
ORACLE Table of Contents launches within:



As you read the FRONTPAGE ORACLES, please keep in mind that we use’s home page to combat pollical persecution and materialize a seemingly invisible adversary!

Please read the PIGS, GOATS, and PAWNS (PGAP) Documentary Synopsis and the OPERATION BREAK BEAK (OBB) posts to understand how we use our front page to materialize the invisible enemy we’ve codenamed Team Woody (or Chuck, or Woody, or Chuckster, or Woodchuck, or Chuck Wheat, or Federal Pink Adversary).

In the PGAP and OBB posts, we speak in first person to those persecutors (You scum, you’ve been warned, etc.). Our persecutors are Columbus Municipal powers and authorities, including LGBTQ, the entertainment industry, politicians, clergy, and the pawns they employ to harass us.

We have hundreds and hundreds of FrontPage Oracles that have predicted everything from a play-by-play Oracle of Michigan defeating Ohio State to Trump’s downfall.

However, since we use our website’s home page to counter-provoke our political persecutors, we’re separating those Operation Break Beak/Oracle Blog Response posts from the FrontPage Oracle Posts. Click HERE for a sanitized Oracle Response Blog responding to a recent weaponized staged harassment authorized by Columbus Municipal powers.

FrontPage Oracle for June 28th-30th 2023

THe Devil is a Christian:

12:02 am weaponized Catholic Reving his Engine: Like I said, pig snitch!

If you’re battling corrupt municipal powers, the federal government, or law enforcement, it would be wise to remove all your data and files from any cloud services you use, from Microsoft Cloud to Google Cloud. Any sensitive or private files you don’t want floating in a cloud service because it isn’t safe. The FBI and others can follow everything you do online. Trusting the government is how they get away with so much evil!

 The FBI and CIA most notably spy on everyone celebrity, politician, and athlete. There’s no checks and balance for those agencies who think they are God. I guarantee there are files on Supreme Court Justices, Marjorie Taylor Green, New York mayor. Freemasons pollute law enforcement in general. So, of you have beef with the foul Freemasons, they have plenty of FBI connections. For the last two years our political persecutors have allowed their pawns to shoot guns during July 4th and New Years Day. Our political persecutors have used July 4th to harass us, including the Columbus Police circling our house with cars and the helicopter.  

If some thugs got shot in Bicentennial park recently, what makes you think Red White and Boom is so safe?

Sick and Wicked

11:48 pm UPDATE:

If you’re battling corrupt municipal powers, the federal government, law enforcement, it would be wise to remove all of your data and files fomr

10: 49 pm: Now I know you Quantico Flunky MF’ers are invading our privacy. The same song I was listening to today on YouTube repeatedly, some temporary pawns were listening to in the driveway next door (place video here).

You privacy-invading FBI crackers and negroes will keep testing, hiding your punk asses behind your snitch pawns. You social media MFers on the same trip. My next move is to cover my asshole by contacting the media, telling my story, making my peace, and shocking the F— out of you pigs, goats, and your pawns! Your harassment bullshit is exactly why there’s a homicide or shooting nearly every f—- day! You sick ass pigs are no different than the criminals you hunt!

10:20 pm UPDATE: 

Another Catholic pawn driving a vehicle equipped with weaponized bass passed the house at 10:08 pm (image #1).  Criminals are criminals, whether they’re municipal, political, religious, or corporate powers. A criminal knows no boundaries. Wealthy elitists are used to others bowing and ingratiating themselves,  and they’re not used to being told to FO. There’s a wise saying that a dangerous man is one who can’t be bought. When you’re not impressed with money or who someone is, that is the biggest blow to their phenomenal hubris. But I mean, if you knew YHVH and spent time in angels and spirits’ presence, would a bunch of pervert-ass, wealthy, corrupt elitists impress you?

10:20 pm UPDATE:

The frigid, misandrist Queen of Swords reversed in THIS ORACLE authorized the gay and the weaponized bass truck. That staged event in THIS VIDEO video event with the weaponized bass truck and gay walking a bulldog occurred almost immediately after we published THIS POST. We also want you to be mindful of how many autonomous LGBTQ FBI agents abuse power, as they have against us, to harass anyone who refuses to accept them (which we can prove)!

