3 2-20-23 FrontPage Oracle Update 3: Political Imbeciles and Their Cheeleaders

11:29 pm: Gabriel just made a very distinctive point! Ukraine is, give or take, 26 hours from Turkey. And of all days, a major AFTERSHOCK strikes Turkey/Syria on the same day Bozo the President visits Ukraine, acting like he’s oo7? Oh, yeah! That’s a coincidence, huh, Clark Kent!?!
So, in theory, and truth, Bozo was the trigger for the Turkey aftershock. Why? Because according to Gabriel, Bozo had no business being in Ukraine! But again, we’ll let Heaven via Hell validate or invalidate that angelic-fact!
Please don’t try to tell me there isn’t any advantage in knowing what your enemy, adversary, or opponent will do before the thought is completely formulated in their mind!
The only reason you need a journalism degree is that it will ensure a position at CNN, Politico, and other bureaucrat monopolies. Getting A degree in Journalism is like paying good money to receive a degree in God!
Do you see the Ace of Rods and Swords (reversed), and the Magician reversed? Those three cards describe the difference between, smart, think-your-so-intelligent-because-you-dabble-in-politics-through journalism, and str8-up imbecile!
The Magician assures me that some…wait. I’ll let the fools act, then use their articles to describe what the Magician reversed means!
2-20-23 10:23 pm ORACLE UPDATE: Improper, Propaganda-Spreading, Fan-Bois updated @10:46 pm

UPDATE: I just received a spiritual update that several elitist writers would impulsively try to prove themselves competent, as expected. But what happens afterward will seal their mouths shut, and solder their fingers to their keypads. It’s Heaven against arrogant, presumptuous, humans, so we always allow Heaven to respond!
The news outlet images accompanying this post demonstrate garbage, propaganda-spreading fanboys playing college frat games on the public stage. Notice the absolutely asinine Stephen Collinson CNN headline!
CNN White House Analyst/writer Stephen Collinson reminds me of the French reporter who badmouthed Mohammed, mocking him with a cartoon.
Collinson impishly appears to be abusing his position to throw shots at Putin, as Charlie Hebdo did with a disrespectful Mohammed news article.
Collinson oozes crass, indifferent, callousness that turned dumb jocks into nerd-bullies!!
Politico, another government propaganda Machine like CNN, is making Biden out to be 007. Biden wore what appears to be a polyester, fleamarket suit in this image. Putin’s suit had more authority than Biden posing in that image.
Don’t get it all twisted, nerd Trouble Maker. I’m American, but that doesn’t mean I agree with American stupidity (what serious-minded male would?)!
I can’t wait for real and competent news to return, not government-controlled propaganda, whining cheerleading headlines, and content!
2-20-23 9:00 pm ORACLE UPDATE: Mene...

I was trying to be humble and removed the 1:21 pm Light Omen when Gabriel rebuked me and told me to leave it up. By the power of YHVH, I told you just after the Super Bowl nonsense that Heaven would allow a pause before permitting the demons to strike again!
You (Christians) are the ones who believe the NASA nerds and Clergymen who claim every disaster is natural! Was it natural or supernatural for Agares to cause my light to flicker as he does just before he strikes?
We’re not trying to promote horror for shock value or recognition. The hateful Christians, led by their viper clergymen, the proud, foolish Columbus municipal powers, the corrupt CIA and FBI, The Congress Circus, including that Bozo President and Vice-President, the ridiculous American media, the sports world, and everyone in between,–can continue thinking we are playing games when we have a Divine Assignment.
We are in the last days as prophesied. You (Christian hypocrite) fools don’t realize the trouble coming your way and America’s way from Mother Nature alone!
We will see if your Christian clergy have a direct pipeline to Heaven, or if your fuzzy-head federal bullies can punk Mother Nature! I wasn’t joking when I said we are just two witnesses who render testimony (to Heaven) and warn!
You keep picking, harassing, and running off at the mouth, like the godless LGBTQ and the so-called super medium Tyler Henry and his Hollywood Medium circles of stars (who will be overcome and oppressed with terror when their demonic familiars begin (turning on them) and attacking them.
I will begin posting in-depth oracles when we launch our major promotional campaign. But eventually, we will contact agencies like Red Cross and FEMA once we’ve predicted enough events for them to take us seriously.
Of course, you (Christians) will continue thinking demons don’t own this world, even though your Bible told you otherwise! The Master is walking the earth, hidden like a thief, just as he said he would! But you can keep believing otherwise, hypocrites!
You Capital Hill scum won’t be laughing and trying to prove your elitism for much longer either. And Biden, you’re going to be humiliated so badly, you’ll want to impeach yourself!
2-20-23 1:21 pm UPDATE: Can you spot RIHANNA in the ORACLE BELOW?

Moments after publishing the 12:44 pm post just below, my light started flickering, and you know what that means (or maybe you don’t).
A demon named AGARES must appear before disasters like QUAKES, MASS SHOOTINGS, HORRIBLE ACCIDENTS, ETC, so I can warn people!
However, we don’t post the details of the coming events BECAUSE THE FrontPage ORACLE isn’t for UNCLE SAM, WOODY, and the OTHER CORRUPT BUREAUCRATS! Click HERE to see if you can spot the LIGHT FLICKER!
2-20-23 12:44 UPDATE: Same Ole, Same Ole

Rihanna’s Twitter page demonstrates she lives in a bubble. Out of 108mil alleged followers, the average Rihanna Twitter-likes is between 30k and 1.9 Mill. The math doesn’t add up.
You’ll also notice Rihanna’s gross narcissism! Rihanna’s entire Twitter page seems to be dedicated to her booty and body, with few fan retweets
Savage X Fenty is the same ‘ole tired HIPPY theme! But, by YHVH’s Power and Might, Rihanna’s world will come CRASHING DOWN MIDSUMMER, and she won’t be the only celeb crashing!

I thought Nick Jonas said he was gay! Or like Biden’s Ukraine trip fiasco, was Jonas’ marriage also a publicity stunt? Or maybe a stay-relevant stunt like Katy Perry Kissing A Girl and Liking it? Clergymen’s children are often the most immoral, and debauched lot!