenticity of those who claimed to have had dreams and visions before certain occurrences (I didn’t ask the angels if they were lying).

When civilians watch How To Rob A Bank, they can’t understand the supernatural process and learn a lesson from it. Demonic genius provides the tempting suggestion that gets the ball rolling. The more the deviant thinks about the criminally eccentric idea and the probability of success, they’re eventually compelled to the next step. The deviants can’t stop themselves from acting on the carefully considered idea. It’s like baking a cake. The more seriously you contemplate (cook) a deviant thought, the more real it becomes.

Nearly every subject in both How to Rob a Bank and Heist recounts the moment they enacted their plots and how time slows, and the moment becomes surreal. That surreal feeling occurs because everything that’s happening is supernatural. Demons or angels are present and actively involved in materializing their plan via their muggle deviant.

In the Money Plane episode of Heist, demons controlled two airport guards who should have checked the truck when suspicions arose (laziness was the demonic culprit). Moreover, who in thier right mind leaves 80M dollars sitting on a dock without serious security? The Demons inspired Karls Monzon, who was certain that the heist would be successful because of that security deficit. However, Monzon’s brother-in-law was the weak link the demons knew would bring that situation crashing down.

The demons did the same with Richard ‘Nightstalker’ Ramirez. They guided Ramirez while ensuring he left his shoe print, which was one-way law enforcement tracked him down. The demons also left messages in blood splatter and smear that someone like me could interpret easily (they knew I would see the murder scenes decades later and get messages). Why would a demon help a stupid muggle only to have him or her caught? Because once they’re caught or dead, the demon can collect on their souls!

The Sex Magick and Murder episode showed how demons manipulated the manager who hired Heather Tallchief, who was charmed by her sex magick. Easily corrupted humans, whether it’s sexual or monetary corruption, make it very simple for the demons to manipulate them. That is why the Christian Bible warns about indulging vices–you open the door for demons to play.


Just before I watched a thug hitman riddle a drug dealer’s brand-new red Mercedes convertible with bullets, I saw a black cloud as tall as the one-story building it towered beside.

But the angels told me to park my car at that black cloud moments before the event unfolded. The black cloud had an otherworldly look and feel. However, that black cloud was the demon who orchestrated the plot in the hitman’s mind. The drug dealer, White Boy J, and his homeboy survived. Therefore, that shooting was just a message (the intent to kill wasn’t there)!

But the devil or demon responsible for sponsoring a hit, a rape, or a car accident, is always present during the manifestation of the event. Yup! That event opens a porthole that lets the demon do its thing and marks it like a dog peeing on every tree it crosses!


 Demons knew the same finite number of spiritual masters would get their messages from the subjects that appeared in the Heist and How to Rob Bank documentaries. For example, the subjects of the Heist: Money Plane episode were Latino Cubans, a correlation to Columbus City Council person Lourdes Barroso de Padilla, among other subjects.

So, demons used the Heist Money Plane episode to unveil other kinds of ‘dangerous’ Catholic Latinos besides the Mexican Americans involved in the City Council’s harassment we endure daily.

Demons manipulated the Heist documentary producers (through suggestion) to stitch each episode in a way that answers other questions and provides additional information. Interestingly, the Heist Sex Magick Money Murder episode, with its tarot cards, etc., immediately caught my attention for many reasons.

Those Netflix documentaries also demonstrated how the demons hooked each subject with a slight temptation and provided the perfect plan to keep them bound until the inevitable (they got killed or caught). 

The directors and subjects of those documentaries were puppets in a Divine Plan, something they will deny. Demons compelled those documentary subjects, demons I ‘exorcise’ regularly. Spiritual Native Americans understand my next example.

Millions of years ago, spirits started processes of shaping rocks, landscapes, mountain faces, etc.(with guiding winds and waves) with the intent of leaving messages that only a few would have the aptitude to interpret. For example, a Seattle, Washington, Native American mother’s son was murdered and dismembered a few years ago. A small boulder was connected to the son’s murder.

