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November 27th - December 8th 2023

I: Overall Focus

FOCUS: Level 36; Wicked reprobates and degenerates try to extinguish hope, faith, and goodness. Driving arrogant and overly confident people crazy or making them furious like a bull to a matador, they destroy themselves. Using humor to humble or humiliate the haughty, proud, or egotistical.


PROBLEMATIC PEOPLE: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aries, Male Libra, Virgo, and Gemini 


NEUTRAL PEOPLE: Female Libra, Pisces, Male Leo, Female Cancer 


POSITIVE PEOPLE: Capricorn, Aquarius, Female Leo, Male Cancer, Male and Female Taurus


Miserable, jealous, and wicked people hate to see others joyful. For example, you might wake up feeling good after a bout of grief and depression.   You decide to get out and enjoy a beautiful day.

You dress, perform your daily morning activities, and head out into the world. Your energy levels are higher because you feel and look your best. Your day is terrific until you decide to go shopping. By this time, you’re confident, which lowers your guard (vigilance). 

 You purchase some shoes at Champs, approach checkout, and greet the clerk, who rolls her eyes and smacks her lips, snatching the credit card from your hand. Feeling foolish, you respond, “What’s your problem?” Next, you’re in a big argument with the clerk. By the time you leave the store, your energy is drained, and you feel worse than you did at the height of your depression. 

 You think about the verbal altercation the entire day, further depleting any signs of optimism you enjoyed.

 That miserable clerk you encountered will gloat upon “how she made you look stupid,” like she won the Nobel Peace Prize or cured cancer! Then, she’ll go to the club later, bragging to her friends about how she told you off and rattled your cage. Moreover, she’ll be the one who starts the trouble that causes a big fight, resulting in a shooting that kills several people.


The world is packed with hateful and wicked people who listen to the demons sitting on their left shoulder, eagerly awaiting the opportunity to influence them. Humility and vigilance are the ways to protect yourself while neutralizing others’ attempts to steal your energy. Feeding from drama and conflict, miserable people are like the demons that influence them. An evil person raises their energy through hatefulness, disorder, and chaos.

 The Christian Bible warns that evil lurks, seeking to devour the righteous. Moreover, demons know everything about your life, personality, and insecurities and use that intelligence to wreak havoc.

 Very few have the discipline and self-control to exercise virtue under pressure, especially those not used to doing so. Then there are the Christian hypocrites who preach optimism and call the vigilant pessimists or fearmongers. Yet, their Bibles warn that the demons seek to destroy them.

It’s better to practice mindfulness and pragmatism with hope and optimism for the next few days, realizing the world is more wicked than upright and full of people driven by hate, jealousy, and materialism seeking to devour you!

 12-Day Oracle Summation

 Mentally and emotionally damaged people (Gemini, Cancer, Libra) will shine infamously for the next 9 days. Those individuals’ energy will dominate from the 27th through the 29th and begin waning by December 2nd.

 Ignorant, uneducated, and uncultured people (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus, Leo, Aries, Sagittarius) will be the source of drama, violence, and chaos for the next five days. Racism and bigotry (Gemini and Libra) will cause problems with severe consequences and repercussions.

 Employing outdated tactics and practices will sabotage the overly confident who overestimate themselves or their positions of power. Failed movements or protests result from improper motives and inappropriate timing. It is unwise to resort to using force, especially intimidation tactics or empty threats (Leo, Gemini, Pisces, Scorpio).

 Troublemakers and attention seekers (Aries) will cause the most unpleasant, violent, and chaotic events. Grudges and revenge (Scorpio) will empower idiots into instigating havoc with deadly repercussions.

 Inexperienced teens, immature adults, and childish authorities will humiliate and disgrace themselves, their families, and their communities. Being a ‘young adult’ doesn’t make you a grown man or woman. A childish adult is one who never corrects childhood character flaws. Those types often hold grudges and play the same shameful, silly games they did in high school and college!

 Responsibility, maturity, and experience (Capricorn) will conquer the rebellious, adamant, and willful. Modesty, humility and patience will be rewarded with a major triumph by December 8th.

 Exercise practicality, optimism, and enthusiasm to manage or navigate through business dealings. Charts and graphs might be misleading due to misinformation or mediocre or hurried research. So double-check all information you collect, especially if you received it from the internet or third-party sources. 

Genuis and innovation are the best bets in a stale, impotent market. Avoid big spending (Leo, Taurus, Capricorn), as unexpected expenses, bills, or dues will likely creep up on Friday (1st) and Monday (4th). Wise investments on Friday will reap significant returns by December 7th and 8th.


