
Supernatural Spirituality

Supernatural Spirituality

Breaking the chains of religious programming part 3


Breaking the chains of religious programming part 3


Working with Heaven requires faith, trust, and belief, which are virtues (powers). The only way to strengthen virtue is through practice. If your faith is not tested, it can’t be reinforced, and your spiritual power doesn’t grow. It’s easy to be faithful in small and insignificant matters. However, once your faith has been confirmed repeatedly and under great stress and duress, your trust in Heaven reinforces.

By 2003, the angels forbade me to read any books written by humans. By 2010, the angels withdrew me from the world. After that, I interacted daily with one human, my brother Carlos. So-called wise men and gurus will claim that I read one of their books and came to some conclusion or belief. However, a Wiseman is egoless, so he doesn’t jump to narrow-minded, narcissistic assumptions.


Belief is based on faith practiced repeatedly. I arrived at many spiritual conclusions because of Heaven’s learning process and applying experience which concretizes faith. Faith concretized is belief! Science claims that you must believe in the supernatural for it to exist or be real, which is absurd. R Kelly said he “believed he could fly,” and as we see, the black Icarus fell flat on his face!

“I don’t care what skeptics of the supernatural and God-haters feel about my beliefs because they are irrelevant. My confidence in my beliefs originates from my experience.“


Facts and evidence gathered through tribulations and ordeals strengthen belief. When trials and tribulation extinguish faith, hope is invoked. Hope produces miracles and supernatural phenomena. For example, the Israelites were slaves for hundreds of years. At a particular time during their enslavement, the Israelites’ hope superseded faith. The Israelite’s hope, along with the power of Heaven, empowered Moses, and he and Arron were able to perform miracles.

I’ve no doubt the Israelites prayed to God for deliverance for hundreds of years, but the proud, arrogant, and wicked Pharaoh would not listen to Heaven’s voice and release the Israelites long before Moses acted as a deliverer. I bet George Floyd was praying to God while Derek Chauvin had his knee on Floyd’s neck. Evil humans, or humans blinded by pride and arrogance, do not listen to God or his angels. Because wicked men and women do not listen to God’s angels, if you pray when dealing with wicked people, chances are nothing will happen favorably. The key is practicing mindfulness and vigilance, preventing you from falling into evil situations unprepared.

I’ve prayed to “Jehovah” many times asking Him to make our political persecutors and their pawns back off and leave us alone, which they refused to do. But during our fifteen years of political persecution, we’ve experienced one miracle after another!

“The Israelite’s enslavement’s purpose was to prepare them to meet God. The Israelites had faith in God’s promise to Abraham, but enslavement converted that faith to hope, and fueled Moses’ many miracles.“


The Star card of the tarot represents hope, supernatural phenomena, miracles, magic, and belief. Prolonged tribulation invokes miracles and supernatural events. Belief is the result of enduring tribulation with hope.

During moments of severe persecution, the angels would ask me to be someplace or perform some tasks. Because all I had was hope, and I had nothing to lose, I would do what the angels asked. Once I performed the task or arrived at some destination, the event the angel said would happen occurred, and this both reinforced my belief and caused me to rejoice.


I don’t care what skeptics of the supernatural and God-haters feel about my beliefs because they are irrelevant. The confidence I place in my beliefs originates from experience. I don’t profess or proclaim possibilities or personal conviction, which is what religious hypocrites believe. “You’re not speaking truth from Gawd,  You’re sharing your personal convictions. So I don’t believe you,” are sentiments worldly or self-righteous Christians hurl my way. Prophets were never popular and often despised because they’re bound by Heaven to tell THE TRUTH!

Religious people have faith in their doctrinal stories. The Jews are proud people with a glorious history. Still, God did not put everything in the Bible. Some of what appears in the Bible has either been twisted by misinterpretation or altered to suit some political or immoral agenda. Without gaining experience through tribulation, there is no way you can confirm or deny what you read in dogma or doctrine.