When that Native American mother stated in an interview that the boulder knew millions of years ago her son would be murdered and it would comfort her, all the logical, imperialist, macho, logic-loving, FBI-minded white males in the comment section had all kinds of stupid things to say about the Native American mother’s statement.

The 6-9-24 Oracle Illustration below referenced the logic-dependant, cheating, bigot, Anglo-Saxon American who keeps testing and taunting!

Those cocky macho male types continue harssing us, hiding behind autonomy, badges, and money. However, sadly for those fools, The Supernatural—YHVH and His angels—will eventually unleash on them like a sudden, violent lightning storm, and just as Revelation predicted, those fist-shaking, ridiculing mockers will know there is a YHVH!

We’re preparing to launch our engaging FrontPage Oracle video presentation. Visitors can either read the oracle or watch the video presentation.

This oracle continues below

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, which are often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device.

This Oracle Update demonstrates the 64 Levels of Power and angelic guidance in practice and how they relate to the next three days. I recorded many of the videos accompanying this post on 5-31-24. The videos demonstrate Columbus municipalities and their pawns working concertedly with Uncle Sam to menace and harass. But let’s start with an Oracle Validation.

America freezing Russia’s assets and then boldly lending them to Ukraine is a MAURADER MOVE, the focus of the last four days. So, the Oracle is, again, exact.

Once I saw the ABC headline about the USA and Ukraine, I knew it was related to the oracle’s marauder subject matter.


But today’s oracle references illegal sanctions. Hexagram 54 also admonishes steering clear of impulsive or impressionable actions, something a man of power should know. That means keeping a cool head is a wise move for Russia.

Biden and his tough guys are obviously trying to provoke Russia.  Strong-arming Russian assets is also a warning to Russia to seriously reconsider any business ties connected to NATO (G6-etc) because this will not be the last time NATO (G6) pulls a female menstruation tactic trying to provoke him!

Interstingl, America claims that Israel has gone rogue with its funding and weapons. We’ve already seen Zelensky appear to ‘improvise the script’ with American weapons and arms after he attacked a Russian city earlier in the year. But we know that it can’t be possible for little old Israel and Ukraine to openly defy the Big Bad Wolf, who’s probably hiding behind plausible deniability. On to the next section.


One feature that makes the 64 Levels of Power so potent is understanding and applying 64 LEVELS OF POWER ALCHEMIC PRINCIPALS.

Certain element combinations aid in providing further details. If you purchase a pack of Tarot cards, they come with a book filled with random, suffocating possibilities, which the 64 Levels of Power eliminate.

So, I know today’s oracle targets refinement and the process of depreciation in this case because elemental combinations, earth, and a higher element provided the additional details that work with simple 64 Levels of Power calculations.

NEW DATA & INTEL, DAILY: 64 Levels of Power Expansion

My copy of the 64 Levels of Power keeps expanding with each Oracle rendering. As you see in my early morning search history in the image below, the moment I saw the 4 of Coins was influenced by a certain alchemical combination, I knew I was dealing with something mundane, basic, boring, and monotonous.

However, I heard the angel say, REDUNDANCY, my cue to search for additional, applicable meanings for the word. The angels teach or answer questions through experience (you must earn spiritual power).

I knew the Oracle dealt with business, so I searched for MARKET REDUNDANCY, which was exactly the required topic. If you can’t see the genius in the 64 Levels of Power processes, you’re either a hater, like Uncle Sam, or blind!

So, this morning, I added a new alchemic entry for the 4 of Coins influenced by a specific elemental combination. Think of the 64 Levels of Power as a C# gaming library.

Having a game programming engine with a template library database prevents you from having to create one from scratch while adding your own objects, classes, and templates. You can expand your 64 Levels of Power ‘library’ as I just demonstrated with the 4 of Coins.