8:21 pm UPDATE: LGBTQ is whining and complaining. But this post demonstrates how that tiny community and its LGBTQ governors, mayors, police chiefs, and corporate powers abuse authority to give them unfair leverage. The first image exposes the wicked scum public power who authorized THIS HARRASMENT from a truck with weaponized bass drawing attention to an obviously gay male walking a bulldog!

This post demonstrates many things, particularly how demoniacs like the ones that have polluted the country can’t be reasoned with! Remember, we’ve used our website as an effective weapon for sixteen years, as this post proves! We’ll ‘sanitize’ this post shortly.

After publishing this 7:19 pm post below, corrupt Columbus and American municipal and political powers authorized the events in THIS VIDEO

Notice the weaponized Punk is walking a BULLDOG. The 7:10 pm post below will fill in the rest of the pieces as to why that punk-ass b—– using weaponized bass to draw attention to a punk walking a bulldog.

But If I came out of the house and unloaded on that Beanpie taunting with weaponized bass, the pigs, the fat black police chief, and municipal powers would have the gall to arrest me and charge me with homicide after the pigs, municipal powers, and their fag sponsor, Lex Wanker, staged that provocation, and every other!

I bet the right side of the fence watching would understand if it snapped. The video demonstrates how powerful  fags, dykes, and transgender benders have harassed us, along with black, white, and Latino trash hiding behind money, political power, and cowardice@

Columbus pigs, goats, and pawns still don’t realize those sick MF’ers aren’t the only ones watching.

Notice the weaponized Punk is walking a BULLDOG. The 7:10 pm post below will fill in the rest of the pieces as to why that punk-ass b—– using weaponized bass to draw attention to a punk walking a bulldog.

But If I came out of the house and unloaded on that Beanpie taunting with weaponized bass, the pigs, the fat black police chief, and municipal powers would have the gall to arrest me and charge me with homicide after the pigs, municipal powers, and their fag sponsor, Lex Wanker, staged that provocation, and every other!

I bet the right side of the fence watching would understand if it snapped. The video demonstrates how powerful  fags, dykes, and transgender benders have harassed us, along with black, white, and Latino trash hiding behind money, political power, and cowardice@

Columbus pigs, goats, and pawns still don’t realize those sick MF’ers aren’t the only ones watching.


UPDATED @7:19 pm

6-30-23 7:08 pm:


The farthest left isn’t interested in fairness, equality, or diversity. How can LGBTQ be diverse when it seeks to exclude the opposite sex? As the oracle predicted, once the Supreme Court ruled righteously, the unrighteous bullies would behave like the rat in Hexagram 43 Line#6 (please see image #1 in the image carousel-illustration taken from the Illustrated I Ching-Koh-Koh Kiang). 

There is no balance in America any longer. Madonna wasn’t the predominant female singer. A look at music history reveals there was Patti Labelle, Barbara Streisand, and Celine Deon, along with Madonna and her thot contemporaries. Now, there is only Madonna (or they’re the ones getting all the shine).

Everything leans all the way to the farthest left because it has bullied the rest of America, even its progressive and Democrat teammates. LGBTQ and other left extremists kept pushing.

America gave LGBTQ hundreds of miles, and it decided it wanted the country. If you take legitimate polls, you will see how happy and enthused many Americans are about having a break from LGBTQ and other small groups of extremists bullying the country. I supported LGBTQ until municipals gays, record label execs, etc., thought that meant I wanted to join their gang!


Washington Post writer Brian Broome behaves as a typical far-left enthusiast by whining and complaining. Broome’s problem is one of the things plaguing America; thinking his lopsided, delusional opinion means something rather than remaining balanced and recognizing both sides of the fence.

LGBTQ will whine and complain, many even resorting to violence that will not end well for them. You can’t even enjoy movies and streaming because Hollywood is always preaching one sermon after another, and LGBTQ and diversity are Hollywood’s main sermons.


