FPO FOR 2-26-27-23
2-27-23 1:10 pm THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE ...Racist

The first thing contemporaries might want to consider is learning word distinction. For example, prejudice, bigotry, and racism are synonymous but carry slight distinctions, yet the first-word bigots use against people of color is racist. There can be only one racist because racism entails racial supremacy (and there is only one part of a race on this earth claiming white makes them superior)!
I despise both racists and self-hating African Americans equally because…
…they continue abusing authority to silence the truth and our attempts to live the Capitalist lie. However, privileged whites like Dilbert comic strip creator Scott Adams and Elon Musk whining about black racists is probably rooted in fear-based bigotry! But in all fairness, there comes a time when frustration reaches a threshold and is unleashed in the form of a so-called “rant!”
You never know what turns a person toward prejudice and bigotry. How many white people supported African Americans until the lopsided Black Lives Matter movement and unaddressed wanton violence unleashed from the black community? Imagine how many people supported LGBTQ, myself included, until becoming oppressed and persecuted by LGBTQ’s relentless attempts to normalize their community forcefully.
Scott Adams was either frustrated or revealing his true colors when he made recent comments on YouTube. Canceling Adam’s Dilbert comic strip is useless because mostly white and corny people read it in the first place. But something drove Scott to act impulsively to make him judge the black community as a whole!
It would help the African American community if it chose better role models and silenced hateful foul-souled religious hypocrites like Al Sharpton! But Naaaah! That’s not going to happen!
Andrews McMeel Chairman Hugh Andrews, CEO, President Andy Sareyan, and the rest of the bureaucrat hypocrites are just being politically correct with their decision to censor Scott Adams, which is how BLM, LGBTQ, and other bullies control the public!
The greatest criminals are bureaucrats and politicians! Hiding discreetly, power officials and politicians conceal their racism, bigotry, and prejudice, then have the gall to cancel comic strips using politically correct bully tactics!
Marjorie Taylor Green and several other politicians continue their unprofessional open bigotry yet hold political offices. Taylor Green, in recent news, even went so far as to suggest dividing the country, yet is allowed to continue her toxic, mentally and emotionally disturbed rhetoric, unchecked, without being asked to step down. Yup! That’s bureaucratic hypocrisy for ya!

5:16 pm UPDATE…
I guess all that snow out in LA is a coincidence too, you corrupt demonic, cowlick municipal powers? Science messed up the atmosphere, but all of this weather is supernatural. According to Gabriel, the snow is an omen that HOLLYWOOD IS LEFT IN COLD! You can thank TAXI and their scum buddies for that OMEN! Oh, that’s right! You don’t believe in that “mumbo-jumbo! We’ll you will by mid-summer!
2-26-23 4:00 pm ORACLE UPDATE: PART III: Get the ghoss outta muh face!

All witches and warlocks are liars and thieves. Unfortunately, many Hollywood Scriptwriters, directors, actors, and actresses are witches and warlocks, whether they practice witchcraft or not. Low-end witchcraft entails using glamor, illusions, and pretense to entertain, deceive, and/or manipulate.
Hollywood witchcraft is cheap but effective and… this post continues below
all you must do is look around to witness Hollywood’s potent craft (skinny jeans, LGTBQ Power, loose morals, etc.). However, witchcraft only works on weak, simple minds.
On the other hand, Magic is on another level and requires aptitude and intelligence. Science isn’t Magic. Science is science and wizardry. Magic is supernatural, and who’s the most extraordinary supernatural Being? Yup! HIM!
Hollywood has always stolen scripts, etc. When you must fund an expensive drug habit and lifestyle, desperation will compel you to extreme measures. A Brand New Cherry Flavor, a really good series, is Hollywood truthfully hiding in plain sight!
Today’s first FrontPage Oracle, appearing at the onset of this post, only confirms what we already knew (second-rate directors and scriptwriters using ‘unknowns’ as muses). posts continue after THE ORACLE
“Hexagram 37 is referring to expanding business and career expansion accomplished through product diversification and a hobby becoming a source of income.”
But why produce a Fresh Prince, The Craft, or Flintstone reboot? Because humans are generic creatures, who weren’t designed to be above each other. Those reboots happen because there is very little creativity swirling around Hollywood these days! Yet, many humans continue to attempt greatness, which is cool but humiliating.
During our entire journey to the spotlight, we’ve been victimized by thieving warlocks and witches at every level of the entertainment industry! Warlocks and witches steal ideas, then attempt to ‘Christen’ the public as if they are the source of greatness, the initiators of phenomenal trends.
I never said I was great! Instead, I constantly accredit Heaven, His angels, and the musing human spirits who were once great actors, actresses, composers, etc. Contrastingly, generic humans strive and struggle to achieve excellence, and witchcraft is how they accomplish that endeavor.
However, witchcraft lacks illumination, potency, and realism compared to Magic! Sorcery–necromancy (Tyler Henry-type mediums), and nigromancy (Goetia or black Magic)–is high-level witchcraft practices. But in the end, all witches are just wanna-be superpowered Muggles!
Magic, on the hand, is supernatural and spiritual and provides a seemingly infinite supply of creativity, a blessing for not abusing spiritual gifts. A new script emerges daily for The Art of Life and Death series. All you must do is read any of the many thatbdpfyop.com posts to confirm that fact. You can read yesterday’s episode of The Art of Life and Death, Jealous Demonic Radio Station Apes From Hell, HERE!
2-26-23 1:20 pm ORACLE UPDATE