12 Days

I: 11-27-29-23 Oracle: Withdraw, Conceal, Build Energy

Please click HERE to read the ORACLE VALDITATION POSTS for 11-27-29-23.

FOCUS: Management, tedious work, experience, self-employment (or DIY), proposals, offers, propositions, tact and strategy, failed covert missions, deployment, winning chess moves, matches and bouts, attacks from behind (also pain in the a—), flaming vengeful gays, ambushes, repercussions (karmic), spite, malice, poisons, toxins, and vindictiveness.

The timing and location for this oracle is simple. I took about ten minutes or less to ascertain times and directions. In January, we’ll be providing more detailed, pinpointed timing and direction predictions pertinent to weather, disasters, and public tragedies.

Time (according to Eastern Standard Time):

  • Monday (9 am-Noon (mean: 10 am hour)) (North, Northwest (Europe, Asia, etc), Northwest Africa, etc.)
  • Tuesday ((9 am-9 pm (mean:between 4 pm-5 pm)
    (Northwest, Mountains, Central, Central Europe, Central etc, Middle East)
  • Wednesday (3 pm-6 pm (mean: 9:45 pm)
    (South (Alabama, etc), South Africa, South (Europe, China, etc), Central (America), Far Midwest (Iowa, Etc.))

Investigations, probes, and other forms of intelligence gathering should go particularly well on Monday. Any longstanding secrets or indiscretions can be uncovered and exposed today (Gemini). Get all the intel you can today because, by this evening, a pipeline of hidden intelligence will be sealed, destroyed, or placed in more secure locations.

Withdrawing from negative people and situations will be wise for the next four days, particularly Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for Gemini, Leo, Cancer, and Taurus.

 Confuse your adversaries through target denial or reverse phycology. However, if you’re not very intelligent (or lacking reliable intelligence), playing mind games should be avoided. Withdrawal isn’t retreat in this case. When you back up, it will pull the arrogant, impulsive, and overly confident onto your ground, where you are stronger and more confident.

On Tuesday and Thursday, visitors and foreigners could be the cause of many headaches, particularly those playing middlemen. Secretaries or outsourced employment are put in place to drain energy and force persistent people to concede or relinquish. So, don’t bother haggling or pushing if you feel you’re getting the runaround.

Refuse to deal with the demanding and adamant or their terms. It’s likely they have ulterior motives (Scorpio, Libra, and Libra), or they are bluffing because their positions aren’t as stable or secure as they claim!

Expect petty provocation designed to draw you into open conflict or test your strengths. Again, misdirection is a wise response (not reaction) whether you have the advantage or not!

Out of sight, out of mind is one strategy that will give you the upper hand on Monday and Tuesday. It’s better to act than speak about action on Monday. How you handle the next three days’ events will determine the success or failure of important outcomes scheduled to occur on December 8th.

Record today’s (Monday) events in your calendar app with an alarm or reminder. Whatever results you receive on the 8th, you’ll know what to do or not to do the next time you’re faced with a similar situation, which could be sooner than you think.

Demons of deceit and manipulation will run rampant. So, avoid temptation or wishful thinking on Tuesday and Wednesday (Cancer, Pisces, and Virgo). It’s likely any offers or proposals you receive are intended to hold you down or back, allowing an adversary (Scorpio, Libra, Aries, Sagittarius) to advance.

Dispel and disengage sneaky (Libra, Aquarius), deceptive, and underhanded (Leo, Scorpio, Pisces, Sagittarius) people with research, facts, and evidence. Common sense and street smarts could also play a role in thwarting bullies, thieves, and hustlers on Tuesday and Wednesday!

Misery loves company is the wise axiom for the next three days, particularly on Wednesday. Jealous, so-called family and friends might try to cause delays or breakups by not relaying messages or information.

Betrayals from pretend allies or jealous family members are also possible. So, do your own research, and tactfully question those who’ve caused problems previously or behave suspiciously!

If you didn’t receive any anticipated text, emails, or mail, investigate. It’s possible that someone (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries (especially) has interfered. Arguments over finances, debts, or suspicions are possible on Wednesday (Cancer and Leo). Blame will solve nothing since everyone involved is responsible in some minor way!

Unfinished tasks or business must be completed by Wednesday, or you won’t be able to advance plans or campaigns or could miss a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio).

Avoid procrastination by starting with the least daunting task. For those who enjoy challenges, start with the most difficult or burdensome task, and your project, endeavor, or presentation will be ready for Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.