“Conviction begets Confirmation, and Confirmation begets Belief. There comes a time when faith is exhausted, which in turn invokes belief, miracles, and supernatural phenomena.“


Truth is the ultimate Paradox because Truth can come either before or after facts, proof, and evidence. But Concrete Truth is Truth that has been reinforced by experience.

When I followed angelic counsel and guidance with hope, it always lead to Truth validating in some way. Once beliefs are reinforced, you will trust Heaven without question. I believe that Heaven will exact vengeance on my behalf because I have experienced it!


It’s not easy to be patient when others have wronged you because it may seem like they’re getting away with their wrongdoing. I’ve known people killed in car accidents or some other violent event, get sick, lose a loved one or a job, and many other calamities after those individuals wronged my brother or me. You must allow Heaven to orchestrate the perfect situation to exact vengeance on evil people. Whatever vice your adversary indulges will cause their downfall. A materialistic person always falls prey to greed. So greed will ensnare that person.

Heaven asked humans to exercise morals, values, and principles because vice in any form is the net used to destroy wicked immoral people. So don’t believe the hype that strippers, thots, whores, thugs, gamblers, drug dealers, and gangsters are happy individuals! Practicing vice magnetizes darkness because evil sponsors vice. Most strippers are snorting coke, turning tricks, and practicing lesbianism within six months after they begin stripping. I’m telling you from experience. I dated strippers and call girls and performed security for a strip club, call girls, and trying-to-be-porn actresses.


Religious people’s faith often lies in stories about others’ tribulations they read in their dogmatic doctrines. For example, religious Christians have faith because they read about Job’s satanic trials.

Maintaining faith through a heart attack or car accident is a stepping stone to hope but does not necessarily invoke miracles. Science does not create miracles because supernatural phenomena accompany miraculous events. Thus, the pacemaker is not a miracle, it is a design of science, and science devoid of Heaven is incapable of producing supernatural phenomena.

“In ancient Israel, the Levites were the priests. Moses needed Arron to perform miracles. Moses was raised Pagan in Pharaoh’s house, and had also murdered a man. Murderers nor men marked (tatted) can serve as priest, prophets, or ministers.“



Paradox resides someplace between science and Truth and explains both the logical and illogical perfectly! Truth is Truth, no matter where you find it. Still, if there are contradictions found within your ‘Truth,’ your Truth is incomplete and is nothing but personal conviction.

A spiritual master is incapable of contradiction because he can perpetually silence the so-called masters with Paradox. So, for so-called spiritual masters and Gurus, my conviction is one with Truth because Truth was my reward for enduring years of tribulation with hope.


The biggest contradiction and offense ‘gurus’ and ‘masters’ commit is needing to be seen and known. The first thing a master must conquer is his ego! An egoless person isn’t seeking glory and feels no need to debate, argue, compete, or contend. People with egos feed off contention, arguments, competition, and debates because their conviction lacks truth or experience. You develop confidence with experience, which empowers conviction. My words are powerful because they are backed with truth and experience. Truth-backed experience is conviction-power. You can’t undermine a person who has no ego to undermine and whose confidence resides within experience!

Religious Christian hypocritical sentiments can’t affect me, either. God removed me from religion to teach me the truth through experience. If I hadn’t experienced Heaven outside of the Bible, I would still believe YHVH is a childish, irritate tyrant who sits on a cloud waiting for me to sin just so He can beat my ass! If I were still held in Religion’s enslaving chains, I wouldn’t know that God established laws like Cause and Effect that ensure that every time you exercise free will irresponsibly, you beat your own ass! I would still put faith in human clergymen if I hadn’t experienced a Baptism by Fire in which cowardly Christian clergymen were powerless, refusing to get involved!

Start with the Book of Enoch if you want to break religious Christianity’s pimping hold. Then let Heaven guide you from there! If you believe in Heaven, you have nothing to fear because you will never be misled, even when it feels like you’re going down the wrong road. Don’t put faith in Bibles or humans. Put your faith where it should be. In Heaven!

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