For February 22-23, 2023
Please click HERE for more information about the FRONTPAGE ORACLE. Team Woody is the codename for the corrupt ‘Christian’ Columbus, Ohio municipal powers that have persecuted us for sixteen years. We also use the FrontPage Oracle to counter Team Woody’s political persecution (the Oracle Response Blog). Please read the PIGS GOATS and PAWNS, and OPERATION BREAK BEAK posts for more information.
2-23-23 12:00 pm The Unholy Lands...

I’m unfamiliar with this passage from The Koran I received to accompany this post. But that passage is correct! You shouldn’t pray for or weep over someone who lived a foul, unrighteous life, chasing after worldly things because they chose this world over Eden.
Prayers can also be blessings. Why would you bless someone who didn’t take Heaven seriously in life (which is the same as claiming a wicked thot or thug goes to Heaven)? Christian pimps and pedophile priests claim evil people go to Heaven because they are themselves evil!
The Afghan men in the picture at the start of this post are wicked and unholy. ISIS members often have that same dark and demonic countenance, the result of a filthy and wicked soul
Afghan land is unholy like Rome, not Italy, and Las Vegas, and later in this post, we explain why.
A prophecy foretold a time would come when people would begin taking Heaven seriously again. But, unfortunately, Christians think prophetic events aren’t associated with war, ‘natural disasters’, and human tragedies.
But Heaven tasked me with posting when disasters and tragedies strike to demonstrate those events are indeed divinely authorized, which is why science nerds can’t predict them effectively (and will never be able to do so).
Before we begin, all the Christians claiming “GOD WOULDN’T ALLOW RUSSIA TO STRIKE UKRAINE” are mouthy Christian hypocrites. YHVH allowed Rome and Babylon to destroy Israel! You fools are the same faithless liars who claim it’s ok to live it up, rather than live in a way that prepares you to return to Eden. Suit yourselves!
I asked Gabriel why Heaven allowed such a devastating earthquake to strike Turkey and Syria. I was guided to the picture of the two unholy men appearing at the beginning of this post. Those Afghan men are wicked and unholy. Waging ‘holy wars’ in that specific region of the Middle East is a waste of time, money, and resources.
Centuries of pagan wickedness happened in Rome, ancient Afghanistan, and Babylon (Iran). Torture, human sacrifice, and violent sports games demonized, or more aptly, desecrated them. Satanists have the same land-desecration practices.
Las Vegas is the one place in America where vice is legal. Devils and their minion demons sponsor vice. Gangsters started and maintained Las Vegas until the 80s, committing scores of human sacrifices (murders)!
Afghans and Syrians aren’t Semites. Ismael was Semite, part Hebrew, and Egyptian. Gabriel stated that Palestine and Egypt are similar, in that their people are mixed with all the races Egypt enslaved. Ancient Philistine isn’t quite the same as contemporary Palestine, just as modern Israel is slightly dissimilar from Abraham’s Hebrews.
A Bible prophecy foretold of bloodthirsty and violent people who were connected to Canaan in some way occupying parts of the Middle East. The wicked people God authorized Joshua to dispatch were part of that brutal group the Bible called ‘Lucifer’s Children,’ or Cain’s descendants.
Cain’s familial remnants are dispersed throughout the Middle East, particularly Afghanistan Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria (which is where they get their piercing eye colors).
Gabriel forbade me from saying anything further about Syria for the reasons I explained above. But more importantly, Syrians and Turks decided to take up western ways instead of staying faithful to Islam (Gabriel said the same about Indonesia).
Finally, Gabriel mentioned that the Lebanese have also become too westernized, and too liberal, which transgresses Islam, Judaism, and Christianity! You defeat the purpose of wearing a Hadjib with tight jeans. Moreover, your Hadjib, and garments should be clean. Again, your free will allows you to do whatever you want, but don’t claim you can serve two masters and return to Eden!
Neither Mohammed nor Allah said anything about beheading infidels or killing innocent people for a religious crusade. On the contrary, Islam is supposed to be about love for God and love for righteousness.