Colleges complaining about diversity obviously haven’t watched very many movies or checked stats on what trends influence the country. Hip Hop and R and B dominate America (or were dominating).

Country Music has surpassed Hip Hop because rap is all-consuming, thanks to politics. Black-on-Black violence and crime epidemics are only destroying the once iconic African American Hip Hop institution. Fortunately, trendsetters are trying to reverse the perverse rap fad as a viable alternative to WAP and Senior Mushmout the Murderer. 


The next event the ultra-liberal will decry is banning certain types of swimwear from public water parks. Everyone else shouldn’t have to be submitted to others’ lack of propriety. Anything goes these days, even when there are children around.

Most of the black violence is coming from tatted thugs. It doesn’t matter that there a cool people with tats. My brother is tatted. But the ‘kewl’ people will suffer along with the majority because things have gotten so out of control! I can’t even wear my hat backward without people eying me at the store, which is why I always make sure I’m on my best behavior rather than boisterously decrying the situation.

Restaurant owners will also start turning people with tats and certain attire away, and rightly so. Ultra Liberals think it’s ok to dress like you’re going to Mcdonald’s at a classy restaurant.

Society as we know it was gone when I saw scores of police walking around on duty with tats exposed. Professional used to mean something. Now there are thot professionals. The moment order declines, chaos isn’t far behind.


A few years back, there was a quasi-Egyptian revelation. Extreme liberals joined and created a legitimate movement that the government had to acknowledge. Time passed, and the liberals were hanging out in large numbers on government property.

The Egyptian government took affirmative action to disperse the crowd, which started whining and complaining about being ruffed up. However, when I heard the army general’s reasons for the excessive actions, I sided with him immediately.

The Egyptian general stated that people were robbing, selling and taking drugs, and getting out of order, which is a feasible argument when dealing with ultra-liberals. But the angels also backed the general and validated he wasn’t lying.

However, the cameras spoke the same truth as the general in that documentary. You could see the protest had turned into a hippy fest on government property! Ultra-liberals have no boundaries, so they keep pushing until the inevitable. You can’t sit around smoking and playing all day and not expect society to take a dive, hence America’s current condition!


 If you don’t agree with transgender pronouns, you aren’t obligated to use them. Yet, when you exercise free will, LGBTQ is always using politically correct outrage to maintain control. Everything LGBTQ does will backfire immediately because of how they do what they do and have been doing (bullying people against their free will). 

The Supreme Court’s Wisdom-guided rulings are allowing some people to breathe while providing vengeance for millions of others. 


6-30-23 4:37 pm: Then, after publishing the 4:24 pm, full-blown explanation post, black-ass municipal powers authorize another black pawn to turn on their porchlight in broad daylight. An angel said those fools can’t get it through their head that their actions (breaking the law and harassing) give us a reason not to trust them.

If angels said they were trustworthy, there would be no issues. I know who’s puppeting those particular pawns and what she wants. IDGAF who she is or what she wants since she thinks she can intrude upon my space, making demands!

But corrupt people abusing authority for selfish reasons justify their twisted New World order way of violating the law and Constituion! You MF’ers are really demonized!

6-30-23 4:24 pm ORACLE UPDATE:

On 6-29-23, another political persecutor’s pawn moved, suddenly. The driver of the yellow Camaro occupied the corner house previously. That pawn’s codename was Childish Gabino Junior (CGJ).

We knew that someone connected to CGJ was still living at the house. We have a video of a car with weaponized bass pulling backward into the corner house driveway on numerous occasions. That yellow Camero CGJ is driving is one of the perks he received for his outstanding role in using his bucket Ford Focus’ busted muffler to harass us, as the weaponized Infinity is doing IN THIS VIDEO

So, two pawns are moving. Don’t you think that’s strange? Well, Pigs Goats and Pawns will correlate those pawns’ sudden residence changes with 15 years of proof. We lived at the Cherry Blossom apartment complex from 2010  to 2015. We stayed in motels for nearly two years prior to moving into Cherry Blossom because our political persecutors prevented us from getting another apartment.