WHY THEY WON’T CAPITALIZE MUCH: Piles of Redundant Garbage

The angels used the weaponized Latino Cha-Cha music the 1227 Oakfield municipal pawns harass us with as an example of a redundant narrow marketing niche and why it’s not making lots of money. Whatever that genre is has an inflexible slot in the market that appeals specifically to certain Latinos, like Reggaeton. However, like Reggaeton, the beat is redundant and often overly Autotune-saturated, which could be off-putting to consumers outside of that market.

Notice in the oracles below that the same adverse King of Coins sponsored the 5-31-24 and 6-12-24 Weaponized harassment. We have in the Oracle a wealthy scum Bull throwing his weight around (his money). 

  • 6-12-24-5 pm-Oracle-Validation-VIDEO LINK– The same adverse King of Coins appears in an Oracle validation video I did on the 12th. 

  • 5-31-24 Black and Latino Demoniacs and ‘THEY’ WHITE MASTER!-ORACLE LINK
  • 6-12-24-5pm-Oracle-Validation-VIDEO LINK

Moreover, the market is over-saturated with ‘artists’ doing the same thing, further diminishing the market value of that genre (Cha-Cha, Mariachi, etc.). The greedy capitalist King of Coins in the oracle, who sponsors the weaponized harassment, has a stock of redundant, worthless products, for example, boring Drill, Pop, and other genres. But eliminating the competition with illegal market control has reaped karmic repercussions that pig businessman and his capitalist compadres deserve.’

 Now, those greedy capitalists who used illegal monopoly tactics are scrambling for the next big thing, which is impossible in a world of muggles who have very little innovation and follow everything they see on YouTube, resulting in played-out variations of Drill (like fusing Drill with Pop), etc.

5-31-24 5:28 pm-ORACLE LINK

5-31-24 Black and Latino Demoniacs and ‘THEY’ WHITE MASTER!-ORACLE LINK

I cast the oracle above on May 31, 2024. But notice, the Hermit refers to today and the videos I captured on May 31. In other words, the angels were saying not to publish those videos until today’s Oracle (High Priestess)! 

We’re dealing with the same kind of American Imperialist who froze Russia’s assets and dared to give them to Ukraine. How? The same greedy pig capitalists have repeatedly blocked us from introducing our innovative product into the tired market while they release weak-ass clones trying to be us! America is the greatest imperialistic bully who seems to revel in resorting to female cheating tactics instead of openly confronting their perceived adversaries.

Put plainly, Uncle Sam and his bureaucrat corporate clones treat us as they do China, Russia, Palestine, and other ‘enemies!’ Taunting Russia by ‘lending’ Ukraine Russia’s money is a provocation taunt that could endanger the rest of America.

Uncle Sam and his petty Columbus Municipalities perform the same cowardice provocation tactics when they authorize their 1227 Oakfield Drive pawns to harass us with their weaponized bass Cha-Cha, Mariachi, etc., music, daring us to respond.

We understand Hamas, Russia, and China because greedy, warmongering, capitalist Uncle Sam treats us the same, and we’re ‘American citizens!” Uncle Sam is a trouble maker who runs around the world taunting other nations, daring them to respond, which is nothing short of petty female tactics that will eventually backfire.

This oracle continues HERE.

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, which are often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device.

I’m always receiving spiritual information and updates. Immediately after publishing the 6-11-24 9:17 pm 7-Day Oracle Conclusion part 1, I cast several Oracle validations. If you recall, the angels told me to look for Jews and Catholics behaving negatively in the 6-9-24 12-Day Oracle Synopsis. 

6-9-10-24 12-Day Oracle Validation Illustration:

I’ve also repeatedly mentioned that the moment I see an oracle subject appear online (YouTube), etc., I immediately make the correlation between what I’ve seen and the oracle—the oracle flashes in my mind to validate my targets.

I’m going to make this quick. Let’s allow the illustrations to set the stage for part two of this brief presentation.

Remember, Suge Knight recently appeared in the Oracle, trying to throw lightning…

Remember the Sorpano’s episode where Paulie visited the psychic?

