
Supernatural Spirituality

Supernatural Spirituality

 Breaking the chains of religious programming part 1

 Breaking the chains of religious programming part 1


I was raised one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. When I was young, we constantly had problems with spirits. I believe that my mother’s prescribed Valium and high-potency Tylenol use contributed to the constant amplified spiritual activity. The spirits and demons never bothered me ‘overtly,’ but the rest of the family was fair game. In hindsight, I can now identify when angels assisted me, and demons tried to interfere with destiny.


When I was 16, one summer day, I was depressed, as would often be the case. I grabbed my CD player and headed for a walk. I heard a voice suggest, “Walk along the railroad tracks. You’ll hear and feel the train coming!” As I got onto the right rail of the track, I turned up the volume of my CD player. Five minutes into my trek, I heard, “GET OFF THE TRACKS,” followed by a jolting shove. I took about ten steps, and a train went blazing past, blaring its horn. I didn’t feel or hear the train coming. My mother and other religious Christians like to claim that my spiritual gifts are demonic. But let me clear up that misjudgment.

“The human conscience is linked directly to Divine Law. Ignoring your conscience and listening to evil thoughts endangers you spirit.“


The Jewish rabbis accused Jesus of acquiring his spiritual power through demons. Very rarely do demons perform positive or helpful works because they can’t behave for very long. It was a demonic influence that suggested I get onto the train tracks and that I would certainly feel and hear a train approaching. Demons rule this criminal side of Eden, which is their home that humans invaded via their expulsion from Eden. Evil spirits influence humans through the power of suggestion.


The angel Gabriel told me parts of the Bible were divinely inspired, while other parts weren’t. Bible Thumpers are always quick to thump scriptures that suit their agendas. For example, the Bible says the dead are conscious of nothing. An ignorant mind looking at a lifeless body would draw the conclusion that the dead are conscious of nothing. Moreover. The Bible says not to fornicate or murder. But King David killed a man to have sex with his wife. However, Jews and religious Christians somehow overlook that truth.

Simple, primitive-minded people wrote the Bible, and as a result, the angels, including Jesus, had to speak simplistically, using parables and illustrations to assist those primal minds with comprehending complex issues. The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses and other members of Christendom are always quick to shame and condemn a legitimate spiritual practice as demonic.

“Christianity is all about money and politics. Jesus never gave his followers a name. So, where did the title ‘Christians’ originate? When Jesus was baptized, he wasn’t baptized Catholic, Baptist, or Jehovah’s Witness. Baptizing someone as a Jehovah’s Witness is politically motivated (power in numbers)“

THE WAR IN HEAVEN HAS COME TO EARTH: Armageddon is a supernatural war fought in the flesh. You can’t effectively influence humans from the spirit world, especially humans who don’t believe in God or the supernatural. Armageddon is fought in part on YouTube, movies, music, and other mediums humans enjoy. Armageddon’s war is focused upon humans because they are at the center of the angels’ fall from grace and everything that has happened over the last 8,022 years. However, Christian hypocrisy has granted Babylonians the upper hand, so they have been winning the war for thirty years!

From experience, I can say that demons can’t behave long enough to perform good deeds. So even when wicked spirits pretend to be good, their goodness is short-lived. The angel Gabriel told me that if I had died on the train tracks that day, my family would have been devastated beyond consolation. So, the voice that suggested walking along the track was evil, and the voice that pushed me off the tracks was angelic.

The 1st Law of Thermodynamics debunks both religious and scientific dogma, and I demonstrate that point in the MY PATH TO ILLUMINATION blog series. Click HERE to continue to part 2 of BREAKING THE CHAINS OF RELIGIOUS PROGRAMMING.

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