Religion’s purpose is leading a disciplined life that prepares you to return to Eden/Paradise. Conversely, those who live undisciplined and irreverent lives, lovers of this world, belong here in Eden’s wicked parallel. Christians claim you can live foul and Heaven will bless you, which is a lie!
The people who whine and complain they should be allowed to live it up and enjoy this world belong here! No one is talking to you if you don’t care and want to do as thou will! But when it comes time to die, everyone, BUT THE DAMNED, questions whether they did the right thing, and that’s part of the Judgment.
2-22-23 10:21 pm ORACLE UPDATE: WHY MICHAEL WON'T BE APPEARING IN UKRAINE! updated @10:51 pm

If you encounter gross grammatical errors, you can thank the devil government scum, who are trying to make me appear incompetent!
This post is the last ORACLE for the day. We’ll top this post with one final BIBLE THUMP from ‘KONG JAMES!’ 2nd Chronicles clears up a rather poignant fact and truth about Israel. 2nd Chronicles 10:19 says, “And Israel rebelled against David’s House until this day.” Click HERE to read the BIBLICAL ORACLE from earlier this morning.
What houses did Yeshua represent? JUDAH (Kings) and LEVI (priests). Remember, Israel rejected the angelic king YHVH presented in favor of human kings they could manipulate.
Therefore, it’s quite fitting that 2 Chronicles 19 stated that Israel rebelled against the house of David unto that day! Then, when Michael arrived as Yeshua, Israel still behaved in the same, rebellious, stiff-necked Zionist way!
In YodHeVavHe’s name, even now I can hear and feel your blasphemous whining and groaning, talking about what you would do, blah, blah, blah! You viperous devils!
According to Gabriel, BENJAMIN’s house is obsessed with money and Zionism. But how did Benjamin take over the whole nation of Israel, turning them into greedy, materialistic, land-obsessed fascists? You still think this is a game, Israel and Friends!
But when have you ever taken heed IN MODERN TIMES to prophets and priests, Israel? Oh, that’s right, ISRAEL! Your fascism blinds you, so you ignore those few Heaven-ordained prophets or priests BECAUSE THEY’RE NOT IN ISRAEL!
President Bozo is on his Catholic suicide mission to save Israel and everything connected to her. Go ahead and get your persecution jollies in, Woody! You still don’t get the memo!
But we will soon see where Israel stands with YodHeVavHe, and why these stupid, false prophet Chrisitains think the Master would appear in Israel WHEN HE DESPISES HER, AND SHE DESPISES HIM! What angel WAS Israel’s patron? And when Michael appeared, Israel’s hateful Jewish Rabbis turned him over to the despicable pagan Romans for crucifixion,! And you think Michael is still watching over Israel?
Israel! You’re patron and friend is Lucifer/Rome! One of Lucifer’s Bozos has taken it upon himself to save Israel singlehandedly from her coming final destruction! Lucifer’s son, Cain, will fund your Temple Israel. Then Cain (The Beast) will turn around, sit in the temple he built, and call himself GOD! That is when Israel gets the final, FINAL MEMO, AND TOO LATE!
But Moses has risen, and even if he told you the truth, just as your scriptures prophesied, and by the Power and Might of YODHEVAVHE, you wouldn’t take heed!
Ukraine IDOLATROUSLY prays to a statue, instead of to YHVH, as the Catholics do? You pray to YHVH then He will send who He sees fit, which will be NO ANGEL! Like Solomon, you pray to demons appearing as angels, so hell is what you will get!
In the name of YODHEVAVHE, He is using Russia, to teach Ukraine and the rest of the Jews a lesson! You political fools ARE JUST PUPPETS!!!! Drop dead, you nerds, and atheists because your day is coming soon!
Go ahead, Bozo’s white-powered military! You will suffer a resounding defeat! You white government elitists-imperialist are just like Marjerie Tayor Greene, who will be struck for running her white supremacists mouth for s!@$ and Giggles!