Yeah, well, this situation is kind of like that Sopranos episode, except it’s more like, as we said in our Supernatural Entertainment Introduction, the Godfather, the Craft, and the Exorcists mixed together.

The 6-9-24-11 pm- 12-Day Oracle Synopsis-1  introduced new spiritual intelligence that showed me a new correlation validator, as the image below reveals.

6-12-24 12:30 am 7-Day Oracle Conclusion- part-2

 But I have to share again another true story that sums up this update. Remember, I mentioned that a known gay record exec tried to proposition me, offering me a deal if I let him do some gay stuff to me or vice versa. That was the first of three indecent propositions involving record labels, two from execs and one from an A&R rep (they were all working concertedly).

When I walked into that exec’s office, I was a Folk Gangster gang member. I didn’t realize at the time the label executive had his own Italian mob connections, which didn’t phase me in the least when I found out later (that is the mentality you must have when dealing with that element).

However, that punk exec realized that day I wasn’t some unorganized, ignorant, black circus monkey gang thug. By that point, I had already survived five murder attempts and New Orleans devils and demons just before Katrina wiped it clean.

If I don’t fear a violent last-stand encounter with Uncle Sam, the FBI in particular, I’m not concerned with too much. Our adversaries have no idea of what we are prepared to do or who we will form alliances with very shortly. The FBI is notorious for being unethical pigs who have no problem joining underworld figures for joint ventures, especially ones involving intimidation.

Uncle Sam is a coward. So, even though he acts all Donny Brasco, he’s quite intimidated my underworld figures. Just watch some of those videos of FBI agents’ covers being blown and observe the tough guy agent turn into a yellow body fluid dripping down his pant leg!


Many old-school label execs had backup underworld connections that helped them maraud artists and producers of their product, like Suge Knight tried to do to Easy E. The numerous YouTube documentary videos detailing what Easy was prepared to do to deal with Suge Knight speak volumes about the point I’m making.

Record labels and their goons have tried to take our empire from the beginning of its inception. However, we are ready to die for our thing, but we are also ready to do ‘vice-versa!’ You shouldn’t fear anything with YHVH backing you and the vigilance and proper preparation to do whatever is necessary to emerge as victorious as possible in worst case scenarios!

If you haven’t been driven to the point you thought you’d kill someone, then you haven’t endured sixteen-plus years of capitalist, bureaucrat-motivated political persecution that has exceeded the normal threshold of human tolerance. As we’ve stated repeatedly, we understand Hamas completely!

YHVH’S angels taught me well and with a definite higher purpose; this is Armageddon, after all. We are dealing with godless, wicked Uncle Sam-backed corporate bullies who are used to preying on weak, ignorant, and spiritually powerless prey.

As I said, the moment I receive spiritual intelligence informing me to prepare for a deadly encounter, as YHVH is my witness, we will see then if The 64 Levels of Power and angelic guidance is some “psychic bitch shit!”

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

This oracle continues below.

6-12-24 11:28 pm Cowards and Power Abuse:

The oracle will respond tomorrow to the trifling diva puppet, Columbus Municipalities, and their 1227 Oakfield Drive municipal trash. I want to show all the disrespectful 2nd Tim 3 Gener weaponized Mariachi bass harassment from today.

The Google Earth image below is fairly recent. That current Latino pawn drives that black car and is one of the vehicles harassing using weaponized bass Mariachi music.

The Google Image below is old and outdated.

The same black car sits in the 1227 Oakfield driveway, yet…

When you get close to the residence, the cars are old and the image isn’t current…

Please click HERE and watch a video of Google Earth refusing to allow me to view the 1227 Oakfield house in front of the residence. Moreover, once you turn that corner onto Oakfield, the Google Earth images switch to before we moved into this house, which would be prior to September 2016.

Interestingly, as recently as April 2024, the Google Earth image for 1227 Oakfield Drive allowed me to click right in front of that address as it appears now, as I’ll show with recent Google Earth images of that location.