There are two more days left in Black History Month. Please tell me what Black America did with twenty-eight days of blackness. Is there any change in the direction the black community is taking? That’s what I thought, especially after the last three days around here!
I love Players Club, Baby Boy, Barbershop, and Friday. Those movies…continue reading below.
are about the ghetto but have positive messages and outcomes. First, Baby Boy’s mama falls in love with OG Ving Rhames, and ghetto or not, it’s positive, demonstrating one form of black love. Then Baby Boy’s homeboy reminds me of myself. You know Baby Boy’s girlfriend, mouthy or not, is the kind of ghetto female you wish existed when living in the ghetto!
In Friday, Craig had working parents LIVING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GHETTO! Player’s Club’s Diana pays her way through college working as a stripper, surrounded by ghetto bitches, but survives and goes on to be successful.
You can’t help but love those characters because they depict positive role models, EVEN THOUGH SURROUNDED BY EVIL! One Alchemical principle is there must be some positive to counter, to alchemize the wicked (which is why I sing and perform gangster-oriented street raps with lyrical morals).
Negativity dominates contemporary black entertainment-rappers-singers’ creative expression. If you’re talking to a good black man/woman, why call her a bitch or nigga in a love song, which defeats the purpose?
Unfortunately, there is currently nothing really good to watch on Netflix, Amazon, or ANYWHERE. Shallow, social media-oriented, and superficial people dominate everything with simple, flighty fad-oriented entertainment. Most people watch streaming shows to escape the real world, transferring themselves anywhere but their current circumstances.
I love it when a solid, engaging series is released, and I watch fewer movies because of that. I don’t care if it’s children, teens, or adults. If the program is inviting, I’ll watch it, depending on the story.
I watched Ragnarok because there’s truth in the mythical story of a human whose difficult life makes him realize he’s a supernatural being, opening his spiritual gifts. I watched Vikings Valhalla because the acting is exceptional, and the story is solid and truthful.
The Game of Thrones reboot fell flat early and couldn’t measure up to its predecessor. Bad acting, poor scripting, and rushed production dilute and diffuse promising entertainment that deflates within moments of the opening scene.
Unfortunately, Hollywood is too busy preaching, making politically correct statements, and trying to force the next ‘big thing,’ resulting in corny scripts, subpar acting, and mediocre productions.
I wouldn’t watch Ghost Brothers at first for two reasons: I thought it would be ghetto foolish, and black people and the paranormal aren’t synonymous. For example, how many black families appear in the infinite number of paranormal investigative series? Not many.
But I liked Ghost Brothers because it was the opposite of what I expected! Ghost Brothers also added African American humor to the genre. In addition, Ghost Brothers tried to bypass the excessive profanity you want to avoid when dealing with demons, particularly if YHVH didn’t authorize you as an Exorcist, and you have no business being on the premises with an ancient, powerful demon in the first place.
I knew what message We Have A Ghost was preaching, what the movie was trying to do, as well as who it was targeting. So, I fast-forwarded the movie and found it less than flattering. Moreover, I skimmed through We Have Ghost because I LIVE WE HAVE A GHOST!