From day one, if moving into Cherry Blossom, the weaponized harassment began and never ended. We have every video from Cherry Blossom. After five years of on-premises harassment, we confronted Cherry Blossom’s pawn manager about the obvious harassment. The manager told us if we didn’t like it, to move, then refused to renew our lease. We also have the video of that office visit.

Every condo on Black Cherry Ct. was involved in the relentless persecution. But by 2014, Team Woody had moved every pawn out of Black Cherry Ct. within a six-month period and replaced them with new eager pawns, which they will do again here shortly. Team Woody had pawns in houses all around the community revving engines or sitting still and playing bass music.

Cherry Bottom Road and Broadview Road provided the perfect place for constant weaponized vehicle harassment. Moreover, Black Cherry Ct. was a culdesac that allowed cowards to torment us with relentless abandon.

We also endured hell living in motels, which Pigs Goats and Pawns will demonstrate. We spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in rent and never received a full day of peace. The Constituion is supposed to protect you from criminals abusing power. So spare me your white boy America the great speech!


6-30-23 1:11 pm ORACLE UPDATE: Team Woody, or Woody, is the codename for the municipal, political, corporate, and religious powers persecuting us.

In the picture, Team Woody pawns (codenamed Section-8)  were moving from the house with the Ryder truck parked in the driveway. The previous owners of that house were also pawns, as video surveillance will prove.

Team Woody’s persecution has exacerbated exponentially. Woody doesn’t understand they’re compelled because we’re bout to finish our work and negotiations and prepare to start promoting and publicizing. We will also be moving from this house after seven years and $120k dollar worth of rent. Moreover, we endured nonstop harassment the entire residency! So much for the Constitution, huh?

Section-8 moved so that Team Woody could replace them with fresh pawns. The neighboring pawns and Section-8 sold their souls. When you don’t earn what you have and do something evil or unnecessary to get it, you’ve sold a piece of your soul. So, a prostitute becomes damned the more she fornicates to get money for her drug habit! Another example is a heterosexual singer performing gay acts for a record deal.

Section-8 probably received a better house or no downpayment to rent to own some property.  Woody’s pawns have the nerve to hold their heads high while looking down on us when we’ve earned every bit of what we’re about to receive! Keep in mind that nearly every pawn claims to be Christian. Figures!

Apealachian Attack:-UPDATE

6-30-23 12:01 am ORACLE UPDATE: Muncicpal and federal powers are cowards and bullies. They try harder to be intimidating when you’re not intimidated by them.  I heard to come upstairs and open the door, and that’s when I saw the coward sitting at the stop sign acting tough. That fool had no idea that I was coming to the door. Click HERE to watch the video. You’re talking in my ear right now, cowards. Yet you’re bullying and playing games!

6-30-23 12:01 am ORACLE UPDATE:

Click one of the links to view the 

10:44 pm Pigs and Pawns Making Weaponized Racket On I-71 Back Camera 

10:44 pm Pigs and Pawns Making Weaponized Racket On I-71 Front Camera 

Our pig-headed political persecutors sent a group of weaponized apes/saltines flying down 1-71 on motorcycles at 10:44 pm. Columbus municipal Pigs and Goats authorized that racket.

Those Motorcycle cowards are criminals with badges or sponsored by them and belong in prison. They don’t have any boundaries or conscience, which is autonomy’s criminal gift. So, until they’re dead or are in prison, they will continue their corrupt practices because that’s what criminals do.

The demon speaking from their weaponized noise is a liar (so his claims of black-and-white involvement haven’t been confirmed). If you listen to the noise, you can tell it sounds frustrated (like motorcycle, like rider). Those motorcycle scum making all that racket will only ever be some flunky, troll-ass diva messenger boys! 

THIS ORACLE reveals the demon running off at the mouth via those motorcycles. The motorcycle cowards continue taunting us. Those motorcycle-riding Penal Institutes are also using the moment to say, “They aint afraid of no demon knocking them off their trash-ass bikes,” demonstrating how ignorant, proud, and stupid they are!

Taylor Swift’s Fly-Choking Weirdo Diva Tour stops in Cinncinatti this weekend! So, there’s that! The Quantico Flunky Division of the FBI is also in Cincinnati, right over yonder from Kentucky! Those Quantico Funkies have been harassing me since 2005.