The next angelic oracle will reveal what the B—- ‘puppeting’ those Oakfield pawns want and why she keeps pushing. Sadly, we’re not eager, muggle, enamored CPD-FBI pawns. You can peep that oracle by clicking HERE. Let’s see what garbage that diva and degenerate female powers’ psychics and card readers tell those fools. Those females’ spiritual guidance frauds and clergy couldn’t be guiding them very well, or they wouldn’t keep pushing!

Corrupt Columbus, Ohio, municipalities have moved at least twenty different Latino pawns into various houses in the neighborhood since 2021. Pawns perform roles like taunting us with weaponized bass, loud mufflers, and engines, among other peon roles they receive perks for doing. But many other houses in the neighborhood act as municipal pawns in some capacity.

When we publish the 1227 Oakfield Drive address, the Columbus police menace in protest with a spare helicopter. Therefore, those 1227 Oakfield pawns are either undercover law enforcement or puppets avoiding jail time working for the police. Maybe they’re working for green cards. America and Israel are using the same cowardly political power abuse. American-backed Israel tormented and murdered innocent Palestinians and then called a justified act of retaliation “terrorism.”

This update demonstrates the lengths that Quantico Flunky Ohio FBI, CPD, and other pigs and goats appear to be going through to hide those 1227 Oakfield Latino pawns who continue using weaponized bass Mariachi music to harass and menace. Remember, we’re talking about trashy Latinos with no self-respect, not disciplined, self-respecting citizens. But the City Council and Diva fanboy law enforcement who puppet them are also trash. Trash is, trash does.

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

This oracle continues below.

NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device.

6-20-24 8:29 pm Corrupt Municipalities Still Making Weaponized Racket-ORACLE LINK

The 8 of Rods reversed is one of the FrontPage Oracle’s subjects.

When I took our dog out at 8:29 pm, off-duty police were making weaponized vehicle racket from Dublin Granville Road and I-71. We will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that off-duty law enforcement, firemen, EMTs, and others are the primary source of the weaponized NASCAR-type noise polluting Columbus.

But more specifically, all of the Dublin Granville and I-71 weaponized vehicle racket in close proximity to our house is associated with Columbus municipalities (law enforcement in this case) persecuting and harassing us/ Those corrupt reprobates continue to make three considerable mistakes:

  • Thinking they’re above reproach
  • There are many eyes watching us from outside the city.
  • We continue correlating the weaponized harassment.

We knew that all law enforcement branches were working concertedly to persecute us. Law enforcement has no authority unless:

  •  There’s a criminal act
  • They’re directing traffic,
  • Acting as security (so they can tell you what line you’re not supposed to be in).

Law enforcement uses intimidation and persecution tactics when trying to break those not intimidated by them. Why should you be intimidated by the police if you’re not a criminal?

This post continues below.

This oracle continues below

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device.

My brother Carlos forgot to close the garage door yesterday after leaving for work. As this quick Oracle Update demonstrates, everything happens for a reason.

In all fairness to Brother Carlos, spirits have been fooling with the garage door, causing it to open moments after it appears to close. However, the oracle specifically reveals that Carlos forgot to check to make sure the garage door was closed.

I cast the 6-19-24 1:59 pm Snapshot-(ORACLE LINK) oracle below just before Carlos left for work.

Notice that the angels addressed the garage door issue before I even knew about it, which was around 10 p.m. Let’s break the letters down in the image above:

A: Carlos leaving…

B: …the garage door open (4 of Swords reversed-security issues)

C: Municipal pawns taking leaps of faith to alert me of the open garage door using weaponized vehicle noise fails because of severe damage caused by political persecution and harassment. I came outside during the 10 pm hour on 6-19-24 after seeing a vehicle out front. That’s when I saw the garage door was open.

The angels allowed the incident to occur and didn’t immediately tell me about the garage door for a specific purpose. I’ll explain more in the next part of this oracle.


Our political persecutors and their pawns probably forgot about this next incident. The car encircled in the image below belonged to one of my brother’s Muslim friends.

