An oracle contains so much information that you can refer to it years later. The FrontPage Oracles that we publish reference events that will happen anywhere from immediately to four years.
Therefore, the angels suggested using the number generator to refer me to an already existing oracle that is still pertinent, as I did in THIS VIDEO. So, if you read the 11-16-18-23 Temptation, Tribulation, Damnation Oracle, it will apply to the next three days.
This post is also an example of reviewing an earlier personal oracle for 11-3-23. Through the same number generator process, angels asked me to review my 11-3-23 journal entry. As you’ll see, the November 3rd oracle coincides with everything in the last few day’s oracles.
11-3-23 8:34 am Spiritual Journal Entry
- I had a graduation dream that took place on Hamilton Road again. But this time at Hamilton and Refugee Rd. I was graduating, too. A dirty, Beelzebub-looking white boy that reminded me of Justin Bieber was in the dream. He looked nasty, grimy, and funky, like Pig-Pen from Charlie Brown, and was sleeping in the Wendy’s parking lot.
- But Eric W., my Linden High School homeboy, was also in the dream. He had traded in his metal headbanger clothes and personality for a Harvard persona. Eric was even weeping as we parted ways after graduation. But I got the impression I would see Eric again (which happened spiritually on 11-11-23).
- Eric W. could also stand for Eric Wright, aka Easy E, who was trying to get my attention a few days ago (on 11-1-23).
Mia (Scorpio) was in my first dream. Mia has been in many oracles. ‘It’s So Hard To Say Goodbye’ was playing in my head as I woke up.
- Bobby Knight passed away yesterday.
- Woody has moved a new pawn into Section 8’s old house.
- It could be Easy E. trying to convey a coming death (It’s So Hard…).

My brother Carlos said Justine Bieber’s ‘Honest’ song started repeating in his head yesterday and began again just after prayer and meditation. Carlos said he heard the song on the radio a while back.
Carlos doesn’t listen to Justin Bieber, which demonstrates how radio stations program music to stick in your head and how spirits use that song at an undisclosed time.
In the dream, the bum became Bieber when cleaned up. Bieber appearing in the dream has two meanings: Canadian and cleaning up one’s act. What about that honesty?
Honest isn’t Truth. Honesty is a form of discretion that allows people to reveal half-truths while keeping harmful or damaging elements confidential.
Moreover, honesty is a lesser virtue. There are certain circumstances to use honesty, while others require truth. Truth is the angel you want to rely on now, not honesty (depending on the dangers of your situation).
Most celebrities, including Bieber, are ‘honest’ with the public because the truth would probably publically blow the pubic hair from their bodies!
“New York, Canada, and ???. One event has already happened. The Jets crashed after going airborne. The Oracle never said terrorists would attack a bridge. The Oracle stated that DEMONS WOULD ATTACK on the bridge!

MIA DREAM REFERENCE: Justice for Entertainment Females Suppressed, Oppressed, and Tyrannized by Males

I knew a lot of Mias, and one was a Scorpio. But, Mia appearing in my November 3rd dream references a former Playboy diva associated with Heavy Metal and Canada.
The Mia I knew and ‘Canadian Mia’ smile similarly, with the top lip flipping upward, kind of like when you’re smelling your upper lip, but not as extreme.
We keep warning Commander Macho Fuzzy Head that their day is coming because suppressive macho, fraternal power is being stripped, and the patriarchy with it. The next six months will see many powerful, wealthy men reduced to nothing.
Those males who have committed serious, legitimate legal and moral offenses will be outed with tangible evidence to back the charges (they will stick)! Bitter, hateful misandrists who try to use the moment for revenge will be consumed and disgraced along with the falling patriarchy they hate.
The Magnetic Chain (‘yall know what I mean) is reaching a zenith and is responsible for this momentary male-over-female reversal. Macho logic lovers will think the warning and supernatural events are all a fairytale delusion until they find themselves on the flats of their backs or bent over in a jail cell!
As soon as I saw Sean Marquette in 13 Going on 30, I almost choked. Marquette is my heavy metal high schoolmate Eric W to the T. The only difference was that Eric was sandy blond., but the same hairstyle. Spirits asked me to watch 13 going on 30!

As soon as I saw Sean Marquette, my 11-3-23 dream sequence flashed in my mind’s eye as a reminder that watching the movie was relevant in some way!
Eric W. was my German-American high school homboy. We used to cut class at Linden and smoke Marlboros and weed while running up and down the OSU campus. I don’t smoke cigarettes any longer! Eric lived in Clintonville, one block south of North Adult High School.
But Eric is the one who introduced me to underground heavy metal. I was a headbanger at that moment. Me and Eric hated each other in middle school. But heavy metal and hard rock was the thing that brought us together. So, the 11-24-23 12 am FrontPage Oracle below is directly related to Eric W and my 11-3-23 dream!
However, a few days after I recorded the dream featuring Eric W. and Mia in my spiritual journal, I looked at the name Eric W., and Easy E. flashed in my mind’s eye (Eric Wright).
But the previous day, a video documentary Easy’s daughter appeared in popped up. I would have watched the documentary, but Chase and Dr. Pepper screwed up my bank account. So, I can’t make quick purchases like renting a movie or documentary a spirit wants me to watch with cash.
However, I received Easy’s request. There was no conspiracy or foul play in Easy’s premature death unless you consider karma a killer. In His Mercy, YHVH allows humans a chance to change courses. Heaven pulls the plug on those who ignore the warning signs, refusing to repent, and since death is sin’s wage, you’ve got to go in some way!
I know for certain that several high-profile celebrities will be checking out in the next six months. However, the grief and pain for those who remain will be mitigated in several ways! My mother passed sometime between 11-28-22 and 12-1-22. I haven’t wept once because I know she is active, even without her former body!
We’ll pick up this conversation in the 11-25-23 FrontPage Oracle Update.