6-29-23 9:13 pm ORACLE UPDATE:

I was reminded to clarify that there is one Supreme Court Justice the angels are guiding. That person isn’t motivated by anything more than justice- not politics or money. That One will ratify or clarify some key issues. Moreover, that 5 of Rods was also my lack of clarification. I just fulfilled my part of the Oracle.

The Oracle highlights business/corporate issues, but they are less relevant until next Wednesday and Thursday. When the Supreme Court ruling is presented, I “must remain neutral” (with the Oracle presentation) even if I don’t agree, knowing full well there’s something greater than puny human sentiment at work!

Ravens, Hurricanes, and Riptides:-Updated

6-29-23 7:00 pm ORACLE UPDATE:

Just as I finished the 6:26 pm Oracle, I noticed the Ravens logo on Ryan Mallett’s hoodie. Immediately, Ray Lewis flashed in my mind’s eye. Ravens are soulless birds that can presage death. Ray Lewis attended the University of Miami, Florida. Ryan Mullet passed in a tragic riptide off Florida’s coast.

When I saw Ray Lewis’s son in the Blue University of Kentucky jersey, the judge playing God in Kentucky blocking the trans ban flashed in my mind’s eye. Bing again mysteriously opened this morning to that article about the Kentucky judge just after it opened and revealed the Supreme Court ruling and Joe Biden’s speech.

Any fake Christian that doesn’t believe that living righteously pays, those two ‘sudden’ and tragic deaths counter that claim! You can believe the paganized Christians lie all you’d like.

But there are reasons for boundaries and rules that protect you! Unless Christian hypocrites will call me a liar for saying that Heaven has a reason and purpose for everything (including a warning against living pagan and doing whatever you want without consequence)! As you see by recent news events, even YHVH uses death to teach and communicate.

It was no coincidence that I saw the Raven on Ryan Mallet’s hoodie, which involved images of Ray Lewis! You, hypocrites, say it all the time but don’t mean it: “Da Lawd Work In Mysterious Ways!” You can’t get any more mysterious than that!

Too bad Christians believed the misinterpretation that the dead aren’t conscience. The more you believe that, the less likely you’ll pay attention to a recently departed trying to tell you they’re still there. You don’t go to Heaven, especially the immoral reprobates. Eden is a human’s home. Always has been, and always will be! However, it’s not until you lose someone you love, especially tragically, that you’ll learn the body is the only thing that passes!

This oracle precedes several events that are about to happen. Watch how those events mirror the angelic oracle.

The Last in Line at a Blind intersection

6-29-23 6:26 pm ORACLE UPDATE:

I record nearly everything I do for various reasons. One of those reasons is to validate when supernatural occurrences happen so I can stuff it in skeptics’ mouths before their lips can flap or tongue wag!

So, I knew nothing about a Biden speech or a Supreme Court Decision being in the news when we published last night’s two-part dream earlier today. My brother gathers and emails all the Oracle-related news reports, and I provide a quick synopsis.

I don’t use Bing or Edge. As the image below depicts, my browser suddenly opened in Bing instead of Chrome.

Then I saw the article about Biden’s political whinings. I also noticed Georgia was mentioned in that news article, which relates to my first dream last night that appears in THIS ORACLE.

Three days ago, my personal oracle revealed that a Supreme Court-oriented issue would be just and fair (according to the angels). I heard SUPREME COURT when I looked at the spread.

I didn’t know what the Supreme Court had to do with me at the moment, so I dismissed the oracle but kept it on my phone. But the (angel in the) Oracle is saying that whatever the Supreme Court decides is correct, authentic, and just.

The Oracle also warns that those who whine and protest the Supreme Court’s ruling, particularly politicians, will be humiliated. Politics has no place in the justice system, especially the Supreme Court (although that’s not always the case).

The Oracle isn’t saying the Supreme Court is always right, as we saw in its ruling in favor of same-sex marriages. The angels are saying that in the next series of Supreme Court rulings, angels had a direct hand in influencing the court to keep things on schedule per Heaven’s Will!

