2-27-23 11:24 pm The LAST ORACLE OF THE DAY!
Click HERE to view HIS LAST ORACLE! BTW, notice that LA and OHIO traded places, weather-wise? That momentary weather mixup is because LeBron James should have never been in LA, which will be PROVEN BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT! But something here in Ohio should be in LA. I wonder what that could be?
OH YEAH. As YHVH is my witness, Nate Dog has been torturing my brother, Los, playing One More Day nonstop in his head for three consecutive days. But what does that mean?
2-27-23 10:30 pm: I've Got A Job To Do Before I Leave/Pass Over (and I can't wait to leave)!

Humans get on my f—- nerves, which is one reason I’m looking forward to my body’s ‘death!!!!!!’ My divine assignment doesn’t entail catering to anyone, any generation, or race.
Humans think the body’s death means the end of the spirit. Then, you forget those once human spirits whose bodies have died, opting for some fairytale of them being in Heaven. There are stars, real, legitimate stars– not idols and social media hoopla–great people who will be passing over the next five years. The stars reaching out to me who’ve passed, their primary message is…
to get up and continue being great (or stop being mediocre, settling for second-best Wolfgang), regardless of your age. If you took care of yourself, quit worrying about haters who haven’t achieved a third of what you have.
Quit wasting time reminiscing previous achievements, and create new ones! Finish what Heaven sent you here to do, Great Stars, and live fully without abandon, until it’s time to go, like Audrey Hepburn, regret-free.
If you mastered bullshit MMA, then set a new goal to master something else. If you’re a master ballerina, then master Samba, and so on! If all you can do is sit on social media narcissistically claiming greatness for exhibiting your ass, junk-filled muscles, or twat, there’s nothing great about you! If you must create a social media moment every step, there is nothing great about you!
There were no social media outlets when the old gods (70s and 80s) created magic! Could you become something truly phenomenal without social media? Most people couldn’t!
American youth disrespect the past and want to kill it, which probably explains why there’s so much empty, shallow, bullshit playing over the airwaves. IDGAF what you listen to or what you do. But I guarantee that if you listen to some MASTER old heads and their music, a masterpiece is bound to inspire you!
England and other European countries aren’t sweeping ‘old heads’ or their music under the rug. I saw a 19-year-old English female masturbating to Save By Zero in 2017!
If you listen to Earth Wind and Fire, no two songs sound the same, the production is beyond airtight, and the composition is extraordinary. But why is that?
Maurice White was super spiritual, and whether he realized it, was using Alchemy (and divine muses). So White was working from elevated consciousness, beyond just the drugs!
But if you don’t understand COMPOSITION, also an Alchemical process, you can’t appreciate older music, whatever the Genre. Starway to Heaven is a masterpiece, hard rock composition. It blows my mind that young AMERICAN artists couldn’t appreciate Stairway to Heaven. But when your artistic masterpiece is really kindergarten dog shit with whip cream on top, you’ll be jealous of a 7-course meal like Stairway to Heaven!

2-27-27 8:30 pm You Still Don't Get It...
The very simple statement the Master made is the reason humans will keep testing, and trying us. (this post continues after the image).

2-27-27 8:40 pm ROLLING THUNDER
Poets are often intellectual elitists who pride themselves in quoting famous dead poets (erroneously believing that makes them great and intelligent). So, when I was asked to watch Rolling Thunder, an acidic and poetic journey through hippiedom, I was less than thrilled. I felt like I was experiencing a Charles Manson flashback watching Rolling Thunder.
I heard Dillion’s song Hurricane watching Dazed and Confused in a purple haze a few years back. I can ‘dig’ Hurrican because it sounds like an outlaw song to me. Anytime I hear any outlaw song, it reminds me of my favorite outlaw, Josey Wales. The beginning of UNCHAINED always reminds me of LEMMY-STYLED OUTLAWS,.. continued below.
But I gave Dillion some cool points when I discovered Hurricane’s backstory. I tell you what, though! Joan Baez and Joni Mitchell were some sexy hippies. I found Mitchel’s chord changes and progressions mesmerizing because they’re right up my music style (mystical and spiritual)!
Though extremely busy, something our political persecutors can’t grasp, I performed two quick readings after watching Rolling Thunder Revue. Notice Death appears in Reading #1 and Reading #2. HIPPY CARD READERS often try to calm clients when Death emerges in a reading, assuring them Death means anything but death. In this case, death means passing over!
However, once Dillion mentioned his friendship with Jimmy Carter in the Rolling Thunder documentary, I kind of figured who might be passing soon. When spirits are about to pass over, they will appear to me up to a month before passing, especially when the person is comatose or near death.
However, if I don’t care for something about the spirit, they can’t approach me. I despise politicians and religious hypocrites, so it is likely Carter couldn’t approach if his condition is deteriorating. I liked Jimmy Carter, but I hate politicians!
Jimmy Carter and Ronald Regan (say what you will) were the only two genuine presidents in the history of POTUS. So, to assure his family, the former Pres. Carter isn’t headed for purgatory! But Biden sure the hell is, and he knows why!
However, several spirits from the other side are trying to reach Dillion and other living folk singers from their era, particularly from that year (1976)! Just follow the signs and coincidences and pay attention to dreams, particularly over the next three days, and those spirits will convey their messages (which are more than likely messages to assure loved ones their dearly departed are fine, and those relatives and friends need to get up off their complacent asses and do something great since they have a bit more time left)! “Just because you think you’ve done it all, doesn’t mean you have!”
Audrey Hepburn spent her documentary with me on February 26th, and I fell in love with her refreshing personality and being! Audrey Hepburn was truly an exceptional angel, a very rare jewel extremely hard to find in contemporary Hollywood!
Something extraordinary happened towards the end of Audrey Hepburn’s documentary. Hepburn told her family and friends there were spirits in her room encouraging her towards her departure, a beautiful sign of someone blessed.
Audrey Hepburn’s friends and family mentioned that she was peaceful when she discovered her time was short, another sign of a blessed person who lived righteously and fulfilled Heaven’s mission! I’m so glad I listened to the angel and watched Audrey’s documentary, and I will watch it again!