Step in and see if America has ever been YODHEVAVHE’S country and if you are still the GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH!!!! You are nothing but pawns in a Divine Plan!
But please, don’t take my word for it. And since President Bozo has taken up a crusade, he has brought Disaster and HORROR, not TERROR, to America, and her Allies. This is no game, fools, and YODHEVAVHE is about to demonstrate that reality!
2-22-23 6:04 pm ORACLE BLOG RESPONSE:
Team Woody is the codename for the Columbus, Ohio municipal authorities harassing us. Team Woody believes that continuing to use excessive and unlawful force will cause us to provide contact information, or reach out to them. But their plan simply will not work. As this oracle validates, I don’t owe Team Woody anything (the Devil reversed). Catholic and Baptist Team Woody claims God is with them! So they should be able to pray to YHVH, and He will provide what they need! Sound logic!
2-22-23 5:30 pm UPDATE: BLINDED BY THE LIGHT, part 2

The following videos demonstrate the trademark Masonic, FOP-New World Order abuse of power methods used to harass or draw attention to staged events. You will notice the identical trademarks HERE in the Operation Break Beak presentation videos.
5:07 pm Police Sirens Stop As Weaponized Infinity Starts Car
5:13 pm Weaponized Infinity Leaves
5:21 pm The Sun comes out after a day of hiding.
You’ll also notice in the three videos, Team Woody’s African American, sanctimonious pawn is parked backward in his driveway (another taunt/message bearer). That pawn is also in this reading and appears as the King of Rods (r). The Emperor (r) is the godless man behind the black pawn’s actions.
Same trashy, corrupt activity littering another day! Fifteen years of abuse has obliterated a bridge that materialistic, power-abusing bureaucrats and their puppets continue to attempt to rebuild forcefully!
Just as that scripture stated this morning, even if Moses jumped out of the ground a warned you, you would still deny and ignore the warning! But again, you’ve been warned repeatedly, and when it’s time to pay the piper, the joke is on you!
Click here to see the Self-Righteous, sanctimonious black female (Queen of Rods reverse) dispatching the sirens/police (Knight of Swords reversed). Same old churchy stupidity! Rev.Lawd Have Mercy is the Emperor (reversed) and King of Rods (reversed) who is a liar and Charleton!
2-22-23 4:14 pm MENE, MENE, TEKEL UPHARSIN, Take 100

Gabriel is using your Biblical hypocrisy against you, Christian hypocrites! I don’t know the witches at and even if I did, the service is ‘randomly generated, so how could those scriptures be so relevant and timely?’ Gabriel’s scriptural selection was,
Interestingly, the scriptures and the automated Bible Scripture generator all coincide. Isaiah’s first group of scriptures refers to pagan gods being destroyed, such as your Hollywood idols, rappers, and athletes (in this post).
The third set of scriptures also refers to idolatry, but in this case, Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon. The second set of scriptures only echoes what I’ve been telling our two-faced, godless, heathenized persecutors.
The only thing the power-abusing people see is a human because they only comprehend the material world. So our adversaries keep testing because they can’t grasp that Heaven sends servants into the world at crucial moments to provide critical updates when major prophecies unfold (and that’s why their human clergy can’t prophesy exactly, speak with angels, or predict events with precision).
Didn’t the Jewish clergymen ask the Master, “Who do you think you are? Aren’t you that boy Jesus from Jerusalem, Mary, and Joseph’s son?” In parallel, corrupt Al Sharpton-scum flatter me by saying, “Who do you think you are? Aren’t you that boy from Columbus, Donna, and Bernard’s son?” By doing that, you’re admitting I’m closely following the Master’s footsteps, something your viperous clergy fails miserably to do!
When I repeat what the angels ask me to repeat, you circus money reverends, pimping white pastors, and corrupt municipal powers, including that falsely elected Bozo in the White House, think I’m speaking personal conviction when I’m doing my assigned task of warning you of impending doom, and illuminating those who care to be illuminated.