Lina left her car in our driveway while she went to Algeria for Ramdan in 2022. A week after returning from Algeria, Lina was in a serious accident involving a speeding motorcycle near the intersection of 5th and High Street that left the careless rider in critical condition.

Lina’s accident made the local news. However, it was no coincidence that Lina’s newly purchased car sat in our driveway for almost two months and was totaled in an accident a week after her return (which allowed her to get an even better car). As the previous image revealed, the angels referred to Lina (Pisces) and the Google Earth image because the open garage, the Google Earth Image, and several other events and details were relevant.

I screen-captured the Google Earth image appearing in this update today. Yet, the image is a snapshot of 2022, the year BTG’s The Exorcist Ground Zero was supposed to be released. BMI and several others unlawfully blocked that release. Our FYOP Records Inc. record label also threw a successful commemoration barbeque event on July 2nd, 2022. So, the angels used the opened garage door to refer to 2022, amongst several other issues. 

The image below reveals other information the angels referenced in the oracle.

The suit of Cups, waters, etc, signify many characteristics, like:

  • humor
  • singing
  • excellent taste in food, music, and art

But one distinct character trait the Cups court cards can pinpoint is extremely beautiful people, both spiritually and appearance-wise (they tend to take after their mothers rather than their fathers). When referring to appearance, the female court cards point to gorgeous women who are naturally beautiful with little need for makeup. For example, the Hadid sisters and Mother Hadid depict the Queen, Knight, and Page of Cups.


My brother Carlos mentioned Sean Combs and his son Sean Afro Pick in counsel before he left for work. Immediately, the oracle below flashed in my mind.

The Page of Cups reversed in this case refers to someone putting their foot in their mouth and regretting it. The adverse 9 of Rods in the Oracle pinpoints hyped publicity stunts that backfire, like bragging about escaping punishment while trying to diss 50 Cent.

“There is nothing extraordinary about Afro Pick Combs or his siblings (quote).”

According to the angels, the entire Combs clan, except for one daughter, will burn with the chaff, or was that with the Shaft? You shouldn’t have too much to worry about if you’re not a Combs, huh?

That same oracle referenced:

Do you see how one Oracle rendering repeatedly yields different but pertinent information? The same demons influence the same subjects in slightly different ways. Moreover, each Oracle rendering revealed new spiritual principles designed to teach higher spiritual abilities, like walking on water and turning water into wine.

Don’t even try it, Bible Thumpers. The Master’s (Jesus) disciples followed his steps and performed many miracles. Moreover, Jesus said, what? The power of belief practiced can move mountains, but not without self-sacrifice and hardship.

By the Power and Might of YHVH, those who’ve followed our show here at www.thatbdpfyop.com have watched me progress from one spiritual power level to another. However, our audience can continue to watch us advance spiritually in the Exorcist Demon Hunter series.



This oracle continues below

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device.


Financially perked Columbus municipalities and their pawns repeated a similar round of harassing persecution on 6-12-24 as they did on May 31st. In the videos you’re about to watch, you’ll notice the trademark weaponized NASCAR noise, sirens, bass stereos, and horns in the background of the staged events.

Please click the links below to view the May 31st videos.

  • 3-31-24 748 pm Harassment-Bill Cosby Clone-Weaponized Vehicles-and Horn-VIDEO LINK
  • 3-31-24 748 pm Harassment- Lil Baby-Clone-1-VIDEO LINK
  • 3-31-24 748 pm Harassment-1227 Oakfield Pawns Bass Music Harassment-ORACLE LINK
  • 3-31-24 748 pm Harassment-Lil Baby Clone-2-ORACLE LINK
  • 3-31-24 748pm Harassment Bill Cosby-Clone walks the opposite direction-ORACLE LINK

Every event contained in those videos was sponsored by the adverse King of Coins and authorized by Columbus, Ohio municipalities, including Columbus law enforcement, and we’ll continue proving it.



If the May 31, 2024 events had been life-and-death situations, I would have known my targets and eliminated them without doubt or hesitation as they executed their operation.