Everything the Supreme Court rules between now and Tuesday has Heaven’s stamp of approval because it will play a significant role in The Divine Plan. Too bad fake Christians don’t know when to let YHVH act and when to act themselves!

The card combinations for the Oracle are 64 Levels of Power exclusives. Moreover, many other elements in the oracle that are hidden and obvious contribute to its rendering.

There are four additional parts to this oracle. The missing OSU student is the second oracle.


6-29-23 11:38 pm

I had two dreams last night. “Gladys Knight,” Joe, and Jill Biden were in the first dream. We were in the Biden’s actual home in the dining room. Biden was giving a speech trying to ‘sneak diss.’ Knight and the Bidens were trying to set me up when lightning struck and hit Jill Biden. That ended that first dream. In the second dream,…

 …I kept hearing the phrase, “neither one of us!” I didn’t recognize “Gladys Knight” in the dream. But when I looked up ‘neither one of us,’ I put two and two together. The dream references Philadelphia and Atlanta, among other things.

It’s just a coincidence that Canadian smoke blankets the city, giving it an otherworldly look, right? And what about those riptides taking so many lives, a former pro quarterback particularly?

I had a dream four days ago involving hillbillies at a Dairy Queen. Steelers quarterback Kenny Pickett, his wife, and Kid Rock were in that dream. The hillbillies were cool until a redneck boxer beat a black fighter. Then the truth came out about Pickett and Kid Rock in the dream. 

And what about that deadly motorcycle crash that happened so close to home? A thot and macho Neanderthal must have written that 10 TV article. Who cares that the motorcycle was an ‘expensive’ 2019 Ducati Panigale V4? Sadly, that bike has little value now. So, again, another motorcycle death omen.

And lastly, notice the ‘RAIN AND HEAT ENCOURAGE GROWTH’ 10TV video. That title sums up what I’ve been saying to our political persecutors about what their harassment does. Torturing us is the heat that brings the rain (new spiritual gifts and the works they produce). 

The more we’ve endured, the more powerful we become spiritually. When our site is launched and we begin publicizing, all of the work we completed (under pressure) while corrupt Columbus municipal PW CM and BS persecuted us will be the symbolic rain from all that heat! So, all the fake Christians who claim “they is blessed becuase of they money, possessions, and status” are clueless.

Explain how someone could be so bold as to shoot guns close to police headquarters. Maybe the police should “mind they business!”


6-28-23 10:31 pm


The same radio station/record label ape drove passed twenty-six minutes again after we published THIS counter provocation POST . You can see the video in THIS POST (8:50 pm weaponized Intrusion): The demon Cimeies is speaking in the oracle. 

Cimeries Description: “He rules over all spirits in…

…the southern parts of Africa. His office is to teach perfect grammar, logic, rhetoric and to discover things lost or hidden and treasures. He can also make a man appear like a soldier of his own likeness. Astrologically, this spirit signifies physical and moral imperfections. He governs 20 legions of Chief Infernal Spirits, but more inferior (wicked, debauched) than himself.”

Cimeries revealed that the n—- on the motorcycle is vile (full of filth like a heathenized pagan). The apes ‘connections’ are what make him bold and confident. Moreover, the demon said, The radio station “hog” will continue taunting, “so kill him!”

While the demon is yelling, an angel is reasoning with me.

Angel: “You’re almost finished. Your demonic adversaries are trying to provoke you. That is why they use (demonized) trash with nothing to loose like the motorcycle ape, the Latinos, and others.” The angel concluded, “Let someone else kill him (at a bar, etc), or let him kill himself!”

Adversaries: Masonic Scum-music business flunkies, white pigs, fat black badges, etc.! 

That struggle between light and dark is a regular occurrence, daily. Weak people like our adversaries and their pawns can’t fight those wicked voices because there is no angelic counter present.

