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Heaven allowed me to experience quite a bit while testing the 64 Levels of Powers. Years of practical spiritual experience experimenting with the 64 Levels of Power taught me politics, capitalism, and corporate business and how to correlate those topics to spiritual disciplines like I Ching. But authenticating the 64 Levels of Power in the underworld provided invaluable intelligence while confirming my angelic lessons.

 BTG was associated with the sex workers industry early in their careers. Several past BTG female members were strippers who promoted BTG music in clubs throughout the South and Midwest. However, The sex work industry became one of my spiritual classrooms in 2012. I reveal those lessons in THIS POST (connect this to the original Madam-eX post). 


Lucy Yi: The leader of the Madam-eX clan. Lucy is part Chinese and Japanese. However, the actual female spirit murdered in New Orleans was Laotian. Lucy worked in a massage parlor before her real-life murder.

Isis Davenport: Isis was a Creole dancer in New Orleans dabbling in voodoo before she was murdered in real life. I faced voodoo’s demon Loa while living in New Orleans. Papa Ghedi, or Baron Semdi, is one of those demonic Loa. If voodoo practitioners ask Ghedi what name YHVH gave me, he will answer truthfully. But the answer will shock you. So, don’t ask if you’re not prepared for the truth!

Diana Rodriguez: Diana is Puerto Rican in the Madam-eX movie and series. The real Diana was Dominican and was trying to flee to her native New New York before her real-life unsolved murder. Diana dabbled in Santeria. Her occult dabbling, drug abuse, and flirting with the underworld led to Diana’s untimely demise.

Alice O’Conner: Alice was a practicing Wiccan before her real-life murder. Drug addiction and a bold, cheeky demeanor led Alice to death’s doorway. Alice was dismembered and dumped in a bayou.

Alice is uncertain of her murderer’s identity because he snuck up behind her. Like all of the Madam-eX females, dabbling in the occult, working in the sex trade, and drug abuse contributed to Alice’s violent death.

Ashley Aiden Adams: Years before Aidedn’s murder, she was misdiagnosed as schizophrenic. In reality, Aiden’s twin, Ashely, died at birth. Aiden and Ashely share the same body, which caused the schizophrenic misdiagnosis. Aiden was a goth call girl before her real-life murder. Aiden’s fancied Necromancy and Nigromancy.

Archangel Uriel: Uriel isn’t the angel of Death. The angel of Death is a demon. Uriel’s angels appear weeks to months before your body dies, announcing your approaching transition (death). Uriel and her angels are responsible for making the executive decision to end a life.

If someone refuses to change an errant course, Uriel has the authority to authorize a person’s Death Date (premature death). Uriel and Gabriel appeared in the emergency room after I tried suicide at thirteen. Uriel’s emergency room presence means that I should be dead. You can rad about episode of the Art of Life and Death HERE.

Archangel Haniel: Haniel stars in the Art of Life and Death (AOLD). However, the Madam-eX and AOLD truel-life scripts intertwine. So, Haniel makes regular appearances in Madam-eX. Haniel is the archangel Michael’s heavenly consort and is his exact but completely compatible opposite. All of the archangels and their legions appear in both Madam-eX and The AOLD.

Granny Gross and Bunny: Granny Gross is a lovable, crude, foul-mouth, feisty 65-year-old woman who owns the Dragon’s Lair Brothel in Long Beach, California. Granny Gross provides Madam-eX’s comic relief. Granny’s children and grandchildren are connected to several Crip factions that provide security at her Dragon’s Lair brothel.

My beloved grandmother, affectionately referred to as Gumby, is Granny’s character template. In real life, Gumby’s best friend was Ms. Bunny. In Madam-eX, Granny and Bunny run the Dragon’s Lair brothel.  Bunny’s children and grandchildren are connected to several Bloods sets that also provide protection for the brothel.

The Cottaging Crew: Powerful misogynists were responsible for all the real-life Madam-eX female murders. The Cottaging Crew is Madam-eX’s arch nemesis. But the Cottaging Crew is a Freemason-like fraternity run by wicked fallen angel powers, principlaites, authorities, and their willing human puppets.

Again, real-life inundates all of the Blacc Dragon Productions Inc. scripts. The Cottaging Crew’s Illuminati and New World Order members use politics, capitalism, black magic, and science to control society.

In reality, BTG is victimized by that New World Order. Sixteen years of facts, evidence, and proof combating the New World Order with the 64 Levels of Power will provide illuminating entertainment in Madam-eX and The Art of Life & Death. is one big script chronicling BTG’s Armageddon with the New World Order.