Let me explain another practical feature of the 64 Levels of Power. Let’s say you received an oracle that gave you the description of Latinos in hoodies and a stolen red sports car that would be involved in a shooting at a large establishment. You decide to head to the mall and do some shopping. While mall shopping, you saw a male walking with a red hoody, and sensed something was off.

Emerging from the mall, you spot a red sportscar, and less than a minute later, gunfire rings out. However, you saw the license tags, which will probably lead to a stolen car, as your oracle warned. The more you experience the uncanny accuracy and correlate it to your oracles, the stronger that ability becomes, concretizing your belief in YHVH and His angels.

But the 64 Levels of Power detailed symbolism, simple processes, and correlations provide the basis for you to build your ‘library of experiences.’ The angels will use those types of scenarios to provide an experience that solidifies your belief in Heaven.

 I’ve already stated that the 64 Levels of Power will work adversely for pigs, goats, and municipal pawns, a warning those imperialist bully imps will disregard. The 64 Levels of Power is intended to even the odds against the powers, principalities, and authorities, the same kind of politically religious wicked individuals that slandered Jesus and handed him over to the Romans for crucifixion.

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

This oracle continues below.

NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device.

2:00 am: Our political persecutors continue their harassment, which is why we didn’t publish an Oracle update on 6-19-24. This update will be really short. Later, I will return for a more in-depth Oracle validation that includes the links appearing in this update. Some more events will happen shortly, so waiting a bit to publish the Oracle validation is wise.

Remember, thanks to Chris Brown, the 6-17-24 FrontPage Oracle told us we were looking for a singer under the influence, followed by some kind of suspension. Two days later…

The illustration below tells us what we are looking for over the next four days.

The above oracle highlighted Death in the 12-Day Synopsis. Remember, death refers to enriching changes.

We’ll be introducing some enriching changes on Friday, ones that will smack TAXI Music, Universal Music, Republic Records, and the Masonic Ape who still thinks he’s going to–well… let’s wait till later. That’s crazy that twelve days have already passed, and June is on its way out.

On 6-18-24, I had an in-depth dream about Godzilla. I’ll reveal a tiny bit of the dream later. I had another series of dreams on 6-19-24 connected to the Godzilla dream.

I’ll explain the illustration below later. But remember, we’re supposed to be looking for jealous cheaters trying to compete who are on the way out, like  Auld Lang Syne.


If your rear end stinks, and you can’t smell it in the updraft while sitting down, something’s wrong with you. Who wants to work with someone who doesn’t use soap, bathe, or brush their teeth? Many once superstars who thought they were gods are falling from Olympus in droves. According to the angels, those males and females (but mostly males) are no longer appealing.

Secrets of what our subjects are like off-camera or off-stage play a role in disenchanting themselves from others, including celebrities. It’s like Ed Sheeran. He was kicking it with some superstar beauty who dumped him for someone more up her alley and mindset. Being able to sing deep-voiced country ballads, or whatever it is, is enamoring until you get behind closed doors. If your only game is your name, well…

This oracle continues below

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

Supernatural Spirituality

Supernatural Spirituality demonstrates what walking with YHVH and talking with His angels resembles. Reading the Bible and believing in YHVH isn’t spiritual. But you’ll get personal with YHVH and His angels, walking and talking with them regularly. Supernatural Spirituality demonstrates the results of our long, painful, self-sacrificing walks with YHVH and His angels and the miracles it produce. Click one of the images below to experience what our supernatural walk with YHVH and His angels revealed!

Pigs Goats & Pawns

Bible scholars are absolutely clueless about the meaning of Ephesians 6:12. Fools think the Powers, Principalities, and Authorities are ephemeral, invisible. We’ve been fighting the Powers, Principalities, and authorities for fifteen years, and they aren’t just invisible!

Please see the introduction EYE ON THE BEAST POST below to learn about the fifteen-year battle against the Powers, Principalities, and authorities.