However, I knew the motorcycle ape would return quickly because the comment I made in THIS POST did exactly as intended (puppet that fools hubris)! In other words, that fool did exactly what I wanted him to do, and if not for angelic reasoning keeping me grounded, he and the Latino flying through a 20mph zone in THIS VIDEO would be dead. Yet, the pigs and goats, public officials, and clergy continue using their pawns to provoke, then claim they’re gawdly, righteous, the city’s finest!

When Training, My "Homies" shot at BLACK PEOPLE:

6-28-23 8:32 pm: Click HERE and listen to the ‘Baby Boss’ say “shoot at black people” and “homies” in the same verse. “Homies” is an American, Westcoast, black gangster word. What a dichotomy, not a Paradox! But a dichotomy!  I wish the radio station/record label ape in THIS VIDEO would take his ass on over to Italy and become somebody’s target practice!


6-28-23 7:36 pm:

New World Order, Freemason C—S, and their gods hate to be ignored. The more you ignore them (Hexagram 38), the more violent and persistent they become. Earlier, the oracle revealed a change from Hexagram 38 to 34.

Hexagram 34 Line 6 is a warning to anyone whose provocation is about to get them killed or murdered. As a matter of fact, guns are one of the topics of Hexagram 34, along with PW muscle cars!

That 6th  line is also the angel…

…asking me, not commanding, not to emerge from the shadows and unleash. As usual, I could care less that demoniac scum thinks I’m trying to be scary, blah, blah!. But I’m assured that Team Chuck Wheat is desperately trying to draw me out with provocation tactics,

I watched a documentary called Baby Bosses a few months back. Those Italian Baby Bosses act like black n—–. The Baby Boss doc producer asked one of the “Baby Bosses’ how he and his crew get target practice in. His response was, and I quote, “WHEN TRAINING, MY HOMIES SHOT AT BLACK PEOPLE!”” I’ve seen scores of documentaries about how badly Africans and ‘blacks’ are treated in Italy and Russia. So, I wonder what Deonte Wilder saw and felt when he went to Italy. 

I was at the DMV in 2012. I sat down beside an African dude who was dressed slick, complete with Italian alligator shoes. I asked him where did he get his shoes. The African dude responded his brother had sent them to him from Italy. He went on to say his brother was killed by Italians.

The African dude explained that Italian gangsters were trying to drive his brother and his crew out of the African ghetto camps, like the ones I saw in the series Gomorrah and several other Italian movies! Deonte Wilder looks African. So, again, I wonder what happened to him for real when he visited Italy with his girl.

French, British, and even Russian young thugs all act like ghetto n——s, down to Hip-Hop and twerking thots. An LA Mexican rapper was talking about how he and his crew aren’t like the ‘blacks!’ Yet, if you remove the video and listen to the SA rapper speak, you’d have thought a black ghetto n—- was talking.

These other races act like black n—- so that they can be hard. After the mudshark craze started in early 2000, white boys had to start acting like n—-s just to pull white girls. Kid Rock used to act like a n—– until he had his heart broken by one?

For you pigs, goats, and scum, I’ve been through the valley of death repeatedly, Motherf——. So get your jollies. I’m almost finished with my billion-dollar assignment, you cheating, Goliath-ass bitches!


6-28-23 UPDATE:

This post is a public record of today’s political persecution and municipal harassment:

6-28-23 10:31 pm: published Demonic Ape post.

8:50 pm Weaponized Intrusion VIDEO: The same New World Order radio station ape drives past again in response to the counter-provocation entrapment statement I made in THIS POST.

8:34 pm: published the: When Training, My “Homies” shot at Black People update

7:37 pm: published The Attack of the Beans, Saltines, Hamhocks and Greens update.

6:27 pm VIDEO: The same New World Order radio station ape plays his usual role. And if I came out the house blasting, white pigs and fat black badge would say I wasn’t within my rights! 

6:10 pm VIDEO: Mexican/Lantino from THIS HOUSE speeds through the intersection,

6:10 pm VIDEO: The pawn speeding on the dirtbike flies through the intersection to make enough noise to attract attention to the car creeping through the intersection. 

11:08 am: Click HERE to watch a video of police using sirens to confirm the police are behind the 10:48 am weaponized motorcycle harassment on I 71. Fifteen years of video can correlate the police sirens, weaponized harassment, or staged events.