I learned many things about female sex workers while momentarily indulging them, particularly between 2012 and 2018. Bad Girls, or “Bad Bitches,” always live fast and hard, and usually early in life. But unfortunately, many of those females were raped or molested as children and teens, leading them down the fast lane of drugs, revelry, and sexual indiscretion.

Prostitutes and call girls are constant rape, robbery, and murder victims. Female “Girl Power” empowerment is useless to many sex workers. However, most female prostitutes and call girls aren’t working to support families or saving for a better future. Contrarily, sex workers use their trade to sustain severe drug dependencies and chaotic lifestyles. 

Addiction can compel prostitutes and calls girls to accept money to become ambush bait in Underworld and political murder plots. Long before Murder in the Bayou, I’d ‘heared of’ politicians, public officials, and clergy who murdered prostitutes and call girls or had them executed to conceal the immoral secrets revealed during pillow talk. Unfortunately for the corrupt, murder doesn’t kill the spirit. The dead can speak to those with the gift of interpreting their language!



BTG lived in New Orleans on and off for three years. Voodoo is real, a lesson residing in New Orleans taught us thoroughly. However, living in New Orleans and combating voodoo also trained how to counter it. 

BTG learned that several New Orleans public officials, clergy, municipal powers, and entertainers practiced or observed Voodo rituals. But our New Orleans residency amplified my already potent spiritual gifts and abilities. So, our apartments, homes, and hotel rooms were always full of uninvited New Orleans spirits and voodoo Loa like Papa Gedi and Mama Brigitte!

During BTG’s New Orleans residency, five murdered female sex workers’ spirits attached themselves to me. The Madam-eX script was conceived through spiritual guidance after leaving New Orleans.


 The archangel Uriel invokes five female spirits, Lucy Yi, Ashely Adams, Isis Davenport, Diana Rodriguez, and Alicia O’Conner, who are stuck in Purgatory. The Madam-eX series resurrects those females, giving them temporary 3D bodies, as seen in the images accompanying this presentation. 

Uriel has given the Madam-eX ladies ten years to find, expose, and eliminate the Cottaging Crew, a body of wicked patriarchal Freemason-like politicians, municipal powers, clergy, entertainers, and underworld figures. The Cottaging Crew murdered or had the Madam-ex females murdered and suppressed the crimes, leaving them unresolved.


As I’ve experienced in real life, demons, and devils obstruct investigations. So, demons like Asmodeus, Astaroth, and Paimon will oppose Madam-eX’s efforts to catch and expose their murderers.

Granny Gross, voiced by SOG, is Madam-eX’s comic relief. Granny’s Longbeach, California mansion doubles as a brothel, The Dragon’s Lair. Madam-eX’s headquarters moves from New Orleans to Longbeach, and is located in the Dragon Lair’s basement. 

Dragon's Lair Brothel Mockup

The Plot

The five murdered female spirits will use the Madam-eX series to expose their murderers while revealing how fraternal orders like the Freemasons abuse authority to rape, abuse, and discard women in general, but female sex workers specifically.

Madam-eX will also address sex trafficking, incest, priest child molestation, political corruption, and religious hypocrisy. The weekly FrontPage Oracles are also woven into the script. Madam-eX will also expose human sacrifice (murder) related to the entertainment industry, runways that become sacrifices for devil worshippers, and high-level Freemasonry, black magic practice.

A practicing witch acted as set advisor for the 1996 classic, The Craft. My experience mimicked Sarah’s in the Craft, which began when I fought Asmodeus for nearly three weeks. You can read about that supernatural battle HERE.  At the end of The Craft, Sarah warns the red witches who tormented her by manipulating the weather. Let’s just say that elemental angels and the Crafts story are 100% real!

Madam-eX will be innovative. But Madam-eX will also be an engaging, illuminating, and cliff-hanging experience. Blacc Dragon Productions Inc. studios and others will introduce the Madam-eX series with a full-length cinematic feature.

Madam-eX isn’t sci-fi, comic book-oriented entertainment. The Madam-ex females dabbled in the occult before their deaths, and their ‘powers’ in the movie and streaming series are extensions of that practice. Madam-eX will demonstrate why dabbling in the occult, indulging in drugs, while flirting with the underworld is a dangerous game!

Reality and truth will resurrect and invoke the real-life spiritual cast with every season and episode, enabling viewers to feel each character, even the angels and real-life villains, the Cottaging Crew. Like all cinematic and streaming series masterpieces, Madam-eX will transport visitors to another dimension with each episode.


Uriel granted the Madam-eX females ten years to find and expose their murderers. As per Uriel’s deadline, Madam-eX ‘s tenth season will bring the series to a memorable close. Madam-eX will be an innovative and unforgettable theatre masterpiece just for mature folks. Madam-eX’s soundtrack will add icing on the cake.