II: 11-30 12-2-23 Overcoming Obstructions, Road Blocks, and Detours

Rash and careless actions (Aries, Sagittarius, Scorpio) will destroy bridges and longstanding relations. Arguments or serious gripes may have caused irreparable relationship damage on Wednesday. It’s likely some are walking on eggshells or trying to avoid rocking the boat.

But stepping on smaller toes or ugly feet between 9 am and Noon, or 6 pm to 9 pm, might be the straw that breaks the proverbial camel’s back. Aquarius or Libra might become overly critical or nitpick, which will cause adverse reactions from Scorpio, Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius. Bossy or mean people are likely to influence the early part of the day, but the tides will turn at the drop of the hat.

Those who don’t handle pressure well are likely to erupt like a dormant volcano on Thursday! Tuesday’s events influence Thursday’s events. Certain corrupt, abusive people’s influence will begin diffusing by the four o’clock hour on Thursday.

By Friday, fools will wish they hadn’t wasted time, money, or effort on futile endeavors they believed using excessive force would improve.

Cancellations, heavy censorship, or non-transparency are likely on Saturday, along with blocking damaging information from the public’s eye. People have the right to know what’s going on because it will ultimately affect them in the long run. But revealing the truth will expose how badly a conflict or campaign is going.

Forgetfulness and hurried actions will cause problems and insurmountable obstacles. If travel plans are in your itinerary, you’ll still ‘magically’ forget something vital, even if you triple-check.

Theft and careless losses are likely on Thursday and Friday as well. Suppose you’ve seriously offended others with brash, thoughtless actions. In that case, letting others cool down might be wise and safe before an attempted reconciliation. Leo, Aries, and Pisces, those you’ve offended are probably brooding (Scorpio and Cancer), and the sight of your face could trigger a violent reaction!

Expect delays, roadblocks, and detours. Instead of becoming angry and frustrated, try to see those delays as affording a few extra moments to thoroughly rethink something or double-check to ensure you haven’t forgotten important details or minor but significant info or objects!

11-30 -12-2-23 Oracle Validation Posts

Click the title to read the Oracle Update:

ORACLE UPDATE #5:  Fed Up Hamas, Samson the Pit and the Gremlins, and The Grimlins and the Missing Post

ORACLE UPDATE #6: Bad Surgeon, Black Badness, Reprobate Powers

ORACLE UPDATE #7: The Four Falling Towers

ORACLE UPDATE #8: Catholic Harassment After Oracle Update Published


Next Oracle

III: 12-3-5-23  Banishing the Prodigal Child Indefinitely

The 28th and 30th will influence the next three days. Those who keep journals (Virgo, female Taurus, and Sagittarius) should have a record of events that occurred on those days that will help clarify anything out of place, particularly on Sunday.

Uncharacteristic or mischievous behavior is likely to be caused by external influences. Petty, hypocritical, elite-minded snobs or people with privilege are likely to nag. Religious hypocrisy will return with humiliating consequences.


By the 3rd, you’ll know if the bridges you damaged can be repaired. However, your temper or mouth has destroyed bridges indefinitely for Aries and Pisces.


Virgo, Aries, and Pisces, or lazy, bossy, or apathetic people bring homelessness and destitution upon themselves. Unwanted pregnancies, abortions, miscarriages, and failed adoptions occur for the irresponsible, immature, and impulsive. Teens and college students will make disgraceful headlines or be ostracized, shunned, or exiled.


The prodigal sons and daughters return but probably haven’t learned their lessons and are likely to feign change because they need money or a place to crash. Tough love isn’t meant to be lenient, as leniency and spoiling are probably why your child is so problematic!

Next Oracle

IV: 12-6-8-23 Neutralizing a Threat

A threat or strong opponent is neutralized by the 6th.  Remaining inaccessible and behaving contrarily defeats boisterous, bragging, and threatening people by confounding them, which weakens resolve and confidence!

Arrogant and overly confident people are defeated by doing the opposite of what they expect. Use wit and tact to entrap and ensnare violent or aggressive people.

It’s okay to play the fool and allow others to underestimate you. The tough-talking bully with the muscles and tats is often the biggest coward, so they hide behind intimidation and threats, hoping to scare you into submission. Many bullies will die, be humiliated, or suffer tragedies by underestimating someone based on appearance.

The sudden quiet or pause from an adversary is a sign that victory and attainment are just ahead!!! Your adversary will likely be scrambling for solutions or attending to damage control and can’t afford to take any more direct assaults without collapse.

On the 8th, modesty, humbleness, patience, and humility reward those who exercised those virtues through tribulation and persecution!

(c)(p) 2023 64 Levels of Power. All rights reserved

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