11:00 am: A demon starts exposing Biden, the  US government, and corrupt Columbus, Oh municipal powers.

10:48 am: We closed all of the windows and turned up the thunder and rain sound to block the weaponized harassment.

10:39 am: Weaponized Motorcycles speeding down I 71, followed by police sirens (Click HERE for video)

Columbus police start playing with sirens on the highway in response to the 10:18 pm posts (place video here)

10:18 am: Published the RUSSIA, AMERICA, TOMATO, TAMAATO

6-27-23 Airforce jets fly over Columbus


6-28-23 10:18 am ORACLE UPDATE:

On 6-27-23, the FrontPage Oracle admonished staying neutral in a conflict or contest. Click HERE  to view that oracle. I knew Monday what Russia would do today (or make today’s headlines). Click HERE to view today’s first online oracle.

If you recall, a fly landed on my bed above the 10 of Swords in an oracle spread. The fly appeared to be taunting me until I swatted it dead. Last night, our political persecutors kept heckling us with pawns driving vehicles with weaponized bass, blasting Mariachi music (VIDEO #1 VIDEO #2). 

Demons compelled the pawns driving the vehicles with weaponized bass and their Columbus Municipal sponsors. The same demon that drove the authority responsible for the Ukraine attack on a popular pizza establishment compel the Columbus municipal powers and their pawns. Last night’s weaponized bass harassment was the omen of the Ukraine pizza shop attack (excessive use of force trying to prove something).

You might recall that I used the Scapini tarot deck Monday, which I don’t usually do. The Scapini tarot is dark and contains Medevil symbolism. More importantly, I mentioned that the Scapini deck is Italian (PIZZA). A spider-looking fly is dead in the middle of the 10 of Swords card. I noted that the 10 of Swords could also be A FUNERAL. 10 People were killed in that Ukraine pizza shop attack.

The 38th Hexagram changed to the 34th sometime between 12 am and 7:30 am. The Tower reversed is the top line of Hexagram 34 (in this case). Line #6 warns that there will be severe repercussions for a needless display of violence, representing both the Russian attack and the weaponized bass Mariachi music harassment last night. Click HERE and scroll to the bottom until you see Line 6 (Top line).

The same imperialist white egotism (devils) is responsible for the Ukraine Pizza attack and the weaponized bass. Similarly, Russia repeated genocidal wickedness in Syria that America and Israel committed in Palestine and other Middle Eastern countries. So, you can’t complain and whine about Russia’s evil without realizing whtie Imperiliast America is identical!

White racist imperialists are responsible for the Mariachi bass harassment and NASCAR because relentless, cruel, and merciless are traits Cain passed to his descendants. The black and Latino harassment we endure couldn’t happen without a powerful white imperialist sponsor.

So, again, the same demonic (spirit) responsible for attacking a civilian pizza shop in Ukraine is the same one harassing us using bass stereos and white trash-oriented weaponized NASCAR sounds. That same demonic spirit compelled Cain to kill his brother Abel over 9k years ago. Revelation’s White Rider is none other than the racist imperialist conqueror who left death, famine, and disease in his wake.

We will republish the oracles for the 25th to the 27th shortly.


6-27-23 2:30 ORACLE UPDATE:

The angelic oracle update admonishes remaining detached, neutral, and free from expectation or desire. Expectation often leads to disappointment. Having the gift of free will means you can’t control what others do.


Hexagram 38 admonishes neutralizing show-offs, braggarts, and the bold by ignoring them, a simple witchcraft psychology tactic.

However, remaining neutral also indicates not taking sides between opposing factions, which suggests, in this case, rendering a judgment or refereeing a sporting event.

I wanted the Miami Heat to beat Denver to silence nerd critiques. Even though I knew the outcome, I stayed detached and let Heaven decide the conclusion, another meaning of the 38th Hexagram (don’t interfere in God’s Work, Christian knows it all). Similarly, I wanted Russia to finish off that proud imp, Zelensky!

Another 6th Line Interpretation is that it’s hard to tell who your friends are when they behave like your enemy!