You proud and ‘powerful’ fools brought everything that’s about to happen upon yourselves. I don’t care what you do, and once I finish my Divine assignment, I ‘ain’t’ going to pervert Disneyland! I’m going HOME!!!
YHVH will validate more things via the front stage tomorrow, particularly CONDEMNATION. Speaking of condemned, the world watched Presidential Rambo fall up some stairs to his fighter plane while leaving Poland. I bet that’s coincidently too!
2-22-23 10:50 am Blinded By The Light, The Truff Will Set You Free
Team Woody is the codename for our political persecutors, a small body of corrupt white and black pigs (corrupt law enforcement), goats (municipal powers), and their pawns.
White elitists, particularly males, are sacrilegious, logical, and irreverent, disregarding spiritual gifts and abilities as hogwash and incapable of toppling them from their supremacy municipal towers of power. White elitist will continue their tyranny because they disbelieve spiritual power can touch them!
In contrast, Team Woody’s sanctimonious African American parallels act from a self-righteous sense of religious superiority, believing they are spiritually gifted, even though they are materialistic, vain, and grossly immoral.
No matter how often we warn Team Woody, they continue their unlawful and unconstitutional attempts to intimidate with weaponized activity and staged events that only exacerbate impending fury that will expose and undermine their white power and black pride.
Like the approaching human-initiated apocalypse, concluding the work Team Woody and their Masonic-styled compadres have desperately tried to suppress will trigger everything they’ve been warned will happen. But like the fallen angels, Team Woody continues attempting to prove their white supremacy and self-righteous black elitism, only solidifying condemnation.
Since self-righteous goat Christians like thumping scriptures, click here to read the Bibliomancy Reading Gabriel suggested I cast. How fitting Luke 16: 27-31 is since it coincides with the Hexagram 32 and Team Woody’s Goat-like persistent, false sense of invulnerability, and how it will lead to their ultimate humiliation!
Click to view automated Oracle #1:
2-21-23 ORACLE UPDATE #3 Afro-Pick Poltics With No Power To Back It Up...

Khary Krump is street and is probably the player the others followed in that tunnel beatdown after the Michigan vs. Michigan St. game. Unfortunately, too many contemporaries want to be gangsta hard, ‘savage!’ But in truth, there are mark wanna-be thugs dying regularly, emulating their favorite thug rapper, or rapping thot!
Sports is too important, which is why Khary Krump received a smack on the wrists, allowing him back on the playing field. The sports community dispenses scholarships to anyone without checking them out! We knew all kinds of gangsters playing college and pro football and basketball!
Shoddy African American journalism, like this Moguldom Nation article about Young Dolph’s murderer, tends to cherry-pick and wash one hand with the other. Young Dolph wasn’t an angel either. But the Moguldom Nation article sure tried to make you think he was.
MSNBC’s The Riedout is another African American program using the same powerless, weary afro-pick politics that’s already been proven inept yet refuses to address the real and prominent issues plaguing the black community. Protest and social media whining aren’t going to do a thing against ingrained systemic racism!
‘Take a good, hard look at the other Michigan St. players, and tell me what you see!’
Ron DeSantis can push for legislation banning African-American studies with black-on-black homicide and crime stats backing him in a court of law. Black History isn’t helping the black community, and if you ask the black thugs, they’ll tell you they don’t give a f—- about Black History!
African American role models are to blame for the community’s decline. But, again, if white boys call each other n—- before killing each other, something is wrong with black community leaders! Let’s take a look at…
A: Every other song, Durk reminds us he’s a street n— as if we didn’t already get that memo. The Hip-Hop community sermon is that Hip-Hop is a way to leave the ghetto behind, which is a lie; otherwise, black rappers wouldn’t be dropping like flies.
In Laugh Now, Cry Later, Durk even cheerleads Da Baby, our next subject. I don’t know if Durk realizes it, but you’ll never catch a real ‘boss,’ a real man d— riding another man!
