If you haven’t read The Watchman and His Contemporary Role, The FRONTPAGE ORACLE Introduction,, or Divination vs. Fortune Telling posts, please read them first to understand how exorcising demons really works and its true purpose. This Supernatural Spirituality FrontPage Oracle post reveals more wicked ‘so-called’ Christian capitalist harassment we’ll endure shortly and the inevitable humiliation for those people that will follow.

As soon as an oracle points to coming negativity, I always pray, meditate, and then batten down the hatches. Once the event materializes, we’ll update the oracle. The demon Andras appeared a few moments ago (6:45 p.m.).
Andras sponsors and compels bloodshed, especially prevocational bloodshed. Moreover, Andras just made news in ROTTERDAM. But Andras is about to compel more muggle foolishness’ towards us. The Rotterdam shooting was TARGETED, which seems to indicate the shooter was PROVOKED in some way! The shooter was arrested under the HOSPITAL’S HELIPAD ( but I saw HELLPAD first).
For the skeptics, nerds, and other naysayers, you may have watched serial killers profess that they heard voices, compelling them to act. Drug addicts, alcoholics, and anyone else not in control of their vices can become demon-compelled. Don’t act stupid. Where do you think the sudden thought to masturbate comes from when masturbation is the furthest thought on your mind? Demonic possessions are rare. But interestingly, the highest cases of demonic possession occur among Catholic faithfuls.

Shortly, females, either with power or connected to it, will take more foolish risks (on top of recent stupidity), trying to force us into submission, using New World Order tactics we’ve shown in our Pigs Goats and Pawns presentations. Notice the white boy with the demon Andras tattooed on his chest (really stupid). Typical cowards who want to invoke fear in weak-minded muggles tattoo a demon’s sigil on their body.

The Corrupt Capitalist Bureaucrats vs. Heaven post demonstrates the second day of corrupt capitalist bold stupid domination harrassment.