Columbus, Ohio, has its own entertainment industry-connected billionaire. The way the entertainment business and much of capitalist corporate America work is that every city is controlled by one corporation or another. For example, the majority of independent Columbus, Ohio, record labels and artists might be signed to Universal Music. The radio stations and municipal powers can benefit from that unspoken monopoly on the city.
Columbus municipal powers doubtlessly enjoy the profitable benefits of having its own billionaire sponsor (who basically owns Ohio State). So, ‘hypothetically,’ if Universal controls the local music scene, the municipal powers and pawns, like radio stations, would expect local artists and labels to comply with their ‘unspoken’ arrangement. If you refuse to conform to that capitalist demand, then it is likely you will be politically persecuted and blacklisted, which has been the case for us!
I was working and meditating about our approaching business moves. For a week, I was unsettled about some things that had to be clarified. I wasn’t certain if Warner was one of the right places to approach because something wasn’t sitting right.
But Gabriel said everything would become apparent, and it has. Firstly, Discovery+ is cool and all that. But Discovery is a niche channel that draws a specific audience (detectives, home improvement, history, etc.). The paranormal genre became prominent thanks to Discovery. But Exorcist Demon Hunters is Supernatural entertainment, not paranormal, and the paranormal genre is dead.
But more importantly, as I meditated while working a few moments ago, Gabriel reminded me,” Have you forgotten that Time Warner has also also persecuted you?” DIIIINGGGGGGG! That’s when it hit me! Yup! Time Warner has been doing just that. You see, quite a bit of Christian and Jewish witchcraft has been happening, trying to confuse and confound.

I remember Gabriel explicitly warning me to keep everything (movies, series and distribution, and games) in one spot. Moreover, months ago, Gabriel said that “Japanese (and Asian) business was also significant” but didn’t reveal why (but didn’t have to). Sony may or may not still be in Japanese hands, but the name remains Japanese.

Paramount stayed the constant focus through all the local Wanker-sponsored pigs, goats, and pawns witchcraft. While Catholics and Baptists are persecuting us, Gentile-minded Jews appear to be sponsoring that harassment (without money and shine, it’s impossible to keep certain trollish Baptists engaged and involved).
I have a script pitch for a Golden Child reboot. Big Trouble in Little China was also moving in the right direction in 1986. The Golden Child and Big Trouble in Little China are based on Chinese prophecies that are happening alongside Revelation. WU Assassin seemed to be trying to reboot The Golden Child and Big Trouble but lacked the magic properties.
The Golden Child and Big Trouble are Taoist concepts, not Buddhist. Taoists are more spiritual and abstract, and Buddhists are more philosophical and logical. We’re doing the same thing Egg Shen did in Big Trouble, and the Golden Child is the story of the Master (Jesus for the Christians).

I saw a video about someone trying to reboot Golden Child a few years back. But that premises will fall flat, like most of the reboots from Hollywood in the last decade. Remember, I can also humbly advise for script content. Heaven’s premises for The Golden Child might give the reboot just what it’s looking for a blockbuster hit.
ORIGINAL 5:44 pm response to our political persecutors:
Our political perscutors are so wicked that they harassed us through the COVID epidemic (yet claim they are so Christlike)!
Our ‘Christian’ political persecutors continue their relentless harassment, as the 9-26-23 4 16 p.m. Operation Break Beak update demonstrates (please click HERE). Corrupt municipal powers claim the violent weaponized racket in THIS VIDEO is Christlike! We’ve updated the Super 8 Motel section of the Seventeen Years Battling ‘Christian ‘-Sponsored Political Persecution presentation (please click HERE).