All of our series are based on provable experience (documents, videos, journals, etc.). Years of counter-occult study and practice under the watchful eye of angelic guidance produced The 64 Levels of Power. Moreover, years of practical experience accumulated through tribulation, suffering, and self-sacrifice compose the Blacc Dragon Productions Inc. entertainment line.


War in Heaven is a collection of narrative angelic journals revealing everything that happened from the Divine Big Bang to just before the rise of the Egyptian Empire. 

When Michael cast the fallen angels out of Heaven, he bound their immortal souls in human bodies (earth), turning the fallen into what they hated or lusted after (humans). But small numbers of Heaven’s angels are also born into the world through human parents, as was Jesus (the angel Michael). 

When angels fell, they taught their human mates divine secrets about Heaven, which became the occult’s foundation. The first warlocks and witches were the angel’s human companions. Paganism was the first practiced religion.

One of many accounts presented in War in Heaven reveals that Adam’s task of naming everything from the animals to the trees and plants took 500 years. Once Adam finished his five-hundred-year assignment, Heaven placed Eve’s spirit into her already-constructed body. 

Lucifer’s seduction had nothing to do with a literal piece of fruit. Lucifer beguiled Eve, and Eve seduced Adam. Adam and Eve knew they were naked only because they broke the Divine Law, not because of intelligence from eating fruit. Eve was 50 years old, and Adam was five hundred and fifty when they were expelled from Eden. 

Eve was pregnant with Lucifer’s child, Cain, who was the first Nephelium. Cain was also the first ‘human’ to possess intelligence. Not all Nephilim were tall (only Watchers, who fell from either Saturn or Uranus). Genius, extreme beauty, bloodlust, homosexuality, lesbianism traits, and pagan practices oringinate from Nephilim and fallen angels. 

Cain’s half-angelic genetics empowered him to abuse intelligence to plot and execute his brother Abel’s death. Neither Adam nor Eve was intelligent, an angelic trait. Humans were gifted reasoning with no need for intelligence. Humans have abused intelligence with government, science, and medicine. 

Cain is the Beast of Revelation, and Lucifer, his father, is the Dragon (or false Seraphim). Cain and Lucifer reincarnate, as do all the fallen angels and Nephilim. According to the angel Gabriel, Cain and Lucifer plotted during WWII to exterminate the Jews.


Between 2000 and 2003, I recorded 150 pages of angelic narrations with detailed explanations for everything that happened (of significance) from the Big Bang to the precipice of the Egyptian empire. That compilation of handwritten documents comprises War in Heaven.

Per angelic prohibition, I can’t loan those handwritten journals or any angelic-narrated documents to anyone. So, I can’t mail them or allow personal viewings of those documents. Moreover, since I know when and how I pass over, I was instructed to burn every angelic journal I’ve collected just before I leave this wretched, criminal side of Eden.

I’m sure you remember the Prophecy movie franchise. Every messenger and soldier of Heaven compiles a divine book (or books) of spiritual (occult-concealed) secrets that guide them during their journey. Truth is the most empowering principle, so it doesn’t require validation or acceptance. Therefore, viewers disbelieving my true story is irrelevant. 

Most people thought The Craft (1996) was just entertainment when I lived that movie verbatim. So, the audience will still be entertained whether they believe the Truth or not. But the power of Truth and the right actors will engage the audience because magic (YHVH, angels, etc.) is at work.

However, too much creative license will kill the magical dynamic properties of the project. It’s like a conspiracy theory. Adding dramatic theory to the conspiracy dilutes its power of Truth and makes it ridiculous to believe. A real conspiracy doesn’t require any ‘theory assistence.’ 

Many have read posts about our spiritual experience, remarking the stories come alive in their minds, a testament to Truth’s power to tell a story. I’ve added links to many of those posts on our www.thatbdpfop.com website. Moreover, our entire website is an authentic and accurate script.


The angel Gabriel tells the actual story of the BIG BANG HERE

The Angels Help Debunk Einstien’s Theory of Relativity HERE.

Thanks for your time and consideration.

(c)(p) 2008-2023 Blacc Dragon Productions Inc. All rights reserved

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