
Supernatural Spirituality

Supernatural Spirituality



4-28-24 8:15 pm -Update


This update is late, thanks to Uncle Sam’s ‘pawns’ interference again! Remember, Antares appeared in the 4-25-24 Oracle, and TLC (Chillie) appeared in the 4-26-24 Oracle. I realized today there were other, more significant reasons for Antares and TLC’s (Chillie’s) appearance in those Oracles.

Enslavement vs. Liberation:

Religion has its place, especially in helping the undisciplined find structure. However, religion enslaves once it becomes rigid dogma. Contrastingly, a person who practices spirituality without first learning and applying morals, principles, and values endangers themselves because spiritual liberation will cause them to become excessive and extreme, opening to anything. 

My lights started flickering wildly at 3:30 am this morning.

The increase in demonic activity and the godless 2nd Tim 3 Gen scourge is a direct consequence of humans becoming ‘spiritually (mentally)’ liberated, or ‘WOKE’ through dangerous avenues like drug experimentation and opening their minds to just anything. Curiosity enslaved and cursed humans, and curiosity continues wreaking havoc on Pandoric humankind!

According to the definition of a cult, Christianity is a cult. Christians worship their leaders while trying to worship God, which won’t work. TD Jakes encouraged male earrings, a pagan practice. So Jake’s young followers wear male earrings. 

Christianity and Judaism spread the misconception, the lie, that YHVH hawks your every move, waiting for you to sin so He can bully you with punishment or condemnation. That lie is how Christian clergy controls their worshippers with fear, as every cult leader does. You shouldn’t fear YHVH (only respect and love Him). However, you should fear the angels!

Jesus warned his adherents to stay vigilant for the frauds, which included the Christian clergy (who parallel the ancient Jewish Sanhedrin). Cult leaders prey on damaged, weak minds and souls because those leaders are weak and damaged.

The truth is that YHVH’S perfect Law acts without any need for His involvement. Humans punish themselves with their irresponsible choices. Angels dispatch demons to execute the self-inflicted sentences humans render upon themselves. It is rather liberating to realize that you are your own worst enemy. YHVH is pure love, so He takes no pleasure in waiting for you to sin and watching you punish yourself.


The angel Louviah has taught me so many things in the last day that it’s mindboggling. Everything Louviah taught I will apply in BTG’s Exorcist Demon Hunter series. But now I understand one of many reasons Catholics and South America are experiencing a drastic increase in demonic activity. 

But, what did the angel Louviah tell TD Jakes, Joel Osteen, Priscilla Shirer, and other clergy who claim to be “blessed spiritual warriors” about dealing with the exacerbated demonic activity, which has also begun spreading across America? That’s why I’m sharing very little about what Louviah revealed (the liars and experts will be up doo-doo creek with a paddle). But I can share this tidbit of why having statues and images, and worse, praying to them, opens demonic portholes in the item. 

First, let’s look at some videos:

Let’s see how that symbolic Spiritual Suit of Armor works in a real demonic situation, Priscilla Shirer.

I can’t wait to see how TD Jakes behaves when faced with an actual, terrifying demon! Sadly, the fear might invoke a heart attack.

What will inheriting the pimping power of her father’s megachurch do for TD Jake’s daughter when faced with real devils more evil than her father’s Masonic Order? We’ll get to see what will happen! In the video below, the little girl’s mother in the video above checks beneath her daughter’s bed three days later, and the demonic doll moves on its own!

The petrified mother and daughter in the next video are doubtlessly Catholic. What good is the Pope’s idol staff against what terrified that mother and daughter?

This is the first I’ve heard of the Christian pimp in the image below. But he, too, will be spiritually powerless at a dangerous moment!

Tell me, Pimp Osteen, you and your fellow clergy. Who is the devil shaking that baby’s bed in the next video, and what kind of beast, growling at that baby, is he riding?

A very powerful devil petrified the little girl in the video below. 

What fool came up with the idea for a turd-looking penis emerging from a toilet, Skibidi? I know all the white people in the audience are probably saying, “Awwww!!! That’s just an innocent toy.” But a specific devil hangs around toilets the more unclean they become. So, guess what devil petrified that little girl? Please click HERE to view the video.


I encountered numerous (many, many) Bizzarebub videos involving demonized dolls. Demons inhabited ancient Babylonian statues, the premise of the 1973 The Exorcists movie. Moreover, those demons influenced the Babylonians and their government, leading to Babylon’s fall. Fast forward, and the 2nd Tim 3 Gen also bears Babylon the Great’s marks.

Firstly, praying to or petitioning an idol transfers your belief in God to the lifeless statue. That statue becomes a faux representation of God, Jesus, or angels. The more powerful a person believes in the statue, the more charged that doll, idol, statue, etc., becomes. The same energy transference principle works with muggles and their human gods (celebrities, clergy, etc.). When you kiss the Pope’s hands, you confer upon him the same status as God, Jesus, or an angel. However, even the angels rebuke you for bowing to them or showing inappropriate deference.

Through those Bizzarebub videos, Louviah taught me how to close the demonic portholes fueling the activity. After battling Asmodeus for the first time, I learned part of that cleansing process. Burning Sage, prayer, and calling on YHVH or Jesus isn’t going to do a damn thing without performing other, more important things.

Nerd skeptics and logic lovers’ fear compels them to find logic and reason in the illogical. Moreover, irreverent and godless people, like the macho reprobates who ride around making a weaponized racket, speeding around and taunting us, believing they can’t be touched supernaturally, do so for the same reasons as the nerd skeptics and logic lovers. 

Breezline, Joe Biden, and other wicked principalities, authorities, and powers will continue taunting, testing, etc., until they’re struck again (as if Biden hasn’t been struck severely enough).

It’s worth noting that Biden lost his wife and daughter just as he assumed an elected office. And then, almost five years before he stole his current office as POTUS, Biden’s son Beau passed over.


 By the Power and Might of YHVH, we will see if our actions are fake, ‘cult oriented.’ Moreover, the wicked, like the media, science, etc., won’t be able to charge me with being a ‘cult leader.’Unlike the fake gurus and Christian cult leaders, Heaven authorized my assignment, and my actions will continue to prove it!

Most Christians won’t watch those videos of the demonic activity because the truth is too terrifying. The macho logic lovers and skeptics will watch those Bizzarebub videos trying to rationalize and prove they’re unafraid. That’s why I can’t wait for the angels to sic the demons on those fools (for their disrespectful irreverence). Those proud, vain, and arrogant dupes don’t realize that whatever is coming their way won’t happen on their schedule when they are ready. But it will happen, as we’re about to see (for some)!

In the oracle below, the filthy Skibidi administrator Uncle Sam puppets to interfere with our internet appears. So they can’t hide. That corrupt corporate power will take the fall for Uncle Sam (or whoever).

You can read the EXORCIST DEMON HUNTERS series introduction presentation HERE.

Bizzarebub YouTube Channel LINK

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