FRONTPAGE ORACLE For February 8, 2023 to February 16, 2023

This week’s FrontPage Oracle began with the TURKISH/SYRIAN QUAKE. All of the posts found below led up to a pinnacle, in this case, the SUPER BOWL. dramatic events. The most significant event of the previous four days is the TURKISH/SYRIAN QUAKE!
The next three MAJOR EVENTS will make the horrifying Middle Eastern quake pale in comparison (for both positive and negative reasons). Once we secure an agent, we will begin creating video presentations of our post, the FRONTPAGE ORACLE specifically.
Starting today (Jupiter influencing Pices negatively), everybody who either THOUGHT or THINKS they won big will be shocked. Quite a few people will have to EAT THEIR WORDS since THEY PUT THEIR FEET IN THEIR MOUTHS and farted during The State of the Onion Address!
OH YEAH, IT’S THE END FOR SOME POWER COUPLES TOO. Why? Because NEW POWER COUPLES ARE TAKING THEIR PLACES🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, and the old power couples hate each other!!!! Let’s dive into the ORACLE!
THURSDAY (Mars), February 9, 2023
Many celebrities and athletes popped up in the oracle. But one celeb, “Samuel L. Jackson and associates,” appears to be headed for the doghouse. Business matters will not be suitable or practical for many people over the next four days, particularly for predators at the top of Capitlism’s FOOD CHAIN (greedy fools)!
The BIG DOGS will find themselves looking up from the flats of their backs LIKE ADAMAR count of ANJOU!!! The little men and women will hit greedy imbeciles so hard, in the pocket and in the power, they will drop like swatted flies!
Anyone absurd enough to do business on the “Lord’s Day,” gambling included, will regret it eternally because they will lose everything! Oh, that’s right! Demons and angels have no power to interfere in sporting events or the Stock Market. Blame your VOODOO-HOODOO SUPERBOWL guest singer for the mayhem!
The UNDERDOG will continue dismantling the UPPERDOG. OH, WAIT!!! I thought you knew! THE LORD IS ROOTING FOR THE UNDERDOG!!! Biden, Talor, and DeSantis should have TAKEN A SEAT while THERE WAS STILL A CHAIR BENEATH THEM!
“What you get is what you see-ee! Things don’t come so easily-ee! Sing it with me, OZZY!”
Some celebs and athletes snort so much coke, that if they blow their noses, and dry and re-snort the booger dust, they’ll get high all over again! You can expect a momentary end to the CONGRESS SIDE SHOWS and UNPROFESSIONALISM (just for a few years) plaguing politics presently!
Macho, ego, muscles, and tats will also get burned or SMOKED! Some tough guy athlete (or is that ‘ATHLETES’) is about to discover why it’s better to de-escalate (bye-bye, blackbird)! But one good turn of events is that the AFRICAN AMERIAN community will take the lead in TURNING IT IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION, away from the negative representatives who’ve brought it so much pain and disgrace.
Counter-shamers who are always pushing their agendas with political correctness will learn ONCE AND FOR ALL, they’ve GONE WAAAAAAYYYY TOOOO FAR (some will even have the political-correct manipulation SMACKED OUT OF THEM LITERALLY)!
Disastrous and calamitous events on the horizon will demonstrate BIBLICAL DIVINE PUNISHMENT ISN’T A THING OF THE PAST! Since the world, AMERICA PARTICULARLY, loves and glamorizes violence, don’t be shocked by Mother Nature’s brutality as she unleashes her fury in proportion to human vehemence. Mother Nature will only be matching human violence “word for word!”
Spiritual people, pop some popcorn, and sit back and watch the fireworks (since you are the only ones unconcerned with being out and being seen, or going to DA CLUB or STADIUM)!
Peace is coming because it is prophesied to arrive right on time! But that peace isn’t for the wicked, or morally lax and will last only long enough for You Know Who to collect the Paradise-Bound and split for Eden!