B: DA BABY: Da Baby murders someone in Walmart, and they give him a record deal because that murder makes Da Baby look street credible, fueling the ‘savage’ black image. But according to the spirit Da Baby murdered, Da Baby wasn’t all gangsta when he pulled the trigger. Yet, the next day, Da Baby’ is on social media bragging.
Some agents or publicists must have talked some sense into Da Baby because he toned that tough gangsta front down quickly after the murder. But it was already too late. We’ll see how gangsta Da Baby is, shortly, because he will face The Real Moment Of Truth.
C: Kodak Black is a bonafide demoniac. Do you see his soulless, empty eyes? Kodak Black should change his name to Legion of Walking Filth! Kodak Black will return to prison indefinitely on “heinous charges” he won’t be able to skirt!
D: I laugh whenever I see 21 Savage because he is the biggest joke! I saw a video of 21 Savage on what appeared to be a golf course. Savage had some shooter-apes around him. Some rival wasn’t taking Savage seriously. So 21 Savage reached into what seemed to be a Crown Royal bag and pulled out what looked to be a pea-shooting .380. Meanwhile, somebody is filming Savage and his whole crew.
With that video, 21 Savage proved he was a mark trying to be hard and felt different ways when he wasn’t taken seriously. If 21 Savage was serious about shooting whoever clowned him, there wouldn’t have been that staged, Don Knots reaching into the Crown Royal bag. Either 21 Savage knew somebody was filming, or he was trying to be scary for whoever it was who thought he was a joke.
I’ll never forget the YouTube comments on that 21 Savage video, and all the wanna-be tough, suburb sucka white boys and girls making comments like, “21 Savage haaaard,” “Don’t nobody f— with 21 Savage!”
These street rappers have been African American role models and role models to the world, representing America!
Thugs and wanna-be thugs are all the same. All you have to do is stroke their egos, and wait, then remove the whole lot when they show up! You already know that lot will be at the strip club, night club, or cruising around like a player, and that’s how the next series of rappers get caught ‘slipping.’
There ‘ain’t nothing’ cool about being a street n—-. It’s fun being ‘street’ at first. But wait until your first shootout, or the first time some circus monkey who claims to be your homey or girl sets you up to be robbed, or your girl or goofball homie gets smoked sitting at a stop light. Then you’ll realize that being a street n—- ain’t cool anymore. After that moment, you’ll see if you’re street n—- material or a Hollywood rapper flunky!
The first attempt to murder me woke up the soldier, and from that point forward, I became cold, calculating, and callous. I went from wanting to beat people’s asses to wanting to kill them.
You’re always paranoid (thanks to weed), and checking rearview mirrors and surveillance cameras, even when you take out the trash. You start traveling miles away just to go to the store, and the list continues. By this time, you’re thinking like a demon because that’s what you’re dealing with!
So, African American rappers glorifying the streets is one reason so many youths of all colors, the streets, and suburbs, are dying and killing, thinking it’s ‘kewl!’ I don’t care what you do. Please feel free to off each other.
But the truth is that innocent people die along with the soulless scum! How about addressing the problem first, Afro-Pick Politics, and social media justice warriors, instead of turning a blind eye to the truth that your role models are the problem!
BTW, Hip-Hop isn’t 50 years old. Rapper’s Delight (1979) was the official birth of Hip-Hop as we know it!
Afro-Pick Politics is powerless!!! Afro-Pick politics, sitting on CNN, yapping far from the frontline, is like calling a racist a peckerwood cracker!
The racist doesn’t care if you call him what he is, plus he’s proud to be white. But as soon as the racist calls you a nigger, you’re all bent out of shape, which proves you’re still weak!
I don’t care if some WoodChuck calls me nigger, especially if I’m acting like one. If you still get bent out of shape if somebody talks about ‘yo mama, you’re weak, and looking for a reason do something stupid!
Woodchucks don’t fear uppity niggers! Woodchucks fear the thug because the thug is just like the racist (he DGAF)!